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Strengthen film cooperation and promote people to people and cultural exchanges between China and France
2024-06-03 09:39:31 Source: People's Daily Editor: Wu Ruoxi

Chinese film institutions set up China Pavilion in Cannes International Village and held various film seminars and exchanges here.

Chinese and foreign film practitioners exchange and negotiate at the joint booth of Chinese film.

The above pictures were taken by reporter Shang Kaiyuan

The seventy seventh Cannes International Film Festival recently concluded. current Cannes Film Festival During this period, many Chinese films were shown on the big screen, and hundreds of representative works of Chinese films were unveiled at the joint booth of Chinese films, which focused on the latest development achievements of the Chinese film industry. At the same time, the 10th French Chinese Film Festival has been held in many places in France recently, telling wonderful Chinese stories through films. A series of light and shadow events will further deepen China France people to people and cultural exchanges and mutual learning of civilizations.

Chinese Film Shows Colorful Features

This year marks the 60th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and France and the year of Sino French cultural tourism. At this Cannes Film Festival, many Chinese films were shortlisted in different official units. In addition, the joint booth of Chinese film made its third appearance in Cannes, with more than 60 film institutions participating in the event, and more than 180 excellent Chinese film works covering various genres, such as feature films, documentaries, opera films, cartoons, etc.

"Through the exhibition of six different units, the Cannes Film Festival shows the diversity and richness of Chinese films, and also reflects the vitality of the Chinese film industry. For the global film industry, which is still recovering, this is an encouraging signal." said Hessus Castro Ault, a well-known French screenwriter and director.

On the eve of the opening of Cannes Film Festival, the 10th French Chinese Film Festival opened in Paris. In one month, 10 excellent domestic films will be exhibited in 10 French cities and regions, including Paris, Lyon, Marseille, Strasbourg, etc. From the recent hot films such as "Life at a Speed 2" and "Hot and Hot" to the documentary "Kangxi and Louis XIV", the animated film "Chang'an 30000 Miles", the science fiction film "Wandering Earth 2", the romantic comedy "Love Myth", the mythical film "Goddess First: Morning Glory", the sports film "Enthusiasm", and the feature film "Life Events", "Miracle · Dumb Children", The organizing committee carefully selects films to present the colorful features of Chinese films, which will help French audiences to further understand Chinese culture.

Long Aile, the consultant of technology and film selection for the French China Film Festival, introduced to the reporter that most of the films selected are popular with Chinese audiences but not yet known by French audiences, "We strive to show the Chinese film market at multiple levels, such as production technology and creative themes, and show Chinese audiences' viewing preferences, which is a useful supplement to the European International Film Festival, which is famous for its artistry."

During the Spring Festival this year, when "Goddess First: Morning Song" was shown in hundreds of cinemas in France for only two days, there was a wave of movie watching craze. On the opening day of the French Chinese Film Festival, the film was screened again at the Paris EMI Opera House, and the main creative team was invited to have a close exchange with the French audience. After watching the film, Pierre, a French audience, expressed his love for the film to reporters: "I believe that audiences who have some knowledge of Chinese culture will be attracted by the film, and its superb special effects technology has brought a very shocking visual experience."

Sino French film exchange is in the ascendant

At this French Chinese Film Festival, the Sino French documentary film Kangxi and Louis XIV premiered in Paris. It is reported that the film team has spent three years in Guangzhou and Beijing, China, Paris, Lyon, La Rochelle and other cities in France to create a high-level documentary. Tristan Robin, the film's leading actor, told reporters: "During the filming process, I was deeply shocked by the long history and rich details of exchanges between the two countries. I look forward to the opportunity to cooperate with more Chinese filmmakers."

The film industry of China and France has a good and long tradition of exchanges and cooperation, which is not only reflected in the fact that many Chinese films have moved from France to the world, but also reflected in the long-term co production cooperation between the two countries. In 1958, the Beijing Film Studio and the French Galance Art Production Company jointly produced the children's feature film Kite. This is the first feature film co produced by New China and foreign countries, which tells a romantic story with the theme of "Sino French friendship". In 2010, after China and France signed the Sino French Film Co production Agreement, excellent co production films such as Nightingale and Wolf Totem emerged, demonstrating the deep integration of Sino French cooperation in culture and art, and bringing a different highlight to the audiences of the two countries and the world film world.

During the Cannes Film Festival, at the Sino foreign film cooperation exchange meeting held by the China Pavilion of the International Village, the famous French director Philip Mill shared his experience of learning Chinese and living and traveling in China to shoot Nightingale. "It is hoped that more filmmakers from both countries will have the opportunity to go deep into each other's creative environment, strengthen exchanges and learning, and jointly create more excellent works."

"In recent years, China's animation film industry has made very rapid progress, which is impressive. In the field of animation content, France and China still have many opportunities and potential for cooperation." French producer Arden Somache has produced many animated films, including the 2015 version of The Little Prince. At present, he has carried out distribution and copyright cooperation with Chinese animation companies. Not long ago, China and France signed the Letter of Intent for Cooperation between the State Administration of Radio and Television of the People's Republic of China and the National Film and Animation Center of the French Republic. Somache said, "This is undoubtedly a positive signal, which is expected to further deepen the cooperation between the two sides in the field of film, television and animation."

Liu Hongge, Chinese President of the French Chinese Film Festival and Director of the Chinese Culture Center in Paris, said: "Films play an important role in promoting cultural exchanges and mutual learning between China and France, and play a unique role in enriching cultural diversity and promoting mutual understanding between China and France."

The Chinese market attracts excellent films from all countries

According to the data, in 2023, China produced 971 films, attracting nearly 1.3 billion people to the cinema. The total ticket office for the whole year was about 55 billion yuan, about 7.7 billion US dollars, ranking the second largest film market in the world. In 2024, the Chinese film market will maintain the momentum of recovery. As of May 5, the ticket office of the Chinese film market in 2024 will be 20.251 billion yuan, about 2.8 billion dollars, temporarily ranking first in the world. Aldavan Safai, president of EMI Film Company and French chairman of the French Chinese Film Festival, believes that the bright transcripts of the Chinese film market reflect the growing demand of Chinese audiences for watching films and the great efforts they have made to meet this demand.

During the Cannes Film Festival, Chinese film institutions held film promotion conferences Hainan Island International Film Festival and Beijing International Film Festival Several special events, such as the publicity conference, the Blue Book launch of the Global Film Industry Development Report, etc. The China Film Joint Booth has attracted many professionals and overseas peers to come for consultation and exchange, and many films have reached cooperation intentions.

Mao Yu, Executive Deputy Director of the State Film Administration of China, said that he would strengthen the introduction of foreign films in the Chinese film market

Recently, many French films are meeting Chinese audiences through the 18th "Spring of Chinese and French Culture". The event lasted from April to December, spanning more than 30 cities in China. "Chinese audiences are able to love and enjoy French films. The exhibition activities in China are often full, and Chinese fans are also very fond of meeting and communicating with French filmmakers, which makes us feel gratified." Huang Liya, Commissioner of the Popular Music and Film and Television Department of the French Embassy in China, told reporters that the diversification of the Chinese film market provides a good opportunity for the introduction of French films.

Nasrin, general manager of the French film promotion company "Dream Lab", said: "The Chinese market has a strong attraction. The film festival has a high degree of internationalization, broad vision, and growing professionalism, which provides an important platform for the display of film works from various countries."

Zain Zedan, the director of the Red Sea International Film Festival, sent an invitation to the joint booth of Chinese films. She told the reporter that the fourth Red Sea International Film Festival will be held in Saudi Arabia in December this year, and this film festival will set up the Asian film sector for the first time, hoping that Chinese films can actively participate. She told reporters: "Audiences in Arab countries are very interested in Chinese films. At present, Arab Chinese cooperation in various fields is deepening. We hope to promote cooperation in cultural fields, including film, and establish closer ties with the Chinese film industry."

(Our Paris correspondent Shang Kaiyuan)

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