I Play Scooter (Top 3)
Be brave to face
2024-03-23 01:34:55
junior middle school
topic of conversation

I play scooter (1)

In the past, I always flinched when I met difficulties, so my parents tried their best to let me learn to overcome difficulties and be a brave person.

Once, my father saw a kind of scooter on TV, which was very difficult to learn, but if he learned it, it would be fun. Dad decided to buy one for me in order to let me learn how to overcome difficulties. Once I got the scooter, I couldn't wait to learn it. I held the wall with both hands, and the scooter swayed as soon as I stepped on it with my left foot. I was afraid for a while: what if I didn't hold it well and fall all over the place? Seeing me froze there, my father clapped his hands and said, "Why don't you dare to do it? Coward!" After listening to my father's words, I was very angry. He said I was a coward. Today, I must prove to him that I am not a coward. "Be brave, take a deep breath, and don't be afraid!" I mustered up my courage. No matter what happens, my left foot kicks and my right foot lifts. At this time, the scooter tilts and "plops", my body suddenly loses its center of gravity, and I fall heavily to the ground. "Ha ha ha," my father laughed and leaned forward. "Don't learn it, or you'll fall and swell your butt." "Hum! I have to learn." I got up from the ground, dusted my ashes, ignored the pain, and learned again. After about an hour, I mastered the balance, hey! Finally, I got a firm foothold. "Well, let's taste the taste of bitter before sweet." My father gave me a thumbs up when he saw that I stood firm.

Then, I learned the appearance of the skateboarder on TV and twisted my buttocks, but the scooter did not move at all. I scratched my head and looked at my father doubtfully. "What's the use of twisting your buttocks? You should twist your feet back and forth." Dad gave me a good guide. I was not discouraged. I held the wall with my hands and slid forward with difficulty like a child learning to walk. With the encouragement and help of my father, I finally mastered the skills of skateboarding and can skate freely.

Recalling the success at that time, I felt a joy beyond words.

Through this event, I learned a truth: "Difficulties are like springs. If you are weak, they will be strong, and if you are strong, they will be weak." I will treat difficulties correctly and be a person who has the courage to overcome them.

I Play Scooter (2)

Mom bought me a scooter with four wheels, Mickey and Lightning Boy (pattern). I like it so much

My parents play with me on the scooter. I think I can control it very well. It is very obedient to me. It accompanies me very well. I really like it.

There are three of Mickey and Lightning Kid. One of the smaller Lightning Kid is for me, one of the larger Lightning Kid is for my brother, and one of the smaller Mickey is for Sister Xuan

I put the scooter beside me (the little guy started to make grunt eggs... he made an excuse to ask for double-sided tape and went outside to watch TV. After dinner, he finished the grunt eggs and continued to talk about his diary). He was very happy, smiling and happy. I then slid down. My scooter was my favorite, but I really controlled it well, but I really liked it very much. I thought it loved me very much. It knew I was its good friend. I really like it.

I Play Scooter (3)

That day, my mother bought me a scooter in Qihe. I like it very much. I learned it as soon as I bought it.

However, I don't know how to learn, my mother said, first put the back foot on, then, gently slide with the left foot, then put the left foot on, and swing the right foot. I didn't finish listening to my mother's trembling, so I began to practice by myself.

I held the wall myself and moved slowly, shaking my feet awkwardly. But can I only hold the wall? So I came to the playground, grabbed the post of the basketball stand, put both feet on the scooter, and then pushed the post vigorously. With a sound of "Pa", I fell to the ground and cried loudly. My mother saw it and said, "Come on, let me give you a demonstration." So my mother stood on the scooter and shook her feet. As I expected, my mother also fell on all fours, and I burst into laughter while crying. My mother said, "This piece of junk is killing me." I continued to learn, and my mother helped me practice. After more than an hour, my clumsy feet became flexible. I don't know when my mother let go of my hand, but I didn't fall down, and I was still skating well. I was excited and jumped up. "Ouch", I forgot, I'm still skating. I scratched my head.

Now, do I still squat down to pick up things when I play scooter?

Through this skateboard ride, I learned that life is like this, there will be many setbacks, but we must get up, continue to face and overcome it.