Hong Kong style comedy film "What a Grandmaster" landed in mainland cinemas on May 31, and Huang Zihua wrote, directed and acted by himself

Source: Yangcheng Evening News • Yangcheng School   Author: Hu Guangxin   Published at 22:20, May 22, 2024
Yangcheng Evening News • Yangcheng School    Author: Hu Guangxin    2024-05-22

The film "What Generation of Grandmaster", which was edited, directed and acted by Huang Zihua, will be launched in mainland cinemas on May 31. The film tells that Ma Feilong (Huang Zihua), the 19th generation successor of Ma Jialei Boxing, was knocked down by the legendary female boxing champion Chen Zhen (Liu Xinyou) due to an accident, and became a laughingstock overnight. In order to redeem his reputation, he embarked on the road of practicing martial arts, which was full of laughter and tears. He also struck a love spark with his opponent Chen Zhen.

What Generation of Master is a veritable "Huang Zihua film". Huang Zihua is loved by the audience for his spicy and humorous Dongdu laugh (stand up comedy). He brings this unique personal style into the film. The film is full of golden sentences. "The training without results is called training, and the training with results is not just rehearsal" "In fact, it is not so important to lose, but the most important thing is to lose comfortably". The fans of Dongduxiao are sure to feel the classic Huang's humor from Ma Feilong's bold speech. Wulitou is funny, entertaining, small people, Hong Kong local customs... The film will meet the audience's imagination of Hong Kong style comedy.

Liu Xinyou's performance also injected unexpected laughter into the film. Chen Zhen, the heroine, is stubborn and resolute, but she is often annoyed by a group of hip-hop geeks headed by Ma Feilong. Strange things happen one after another, which makes people laugh and cry. The new combination of "Huang Zihua+Liu Xinyou" focuses on contrast and tension.

There are many familiar faces in this film, including Xu Shaoxiong, "shrimp head" Yang Shimin, Chen Jiajia, and other actors, who are full of the film "Laughing Fruit". Singer and actor Wang Wanzhi, rapper group "Farmer" member C Jun and Lu Yong also joined the film. They not only have popular songs, but also have a lot of connection with Huang Zihua in comedy: Wang Wanzhi cooperated with Huang Zihua in Still Think You Best; The farmer once made a special 20 minute Dongdu smile for his idol Huang Zihua in the concert to salute him. This time, together with Huang Zihua, he created the theme song of the film, "The best is like water".

Article | Reporter Hu Guangxin

Figure | Still photo

Editor: Shao Ziheng
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