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Beijing Great Wall Concert is Coming Back, Chinese and Russian Artists Gather at the "Master Burning Night"

2024-05-14 11:46 qianlong

On May 13, the 2024 Beijing Great Wall Concert Press Conference was held at the Badaling Great Wall Hotel in Beijing. The reporter learned from the meeting that the 2024 Beijing Great Wall Concert will be held on May 17-18 and May 25-26 at the Great Wall Wangjing Cultural Square in Badaling, with the famous singer Yin Xiumei, the famous Russian pianist Dennis Mazuyev, the famous bass singer Irdar Abdelazakov, the famous conductor Yuri Bashmet, the famous saxophone player Igor Butman Luo Chaowen, a famous violinist, the Russian Youth Symphony Orchestra, the Moscow Jazz Orchestra and the New Russia National Symphony Orchestra were invited to participate in the performance and presented four world-class large-scale outdoor public benefit concerts to the public. The two performances of the concert on May 18 and 25 will enable more audiences to experience the wonderful relationship between world-class art masters and the Great Wall of China and the musical charm across time and space through microblog live broadcast and aerial photography.

The event was hosted by the China International Culture Communication Center, Beijing Yonglian Guangye Culture Co., Ltd., co organized by the People's Government of Yanqing District, Beijing, the Healthy Lifestyle Council of the China Russia Friendship, Peace and Development Commission, and supported by the Chinese Embassy in the Russian Federation and the Russian Embassy in China. This concert is a tribute to the 75th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and Russia and the opening year of the Sino Russian Cultural Year. It is also the third grand event of Beijing Great Wall Concert, a Beijing music culture brand, since its establishment in 2021.

The leader of the sponsor, Ms. Gu Xiaoyang, chairman of Beijing Yonglian Guangye Culture Co., Ltd., first introduced the performance lineup of this concert. The performance on May 17 and 18 was the "Master Burning Night" at the foot of the Great Wall where top artists from China and Russia gathered. The famous Russian conductor Yuri Bashmet, who participated in the performance, is the artistic director of 15 music festivals around the world. Denis Mazuyev, a master figure of the Russian piano school, is praised as a legendary piano master by many European and American authoritative music critics. Yin Xiumei, a well-known soprano in China, will sing on the same stage as Abdelazakov, a Russian meritorious artist and the most popular bass singer in the world's opera field. The performance on May 25 and 26 was a rare "classic meets jazz" for Chinese audiences and musicians. Igor Butman is a world famous saxophone player who has participated in many Olympic Games. The Moscow Jazz Orchestra led by him cooperated with many world-class jazz superstars and was called the "Artist's Orchestra". At this Great Wall concert, he not only brought his 18 member orchestra, but also performed on the stage together with the New Russian National Symphony Orchestra. He will also climb the Great Wall at night to play his adapted Chinese music "The Descendants of the Dragon" and "China in the Lights".

Ma Honghuan, member of the Standing Committee of the Yanqing District Committee of the CPC and head of the Publicity Department of Beijing Municipality, attended the press conference and delivered a speech. He said that the Badaling Great Wall is the essence of the Great Wall. Holding a Great Wall concert here aims to better demonstrate the unique charm of the Great Wall culture, and take this opportunity to create more Great Wall cultural IP, enrich the Great Wall cultural brand, improve the popularity and reputation of Yanqing, and inject new strong momentum into the construction of the Great Wall cultural belt in Yanqing, In the integration of culture and tourism, use art to polish the cultural golden card of the beautiful Yanqing at the foot of the Great Wall.

Long Yuxiang, Executive Chairman of China International Culture Communication Center, delivered a speech. He said that as an important window for the country's foreign cultural exchanges and dissemination, CICC has established friendly exchanges with more than 160 countries and successfully held the "Sino American Cultural Year", "Sino Russian Cultural Year", "Sino French Cultural Year" and "Asian Cultural Year". The Beijing Great Wall Concert was sung by music artists from China and Russia for world peace. It is expected that more artists from all over the world will bless the world and contribute to the happiness and health of the people on the Great Wall.

Liang Yushi, the Chinese chairman of the Healthy Lifestyle Council of the China Russia Friendship, Peace and Development Commission, delivered a speech. He said that the China Russia Friendship, Peace and Development Commission, a non-governmental friendship organization initiated by the two heads of state in 1997, has received strong support from the two governments and is the main channel for China Russia non-governmental friendly exchanges. The Healthy Lifestyle Council was established in November 2014 and belongs to the China Russia Friendship, Peace and Development Commission. Its main task is to establish and strengthen the ties between China and Russia in the field of sports and health.

Mr. Xia Xiaotang, a famous conductor, deputy head and permanent conductor of the China Philharmonic Orchestra, and professor of the Central Conservatory of Music, congratulated the launch of the concert by video. He believed that the Beijing Great Wall Concert had rapidly developed into a golden card for Beijing and even China's foreign cultural exchanges in just four years. Its quality and influence have been comparable to that of world-class outdoor concerts. It has been praised by artists and friends. In the future, it will attract more and more outstanding artists and orchestras from all countries to stand on this stage.

At the press conference, Xue Haoyin, a tenor of the China Broadcasting Art Troupe and a national first-class actor who had participated in the 2021 Beijing Great Wall Concert, and Ma Fei, a young soprano singer and a national first-class actor who had traveled to Europe, demonstrated their superb singing skills, which greatly satisfied the audience.

Xue Haoyin's performance is moving. My Loving Waiting for You conveys deep feelings and persistent feelings. His sonorous tenor voice seems to hit people's hearts through time, showing his precipitation and achievements on the opera stage over the years.

Ma Fei's singing shows her unique voice and exquisite expression. The Russian classic folk song Katyusha glows with new vitality in her voice. As the representative of the young soprano in Europe, Ma Fei conquered the audience with her unique beautiful voice and profound performance skills.

The wonderful performance of the two artists won bursts of applause and admiration from the audience, and set off waves of expectation and enthusiasm for the upcoming 2024 Beijing Great Wall concert.

In a warm atmosphere, Mr. Ma Honghuan, Mr. Long Yuxiang, Mr. Liang Yushi and Ms. Gu Xiaoyang took the stage to launch the ceremony, announcing the opening of the 2024 Beijing Great Wall Concert.

It is understood that this is also the third time that Beijing Great Wall Concert has settled in Yanqing District. In recent years, Yanqing District has thoroughly implemented the important directive spirit on the protection of the Great Wall, led by the protection and development of the Great Wall Cultural Belt and the construction of the Great Wall National Cultural Park, increased the overall planning and innovation of the protection of the Great Wall in the area, promoted the implementation of two phases of the Three Year Action Plan for the Protection and Utilization of the Great Wall in Yanqing District, carried out more than 50 rescue and protection projects of the Great Wall, and repaired 19 castles The wall has 22247.96 linear meters, 106 enemy towers and 10 beacon towers, and the Great Wall digital file system and patrol system have been established to better protect the body of the Great Wall. At the same time, Yanqing District has actively carried out the inheritance and excavation of the Great Wall culture, planned and held the Beijing Great Wall Cultural Festival, Badaling Great Wall Cultural Forum and other theme activities, carried out the series of activities of "celebrating the New Year at the foot of the Great Wall" and "sports festival at the foot of the Great Wall", promoted the construction of the national scenic path of "the Great Wall around Beijing", upgraded the cultural and tourism products of the Great Wall at night, and put the Great Wall as a "golden card" To build a strong engine to promote high-quality green development in the region. On this basis, Yanqing District strives to be the "leader" in the construction of Beijing Great Wall Cultural Belt.

Editor in charge: Wang Dazhi (QJ0026)

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