Chongqing College Entrance Examination Chinese Composition (3 high-quality articles)
secluded orchid in a deserted valley
2024-01-10 02:56:54
college entrance examination

Chongqing College Entrance Examination Chinese Composition (1)

According to the Ministry of Education Examination Center, the composition questions for the 2016 Chongqing College Entrance Examination are as follows:

Language is the soft power of culture and the self-confidence of the people, which plays an important role in the overall quality of individuals and countries. Ways to improve Chinese literacy: classroom teaching, reading, social practice, one of three. Please draw up your own topic and write an article of no less than 800 words on how to improve your Chinese literacy.

Fan Wen: Full Score Composition of 2016 Chongqing College Entrance Examination: Improve Chinese Literacy

The Chinese culture is extensive and profound, and literary literacy is the spiritual embodiment of everyone. With the passage of time, Chinese literacy has become high or low. So as teenagers, how should we improve our Chinese literacy?

I think the most important thing is the extracurricular literature knowledge. Gorky once said that books are the ladder of human progress. It can be seen that books play a vital role in improving Chinese literacy. It is with books that we can have countless opportunities to communicate with literati. As Zhou Guoping once said, reading is to communicate with great people in spirit. Such communication is undoubtedly the necessary magic weapon to improve Chinese literacy. "There is a gold house in books, and there is a beauty like jade in books." In the eyes of the ancients, books are higher than gold. To improve Chinese literacy is to go into writing and feel the most exquisite feelings and profound thoughts in a book. Integrate yourself into the characters in the book, and appreciate all kinds of styles. Improve what you think through the understanding of words.

Secondly, listening attentively in class, independent thinking and self perception are also essential. Teachers' guidance and vivid teaching also create a great opportunity to improve our Chinese literacy. "Teachers, so preach and teach to dispel doubts," Han Yu said in "Teacher Talk". The teacher's teaching undoubtedly creates ideas and inspiration for us when facing Chinese, and also provides methods and models for our answers and writing. What we need to do is to self comprehend words, think about ideas independently, and improve our internal literary literacy.

Finally, the necessary social practical experience is also needed. We are in an information-based society, and the rapid change of information inevitably leads to text errors. We should be good at perceiving information and give our own opinions on the words in the information. We should know how to seek advantages and avoid disadvantages, feel good words, and get a good promotion of literary literacy. Don't choose the wrong literature and information.

As middle school students, how should we do? "Good reading, good reading" is one of them. "Mastering knowledge and using it flexibly" is also the key.

As Qu Yuan said, "There is a long way to go, and I will go up and down." Let's improve our Chinese literacy together.

Chongqing College Entrance Examination Chinese Composition (2)

20xx Chongqing College Entrance Examination Composition Model 1: Backward and Backward

People are born to aspire to excellence. If you are content with the status quo, do not want to make progress, and remain muddleheaded all day long, then how high your starting point is, how bad you will fall. In the same way, if you don't have a superior family background and rich family background, you should work harder. Don't let others leave you far behind, because you will be beaten if you fall behind.

Look at Japan, why is it always so arrogant? Has it always been so arrogant? Because it is a small island country, but it has become the world's third largest economy after the United States and China. But it was not always so arrogant. At that time, Japan was also knocked open by the American armored ship and signed a series of unequal humiliating treaties, because Japan was too weak and backward at that time. Look again, China was once the hegemon of the East, but it was trampled by the great powers because it closed its doors and sought happiness. Because then China was too weak and backward. Now, with the improvement of comprehensive national strength, the world position is becoming more and more important, so no one dares to underestimate us anymore. All this shows that backwardness means being beaten, while strength means being respected.

As a student, learning is naturally our first priority at present. Achievements are also becoming increasingly important. Because good grades mean external praise - teachers' appreciation, parents' praise and students' admiration. But brilliant achievements require sweat and effort.

Learning is like sailing against the current. If you are satisfied with your current achievements, you will fall back again and again, and eventually be left behind by others. Backwardness will be beaten. "Being beaten" is not only the external force, but also your own pressure.

Some people will work hard after being beaten. Even if their original achievements are not outstanding, such people will gradually improve after their efforts and will be praised by the outside world. Some people will abandon themselves and never recover.

But there is only one chance in life. Don't make the choice to regret.

Are you really willing to be inferior to others?

Whether it is competition between countries or academic competition. If you fall behind, you will be beaten!

Don't hesitate, don't stop, let's hurry forward!

20xx Chongqing Chinese College Entrance Examination Composition Model 2: On the Importance of Family Education

Education is an indispensable experience for our growth. Everyone has to go through family education since birth, and learn and grow under the influence of mother and father. And family education is closely related to the educational concept of the whole society.

In the cartoon, we can see that two students get different treatment because of different scores. In the first exam, student A got full marks and was praised by his mother. Student B was slapped because he failed. In the second exam, classmate A scored 98 points, but was criticized by his parents and slapped. Student B got 61 points, improved and passed the exam, so he was praised by his parents. From this we can see the educational concept of modern families.

This kind of educational idea has its advantages and disadvantages. First of all, for student A, the difference between 100 points and 98 points is two points, and the difference is very small. It cannot be inferred that student A has regressed, and student A is still in the ranks of outstanding students. However, in the eyes of his parents, classmate A fell back, so he slapped and criticized him. This kind of high standard and strict education mode is likely to cause students A to be frustrated and never recover. Or psychological distortion, in order to get a hundred points by hook or by crook. This is the irrationality of this view of education. Secondly, as far as student B is concerned, his performance has improved. Although he has only improved by six points, it is enough to transcend the grade and make him from failing to passing. The way of encouragement and praise adopted by parents has encouraged the confidence of student B and has a long-term impact on his future study. Student B is likely to make continuous progress through his own efforts. This is the merit of this kind of education method, which should be carried forward.

This view of family education in cartoons has its drawbacks and merits. The reason is closely related to the current situation of education in China, which is inevitable. For the drawbacks, we should combine education laws and regulations, constantly improve the current situation of education, and strive to make it more perfect. We should inherit and carry forward the merits. The issue of education is related to the advantages and disadvantages of the successors of the motherland and the future development of China, which should be paid attention to.

20xx Chongqing Chinese College Entrance Examination Composition Model 3: The Ugly Duckling Realizes His Dream

There is no beautiful appearance, not to mention the elegance and nobility of "swan". Maybe I am just a little "ugly duckling". But the ugly duckling still has a dream, and has the pursuit of fulfilling it!

be born

The Year of the Duck, the month of the duck, the sunny day of the duck

Seems to have been asleep for a hundred centuries

Finally one day, I felt the changes all over my body. What a wonderful feeling it was - it seemed that something was constantly coming in, warm and comfortable. With the growing desire for knowledge, I began to feel uneasy. I wanted to break through this fog! With a crack of "Dong", I opened it with my mouth. When the first ray of sunshine in the morning reflected on me, I knew that I had deeply fallen in love with it and the world. Thank God for giving me life and allowing me to have these wonderful moments!


The Year of the Duck, the Moon of the Duck, the Sun, the Rain

Maybe I can use "good times seldom happen" to describe my next encounter!

It should be said that since my mother duck and many brothers and sisters saw me, my fate has had a little twists and turns - they do not seem to like it, oh No! It is "dishkehatime"! I don't know why, but I always think they look at me with disgust and contempt—— Mother duck always takes care of other baby ducks. It seems that I am not his own, and my brothers and sisters are not friendly. They always work together to bully me, laugh at me, and even the hunting dogs ignore me. Since I was born, I have never been cared for, and I have never felt any warmth, so my mood is very low. I swim and eat every day, and I feel bored. My mind is empty, and I seem to have lost something important, but I am not sure what it is!

Until one evening, I was still looking for food in the grass. Suddenly, I heard the singing of Sister Nightingale, and my depressed nerves suddenly became excited - oh, the singing was beautiful, and I wanted this feeling! I am happy to dance with my hands and feet, and my heart is gradually filled with the empty space. When I was excited, I thought of asking Sister Nightingale for advice. I heard that Sister Nightingale stopped singing and screamed in panic: "Ah! Monster!" Then she flew away like a stray bullet and quickly disappeared at the top of the tree, leaving endless darkness. I stared at the sky blankly, and was immediately disappointed. Everyone ignored me! For the first time, I felt so humiliated that even my beloved idol said I was a monster!

It's getting darker and darker. It seems that there will be a downpour. In the darkness, I decided to leave - there is really no nostalgia for me here. I want to leave here to find a new thing, something that really belongs to me

The Dream Pursued

The Year of the Duck, the Year of the Duck, the Moon, the Year of the Duck

I forgot how long I have run away from home. Only know that after the cold and summer, and usher in spring and winter. In the days when I was wandering outside, despite all kinds of hardships and hardships in my life, I still wanted to pursue my dreams. Every day, I would sneak to the lake to watch a group of beautiful white birds who were unknown to me sing. The songs were like sounds of nature, beautiful and beautiful. I imitated their pronunciation and behavior more than once, whether it was cold or hot, I never give up practicing - I also firmly believe that dreams will favor me one day

Realize dreams

The Year of the Duck, the Year of the Duck, the Month of the Duck, the Year of the Duck

Today is a great day!

My solo concert was successfully held at the bank of Taiming Lake. The whole concert hall was decorated brilliantly. The animals participating in the concert will crowd the whole lakeside - swimming in the water, flying in the sky, running on land, everything. Even nightingales and orioles who laugh at me everyday clap their hands for me, and my mother duck and brothers and sisters are all excited to tears. However, I believe they didn't recognize me - because now I have changed into a white and flawless coat, and the singing is more melodious!

Standing in the most dazzling light, I smiled. I think I did it, and I really rounded me

Chongqing College Entrance Examination Chinese Composition (3)

[Composition Title]

Read the following materials and write an article of no less than 800 words according to the requirements. (60 points)

Chinese learning is related to a person's lifelong development, and the overall Chinese literacy of society is related to the country's soft power and cultural self-confidence. For our middle school students, the improvement of Chinese literacy mainly comes from three ways: effective classroom teaching, extensive extracurricular teaching, and social life practice.

Based on the materials and your own experience in Chinese learning, please compare the above three ways and explain your views and reasons.

It is required to choose a good angle, determine the purpose, clarify the style, and draw up the title by yourself. No imitation, plagiarism, or disclosure of personal information is allowed.

Fan Wen: How to Improve Chinese Literacy

The implementation of the new curriculum reform has brought severe challenges to every Chinese teacher who is responsible for the arduous task of comprehensively improving the students' Chinese literacy. To improve Chinese literacy, I think we should start from the following aspects.

1、 Let the concept of lifelong learning become an action

The 21st century is a century of learning and innovation. As a "knowledge group", only teachers who can learn faster, more and better than others and have superior learning ability can shoulder the responsibility of "preaching, imparting and dispelling doubts". Only teachers with lifelong learning concept, continuous self renewal, and self-learning ability can constantly adapt to the new educational situation. It not only requires teachers to seriously study the new curriculum standards, actively participate in various trainings, establish advanced educational concepts and teaching ideas, but also learn modern teaching methods such as computers; It not only requires teachers to update their professional knowledge in time and become experts with profound professional attainments, but also needs to update the political, economic, scientific, historical, geographical and other aspects of knowledge that are inextricably linked with Chinese; It not only requires teachers to learn to learn by themselves, but also has the "oil lamp spirit" of American teachers; It requires teachers not only to be knowledge imparters, but also to become researchers, researchers, scholars and experts. When teachers' knowledge becomes a stream flowing from source to source, they can understand the teaching content in a deeper and broader academic and social background, grasp the teaching materials from a strategic perspective, choose the right and left to meet the source, and manipulate freely.

2、 Make reading a habit

The reading here not only refers to the reading of teaching plans, teaching references, titles, etc., but also refers to the reading of literary works and the reading of traditional cultural classics. The New Curriculum Standard clearly puts forward specific requirements for reading and reciting of traditional cultural classics. What students are required to do, teachers should take the lead in setting an example and take the lead. The proportion of Chinese literature works in the new textbooks is also increasing, which is required by the humanistic characteristics of the language discipline. It has everything from fairy tales, fables, essays, novels, poems to expository articles of popular science. Literature is an art, which transcends time and space and shows all kinds of stories, all kinds of characters and all kinds of emotions to every reader. Teachers should pay attention to selecting some classic literary works to read carefully and ponder carefully. In literary works, we can not only read a broad and rich social life, increase our experience, but also understand the methods that can be used to guide students to read, be influenced by beauty, purify and enrich our hearts.

3、 Make basic skill training a necessity

Basic skills are the basic professional skills that teachers need to engage in education and teaching, including "three words and one word". "Three characters" refer to brush characters, pen characters, chalk characters, and "one word". In addition to speaking Mandarin, it should also include the tempering of language art. Chinese teachers should also add "one picture" and "one lesson", that is, teaching simple strokes and multimedia courseware production.

A beautiful, neat and standard character, a paragraph of passionate or soothing reading demonstration, a humorous and enlightening line of quips, a simple picture that seems to be simple without losing verve, a wonderful "Xiashui" written in letter and pen, and an infectious story are not only the needs of teaching, but also the necessary "hardware" to attract students. What it brings is not only a knowing smile and a wonderful generation in the classroom, but also a subtle infection, an incentive to actively participate in it, and a love and pursuit of the language of the motherland.

The training of basic skills can not be completed overnight, it needs the teachers' unremitting efforts. In particular, the tempering of language art needs to be carried out for life, and it needs to keep pace with the times. As a Chinese teacher, the basic language skills are not only to speak Putonghua accurately, but also to form their own language style and create a harmonious classroom atmosphere. As we all know, Yu Yi's teaching language is rich and beautiful, full of strong cultural atmosphere, while Wei Shusheng's classroom language reflects rich life experience and extensive knowledge. The formation of all this is the result of their decades of meticulous "cultivation", or euphemism and implication, or humor, or meaningful and humorous. When the language art is perfect, when the training of basic skills becomes a need of their own, it is also the time when Chinese teaching results.

4、 Let the unity of literary quality, moral quality and teacher quality become a pursuit

In addition to the literary and moral qualities that ordinary people should possess, teachers should also possess noble professional ethics. A teacher with noble morality exerts a subtle influence on students. It is "spring breeze turns to rain" and "the peach and plum have no words, and the next one has its own way". Teachers' personality charm is eternal. "Come with one heart, not half a root of grass." Few professions in the society offer so cleanly as teachers. All this is based on the premise of establishing a correct outlook on life, world outlook and values. Only in this way can we have a correct view of education. Only teachers with noble professional ethics can fully understand the diversity of life values, avoid poverty and wealth, refrain from greed, impetuosity and distractions, achieve career success in the tranquility of indifference, and achieve comfort in work and life. As the saying goes, "The bamboo shadow sweeps away the dust without moving, and the moon pierces the bottom of the pool without trace". Only teachers with noble morality can have healthy psychology and cultivate a new generation with healthy psychology.

Since you have chosen the profession of Chinese teacher, you should be as persistent and enthusiastic as Yu Yi and Si Xia. You should be diligent and enterprising. You need not be famous like them, but you must have their character. A teacher with noble morality can always start from the perspective of students, and his classroom can be full of respect, care, expectation, encouragement and appreciation.

The improvement of teachers' Chinese literacy can cultivate their humanistic temperament, increase their educational wisdom, stimulate their pursuit of life, and will also promote their life to a new level.