Debate on whether the open book is beneficial (17 articles)
Dream Awakening Fairy Tales
2024-03-07 04:02:45
Senior One
reaction to a book or an article

Debate on whether open book is beneficial (1)

Ding Lingling... After class, the teacher came into the classroom and said, "Today, we are going to hold a debate. The topic is whether it is beneficial to open the book." The class suddenly burst into boiling. Some said that opening the book must be beneficial, and some said that opening the book may not be beneficial. Everyone is talking about "please come to the stage to debate the pros and cons." The teacher shouted. The main debater on the right side is me, who has a good language foundation, and my teammates: Yang Xiaofei, Ma Xiaoyi, Li Shumei and Guo Yawen. The other side's debating friends are Li Haochen, Si Haonan, Wu Guochao, Huo Zishuai and Huang Bowen. To me, they are Zhang Fei eating bean sprouts - a piece of cake. Although I am confident that it is easy for me to defeat the opponent's debater, I am still nervous. My heart is like a "jumping mouse", ready to jump out.

I took the initiative: "Books are the nutrition of the world. We are now a young plant waiting to absorb nutrition. Only by reading and enriching extracurricular knowledge can we absorb nutrition and grow into a towering tree.

Li Haochen immediately retorted: "But what good and what effect do you get from reading meaningless books? Reading unhealthy books will make your pure mind dirty. What I just said is our point of view." Opening a book may not be beneficial. "

Yang Xiaofei said, "Books are the ladder of human progress. The whole world is working hard and making progress. If you don't read, you will fall behind others and never catch up with them.

Wu Guochao said: "Some people read comic books and other books, which caused them not to pay attention to the lectures in class. They were obsessed with learning, and even thought that they had wings and flew down from the sky... This is all caused by books, so it is not necessarily beneficial to open the book."

Li Shumei said, "It's probably not enough to just read good books that are useful. Only by daring to try, being willing to accept books from different aspects, and drawing rich nutrition from books, can we improve ourselves more comprehensively and withstand challenges in many aspects. If you limit the types of books and the purposes of reading before you start reading, you will still be malnourished even though it is useful.

Si Haonan said, "So you approved of our reading cartoons?"

Ma Xiaoyi said, "Cartoons are for entertainment. It is also appropriate for us to relax after intense study."

Huang Bowen said, "Of course, reading can help people increase their knowledge, but opening a book is only under beneficial conditions, not just any book. Liu Xiang of the Han Dynasty once said, 'Books are like medicine, and good reading can cure fools.' Since books are medicine, they have two functions: one is good medicine, which can cure diseases; the other is poison, which can kill people. Isn't it not necessarily beneficial to open a book?

We quarreled red faced and nobody would let anyone. The students also listened with interest.

At last, the teacher made a final conclusion: "'A good book is better than a treasure, and a bad book is worse than a robber.' Therefore, whether it is beneficial to open a book must first look at what books to open. Taking medicine is beneficial to the body, but also has side effects. Reading is beneficial, but also has dross. A philosopher once said that people who can take the necessary nutrition are healthier than those who eat a lot. At the same time, real scholars are often not people who read books, but people who can read. " There was warm applause from the audience.

What an interesting lesson!

Debate on whether open book is beneficial (2)

Today, we had an interesting lesson - the debate on "Is Open Book Beneficial?".

After class, the students were divided into two groups: red and blue. The red side argues that opening is beneficial, while the blue side argues that opening is not all beneficial.

First, the topic was initiated by the Red Party. A member of the Red Party said many famous quotes about reading. For example, books are the ladder of human progress. Reading breaks through thousands of volumes, and writing is like a spirit He also said a lot of useful words about reading, hoping to suppress the prestige of the other party and let his side win. But the other side showed no weakness and showed no intention of wavering. Every word you say and every word I say will put down the "prestige" of the Red Party. Fortunately, everyone in the red square was very eloquent and soon caught up. Sometimes, the red side and the blue side will be in a mess. The red side helps the blue side to speak, and the blue side helps the red side to speak, resulting in a lot of jokes. The whole class laughed their heads off, but the Red and Blue teams had forgotten the theme.

The debate between the two sides was so wonderful that even the teacher could not judge who was good and who was bad, and who lost and who won. However, I don't think it is all beneficial to open the book. Because opening a book is beneficial, which means it must be beneficial; And open book is not beneficial, neither positive nor negative. Some bad books are really harmful to us, but not all books are harmful to us. Some books are still very conducive to our learning and reading. If it is beneficial to open a book, reading too many books will lead you into a frenzy and your grades will plummet. So I don't think open book is all beneficial.

The debate was very exciting. In fact, opening the book is also beneficial, but we have to read selectively rather than blindly.

Debate on whether open book is beneficial (3)

On the afternoon of September 12, our class held a debate with the theme of "Is it beneficial to open a book?".

In the first class of the afternoon, the debate will start on time. First, we will make an opening statement. I stood up easily and said fluently: "Our point of view is useful to open the book, because if we don't read, how can Chairman Mao lead us to victory..." The opposing debater was also unwilling to lag behind. He stood up and looked at me with eager eyes, and then began to elaborate his point of view. In this link, the teacher gave us the same score and put forward suggestions. The next step is the question and answer session. The debaters on both sides will not give way to each other. It's like a needle, a wheat awn - tit for tat. Each debater is eloquent, and "skillful" is chosen for "opportunity"; You see, the opposing debater Huang Yanrong raised a question that he thought was very tricky: if you read some martial arts novels and compete with others, is it still useful to open the volume? The audience below listened carefully without saying a word, waiting for the debater to answer the question. This is, those who support the righteous side are worried about us; Those who support the opposition feel a twinge of joy.

At this moment, the debater answered intelligently: "That's a question of self-control, not a question of books." Suddenly, the sender seemed to be gagged and didn't know what to say. You come and I go. After three rounds, our side is ten times more than the opposing side. But I didn't expect that several students were whispering. When they asked, they were just supporters. Alas! It's gone. In my heart, I beat these students a thousand times, but I couldn't help it. It was too late to regret it, so I had to devote myself to the following free debate. In this link, each student volunteered to ask questions and answer. Since the support rate of the opposing side is too low and the opposing side is outnumbered, it gradually becomes unbearable, but the scores are the same. Therefore, we turned our final hope to Wu Jingjing, the four debaters, but it is still a tie. The teacher had to announce an extra match. In the last game, every debater had only one word in his heart - win. After fierce competition, Mr. Wu announced that Zhengfang won! We were overjoyed, while the opposing side was downcast. Some even said that they supported the right side and argued with their deskmates. But from their faces, it was obvious that they were extremely disappointed.

In this activity, we exercised our eloquence, whether we win or lose, we are the best!

Debate on whether open book is beneficial (4)

Today, our class held a wonderful debate,

Whether open book is useful for debate.

Cao Qingtian, the host, said, "People all say, 'It's good to open a book.' But some people say, 'It's not necessarily good to open a book. Reading unhealthy books is harmful.' Now Group 1 and 2 are the right side, supporting the opening of a book is good; Group 3 and 4 are the wrong side, supporting the opening of a book is not necessarily good. Let's have a debate!"

Zhengfang said first: "Books are the ladder of human progress, and books are the source of human life. Reading can help people increase their knowledge and understand many truths, so it is beneficial to open a book.".

The opposing side retorted: "Reading is not always good. There are some pornographic and pirated books in today's society, and reading those bad books will lead us astray. Therefore, sometimes opening a book may not be beneficial, but harmful."

The two sides argued neck and neck. Zhengfang gave another example: Marx benefited a lot from opening the book. He successively studied law, history and philosophy in Bonn University and Berlin University, so he made two unprecedented great discoveries in the subsequent revolution. In order to write the theory of capital, he read more than 1000 books from his own collection, and also went to the British Museum to read books about three rooms. At this time, there was thunderous applause in the classroom.

The bell rang after class, and the host announced: "This is the end of the debate." Through this debate, I understand that although most books are good, "there are dead branches", and there are always bad ones. We must read selectively in order to truly "open the book for good".

Grade 5: Huang Han

Debate on whether open book is beneficial (5)

On a sunny morning, white clouds float in the sapphire sky.

On this beautiful morning, our class was having a heated debate. First, Han Jiahui presided over the announcement. Then, let's invite Zhao Hanzhi to recite the rules of the competition on the stage. Finally, Han Jiahui announced again: the competition begins.

At the beginning, it is to shout slogans. First of all, there was the right side. With the slogan of the right side, "Shuxiang Team, we will win!", my opponent was also unconvinced and shouted, "Zhuge Liang Team, march forward bravely, we will win!" Unfortunately, at the beginning of our opposition, many people were a little timid, so from the beginning, we fell behind a little.

At the beginning, Wang Mingxuan (a righteous debater) replied: "Gorky said, 'Books are the ladder of human progress.' Reading more will increase knowledge and broaden horizons. Chairman Mao can only make New China founded by reading military books well. World famous Bacon said, 'Historical learning makes people wise.' Poetry makes people smart, mathematics makes people careful, natural resources make people profound, and ethics makes people solemn. ”... Therefore, we believe that "opening the book is beneficial", the main force of our opponents is unconvinced, and they are fighting fiercely with the "enemy" Shuxiang team with their wisdom of "little Zhuge".

The horn of "battle" sounded! The competition between our "Little Zhuge" team and the orthodox "Shuxiang team" has become more intense! As soon as you speak, as soon as I speak, we will find each other's loopholes, and find loopholes that others do not notice. From his (her) loopholes, we can turn defeat into victory, and make the "enemy" speechless.

Sometimes, when the right side hears about the loopholes of the opposite side, or when the opposite side hears about the loopholes of the right side, it can easily defeat the other side with one sentence.

Finally, the most exciting moment came. A teacher announced who won the championship. The result disappointed us. We got a draw, but we will continue to work hard.

You may also like it: my opinion on whether it is beneficial to open a book or not

Debate on whether open book is beneficial (6)

Is it beneficial to open the book


"Bell -- bell -- bell --" After class, the teacher came into the classroom and said to us: "The debate on whether it is beneficial to open a book is now beginning. The positive side is in favor of opening a book, but the negative side is in favor of opening a book may not be beneficial. Now let the students talk about whether they are the positive side or the negative side, and give reasons." As soon as the voice ended, Lin Yu stood up, He said, "I agree that opening the book is beneficial. My Li Tian is..." When the student finished, another student stood up again and said, "I object. My reason is..." So on and so on, the students all talked about their own opinions, and their faces were red and their ears were red. The students here also listened carefully to the words of the students who spoke. At this time, I stood up, He said, "I agree that opening a book may not be beneficial. My reason is that if we primary school students read some books that are harmful to our health and our motherland, it will harm them. We should stop those who read useless books and tell them not to read those useless books. Useful books are our friends, and useless books are our enemies." Then, Several more students stood up and gave their reasons

Then, one student stood up and said, "Now I will sum up the reasons of the above students. Both the positive and negative students are right..." After the student said that, several other students stood up and gave their conclusions respectively.

"Ringing bell" The bell rang after class, the debate ended, and the students left the classroom one after another.

Debate on whether open book is beneficial (7)

Chapter One

Today, our class had an excellent debate.

Cao Qingtian, the host, said, "People all say, 'It's good to open a book.' But some people say, 'It's not necessarily good to open a book. Reading unhealthy books is harmful.' Now Group 1 and 2 are the right side, supporting the opening of a book is good; Group 3 and 4 are the wrong side, supporting the opening of a book is not necessarily good. Let's have a debate!"

Zhengfang said first: "Books are the way for human beings to improve, and books are the source of human life. Reading can help people increase their knowledge and understand many truths, so it is beneficial to open a book."

The opposing side retorted: "Reading is not always good. There are some pornographic and pirated books in today's society. Reading those bad books will lead us astray. Therefore, sometimes opening a book may not be beneficial, but harmful."

The two sides argued neck and neck. Zhengfang gave another example: Marx benefited a lot from opening the book. He successively studied law, history and philosophy in Bonn University and Berlin University, so he made two unprecedented great discoveries in the subsequent revolution. In order to write the theory of capital, he read more than 1000 books in his collection, and went to the British Museum to read books in three rooms. At this time, there was thunderous applause in the classroom.

The bell rang after class, and the host announced: "This is the end of the debate." Through this debate, I understand that although most books are good, "big trees have dead branches", and there is always something bad in them. We must read selectively in order to truly "open the book for good". I hope you can enjoy it!

Chapter 2

In the afternoon of the obsidian day, our class held a new debate on whether it was beneficial to open the book.

The class suddenly burst into a boil. Some said that it would be beneficial to open the book, while others said that it might not be beneficial. Debates came out of the classroom of Class 5 (6).

We girls are on the right side and boys are on the wrong side. When we see boys, we feel a little weak. Only two or three of them have information in their hands. The teacher started with a sound, which made us girls have some excitement, and at the beginning, we gave the boys a challenge. Then, the boys began to contradict us. One shot from you, one shot from me, and the soldiers came to stop us. The water came to cover up the ground. Neither of us would be outdone. Under the onslaught of boys, we had to build a solid firewall.

The boy was choked back by our words, but suddenly Sun Qing sent his words to the black market again. Teacher Gao said, "Who will buy books on the black market? This is so. The attack was ineffective. Finally, the boy was speechless and ended up with no answer.

The "bell bell" rang after class, and the debate ended. The students came out of the classroom one after another. This debate gave me great inspiration.

Chapter 3

"Bell -- bell -- bell --" After class, the teacher came into the classroom and said to us: "The debate on whether it is beneficial to open a book is now beginning. The positive side is in favor of opening a book, but the negative side is in favor of opening a book may not be beneficial. Now let the students talk about whether they are the positive side or the negative side, and give reasons." As soon as the speech ended, Lin Yu stood up, He said, "I agree that opening the book is beneficial. My Li Tian is..." After this student said that, another student stood up again and said, "I object, my reason is..." By analogy, the students all talked about it in a voluble way, and their reasons all expressed their own opinions. They all fought with each other, and the students here also listened carefully to the words of the students who spoke. At this time, I stood up, He said, "I agree that opening a book may not be beneficial. My reason is that if we primary school students read some books that are harmful to our health, and those that are harmful to our motherland, it is our own harm. We should stop those who read useless books, and tell them not to read those useless books. Useful books are our friends, and useless books are our enemies." Then, Several more students stood up and gave their reasons

Then, one student stood up and said, "Now I will sum up the reasons of the above students. Both the positive and negative students are right..." After the student said that, several other students stood up and gave their conclusions respectively.

"Ringing bell" The bell rang after class, the debate ended, and the students left the classroom one after another.

Debate on whether open book is beneficial (8)

The ancients said, "It is beneficial to open a book." Indeed, extensive reading can make people have profound knowledge, eloquence and respect. Do you agree with this view?

Composition 1:

Today is a special day, because today our teacher asked us to hold a debate.

Finally, in the Chinese class, the teacher wrote six words on the blackboard, "Is it beneficial to open a book?" This is the theme of our debate. The teacher selected 5 positive players and 5 negative players to debate the two topics of "opening the book is beneficial" or "opening the book may not be beneficial".

The debate began. The leader of Zhengfang sent Liu Huiguang, the "iron tooth" of our class. As soon as he came on the stage, he said: "A book is like a glass of water, you can't stop drinking water, can you. The opposition sent Wang Chengjin, the drool king of our class, and he said, "What if that glass of water is a cup of poisonous water? It will not only hurt our bodies, but also destroy our kind hearts!" The opposing cheerleaders also applauded happily.

Now it's a tense time. At this time, Zhengfang sent our monitor. She said, "The ancient Du Fu said, 'Reading breaks ten thousand volumes, and there is a pen like spirit.' If Du Fu didn't read when he was young, would he become such a poet?" The opposite side replied: "I saw a person in a book. Because I read some bad books, I killed my family and caught myself. So we should read meaningful books."

In the end, the opposition won the game with a little advantage. I also summed up the truth that reading must choose meaningful books in order to benefit our healthy growth.

Composition 2:

"Bell~~~~~" The clear class bell rang, and a debate about "whether it is beneficial to open a book" began in a tense and intense atmosphere. Chen Yinghao took the initiative: "In this information-based world, reading is one of the main ways for us to acquire knowledge. More reading can broaden our knowledge, enrich our literary cultivation, and greatly help us to speak and write in the future." Lin Zhouxuan said aggressively: "The ancients said:" It's good to open a book. "Indeed, we can't deny this. However, in modern society, we do not understand the ancient saying that "opening a book is beneficial", because we think that "opening a book may not be beneficial". Of course, the saying that "reading is not necessarily beneficial" does not mean that reading more books is not beneficial, but that reading more unhealthy books will have an impact on the body and mind, which is not beneficial. When you read more unhealthy books, your poisoning will become deeper and deeper, which will lead to your downfall. You will never have a chance to turn over. What a tragic fate! 1

After he finished, everyone remembered the applause. Some people nodded, and some people whispered. Chen Yinghao also refused to be outdone: "We all know that good books are good for us. So what we need to demonstrate is: whether the so-called bad books have some benefits of their own? As for the benefits of reading, they are so great that people can understand them thoroughly, change their mistakes, move towards a bright road, and achieve success; It is small enough to learn several writing methods, a few words, or even be familiar with a few words. These are the benefits of reading and can not be denied. So no matter how bad it is, you can at least learn some writing methods in the so-called bad books, and you can be familiar with a few words even if you are poor. Can you say that it is useless? Lin Zhouxuan also said, "What if many teenagers read books they shouldn't read and go on the road to crime? Chen Yinghao and Lin Zhouxuan argued with each other one by one. What we can add and what we can find is the information. Finally, the teacher asked us to sum up. Le Benjia said," Books are friends of mankind. 1 Zhou Haonan said, "Some books will hurt people! 1?

Although this debate is difficult for us to distinguish, but let me know that reading must have a choice, to read good books, Du Hao bad books, the future service to the motherland!! Famous teacher's comment: In a debate about "opening a book is beneficial", the young writer launched a narrative through the fierce speeches of the representatives of both sides. With the fierce speeches of the representatives of both sides, together with the audience's expressions, psychology and other descriptions, a fierce battle was presented brilliantly. It was really well matched! The article is appropriate in detail and vivid in language. If the small author can first give a general introduction to the debate, such as the theme of the debate, the general introduction of the debate site, etc., then give a detailed description of the key figures and the exciting process, and finally give a complete summary of the debate. Then the complete structure of the article will be more complete, so that readers will see it more clearly.

Composition 3:

Books are the gateway to human improvement, the need for social development, the driving force for world improvement and even the need for all to move forward. It can change a person from bad to good, but whether it is beneficial to open the book or not, a fierce debate was held today to see who wins and who loses.

We think it is beneficial to open the book. There are many small writers in the class who write articles. Doesn't the material structure come from books? The opposing debaters were on a par. Zou Hanyu picked up the comic book, and Zheng Zheng said, "We think that opening the comic book may not be beneficial! If you think about Japanese comics without control, you will fall into it. There are bad behaviors such as violence in it, which will lead to the imitation of primary school students." I thought to myself: Hum, eating pears is good for the lungs, eating dates is good for the stomach, but also has side effects, and there are three kinds of poisons.

I hesitated for a moment, then stood up nervously and confidently and said, "As the saying goes, there is a golden house in books. As long as you open books, you will gain knowledge. You can read more books, which can broaden your vision and cultivate your sentiment. So we are absolutely sure that reading books can be useful for opening books. Can't we win some good books?

But Li Pengxiang retorted, "But primary school students have no uniform power. What should we do on the bad side?"? The audience applauded. It caused a stir. The roof was barely lifted. Huang Ziting replied, "How old are you?" "12 years old" They said difficultly, "You 12 years old people have no control!" Her tone was discriminatory and questioning. The applause from the audience was even more intense, and the house collapsed.

This is a unique debate. It seems that everything is a double-edged sword. It can cure diseases and be toxic, just like medicine. Reading is also good for opening a book. But we can't open the book at a loss, learning the good side and losing the bad side.

Debate on whether open book is beneficial (9)

It is beneficial to open a book. As long as it is not a bad book that is harmful to us, but a good book that is beneficial to us, we should use our spare time to read more, read more, and dabble widely, from which we can experience the great fun and infinite benefits that books bring us. Now let's take a look at the composition of the debate on whether opening the book is beneficial.

Write down an open book debate on whether it is beneficial Composition 1:

Bacon, a world famous person, said: "Historical reference makes people wise; poetry makes people skillful and intelligent; mathematics makes people refined; natural history makes people profound; theoretical study makes people solemn; rhetoric and logic make people good at debating." This can be summed up in one word: opening a book is beneficial.

Why is it beneficial to open the book? It's good to open a book. In popular terms, reading is good. Why is reading good? Because knowledge is power, knowledge is wealth. Reading is not only an important way to acquire knowledge, but also a way to know the truth. Reading can enrich our knowledge, increase our intelligence, and make us understand things clearly.

The famous Soviet scientist Ziolkovsky, who is engaged in theoretical research on interstellar navigation, is known as the "father of the universe". When he was a teenager, he suffered from scarlatina complications and was unfortunately deaf and expelled from school. Later, he went to Moscow to study by himself every day. Once he participated in the assessment of middle school teachers, people were amazed by his mathematical ability. The principal asked him, "Who is your teacher?" Ziolkovsky replied with a smile, "Books are my teachers!"

Reading makes people improve. Lv Meng in the Three Kingdoms can best confirm this point. Lu Meng had no chance to study since he was a child. Later, after many battles, he became a doctor. Once Wu Tian and Sun Quan said to him, "You are in charge now. You should study hard to improve." Lv Meng listened to Sun Quan's advice, studied hard and improved quickly. So when meeting Lu Su, Lu Su said with emotion: "On the third day of farewell, when you look at us with new eyes, you are not Lu Meng who was in Wu."

Marx, the great philosopher, benefited a lot when he opened his book. He studied history and philosophy in Bonn University and Berlin University successively, so he could make two unprecedented great discoveries in the revolutionary flow in the future. He wrote (Das Kapital) and read more than 1000 books from his collection. He also went to the British Museum to read three rooms of books.

The above examples are enough to show that "opening a book is beneficial". But we must study selectively, otherwise, it is not only useless, but harmful.

We are the hope and future of our country. In order to make our country richer and stronger, we must read more books. Moreover, it is now a knowledge economy society. Without knowledge, society cannot develop and the country cannot become rich and strong.

Students, read! It will bring you infinite knowledge and happiness!!!

Write down an open book debate on whether it is beneficial Composition 2:

The British philosopher Bacon once said: "History makes people wise, poetry makes people clever, mathematics makes people refined, natural history makes people profound, theory makes people solemn, rhetoric and logic make people good at debating." This sentence means that it is beneficial to open a book.

Liu Xiang said, "Reading is like medicine, and good reading can cure fools." This sentence shows that reading can make people wise. Lin Haiyin, the author of the text "The Story of Stealing and Reading" we learned, had a difficult family premise when she was young. She had no money to buy books, but she did not give up her dream of reading. She insisted on reading in the bookstore every day. Mr. Lincoln, the sixteenth president of the United States, was born in a poor family. His family had no money to buy books, so he often went to his neighbor's uncle's house to borrow books. Once he accidentally got the book wet. In order to express his apology, he worked at his uncle's house for three days. His uncle saw that he was sincere, so he gave the book to him. Gorky was just a boy in the shop at the beginning. If he didn't insist on reading, he would not have comprehensive knowledge and excellent writing skills. I didn't like reading books for myself before. It was my mother who read them to me. Since the establishment of the school newsletter blog, Mr. Zhao has also repeatedly exaggerated the importance of reading. Now I love reading more and more. With books, my life becomes colorful. Reading makes my vocabulary rich. Speaking in order, reading also makes me understand the right and wrong in the world.

"Read thousands of books and travel thousands of miles." Our knowledge is like a reservoir. A large amount of reading enables our reservoir to store a large amount of knowledge. While we are adding knowledge, knowledge is constantly leaking out. At this time, if we stop reading or read less, the reservoir will soon be exhausted. Only constant and abundant extracurricular reading can make one's knowledge increasingly abundant without losing a lot. At the same time, a lot of knowledge can provide enough materials for composition. With more reading, my composition has also improved greatly.

There are many small bookworms in our class, so our thoughts are very active and our personalities are very bright. From the recent blog, I found that the students read a lot of books and wrote excellent articles! This is the result of persisting in reading. If we decide on the type of books and the purpose of reading before reading, even though it is useful to read, I'm afraid that no amount of it will cause malnutrition. Therefore, we have been advocating "full nutrition reading". I like to read picture books, children's literature, science fiction, animal novels, comics, magazines such as The King of Adventure, Little Holmes, Little Nobel, etc. These books bring me a lot of happiness.

As the saying goes, "Learning is like sailing against the current. If we do not advance, we will fall back." Only by reading various books without interruption can we acquire comprehensive knowledge. Reading will sublimate people's minds, purify their hearts and improve their quality. Every time I read a book, I would like to make a good friend. In the future, I will read more books, read good books, and read them repeatedly, so that I can read the truth in the book and become a cultured person.

Write down an open book debate on whether it is beneficial Composition 3:

In the afternoon of September 12, our class held a debate on the topic of "Is it beneficial to open a book?".

In the first lesson of the afternoon, the debate will start on time. First, we will make an opening statement. I stood up easily and said fluently: "Our point of view is useful to open the book, because if we don't read, Chairman Mao can't lead us to victory..." The opposing debater was also unwilling to lag behind. He stood up and looked at me with eager eyes, and then began to elaborate his point of view. In this link, the teacher gave us the same score and put forward suggestions. The next step is the question and answer session. The debaters on both sides will not give way to each other. It's like a needle, a wheat awn - tit for tat. Each debater is eloquent, and "skillful" is chosen for "opportunity"; You see, the opposing debater Huang Yanrong raised a question that he thought was very tricky: if he read some martial arts novels and competed with others, would it be useful to open the volume? The audience below listened carefully without saying a word, waiting for the debater to answer the question. This is, those who support the righteous side are worried about us; Those who support the opposition feel a twinge of joy. At this moment, the debater answered intelligently: "That's a question of self-control, not a question of books." When sorting out, the sender seemed to be gagged and didn't know what to say. You come and I go. After three rounds, our side is ten times more than the opposing side. But I didn't expect that several students were whispering. When they asked, they were just supporters. Alas! It's gone. In my heart, I beat these students a thousand times, but I couldn't help it. It was too late to regret it, so I had to devote myself to the following free debate. In this link, each student volunteered to ask questions and answer. Because the support rate of the opposing side is too low and the opposing side is outnumbered, it will be unbearable slowly, but the scores are the same. So we turned our final hope to Wu Jingjing, the four debaters, but still no winner or loser. The teacher had to announce an extra match. In the last game, every debater had only one word in his heart - win. After fierce competition, Mr. Wu announced that Zhengfang won! We were overjoyed, while the opposite side was listless. Some even said that they supported the right side and argued with their deskmates. However, from their faces, we could see the incomparable disappointment.

In this flow, we have exercised our eloquence, whether we win or lose, we are the best!

Debate on whether open book is beneficial (10)

On the obsidian day, Class 5 (4) held a debate in the classroom, and the staff participating were Chen Yingyi, Liu Zixiang, Zeng Zibin, Zeng Jincan, Liu Yuxin, Mao Yuyang, Lin Jianeng, and Li Jiachan.

Today, the topic of our debate is whether it is beneficial to open the book. The theme has been written on our blackboard, and the desks in the classroom have been placed. The host, Ouyang, officially announced: "The debate will officially begin!"

First of all, let the square debate to show his attitude. The square debate loudly said: "Everyone knows the famous saying of Du Fu, a poet of the Tang Dynasty, 'Reading breaks thousands of volumes, writing like a god.' Books are the crystallization of human intelligence, the summary of human historical experience, and the reflection of social life. Reading can fully understand the meaning of life. How can Party B say that "reading is useless?"

The opposite side also raised his head and said: "Today's students may like to read martial arts and romance novels, books and periodicals, and be fascinated by them. In this way, they will concentrate on books in class, and their grades will plummet. Therefore, opening the book may not be beneficial."

During the free debate, Zeng Zibin said, "Even if you can't read a good book, you can learn a few words, and you can also learn how to write a composition. So we thought opening the book would be beneficial." After that, the students applauded.

The game is getting better and better. It's time for the game. The host said: "Everyone performed very well, but the winner was the right side."

This debate let me know that we should choose good and healthy books to read, reject bad books and bad behaviors, and improve our eloquence and ability to argue.

Debate on whether open book is beneficial (11)

After the Chinese class ended this morning, Mr. Zhang walked onto the platform and said to us: "This afternoon, we will have a debate on self-study. Around the pros and cons of 'opening the book is beneficial' and 'opening the book may not be beneficial', put the table in place during the big event." After the teacher said, we shouted happily: "OK, teacher!"

In the afternoon, when the self-study class began, the teacher walked onto the platform and said, "Our debate will begin now. In this debate, we let the pros and cons put forward their views. We must explain our own ideas and convince people with reason. Understand?"

Just after the teacher finished speaking, our righteous classmate Xiao Xin stood up and said, "I think it is beneficial to open the book, because people say that 'books are the ladder of human progress', books can enrich our knowledge and cultivate our sentiments, so I think it must be beneficial to open the book.", Stand up and say: "The other side's argument friend's point of view, well, I don't agree, because now there are many, many bad books flooded the book market, and many students read such books, so they go to crime."

I saw him stand up after he finished speaking and said, "No, I think it's good to open the book. The great poet Du Fu said, 'Reading breaks ten thousand volumes, writing like a god'. Confucius also said, 'Be quick and eager to learn, and don't be ashamed to ask questions'.' Reading a good book is talking to many noble people '. This is what Goethe said."

The opposite student, Xiao Zhang, stood up and said, "Hey, hey, big brother, this is a debate, and whether the debate will let you show famous quotes." Our student Xiao Yang here said, "Why can't you use famous quotes? You haven't read a book, and don't know that there is such a famous quote. Reading is a special drug for talking about emotional anemia, calcium deficiency, and mental meningitis. It can cure your illness. "

I stood up again and said, "Reading can make us more knowledgeable. If we don't go out, we can know the world. Reading can also improve our reading ability and writing level. Reading can also make us become cultured. Do you think reading is good? Do you think opening a book is good?"


"Tink, Tink, Tink!" Oh, when the bell rang, the teacher signaled to stop. She walked to the platform and said to us: "What a good thing everyone said, and I agree with everyone's views. We should read more books, read good books, and read good books. Let books grow with us." As soon as the teacher finished, the whole class heard a storm of applause.

What a heated debate!

Debate on whether open book is beneficial (12)

"Bell..." The clear bell rang, and a debate about "whether it is beneficial to open a book" began in a tense and intense atmosphere.

Party B's classmates started the "war" first. "Reading is not necessarily beneficial. If you read some unhealthy books, it will do you no good. It is not only bad for you, but also affects people around you."

Party A's students are also unwilling to be outdone: "Gorky said, 'Books are the ladder of human progress', and human beings can not do without books, otherwise, where do those high technologies come from? So as long as you read more, you can expand your knowledge, increase your knowledge, and know the world without going out."

"Well said, so handsome!" The students who listened with interest burst into warm applause.

Party B's classmate said anxiously, "Hum, if you read comic books in class, you will spend all your time and energy on reading comic books, which will affect your study. In my opinion, reading comic books is not good. This comic book should not be published!"

Party A's classmate did not panic and said: "It's OK to read comic books, but we should read them at different times. Besides, we can learn at least a few words, words and sentences from comic books, which is also a kind of learning."

"Ringing bell......" The bell rings after class. The teacher stood up slowly and said: "Everyone grasped their own themes and expressed their own opinions in this debate. The teacher believed that whether it is beneficial to open a book, we should first look at what books to open. Taking medicine is beneficial to the body, but it also has side effects. Reading is beneficial, but there are also bad meals. A philosopher once said that people who can take the necessary nutrition are healthier than those who eat a lot. At the same time, real scholars are often not people who read books, but people who can read. " There was warm applause from the audience.

What an interesting lesson!

Debate on whether open book is beneficial (13)

Gorky once said: "Books are the ladder of human progress." However, with the gradual improvement of people's living standards, some yellow and bad books have also taken their place in the book sea. In today's 21st century, is it necessarily beneficial to open the book?

Today, Mr. Tang specially held a debate on this topic - is it beneficial to open the book? The main argument is that it is beneficial to open a book. The argument of the opposing side is that opening a book may not be beneficial.

Teacher Tang said, "Today, girls are the villain and boys are the right side." So we talked for a long time around the topic of "Open book may not be beneficial". In the first link, the debate (advocate) expressed his own views. Teacher Tang said: "Although 'opening the book is beneficial' is an idiom, we believe that if you open the book blindly, it may not be beneficial." Well, it is really a debate, and speaking is to hit the nail on the head. The second debate started to attack our "fortress": "Why is it useless to read?" Ye Yixin stood up calmly and expressed her views clearly; The positive side was still unwilling to argue: "Even in bad books, we can still find some good words and sentences." Chen Yiren stood up again and loudly refuted him: "Some people are attracted by some plots in the book, imitate the characters in the book, and sometimes go to the path of crime, which does more harm than good!" "Good!" I gave her a thumbs up.

In the free debate, I finally found my foothold. I listened to their debate and suddenly remembered what my mother had said to me before, so I organized the language and stood up in a hurry, He quickly stated: "In some comic books, a lot of onomatopoeia is used, but the main content is very little. Once there was such a thing: a college entrance examination student who likes reading comic books used a lot of 'squeak' when describing mice, and the main content is also very little. As a result, he only got one or two points, so that he did not go to college. What do you think about this?" I finished, He sat down proudly. The boys were stunned by my tricky question. They scratched their heads and scratched their heads, but could not think of any words to answer. Hee hee, it seems that I can become a lawyer in the future! "I declare," Mr. Tang said solemnly, "that the girls won the debate on 'opening the book is beneficial' with a score of 4:0." Yeah! "We girls applauded each other, brimming with happiness; On the other hand, some of the boys complained to each other, some looked at us angrily, and some pretended to be OK

Debate on whether open book is beneficial (14)

"Ding Ling Ling" the class bell rang. The classroom is noisy, like a vegetable market. Because this is a fierce debate that is about to begin. The theme is: whether it is beneficial to open a book. Do you want to have a look?

The long-awaited debate finally began. The classroom was silent, with a tense and excited atmosphere. First of all, representatives of both sides made speeches. Zheng Fang Guo Litao stood up and said, "Reading breaks through thousands of volumes, and writing is like a god. Who among many famous people in ancient times didn't like reading?"? Our Liu Qizhang said slowly, "There are both good books and bad books. Many people commit crimes because of their bad behavior in learning books. Therefore, I don't think it is all beneficial to open books."

The second part is free debate. The right side has come to preempt. Liu Taiyu argued confidently, and he said it well. We are not willing to be outdone. Liu Qizhang stepped forward and said: "A good book can also become a bad book if it is shown to a person who has an unhealthy attitude." The right side Liao Zhien fiercely retorted. However, this did not make us admit defeat. We, Jialiang, told our own point of view and spoke in a coherent manner. The pros and cons fought with each other and tried their best. Some of you are immersed in the manuscript to see if there is any reason to refute it; Some listen carefully to what the other side has said and refute the loopholes; Some whispered with their classmates nearby. Each side will play a trick. At the most critical moment of the debate, both sides used the "killer mace". Finally, the two sides were even.

The third link is Zeng Yancheng's summary of this debate. It says: "When reading, you should choose a good book, not a bad one." I agree with this very much. There are good books and bad books. Choose a good book to keep your body and mind healthy. Choose a bad book to lead you astray. Therefore, we should carefully choose books that are beneficial to us.

This debate is really wonderful. I really hope there will be such a debate next time.

Debate on whether open book is beneficial (15)

"Ringing bell", the clear class bell rang, and a debate on "whether the advantages of primary school students' Internet access outweigh the disadvantages or the disadvantages outweigh the advantages" began in a tense and intense atmosphere.

On the blackboard, the teacher wrote down the words "The advantages of pupils surfing the Internet outweigh the disadvantages or the disadvantages outweigh the advantages". The students were puzzled and began to talk in a low voice. The teacher said with a smile, "Let's debate this topic in this class, OK? Those who support primary school students to access the Internet are the right side, and those who do not support primary school students to access the Internet are the wrong side." As soon as the teacher's words were finished, the classroom suddenly seemed to explode, and everyone began to express their opinions.

First of all, we were divided into the pros and cons, and elected the moderator and judges. Finally, I was honored to be selected as a judge by my teacher.

The host said affectionately that now I would like to announce the beginning of the debate contest. First, please explain your views and count three minutes. The positive side could not wait to stand up and forcefully said: "We think that the advantages of primary school students surfing the Internet outweigh the disadvantages, because we can find some learning materials online, which can help us learn. The opposing side argued with confidence: "There are some harmful games on the Internet that will fascinate us, make us lose some morality, and do something harmful to society. Moreover, the online information garbage weakens the ideological and moral awareness of young people, so we believe that the disadvantages of primary school students surfing the Internet outweigh the advantages."

The next step is the free debate between the two sides. The second defender stood up and said, "Where did the opposing defender get your information? It's online, so we can't do without the Internet. So we think that primary school students can get more benefits online." Now, the opposing defender was speechless. Next, the opposing debater stammered: "You said that there are many benefits for primary school students to access the Internet. Please tell me what benefits there are." All the positive debaters brushed their hands and raised their hands. "Please answer the four arguments." The host said. "Online is conducive to our better learning and learning more knowledge." The teammates applauded. The debate contest entered a white hot state, and everyone was flushed with controversy.

"Jingle, jingle, jingle" The bell rings after class. The host announced that the friend of the right side won the debate, but Teacher Tong felt that the debate was a draw, and the teacher also told us the advantages and disadvantages of primary school students' Internet access. An unforgettable debate ended at the bell.

Debate on whether open book is beneficial (16)

"I think..." Do you think it was in court? No, this is a debate on "whether white lies are good or bad".

The positive side is a two person group led by Wang Wei, while the negative side is composed of me and another student. First of all, Zhengfang said: "Because of white lies, some people with mental trauma can avoid being hurt again." I said: "In ancient times, there were many ministers and directors representing different fields. If a minister finds that the country is lacking in one aspect, but he does not tell the monarch because he does not want the monarch to know he is angry, will the country continue to be strong? "

Wang Wei also showed no sign of weakness: "There was a girl who was in the college entrance examination. Her family didn't want her to know the news of her mother's death. They waited until she finished the exam and told her. At the same time, they arranged her to live in a hotel and blocked all information. Finally, the girl got a good college entrance exam. This is the role of white lies." "Off stage" The students applauded for Wang Wei after listening.

Our opponents also tactfully refuted Wang Wei: "If a student likes playing computer games, after an exam, he failed, and his friends didn't want to make him sad, they lied about his 100 points, and that person would continue to play games, and his grades would continue to decline, wouldn't it hurt him to do so?", But it didn't take long for us to begin to refute our views. "Liu Bang used to unify the Western Han Dynasty when he fought with Xiang Yu. If he had said at that time, 'Come on, let's fight', Liu Bang would not have unified the Western Han Dynasty, nor would there be those celebrities behind him, Han Xin, Zhang Liang, etc." Now, the audience continued to applaud and their hands were red. We are unwilling to lag behind, and we have begun to refute Wang Wei's views.

After a heated debate, we regret to announce that the opposite side has won, so we feel sorry for the right side. If we were given a little more time, we would still be able to talk about the argument. Unfortunately, the time is too short. It will end in ten minutes.

After this fierce debate, we not only gained a sense of honor, but also learned how difficult it is for lawyers in court to win the case if they are not careful. We must also participate in more such activities and exercise our eloquence. I hope there will be such activities for us next time.

Debate on whether open book is beneficial (17)

Is it beneficial to open the book? This problem was so noisy in the class that everyone expressed their own opinions and talked about it in a tongue in cheek manner.

So is it beneficial to open the book? So the class turned to a debate

The debate is about to begin, and everyone is eager to try. The desks and chairs in the classroom were divided into two groups. Everyone's eyes were shining and they were determined to stick to it. It was like a battlefield. I joined the group that is helpful for opening the book.

The debate began, and we first made our views.

"I think it is beneficial to open the book. No matter which book it is, it has its own advantages. Even a picture book, it can improve our painting ability!" said one of our classmates confidently.

We immediately gave him warm applause and clapped our hands. The sound was like thunder.

I thought to myself, "Hee hee, if this goes on, what can they refute?"?

Unexpectedly, one of the other's classmates did not show any flustered expression, but said quietly: "Cartoon is different, it will only make us addicted, let us infatuated, unable to learn knowledge in it, so it should not be beneficial to open the book!"

I was secretly surprised. I didn't expect that the other side was not bad. It seems that we can't underestimate the enemy!

After a little thinking, I pretended to be indifferent and said, "I refute your opinion. You said that cartoons can't let us learn knowledge in them, that's wrong!" I seized the key point and retorted, "Let me take an example! There is a comic book called" The King of Scientific Experiments ", which tells a lot of scientific knowledge, so that we can learn more about science!" I finished calmly and sat down with confidence.

Let's see how they retort! I thought to myself.

Once again, unexpectedly, Zhou Yiran slapped the table excitedly and said, "But there is something about love in the King of Scientific Experiments," and she touched it with her index fingers, then said, "This is not a good phenomenon!"

I gasped for air. I didn't expect her to say so.

After 40 minutes, the debate ended. Until now, my mood is still so tense. The scene of silence and tension is still fresh in my memory.

Finally, Mr. Wang told us: "Everyone is right. It is beneficial to open the book to tell us to read more books, but it is not necessarily beneficial to tell us not to read books that are not suitable for us, but it is wrong not to read books because it is not necessarily beneficial to open the book."

This debate really benefited me a lot!

Part II

If you step into the class of Class 12 for five years this morning, you will surely smell the smoke of war that is about to start. The smoke is getting stronger and stronger... Finally, in the first class in the afternoon, the "war" began.

When Teacher Peng said, "Is open book good for debate? Let's start now!" Everyone in the class was ready to move. The more I saw this scene, the more I felt that it was not like a debate, but rather like a competition about "China's Good Tongue". The teacher asked again, "Please raise your hand if you support the positive side, that is, students who are 'good at opening the book'." To my surprise, almost half of the students in the class support the positive side. I thought that there would be few students who support the "good at opening the book", and the opponents I support would certainly win, but it seems that there will be a good show coming soon

After the teacher said the well-known contest rules, the rightful debaters raised their hands one after another. After some discussion, Du Haoran firmly grasped the debate materials in his hands, strode up to the platform without expression, and began to express his opinion: "I think opening the book is beneficial..." After listening to his endless and passionate speech, I had to admit that he was also very reasonable, But I suddenly woke up again. It was our turn to refute them.

At this time, Li Yuying, the rebel, raised her hand high, indicating that she was ready to refute the righteous party. Then she walked up to the podium with her head held high and loudly retorted: "... As the saying goes, eating pears is harmful to the heart and spleen; eating red dates is harmful to the teeth; eating medicine is beneficial to the body, but it also has side effects. Some books are harmful if you read too much..."

The debate between the pros and cons is getting fiercer and fiercer, and it seems that it is difficult for both sides to win or lose. The time of a class seems to pass by carelessly. Only ten minutes before class ended, the teacher interrupted our debate. At the end of the debate, we made a summary: only by reading good books can we open the book!