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50 finalists of the first Australian Laiwu Global Youth Short Film Competition were announced

2024-05-20 12:09 qianlong

On May 20, the organizing committee of the first SAIC Volkswagen Cup Global Youth Short Film Competition announced the shortlist in Aolaiwu, Macao. 50 masterpieces such as "Gift", "Grandpa's Letter", "Old Duan's Photos", "Watching the Sea", "Main Road", "Platform", "Kung Fu Barbecue", "Madman and Thief" stood out from 329 short films signed up at home and abroad, Finally, 8 short films will be selected to compete for the gold, silver, bronze and other awards in this competition.

329 short films from all over the world

The first SAIC Volkswagen Cup Global Youth Short Film Competition was jointly held by the Australian Laiwu Film Workers Association, Australian Laiwu Youth Creative Center and SAIC Volkswagen. The strategic cooperation between Australian Laiwu Mountain Villa and Australian Laiwu Yipin aims to provide a high-quality competition and display platform for global young video creators and fans, and explore talented young short film creators. The theme of this competition is "to explore the future of youth images with young creators from the perspective of short films". This competition will also adhere to the creative spirit of "marking our mark", make grassroots people become the mainstream of creation, and strive to create an "Oscar" in the world's short film industry.

In recent years, with the advent of the mobile Internet era and the popularity of short video platforms such as Tik Tok, short films and short plays have become the mainstream of the film and television industry. Compared with the popularity of short plays in the capital market since last year, short films are still in the initial stage of breaking out, but there is no doubt that the opportunities of the times have emerged, making countless young film and television talents around the world see the hope and future. The creators, regardless of gender, age and occupation, as long as they have talent, ability, ideas, ideals and strong execution, It is possible to create short films that can be loved by the public. It is against this background that the first Global Youth Short Film Competition came into being, and in January 2024, it launched a film solicitation campaign for young filmmakers, college students, middle school students and film and television enthusiasts aged 15 to 40 around the world.

This short film contest mainly adopts two forms to collect works. One is that 20 film and television professional colleges and universities around the world send original works, and the other is that global film and television lovers upload original works through the network to participate in the contest. As of the end of April, 329 short films from home and abroad have signed up for the contest.

First 3 to 18 minute short film concept

It is worth noting that the organizing committee of the competition initiated and advocated the concept of 3 to 18 minutes short film, with the intention of redefining the "short film" standard in the era of short video. This is a relatively scientific short film length measured by filmmakers according to modern people's viewing habits, film narrative and other professional perspectives. For future short film creation, it may have epoch-making significance.

The selection criteria of this competition focus on the innovative cinematic expression and narrative techniques of young film and television creators, as well as their concern and thinking about the current social life, individual value, humanistic spirit, and scientific and technological development. There is no rigid requirement for shooting equipment, whether it is the use of professional shooting equipment or portable devices such as mobile phones to shoot and produce original short films, As long as they meet the basic technical standards, they can enter for the competition.

From the 329 short film entries, the themes cover family , kinship, comedy, police and bandits, suspense and other types and elements, although the level of uneven, but there is no lack of talented, creative, grounded, innovative forms of expression of excellent works, after professional and careful screening of the competition jury, 50 shortlisted short films were selected.

This competition has set up gold award, silver award, bronze award and excellence award. After the announcement of 50 finalists, the jury will select 8 works to compete for the above awards on this basis. It remains to be seen who will win the prize in the end.

Editor in charge: Wang Dazhi (QJ0026)

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