Narrative of Kindness Composition (7 popular articles)
Can't forget
2024-01-12 05:48:05

Kind Composition Narrative (1)

What does life need? Maybe it's material, maybe it's spiritual, in short, a lot. But what is indispensable is kindness.

Kindness means tolerance and love. It is the most selfless love for all people, and it is also the embodiment of our own good qualities.

I live in a kind-hearted family, and my parents have told me what kind of kindness is when I was young: to give material help to beggars on the street, to give tolerance to other people's mistakes, and to give spiritual comfort to patients... I am imitating, I am learning, and I am also feeling this kind of kindness.

Kindness is the care and tolerance for others.

When learning and feeling kind-hearted, I heard a story that a mother met a one armed beggar who came to her home to beg, but her mother asked the one armed beggar to move the 20 bricks in front of the door to the backyard. At first, the beggar was very surprised and angry, thinking that his mother was playing a trick on him, but the mother used an arm to demonstrate how to move 20 bricks. The beggar seemed to understand something and did as his mother said. After that, the mother gave the beggar 10 yuan of labor cost, and the beggar bowed away. More than ten years later, the old beggar has become a charming boss. When he found the family, he was ready to show his kindness, but the mother said quietly: "I have two hands, you can give something to the person without hands!" The man was stunned, then burst into tears, and bowed deeply... After listening, I thought for a long time, and it seemed that I realized something.

Kindness is the spiritual care and giving to people, whether for themselves or others.

Nightingale, the "Goddess of Lights", also expressed another kind of goodness with her actions. She was born in a noble family, but in order to help others, she would abandon her carefree life to choose a career as a nurse with a very low status at that time. Through her efforts, the death rate of the front line has dropped from 40% to 2%! On many stormy nights, when those soldiers moaning saw the light of Nightingale's portable lamp, they felt like angels of charity, and felt infinite warmth and love. Wherever she went, the wounded soldiers even bent down to kiss her shadow. I was deeply shocked by this, and also moved and influenced by this great kindness.

Kindness is also the washing of human soul and spirit.

There are too many examples in life, some of which are told by the world, and some of which are just like the past. It doesn't matter. What we want is the true meaning of kindness.

I love goodness, because it reflects the value of my existence; I want to be kind, because human love is selfless.

Let goodness enter our hearts, and let happiness be around us.

Kind Composition Narrative (2)

In daily study, work or life, everyone has tried to write a composition. The composition must focus on the theme, and make in-depth exposition around the same theme. Do not talk about anything, the theme is lax or even no theme. In order to make your composition more simple and convenient, the following is a good composition narrative that I hope can help you.

On my way home this afternoon, I saw an uncle begging from people. In front of him was a piece of paper on which was written:

I am a teacher, and my wife is suffering from mental illness. Now the child is ill, and we cannot go home. Good people, please save us. We appreciate your life.

I could have walked away without looking back like other beggars, but somehow I was attracted by a force and stood there blankly.

I don't know how long it took me to find out that this uncle was still holding a child of two or three years old! Her face was covered by a thick scarf, but her big eyes remained outside. Her eyes were full of innocence and curiosity. Seeing that everyone was looking at her, she bent her eyes and smiled - she did not know her family's situation.

So pathetic! I quickly found out my only 5 yuan and was about to release it when I was held by both hands.

The hand belongs to an aunt. She said to me, "Little friend, there are many cheats now. Look at those beggars on the street, which one is really short of arms and legs, and probably is a cheater!" I looked at the uncle in my spare time, and he gave an embarrassed sigh and shook his head.

Seeing that I didn't respond, the aunt whispered, "You see, he may be using his children to cheat everyone's sympathy now!"

Although it was very quiet, he heard it. The uncle stood up at once and shouted angrily at the aunt: "What a joke! I am a father, how can I use my children to cheat everyone's sympathy in this cold day! Besides, we are not beggars, we just borrow your money, and we don't want to forget!"

With his words, I must donate the money. I shook off the aunt's hand and donated money.

Seeing that I was like this, the aunt stopped talking, silently put the 10 yuan she had held in her hand for a long time, and walked away quietly.

The cold wind was blowing, and my uncle gradually calmed down and looked helplessly at everyone.

The crowd gradually dispersed, leaving only his lonely back and the rustling cold wind.

Kind, it's so worthless

Kind Composition Narrative (3)

Teacher, I want to tell you that composition will not forget who taught me thought; Will not forget who is guiding the direction in confusion; Never forget who makes the world have love and sound of books; Never forget who is building the palace of knowledge with hard work.

Someone said: you are a spring silkworm, and you can't spit out the endless love until you die! Some people say: you are a candle, and you shed the last drop of tears to illuminate the dark night sky; Others say that you are the morning dew, always moistening everything on the earth silently before the dawn; Others say that you are the sunset glow. When the sun returns, you will burn the sky with the last ray of light.

Teacher! But you said: what I desire most is to pave the road, and the happiest thing is to burn; I am just a wisp of smoke flying in the blue sky, not admiring luxury, but beauty lies in nature; I am just the old stepping stone on the journey, the distant cold star in the darkness; I just, I'm just a drop of water in the surging river, come quietly, go calmly.

Dear teacher! You draw a rainbow on the blackboard, but erase the utility; You raised others on the platform, but you gave yourself; It is time that has aged your face, and chalk that has whitened your temples; You have released a lot of hope, but you are still guarding the nest!

Dear teacher, I want to say to you: you are the usher of Venus and the companion of the Big Dipper; You are the cultivator of three feet of land and the driver of three inches of tools; You are the communicator of human culture and the promoter of the world's progress; You are the designer of the human soul and the turner of the society. You are the spring wind, blowing green mountains, you are the sun, illuminating every corner; You are a beacon, guiding the boat of confusion to ride the ocean of knowledge. You are a red candle, spreading light and heat to the world without stint; You have dyed the branches of wintersweet red, burned yourself, and given me the yearning for spring, a green leaf of hope, with the mood of charcoal; You made the iceberg of books into snowflakes, grayed my hair, gave me a pure dream, a pair of strong wings in the cold wind; You come from the ocean of knowledge, holding a sweet spring in your hand, and pouring sweat all the way, moistening my thirsty heart, a desire that I have been pursuing diligently.

When the torch turns to ashes, you are immortal; When the silk is exhausted, you will be forever!

When I look back, I string the steps of spring and autumn. My life, in the eyes of your expectations, continues to move forward.

Kind Composition Narrative (4)

I am a "bad boy". My academic performance is not good. I dye my hair to play cool and play with my personality. I am not active in my work. I have more mischievous words in class. I am a "bad boy".

However, teacher, I have more than just shortcomings. I am willing to help others, lively and cheerful, and I also love learning. Teacher, I now know that you hate students who dye their hair. I also know that it is wrong for students to dye their hair. But you know, I just want to be noticed when I dye my hair. Teacher, please forgive the "show" made by a bad boy who is eager to be noticed. I accept your criticism and can correct it. I just hope you don't talk too much to me, OK? A "bad boy" will not be happy after being criticized, and will also have complaints and complaints. I hope you can understand and accept this little suggestion. Although I am a "bad boy", I am only a child, and I can not bear too many and too big blows, otherwise I will really degenerate. The sophomore year of the "bad boy" has eliminated the ignorance of the college entrance examination in the first year of high school. Now I have come to the real starting line of the college entrance examination. I keep telling myself, "Success or failure depends on this. I can't lose. I can only win this battle."

I will begin to struggle for my parents who "face the loess and face the sky", for the good days of "drinking and eating meat", and for not letting me regret and blame myself for not working hard at this time many years later. Teacher, I hope you can supervise me and urge me to change and progress; Teacher, I hope you can tolerate and understand me. I didn't make mistakes on purpose, I was just careless; Teacher, I hope you can encourage me and let me persist when I slack off. Teacher, let me tell you: play less and learn more, talk less and do more. I will fight for the future seriously. No matter how hard and tired, I will persist and persist. It used to be my dream to bless teachers as "bad boys", because teachers are the most glorious profession under the sun, and I have full respect and worship for every teacher. Teacher, you nurture us like a gardener, guide us like a lighthouse on the sea, and give us infinite light like the eternal sun. Teacher, you are lovely, respectable and praiseworthy. Here, please accept the blessing of a "bad boy". I wish you a happy holiday, happy every day, good health and good luck! In particular, I wish old comrades, as well as my favorite "boss", you are becoming more and more handsome, have a good demeanor every day, do what you want, and eat what you like. Hey hey, Da Nan loves you very much, thank you for your tolerance and love for me. Finally, I wish the present old comrades, everything comes true.

Please believe that the "bad boy" will change. Please don't hate her. During her change, please be tolerant and understand that she won't let you down.

Kind Composition Narrative (5)

In my memory, I knew Amy in a snowy winter. When I went to the supermarket to buy instant noodles, I forgot to bring money because I was in a hurry to go out. Out of kindness, she paid for me, and I asked her to leave her phone number. In this way, a wonderful fate caused by embarrassment began quietly.

We met again in the elevator in the spring of the next year, but this meeting changed my impression of her. She was tall and plump in the supermarket, with a pair of tiger shaped glasses hanging on her cheeks flushed by the wind. Because the weather was too cold, she was wrapped like rice dumplings. Now, her figure and appearance have not changed much, but her clothes have become thinner and she exudes a sense of bleakness, and the blush on her face has disappeared without trace. Even so, I recognized her at a glance.

When I stepped into the elevator, I was a little surprised, but it just passed by. At the beginning, he never answered the phone he left for me. Later, he turned it off directly. It was like an evaporation in the world. I didn't care too much. I just regarded her as a passer-by in life. Now we have seen each other again. After recalling, I immediately took out change to return it to her and expressed my gratitude at that time. But she looked puzzled. I thought she must have done too much good, so I explained the situation to her. A few seconds later, he suddenly realized, and pushed the money back to me, saying, "No, it's been so long, I don't remember, what money do you still have?". After repeatedly evading, she accepted it. At that time, I didn't think too much, but I felt from my heart that she was a "good person".

However, in recent years, our relationship has become better and better, and this sense of "kindness" also makes me feel stronger.

Once, when we went to a movie together, there was a disabled grandma begging for money on the roadside. Most people ignore this "old trick", but she did not hesitate to give money. I could not persuade her. I said angrily that "poor people must have something to hate". She smiled and said nothing.

Another time, I went to another place with my parents. I thought I would lose contact, but I didn't expect to open WeChat again a few months later. It was full of her greetings to me, and there were nearly 100 missed calls. Later, I returned to Yuci, but she did not know where to get the news, and waited for me in the terminal early. It really moved me.

A few months ago, I "ran away from home" because of a quarrel with my mother and went to her home. Her parents were not at home. She didn't give up after 10 o'clock at midnight. She comforted me and called my mother slowly. Although I was scolded again, I was still very happy. Because I know that she is all for my good.

I really love and hate friends like Amy. Her kindness has deeply moved me. I have learned a lot from her nearly two years together. Although I don't know how much virtue I accumulated in my last life to meet such a good friend, since I met him, I will cherish this fate. I will sincerely treat this rare friendship, because she has brought me so much

Chapter 2

Today, I opened Cao Wenxuan's collection of short stories, Wild Windmill. Turn back and see a touching short story ---- The Eleventh Red Cloth Strip.

When I read this story, I found that there were traces of tears flowing through my eyes. Yes, I was moved. The main content of this article is: Grandpa Pockmarked in the village doesn't associate with people, but lives with her unicorn. Only when a child falls into the water and needs to be rescued, people will think of him. To be precise, he is a unicorn. In the article, the sick pockmarked grandfather finally saved the child after exhausting all his strength to save a drowning child,

But grandpa pockmarks closed his eyes forever. People found a cloth bag from grandpa pockmarks' arms, in which there were ten red cloth strips representing saving people, that is to say, grandpa pockmarks saved a total of eleven small lives in his life, and grandpa pockmarks sacrificed his life for righteousness. In order to save the child who may never know, he closed his eyes forever.

Do you still remember "Wu Juping"? Yes, she is Wu Juping, known as "the most beautiful mother".

On July 2, many people in Hangzhou were very excited about the same thing: a child fell from the tenth floor and was caught by a woman with both hands.

Ms. Zhang said, "I watched the child first step his right leg out of the window, then hold the window with both hands, and his left leg quickly stepped out. The child climbed quickly, and the whole person hung on the balcony in about one minute..."

After persisting on the balcony for more than one minute, the child finally couldn't hold on and fell down. At this critical moment, a woman passing downstairs reached out to catch the falling child. Her name was Wu Juping, the mother of a seven month old child.

"I didn't think much at that time, but I was very anxious. I kicked off my high-heeled shoes and quickly walked downstairs. I subconsciously searched with one arm and two hands. Soon, my left arm was in sharp pain, and I fell down. I know, I caught it! " After the incident, when Wu Juping told the breathtaking scene, she only smiled and said faintly: "This is instinct, and it is something a mother should do!"

There are countless such things in life.

In order to save a drowning child, Grandpa Pockmarked closed his eyes forever; In order to save a girl who fell from a building, the "most beautiful mother" caused a serious fracture of her arm. What made "the most beautiful mother" save the girl who fell from a building she had never met, regardless of her own danger. Is the love of life; It is also "acting bravely" The response of socialist civic morality of "being ready to help others".

What these events want to express, I think everyone should feel it!

Kind Composition Narrative (6)

Kind Kitten

Once upon a time, there was a cat that was very kind but ugly. The small animals in the forest didn't play with it. It was very sad. It often cried alone in the corner, while the small animals often laughed at it.

Once, a blind grandma walked in the forest and almost hit the wall. The kitten saw it and hurried to help the blind grandma. It said to the blind grandma, "Grandma, why are you here alone? It's hard to walk here and easy to fall." The blind grandma said, "My little grandson is ill. They said they need to find the largest and yellowest apple in the world to cure it. I came to look for apples." "Grandma, you are not in good health, or I will help you find it!" said the kitten. "Thank you, then." "It's OK, Grandma." Since then, the kitten has been looking for it every day, looking for it, but it hasn't been found for three days. The kitten was very sad. When she got home, she squatted in front of the small tree and cried. Suddenly, big and yellow apples appeared on the small tree. The kitten immediately dried her tears and picked an apple. She ran to the grandma's house and handed the apple to the grandma. The grandma was very happy. She gave the apple to her grandson. After he ate it, he recovered immediately. The granny cried excitedly and said to the kitten, "Thank you, kitten. Without you, my grandson would not be well." "Nothing!" said the kitten.

The little boy was moved to cry. The aroma of the yellow apples turned into lovely and beautiful fairies, catching the little boy's tears. The fairies turned the boy's tears into petals and scattered them on the kitten. The kitten immediately became beautiful. The kitten was moved and hugged her and cried. Her tears were caught by the fairies. They pressed them into her eyes. The blind grandma suddenly saw a bright light in front of her eyes. She saw the appearance of the kitten and her grandson's recovery. She smiled happily.

The kitten has become beautiful, and the animals don't dislike it anymore. Since then, the kitten has had many friends. The little boy also went to school and made many friends.

Be a kind person

"The Adventures of Bauer" is a fairy tale book, the hero is a cute teddy bear - Bauer. He became alive after being infused with orange juice by Pipilu. However, it brought troubles to the Lusisi family due to its transformation. In order not to let the Lusisi family worry about it again, Little Bauer decided to run away from home and take an adventure in the outside world. On the way out, I got help from good people and met bad people.

I like the little mouse scavenger and the mud pig best, because they are willing to sacrifice their own lives for little Bauer. The mud pig didn't let Little Bauer starve and broke his body. Let Little Bauer buy orange juice with money. The little mouse scavenger was killed by the big cat in order to save Bauer. Little Bauer hated Wang Zeng and some circus people most. In order to make the business of the circus prosperous, the people of the circus made little Bauer suffer and suffer to perform the circus. It took ten days to eat orange juice. Wang Zeng kept beating Bauer, which made her lose her freedom. Later, little Bauer came back from the forest and everyone was reunited.

I thought: Why are so many people inferior to a kind mouse? I am determined to be a kind and caring boy.

I remember once, a white haired blind man had to cross the road. I quickly ran over and helped my grandfather across the road. The blind grandpa thanked me, and the sweet feeling is still unforgettable! Another time, an unknown child fell to the ground carelessly. I immediately helped him up. He thanked me very much and said, "Thank you, big brother!"

"Be a kind person! As long as everyone gives a little love, the world will become a better place!" I want to say this to all people.

Kind charm

Wherever goodness goes, it is full of blooming flowers, and will never decline—— notes preceding the text of a book or following the title of an article

The bitter wind made me shrink back. This weather is really depressing. "Why hasn't the bus come yet?" I muttered to myself. The cold wind showed no mercy to the little tree, which made it shiver. "The bus is coming!" I don't know who shouted, and everyone rushed to the front, but I was pushed to the end in the middle of the queue. I sighed helplessly. The driver's uncle shouted, "The young man in front will give up his seat, and here is a pregnant woman." The driver broke his throat, and no one answered. Those uncles and aunts sitting in the seats either lowered their heads to play with their mobile phones, or pretended not to hear them and turned their heads out of the window. The whole carriage was silent.

Until a hoarse voice broke the silence. I looked at a white haired old woman. She shouted, "Come, I have a seat here.

At this time, everyone's heartbeat could be heard quietly in the carriage. Almost everyone's eyes were fixed on the young people. Finally, a sister in a black coat said, "Grandma, sit down." Just after the sister's words ended, those young people who had never spoken spoke and asked Grandma to sit down. Grandma sat happily in the chair. The car was moving forward against the cold wind, but that kindness was like the spring wind in March, watering the flowers of life in the river of years.

Perhaps, if one person "spreads warmth", more people will also "spread warmth". Kindness is like a drop of rain and dew. His fall makes the whole world full of flowers.

The charm of kindness is incalculable.

Kind Composition Narrative (7)

"There will be a sandstorm in Beijing this afternoon, please don't stay outside for a long time"! The TV broadcast reminds every citizen in Beijing, while listening to it, I muttered to myself: There is a sandstorm in the afternoon, my mother may come to pick me up. I hope so. I want to return to my warm home early, and I don't want to wait in the classroom with longing any more! As time went by, it was time for me to go to school, so I carried my schoolbag and walked on the way to school. I walked into the school step by step. At this time, I thought: I don't want to go home again with the same pace at 7.00 pm! I want to go home at the same time as my classmates!

"Ringing bell..." This is also the 17th music sound. It's time to finish school. All the students happily walked to the gate and rushed to their relatives' arms, but I stared around with two big eyes. At this time, I sighed in the dark and walked to the classroom with the same steps in the morning. The classroom was no longer loud, but quiet. At this time, A hoarse voice said: "Little student, there will be a sandstorm soon, come here!" I looked back, and it was the old man of the gatekeeper. I was glad to hear that, and I was very moved at that time! A stream of tears poured out. The tears sent streams of warmth to my body, making me feel a warmth I had never felt before. Then, Grandpa kindly brought me a cup of hot boiled water. I said "thank you!" and drank it. The water was so sweet, just like my mother poured it for me. After drinking the water, I began to write my homework, In the process, Grandpa waved his broom in the hall of the school alone. The cold hall was full of gold like enthusiasm. A drop of sweat fell on the ground and the whole school was clean. At this time, I thought: Grandpa is so old, and he should enjoy his old age! But he is dedicated in school. How great! Just as I was thinking, Grandpa came back, and he asked me to have dinner with him. At the same time, the wind blew up, but I didn't feel it at all, because I was moved by Grandpa's kind heart. Finally, I returned home with gratitude.

I want to give sincere care to people in need like grandpa!

A kind person

One afternoon, when I came home from school, I saw my younger brother pestering my mother for money. My mother shook her head vigorously and said, "You need money to buy snacks every day. You spend money so recklessly at a young age, and you can still do it when you grow up!" Who knew that my younger brother didn't give up and said coyly, "Mom, I really need money!" My mother couldn't stand his "coquetry", I had to give my brother 20 yuan.

I walked up to him and asked him what he wanted the money for, but he said, "This is a secret, you can't tell!" I was very angry. What secrets can he have!? Hum! So I decided to start a "reconnaissance operation".

On the first day, I came to my brother's room and secretly checked his piggy bank. Wow, 6 yuan was missing!!! Hum, slanderer, 6 yuan snacks are enough for you!! No, I have to scout!

The next day, I still tiptoed to my brother's room, and another 10 yuan was missing from the piggy bank! On the third day, I found that my brother had used up all 20! Is it not enough for him to eat so many snacks? I can't believe it!!

If I were wearing a hat now, my anger would certainly blow it up! How can my brother be so extravagant!!! What on earth did he buy! It seems that I have to act again!

On the fourth night, I sneaked into the room of the site and saw my brother reading a book with great interest. I didn't even hear the sound of opening the door! I slipped to his usual locker and opened it. There were two story books, a beautiful toy and some pens. I thought: Why does my brother buy so many things? As soon as I closed the cabinet and turned around, my brother was laughing behind me! He said slowly: "These things are donated to poor children in the mountain area and children in orphanages."

I see! It seems that I wronged my brother.

He has a kind heart, so he will love everyone!

Be a kind person

This simple words deeply moved me. My sister and I walked out of this lovely shop. I looked back at the owner of the shop from time to time. What a simple person, what a kind person, what a lovely person

In my heart, there is a person who has always been in my heart. Whenever I see those blind people, I will think of him, the owner of the fruit shop.

Ah! What a sunny Saturday! I took my sister out for a stroll. Suddenly, a cute little fruit shop caught my eye. I took my sister into the shop. Wow! It's pink inside, and the decoration is extremely cute. I guess the shopkeeper must be a very young and lovely girl~

Suddenly, an unmatched man came into my eyes. He was not very tall. His round head was also wearing a pair of thick glasses. His fat body made him short and fat. He saw our sisters smiling and coming to us and asked happily, "What can I buy, little sister?" When I heard this, my heart shook. Is this the boss?

But my sister and I were very surprised when my eyes glanced at the price of each fruit. The price of each watch is much lower than that in the normal market, and they are very cheap.

My sister and I couldn't resist the temptation to buy some apples, which cost only 9 yuan for 3 jin. As soon as we were about to go out, we saw a man in black with a cane in his hand. It was not difficult to see that the poor man was blind. He entered the shop in diameter. The boss saw that, he quickly put down the matter in his hand and went to help the blind man. The blind man felt that a hand was holding him, He asked, "Excuse me, is this a fruit seller?" The boss hurriedly replied, "Yes, please... what fruit do you want to buy?" "I buy apples, do you have any?" The boss smiled and said, "Of course! How many jin do you want?" The blind man thought for a moment, "Hmm... three jin." "Hmm, good! Three jin is a total of......" When the boss had not finished speaking, He looked down, smiled, and said, "It's exactly 5 yuan!"

I was shocked! what? Five yuan? When my sister and I bought it, it was 9 yuan. How come it is 5 yuan now? The boss will lose if he does business like this!

Then my sister and I whispered, "Look at the hand of the blind man!"

I was surprised to find that the blind man held a 5 yuan RMB in his hand, and I suddenly understood

When the blind man left with an apple, the boss said, "Come here often! Eat more fruit! It's good for your health!" I went to the boss and asked, "Why do you lie? If you only sell it for 5 yuan, you will lose money!"

The boss smiled and said: "I saw that he had 5 yuan in his hand, but he didn't have a pocket, so he may only have 5 yuan. If I said 9 yuan, one possibility is that he went home to get the money, because he is blind and inconvenient; the other possibility is that he didn't buy it because he didn't have enough money, so he would go for nothing. Compared with making money, I think I will be happier if I help others. Although I lost some money, I helped others. Isn't that more valuable than making money? "

This simple words deeply moved me. My sister and I walked out of this lovely shop. I looked back at the owner of the shop from time to time. What a simple person, what a kind person, what a lovely person