First day composition Funny family stories (14 excellent articles)
Winter snow
2023-11-22 05:26:14
Junior 1

First grade composition Funny family stories (1)

In every family, there are some interesting things, and my family is no exception. You see, I got 95 points in today's math exam, and I was very happy. Suddenly, I thought of a prank. As soon as I entered the house, I left my schoolbag on the sofa and ran to my mother. I whispered my plan to her ear. My mother is a humorous person. She agreed with my plan and said, "I will cooperate with you with all my strength.

With the door bell of "ding dong ding dong", Dad came back and the show began! I didn't talk around my father or watch TV on the sofa as usual, but sat there in silence and listlessness. My father walked up to me, touched my head with concern, and said, "Why are you wilting today?". "Wife, what's wrong with my son today?" "He only got over 70 points in today's math exam, which is disappointing!" After saying that, my mother cut a tomato to shreds, and the red juice splashed all over my mother. The father said, "No wonder the boy is so honest today. He doesn't watch TV or go crazy with me. Let's see how I deal with him today!"

At this time, I had been hiding outside to eavesdrop. Hearing this, I couldn't help laughing and said, "Ha ha! Dad was cheated!" My mother also burst into laughter in the kitchen. My father was surprised, and he immediately reflected what was going on. He rushed out of the kitchen, lifted me high, and threw me on the sofa. While scratching, he said, "You bastard, how many points did you get in the exam? Tell me quickly, or I will make you laugh out of breath." I couldn't say anything, so I had to beg for mercy.

"Ha ha ha......" bursts of laughter echoed in my home!

First grade composition Funny family stories (2)

Today, my father worked on the construction site, and my mother worked in Liqun. I was left alone at home, growling with hunger. When I look at my watch, ah! It's half past one, and mother still has 5 hours and 30 minutes to come back. What can we do? There is only one small apple at home!

I can't wait any longer. Let my chef Xiao Li cook! I went into the kitchen, picked up a cucumber and put it on the cutting board. Then I picked up the kitchen knife and cut it "Pa, Pa, Pa". After cutting, I saw that the cucumbers were cut into small pieces and could be stuffed into my nostrils. I was going to cut the cucumber into round pieces, but it was cut into small pieces.

How else can I cook my meals? Suddenly, I came up with an idea. I found a small glass plate, put cucumber pieces into it, and sprinkled some sugar. Because I can't cook with a machine, I have to use hot water. Ten minutes later, the dish came out, and I named it "scalded cucumber block". I cut the small apple into ten pieces and put it into the hot water. I went to watch TV and forgot about cooking. Unconsciously, half an hour later, I immediately ran to the kitchen and took out the apple. At this time, the apple was very hot. I put it in the refrigerator again to cool down. I went to watch TV again and forgot about fruit. Another hour later, I ran to the refrigerator and saw that the apple had turned into apple ice! I looked at my watch. It was half past five, and my mother had just entered the door. I told my mother how I cooked. My mother said, "You are so awesome!"

I brought up my masterpiece and the biscuits bought by my mother. My mother and I ate sweetly.

This kitchen experience made me feel the joy of labor and the hard work of my parents.

First grade composition Funny family stories (3)

Today is a family gathering. My father, mother, sister, brother and I go back to my grandmother's house for a party.

When I came to Grandma's house, the whole family was here, so today Grandma was very happy and energetic. Several of our children said hello to their grandmother and went out to play, while adults sat together playing mahjong. Time passed slowly. Everyone was tired of playing. My aunt suggested making dumplings, and everyone agreed with one voice.

My aunt is good at making dumplings. She puts the wrapper on her hand and puts the stuffing on it. When she pinches it here and there, a beautiful dumpling is born. I can also make dumplings, but not as beautiful as my aunt. I can't pack well, so I'm impatient. Suddenly, my eyes brightened. Yes, I made a dumpling without filling. Whoever eats it will be lucky. So I immediately made a big dumpling without filling. In order not to mix with other dumplings, I specially drew a circle on this dumpling as a mark. Unfortunately, it was seen by my aunt. She whispered what she saw to my mother, then my mother told my father, and my father told my uncle... They passed it on one by one, and everyone else knew about it except my grandmother.

After the dumplings were cooked, the dumpling without filling first went to my mother's bowl. When she found out, she took the dumplings to her aunt, who then gave them to her father, who then passed them on to me. I looked at the dumpling and didn't know what to do. I had a brainwave and came up with a good idea. I said to my grandma like a coquette, "Grandma, I can't finish eating these dumplings, why don't I give you some, Until I found the dumpling without filling, I touched my head and laughed with everyone. The room was full of laughter.

First grade composition Funny family stories (4)

My family is full of happiness, and interesting things happen almost every day.

During the summer vacation, I made an appointment with my classmates to play football early in the morning, but I covered myself with a thin quilt and slept comfortably in the air-conditioned room. I didn't want to get up.

I still don't want to open my eyes after the alarm clock has been ringing for a long time. My mother came to the bedside and humorously teased me: "Little handsome pot, get up quickly, the sun is shining on my fart!" I could not help laughing secretly, but deliberately said: "With the quilt covered, the sun can't shine on my handsome boy." My mother smiled and said: "Yo! This little stink is quite cunning!" Who knows, the words haven't finished yet, My mother unexpectedly pulled the quilt with a "lightning speed", and my buttocks were exposed to the "sunshine". I pretended to be angry and rolled on the bed, avoiding my mother's hand to pull me out of bed. Unexpectedly, "Jiang is still old and hot", my mother kicked me off the bed with one foot, "Pa" - I fell off the bed. Of course, the bed is not high enough to hurt me when I fall, but I wailed on the ground with a half dumb "cock voice": "Oh, I want to murder my son! You broke me! I can't move! I'm sick, and I can't get up at all!" My mother would not like to take my advice: "You are sick? Let's go to the hospital! Just ask the doctor to give you an injection!" She said, He poked my ass with his hand on purpose. I usually fear injections most. I shudder at the sight of a sharp needle pointing at me. I jumped up from the ground, put on my clothes, quickly finished eating, and "escaped" out of the house

My family often "plays" such interesting family events. Do you often have interesting events in your family?

First day composition Funny family stories (5)

Every Saturday night is the happiest time for our family. At this time, there will be a variety of entertainment activities at home, and bursts of laughter and laughter are not passed from our family, attracting many people's curiosity. Mother gave it a name, "Happy Weekend".

Last Saturday evening, just after dinner, my mother announced: "Today, let's change our pattern and have a big intellectual surfing." "Yeah --" My sister and I cried excitedly. "Pay attention to the questions and see who answers first -- what kind of cake can't be eaten?" Ah, it's really a piece of cake. My sister and I said with one voice: "discus." My mother said: "Yes. Now I am setting a question: there is a ship with a limit of 50 people, and only 49 people on board, but the ship is still sinking in the water. Why?" As soon as my mother's voice fell, my sister rushed to answer: "Because the ship was broken by the water and sank." I think: this question will not be so simple. I seriously thought about it, but after thinking about it, I just couldn't figure it out. My mother smiled and said, "Think about it, what will sink into the water?" At this time, I suddenly woke up and replied, "Because it is a submarine." "Why?" My mother asked. "Because the submarine can dive into the water, it is also a ship." Mother smiled and said, "That's right. Please listen to the next question: a cow, walk 10 meters north, 10 meters west, 10 meters south, and then turn back. Where is the tail of the cow?" My sister said, "Face forward." I said, "Face back." Mother shook her head. We thought about two more answers, and my mother shook her head all the time. We had to ask our mother to release the answer. Mother said: "The tail of the cow is downward." I suddenly realized that the tail of the cow is always downward and will not be cocked up! I can't think of it!

The happy weekend passed unconsciously in our laughter. Today, we learned a lot from the happy laughter. Next weekend, come quickly!

First day composition Funny family stories (6)

The five members of our family are all optimists, and they laugh loudly from my family one after another every day. Among them, there is a record of quitting smoking, which is always memorable.

My father is a real smoker. He always smokes dozens of cigarettes every day. He can be said to smoke everywhere he goes. Look at his fingers, which are black and his teeth, which are yellow. Every day after dinner, he always makes the room dirty, and what about him? It's just a cigarette after dinner, happy as a fairy. For the health of my father and the whole family, my grandmother issued a "smoking cessation order".

Dad is going to have a hard time. Every time he wants to take a cigarette, he will be paid. Every time he refuses to let go, we have to work hard to make him "surrender". Every day, he can only sit listlessly in his study. Sometimes, he will rummage through the house, but each time he returns in vain. Seeing his dejected appearance, I am both sympathetic and ridiculous.

However, just a few weeks after the plan went smoothly, a funny thing happened. One day, when I came home from school, I found my father missing. Looking carefully, I found that he was hiding in the toilet smoking. I was about to report him, but he stopped me and said, "Son, let me go this time! It's rare for Mom and them to go out." I saw his pathetic manner and had to agree. The next day when I came home, I found him smoking again. It seemed that he had just lit up, but when I looked closely, I immediately cried out: "Dad, this is not a cigarette, but a roll of dry pepper wrapped in paper?" But it was too late. Dad had already taken a few puffs, and when he listened, he immediately pulled the cigarette out of his mouth, "ah... ah... ah... ah... ah... ah..." He began to sneeze non-stop, Tears and snivel came up, and the fight became more and more serious. When everyone heard the sound of him, they all laughed and fell to the ground when they saw his embarrassed appearance. A few hours later, my father stopped sneezing and said regretfully, "Alas, I will never smoke secretly again. I must successfully quit smoking for myself and my family." "Ha ha..." We laughed again.

Look, this is an interesting story in my family. If you have it, please show it!

First day composition Funny family stories (7)

"Yuan Cheng's big case will be heard today!" With my mother's loud cry, my family court finally took advantage of this Sunday to hear the case for the first time.

My mother is the "presiding judge", I am the "plaintiff", and my father is naturally the "defendant" instigator. I saw my mother swaggering onto the "presiding judge" seat. Don't mention how arrogant she is. What about me? His face was unconvinced: Dad seemed to be particularly aggrieved. He was deaf and pulled his head. He dared not look up.

The "presiding judge" knocked on the table and said seriously, "I told you the case." Ten, I stood up "tensely" and said righteously, "Dad has violated my privacy. Mom, you must know that I have a diary to write my heart's content. However, the defendant stole into my room, opened my drawer and stole my diary when I was not paying attention on the night of Zhouqiu. Fortunately, I found it in time to avoid heavy losses. The defendant is really... really a heinous crime! " I deliberately pretended to be very angry! Out of the corner of his eye, he looked at the defendant. My father was probably frightened by my momentum, "you...... You......" He was a little overwhelmed. "Defendant! What can you say now?" Mother stared at her father. "I... I haven't read her diary at all." Dad denied and counterattacked me. "Hum, what a guilty conscience! I hesitated to say anything." I narrowed my eyes and gave my father a challenge. My father did not "show weakness:" Hey, don't be complacent. You can't trust anyone. Who believes? "" No, I can testify for my sister. "My little lawyer stepped forward and showed my trump card, which made my father wither. Mother continued to ask: "The plaintiff has sufficient evidence, what can you say to the defendant?" Dad knew that he was doomed, and said nothing, but glared at my sister and me.

The "presiding judge", seeing that the "defendant" had nothing to say, pronounced: "All stand up! I Yibu: According to Article 54 of the Family Infringement and Privacy Rights, the father must be punished for infringing the daughter's privacy! The defendant should pay 10 yuan for the plaintiff's mental loss, and invite the defendant to have a meal of Kendecong." "Yeah!" I jumped up happily and hugged my sister

First day composition Funny family stories (8)

I have a happy family. The funny things that happen every day are like colorful dreams, like exquisite pearls, which make people yearn for. It is like you put a piece of chocolate in your mouth. Although it is chewed, its rich and delicious taste is worth your careful taste. Among them, there is an interesting story that I can't forget for a long time. At that time, the home was extremely quiet. Mom and Dad leaned on the sofa and read the newspaper carefully, while I flipped through the books at random. It was really boring! Suddenly, an idea flashed through my mind. Why not hold a brain teaser contest? So I grabbed the newspaper from their hands and announced loudly: The brain teaser contest has officially started! " My parents applauded warmly.

At the beginning of the competition, my mother and father sat in the chair as a student respectfully, while I walked back and forth like a little teacher. After thinking for a while, I cleared my throat and said to my mother, "Mom, please listen to the question! Why does a little boy who is eloquent just smile and can't speak? " My mother thought for a moment, then suddenly she said, "I know, because he is in the picture!" That's right! " I gave my mother a thumbs up. Mother is like a general who has won a battle. She is very proud.

It was Dad's turn, and Dad said with confidence, "I am the champion!" I smiled and said, "Dad, don't play, just listen to the question!" No matter who you ask, the last word is "no". What is that? My father frowned and kept mumbling, "Could it be that the problem is wrong?" I said proudly, "Daddy, guess!" Well... "" Dad, let me tell you! The answer is: Are you asleep? "" Ha ha ha... "

Finally, my mother won the first prize. I said, "Dad, weren't you quite sure just now?" A man can stretch and bend. I'm just giving way! "" Bragging! " My mother and I laughed at the same time, and my father also smiled embarrassed, and the laughter echoed over the room for a long time

First day composition Funny family stories (9)

In the summer evening, the breeze gently blows the earth, and the dying sunset shines into every family through the windows.

After dinner, our whole family started their own business. Grandma, who loves to grow flowers, carefully pruned her flowers. My father and mother sat on the sofa, staring at magazines. I also sat on the side, concentrating on my homework. Suddenly, the electricity stopped. My father walked out of the house quickly to see what was wrong with the power supply. After a while, my father came back, and he said dejectedly, "We have run out of electricity, so we have to get it tomorrow." After listening to this, we kept silent for a while, and soon after, my mother took out a candle, put it beside a wall and lit it, while saying, "Let's have a hand shadow game!" My father and I were very happy to hear this, Say yes repeatedly. Great! The game begins. I first put a mouse shadow on the wall. "Squeak, the master is not here to steal food." "Squeak, I'm going to steal bread." Suddenly, a cat appeared on the wall. It was my mother. The cat pounced on the mouse, and the mouse dodged, but it was caught by the cat. Just as the cat was proud, another hound appeared on the wall. It was my father, and I cried out for him. The cat and the dog are rolling on the wall regardless of who they are. I applaud beside them. Seeing that my mother was about to lose, I quickly became a fierce wolf and jumped at the hound. When my father saw this, he turned into a tiger, I turned into a lion in a hurry, and my father turned into a leopard. He ran away in a hurry. I followed him closely, and we were neck and neck. Suddenly, a gun appeared on the wall, and the ear sounded: "Get down all the way for me, who dares to fight against us humans!" Mom was so powerful, we had to raise our hands to admit defeat. "Ha ha..." The room was full of joy.

Although the candle light is weak, it brings joy and fun to our family.

First day composition Funny family stories (10)

Speaking of the interesting things in our family, we can't finish it for three days and three nights. I was afraid that my hand would cramp, so I only chose two at random. Please see:

1、 If you have a good heart, you deserve to die laughing. Sister Guo Tianfang and I are absolutely sisters of the same heart. If we fall out, it will take us three minutes to solve it. On that day, when we played "Fairy Comes to Earth", we argued about the name of a virtual character in the game. I said, "I think his surname is Sima." Sister Guo Tianfang deliberately stood against me, "I say, 'Sinan'!" Then we said with one voice, "Is it OK to 'Sidong'?" The two people said at the same time, "With one voice." I was about to laugh, but together with Sister Guo Tianfang, we said, "Again, with one voice." Then we said several words with one voice, until we could not speak with laughter and gasped for breath. Facts have proved that there is a danger of life even if you have a good heart.

2、 Sneak attacks at midnight deserve to be scared to death. On Tuesday, I went home to rush my homework after three hours of English class. At 10 p.m., I was struggling with my homework. Suddenly, a "roadblock" jumped in front of me: "Mom, 'Since the reform and opening up, China's economic construction has developed rapidly' This sentence doesn't make sense?" "Yes." A terrible voice sounded across from me. God! Mom is washing dishes in the kitchen! Ghost! I suddenly felt black in front of me, and then my heart was beating wildly. Looking up, I said, "Mom, you will frighten me to death!". I don't know when my mother sneaked to the balcony opposite me and made a face at me proudly, saying: "Should I come with a mask?" Damned mother, it pays to be scared to death!

Oh, no, it's already 8 o'clock! Alas, I still have a lot of homework. I'll tell you something interesting another day. I have to do my homework!

First day composition Funny family stories (11)

On Sundays, my father, mother and I were bored to stay at home. So I had a brainwave and said, "I have a good idea. Let's hold a rope skipping contest at home!" "Good!" My father and mother said in unison.

I ran into my bedroom, took out a skipping rope, chose my mother as the referee, and I played with my father. The game started. "Who jumps first?" I asked. My father held his head high and said, "I!" I saw my father pick up the jump rope, put the rope around his calf, held the jump rope in his hands, and waited confidently for the order to start. My mother took the electronic watch and said, "Start!" My father jumped up quickly. Although my father was a little fat, he jumped on the rope unequivocally. 50, 51, 52... Just listen to the sound of "Pa", and my father has tied the rope. Ha ha, my father just jumped 54 times before he overtook. It's my turn to jump this time. I confidently picked up the rope and jumped fast. Although I was tired and my legs were heavy, I still insisted on 101, 102, 103... "Oh! I won. "I yelled happily. At the same time, I also understood that only perseverance can achieve success in doing things.

Another time, our family held a brain teaser contest. I was the examiner, father and mother. I asked my father first: "A cow's head is facing south, and what direction is its tail facing?" "Alas! This question is too simple, and I knew the answer at once. Of course its tail is facing south!" My father said proudly. "No, no, no, no, of course the tail of the cow is facing down!" I said gloating. Dad had to admit defeat. It was time for my mother to take the exam. I asked, "Who do you look most like?" My mother thought for a moment and said, "You look most like me in the mirror.

Ah! What an interesting family activity! All of us are very relaxed and happy. My father and mother have relieved the intense work pressure, and I have eliminated the week's study fatigue. My 'family is full of laughter, and I am happy to have such a family. Of course, we are not the only happy family?

First Year Composition Funny Family Stories (12)

I live in a happy family. I feel the happiness of the family every day. Some interesting things always happen in my home, which makes our daily life more joyful!

From childhood to now, I have been living a life of "reaching out for clothes and opening up for food" under the careful care of my mother. One Sunday, I discussed with my mother that today I will be my mother and she will be my daughter. My mother smiled and said, "Wow! "I think, isn't being a mother just doing cooking and housework? I think it's nothing compared to my lot of homework.

Early in the morning, I got up to make breakfast. What should we do? Steamed buns and eggs. Steamed buns can be boiled for two minutes in the microwave oven. It's easier to boil eggs. Put them in water for a few minutes. After getting ready for breakfast, I started to call "daughter" to get up. "daughter" got out of bed, quickly brushed her teeth, washed her face, and sat down at the table. She bit an egg and said: "Mom's eggs are delicious! "I heard it beautifully. I bit myself, and the fishy smell went straight to my nose. I quickly vomited it out, and looked closely. It turned out that the egg was not cooked, and the yolk was thin

I didn't do breakfast well. I must do my housework better. I fetched a bucket of water and prepared to mop the floor. First, I put the mop into the bucket to clean it, then take it out and wring it dry. I began to mop the floor carefully, from the kitchen to the living room, and then to each room. Soon, I was tired and my legs ached, and my head sweated. " The daughter "said:" Mom, you are tired, let me help you drag it. "I said," How can children mop the floor and play. "After half an hour or so, I finally mopped up the floor. When I went to wash the mop, I accidentally knocked over the bucket, and the dirty water dirtied the floor I had managed to clean again. Alas, it was not enough to do something wrong! My tears were rolling in my eyes, and suddenly remembered that I was a mother. How could I cry! I picked up the mop and started mopping again

After being a mother for a long time, I can't go on working. " I'd better change it back. "Mother said," If you continue to be a pawn, we will have to drink the north and west for lunch. "I lowered my head in shame. I didn't expect to be a mother so hard. I will study hard and repay my mother for her upbringing.

This is my family fun. I always feel such happiness at home. This is my family's happiness, and this happiness is discovered by everyone in my family.

First Year Composition Funny Family Stories (13)

After dinner on Sunday, my father and mother and I played an interesting game called "Number Game", with my cousin as the referee.

The rule of the game is: each person says a set of numbers, and then he or she should tell the purpose of the numbers. The winner is the one who says more. After everyone understood that, at the order of my cousin, the intense game began.

Acute son's mother made an initial shot: "110, it's really useful. If you meet a thief, call 110 as soon as possible, and the people's guards will arrive soon. You can say that it's amazing!" Mom said happily, and I took the second chance. I said happily, "119, it's also very useful. If someone's house is on fire, call 119 as soon as possible. The magic weapon will come down from the sky and the loss will be minimized! " Mother said, "114 inquiries, 112 traffic accident alarm." She said several at once.

My mother and I talked, but my father didn't say a word. My mother and I looked at my father proudly and thought that my father would be the last one. But at this moment, my father said calmly: "If you don't tell me, I will tell you. Xiaooverlord 486 Chinese and English computer learning machine; 999 Ganmaoling granule; No. 6 bus; 12345 stomach must be treated." My father said more than ten groups at a time, but my mother and I were shocked. My father is really a real person!

The game was so fierce that even the referee's cousin could not help but join the game. My cousin said, "Last time, my sister cut her eyes. Fortunately, I dialed 120 in time to turn the corner!"

At this time, everyone was silent, thinking hard. But what I said just now was too much. After a pause of nearly one minute, my father said, "Let's change the rules of the game temporarily. Whoever says one more group will be the champion!" My father's voice had just finished, when the phone rang, my smart cousin blurted out, "6------, if you have something to do, you can use the phone to contact others, which is convenient and convenient!" This is our home phone number. I didn't expect that my cousin won the championship in the end.

Although I am a little sorry, the whole process is happy. Our family enhanced their feelings by playing fun games together; What's more, I learned that knowledge comes from life and cannot be separated from life. We should carefully observe the things around us and pay attention to learning everywhere!

First day composition Funny family stories (14)

The warmth of family everyone wants to have, because everyone has a beautiful family, happy family, happy family

Can you deeply feel the warmth of your family? I can deeply feel the warmth of the family. In my family, everyone is happy and very cute.

The beautiful family life has brought me warmth. In my home, my father, mother, brother and I are all members of the family's labor activists. Every Saturday and Sunday, if my father and mother do not go to work, my four members will clean the house together. My father wipes the windows, my mother washes clothes, my brother sweeps the floor, and I mop the floor. In this way, my home is very clean. This family life gives me a sense of the warmth of the family. Can you feel it? The happy family life has brought me warmth. In my family, every time we have dinner, there is the sound of chopsticks moving around. This is not greedy, but we give each other food clips, so that he can eat more good things. This is the happiness of my family brings a warm family.

The happy family life has brought me infinite warmth. Sometimes when my family finishes dinner, my brother and I take out a box of flying chess games to play with my father and mother. We each asked for a color. At the beginning of the game, we each threw a plug. Sometimes my mother took off first, and sometimes I took off first. My brother and father were very unhappy. In the process of playing, sometimes we will kill each other. You eat me, and I eat you. Sometimes my brother cried loudly. Later, I didn't eat his chess pieces, so we lost money. Have you tried the warmth of such a family yet? This family life gives me a sense of the warmth of the family. Can you feel it again?

Do you feel the warmth of such a beautiful, happy and happy family? This is all I feel deeply. The warm memories of the family are always in my mind, and I sometimes remember that the warmth of the family is always a happy family!