My composition is 150 words (15 articles)
Laugh when youth is gone
2024-05-30 04:01:11

My composition is 150 words (1)

My ideal is to be a calligrapher.

Because once I went to the school art festival with my father and mother, suddenly I saw my brothers and sisters in a class writing brush characters with a brush. One of the big sisters wrote a beautiful brush character "people", and another big brother wrote a beautiful brush character "cheng". I saw that my brothers and sisters worked hard to write. I also decided to become a calligrapher, because brush calligraphy is also called calligraphy. Calligraphy is the treasure of the traditional culture of the Chinese nation, which reflects the character of the Chinese people. I am determined to learn calligraphy.

In order to realize my dream, I must persist in practicing calligraphy and master the skills and key points of calligraphy. To stick to it for two hours every day, we also need to exercise our body, temper our will, not be afraid of failure, and persevere in our efforts.

I like ink fragrance, I love calligraphy, and I will keep moving forward towards the dream of a calligrapher!

My composition is 150 words (2)

I have a lofty ideal since I was young - to become an excellent entomologist and study insects when I grow up.

However, it is difficult to be an entomologist, but I will try my best to achieve my ideal. Insects are like my life, my life is like insects. I must study insects as hard as a bee to realize my ideal.

Some insects need to hibernate, and some need food. Insects are very agile, and some insects are even more aggressive than "immortals". There are many kinds of insects, including beneficial insects, pests, those that can live in the tropics, and those that live in the temperate zone

There are many kinds of insects. I will try my best to achieve the ideal I have had since I was young. I must let the ideal fly!

My composition is 150 words (3)

Ideal is a lamp, illuminating my way forward. Children, do you have an ideal? I have an ideal. My dream is to become a doctor when I grow up.

The doctor is an angel in white. He can heal the wounded and save the dying, reduce our pain and let us have a healthy body. Yesterday, I had a high fever. My mother took me to the hospital. The doctor prescribed medicine for me to go home and have more rest. I took the medicine, no fever, my illness recovered, I can go to school happily again. What a great doctor!

I must study hard, read more books related to medicine, and strive to realize my ideal, to help more patients and let them have a healthy body.

My composition is 150 words (4)

What's the use of talking, but also pay action. As the saying goes, "Constant dropping wears away the stone." Therefore, if I want to become a doctor, I must accumulate over time. I want to read the Compendium of Materia Medica and know the functions and taboos of each kind of medicine. We should also be proficient in all the acupoints of the human body, so that we won't be called "quack" by others. I also set myself a very "small" goal - to develop anti-cancer drugs, so that most people will no longer fall into the clutches of cancer.

Ideal is the first flower of spring; Ideal is the first beam of sunshine in summer; Ideal is the first fruit of autumn; Ideal is the first snowflake in winter... I will study hard and advance towards my ideal!!!

My composition is 150 words (5)

I have been here for 11 years, and my birth has brought a lot of joy to my family. He grew up slowly in a warm family, from an ignorant baby to a polite and disciplined teenager.

In a blink of an eye, Time Old Man had taken away his infancy. When I was three years old, my mother sent me to the kindergarten. At first, I was very happy. I was attracted by the "wooden horse" that can swing back and forth and the rubber ball that can bounce to the high place. I played every day. The outdoor slides, swings, and trampolines were all my games. But the day after tomorrow, I was unhappy. I procrastinated at home every day and didn't go to school.

My composition is 150 words (6)

My math teacher is Huangfu Weixiu. She is medium height, beautiful with rimless glasses on her face, long hair scattered on her shoulders, and she walks soundly, beautiful and dignified.

In a math exam, I made a mistake because I was careless. When the paper was handed out, the teacher called me to the podium, pointed out my mistakes, and criticized my carelessness. My heart was very sad. I felt sorry for the teacher's concern for me, and I cried. When the teacher saw that I was crying, he smiled and said, "You are already a second grade student. If you know that you have made a mistake, you will correct it. It's hopeless to cry." The teacher also scratched my nose with his finger, which made me feel that the teacher is just like my mother, stern and kind.

I immediately understood that I must get rid of my carelessness in the future, study hard, and repay my teacher's care and love with excellent results.

I like my teacher, I love my teacher more.

My composition is 150 words (7)

My Chinese teacher is also the head teacher of our class. She is Miss Lu.

Miss Lu is small and exquisite, her skin is white, her long hair is black and shiny, and under her thick eyebrows there are a pair of bright eyes, like two black gemstones. She has a small cherry mouth. Her red lips are as red as pomegranates. They are really beautiful.

In life, Mr. Lu cares about us very much. Once, a student's hand was injured. Teacher Lu took him to the clinic nervously and reminded us to pay attention to safety. In learning, in order to let us better grasp the content of the text, teacher Lu showed us videos related to the text. The class was very interesting.

This is my teacher. She is very beautiful. She cares about us very much. She is very good at teaching. On the occasion of Teacher's Day, I wish Teacher Lu a happy Teacher's Day!

My composition is 150 words (8)

This is my pain: I have too much

Mask, I play too lively.

I'm too good at deceiving myself

And deceit, I don't have a spark of passion

Not a drop of bosom friend foam

Not from acting and affectation.

This is my misfortune——

I see myself too well.

I am a prophet before my pulse.

There is no feeling of pain and happiness

No hint of dreams

Can blow my soul.

Day 1: Winter temperature

My composition is 150 words (9)

My toy I have one of my favorite 'toys', its name is "Po." My toy is a dog, the little brother is particularly cute, the dog is like the number "5," the dog has two colors, namely: white and orange. The dog's ears and tail are orange, and its body, head, arms and legs are white. There is a zipper on the dog's body. Once you pull the zipper, there will be a lot of cotton. No wonder Po is so soft. I like my toys—— Ji Yue, Class II, February 26, XX

My composition is 150 words (10)

After many years of praying for the Youth Olympic Games, how many people have called you, and I have a wish in my heart to ignite the Olympic flame to ignite your charm and change us. Every heartfelt cry, every pair of excited tears, every moment of dream fulfillment is a thousand words of 2014, faster, higher and stronger. We are creating new starting points One hundred and four is your brilliant. The five rings we are looking forward to will be remembered by the whole world. We are looking forward to the perfect presentation of the Green Youth Olympic Games. We are looking forward to the participation of all Chinese in the world. We share our youth and build the future together. Wu Yixuan... Class 3 (2) of Little West Lake Primary School

My composition is 150 words (11)

I used to sleep with my parents. Until the first grade, my mother made a small bed for me and let me sleep alone. I was stunned. At night, I sleep on the bed and think about things. I am very scared. I quickly ran into my mother's room and got into her arms.

The next day, my mother said she would tell her classmates about it. I was afraid that my classmates would laugh at me, so I made up my mind to sleep alone.

It was another quiet night. I put the "heroes" who killed demons and ghosts, such as Sun Wukong, Altman, Kaijia Warriors, Spiderman, and so on, on the bed. I thought: they are all masters of killing demons and ghosts, and they will protect me. So, in this way, I fell asleep sweetly.

The next morning when I got up, my mother praised me for growing up overnight and said I was sensible. I couldn't help laughing and took a furtive look at the warriors at the bedside.

My composition is 150 words (12)

This article, "My sister's composition 150 words", is arranged by the composition of primary school students, for reference only. If you feel very good, welcome to comment and share~Thank you for your reading and support!

My sister

My sister has a red face, which looks like an apple. My sister also has a pair of big watery eyes, which look like two small grapes. My sister is very naughty and funny. There are many examples in her life.

Once, I played with my 9-year-old brother. My younger sister was very angry. My younger brother looked at the situation and ran away. I stayed where I was. My younger sister rushed at me like an angry lion. I stayed where I was. I was like a samurai. She took these knives and said, "Prepare for death, ha ha..." He threw himself into the air and fell on all fours. My brother and I laughed.

My composition is 150 words (13)

My strengths and weaknesses are many. Let's talk about my weaknesses first. I'm a little boy who likes crying. I remember once when I was doing my homework, I was making a problem. My mother asked me to think about it. I thought about it for a long time, but I didn't think of it. Finally, my eyes slowly shed tears. My mother came to help me think about it. Finally, my mother and I solved it together.

My advantage is that I love cleanliness. On one occasion, I cleaned the house with my grandmother, mother and sister. Then I couldn't wait to get the cleaning tools. I brought a bucket of water and two rags. I was responsible for cleaning the tables and chairs. After a while, I polished the tables and chairs. Grandma saw that I was working hard, so she asked me to clean the windows. I took the newspaper and began to clean them. I wiped the dust off the windows with my strength, and the windows were cleaned clean again, It's bright. Grandma also praised me.

This is me. I love cleanliness and labor. I can help with housework. I was trained to love labor since childhood. I will correct my shortcomings and strive to be a virtuous teenager.

My composition is 150 words (14)

My mother wrote 150 words - I have a kind mother. She has a red face, a pair of round eyes, a small nose under the eyes, and a small mouth that can speak. She wears a ponytail every day, which is very cute. Her figure is very slim.

She hugged me and kissed me when she was happy, and cried when she was sad. My mother is like a teacher. She teaches me to do my homework every day; My mother is like a coach, teaching me to walk well every day; My mother is like a nanny, taking care of my life every day

My mother loves me very much, and I also love my mother very much.

My composition is 150 words (15)

My cousin is in grade two this year, two years younger than me. He has a pair of round big eyes, a white and tender face, and a small crew cut, but he is energetic. Although he is 2 years younger than me, he is as tall as me. Everyone has his own advantages and disadvantages, and he is no exception. His shortcomings are: First, he doesn't like sports very much. He has few sports cells. His running posture is incorrect and he runs slowly, and he can't shoot. Second, he would cry if he didn't see his mother at night. Listen to my mother: One night, my father told us to go to bed first. The adults talked in the living room. After a while, I fell asleep, but my cousin cried to find his mother. It can be seen that my cousin is too independent, so I decided to teach him. His advantages are: very listening, very clever, and never picky. My cousin and I get along very well. We seldom quarrel. Even if we quarrel, we will be reconciled soon. I like my cute and clever cousin! But I also hope he can get rid of his shortcomings and become a brave and independent boy!