No scenery (4 articles are preferred)
Contentment is bliss
2024-04-12 09:35:08
describe the scenery

No scenery (1)

Riding the bike, when the switch was turned to the end, I sprinted home at full speed, splashing the water on the ground, and instantly jumping and condensing into a flower of rain, but I didn't want to enjoy it. Ah! Who has the leisure to enjoy the beautiful scenery in the rain in the pouring rain? The feeling of being forced to bathe in rain is really not so wonderful.

I finally got home, got rid of the rain, but my body had been washed by the rain all over. I quickly went into the house, wiped my head with a dry towel, and got into the bed, but still felt deep cold. So I put on a thicker dress, walked under the eaves, and observed carefully. Then I found something wrong. How can the rain in spring be so heavy, So cold, so uncomfortable? Was it not all soft and delicate in the past? You won't feel cold even if you get caught in the shower?

The yard is full of small puddles, and the water dripping from the eaves has formed a water column, like an unrelated faucet. I looked up at the dark clouds in the sky, sighed in my heart, shook my head and went back to the house.

Alas, this year's rain is so abnormal and imperfect like the temperature! How do you show your beauty?

No Scenery (2)

"It's so hot, it's so hot." A series of discontented voices came out of the classroom, "What's going on this spring this year? It's so hot like summer, so annoying." A student complained about this unusual spring with a sad face. I lay on the desk, said nothing, listened to the student's nagging silently, and even complained about this spring in my heart.

At noon break time, the sun ran right overhead, relentlessly burning the earth. "If it wasn't in the classroom, maybe we would have been dried." I looked at the curtains that covered the windows and thought to myself, but even in the classroom, it was still very hot. I had no choice but to take off my coat and lie on the table in the morning. As a result, I felt overwhelmed.

The next day, in order to make myself not so hot, I specially wore a thin dress. I was riding my bike on the road at a high speed. At first, I didn't feel it. But after a while, I was shivering with cold. At this time, I was almost at school. I had no choice but to brave the cold and get to school.

Alas, the temperature of this spring is quite different from that of previous years. The perfect spring in the past has now become an imperfect season.

No Scenery (3)

Jiangnan is full of poetry.

The scenery of Jiangnan is poetic. Jiangnan in early spring is like a green poem. Small flowers and grass grow slowly in the corners. They can be seen everywhere along the path and among the flowers. Maybe only Jiangnan has such small flowers. Small, short. It grows unknown in the breeze, but it always lowers its head in embarrassment, with its blushing face, hiding its small stamens for fear of being seen. I always feel that it has feelings, just like a little girl who is shy when she sees someone. She covers her face and smiles in private, and her face is half red unconsciously. Jiangnan in midsummer is like a quiet poem. Although midsummer is hot and people have to endure the torture of summer heat every day, as long as they walk into the lotus ponds one by one, their hearts will calm down, and they will feel that the heat and dryness have decreased a lot. The lotus blooms delicately, with a trace of white in the pink, which makes it less glamorous but more elegant. Lotus is a gentleman among flowers. People are familiar with the concept of "coming out of the mud without being stained, and being washed clean without being demon". Walking in the lotus, it seems that you are infected by the clean, clean air, and your heart becomes clean. It is also like traveling with a gentleman, gently communicating poetry and feeling its calming charm. Jiangnan in late autumn is a poem full of charm. The petals of chrysanthemums overlap, holding the mysterious and unknown stamens in the middle. People can't help going over to see what's special. The faint fragrance surrounds you, which makes you feel full of charm. Chrysanthemum has been a faithful flower since ancient times. When all the flowers in the south of the Yangtze River fall, only the chrysanthemum blooms alone. You may be moved by its elegance and constancy, and quietly taste this rare charm.

The streets and alleys in the south of the Yangtze River are poetic. Walking in Suzhou's Shantang Street with strong Jiangnan characteristics in the light rain, and eating authentic Jiangnan snacks on the stalls, you can't help eating a different flavor from other places. The quaint buildings with Jiangnan characteristics nestle beside the narrow river. Pink walls and black tiles are like a girl with light makeup with a thin veil. The water in the river is green. Although it is not as clear as the stream, it also has a mysterious taste. Several boats with black awnings were moored in the river. Taking a small boat to enjoy the charming scenery on both sides of the river, people could not help thinking of the ancient poem "The spring water is blue in the sky, and the painting boat sleeps in the rain". Finally, I realized this unique scene.

There are too many poetic things in Jiangnan, which can not be explained in a few words. I can only say that you can feel the poetry of Jiangnan when you taste it carefully.

No Scenery (4)

At dusk, the sky is like a curtain that is about to be opened, and the color changes on this natural screen. The top is a light gray, the middle is a light blue, and the bottom is a dark blue. At the bottom is the last ray of light left by the sun - the fiery sunset glow.

The blue of the sky and the white snow on the roof reflect each other. It seems that the white snow also has light blue marks, as if the blue sky has ever been on the roof. The sunset glow, singing a cheerful song, gradually faded under the blue sky.

The sunset faded, but the sky was still blue. The gray clouds reflected the sky in blue. I looked at the horizon. A wind blew the gray clouds away, leaving only the endless blue.

That kind of blue is the real blue, which makes you forget yourself, and makes you have unlimited reverie. That kind of blue is a symbol of purity... Ah! The endless blue sky! This endless blue!