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Fan Qing was invited to give a voice at the "Shencheng Night" Qun Ying Song and Dance Evening, adding warmth to the song

2024-05-21 15:47 qianlong

On the evening of May 20, the "Shencheng Night" Qunying Song and Dance Evening was held in Shanghai Stadium. Actively practicing public welfare activities, the performance was hosted by Shenjiu Co., Ltd., co organized by People's Daily Digital Communication and Shanghai Children's Fund, and many outstanding performers participated in it, presenting a musical and spiritual audio-visual feast for everyone.

 2_1_1 _ Fan Qing was invited to give a voice at the "Shencheng Night" Qunying Song and Dance Evening, adding warmth to the song 131.png

The performers invited to participate in this performance include Yun Duo, a popular female singer in the mainland, Fanqing, a powerful creative voice of the post-00s, Zang Yan, a member of the Jiangsu Provincial Musicians Association, Wang Qian, a vocal performer of the Song and Dance Theater of Jiangsu Performing Arts Group, Fan Zhigang, a music singer, Xia Xintao, a tenor of Jiangsu Performing Arts Group, Nataia, a gold medal winner of the Russian Golden Voice, and many other powerful singers at home and abroad.

 2_1_1 _ Fan Qing was invited to give a voice at the "Shencheng Night" Qunying Song and Dance Evening, adding warmth to the song 258.png  

Fan Qing brought us two original songs, Man in the moon and Your Age. One was quiet and melodious, as if whispering with the people in the middle of the month; One song tells us all about the confusion of contemporary young people about the future and their determination to choose the way forward. Although the two songs have different ideas and styles, the lyrics and songs are full of sincere feelings. In addition, Fanqing's singing with a sense of hierarchy makes the live performance very appealing. After the concert, the audience and guests highly recognized Fan Qing's live performance.

 2_1_1 _ Fan Qing was invited to give a voice at the "Shencheng Night" Qun Ying Song and Dance Evening, adding warmth to his voice 447.png  

Among them, the live version of "Your Age" also made Miss Nakajima cry in the girls' season of "Singing College Students", a large-scale music variety show in Bilibili. "When I get to your age, I will also want to cut my long hair and put on my wedding dress just to give an official answer to the age." The words of the song with a strong sense of fatalism and the melody slowly told, through Fan Qing's creation, constitute a very warm musical expression, deeply touching Nakajima Meijia. Appreciating Fanqing, she immediately invited him to join the M3 Music Research Society led by herself. In the end, Fan Qing won the championship of the program by virtue of his wide range and excellent singing skills.

 2_1_1 _ Fan Qing was invited to give a voice at the "Shencheng Night" Qunying Singing and Dancing Evening, adding warmth to the singing 653.png  

Fan Qing has published more than 40 original works so far. Creating warm music is what she has always been doing. She is an example of the youth of Generation Z who actively practices public welfare. Let more people feel the strength of firmness in music by singing sincere works, and look forward to meeting more and better works of Fanqing in 2024.

Editor in charge: Wang Dazhi (QJ0026)

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