Conversation with teachers (4 recommended)
A coquettish old man
2023-12-26 05:58:10
reaction to a book or an article

Conversation with teachers (1)

Q: What's your opinion on this activity (students interview teachers)?

A: I think this form is very novel. Students take the initiative to talk with teachers face to face after class. The initiative of asking questions is in the hands of students, which can promote students' understanding of teachers.

Q: What are your daily working hours? What are the tasks that need to be handled in school every day?

A: From Sunday night to Friday, from the morning when students get up to the night when students in residence go to bed and turn off the lights, the long fifteen or six hours are all my working hours.

The work that needs to be handled in the school every day includes daily teaching work and the work of the head teacher. The daily teaching work, such as preparing lessons, attending classes, and changing jobs, is the most tedious, ranging from the arrangement and implementation of various tasks assigned by the school to the handling of conflicts and frictions between students. It can be said that I am on standby for 15 or 6 hours, When something happens to the class, I have to deal with it with the highest efficiency at the first time. But in fact, many things are very complicated, and sometimes I feel exhausted.

Q: What kind of students do you like?

A: Lively, cheerful and eager to learn.

Q: What do you think of poor students?

Answer: As long as the aspirant students are good students, the so-called poor students have the opportunity to do well as long as they work hard. They are not poor students.

Q: What's your opinion of students' reading extracurricular books?

A: Most students in our school are boarders. I think students should read less extracurricular books at school and more at home. I advocate that middle school students should read some extracurricular books suitable for this age group on weekends and winter and summer vacations to enrich their spare time life and expand their knowledge.

Q: How does Teacher Xie feel about students surfing the Internet?

Answer: All our students are minors and cannot go to the Internet cafes to surf the Internet. If you have a computer at home, you can access the Internet, but you should strictly control the time of access. It is best to have adults monitor in an appropriate way.

Q: What's your favorite TV program?

Answer: I like watching urban emotional movies most.

Q: What was your dream when you graduated from college? And now?

Answer: I want to be an entrepreneur when I graduate from college. I want to earn a lot of money and do many meaningful things with the money I earn. Now I hope to spend more time with my three-year-old son and become a competent mother.

Through the interview, our group's feelings are:

Teachers are not superior. Teachers outside the classroom are approachable and amiable.

Teachers are also ordinary people. They have their own ups and downs as well as the other side that we cannot see in class.

Teachers work very hard. They work so long every day and worry about so many things. We should put ourselves in the teacher's shoes and not be critical of her in everything. Teacher Xie worked hard to do a good job in this class and tried her best to impart knowledge. We only had to study hard and observe discipline to repay the teacher's hard work.

We hope the teacher likes our class.

Conversation with teachers (2)

After finishing the mid-term exam, I sat down today to enjoy the book "Talking with Teachers" by Zankov, which was distributed to teachers by the school. I got a chance to compare and study with a great educator. After reading the first chapter, I saw my own backwardness. I began to think deeply about my class. How much did the students learn in my class? I have also reflected on my own classroom before, which is more targeted and practical in comparison. As for life in class, the author puts forward that "learning should be linked with life". How eager children are to learn more about the things around them, but our classroom is more focused on textbooks. Some teachers put forward their own reasons for this: "The time in the classroom is limited, so we should focus on the textbooks." Children are deeply attracted by the important events around them. When they come to school with new impressions, our classroom often tells us about these important events in a few words, and the children's freshness suddenly falls to a low point. The author also mentioned that this kind of free talk in class is also of inestimable significance to the formation of the class collective. Every child listens to the speeches of his classmates, as they experience the same inner feelings, the common feelings will also contribute to collective unity. My class also occasionally involves conversations related to life, but they are extremely simple, even if I have mentioned them in one stroke and the students have echoed a few words. Now I realize that class time is limited, but if we can not waste time, and then use this time to talk in class, this class will be very meaningful, and students will really learn knowledge. At the same time, students can also apply their feelings and thought processes in conversation to the Chinese classroom, which truly realizes the subjectivity of students Conversation with Teachers made me become a student eager for knowledge again. It not only taught me a lot of teaching skills and knowledge, but also taught me to reflect on my teaching from the right angle to better train my students. The most important thing is that it gradually made me understand the true meaning of the sentence that teachers are engineers of the human soul, until one day I could say it from my heart. This article is reproduced

Conversation with teachers (3)

The book "Talk with Teachers" comprehensively discusses the basic differences between the new teaching theory and the traditional teaching theory, especially puts forward new ideas and new methods for many teaching problems in the lower grades of primary schools. The book uses a comparative approach to discuss the advantages and disadvantages of the new and old teaching methods, but it is not just a vague argument, not a methodological method, but a scientific law of psychology and teaching theory that the new teaching methods are based on from the long-term experimental results. The examples in the writing are vivid, specific and easy to understand. Although this book is dedicated to primary school teaching, its new argument is enlightening to all educators, helping us to further extricate ourselves from the negative influence of the traditional teaching system and explore new ways of teaching. Zankov said: "The positive and full mental life of children in the classroom should not be understood as a continuous state of tension. The so-called life of children does not mean that everyone should think hard alone. Children are talking with teachers and classmates about their own ideas, sometimes arguing with each other. There are elements of games, jokes and laughter... Of course, children's life in the classroom is, after all, a special form of spiritual existence based on learning. However, as long as it is real, flesh and blood, and not deliberately artificial life, it will be both free and colorful. In the past, among the students I have taught, I always feel that there is a defect in education. It is found that they always lack the enthusiasm of autonomous learning. After reading this book, I know that harmonious teacher-student relationship is the driving force to stimulate students' enthusiasm, motivation and creativity in learning, and it is very important to improve classroom efficiency. The harmonious relationship not only enlivens the classroom atmosphere, but also arouses students' great enthusiasm to participate in learning. On the contrary, if we do not pay attention to cultivating students' interest in learning, making them study hard and boring, it will seriously hinder the improvement of students' learning ability, let alone the improvement of classroom efficiency. The teaching practice over the past few years has made me deeply feel that the establishment of a harmonious relationship between teachers and students who teach and learn happily is the primary prerequisite for implementing happy learning education and improving the quality of education. It is true that the establishment of harmonious teacher-student relationship is a two-way activity between teachers and students, but to a large extent, it depends on teachers' reason, emotion and educational methods. First, teachers should respect students. Respect is the premise of education. Only by respecting students can we gain their trust in you. For example, when the students have difficulties in answering the questions raised by the teacher, the teacher must use his heart to enlighten the students and inspire their thinking. He must not simply ask the students to sit down. He must create conditions for the students to answer correctly, so that the students can enjoy success and experience the happiness after mastering knowledge. In addition, through the study of this book, I also get inspiration. I think to improve classroom efficiency, teachers must optimize the classroom structure of their subjects. First of all, a lively and enterprising learning atmosphere should be formed to change learning from dead to living. Teachers should mobilize students' enthusiasm for learning, enrich knowledge and enhance intelligence in a good learning atmosphere. Secondly, students' learning needs should be met. Students have different learning bases, potentials and levels, and their learning needs are also different, so they should be treated differently in teaching. Some need advice, some need guidance, some need encouragement, and some need remedial lessons. Especially for students with poor learning foundation and slow acceptance ability, teachers should be good at finding and filling gaps, and work hard. Finally, it is necessary to reduce the burden of students and develop their personality. They should not only learn hard, but also learn easily. In short, this is a very helpful book for our teaching work. Through learning, it helped me a lot. I understand that in the future teaching, I should first improve my own quality, influence children with my own body and mind, induce children's passion with my own passion, infect children with my own enthusiasm, make students and my heart correspond and coordinate, establish good teacher student relations, create good teaching situations, and teachers and students learn in a harmonious atmosphere, Try to improve learning efficiency.

Conversation with teachers (4)

Comments on Conversation with Teachers

Recently saw the Soviet column? Symbol? Zankov's "Conversation with Teachers". When I first read the book Conversation with Teachers, I found it very boring and I was not interested in reading it. However, after reading it patiently and carefully, I didn't expect that there were still many gains and inspirations.

"Teacher" is the most glorious profession under the sun. How to be a successful teacher? This is a problem that many educators think about, and it is also the goal of life. First of all, be a "teacher that students like". If a teacher is successful, you can ask the student "Do you like this teacher?" If the student says yes, then the teacher is successful. This is very reasonable. It is the experience summed up through many teachers' personal experience. If a teacher wants to have a profound educational impact on students, he must first make students "love" themselves, Only "the teacher enjoys the deep love of students. In the eyes of students, the teacher is not only a knowledgeable person, but also a person who wholeheartedly wants to teach his rich knowledge to students. This will create an atmosphere of mutual goodwill, mutual respect and fraternity, which will bring benefits to teaching and help to complete the educational task." If the teacher is lack of love, but because he is strict, the students in his class always obey the discipline and look good. He is also obedient to the teacher. On the surface, he looks good. Such prestige is "false prestige". As Makarenko said, "The overwhelming prestige is one kind of false prestige. The false prestige of teachers can only help maintain the class's superficial discipline, but in fact it does not have a profound educational impact."

The atmosphere of mutual goodwill between teachers and students requires students to respect teachers sincerely. Not only should fraternity not weaken discipline, but on the contrary, it should consolidate discipline so that students can better abide by the school system. In this case, it is not a system of superficial discipline and formal compliance with the provisions. The behavior of students comes from their internal inducement, from their awareness of their obligations in front of the class and teachers.

If you want to make students more educated and influenced by teachers, you have to "let students like themselves." We all hope that our students have good character and knowledge, so that one day when we meet the students who have taught before in the street, they still have deep respect and deep love for you, which is what a gratifying thing. Walk on the road of "education" and let the flowers of love pave the way! Sow the seeds of love and reap the fruits of love. I will try my best to be a teacher that students like!