Composition of plantain (4 practical articles)
Children chasing dreams
2024-05-13 04:08:25

Composition of plantain (1)

I walked alone in the botanical garden, and the narrow and winding path was full of precious plants. The towering and sturdy redwood cedar, the charming and charming azalea, the leisurely water lilies in the middle of the lake... Every plant is well protected, and every precious species has a silver shiny nameplate in front of it, which is your proud certificate.

As I walked, I sighed that each plant was expensive. Suddenly, my feet slipped and I almost fell down. I carefully moved my feet away and found that I stepped on a plantain on the roadside.

The short dark green body is squeezed in the mud of the road, and its peers are not far away, stretching all the way to the distance. It seems so lonely and humble in the huge botanical garden. Yes, every visitor who walks into the Botanical Garden will pay close attention to you!

Because everywhere, when I raise my head to praise those towering trees, I will step on you wantonly and will not lean down to look at you carefully. So people never pay attention to your dark green weak body. But plantain always occupies the whole road inadvertently. The deep and shallow ruts are relentlessly pressed over, bending down to salute and standing up again. The sound of the wheels gradually disappeared in your ears, your dark green eye sockets were full of tears, and your body continued to flow dark blood

But why are you always so strong? Even if trampled, ignored, ridiculed, the reincarnation of time is full of you. The immortal group is like an eternal burning green fire!

You have always been invisible under the towering trees, and you have always been invisible to the strength and unyielding hidden in the ugly and small you. Ordinary roadside 'you have been demonstrating the toughness of life to people, and I can't see how many times I complain.

It is like a flower in a corner. People always admire its beauty when it blooms, but they ignore that the bud of the original struggle is full of sad sweat.

There are many things in the world that can be seen and many things that cannot be seen. What can be seen is beautiful, and what cannot be seen may be ugly; The visible is humble, and the invisible may be powerful. Just like I can see the insignificance of plantain, but I can't see its strong vitality that is always unknown.

The humble plantain finally made me understand that there is strong power in a weak body. As long as you are unyielding, you have power. Look carefully, every factor carries unimaginable power.

Composition of Plantain (2)

I remember when I was a child, I had frequent urination, and my mother was as anxious as an ant on a hot pot. Grandma picked a bunch of plantain and sent it from home. She said to her mother: plantain is a good medicine. It can not only cure frequent urination, but also benefit water, clear heat and improve eyesight. "Mom immediately washed the plantain and boiled it in a medicine pot. After I took the medicine, I felt much better the next day. Plantain is also a kind of delicious wild vegetable, which is called" wheel vegetable "in northeast China. It is generally the most delicious from the middle of May to the beginning of June, and the practice is very simple, Let me tell you something: it is necessary to use the newly grown "wheel dishes", wash them and put them into boiling water to boil, and then put them out of the pot for 15 minutes, and then clean them again in cold water. After wringing them by hand, they can be put on a plate. They should be dipped in Northeast sauce. It tastes delicious! On a sunny morning, my father and I went to pick plantain together. Plantain grows in the weeds. Its tender leaves are glossy and smooth, which immediately reminds me of my desire to pick. It is called "rice spoon grass" by the elderly, because its leaves are a bit like rice spoon for rice. The grass in front of the car is green. Touch it. It is soft and smooth. Smell it with your nose. There is no smell. The leaves of plantain just grow green, and grow up in a few days. The color gradually becomes dark, and it is very beautiful! Its roots are firmly rooted in the ground. If your fingers don't work hard, you can't pick the front grass. How simple it is!

My father and I picked the plantain together, and we were very happy! My father said, "After picking the plantain and taking it home, you must drink it. It must be delicious! Go home and taste it, and you will know it!" After returning, I ate the whole bowl. Sure enough, the herbs I picked with my own hands are delicious.

It has neither the majesty of iron trees nor the magnificence of peonies. It is so ordinary, but it has a great effect on human beings. This is plantain.

Composition of Plantain (3)

Plantain is an ordinary weed. It can be seen everywhere in the mountains, fields, roads and rivers from south to north in China. My grandfather's vegetable field also has plantain. Today, let me introduce it!

I remember when I was a child, I had frequent urination, and my mother was as anxious as an ant on a hot pot. Grandma picked a bunch of plantain and sent it from home. She said to her mother: plantain is a good medicine. It can not only cure frequent urination, but also benefit water, clear heat and improve eyesight. "Mom immediately washed the plantain and boiled it in the medicine pot. After I took the medicine, I felt much better the next day.

On a sunny morning, my father and I went to pick plantain together. Plantain grows in the weeds. Its tender leaves are glossy and smooth, which immediately reminds me of my desire to pick. It is called "rice spoon grass" by the elderly, because its leaves are a bit like rice spoon for rice. The grass in front of the car is green. Touch it. It is soft and slippery. Smell it with your nose. There is no smell. The leaves of plantain just grow green, and grow up in a few days. The color gradually becomes dark, and it is very beautiful! Its roots are firmly rooted in the ground. If your fingers don't work hard, you can't pick the front grass. How simple it is!

My father and I picked the plantain together, and we were very happy! My father said, "After picking the plantain and taking it home, you must drink it. It must be delicious! Go home and taste it, and you will know it!" After returning, I ate the whole bowl. Sure enough, the herbs I picked with my own hands are delicious.

It has neither the majesty of iron trees nor the magnificence of peonies. It is so ordinary, but it has a great effect on human beings. This is plantain.

Composition of Plantain (4)

I walked alone in the botanical garden, and the narrow and winding path was full of precious plants. The towering and sturdy redwood cedar, the charming and charming azalea, the leisurely water lilies in the middle of the lake... Every plant is well protected, and every precious species has a silver shiny nameplate in front of it, which is your proud certificate.

As I walked, I sighed that each plant was expensive. Suddenly, my feet slipped and I almost fell down. I carefully moved my feet away and found that I stepped on a plantain on the roadside.

The short dark green body is squeezed in the mud of the road, and its peers are not far away, stretching all the way to the distance. It seems so lonely and humble in the huge botanical garden. Yes, every visitor who walks into the Botanical Garden will pay close attention to you!

Because everywhere, when I raise my head to praise those towering trees, I will step on you wantonly and will not lean down to look at you carefully. So people never pay attention to your dark green weak body. But plantain always occupies the whole road inadvertently. The deep and shallow ruts are relentlessly pressed over, bending down to salute and standing up again. The sound of the wheels gradually disappeared in your ears, your dark green eye sockets were full of tears, and your body continued to flow dark blood

But why are you always so strong? Even if trampled, ignored, ridiculed, the reincarnation of time is full of you. The immortal group is like an eternal burning green fire!

You have always been invisible under the towering trees, and you have always been invisible to the strength and unyielding hidden in the ugly and small you. The ordinary roadside you have been demonstrating the toughness of life to people, and I can't see how many times I complain.

It is like a flower in a corner. People always admire its beauty when it blooms, but they ignore that the bud of the original struggle is full of sad sweat.

There are many things in the world that can be seen, and many things that cannot be seen. What can be seen is beautiful, and what cannot be seen may be ugly; The visible is humble, and the invisible may be powerful. Just like I can see the insignificance of plantain, but I can't see its strong vitality that is always unknown.

The humble plantain finally made me understand that there is strong power in a weak body. As long as you are unyielding, you have power. Look carefully, every factor carries unimaginable power.

Before the ordinary opening to traffic, I wrote 500 words composition 2

"No flower fragrance, no tree height, I am a little grass that nobody knows." Yes, today, I will sing the praises of the grass - plantain, just as the name implies, is the weeds dug from the little space between the wheels of the car that has not been crushed.

Plantain is a kind of wild grass on the roadside, but it gives people a fresh feeling of verdant.

Plantain, also known as Plantain, is an annual herb with more than 3-10 inflorescences, 5-18 cm long stems, longitudinal stripes, and sparse white pubescence; Spike is thin cylindrical, dense in the upper part, often discontinuous at the base, 6-12cm long, and the bracts are triangular pebble shaped, 2-3 long. 5 mm, glabrous, smooth epidermis; The taproot is long, with most lateral roots, much fleshy, very short rhizome, elliptical leaves, fine hairs, 3-12 cm long.

Plantain can also be used as cold dishes and herbal tea. They are good herbs for reducing fever and reducing fire! During the summer vacation, Grandma would brew a pot of herbal tea with dried plantain every day, and hand it to me when I came back from crazy play. Under the warm tea, there is a sweet and bitter smell. Grandma said, "I'm tired of eating big fish and big meat. I feel cool and delicious after drinking some tea." So she kept this habit every summer vacation.

In fact, plantain has considerable nutritional value. It contains calcium, carotene A and B, vitamin C, protein and other nutrients. If you are bitten by a poisonous snake or have boils, just mash up the fresh grass and apply it to the wound.

There is another story about it. It is said that Ma Wu, a famous general of the Han Dynasty, lost the battle because of the strange terrain and was trapped in a deserted and populated place. It was midsummer. The soldiers and their horses suffered from "urinaemia" due to acclimatization, and there was no local medicine to clear heat and promote water, which made them anxious. A groom happened to find that his three horses had healed without treatment. He searched for their roots and found that a piece of wild grass growing in front of the cart on the ground had been eaten by the horses. So he took the herb himself first and reported it to Ma Wu. Ma Wu was overjoyed and immediately ordered the whole army to eat it. As a result, "uremia" was cured. The name of "plantain" has been handed down in this way.

The magic plantain taught me to appreciate the nature and let me know that each grass has its unique role!

Before the ordinary opening to traffic, I wrote 500 words composition 3

There was a heavy rain last night. The rain washed the earth clean and the trees, flowers and plants were more energetic than usual.

In the morning, my father and I went to see the sunflowers planted in the yard, and suddenly we found a strange kind of grass. The leaves were like a fan. In May, "seeds" had grown. I was very curious and asked my father what kind of grass it was? Dad said, "I'll tell you a story. A long time ago, there was a general who led troops to fight. Their horses after a long journey became listless. They had to tie their horses in front of the carriage and stop to rest. The next morning, the other horses looked tired, but one horse was very energetic. The generals and soldiers were very strange. They carefully observed the horse and found that there were many grass like leaves around the horse, and there were many small seeds on the straw. They tried to find this grass for other horses to eat, and soon the other horses also looked very energetic. The general was overjoyed because this kind of grass was found in front of the carriage, so he named it Cheqian Grass. When autumn comes, plantain will bear many black seeds. This is plantain seed, which is a traditional Chinese medicine that can cure people.

Unexpectedly, a small grass not only has a story, but also has such a big role. My father said, "There are many plants in the world that I haven't seen before. As long as I study hard, I will know them gradually." After listening to my father's words, I really hope that I can grow up quickly, learn more knowledge, and find more beautiful things in the world.

Writing 500 words composition 4 in the second day of the junior high school before ordinary traffic

I remember when I was a child, I had frequent urination, and my mother was as anxious as an ant on a hot pot. Grandma picked a bunch of plantain and sent it from home. She said to her mother: plantain is a good medicine. It can not only cure frequent urination, but also benefit water, clear heat and improve eyesight. "Mom immediately washed the plantain and boiled it in a medicine pot. After I took the medicine, I felt much better the next day. Plantain is also a kind of delicious wild vegetable, which is called" wheel vegetable "in northeast China. It is generally the most delicious from the middle of May to the beginning of June, and the practice is very simple, Let me tell you something: it is necessary to use the newly grown "wheel dishes", wash them and put them into boiling water to boil, and then put them out of the pot for 15 minutes, and then clean them again in cold water. After wringing them by hand, they can be put on a plate. They should be dipped in Northeast sauce. It tastes delicious! On a sunny morning, my father and I went to pick plantain together. Plantain grows in the weeds. Its tender leaves are glossy and smooth, which immediately reminds me of my desire to pick. It is called "rice spoon grass" by the elderly, because its leaves are a bit like rice spoon for rice. The grass in front of the car is green. Touch it. It is soft and smooth. Smell it with your nose. There is no smell. The leaves of plantain just grow green, and grow up in a few days. The color gradually becomes dark, and it is very beautiful! Its roots are firmly rooted in the ground. If your fingers don't work hard, you can't pick the front grass. How simple it is!

My father and I picked the plantain together, and we were very happy! My father said, "After picking the plantain and taking it home, you must drink it. It must be delicious! Go home and taste it, and you will know it!" After returning, I ate the whole bowl. Sure enough, the herbs I picked with my own hands are delicious.

It has neither the majesty of iron trees nor the magnificence of peonies. It is so ordinary, but it has a great effect on human beings. This is plantain.