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Mother's Intuition: An Advanced Movie Viewing and Praise; An Analysis of the Truth; An Exciting Exploration of Human Nature

2024-05-21 15:15 Sohu

Source title: "Mother's Intuition", advanced film watching, good comments, an analysis of the truth, exciting exploration of human nature

The suspense film Mother's Intuition, produced by Anton Luxemburg, imported by China Film Group and released and translated by China Film Corporation, will be released nationwide on May 24. The film is directed by Bennot Deholm, starring Anne Hathaway and Jessica Chastain, the "model worker". The movie pre-sale has now been fully opened, and the two leading actors and directors have also made an appointment with the audience through video. At the beginning of the pre-sale, the film released a customized hand drawn poster at the same time. The thought-provoking eyes and bloodstained colors of the two mothers made people tremble and think deeply.

Last night, the film was held in Beijing for an advanced viewing. Director Bennett Deholm communicated with the Chinese audience after the film was released. The first batch of domestic audiences who saw the film first gave the film a very high rating. The audience said frankly that the process of watching the film was like opening a fascinating exploration of human nature. More fans said that this film let people see the temperament of Hitchcock's classic suspense film in early years, "this is the right way to open psychological thrillers".

The bright middle class falls into the dark crack, and the "sense of contrast" after the two films makes the audience love and fear

The film Mother's Intuition happened in the early 1960s. Both Alice (Jessica Chastain) and Celine (Anne Hathaway), their best friends and neighbors, lead an idyllic traditional life. They are about the same age. The lawn at home is trimmed neatly. Both husband and son are very successful. But after a tragic accident, the perfect harmony of life suddenly broke down. Guilt, suspicion and bigotry twisted and confluence, destroying the emotional wall between friends. When the maternal instinct revealed its dark side, a psychological struggle began.

The film makes a feast for the eyes on the rural life of the middle class in America in the 1960s. The excellent audio-visual language makes the retro aesthetics once again amaze the big screen and make the audience feel immersive. The bright colors that constantly impact the vision form a strong contrast with the progressive darkness of human nature in the film story. How comfortable and happy the middle-class life on the surface is, how thrilling the crisis and unbearable under the Chinese robe is.

The two Oscar winning actresses Anne Hathaway and Jessica Chastain also play the "sense of contrast" vividly in this film. In the early stage, they were gentle and beautiful, and in the later stage, they tore each other up, making the audience love and fear them. It can be said that it is the two film queens' evenly matched performance that makes the dark hearts surging under the dark tide in the film visible, and also allows the audience to really immerse in a battle between hearts and humanity.

To pay tribute to Hitchcock style thriller director, whose high-level expression of humanity under the suspense screen has aroused fans' enthusiasm

Earlier, the film Mother's Intuition was screened in some overseas countries and received high praise from overseas media for "a love letter written to Hitchcock's classic thriller". After yesterday's domestic advanced cinema, domestic fans also felt from their hearts that "I haven't seen such a psychological suspense film with a strong sense of oppression for a long time, which reminds people of Hitchcock's masterpieces of suspense thrillers".

A senior fan of suspense films said that the performances of the two film queens were too "deceptive" and their positions were constantly swaying. The outcome of the "evil woman"'s victory was completely unexpected.

In the online communication with the director after the screening, the fans expressed their love for the film Mother's Intuition. Director Bennett Deholm thanked the audience and introduced that Mother's Intuition was his first film as a director family The story is easy to see and clear. I learned a lot from the idol director Hitchcock, and let them try to guess the ending without cheating the audience. "

Chen Cheng, the editing director of the recently popular suspense drama "New Life", said frankly in his communication with the director, "The unique audio-visual language of the film has created a psychological thriller atmosphere, which makes people unconsciously nervous.

In the post screening exchange of the Luyu Film Watching Group, the host Chen Luyu, the film critic Yu Yaqin and the writer Shuimuding all mentioned a film watching experience that was "extremely fearful of reflection". Yu Yaqin said that "the film has a strong plot tension, so it is easy for the audience to interpret it through life experience." Lu Yu also reminded the audience that "although the collapse of the perfect housewife's life was caused by the death of the child, many details actually show that this collapse will happen sooner or later, and the repressive atmosphere has long been hidden in the perfect life."

The film Mother's Intuition was produced by Anton of Luxembourg, imported by China Film Group, released and translated by China Film Corporation, directed by Bennot Deholm, and co starred by Anne Hathaway, Jessica Chastain, Josie Charles, Caroline Lagerfeld, etc. Look at how the mother of the crazy criticizing goes step by step, and what hidden secrets are hidden behind the mask of human nature? Mother's Intuition, a high scoring suspense masterpiece, will bring visual and psychological impact to the audience! The pre-sale of the film is now in full swing and will be released nationwide on Friday, May 24. The big screen will face the hearts of the people!

Editor in charge: Wang Dazhi (QJ0026)

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