Giving and Receiving (15 Selected Articles)
Ordinary and valuable
2024-03-07 05:14:20

Giving and receiving (1)

Caring is caring. It is everywhere around us. Each of us needs love, and there is no lack of love in life. If others give us love, we should care more about others, so that the world will be full of love! Suhomlinski once said: "If every child's joy and distress strike your heart and cause you to think, care and worry, then you should bravely choose the noble teaching job as your career, in which you can find the joy of creation." Because of love, there will be the joy of creation, and because of the joy of creation, there will be the joy of education More loving feelings towards students. The teacher loves us, and her love is selfless! Parents give us love, their love is great! We should also learn to love, love others, love ourselves!

Caring is the expectation of parents, the tireless teaching and satisfied smiling face of teachers, the love of angels in white for patients, and the selfless spirit of the PLA in disaster relief. Love is like a night primrose, gently blooming, silently revealing fragrance.

Each of us lives in a collective and is a member of the collective family. Solidarity, mutual assistance and mutual care are essential moral qualities. We should not only learn knowledge, but also love and help each other with classmates. Only each student has a caring heart, mutual humility, mutual tolerance, and harmonious coexistence. Everyone can work together in any difficulty at any time, think together, and work hard to achieve collective progress.

While reading in a spacious and bright classroom, we should also think about Iraq, which is plagued by war, African refugees who cannot even eat, and how many children of our age who should grow up in singing and happiness in remote and poor areas, how unfair the world and life are to them! We should appeal for peace, for solving poverty, for giving them more care. We should also do our best to care for them, help them, and let them have sunshine and happiness like us!

The world is a big family we all have. Everyone and every life has its own rights. We should care for every living creature in the world, grass, animals and environment. When we destroy trees, mountain torrents break out; When we polluted the river, fish and shrimp disappeared. Only when we care about our living environment can we have green shade under the sun and sweet river water.

Students! Let's love each other and feel love, because the love of spring breeze melts the ice, revives everything, and brings people to a better season. Because of the love of spring rain, "the wind sneaks into the night, moistening things silently". Let's work together with the spring breeze and rain to care for our classmates, our campus, our city, our world, and every grass and river around us! Let's make our world a better place!

Giving and receiving (2)

Grandma's love has never stopped since I was born.

I remember when I was in kindergarten, the kindergarten was far away from home. Grandma picked me up almost every day, no matter it was windy or rainy, or cold or hot. Every time she comes to pick me up, she always asks with care: "Baby, are you hungry? Do you want to eat?" Then she will take the prepared snacks from the bag to me. I held Grandma in my left hand and snacks in my right hand. I followed her home while eating. My grandparents and grandchildren, one tall and one short, walked side by side. I still remember this scene.

Many years have passed, and now I have grown much taller than Grandma. I begin to understand. I no longer need her to pick me up and see me off, and she no longer lives with us. Every time I go to Grandma's house, she always asks for help, cares about my study and health, and prepares a lot of delicious food for me. Many times I didn't say a few words with her, so I went into the study on the pretext of doing my homework. Grandma came in from time to time to pour tea and deliver water. I often asked her out impatiently.

Once, I went to the drawing room near my grandmother's house for a sketch lesson. I planned to go there myself, but my grandmother insisted on seeing me off. Before leaving, she picked up a pomegranate and asked, "Do you want to eat it on the way?"

"No!" I answered firmly, thinking: How old am I, still eating while walking?

"Do you want this?" Grandma asked again, picking up an orange.

"I really don't need it!" I was impatient, and my words sounded like roaring. When she heard what I said, Grandma didn't pay much attention to my tone. She said, "After school, if it rains, I will pick you up. You will wait for me there. If nothing happens, I will arrive early."

"Oh, oh, oh, come on, hurry up!" I answered without listening carefully.

On the road, I walked briskly, each step faster than Grandma, and gradually, I opened a distance with her. Then I heard my grandmother behind me say, "Dongdong, take my hand." She looked at me, her eyes full of love and concern, but I ignored this easy request, just slowed down and let her go first. At the moment when she passed me, I found that Grandma's hair had changed from black to gray, her face was wrinkled more and more, her legs were not so flexible, and her waist was bent.

I was shocked and remembered the little things I had lived with my grandmother since childhood. When I was in kindergarten, my grandparents and grandchildren walked home in the sunset hand in hand. With a flick of their fingers, I grew up and my grandmother grew old. She has always paid her love for me. This kind of selfless love is deeper than I imagined and is like the sea of rivers. Grandma has always been almost obedient to me, but when I grow up, I can't even do such a small request from her. I only know how to get something but not how to return it. I really shouldn't!

Time passes like water. I used to run with my grandmother, but now I walk faster than her. But in her eyes, I will always be a child in need of care. Her love for me has increased, but my return to her is too little.

Brucea javanica still has the grace of feeding back. I must make up for and repay Grandma with love in the future, and always remember that Grandma's love is as deep as the sea.

Giving and receiving (3)

Caring is a bridge that sends people to the other side of love; Love is a kite, flying the ideal of love; Love is a diamond, shining with the glory of love; Love is a glass of milk, containing the purity of love.

The north wind is whistling, like a cruel beast, trying to devour everything in the world. The wind, blowing on my face, is painful and numb, as if I had been slapped several times. There is not a single white cloud in the sky. It is a big black cloud. Compared with the clear sky, it is a world of difference. The original day has become the current "night".

However, for me, who desperately wanted to learn how to ride a bike, I didn't notice the change in the sky and still rode outside.

Gradually, the sky became darker and darker. Suddenly, it was like a basin of pouring rain. At this time, I realized -! I pushed my bike hurriedly and ran home at the fastest speed.

The heavy rain hit the ground like bullets and hit my face like marbles. In the dark "night", I could not see my fingers. The gloomy road was like my mood - I was wet all over and said, "How unlucky! I met so much rain! I became a drowned rat!"

Just then, I saw a white BMW parked on the slope. As I was about to hit me, I quickly put my weight on the right side. However, because the ground was like a frozen slide, I accidentally fell heavily on the ground. I was so embarrassed that I could not get up from the ground, let alone lift my bike. I can only fall on the ground and wait for the help of a kind person. I lie on the ground, but the rain doesn't care for me. It has been whipping me all the time, and I don't know whether it is rain or tears

At this time, the rain suddenly "stopped. I looked up and saw a young aunt holding an umbrella and stretching out a hand. So I extended my left hand to her, and the young aunt gently lifted me up and handed me the umbrella. She herself braved the rain and lifted up my bike. Then, she asked me again," Are you all right? "I didn't answer. She saw that I hadn't answered for a long time, but she was trembling, so she took off her own coat and put it on my shoulder.

"It's not cold now!" she said to me again with her gentle words.

I nodded.

Where do you live? Is this building? She pointed to a nearby building.

"Hmm!" I nodded again.

So, the aunt let me hold the umbrella alone, while she braved the rain and pushed her bike to my house. My two lines of tears under the umbrella came out of my eyes and kept dripping on the ground

Later, the young aunt left without leaving her name. Looking at her back in the rain, I suddenly felt that she was like the "second generation"

Even two strangers will create the most beautiful line in the world.

Giving and receiving (4)

Whether it is vague film or heavy examination paper, whether it is indecisive autumn or warm and rough summer, I can no longer recall the infinite memories I am full of.

Only it

Egg rice is not only my grandma's favorite dish when I was young, but also my grandma's infinite concern for me. When I am happy, a bowl of hot rice with eggs is a silent celebration. When I am sad, this bowl of rice with eggs becomes a wordless comfort. No matter at any time, a bowl of rice with eggs can always make me relaxed and happy.

Egg rice is colorful and delicious. Grandma held a bowl of rice tightly in her hands, which were like ravines in the Loess Plateau. That was the egg rice I had always wanted to eat and hide in my heart! Although it is very ordinary, perhaps in the eyes of others, it is just food for hunger, but it is so different for me - it is grandma's egg rice! Look! The golden eggs, the red but finely cut carrots and the green vegetables are dotted in the meal room, which makes people have a big appetite at first sight. It's really a feast for the eyes. Whenever Grandma cooks egg rice, whenever I hear the oil falling in the pan and quietly blooming bright flowers, whenever I smell the faint fragrance of the eggs, whenever I see Grandma's busy figure in the kitchen, I am always the first to run out, but also the first to start gobbling, usually before it is time to taste carefully. Sometimes, when I finish a bowl of rice, I still can't find a reason to eat it. I can only stare at my grandma, as if in a blink of an eye, all the rice eggs in the pot will slip away from my eyes and fall into Grandma's "big mouth". At the edge of the bowl, there is a faint smell of rice, which is like sweet osmanthus, and immerses the streets. The smell of rice is mixed with the smell of lampblack, egg and grandma's honest family

Not to mention the bright color, not to mention the plain taste, just the fragrant fragrance can make people have endless aftertaste. When the sun shines warm through the window glass and refracts on the edge of the bowl, the rich aroma of rice overflows from the bowl and melts into the air. It twists and turns in the air, slowly rises, and gradually rises to the sky dimly. It dances in the breeze and "interacts" with my nose from time to time, making people fascinated. It was not easy to squeeze out time to taste slowly. In the mouth, I chew slowly. It is moderate but not light. The unique feeling of being soft and not greasy makes people forget themselves. At this time, even if I eat the salt grains that have not been stirred, I am already satisfied. Although the egg rice is still as plain as ever, it is as warm as spring breeze - it is made by Grandma!

Now, looking at Grandma's unskilled and even clumsy chopping vegetable leaves and the light and shadow on her snow-white temples, I suddenly realized that maybe this plain but warm egg rice contains the infinite love that Grandma never showed but really exists

The cold wind crept into my sleeves through the curtains, chilled my hands, but could not freeze my warm heart

Giving and receiving (5)

Care is warm, just like basking in the warm sun, all care and happiness are in the arms. Care is sweet, like soaking in a sweet hot spring. All care and happiness are written on your face. Love is also bilateral. When you put yourself in a dark hole, all the love, happiness and happiness can't break your heart knot and enter your world, and the people who give you love will also fall into the dark world.

I read such a story:

The lively little girl shouted "Grandpa" as soon as she came back from school! Grandfather will quickly put down his work, hold "little dot" in his hands, and cheerfully answer: "Alas!". At this time, the children's laughter is the purest and sweetest, the elderly's laughter is the closest, and the eyes are the most kind. The whole family is happy, which makes people envious.

As time goes by, the little girl grows up day by day. Grandpa's waist bent, his strength was low, his hair was white, and he walked with crutches. His personal hygiene was not as good as before. The girl began to alienate her grandfather until she ignored him.

One winter morning, the girl hurried to school with her classmates. On the way, it suddenly snowed heavily. The little girl's clothes were soaked in the snow, and her hands and feet were shivering with cold. She and her classmates could not see the road clearly. They wanted to go and were afraid, but they didn't want to go cold. They hugged and huddled together and didn't know what to do. At this time, Grandpa, who was wearing a dark cotton padded jacket and hanging a crutch, stumbled out of the snow. Grandpa's face was purple with cold, and his hair and beard were covered with snow. But grandpa didn't stop. When he saw his granddaughter, he hurried to take a few steps, put a wide and tattered cotton padded clothes on the girl, and said in a severe but warm voice: "I can't find your clothes, put on my cotton padded clothes quickly, and don't freeze!" The girl threw her clothes on the snow with all her strength, saying: "I don't want your dirty clothes." At this time, her parents also came, and the family of three happily went home in beautiful clothes, leaving Grandpa alone in the snow. Grandpa stretched out his purple hands, picked up the broken cotton padded clothes, and walked back with difficulty step by step. The old figure makes people cry. This kind of care is incomplete.

I used to have a grandfather who loved me, loved me and cared about me; Being naughty in front of my parents, because my grandpa is here, my parents will never and dare not hit me.

Love is mutual. Grandpa gave me love and I gave him a smile. At that time, Grandpa had nothing, but he told me that he had the whole world. The old man doesn't ask much. As long as we have time to chat with him, and as long as we let him care more about us, he will be the happiest. I want to love, accompany and laugh for my grandpa now, but it's impossible anymore, because grandpa has left me forever.

Finally, I understand that love is complete only when the receiver and care are needed, and it is not perfect without the care of either party. Therefore, students should not let the full love leave scars, and do not let the sweet family fall into dust. Don't leave scars on those who love us like the girl in the story.

Giving and receiving (6)

Love is a lamp, illuminating the way of growth. Love is on the left, severity is on the right, love is in the light, and warmth is everywhere.

Turning to my childhood memories, the most shining one is the orange light in front of my desk, which is my childhood expectation.

Every night, under the warmest light, my mother read "Guess how much I love you" to me in the softest voice. She put on two big ears, danced and said: "I love you, I jump so high!" Her shadow was like a big rabbit under the light, and I babbled and said: "I love you, as high as the moon!" My mother smiled and hugged me, Our shadows blend into one, snuggling in the warm light, I feel I am the happiest person in the world.

I don't know when it began. The light gradually became confused, and my mother also changed. What she cares about every day is whether I can do the Olympic math problems and whether my homework is all right. As long as I don't meet her requirements at all, she will "roar like a lion", but no matter how hard I try, I still can't meet her requirements. My desk has also been replaced with bright incandescent lamps. Every day I struggle in the sea of questions, only my lonely shadow is left in the lamp. Every time I see this, my mood is particularly low, "Mom, do you want a score or me?"

I can't stand such a day. Today I must tell my mother clearly. "Pa" The light in the living room came on, and my mother's shadow was projected on the door. I welcomed her out. As soon as my mother saw me, she asked, "Have you finished your homework?" I whispered, "Yes, I have something to ask you." "Hmm? Did you fail in the Olympic math exam again?" My mother raised her eyebrows, and her voice rose eight degrees. She asked me like a shot at the head. "No, it's not." I quickly dropped my head. In confusion, the shadow on the ground was cold and strange, and my mother really changed.

At night, I was going to bed. Through the crack in the door, I suddenly saw a familiar orange light. Isn't that me, but the little light in front of my desk? I walked over quietly. It turned out that my mother was changing my homework. Several strands of long hair hung down to my forehead, and white silk had been dyed in the middle unconsciously. I couldn't help crying: "Mom!" She turned around and her eyes were covered with blood. My mother was so tired during the day and had to change my homework for me at night. A warm current rose from the bottom of my heart. "Mom still loves me!" "Mom, I love you!" My mother smiled, which was the most brilliant smile I have ever seen. Then she went out again, "Mom changed again?" Before I finished thinking, she came back again. Mother conjured up a book Guess How Much I Love You. Oh, my mother had been reading it, but she didn't tell me.

"Guess how much I love you?"

"I can't guess."

"I love you from here to the moon."

It turns out that all around me is my mother's love, and the light shines into my heart through the darkness.

Love is a lamp. The lamp of childhood is a warm companion; The light of youth is the expectation of growth. Love is on the left, severity is on the right, love is under the light, and warmth is everywhere.

Giving and receiving (7)

Last night, my mother scolded me for some trivial things. I ran out of the house in anger. At that time, I was more or less reluctant. I was very sad. Why did my mother say that to me? In a moment, my heart hurt. So I ran to a place where no one could find and hid. I thought I would never see my family again.

After that, my mother called one by one, and kept calling, but I hung up. I thought I could not bear to blackout her number. I sat in the place where no one could see me and cried loudly. I kept saying in my heart, "I will let you regret it. I will never go back." At this time, my mother called again. This time, I answered the phone. I didn't know what she was going to say, so I asked her what she was going to do, and the other end of the phone only cried. I listened and was a little annoyed, I hung up again. And put the number into the blacklist, I think: now you can't get through.

In fact, my mother usually treats me very well. I am usually wayward, and I often refute her scolding me. It can be said that I don't care about my mother's feelings, and I often lose my temper with her. My mother always makes me happy. But this time, my mother took the initiative to scold me. I couldn't stand it at all, so I ran out impulsively.

Although I blacked out her phone number, I still longed to return to my mother. I opened the intercepted phone and intercepted information, and sure enough, there were many, and these phone calls and information, like needles in my heart, were very painful. Mom said: Sweetie, come back. Mom will never scold you again. Seeing this, my eyes moistened and I pulled her number out of the blacklist. Sure enough, my mother called again. She apologized to me and said she would never scold me again. At the moment, I felt very guilty and said, "Mom, I'm sorry, I won't do this in the future." At the other end of the phone, listening to my mother's tone, it was like putting down a big stone.

Later, my mother came to pick me up. I saw my mother who was no longer young, and I was very sad. I had not done much to honor my parents in these years, and my mother never complained about me. She was still very good to me. But I always don't know what to do with my happiness. I think I must not be naughty or rebellious in the future. After all, she raised me and cared about me so much. I really shouldn't act on impulse.

When I was young, my mother always held me every day. At that time, I hated to be relieved and would never cause trouble for my mother. Now that I have grown up, it seems that I am getting farther and farther away from my mother. Between me and her, there is less talk. We no longer confide in each other, but choose silence and quarrel. Although my mother is really wrong sometimes, her tolerance makes me have no reason to hate her. I think my mother is the only person who treats me the best in the world. In the future, I will change my temper and get along well with my mother.

Giving and receiving (8)

Love is everywhere in life. Every summer when I wear a skirt, the scar on my right knee will remind me of a very touching thing that happened to me.

"Ringing", class. This is music class. The music classroom is far away from the east teaching building of the school, while our class is in the west teaching building. So all the students in the class grabbed the clarinet and rushed to the music classroom. However, Xianweifei and I were relatively slow in picking up our things, and soon there were only two of us left in the classroom.

I was so worried that I turned around to see if I was weak first. Her eyebrows were locked and her nose was sweating. She was obviously more worried than I was. The bell for class has stopped. Like ants on a hot pot, we rushed out of the classroom and ran panting. When we ran to a corner of Wang's Garden, the crowd became crowded. Because this is a fork in the road, there are many students, and everyone rushes in all directions.

Because everyone was very worried, I didn't know who touched me in the chaos, lost my balance, and flew out. The clarinet and textbooks in my hands scattered, and my body fell heavily on the ground. To the surprise of all the students present, everyone stopped and came to help me.

At this time, Xiaofei shouted: "Everyone go to class quickly. Don't delay. Every class is very important. I'm her classmate, and I'll help her!" Then she ran quickly and picked up my scattered textbooks and clarinet. Then she quickly ran to me and said with concern, "Does it hurt? Can you stand up?" Then she handed me the textbook and said, "Look, how could you be so careless that you broke the textbook! The fall must have been very serious. Let's go, let me help you to the infirmary!" Although First Weak Fei was angry with me, But the eyes she threw at me were clearly caring eyes.

Then he lifted me up with his strength and helped me slowly forward. As long as the road ahead changed, she would remind me: "Be careful! There are stones, see your feet!" "Be careful! Go upstairs, slow down!" In this way, we both walked to the infirmary step by step.

When the doctor finished treating my wound, I found that the clothes on Xian Weifei had been soaked with sweat. I hurried and said shyly, "Thank you, first Xiaofei, you should hurry to class!" While first Xiaofei smiled faintly and said, "No hurry, I will send you back to the classroom first, and then go to class!" At this time, I deeply felt the care of my classmates, and the pain in my body had been expelled to the sky by this love.

This is a small thing that happened to me. Although it was just a fall, it left a scar on my leg. But it made me deeply appreciate the love that my classmates gave me. Whenever I see this scar, what I think of is not pain, but love. This is love everywhere in life.

Giving and receiving (9)

Caring is an indispensable emotion in life. It can give people warmth and impetus to move forward. Love is everywhere, and it surrounds us all the time, even in a foreign country. During the summer vacation, I attended a training camp to Canada. One day, my roommate and I ran around outdoors and accidentally hurt my arm. I didn't care too much. As a result, the wound became inflamed and a large area of pus appeared.

On Monday, I came to the school of the summer camp. As soon as I entered the class, a better friend of mine saw my wound. He immediately ran to me and carefully observed it. I saw that my wound was covered with dust. Through the dust, I could see that there was a layer of yellow pus inside, and it also gave off a pungent smell. He asked me with concern, "Brother, what's wrong with you? What's wrong with your arm?" I said, "I hurt my arm at the weekend. It's a little inflamed. It's nothing serious!", Then he said, "My parents are doctors. I have seen this situation many times, and I know what to do. I have potions in my schoolbag. Go and clean them for you!" Then he pulled me out of the room without saying anything.

Outside, he took out many bottles and jars from his schoolbag like a surgeon. I saw that cotton swabs, disinfectant, tweezers, gauze and other tools were available. He first took up the disinfectant and sprinkled a little on my wound. After the scab and dust softened, he used tweezers to tear the scab off my wound like peeling the bark of a tree. He was so engrossed and meticulous that he was careful in every movement, for fear of hurting me. Next, he used a cotton swab to clean the yellow pus on the wound bit by bit, just like his mother cleaned the oil stain on the stove. The wound was so big that it took him quite a while to clean it up. When he looked up, I found a lot of sweat oozing from his head. Finally, he poured some disinfectant on a piece of gauze, applied it to my wound, and fixed it with adhesive tape. When he finished his work, he said to me, "Keep the wound clean and don't touch anything else, so as not to aggravate the infection!" My heart was moved. A friend who had just met me was so attentive to me. Although the wound hurt, my heart was very warm.

At noon, he stopped me again, helped me clean up again, and asked me to clean up again after school. I really don't know how to thank him. In this way, he cleaned up for me three times a day for five days, until we separated after returning home, a total of 15 times. For me, it's good to have someone clean my wound. I've seen him as a benefactor for so many times!

This friend helped me many times abroad, so my wound did not continue to deteriorate. After returning home, my mother took me to the hospital for dressing, and soon recovered completely. There is love everywhere in the world. Even in a foreign country, I feel the love and warmth of my compatriots. I think the best way to express gratitude is to pass on this love, so that everyone can feel the warmth of mutual love!

Giving and receiving (10)

I found that parents who let their children participate in our activities in the summer are very busy. It seems that they don't have time to take care of their children, so they choose to send their children to school to continue their studies. We are like a nanny, always around the children. Many children said that their parents were not at home during the day, and when they returned home, they fell asleep. In the growth process of children, parents' company is too little.

A child, only in third grade, has learned to smoke. We asked him where the money came from, and he said his aunt gave it. I think this child really lacks the care of his family. His smoking is not his own fault, but also closely related to his surroundings. Just imagine that if his family cared more about him, they would find him smoking and stop his behavior in time. A child can get money if he wants it at home. This material indulgence only encourages the child's bad thoughts and wrong values.

I saw that some students from good families in our voluntary education school will have a mobile phone on their hands. I wonder how their parents can trust them with a mobile phone? As a primary school student, how can we let them own these luxuries so soon? In class, I asked everyone about their dreams. Some students said that they were very rich, but when it comes to teachers, doctors, police, lawyers and other professions, they had no interest at all. I feel chilly and pursue material things prematurely for these children. When I think of myself at this age, I will have many dreams in my heart. If parents spend more time with their children and more time teaching them, perhaps children will not have so many dreams related to money.

Many of these children are still clinging to our teachers. Every day, students come to our place to find the teachers in their class. I think this may be because their parents care too little about them. Now when someone cares about them, they will feel dependent. Today, a girl in junior high school had a stomachache. Many of us took care of her until we saw that she took medicine and bought her food. Later, when she said she would take her home, she refused, saying that there was no one at home. We learned that her parents went out to work very early, so there was no way to cook for her. Many parents may think about how to increase their family's income, often ignoring the need to take care of children. No child does not need the care of parents, and no child does not want to be cared for. In their growth, the most important thing is to have more parents' company.

Many people will complain that children are too difficult to discipline, too naughty, and too ignorant. But have you ever thought that this is not their unilateral reason. Many times, it is not because of nature, but because parents and family members give too little care, which makes them lack guidance in the growth process, so that they have to make some eye-catching behavior to attract others' attention. The process of children's growth is particularly important, so more care should be injected into it.

Giving and receiving (11)

Living in this warm and harmonious society, everyone must have experienced kindness from outside. The same is true of me. On an ordinary morning, on an ordinary bus, I received extraordinary care.

When I woke up early that morning, I saw the alarm clock showed 6:50, "Oh, it's over, I'm going to be late!" I suddenly lost sleep, dressed and washed as fast as I could, rushed out of the house with my schoolbag and rushed to the bus stop at the speed of 100 meters in the wake of my mother's instructions.

There was a bus coming at the same time. God helped me. I followed the surging crowd to get on the bus: "I won't be late now!" My heart was happy. But then came a bad news: "No, the door can't be closed, please go down next to the door." The driver said while trying to close the door again, but my bag stuck the door, and the door still couldn't be closed. Dozens of eyes stared at me. It turned out that I was closest to the car door, which was a bolt from the blue for me.

"What should I do?" I was extremely ambivalent. "If I get off at this time, I will be late." All the passengers in the car were accusing me with hurried eyes, as if blaming me for wasting their precious time. I felt hot on my face. "What should I do? What should I do?"

While I was engaged in a fierce psychological struggle, a loud voice came: "Let me get out of the car, and I will go to the neighborhood to find a bike sharing car." I heard the reputation, but saw a pair of old hands stretched out from behind, holding down the shoulder of the middle-aged man.

I saw an old man who was over seventy years old standing up and squeezing out of the crowd. He smiled at me and said, "Let me go down!" I looked up at the old man and saw that he was not tall, his back was a little bent, and his face was covered with wrinkles, just like crumpled paper. The dark skin and gray hair formed a sharp contrast, making him look older.

Then a young man stopped the old man. "Uncle, you are old, and it is inconvenient for you to move. I'd better go down." Uncle waved: "Students are rushing to school, and you young people are rushing to work. My old man is fine, not in a hurry, not in a hurry!" Then he squeezed out, and passengers moved aside to make way for the old man. My face seemed to be burned. I could only watch the old man squeeze out of the car.

This time, the door was closed smoothly, and the car was calm again. I looked at my uncle's back through the car door. He walked leisurely to the bus stop again, stood under the bus stop sign and waited for the next bus. The sun was shining on his gray hair. I am ashamed and sad. From that day on, every time I took the bus, I purposely looked around the crowd and wanted to say "thank you" to the man, but I never met him.

Although this matter has passed for a long time, I can't forget the simple words of my uncle, which always warms my heart. As a famous saying goes, "As long as everyone gives a little love, the world will become a better world.

Giving and receiving (12)

"Pick up, pick up!" I urged by the phone. Today, the teacher was going to teach us how to look up a dictionary, but my stupid cousin didn't know whether he had bought it or not? If I had known, I would not have been angry with him! I reluctantly put down the receiver and waited anxiously, while the scene of last night came into my mind

While eating delicious food, I told my cousin who was watching TV: "Cousin, tomorrow the teacher asked us to take the dictionary back, and she would ask us to look it up

I said with a silent face: "Mom and Dad are not here, and there is no dictionary at home, so please help me buy a dictionary tomorrow morning, and then send me to school! OK?" Who knows my cousin not only didn't accept my favor, but also said angrily: "You won't buy it yourself, why should I buy it! Anyway, I don't care about you. I don't have time to go to buy a dictionary for you in the early morning, and the bookstore must not be open that early. When do you want me to wait? " I was so angry that my face turned blue, my mouth pursed, and my face turned to one side: "Hum, I ignored you!" So I went back to my bedroom in anger

In retrospect, I feel a little regretful for what I did yesterday. I thought: Alas, it must be necessary to be scolded face to face by the teacher. You'd better be prepared!

Just then, a familiar figure came, and my heart trembled: it was my cousin! Unconsciously, I ran to the school gate and saw my cousin who was wet all over and the dictionary in his hand. I looked out in surprise and my heart trembled. I didn't know when it was raining cats and dogs. I shouted, "Cousin!" When my cousin saw me, he relaxed his anxiety and immediately ran to me and said, "Are you all right? I ran to several bookstores but they didn't open. Sorry! " Only then did I realize that I could not see my brother clearly - tears filled my eyes. I tried to hold back my tears and watched my cousin's wet hair and clothes. Even the raindrops on his hair are still dripping to the ground, forming a small puddle. I asked my cousin with a trembling voice: "How could you..." I could not say the following words - tears blocked my mouth. Finally, tears like broken beads dropped to the ground, also formed a small puddle. My cousin touched his head in embarrassment and said, "I was in a hurry when I went out. I forgot to take my umbrella. I'm fine! Anyway, I haven't washed my hair these days. God, it's because my head is too dirty that it rains!" I broke through tears to smile. The tears that used to be like broken beads stopped immediately. "OK! Go to class quickly! Cousin said and handed me a brand new dictionary without a drop of water. My heart trembled again. Although my cousin's whole body had been soaked by the rain, he still protected my dictionary, just in order not to delay my class!

Now I am in the sixth grade, and I have kept the dictionary that accompanied me for six years in my desk. Although it is only a dictionary, it contains my cousin's infinite care and love for me, and it will accompany me forever

Giving and receiving (13)

If the world is a cottage, love is a window in the cottage; If the world is a ship, then love is a light on the vast sea. Being loved is a wonderful enjoyment, and caring for others is a noble virtue. Have you learned to love?

One Saturday night, night, very quiet. My father and I walked along a path, and we talked about the happiness and troubles of the day. In the moonlight, the shadow of father and daughter is very long

Suddenly, a noise in front broke the silence that my father and I were enjoying alone. Approaching, a group of impudent young men were cheerfully shouting. I vaguely saw an old woman in her seventies and eighties who was pushed by the young people to stumble.

The old woman is too old. Her back is bent. Her thin figure makes people want to support her. Her hands, like withered branches of a tree, supported her crutches and moved with difficulty. Grandma's foot is like a triangular rice dumpling. She limps when walking. It's really hard!

I felt sorry for my grandmother, and my father was silent. I don't know who it is. She called coldly, "Dead old woman!" and gave the old woman a vicious push. My heart was clenched. The old lady, who had difficulty in her legs, fell heavily to the ground, and the hateful people laughed and ran away.

I saw this scene beside me, bright red scarf fluttering in my chest. It was the strength of the excellent Young Pioneers that pushed me to help the grandma.

Grandma's short hair looks like a layer of white frost, a pair of eyes have been deeply filled into the eye socket, wrinkles covered the corners of the eyes. Her weather beaten face is engraved with her wind and rain journey.

I picked up the old woman carefully and said, "Grandma, you didn't hurt?" The old woman said kindly, "It's OK, little girl, can you help me to the front?" Although I was wondering why I wanted to go to the front, I also agreed. The old woman's hands cracked and thick cocoons were worn out on her palms.

At this time, I saw a little boy sitting on the ground in front of me sobbing. Maybe he was injured. The old woman quickly stepped forward, took up the little boy lovingly, and asked, "Little friend, where is the pain? I'll rub it for you..."

Hear this, see this, my heart can not help surging up a warm current. I helped the old woman to lift her who fell down. The old woman cared for the little boy and held the injured child. What a wonderful moment, what a harmonious picture, what a moving scene!

Looking at the kind old woman and the happy little boy, I smiled, laughing for the love everywhere in the world! I ran back happily. My father stood on the lawn not far away and smiled happily, laughing because I learned to love others!

Night is so beautiful. Looking up at the starry sky, the night sky is still deep, the stars are still bright, and the moon lifts her veil to reveal her charming face. A white pear flower opens quietly in the blue sky.

In the sweet moonlight, who has the heart to break this beauty and abandon this love?

Giving and receiving (14)

There are many things that restrict us in life. We often reject them and hate them.

For example, I feel more and more that my parents are so wordy: when I come home late from school, my mother will not stop to ask why I am so late, why do I come here so late, and why should I come back early in the future! When I went out, my father said that I should ride slowly. When I met the elders, I should be careful when I turned the corner. Such things made my brain ache and eyes dazzle. Once, I chewed these words back and forth on the road, and finally came to the conclusion that my parents might be a little lost in my growth and independence, so I kept on talking to remind them of their authority and absolute control over me. After thinking about it, I suddenly became enlightened.

Shortly after that, when my mother asked me what my female classmate was doing on the phone, I contradicted my mother: "Are you bored, nagging, taking care of everything..." After listening to this, my mother was a little surprised, stunned for a long time, and silently walked into her room. In a trance, I heard her soft and heavy sigh.

I was complacent about my reasoning ability and small victory for many days, until that afternoon.

It was a winter afternoon. It was very cold and the sun was shining weakly. Several brown wild pigeons were looking around on the withered yellow lawn in a daze. I was lying on the balcony alone, feeling like the mottled shadows cast by those dead trees, a little gray and irritable. By chance, a mother and daughter came into sight. The young mother was wearing a red down coat, and the seven year old daughter was wearing a blue down coat. One is red and the other is blue. The bright colors of their clothes add a little warmth and vitality to this cold winter day.

Mother is teaching her daughter to ride a bike. In the cold weather, the hot air they breathed out quickly due to exercise was around them, and I clearly saw sweat on my mother's forehead. Her daughter giggled happily and squeezed the handlebars, but after all, there was still a lot of disharmony between hands and feet. Mother bent down, held the handlebar with one hand, and firmly grasped the back seat with the other: "Come on, be careful, pedal slowly, don't be afraid, mother is holding on? How can I grow up without the help of my parents? Without mother's restraint on the car, the child may fall a lot. When necessary, our parents assisted our "car" to prevent us from falling head broken and bleeding, and we took fewer detours on the road of life.

I went straight back to the house: "Mom, I shouldn't misunderstand your concern..."

There are many things that restrict us in life. Those that restrict us and are regarded as fetters and excluded by us are deep care and love.

Giving and receiving (15)

Since I was born into this world, my life has been full of countless love. Among them, the teacher's care is the most unforgettable. Little by little, I feel warm. My Chinese teacher, Wang, has been with us for three years, and I have devoted her efforts to every bit of progress. I remember that when I was in the fifth grade, I could not master the reading comprehension part, which made me very distressed. During the lunch break, the teacher handed out the test papers. I still didn't do well in this exam. I bowed my head and felt very sad.

Mr. Wang saw that I was depressed and sat beside me silently, looking through the examination paper carefully. I said to the teacher dejectedly, "Why do I always answer incorrectly? How stupid!" The teacher gently stroked my head and comforted me, saying, "Don't worry, child. Failure is the mother of success. As long as the cause of the error is analyzed, it will be successful." She pointed at every error and looked carefully. My heart seemed to find a way to rely on. She pondered for a while and said to me, "When you answer questions, it is important to first read the article; when you examine the questions, you should draw the key words, and then take the questions back to the article for comments." Teacher Wang paused, looked up at me, as if afraid I didn't understand, and I nodded hurriedly.

"Finally, we should write the answer format and check it carefully. You must remember that all the questions come from the article." She said patiently again and again, and her eyes conveyed not only encouragement but also infinite love. The teacher spoke very well. I saw that the paper was full of explanations and symbols written by her in red pen, as if it was a warm current that excited me. I gratefully said to the teacher: "Thank you, I will try my best next time."

"Don't wait for next time, do one now. Let me check whether you have mastered it." The teacher said while taking out an examination paper from his textbook and asked me to do it. I looked at the teacher in surprise and said, "You have to have class in the afternoon and have a rest at noon!". In this way, the teacher accompanied me to study together. One noon she was busy, holding on to the teacher's responsibility with her own actions. She talked about her ideas and methods step by step. When she found a mistake, she asked me to rewrite it until she was satisfied with my answer. Listening to her hoarse voice, I firmly believe that she is the person I should respect and trust.

After school, Mr. Wang came to me with a book in his hand and a smile. He said kindly, "Here is a book for you. You can go home and practice hard. If you have problems, come to me again." The smile seemed to have seen my success! Holding the book my teacher gave me, I could not say a word of thanks. I know that the word "thank you" is too light. How can I repay the teacher for his efforts? How can those praise poems interpret the teacher's selfless love? The care that the teacher gave me impressed me deeply. Only when I repay with good results, can I be the greatest comfort to the teacher. I will embrace a grateful heart, flow and pass on, and let more people feel warm and happy!