It rained all the time that day (18 required)
The fragrance of wild lotus
2023-12-10 00:42:38

It rained all the time that day (1)

Looking out of the window at the gloomy sky and the incessant rain, my heart could not be quiet, and my thoughts seemed to return to that day as if "frying and sorting". The same sky, the same rain, is not the same person

"Ding! Ding!" Alas! Damn it, it was sunny just now, but now it has become dark clouds and heavy rain. It's really unlucky. God knows that he is against me. Today, without an umbrella, my mother can't come to pick me up, alas! I kept cursing at the bloody rainy day in my heart, walking alone in the street. The normally busy street had already become deserted. The long and continuous rain was like cattle hair and filaments. Under the light of the neon red lights, it was like the colorful sand fluttering in the wind... But I was not in the mood to appreciate the beautiful rain, because my heart was like a gloomy sky, Became numb. At this time, I don't know who passed me, and my eyes couldn't help turning to that man - a tall man with a cap on his head, but his right trouser leg was waving in the breeze, leaning on crutches, and such a tall man was actually a disabled person; I pondered what happened to him, but on second thought, what does it have to do with me? I'd better go home quickly! I'm afraid that I will become drowned soon, so I turn around and leave.

Just listening to the sound of "Dong!", I turned around and saw the man falling in the rain. After all, he is disabled. Although he lives with a crutch, he can't control his balance. I want to help him, but what does it matter to me? I'm not a caring person, so I turned away from him. Later, I felt that I was immoral. How could I leave him alone? Although we only had a one-sided acquaintance, I couldn't leave him alone... I was confused, "Dong!" Another time, I turned my head - he fell on the ground again, and I thought I had to take care of it this time. I ran to him and reached out my hand, But he said, "No, I will stand up." I thought he would accept my help, but I was rejected. I admired him a little, so I stood back and looked at him. I didn't want to leave. Although I can't leave him alone, I can also cheer him up!

He first supported with his right hand, then kicked with his right foot, but failed. He fell down again and again. In this way, he repeated again and again, but also fell down again and again. The whole street was full of the sound of "dong! Dong". I couldn't stand it. I extended my hand again, but he refused. I was angry. It was really "a dog bites Lv Dongbing, but I didn't know the good people". I planned to leave like this, but I didn't feel at ease. I turned around and my eyes were wet. I didn't know whether the reflection of the neon red light and the rain silk hurt my eyes or whether he stood up at that moment, which moved me. My eyes could not move from that place for a long time, until his back disappeared in the rain.

At this time, my heart seemed numb. I was moved by the rain and excited by the spirit of the people in the rain. The rain in my heart has been raining, the rain of life that has been singing, the rain of life that twinkles under the neon red light, the rain of life that he has been persisting in the rain, let it rain in my heart all the time! I think it will always accompany me and benefit me for life.

It rained all the time that day (2)

I remember that it was a rainy day. The sky was calm and looked very unhappy. I looked at it like it was about to "cry". It was really good. In the "rumbling" thunder, it "cried", very violently, and fell on the ground "crackling", just like a girl dancing Latin.

After school, I didn't bring an umbrella, so I had to wait for my mother in the classroom. After waiting for a long time, my mother still hadn't come. I was very unhappy. I borrowed my cell phone from my classmates and called my mother. As soon as I got through, I yelled, "Hey! Why don't you come? Do you want to put me in the classroom overnight? Hurry up!" After that, I hung up without waiting for my mother to reply. After making this call, I was still angry, but more angry.

My mother finally came. She stood at the door without saying a word with an umbrella. I saw her go away, hiding in her umbrella with her eyebrows raised and her schoolbag carried.

On the way home, I was still purring my mouth and talking like an old lady, but even so, I was still angry.

My mother said quietly, "Don't say any more." When I heard this, I threw the umbrella my mother gave me to the ground with some pique: "I'm going to say!" My mother didn't say anything, picked up the umbrella from the ground silently, and fought for me again. I took a look at my mother. I didn't know when there were fine wrinkles on her eyes and hair on both sides, I don't know when my hair was mixed with several strands of white hair. My eyes suddenly felt hot. At this time, I really realized my mother's love. She didn't know how much she cared for my wayward daughter.

This event has been left in the box of my 11 year old memory, which is worth moving and remembering.

That day, my mother's love has been flowing in my heart

It rained all the time that day (3)

It's raining outside the window, I slowly raise my head, and the curtain of memory gradually opens

It was a dark rainy day. The calligraphy class was over, so I ran to the platform at a lightning speed. The sky was covered with dark clouds, thunder, and big raindrops were beating the ground very hard. Standing on the platform, I was very anxious.

Suddenly, a bus came and a little girl in shabby clothes jumped off the bus. She had two pieces of bread in her hand, and I thought to myself: this should be a little girl who picks up waste! The rain was still "ding ding dong dong dong", and the little girl said loudly: "Xin Hao, there is a kind-hearted person who will give me bread today, otherwise I will be hungry!" I raised my head, looked at the "crackling" rain outside, looked at the little girl smiling like flowers, and couldn't help thinking: This little girl is really optimistic!

Then a young girl and an old man with bent back came in to take shelter from the rain. The little girl said to the old man, "Grandma, I'm hungry!" The soft voice interrupted my thoughts. I looked up at the shabby little girl. She frowned as if she were hesitating. After a while, the little girl handed the two pieces of bread on her hand to the young girl. The little girl was stunned at first, and only heard the little girl in shabby clothes say: "This is from a kind-hearted person. You are so hungry, you must need it more than I do." The young girl immediately took the bread and ate it greedily. The little girl looked at the scene with a bright smile on her face.

I walked over and asked the little girl who helped others: "Aren't you hungry?" She replied: "Hungry! But whenever I think I helped others, I don't feel hungry." At that moment, I was shocked.

That day, it rained all the time, and the girl's behavior also impressed me.

It rained all the time that day (4)

The rain is very violent, scouring the whole world


It's good to feel free from parents' constraints. It's free and unfettered, just like a bird out of a broken cage. I enjoy this feeling very much. The sky was gray and cold. The grass bowed its head and the branches were crooked, slowly stretching its haughty neck. Unexpectedly, the rain had come quietly. They gladly accepted the baptism of the rain. The rain was nourishing the dry hearts, and young trees were sprouting. They were assiduously absorbing the rain and dew from heaven, and they were so eager to grow

Suddenly, a big raindrop hit me in the face. In a flash, the sound of rain became one after another. The sky seemed to have opened countless holes. The rainstorm converged into a waterfall and poured down towards the sky. I hurried home. The thunder started to roar. I hesitated and stopped running. The sky became darker and darker, as if it would engulf me anytime and anywhere... When I left home, My mother repeatedly told me to take an umbrella when I went out. At that time, I was wayward to get angry with her. Now I really regret it!

I cowered under the tree at a loss, vaguely saw my mother coming to me in a hurry, and I suddenly looked up at her, like crabapple in the wind and rain, messy hair like falling petals; The whole figure is a dead leaf floating in the wind and rain, which is vulnerable to attack.

I rushed forward, hugged her, and whispered, "Mom..." It was so white all around that it was only me and her. She stroked my wet hair close to my face, and all misunderstandings and differences melted into this warm warmth

I saw a child who was talking to the river; I saw a child chasing a lost deer; I saw a child snuggling beside her mother

I think that's me.

It rained all the time that day. However, the sun has been shining on my heart that day

It rained all the time that day (5)

The light rain is intermittent, I walk through the vast sea of people. Want to see clearly through the gauze like rain, the face sealed in memory. However, the flood like memory seems to be blocked.

That matter is still lingering in my mind.

It rained all the time that day. I was walking on the empty street, like a vagrant, desperately on the cold street. The cold raindrops like bullets hit the earth and pierced my heart. "Mom and Dad went to drink tonight, and I guess they haven't come back yet. They should have done it quickly at the beginning, and now there's no bus." I whispered. The night is already deep, and the air is filled with the smell of things rotting. The muddy land is like stepping on a corpse, but the sense of dedication and anxiety is still alive. The dim street lamp at night can not play a role in courage at all.

I swallowed my saliva and let the raindrops hit my face like a drowned chicken in a mess. I walk and run in the street like a madman. I don't care what others think now, because no one at all. "I can't go home tonight!" I yelled in the street, just like a lovelorn person, only one glass of wine is needed.

At this time, a shrill bicycle bell came from behind. I turned my head and saw a big sister. Although she was not as beautiful as a fairy, she also had exquisite features. I was shocked. Can't I hear what I just yelled? I also rode to my side and said softly, "Are you all right, little friend? Can't you go home? Do you want my elder sister to give you a ride?" I felt a little confused and hesitated for a while. I thought, "Abduct and sell children? Do you really want to help me?". I just wanted to say no, but her sincere eyes made me unable to refuse. In disbelief, I got into her car and told her the location of my home. I didn't say anything all the way, but I was very nervous. The oncoming rain, blocked by her delicate body, could not help but feel a little touched.

At the door of my house, I finally let go of my heart. Looking at the smaller and smaller figure, I was fascinated. The rain is cold, but the heart is warm. A week later, I went to the street again, but I couldn't find her. Expectations and disappointments.

Now I'm still looking for her, but time has diluted the memory and gradually blurred. I really appreciate her, but I have no chance to say. That day, it rained all the time, but it warmed my heart.

It rained all the time that day (6)

It rained all the time that day

The rain becomes dull. Open the window and look at the street. The rain is watering everything and slapping the ground. It is no longer so vibrant. People are also tired of the rain, and they hide at home. Occasionally, a few cars drive by, and the grass all droops its head and is lifeless.

However, there is a special charm in the rain.

Sitting there quietly, listening to the sound of rain beating against the canopy, I felt as if I had gone to a solemn and heavy ceremony; Listening to the rain beating on the window glass, I seemed to see a ballet performance; Listening to the rustle of rain falling with the leaves, I seemed to smell the fragrance of golden fruits. At this time, the rain began to become lively.

Playing the piano in the rain is also extremely beautiful. The fingers are beating on the black and white keys, and the rain is also beating. Slowly, playing moving music, coupled with the accompaniment of rain, seems to have more lasting appeal. Or, you can paint in the rain. The sound of rain can inspire people and draw beautiful pictures. Sometimes, you will follow the rhythm of the rain, sometimes light; Sometimes slow; Sometimes soft; Sometimes violent. This is the art of rain and its unique beauty.

I will suddenly want to go outside and walk in the rain with an umbrella. I will look up at the sky. The rain drops into my eyes and wets my eyelashes. Looking at the beautiful scenery of old houses and leaves, you will feel that it is more beautiful and intoxicating under the rain.

On the eaves, the raindrops are arranged in a neat row, which is lined with the dark yellow of dusk, like the lights of the hotel. It is also like countless crystal butterflies that perch there and fall down from time to time. The ground is splashed with water, which seems to put a water coat on the earth. The flower coat is still slightly waving, which is more lovely.

That day, it rained all the time, selflessly moistening all things on the earth.

It rained all the time that day (7)

I remember that it was a hot summer, and the hot sun was baking the earth. At noon, it was still like this. In the afternoon, the sky was covered with dark clouds, and the big raindrops rolled down one by one. It was such a sudden rain that made me unforgettable.

That day was the day when our exam results for junior high school entrance were announced. After I cleaned up at home, I set out from my home and walked to the school gate with confidence. I saw a large circle of people around the door. I didn't go into the crowd immediately to look at them, but after they had all gone, I went to the door confidently and looked carefully at the report card to search for my name. After a while, I found my name, but the results surprised me. I stood at the school gate for a long time without any sound. After a while, the dark clouds in the sky began to gather, and the big raindrops fell down. I thought to myself, is God also sad that I didn't do well in the exam? I felt like ten thousand ants crawling. Since I didn't bring an umbrella, I decided to run home in the rain. When I got home, I threw myself into my mother's arms and cried loudly. When my mother saw me like this, she must know that I didn't do well in the exam and couldn't bear to swear at me, so she just held me gently.

After a long time, my mood improved, not crying loudly, but sobbing gently. My mother looked at me with staring eyes and said to me: Daughter, look at the rain outside the window. The rain is just like the setbacks and tribulations in life. It will not stop, but it will not keep going, because it always leaves us time and space to solve setbacks.

My mother's words made me suddenly realize that in the most relaxed and happy holiday, I learned a truth that would benefit me all my life. Although it was just a word, it was a precious treasure for me.

In my daily expectation, the new junior high school life began. I confidently signed up, and then issued us a new textbook. I secretly made up my mind that I would try my best to overcome setbacks and hardships in life, deal with setbacks, face the sword, and not shrink, so that my own achievements would be as high as sesame blossoms.

After I entered junior high school, my grades improved significantly. My former primary school classmates met me and asked me about my grades. They were surprised when they knew about my grades. They asked me about my learning methods. I told them, "If you have deep kung fu and iron bars can be ground into needles, then my grades will also rise." In fact, as long as we work hard, anyone can succeed.

Since then, I have taken this sentence as my motto - that day, the rain has been falling. It is such a simple sentence that makes my goal more clear, makes me confident, and promotes my continuous progress.

Please remember that it rained all the time that day.

It rained all the time that day (8)

On that day, the thin and misty rain was weaving closely and obliquely, washing away everything in the world. The gray sky and dark weather also gave my mood a layer of fog in advance. I walked slowly into the examination room.

The continuous rain seems to wash away my thinking. What is the next sentence of the poem "The moon is bright in the Qin Dynasty and the moon is closed in the Han Dynasty..."? My thinking seems to be fixed on this poem. "In the Qin Dynasty, the moon was bright, and in the Han Dynasty, the gate was closed... But the flying general of Longcheng was there, and he didn't teach Huma how to pass the Hell Mountain." Why can't he remember this poem after all? I looked out of the window. The continuous rain made me feel bored. I really wanted to give up the exam.

Sweat oozed from his forehead, and the pencil in his hand was stained with sweat from his palm. The tense atmosphere constantly gives people a feeling of depression. The heart seemed to be pressed with large stones. Look at the students around: some students' pen tips are flying; Some students hold their chin and ponder; Some students sighed in the face of the test paper, and I was one of them. Looking out of the window, the rain is heavier.

I looked around blindly with blank thinking, and kept saying: "The moon in Qin Dynasty and the moon in Han Dynasty..." I hoped that something could stimulate the dead corner of my thinking and give me inspiration for knowledge. Under the confused knowledge and confused thinking, I still have only a trace of inspiration. In the confusion of knowledge and confusion of thinking, I still have only a trace of reason, did not give up the exam. I looked out of the window again, begging the rain to stop quickly and bring me clarity of thinking.

I subconsciously looked back, but unfortunately I was in the last row. When I was falling back to the front, I suddenly found that the invigilator on the platform was staring at me. His lips moved slightly, but he still didn't say what he wanted to say. I lowered my head in a panic, hurriedly picked up my glasses cloth and wiped them back and forth. I was still secretly looking at the invigilator and saw his strange eyes on me.

There are only ten minutes left before the exam is over. My heart beat faster. "The moon was bright in Qin Dynasty and closed in Han Dynasty..." I said silently. "The moon was bright in the Qin Dynasty and closed in the Han Dynasty, and the Yellow River was rolling in the blue sky." No, it's clearly the lyrics! I read this poem repeatedly, hoping to think of the next sentence without paying attention. But the poem always feels at the mouth and can't be said. "The moon in the Qin Dynasty was closed in the Han Dynasty, and the moon in the Qin Dynasty was closed in the Han Dynasty. By the way, the thousand mile Jiangling will be returned in one day." I quickly filled in the answer on the test paper. It's always wrong to look left and right, but it still rhymes. I recited again: "The moon in Qin Dynasty and the pass in Han Dynasty... The people of the Long March have not returned yet." Yes, the people of the Long March have not returned yet. I quickly crossed out the wrong answer and filled in "The people of the Long March have not returned."

"Ding zero..." The exam is over. I smiled and handed the test paper to the invigilator. He walked out of the examination room at a brisk pace.

It rained all the time that day. The misty rain is still floating in the sky, but the sky is clear, and there is a beautiful rainbow hanging in the sky. With my good mood all the way. Is life not like this? As long as we encounter the "rain of life", we will never give up the road of progress, arouse the fighting spirit and march forward in the rain. The rainbow in the sky must be waiting for you in the distance.

It rained all the time that day (9)

The exam results came down, I did not have the slightest pleasure, full of pain even made me feel that there was nowhere to escape. It was so hard to face a thin piece of paper for the first time, although it was so light.

When I returned home, the comfortable environment could not make me quiet for a moment. How could I talk to my parents about such a difficult result? Everywhere, people ask, "How was the exam? I can't bear a page of pain in such a big place! I want to vent my feelings, like complaining about my bitter talk, but I can't find a suitable person; There was no storm that washed me thoroughly. Only a wheel of fiery sun baked the earth like a devil. The crazy temperature was not a cool wind that could calm me down. I tried to smile at school, but when I got home, I felt like a wounded little beast.

The sun is scorching outside, but my heart is raining cats and dogs.

I suddenly felt that the crystal tears were so annoying. How I wanted to stand under the sun and ignite the spark in my heart, but I couldn't do it, because it was raining heavily and flooding in my heart.

I don't want to go on being depressed and painful any more. I took out a book casually. It was like a sleepwalking, just like watching the flowers from one line to another. The sentence "How can you see a rainbow without experiencing wind and rain" appeared in my tears. It pricks my nerves and lifts my spirits. It suddenly dawned on me: Is it possible that there will be no rainy days in one's life? My life is just a little rain, and I am as gloomy as dark clouds. No, I want to be as gorgeous as a rainbow after rain, not afraid of wind and rain.

That day, it rained heavily for a long time, but finally a little rain turned into a rainbow, and I suddenly felt that the red, orange, yellow, green, blue and purple light would shine more brilliantly today and tomorrow!

It rained all the time that day (10)

It's raining, and the intermittent raindrops keep falling, hitting the classroom glass "clattering". I looked anxiously into the rain. It was foggy outside. "Don't let it rain too hard." I whispered, but it was not satisfactory. The rain was falling harder and harder, and the world outside the window gradually blurred. Only big raindrops could be seen rolling down from the window glass. The teacher's summary voice mixed with the sound of music in the radio, but it could not cover the "crash" of rain.

The rain came suddenly. I didn't have an umbrella ready at all. Walking out of the classroom, I sighed a long time: it seems that I will be soaked today. At the entrance of the corridor, other students opened their umbrellas one by one and strode into the rain. In a colorful umbrella, I hesitated a little. I cautiously stretched out my hand to try, but I came back with a full hand of water. I was about to go back to ask someone to borrow an umbrella, but someone held my hand. I looked back in surprise. It was my classmate. She saw my empty hand, smiled and raised her umbrella. "Where are you going? Let's go together?" I nodded in surprise and thanked her. She smiled generously, opened her umbrella and took me into the rain. The sound of rain, which just annoyed me, now sounds much more pleasant. It hit my heart and washed away those restless feelings.

Along the way, she chatted with me here and there. Stepping on the water on the ground, this beautiful time, I engraved it deeply in my mind. Seeing the bus stop approaching, I realized that in our laughter, this long road has become so short.

I stood beside the bus stop, looking at the rain and fog, but there was no bus coming. She is still standing beside me, holding an umbrella to shield me from falling rain. As it was getting late, I asked her to hurry home, but she smiled and said, "Never mind, I have sent you here anyway, and I will leave when you get on the bus." The rain fell from the edge of the umbrella, hit the ground, splashing water into my heart, splashing something, making my nose sour - it was moved! I turned my head and looked at her. Suddenly, I felt how lucky I was to meet her - the girl who has been with me and held an umbrella for herself in rainy days.

She still talked with me all the time, afraid that I would be lonely. I showed the same bright smile as her, in fact, I was already moved to cry.

Far away, a beam of lights came, and the bus arrived. Before leaving, I gave her a big hug, but she was a little embarrassed. She waved to me in the rain. The car started, and I didn't take back my eyes until she completely disappeared from my vision, but my inner feelings were still not calm.

Looking back, I seemed to see her figure again, smiling like a flower under the gorgeous umbrella flower.

It rained all the time that day (11)

Outside the window, the sky has gradually darkened. Colorful plastic bags are swept in the air by the wind, and big raindrops mercilessly "hit" the window, swallowing our reading voice.

"Hurry up, students! It's raining outside!" In the teacher's urging, the students ran quickly to the outside of the classroom. Looking at their embarrassed figures, I secretly congratulated myself on my foresight. I had already guessed that it was going to rain and also brought a poncho, but even so, I still hope that this is just a shower.

Under the attack of strong wind and heavy rain, I pedaled my bicycle with difficulty. The traffic lights in front of me also became blurred due to the rain. It seemed that there was a traffic light 15 meters away from me, but it seemed that it was far away. Just passing this traffic light intersection consumed almost all my strength.

Suddenly, a familiar figure appeared in front of me. I tried to open my eyes to the rain. I saw that my mother only wore a poncho and walked forward step by step with her waist bent against the wind and rain. The wind hindered her step. She walked two steps back one step, and her trouser legs were also wet. I quickly rode to her side, and could not tell whether it was rain or tears on my face: "Mom, why did you come out in such a heavy rain?" "I thought you didn't take your poncho, and were ready to pick you up." I immediately lost my voice, and did not know what to say. "Then you get on the bus, and I will take you back."

In the thick rain and fog, my mother on the back seat of the bike gently wrapped her arm around my waist

That day, the rain has been falling, but my heart is warm as spring

It rained all the time that day (12)

"Would you mind saying less all day long?" The boy shouted at his mother. Without saying a word, he flung the door and ran forward with all his strength.

"It's too free without parents' control, like a bird flying out of a cage." The boy thought. He found the city in the rain interesting. The rain is thin and slanting, moistening everything. The silky rain gradually turned into drops of water, knocking on the roof tiles, like the oldest music in the world, soft and sonorous, distant and approaching. Ding ding dong dong, as if countless pearls fell on the jade plate, making people intoxicated. Those small drops of water became bigger and bigger. They fell at the feet of people in the city who were in a hurry, splashing crystal small spray after crystal, and then fell down powerlessly on the ground, forming puddles, reflecting the colorful shadows of neon lights in the waves.

Suddenly, a bead of water as big as a bean hit the boy, and he looked up. I don't know when the dark clouds had gathered on his head and twisted into a huge, ferocious face. Thunder was heard everywhere, from far to near. The fierce summer rain was getting heavier and heavier, and the big raindrops fell on the boy. It was indescribable pain. He ran towards home, feeling like eating a sour plum, so astringent and sour. He remembered the last words his mother said to him when he left:

"I know I'm a nag, kid. It's summer. Bring an umbrella..."

The scene in front of him became hazy. The wet shirt clung to the boy's chest, and he remembered his mother's warmth again

When I was young, my mother would wait for the boy at the school gate early every rainy day. The school gate could not stop the birds returning to their nest. One by one, they rushed to their parents and nestled in the warm embrace. The little boy is one of them. He rushed to his mother with a strange cry, and the mother would touch the boy's head with her soft and warm hand, holding his hand and becoming a beautiful scenery in the rain

I don't know how long later, a warmth came from the boy's hands and pulled the boy back from his thoughts. A warm, rough hand held the boy's hand tightly. He looked beside him, ah, it was mother! Her messy hair clings to her cheek, just like a crabapple in the storm, and the petals seem to be scattered. Mother is like a leaf trembling in the autumn wind, vulnerable. He quickly shook his mother's hand and burst into tears: "Mom, I know he was wrong, you, you can forgive me." Mother touched the boy's wet face, and all misunderstandings and contradictions at the moment drizzled into the water and disappeared.

I saw a boy running in the wind; I saw a boy chasing a running rabbit; I saw a boy who looked like a lost lamb; I saw a boy who said he could not find his way home.

I think that boy is me, and the feeling of returning home is like facing the sea, spring blossoms.

The rain has been falling, I lost my way in the rain; The rain has been falling, I can not find the direction of home, my heart has been wandering. In fact, the umbrella in my heart has always been there, it has always been sheltering me from the wind and rain.

It rained all the time that day (13)

Tick, tick, tick, tick, tick, tick, tick, tick, tick, tick, tick, tick, tick, tick, tick, tick, tick, tick, tick, tick, tick, tick, tick, tick, tick, tick, tick, tick, tick, tick, tick, tick, tick, tick, tick, tick, tick, tick, tick, tick, tick, tick.

Shaoxing in July is full of charm of water town, just like this gentle Jiangnan ditty. Walking on the bluestone lane, you can feel the coolness brought by the drizzle. Watching the Wupeng boat passing under the bridge, suddenly, across the bridge, there seems to be a graceful girl coming: cheongsam, oil paper umbrella, looming in the misty rain, lilac girl? Maybe I met the lilac girl in Jiangnan by chance.

Listen to the pattering rain, enjoy the scenery along the way, and see Lu Xun's former residence at the side of the Qingshi Bridge. The house with white walls and black tiles is hidden in the drizzle, and the two black stone doors are silent in the rain. The water drops on the eaves are dripping in the puddles, singing crisp and cheerful songs, waiting for every guest from afar.

Follow the tourists' footsteps and enter the Herb Garden. The tall acacia trees are verdant in the rain, the smooth stone well fences are scattered in the rain, and the interesting mud wall roots are more mysterious in the rain. I seemed to see Lu Xun in his childhood, excited when he ran among the flowers, naughty when he played on the grass, curious when he listened to the story of Ah Chang in the yard, disappointed when he didn't find the human shape of He Shouwu at the foot of the wall... It is no wonder that this place has given you so much laughter. It is the paradise of his childhood. Now, everything in the past, washed by the rain, tells the warm memory of my husband with a fresh face, and also reminds the travelers of their warm feelings.

Standing under the eaves, looking at the crowds coming and going, I can't help admiring that there is such a peaceful and beautiful place in the world, even tourists have become gentle. Several children were playing with peach wood swords in their hands, and their laughter was as bright as silver bells; A pair of lovers hold a flower umbrella together, and their love is as soft as silk; The whole family took a group photo with the help of passers-by, smiling like flowers

Everything, in the misty rain, is particularly harmonious and quiet.

With the rain still falling, the tourists are urged to move forward by singing a progressive song.

Stepping into the Sanwei Bookstore and touching a row of neat desks, I seemed to hear the teacher reading aloud in cadence on the platform, and saw a group of children shaking their heads in front of the desk chanting poems, especially the budding word "early", which printed my teacher's firm belief in my mind. I can't help but touch the desk again, look up at the portrait of Mr. Wang and recite his name when I imagine this bookstore with ink fragrance, imagine Mr. Wang's reading here, miss his decades of writing career, and think about his lifelong struggle experience.

On the way home, the rain has been falling, and the fine hair of cattle is long and distant. Looking back at the former residence, the white walls and black tiles are still there. No, it's clearer in the rain. This holy land, which has bred the backbone of the nation, has brought you the best memories of your childhood and the warmest memories of your adulthood. "Bowing down to be a willing ox" and "I commend Xuanyuan with my blood", this place is probably where your spiritual pillar lies.

On that day, walking on the rain soaked bluestone slab, my steps were sonorous and powerful.

It rained all the time that day (14)

"Tink, Tink, Tink. Suddenly, there was a flash of lightning, which made me shiver.

I walked toward home with my umbrella, and the rain hit the ground vertically, forming a beautiful shape of a small flower, but that was just a moment. "Drips..." The clear sound of water falling on the umbrella was very clear. The rain never stopped.

I carry my schoolbag and umbrella in my right hand. Gradually, "Don't run - stop!" I turned to see what was going on. It turned out that two boys who looked about 10 years old chased each other in the rain. They ran past me and ran to my clothes and pants like water dancing on the ground. I wanted to find out after all, but I think it's OK to pay attention next time. But the next scene made me can't stand it. I bumped an uncle in the rain onto the roadside, and they ran away. The uncle was wearing work clothes and wrote: Sanitation worker. The hateful rain drops fell down without any style. My uncle's clothes, pants and shoes were soaked, and his shoes were full of water. Nobody even helped. "Boom, boom." Lei roared loudly. I quickened my pace and ran to help my uncle up. In my memory, I remember my uncle's wrinkled face and sour face smiled at me. Here we go. I was stunned and looked at his back. The rain was still falling, but the water seemed to decrease. My uncle's back is also fading away. The smile on the road, I have been thinking. Now I seem to understand something.

Vaguely remember that day's smile, that day's back. Remember that day, it rained all the time

It rained all the time that day (15)

Time has passed and things have changed.

When I returned to the path where I played with my friends when I was a child, flowers were still blooming, birds were still singing, but the laughter of cherishing the sun was no longer there. The grocery store at the end of the path had been upgraded to Liuyi Convenience Store, and the old man who always lay at the door of the store with a fan swinging was also gone, replaced by a fashionable woman who was blowing heat and watching Korean dramas.

"Yo! This child learned to steal at a young age, and it will be better later..." The sharp female voice echoed in the path, followed by several slapping sounds that made people shiver. "There was a sound of pushing and shoving, a faint sob, and impatient passenger orders." All of a sudden, the whole path was filled, and the residents of both streets stuck out to see what was going on, and gradually some passers-by gathered around. And I, just curious, who disturbed the quiet here. At the door of the shop, a woman in anger and a child in rags were in the crowd, holding a piece of bread.

"The child used to be dishonest. I always felt that something had disappeared inexplicably. Ha, I caught him today. I advise you to be careful in the future, so that we won't lose this or that in the future." The residents around nodded in succession, whispering about something, and what was flashing in their eyes? Hate, rejection, ridicule, worry.

Oh! "I, I didn't..." The timid eyes were filled with firm belief. "The child with a black face replied.

"Hahaha! You? No? How do you explain this bread? It's just that today is unlucky. Don't let me see you again. Go with the bread!" The fashionable woman drove him away without mercy.

He clenched his fists and left with the bread. Oh! How spineless!

I followed him quietly. Stop in front of an elderly bungalow that is about to be demolished. In the open door, a faint candle light, a wife bent over to sew something, and there was only a pile of rotten cloth on the bed.

"Grandma, eat it. I have eaten it in the shop. Let her eat it when she comes home later."

Time has passed and things have changed. What about those kind-hearted and lovely people in the past?

It rained all the time that day.

It rained all the time that day (16)

On that day, it was raining cats and dogs. It seemed that there was an extremely wide bead curtain hanging between heaven and earth. At the busy school gate, everyone was walking in the same direction, but I was standing in a sea of people, which seemed very different. It rained even harder. On the roof and on the street, layers of white rain fog were splashed, just like misty white gauze.

A gust of wind blew suddenly, and the white gauze curled away, and raindrops slanted against the water on the street, stirring up blossoming water. The mist shrouded around me, and I was looking forward to seeing that familiar and frightening face in the fog. Last week, I asked my mother to buy a mobile phone. I was rejected and scolded. Every time I asked who would pick me up, I would say, "Will my father pick me up?"

I could vaguely see a person waving to me not far away, and I walked there with joy, but the greater the expectation, the greater the disappointment. My mother glanced at me and said coldly, "Get on the bus." In the bus, I didn't dare to say anything, for fear that last week's events would happen again. "Sit down!" An imperative voice came into my ears, and I had to do so. In the middle of the journey, neither of us said a word.

As I passed a mobile phone store, my mother, who usually didn't want to spend a little time on the road, slowed down her speed. She seemed to understand my caution and said to me, "It's not that I don't want to buy it, but do you think that mobile phones are helpful for learning? Look at me, when was it stingy to buy something useful for learning? Still angry with me?" I stopped talking, Afraid of saying the answer to my mother's dissatisfaction again, we saw the time passing by minute by minute. We were farther and farther away from the mobile phone store, and the chance to buy a mobile phone was becoming more and more slim.

"But... all the students in our class have it." I said my heart weakly. "Do you really want it? You can think clearly." The mother's words made me stunned for a moment. The rain was falling harder and harder, and the wind was blowing loudly, lifting the corners of my mother's clothes, so the rain would slip into my mother's clothes. Mother could not help shivering.

Looking at the heavy rain, I firmly told my mother: "Mom, don't buy it, let's go home."

It rained all the time that day (17)

The trace, neither deep nor shallow, is impartial and placed quietly there. One inch of pomp and one inch of displacement, the scene of a complicated life, the beauty of a leisurely life.

The dense moonlight is stained with purple window branches, and it seems that the next rainy day is coming again.

Perhaps because of the unruly nature, or perhaps because of the rebellious psychology of adolescence, the gap between my father and I became deeper and deeper, and even became a "stranger" for a month

Summer always changes its face so quickly. Just now, the clear sky suddenly covered with dark clouds, making people breathless. Sitting in the classroom, I looked out of the window and completely forgot to study. When the bell rang, I was the first to rush out of the classroom and look for him at the school gate. A touch of beautiful blue came into my eyes. I pretended not to care, threw my bag to him, and walked with him in the lane home.

The rain is getting heavier and the wind is getting stronger. That umbrella is not enough to shelter my father and me completely. I don't know when I felt that the sky above my head was completely blue, while the sky above my father was all gray. A few drops of water trickled down my cheeks, I don't know whether it was tears or rain.

On the way home, there was a foot of rain. My father's shoes and I had been washed. When my mother took them to wash, I accidentally caught a glimpse of my father's clothes, half dry and half wet, while mine was not wet at all. I seemed to understand something.

Another rainy day, my father still picked me up with the blue umbrella. I walked over with joy. This time, instead of giving him my book bag, I offered to hold an umbrella. Dad was puzzled, but he handed me the umbrella. In the Qingshi Alley, a fresh smell came to my face. I deliberately turned my umbrella to my father. My father quickly said to me, "The umbrella is turned to the wrong side." We smiled at each other and said nothing more. Occasionally, when I turned around, I saw that my father's head was covered with green silk, and the thin vest had been blown by the wind, which was the mark of time... I felt slightly cold, but I enjoyed the moment of father and daughter. Back home, my clothes were half dry and half wet, but my father's clothes were still not dry.

"Time and time, please slow down, don't want to let you grow old again, I would like to use everything I have for your long life......" On that day, if it rains all the time, I would like that light blue trace to float beside my father all the time.

It rained all the time that day (18)

My heart is holding an umbrella for me, but my eyes are raining for me. In her life, my mother, who had never been like this before, cried for me that day. At that moment, I was afraid, fear in one. A thought flashed in my heart. How could I become what I am now? Where did I go when I used to be cute and was my mother's sweet little padded jacket? Now, I often think of that event, and my heart is full of deep guilt and emotion.

This can be traced back to three years ago. At that time, I didn't mean to rebel at all. Some of them were just more sensible and lively. I never tire of my mother's nagging. That day, I finally made my mother angry. My mother usually dotes on me, even dotes on me. This time, she could not tolerate all my shortcomings as before. She was not angry at ordinary times, and when she was angry, she was furious. Because I accidentally knocked over her favorite lily sculpture. She, who has always loved lily flowers, naturally likes that lily sculpture very much. Instead of apologizing to her after the incident, I giggled and told her all kinds of jokes. But my mother couldn't stand my attitude of disapproval and insincerity. After she suppressed her emotions in a thousand ways, she reached out and slapped me. I stood still with my mother. At that moment, my mother burst into tears. That time, I admitted that I was afraid.

That day, it was raining cats and dogs, and the road was muddy. My mother and I could not stand still and ran out regardless of everything. I ran all the time, tears falling like pearls. The cry of my mother behind me had already gradually gone away from me, until I was exhausted, I stopped. I thought my mother would come out to find me, and I planned to make up with her as long as she came out to coax me. But she didn't.

I finally escaped from my mother's bound palm for a long time, as if I had escaped from her love, but this time, I could not escape far.

That day, it rained all the time, just like my mother's tears of disappointment. For me, I keep going. My sister came out breathlessly to find me and told me that my mother had a heart attack because she was too excited to find you. Now she is lying in the hospital, and she has been calling your name. Little sister, go back? Listen, I ran to the hospital desperately with tears in my eyes. On the way, I thought of the scene when my mother reached out to scratch my nose and called me a little glutton ghost because I was greedy; Because I can't get up in bed on the weekend morning, she kissed my face and called me the moment of little sluggard; Because I took her cosmetics to wipe her face, she said while wiping, when you were a little villain.

That day, it rained all the time, just like my eyes full of deep guilt towards my mother.

I quietly walked to the side of the hospital bed and took my mother's hand. My mother opened her weak and weak eyes and saw the fatigue on her face. I tried my best to restrain my tears. My mother told me: I'm sorry, my mother should not hit you because of a sculpture. Your appearance in my mother's life is the best accident. The sculpture will be broken if it is broken, but don't let our love between mother and daughter over the years break, ok?

I nodded forcefully, and tears could not help gushing out, which was moved tears. And the rain outside the window gradually eased down, becoming no longer desolate, just like people's hearts.

In a twinkling of an eye, I went to middle school. During my stay at school, I received a letter from my mother. I read it silently in my heart: "My child, how was life in middle school?"? Your father and I have been thinking about you. When you eat, you should be careful about the degree of cold and hot. The letter paper is very beautiful. It is an ice flower baptized in the wind and rain. It sways with the wind, just like I did not have my mother's love in the wind and rain. But it's beautiful. As I read the letter, I laughed and complained about my mother's nagging, but my eyes flashed with crystal tears