Face Life with a Smile (4 high-quality articles)
glorious flowers in spring and solid fruits in autumn
2023-12-30 03:06:20
Grade 6

Face life with a smile (1)

Smile, perhaps the most beautiful practice in life. How can you survive? Time flies like water. Life is long, why don't you need a smile?

Face life and setbacks with a smile. Frustration is the salt of life. Smiling people make the dish of life more delicious. The east slope looks up to the sky and roars. The white clothes are fluttering, hunting and rustling in the wind. They are graceful and elegant. However, an unwarranted "Wutai Poem Case" almost drove him into a desperate situation. However, Su Zi was smiling, so he could still express his life sigh of "letting one rain fall for life" in the miserable Huangzhou, and could still utter the heroic words of "I'm talking about juvenile mania" in the four parts of Mianzhou. He was enthusiastic in suffering and smiling in hardships.

Face life, face setbacks, smile.

Face life and challenges with a smile. The challenge is the painter who is good at coloring, and the smiling person paints the life album more deeply and beautifully. Sima Qian did not complain even when he was subjected to palace punishment. Instead, he took his father's advice, completed his father's will, and finally wrote the Records of the Historian. Hugo once said, "The so-called living people are the people who constantly meet challenges with a smile." Challenges make us strong and fearless, so that we can meet all difficulties and obstacles. In the face of challenges, we should not only have confidence and courage, but also have an optimistic attitude. We should have a smiling face and greet everything with a smile.

Face life and challenges with a smile.

Face life with a smile and face failure. Shakespeare once said: "Wise people will never sit down and wail for failure, they must look for ways to save optimistically." Edison said: "Failure is also what I need, it is as valuable to me as success." Therefore, when we face failure, it is better to move forward than retreat; Toughness is better than cowardice; It's better to smile than to be depressed. Don't be afraid of failure. Smiling is an indispensable attitude to the path of perfection.

Face life, face failure, smile.

In the long life, we should not only learn the courage to move forward, but also learn the wisdom to smile. After all, frustration is a dark cloud, but not a sunny day; What is frustrated is only experience, but not will. If you can defeat without breaking, you can overcome the cold at high places and the heat at low places. Only when you are brave and brave, can you face life with a smile.

Face Life with a Smile (2)

Huicai, Class 2, Grade 9, Zhang Chen

Smile is a cup of tea, giving people refreshing cool, smile is a ray of sunshine, can melt the soul of ice. Smile is an invisible force that helps us overcome setbacks and forge ahead. Face life with a smile, and life will be different.

Facing life with a smile, we will learn to be calm and calm. I remember one time the school organized a rope skipping competition, and I actively participated in the competition. At the beginning of the game, when I was jumping quickly between the ropes, suddenly, the rope broke at the handle, and I felt depressed. Because I had only jumped dozens of times, I could not discredit the class. So I calmed down, smiled and picked up the "broken rope" and jumped up quickly. At the end of the game, although the result was much worse than my usual performance, I was already gratified. I think that if I was angry and depressed when jumping rope, I would certainly be less than now. Fortunately, I calmed down and resolved this setback with a smile, and also let me learn how to calmly face difficulties with a smile.

Facing life with a smile, we will learn to bear and be strong. I remember that it was a sports meeting and I participated in the long-distance running. It was autumn at that time, but the weather was hot and dry, and the wind kept roaring. At this time, the sand and stone also used the force of the wind to shine in the air, so that I could not open my eyes when running. When I ran, I suddenly tripped over a small stone on the ground. The knee hit the stone heavily, and the blood immediately ran down. I also shook my whole body, and my teeth were biting "squeaky", so I couldn't move. But I saw other athletes running past me one by one, and I saw the expectant eyes of teachers and students. I was also very worried, thinking, I want to be strong, once, twice, three times... I finally stood up with a smile. When the teachers and students saw me standing up, they all shed tears of excitement. I walked with difficulty and ran forward with two legs like being filled with lead... But there were many bloodstains left behind me. Finally, I crossed the finish line and fell heavily on the ground

Face life with a smile, and life will be wonderful. Smile is an optimistic attitude towards life, a spiritual quality of never giving up, and it is also an invisible and huge will power. It can make us face life more firmly in setbacks and difficulties.

Friend, face life with a smile! It can make our wings to soar in the sky more solid, and the pace of life more stable!

two thousand and thirteen point one zero

Face Life with a Smile (3)


It seems to be a very profound word


Life is a book

Let you understand the truth in reading

The dancer said

Life is a dance

Both plain and energetic

The bartender said

Life is a glass of wine

Extremely aromatic

It makes people intoxicated

The pianist said

Life is a piece of music

The human soul is sublimated in it

Get thinking and understanding


Is our best teacher


Give us valuable knowledge

Let's use it all our lives


It's a thunder

Let's immerse ourselves in the joy of victory

Wake up

do all one can to catch up!

Let us be immersed in failure and sorrow

Muster up confidence

Go forward bravely!


You are a loyal friend

Follow me around

Give me confidence!

Give me courage!

Give me encouragement!

Let me overcome many obstacles

Rush to the end of victory!

Face Life with a Smile (4)

Face Half Proposition with a Smile 1:

Should smile to face life, no matter how the outcome!

On a hot afternoon, I received the sad news of Grandma's death. At that moment, my tears broke the dam.

That night, the sky began to rain, I reached out to pick up the rain, let the rain fall on the palm, a little cool, a little sad. I know that it was Grandma's tears of parting, which turned into drops of sad rain. It reminds me of Grandma's narrow eyes when she smiles; I remembered that Grandma would rather not eat the apple with wrinkles for me than eat it herself; Remembering the pocket money Grandma used to give me when she was thrifty... Tears fell on her palm and scattered along the palm lines. Grandma, are you wiping my tears? yes! You said you wanted me to be strong. Xiaomu understands! Look up at the sky, smile and shout: "Grandma, let's not cry, as long as we wish each other, even if it is far away in heaven, it is also near". Because laughter is my poetic strength to life.

Life in the third day of junior high is really tiring! I still remember the scene of writing under the lamp every night for the high school entrance exam. Sometimes I couldn't resist the temptation of the bed, so I had a close contact with it. The next day, I got the teacher's "thunder and lightning". Sometimes I am really tired. I will run to the balcony alone in the quiet night, hide in the dark corner and secretly cry. I really hope to be isolated from the world from now on. I looked up and let the wet tears flow down my eyelashes to my forehead. There was no tingling, just a chill. But I didn't yield, how can I let laziness break the tacit understanding between teachers and students; How can I let laziness obliterate my parents' expectations; How can I let laziness waste the time of youth. In the face of the present difficulties, whether bitter or astringent, I will raise my mouth and smile away. Because laughter is the mark of my thoughts.

When encountering cowardice, I will gently raise my mouth and let the brave regain the sunshine; In case of failure, I will raise my mouth and let success shine; When I encounter laziness, I will raise my mouth lightly and let diligence work hard; When encountering setbacks, I will raise my mouth lightly and let my unyielding arms be firm... Because laughter is my king's arrogance to life.

The journey of life is full of ups and downs. Why not lift your mouth lightly, smile at life and give yourself a blue sky. Come on, friends! Let's go through every day happily, without fear of wind and rain, without fear of difficulties and obstacles, laugh at life, and be happy in the journey of life.

Face Half Proposition with a Smile 2:

Failure is not terrible. What is terrible is that you cannot face failure with a positive attitude. Therefore, we should face failure with a smile.

"Failure is the mother of success". It is not easy to achieve success without experiencing failure. Only through experience can we actively deal with it. Everyone's life is not smooth, more or less there will be some ups and downs, not tears, but (should) face with a smile.

Since I was a child, I have been studying in science, especially in mathematics. This semester's mid-term exam is 45 points, the first weekly exam is 56 points, and the second weekly exam is 57 points. Every time I saw the score on the math answer card, my mood suddenly changed. I looked at my own papers with numerous red forks and forks, while other expedition teams' papers with numerous red hooks. I was really envious and envious when I looked at the red hooks on their papers. But there is no way. We are all ordinary people. Without magic, we can't change the truth. After thinking and thinking, I was making progress one point at a time, and maybe another point next time, so I couldn't help laughing.

After the third weekly exam, I got another point as I wished. The previous 57 and this 58 were inexpressibly happy. Even if they did not pass, they never passed math. It's not my vanity, nor my inferiority or conceit, but my self-confidence. I have one more point, and I can't help laughing again.

Life will give us an opportunity every day, and this opportunity is tomorrow. Believe in yourself, tomorrow will be better. Maybe you won't remember the perfect life too deeply, because you didn't fight, struggle or struggle. What determines life is not what you can choose, but what you can give up. So we must smile in the face of difficulties.

To face failure with a smile, in addition to a smile, what can explain everything better than a smile? After suffering, life is still sunny. With a positive attitude, happiness will blossom all over the heart.

Face Half Proposition with a Smile 3:

I like to laugh, because laughter is a kind of mind, a kind of tolerance. Every day, I will smile to everyone who loves me. Because, with them, my smile will be preserved forever. There are many people who love me. In school, teachers and classmates are the ones who love me most; At home, my parents, brother and grandmother are the ones who love me

Every morning when I get up, I will smile at my dear grandma first, because she wakes me up early in the morning and prepares clothes for me. She is the first person who smiles at her every day. After washing my teeth and eating breakfast, I would smile and say goodbye to my mother. Because my mother prepared a delicious breakfast for me. In the evening, when my father comes home, I will smile and say that my father is back. Because Dad has worked hard for us. Every day, I will smile at my family because they all love me.

What I regret most is that I seldom smiled at teachers in school before. Because I think the teacher is a very serious and strict person. So I dare not smile in front of the teacher. When I see my teacher, I just say hello to him. So I seldom talk to teachers. Previously. When I have difficulties in learning, I just ask my classmates to solve the problem, and seldom ask the teacher for advice. Therefore, my grades have not been improved. I hate going to school. Because in school, can only face bitter.

On the second day of junior high, I met a Chinese teacher. She is very kind to me. Treat me as a good friend. Slowly, we talked and laughed. From then on, I think the teacher is my friend. Every day, I smile at my teacher. No matter after class or in class. The teacher was very kind. Because they are worried about our future every day. In the third day of junior high, the Chinese teacher did not teach us, but I will never forget her, because she taught me to smile at every teacher.

From then on, I will smile at every teacher. They taught me how to be a man and how to learn.

Smiling will make people have no generation gap. I will never forget every smile.

Face Half Proposition with a Smile 4:

Mathematics has always been my strong point, but the first math test after the third day of the junior high school, I got a mess, for this reason, I was once lost. Thanks to Xiaomin's comfort and encouragement, I set out again with a smile and greeted more difficulties and hardships in the future with a confident smile.

In the face of unexpected low scores, and the bright red scores that seemed to be making faces, the confidence of the past suddenly turned into a cane whip of disappointment, constantly beating on my heart, so heavy, so painful!

After school, I sat alone by the window in a daze. Looking at the sunset gradually sinking in the sky, my self-confidence also gradually passed, and I felt extremely confused and helpless.

"Hey! Come on, it's no big deal if you don't do well in the exam! Smile, there's nothing you can't pass!" Xiaomin came to me and comforted me with a smile.

Xiaomin's smile was warm as spring: "Don't lose heart. It's nothing if you don't take the exam once. As long as you work hard, you will get better next time. I also failed the exam. Let's go together!" I was infected by her optimism and self-confidence, and my strained heart began to relax. Yes, whoever laughs last laughs best. A failure is nothing. I took her hand and said, "Thank you!"

I looked at the setting sun in the sky. The little red face was gone, but it didn't seem to want to be defeated by the darkness. It struggled to emit its last light and heat, and gilded the earth with gold. Yes, it's no big deal to fail in an exam. As long as confidence remains, there is no reason to give up. Looking at Xiaomin's brilliant smile, I am no longer depressed. In this sunny season, I learned to start with a smile, confident wings have taken me out of the dark, flying to the blue sky.

Since then, when my classmates are sad, I will also infect them with a smile, making them confident and brave. Smile like an oil paper umbrella, accompany us through one narrow rain lane after another in rainy days; Smile is like a small orange lamp, which helps us dispel anxiety and anxiety in the dark, and illuminates the road ahead of us. Even if the road ahead is very rough, I can go on smiling and go to the end!

Face Half Proposition with a Smile 5:

After the "electric shock" accident, my dream was completely shattered!

In my spare time, I hold my right hand and look at the sky in a daze.

My right hand looks the same as before: white skin, slender fingers, but even if I try my best, the fingers of my right hand are still motionless. The doctor said that after my hand was hit by the current, the nerve was stimulated and temporarily could not move, but it would slowly recover. However, three months later, the right hand is still the same.

Mother smiled and said: "Son, don't rush, be optimistic, smile! Smile and life will be beautiful." I tried to squeeze out a smile. I know that my smile is worse than my cry. My mother smiled and kissed my face.

After my mother left, I twisted my right hand with my left hand and bit it with my teeth, but my right hand was still unconscious. I was completely disappointed.

I looked at the erhu in the corner pitifully and helplessly. I was going to take the Erhu Certificate 10, but now I can't even take it. How many times have I dreamt that I was standing on the stage, playing a piece of "Horse Race" and another piece of "Two Springs Mirroring the Moon", which caused a sensation and burst into applause. I smiled, so did my mother.

After waking up, the reality remains the same.

If only there had been no accident! Why am I not careful? Why? Why?

I bowed my head and scolded myself severely.

"Son, go to the river to relax!" My mother said to me with a smile, holding a basin of clothes. I didn't want to go, but when I saw my mother's pleading smile, I couldn't bear to refuse.

The river was clear, my mother rubbed her clothes hard, and I grabbed the morning glory with my left hand to play. "Flutter", I turned around and saw my mother fall into the water. Mother struggled feebly in the water. "Mom!" I yelled, plunged into the water, paddled hard, slowly approached my mother, and then put my arms around her neck while paddling with my hands. My father arrived in time and pulled my mother and I onto the shore.

I cried and patted my mother's face. My mother pulled down my right hand and said excitedly, "Son, your right hand will move, it will move! His father, look!" Dad said with tears, "it will move! It will move! Son, you have to thank your mother!"

Mom smiled, Dad smiled, and I smiled too.

It turned out that this was a "family drama" co performed by my mother and father. In an emergency, my right hand nerve got through! The dexterity of his right hand was restored.

From then on, the cheerful erhu music played again in the room, and the long lost bright smile returned to my face.

I know that when I lost hope in life, it was my parents who helped me through the winter of life with love and painstaking efforts and ushered in the beautiful spring with me. They taught me to greet disappointment with a smile.