Describe lying (6 recommended)
Persimmon blossoms
2024-05-04 03:04:33

Describe lying (1)

During the summer vacation, I went to my grandmother's house to play, and something happened that made me blush so far.

That morning, I was playing bouncing ball in the kitchen, when the ball accidentally jumped onto the table, and a stack of bowls fell down with a "bang". Looking at the debris all over the floor, I was stunned. My grandfather came to me and said severely, "Who broke the bowl?" Just when I didn't know how to answer, two cat calls came from outside, "Yes... It's a cat." I shivered. "It's the yellow cat again," Grandpa said fiercely. "Yes, I saw it." Seeing that my grandfather had believed my words, I became more confident.

The next morning, as I lay in bed, I suddenly heard several wails outside the house, "Meow... Meow...". I ran outside in a hurry and saw my grandfather beating the yellow cat. I wanted to stop him, but I was afraid he knew I was lying. Looking at the poor cat, I shed tears. "Stop fighting, Xiao Tian is crying." Grandma said to Grandpa. "You are lucky today. Don't let me see you next time." Grandpa said angrily.

At night, I dreamt that the cat jumped on my bed and showed its face to me, as if to say, "Go ahead and wronged me! I was beaten." Then he opened his mouth and bit me. With a "ah", I woke up my grandparents sleeping next door. Grandma asked me what was wrong, and I told them everything that happened yesterday. Grandma and Grandpa hugged me and said, "The wrong child is a good child."

It's been a long time, but every time I go to Grandma's house, I always think of it. When I think of the poor little yellow cat, my face will burn. Alas! I shouldn't lie.

Describe Lying (2)

I grew up with my grandparents when I was young. They are kind, kind and hardworking. Mom and Dad are busy with their work, but they always stay with their grandparents every New Year. The whole family is happy and happy.

New Year's Eve, my parents took me to the streets to buy many New Year's goods, and I also got the new toys I had been looking forward to for a long time. I jumped and said, "Mom and Dad are really nice, It cost more than 2000 to buy it. Then I came to a liquor store. My father bought two bottles of wine worth several hundred yuan. We returned with a full load.

Grandma and grandpa were very happy. Mom and Dad said, "Mom and Dad are going to try on the new clothes for the Spring Festival." Grandma said angrily, "Why are you buying clothes again? Don't you have clothes to wear?" Grandpa said, "I want you to stop spending money. How much is this clothes?" I was just about to say, "It's very expensive." My mother then said, "It's not expensive. It's only over 100. They sell it at a discount. The style is old. Try it." I looked at my mother in surprise. Isn't that a lie? My mother winked at me, "Oh, I understand." I quickly said, "Yes, Grandpa, it's not expensive. Wear it quickly.". "Wow, people rely on clothes. Grandparents look more energetic in new clothes."

After dinner, Dad took out the wine he bought. My grandfather said, "I want you to spend less money and return it quickly." My father said, "The company sent it to me. Who do you want me to return it to?" I said hurriedly, "I sent several bottles of it, Grandpa, drink quickly!" In the aroma of steaming food, we ate and talked happily, feeling extremely happy.

Although I lied today, I feel I have grown up a little. Grandparents have worked hard all their lives, but they still hate to eat and wear. As the younger generation, we can only understand them and let them eat at ease and dress well. I only hope that all the old people in the world can be happy and healthy!

Sometimes, what's wrong with a white lie?

Describe Lying (3)

On Saturday, my mother said to me, "Today, you must finish your homework first, and then read the extra-curricular books, OK?" I said happily, "OK, no problem!" So my mother went to work, and I left alone in the study to do my homework. After a while, I finished half of my homework, and my hands no longer listened to me. I wanted to get the Chinese and Foreign Fairy Tales.

"No, no!" My brain orders the hand to take it back. However, that book is so attractive, as if to say: "I have many wonderful stories, come and see!" This book really seems to have great magic. I could not control my hands more and more, and quickly picked up the book to read. Those stories are so interesting and moving. It seems that I am also the person in the story, and I have forgotten the time.

The clock on the wall struck five times. Oh, no, I woke up suddenly. Oops, I still haven't finished half of my homework. I picked up my homework book and did it in a hurry. The chair made a squeaking sound. My mother came in and asked me: "What's the matter?" I hesitated and said: "I, I was careless... fell asleep." My mother said: "Well, all the rest of the homework will be done tonight." I agreed with shame. In the evening, I locked the book that caused me trouble in the drawer before doing my homework. I dare not relax. Finally, after finishing my homework, I bowed my head to my mother and said, "I'm sorry I lied to you. I didn't fall asleep at all, but I was fascinated by reading and forgot the time." My mother said, "I knew you were lying. I'm waiting for you to come and confess to me." I shouted, "Ah?" The whole family laughed.

Describe Lying (4)

After I entered junior high school, I was fairly good at math, but once I was careless and scored more than 80 points. I was afraid. I didn't know what punishment I would get if I told my parents.

Sitting in the car, my father seemed to know that there was news about the hair roll today. He smiled and asked me: School is over, is there an exam this time? How was your exam? I was afraid that if I said it, my father would immediately change his face and scold me severely. I had to answer humbly: there was no exam this time. Well, did you take the exam last time and send it this time? either. At this time, I was relieved that I could muddle through.

When I got home, my mother asked me the same way as my father did, and I answered the same way. But just then, my mother frowned and said: Didn't you say last week that there was an exam this week? Why not? Because the teacher was temporarily busy, so it was postponed. When I said this, I felt my heart pounding there, and my face was a little hot. I wonder if my mother found it. Really? Well, I can't speak. In the face of my mother's severe interrogation, I have nothing to say. When I lie in bed at night, I can't sleep. I always feel stuffy in my chest, which makes me breathless. Alas, it's hard to lie! Forget it, I don't care. This time, I will go out and tell my mother the truth. The big deal is to be scolded.

The next morning, I came to my mother's room, bowed my head and said to her: Mom, I only got 80 points in math this time. What's going on? Did you do so badly? I was careless. Well, you should work hard next time. Don't be so careless. Do you know? Mmm. okay. Go to eat. Is that all? Had I known my mother would be so gentle, I would not have been so careful to weave a lie.

Later, when I returned to school, I heard that a classmate was scolded by his mother for lying for an hour! Think about it. It was really hard to lie last night! Now, although I am a little disappointed by my parents, my heart has finally fallen to the ground, and I don't need to be scolded, ha ha. It seems that truth is better than lying!

Describe Lying (5)

In daily study, work and life, everyone has dealt with composition. Composition is a narrative way that people express relevant knowledge, experience and ideas stored in their memory in written form. Still at a loss for composition? The following is a composition about lying written by my senior high school sophomore. Welcome to read it. I hope you will like it.

I, perhaps, like to lie with my eyes

The long lost sunshine shines on the head of the bed, feeling everything is so beautiful. Suddenly, Yao Yao came to my house and said that she didn't like the clothes her mother bought for her. I used to wear glasses and have a look. Then I opened my eyes and told her how beautiful it was

Father in law of the sun shines the sun on every corner of the world and looks out of the window at me in a daze. Maybe it's not worth my envy and I shouldn't compare with them because I know I don't have this capital

Time passed quickly. In the twinkling of an eye, the first winter vacation of senior high school life came. I was really unaccustomed to the new senior high school life, and my performance in school was not very outstanding. I was always proud of my achievements. In the new environment, in a provincial key high school with such fierce competition, and in a "university" with so many experts, I was just a very ordinary girl, Ordinary family circumstances, ordinary appearance, ordinary everything, make me a little afraid, but I know that only by my own efforts and excellent results, is the only "antidote" to overcome inner timidity

When I got home, my mother kept asking me how I had been and how I had learned. I always looked at her with smiling eyes, which made my mother feel relieved. I don't like to talk to them too much. I hope they can understand me and understand my heart. Although sometimes, my friends around me think I am a little incomprehensible, when they are sad, I always smile and tell them that everything will pass. When they are happy, I will laugh with them. However, I know they don't know me, and I can't guess what I'm thinking

In this world, each of us is unique, and we all have our own characteristics. Perhaps it is because of these characteristics that we form this colorful world. So everyone has no reason not to cherish their own "gift". I think I like my eyes that can "lie". Even sometimes, my friends can't understand me better, but I know that the eyes that can lie will be the best "red dress" for me to cover up bleeding and injury, the greatest comfort, encouragement and best gift I can give myself

I want to say that my eyes have been lying, but you can't read it. I want to tell myself that I like my lying eyes

Describe Lying (6)

I shouldn't have lied

Deng Shuyi, Class 6, Grade 5, Tongyu No. 2 Primary School

As the saying goes, "It takes ninety-nine lies to tell a lie." I don't know when I learned to lie, and from time to time I used lies to justify myself. [Comment: the opening point.]

I remember one time before an exam, my mother (going to work) told me to study at home. (I promised, please rest assured.) As soon as my mother's foot crossed the threshold, I opened the door to see if my mother had left. Seeing that my mother really left, I hurried to the sofa, picked up the remote control, found out the children's channel, and looked with relish. Looking at it, I felt bored and went to my bedroom to play with my mobile phone. I was having a wonderful game when I killed Cheng Yaojin on the way. (Hearing the sound of the key guarding the door,) I almost peed in my pants. It was my grandpa (, a false alarm). [Comment: The addition of one sentence further shows that "I" is dishonest and dishonest.]

After a long time, I have completely immersed myself in the mobile phone (game). I didn't feel that my mother had come to the living room and was approaching me step by step. [Comment: I am fascinated and forget everything around me.]

At this moment, my mother rushed into my bedroom. I quickly picked up the book and turned off my mobile phone, but it was too late. My mother had found it and came to me angrily. She shouted, "You put the book here and took it upside down. What was it?" [Comment: In a panic, the book was taken upside down and written vividly.]

I stood up in fear. Mother's voice was very loud, as if she was going to break the ceiling. At this time, my heart almost stopped, my face was ashen, the atmosphere did not dare to breathe, just like a wooden man, standing there. [Comment: The expression description highlights the fear of "I".]

Mom snapped: "Did you play with your mobile phone?" I hesitated and said: "No... No..." Mom touched the mobile phone, not hot. Because the air conditioner has cooled it. I was secretly pleased that I had succeeded in telling a lie. If I survived a disaster, I would be lucky. [Comment: The language is crisp, good!]

That night, I tossed and turned. It seemed that I had something in my heart and couldn't sleep. Ah, this is the sequela of lying! (Deng Shuyi, Class 6, Grade 5, Tongyu No. 2 Primary School)


Lying is a sign of dishonesty. The article tells the story of a "I" lying flight. Mother went out and told "I" to study at home, but "I" didn't do the same thing. I watched TV first. Although I watched it with "relish", I was not fascinated. I heard something because my mother came back and "scared me almost to wet my pants," so it was grandpa; When playing mobile phone, "I was totally immersed in mobile phone games and didn't feel my mother had arrived in the living room at all." It was delicately described, such as: "My heart almost stopped, my face was pale, and I didn't dare to breathe, just like a wooden man, standing there." The language was crisp, humorous and funny, Such as: "I was secretly happy. I lied successfully and escaped a disaster. If I survived, I would be lucky later."