Composition on the Change of the Moon (6 required)
Love is like a dream when you are young
2023-10-07 08:13:48
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Composition on the Changes of the Moon (1)

The curved moon is a small boat, and the small boat is pointed at both ends. When I sit on the small boat, I only see the shining stars in the lazy sky. " Whenever I hear this children's song, I think about the moon.

Whenever the sun sets from the west, the moon rises on the other side of the sky and looks at us happily. The rising moon has some redness, like a bright red lantern. When the moon rose into the night sky, she changed her red clothes and put on a green skirt. It looked green, like a piece of jade, hanging brightly in the night sky. Look, the bright moonlight is dim. The moonlight is like water, pouring down from the sky like waterfalls. The stars are playing hide and seek with the clouds, and the moon is also playing with them. How happy they are!

Looking at the moon, I can see a beautiful image similar to the moon in my mind. Isn't the moon just a colorful ball? The children must like the changing color of the ball. Maybe they shot it on the ground and bounced up, then flew into the night sky, becoming a beautiful moon. The moon in the night sky is still like a big jade plate. Is this jade plate from the Queen Mother? On the other hand, the full moon is like a big pearl, shining brightly. I have seen many beautiful pearls in the jewelry store, but the moon is a much bigger and brighter pearl. When a crescent moon appears in the night sky, the curved moon is like a boat floating freely in the night sky

Looking at the moon again, I remember the story of Chang'e flying to the moon. In ancient times, the immortals gave Chang'e and her husband two pills, one for each. The immortals said that they could live forever after eating the pills. Chang'e ate all the two elixirs when she was happy, and then she felt light all over, She became an immortal and flew to the moon with her rabbit in her arms. Chang'e dances in the moon palace, and the jade rabbit makes medicine under the osmanthus tree... I really want to fly to the moon. I hope one day I will come to the moon palace to see the jade rabbit make medicine and dance with Chang'e.

Don't you think the moon is still like a mooncake? Mention moon cakes, I think of the Mid Autumn Festival. Every Mid Autumn Festival, we would sit outside together and enjoy the moon while eating moon cakes, not to mention how happy we are.

The moon is beautiful, which has aroused my infinite reverie. In reverie, I think the moon is more beautiful.

Composition on the Change of the Moon (2)

The lunar month has 30 days and the small month 29 days. If it is the big moon, after dark on the second day of the first lunar month, a solitary crescent will appear in the west of the sky. The crescent moon looks like the eyebrow of a moth, so it is called the crescent moon. The faint yellow light of the crescent moon is not enough to illuminate the night sky. It lingered in the sky for less than an hour and then gradually disappeared. If it is Xiaoyue, it is to wait until the evening of the third day of the lunar calendar to see the slender crescent moon rise and fall. As a farming saying goes, "The second and third year of a year, when the moon rises, there is a stick." This is the time when the crescent moon first appears in the first ten days of each month.

From the first day of the crescent moon, every day, the radian of the moon rises about 15 ° more than that of the previous day, and the time of its fall is delayed by about an hour. On the eighth or ninth day of every month, the moon will rise to the mid sky when it gets dark, and the setting time will be postponed to about midnight. That is to say, only the first half of the night is full of moonlight, and the second half of the night is full of darkness. A farming proverb says, "The moon shines in the middle of the night on the eighth and ninth days of the lunar calendar." That's what it means. At this time, the moon looks like a bow, so it's called the first quarter moon. The bow is full day by day, which is called the convex moon. The convex moon becomes the full moon on the fifteenth day of each month. After the eighth and ninth day of the lunar calendar, the rising height of the moon is also decreasing toward the eastern sky, and the decreasing radian every day is about 15 °. The time of moonset also continued to be postponed to midnight. On the 15th day of each lunar month, the moon rises from the eastern sky. If it is a sunny mid autumn evening, two days before the 15th day of the lunar calendar, you will see that the eastern full moon has appeared before the sun sets. So the farming proverb said, "The moon and the sun are shining at both ends on the fifteenth and sixteenth days." During this period, there will be moonlight all night long. The next morning, the sun also rose in the east. A silver plate like full moon hung in the west. "The moon and the sun are exposed at both ends" also has this meaning.

"Seventeen, eighteen, feel blind in the dark." This agricultural proverb says that after fifteen, sixteen, seventeen, eighteen, the moon will disappear when it is dark. When will the moon come out? A farming proverb says, "When the moon is twenty, it comes out one hour later." After the 15th day, the moon comes out about an hour later every day. In the 20th month of every month, the moon will not come out until the first hour of the evening (in ancient times, there was no clock, so the night was divided into five hours, and the first hour was about nine o'clock at night). In the last ten days of each month, the moon comes out more and more late, so that the moon is not seen in the first half of the night, and only in the second half of the night can the moon be seen. On the 23rd day, the moon can rise to the mid sky when it is dawn. Therefore, there is also a farming saying, "Twenty three, the day is bright and the moon is just south". At this time, the moon looked like a bow again. Because it was the last ten days of the year, it was called the last quarter. The moon after the fifteenth day of the year went from full to full. People also called it the waning moon.

Composition on the Change of the Moon (3)

It looks like eyebrows in the first year of the lunar new year, curved eyebrows in the second year of the lunar new year, sickle hanging in the fifth and sixth days of the lunar new year, sickle hanging in the seventh and eighth days of the lunar new year, like a boat, in the ninth and tenth days of the lunar new year, semicircle cutting, in the fifteenth and sixth days of the lunar new year, like a jade plate. Su Shi once wrote: "People have joys and sorrows, and the moon has its ups and downs." Students all know that the moon is full and missing, so where is it missing, round, and where is it?

On the first day of the lunar calendar, the moon was thin and curved, like a yellow eyebrow. This was the new moon. The new moon is very small, and the light is dim, bright and dim, like a white and hazy veil, covering the earth.

On the seventh and eighth day of the lunar calendar, the moon gradually plumped up. At a glance, it seemed that there was a rickety boat sailing towards here! On the boat, there were many small tune skin fairies. They laughed, jumped, cried, and fell off the boat carelessly. Then they rolled into every corner of the earth in groups.

As the saying goes, the moon at fifteen is sixteen round. The moon on the 15th and 16th is big and round. No wonder Li Bai once said, "I didn't know the moon when I was young. It is called a white jade plate." At this time, the moon is like a plump lady. She covers her cheek with a handkerchief, smiles, and walks slowly and leisurely.

The changes of the moon are cloudy, sunny, round and lacking. Like us, it has both joy and sorrow. There are anger and joy, sweet and bitter, only you know the complex taste.

Composition on the Change of the Moon (4)

Usually, we live in a bustling city with brilliant lights. No matter whether the moon is full or not, the roads are brightly lit, so we seldom observe the moon carefully.

I remember one night I finished my homework early and went out for a walk with my parents. When the moon was full, we sat on the grass and looked up at the moon overhead. The moonlight was not very bright, and now the clouds were moving around. It seemed that there was a sense of heaviness, emitting tired light, and the reflection with the bright lights on the ground was very weak. My mother told me that the moon at my grandmother's house was not like this. It was bright and beautiful, which made me a little confused. Isn't the sky a moon? How could it be different?

This Mid Autumn Festival I decided to spend the festival with my mother at my grandmother's house to find out how beautiful the moon is in the countryside. Grandma's family lives in a small mountain village called Lingli. The house in the village is blocked by a mountain called Duling. When you enter the village, you feel very quiet. If it is midsummer, friends who suffer from insomnia come here, and cicadas' cries can help you get rid of the pain of insomnia, you must sleep comfortably. The people in the village are warm and hospitable. They are very human. I like them.

After having a reunion dinner with my grandparents, I took some moon cakes, fruit, sugar, melon seeds and went to my grandfather's small pavilion alone to watch the moon. I lay on my grandfather's bamboo bed and watched the moon. A round moon hung high in the sky. Everyone said that the moon at the 15th Five Year Plan was particularly bright, not bad! The bright moonlight shines on this quiet village. It is very bright. You can clearly see the whole village's households that are not well located. Even a dog or a cat can tell from the curved path. There is no black cloud in the sky, only pieces of light white clouds slowly drift with the moonlight, and many naughty twinkling stars around compete to release their own light, No one is willing to be outdone, as if cheering for the festival! Look, there is a bouncing jade rabbit in the moon, with the beautiful sister Chang'e beside it. It is said that they are sending blessings to the world, so every time the moon is full, people like to place some offerings to burn incense to express their gratitude.

The autumn wind was cool. My mother sent me a dress and sat down next to me. At this time, the moon seemed more round and bright. My mother's flashing eyelashes and facial markings were vaguely visible. My mother looked a little old under the bright and soft moonlight. We discussed the two different moons together.

As the night grew deeper, I could not help shivering, but the beautiful moonlight made me reluctant to leave for a long time.

Composition on the Change of the Moon (5)

I like Mid Autumn Festival, because the moon on this day is particularly round and bright. I can enjoy the moon while eating mooncakes with my family in the moonlight.

This Mid Autumn Festival is the same as in previous years. It's not dark yet. I sit in a chair and look forward to the arrival of the moon fairy. I waited patiently and looked forward to the passage of time, but the moon fairy did not wear that white dress, walking in the night sky. I looked at the sky carefully again, but I still didn't find the moon. I was very worried. I thought to myself: Why hasn't the Moon Fairy come out by this time? Where the hell did she go? Will she travel? Or eat mooncakes at home like us? But every year the moon fairy comes out on the Mid Autumn Festival, why not this year? I asked my mother curiously: "Mom, why didn't the moon come out tonight? Where did she go?" My mother was also puzzled. She took out her mobile phone to check today's weather forecast. My mother and I took a closer look. It turned out that today is a foggy day. My mother and I suddenly realized why we didn't see the moon today. At the thought of not meeting the Moon Fairy today, I was very sad. But I believe that we will meet the moon fairy tomorrow!

Today, my parents took me to Pingdingshan before dawn. But when I was halfway there, it suddenly began to rain, and I was disappointed. I thought: It's raining, and I can't see the moon at night? I'm really worried.

At night, the moon did not appear. Although the moon did not appear here, I saw the moon on the grassland of Inner Mongolia on my mobile phone. As the saying goes, "The moon in the 15th Five Year Plan is 16 round", and today's moon on the grassland is indeed more round than ever before. Why is August 16 not the Mid Autumn Festival? I think it's strange.

Today, the moon on the grassland in Inner Mongolia is not only so round, but also surprisingly large. In the past, the moon here could only occupy a small part of the sky no matter how big it was, but today the moon on the grassland in Inner Mongolia has occupied almost half of the sky. It's amazing!

Today, the moon in Inner Mongolia is particularly bright. It illuminates the high mountain slopes, the flat paths, the clear streams, and the beautiful grasslands, especially my heart!

How wonderful the moon is today! I love the moon in Inner Mongolia!

Yesterday the moon in Inner Mongolia was particularly magical, and today the moon in Pingdingshan is also very wonderful. At night, I lay on the windowsill of the hotel and looked up at the night sky. The sky was full of thick clouds. The moon covered itself with fish scale clouds, like a round moon covered with a quilt, playing hide and seek with the stars around! The moon is so naughty. After a while, she put her round head out a little to see if the stars found her; If it is not found, the moon will stretch out its head in half and breathe some fresh air. It was not until the moon was discovered by the stars that she put her head out, and the whole world seemed to become brighter.

Looking at it, I suddenly asked my father, who was also looking at the moon, "Dad, why does the moon walk in the clouds all the time?" My father smiled and replied, "In fact, what you saw was not the moon moving, but the clouds walking!" I suddenly realized that it was so! Then, I was a little afraid, and said to my father: "The moon and clouds are so close to us, will they fall down?" My father smiled: "The moon and clouds are far away from us, how can they fall down! Moreover, even if they fall down, wouldn't it be good to get a moon?" Indeed, what my father said was reasonable, and I suddenly wasn't afraid at all, Instead, it's like getting a lovely moon. I really want to know what's the difference between Zhengzhou and Pingdingshan's moon today!

A few days later, when I looked up at the moon again, she was not bitten by the dog, but still so round. However, she seems to be bigger and brighter. Looking at it, I suddenly remembered Li Bai's "Gu Lang Yue Xing". Is there really a lovely rabbit on the moon? If so, what are they doing now? Will you be stirring up the elixir like the 'in the poem'? After pounding the medicine, will they give it to their families or their relatives and friends? Then I thought of Li Bai's Silent Night Thoughts, and I couldn't help thinking of my hometown Zhengzhou. Although Pingdingshan is fun, I still love my home more.

All attention is knowledge. As long as we observe carefully, we will surely discover the mystery of things. I love the unpredictable moon!

Composition on the Change of the Moon (6)

Tonight I ran to the back of the stairs on the 7th floor (because my home is on the 6th floor). Why did I run to the 7th floor? Because I want to watch the moon. I opened the window and began to observe the moon! This position is just enough to clearly observe the whole moon.

The moon tonight is particularly round. If you look closely, you will find that the moon is a little sharp above and below, and the distance between the top and the bottom is relatively long. So I judge that today is certainly not a full moon. Today's moon is also very bright, and there are many clouds around. When I look at it, I feel a blur. When I open my eyes again, a miracle appears! The moon suddenly became more and more round, and the surrounding clouds disappeared, after a while the clouds appeared again. I think: the speed of cloud is so fast! Now the cloud is shaped like a cliff. The moon seems to fall below the cliff, and the land on the cliff seems to have split and become pieces.

Ah! It turns out that there are so many changing scenes in the sky. I have never carefully observed the moon before. Tonight, I opened my eyes and saw a beautiful picture. I know how wonderful the moon is! I think: the moon of the Mid Autumn Festival must be more round and beautiful than tonight's moon! Then I will go to the moon with my parents!