It's good to have a family in your composition 600 words (16 in a collection)
Indifferent to life
2023-08-28 06:42:53

It's good to have a family composition 600 words (1)

Home is a towering tree, sheltering us from the wind and rain; Home is a clear spring, providing us with the dew of growth; Home is a harbor, allowing us to stop safely when we are tired; Home is a garden, no matter in spring, summer, autumn or winter, it will make us happy

My home is composed of my father, mother and I. Like thousands of harmonious families, my home is also full of warmth, happiness and love.

When I was young, I was a child with the love of my parents. My parents always bought the best things for me at that time. As long as it was my business, they would put it first and do it carefully and thoughtfully. I have always been envied by my friends. For this reason, I am extremely proud. Although my parents are busy with their work, they can't accompany me sometimes, But I still feel very happy. Maybe that happiness has been deeply rooted in my heart!

In the twinkling of an eye, I was already in the second day of junior high school. Every day after school, I would finish my homework and recitation until late at night, which was a very helpless thing for me.

When the hazy clouds cover the moon, and when the sky is already dotted with stars, I am still busy with my homework. The night is silent. Under the moonlight, it seems that only the rustle of leaves accompanies me. Suddenly, the door of the room opened, and my mother brought me a cup of hot milk. To be honest, I was hungry so late, but I still had one composition unfinished. I thought I should hurry up to write the composition first and then solve the problem of hunger, so I buried my head and continued my "career". When my mother saw that I had worked so hard, He said painfully, "Drink the milk first. It's not bad for my stomach if I get cold for a while.". My mother looked at me distressed. I couldn't bear to let her worry any more, so I took the milk and drank it for a few mouthfuls. My mother smiled happily, and I also smiled. She sat down quietly beside me, accompanied me to finish the unfinished homework, and then helped me to point out the mistakes. She clung to her mother's body and smelled the familiar breath from her body, as if I had returned to my childhood. At this time, my father said, "Baby, go to bed early, and I'll charge you with the electric train." A warm current came to my heart, I cannot help feeling that it is good to have a family, and it is good to have parents' company and care!

On a moonlit night, my tired body and mind relaxed for a moment, and I sang a song to wash. I knew that this was the power of home.

Love, sometimes do not have to say.

It's good to have a family composition 600 words (2)

What is home? It is a reluctant family, a warm collective, and a dear motherland. Here, parents hold a clear sky for their children with their loving umbrellas, and children offer a ray of comfort to their parents with their filial hearts. Here, there is a strong feeling of teacher-student and partnership.

On that day, I was anxiously waiting for my mother's arrival in the cram school. God seemed to have a hard time with me. Suddenly it began to rain cats and dogs. I looked at the colorful umbrella in the distance, and finally saw the familiar figure in it. I rushed there quickly. The speed was comparable to that of the athletes in the sports meeting, Run to my mother and whisper: "Why so late"! Apparently, I didn't see my mother's wet face on the motorcycle. Mother's face was gloomy, as if she would be angry next second. I quickly closed my mouth and sat quietly on the wet motorcycle.

I stopped at a corner, and the sound of the motorcycle brake made my eardrum ache. I looked at my mother, and her voice came: Go and see how others live. I can hear my mother's voice touch the "spark" and get out of the car and walk towards the figure.

In the rain, a girl about my age was sitting alone on the roadside, her long hair lying untidy on her shoulders, her delicate face covered with dirty mud, and several pieces of rags hung loosely on her body. Is this her "clothes"? It may be because of the cold, the little girl's little body curled up in a small corner. Her big eyes were staring at the distance, empty, and had no life. Perhaps, these eyes have also been firm; Perhaps these eyes were once beautiful; Perhaps, these eyes have also been happy; Maybe,,, I stared at the little girl, her eyes were red and swollen, which made me feel terrible.

I threw the coin in my pocket into the shabby "bowl". Maybe it was the sound of the coin falling into the "bowl" that woke her up. She gave me a look of gratitude and loneliness. I slowly walked to my mother, tears and rain slowly flowing in my cheeks, I couldn't tell whether it was rain or tears.

This girl has the same age as me, but can't enjoy the same treatment as me. I have the love of my parents; Care of relatives; Have the teacher's instruction; With the help of friends; There is a happy family, but she does not. It's good to have a family and get so much care.

It's good to have a family composition 600 words (3)

Home is my Happy Valley, giving me laughter and happiness; Home is my safe haven, protecting me and sheltering me from wind and rain; Home is a beautiful island, where I can live happily... Home is warm. Every time I come home from school, there is a table of delicious food waiting for me, which is certainly the credit of my mother; Whenever I do my homework, my father sends me a cup of boiled water and tells me to drink it while it is hot; Whenever

But there is one thing that makes me more dependent on this family.

In the first half of the fifth grade, the school organized all fifth grade students to go to Liuhe for a two-day camp. This is my first time to leave home and spend a day with my classmates. At night, I can't sleep. At home, my bed is big and comfortable, but now this bed is small and narrow, so I have to curl up when I sleep. It's too uncomfortable.

In this way, I didn't sleep all night

The next afternoon, we went back to school. At the school gate, I stretched my neck and eagerly looked for my mother's figure. Over there! I carried a heavy backpack and walked there quickly. My mother took my hand and said sadly, "Why are you so haggard? It has lost a lot of weight! "

When I got home, my father and grandmother hurried up to ask questions. Grandma said anxiously, "Ah! Why are your eyes so dark? I must have not slept well. "" Then go to sleep. " Father echoed. Mom immediately poured me a cup of chrysanthemum tea. I feel warm holding the steaming cup in my hands.

When I came to the bedroom, my father had already made the bed. I fell on my bed, so tired! Unconsciously, I fell asleep

I was shaken awake by my mother, and her mother said to me, "It's time for dinner. My mother cooked a table of your favorite dishes.". Come and eat. " This nagging is so familiar, so kind.

Come to the table, wow! There are braised crucian carp, pigeon soup... I ate so many delicious dishes, and my father, grandmother and mother looked at me with smiles, saying from time to time, "Eat more, eat more."

After dinner, I came to my desk and prepared to do my homework. At this time, my father sent me a cup of hot water. When reviewing, it was already late at night, my mother handed me an apple. The apple is really sweet, sweet to my heart

TV programs often show some homeless orphans, who are very poor and can't feel the warmth of their homes. I also feel sorry for them.

Some orphans were sent to the welfare home, but was it warmer than home? Where else is more warm than home?

It's good to have a family composition 600 words (4)

I read a passage: home is a warm harbor, containing the wandering soul; Home is like an umbrella tree, blocking the hot summer sun; Home is a refreshing rain, sweeping away tired dust; Home is always a concern, collecting the bottom list of happiness. I often think that this is the interpretation of a family.

My father went on a business trip in a different place and left for a long time. I miss my father very much. I feel depressed every day when my father is not at home. I really feel like living a long time. I wish I could join my wings to find my father at once.

The phone rang suddenly at night, and I realized that it was Dad who dialed. So I rushed to the phone and started to call. The phone was really my father's familiar voice: "My eldest son, my father's work here has been completed. I can go back tomorrow morning and tell my mother to pick me up.", Finally, I waited until the next day for the stars and the moon.

After breakfast, I hurried to the airport with my mother. Along the way, I kept chirping and shaking my head and singing happily. Outside the car, the sky is so blue, the trees are so green, the flowers beside the road are so fresh, and everything is so happy.

Arrived at the airport, my father had been waiting for everyone. When I saw my father, I couldn't help but burst into tears. Excitedly, he threw himself into his father's arms and said, "I miss you so much." Dad held me firmly and turned me round and round. I giggled and flew like a bird. At this time, my father's arm was so strong and warm.

Back home, my mother was busy preparing lunch in advance. I talked with my father on the sofa about the past and the present, and soon the food was served. Dad bolted to eat, and often said, "It's better to stay at home, eat well, sleep well, and wait for you." Mom kept holding the food and smiling at Dad.

This time, the family reunion made me deeply realize that entering home is a warm harbor, and home is always my concern.

It's good to have a family composition 600 words (5)

I have walked into this door for countless times, and I can't tell how many times I have stepped out of this door. Oh, just remember, this door belongs to our warm family.

Five years ago, we moved. In and out of that door, from small to large. I will never forget that it was built with sweat by my father. At that time, my father got up at 5:00 in the morning and went to the new house to clean up. Then he had to deal with a day of heavy work, but my father never sighed because of fatigue. I know that my father, who was born as a clay worker, will build a home of our own with his own hands.

Now, my father comes home from work every day. At the moment when he steps into the house, his heavy workload is temporarily put aside and he is thrown into this harmonious and comfortable nest - with the virtuous care of my mother, the naughty laughter of my sister, brother and me, and my father will happily release his cheerful laughter, which makes us more happy.

And when he went out of the house, his father always stood tall and stepped firmly. Because he knows that only when he "goes on the road" with hope can he return with harvest. In and out of that door is between hope and happiness.

Slowly, the laser disc player hummed into the door, and the soft sofa also crossed the door sideways... But I know that my father is most pleased that we can all be healthy and happy to leave the door.

Dad seems to have endless energy and endless laughter. Today, I asked my father: "I'm tired of learning. Aren't you tired? Why do you have so much happiness?" My father asked me: "Do you want to be happy?" I nodded. "Do mom and grandma want to be happy?" I nodded again. "That's right. I'm unhappy, but I keep it in my heart, which is my responsibility." Looking at my father's deep eyes, I seemed to understand.

The wind and rain came suddenly. With the door, the door belonging to our family, our family became confident in everything. What is a small difficulty?

In and out of that door, my heart is full of warmth and hope. I am grateful to my parents who gave us that door, because they gave me a warm home and also gave me the door to the society. I will stride out of the door and into the society like my father!

It's good to have a family in your composition 600 words (6)

The first social organization that everyone comes into contact with is "family". They all have deep feelings for their own families. My home is the most important support for my soul and emotion.

I rely on my grandmother, father, mother, and me. Everyone plays their role as family members. Grandma stays at home all day and is responsible for taking care of the family; Father and mother are the main sources of income in the family; And I, the rice worm responsible for the black sheep, enjoy the love and everything that all people give me.

When we lived in Hsinchu before, the most anticipated moment every day was when everyone got together for dinner in the evening. At that time, my parents talked at the dinner table to relieve the pressure of the day. Because I was still young, most of them could not understand. But when they laughed, I would also laugh with them, showing that I was very integrated with them. Although they also know that I can't understand, they know that I try my best to cooperate with them and join them, so they will change the topic related to me, let me understand, and also participate in the discussion. I miss the warmth of that time and the gathering at that time.

After that, I began to go to kindergarten, and began to have academic pressure. Every day when I came home, I began to write homework. I began to fear writing homework, and rejected the time after I returned home. Even so, every dinner time is still my most enjoyable time. I sit at the table and talk about everything that happens on campus every day. Everything I saw, heard, felt happy, angry, sad, happy, and shared with my family at the dinner table made my growth process a better outlet and more stable.

Now, for the sake of tutoring every day, I can't have dinner with my family every day, but the love from my parents is still everywhere, and I am still warm when I eat my own dinner.

Because I have my family as my backing, I have no fear, because my home is invincible.

It's good to have a family composition 600 words (7)

Whether in study, work or life, everyone has tried to write a composition. With the help of composition, you can vent your feelings and adjust your mood. Is there no clue when writing a composition? The following is a 600 word excellent composition of Youjia, compiled by Xiao Bian. Welcome to read it. I hope you can enjoy it.

Home is the starting point of our life. Starting from here, we will move forward step by step on the road of life.

When you go rough and experience frustration, home is always your safe haven. Blood is thicker than water. When it is silently transmitted to your heart, you will have the power to move forward again. No matter how far you go and how successful you are, home is always your home. Happiness is shared with your family, and worry is shared with your family: In a word, it's good to have a family!

Home is a warm, happy and happy community. When you were just born, your parents took good care of you with their infinite love. This is a deep feeling that no language can express. Everything is sincere and selfless. If there is God, home is the most precious gift she gives us. That warm home, no one can leave her, she is always attached. On the road of life, every step we take, we always look back to the past, looking for the warm home.

Home has many advantages, which can not be fully described here. Here, parents hold a sunny sky for their children with their kind umbrellas, and children offer a ray of comfort to their parents with their filial hearts; Here, there is a stable and ordinary life, regardless of the changes outside, there is no need to fear, and home always gives people endless love and warmth.

Home gives everyone a different role, and keeps them together tightly with the ties of kinship. Everyone at home is doing his own thing, receiving the love he deserves and giving it away.

We are like the 'unbroken kite' flying with the wind. The memory of home and the reluctant kinship are the infinite lines. When the sky is clear, our relatives will let us fly, but hold the line tightly and watch us fly quietly; When the storm came, the relatives quickly pulled up the line and let us return to the quiet harbor in time.

Too many adjectives make me unable to express my deep love for my family. Let me tell you with one of my favorite words: I love my family. It's good to have a family!

It's good to have a family composition 600 words (8)

Home is a reluctant kinship. Here, parents hold up a sunny sky for their children with a loving umbrella; Children offer their parents a cup of fragrant tea with filial hearts... Home is always the best home. Home is sometimes a nagging word from Grandma. Every night, I always hear my grandmother's nagging voice: "Linlin, come to eat soon. People are iron, food is steel, and you will be scared if you don't eat at all." "Linlin, go to do your homework quickly. If you don't do it, there will be no time, and time will be squeezed out." "Linlin, it's time to go to bed. Going to bed late will affect your health."...... I was very upset at that time, but on second thought, Who is this for? Grandma went on a trip. There was no chatter at home. It was cold and quiet. I was not used to it. The next morning, without Grandma nagging me to get up, I almost overslept... Home is Grandma's nagging.

Home is sometimes mother's table delicacies. Whenever the little greedy insects in my stomach began to itch, my mother would throw away the tiredness of work and cook a good table for me. Chicken, duck, fish, meat, fruits, vegetables, everything. Watching me wolfing down, my mother said to me: "Eat slowly, don't choke." "Mom, you are a gold medal chef!" My mother smiled, smiling so beautifully, so brilliantly, and so pleased. This is not a table of delicious food. It is clearly my mother's love for me! Home is my mother's delicious food.

Home, sometimes it is my father's harshness. Every day when my father comes home from work, the first sentence always asks: "How is my baby doing today?" At this time, I will report the school situation of the day. If I make a small mistake or my exam results are not satisfactory, I will hesitate. But my father was very observant, and finally I had to be honest. Then, my father will severely criticize me, help me analyze the reasons, and encourage me to correct my shortcomings. Under my father's strict education, I am growing up healthily and happily. Home is my father's strictness.

Wherever I go, I always think of my warm home, always missing my nagging grandmother, capable mother and strict father. Even if I go to the ends of the earth, home will always be my best home.

It's good to have a family composition 600 words (9)

A happy family of three In my family, there is a strict and lovely father, a mother who is annoying and mixed with more love, and an indispensable protagonist - I am lively and mischievous and annoying, hehe! From Monday to Friday, we are busy with our work. Dad goes out early and comes back late every day, while Mom does all the housework and hurries to work.

What about me? I am also working hard for my high school entrance exam, which will add to my picture of a bright future. On weekends, we all sleep late and get up late. We really want to eliminate the fatigue of the week. We made a scene in Tiangong, sang karaoke, and drove to travel... All of this, we talked about our unhappiness together. My father and mother are like friends. We don't have any status, and the so-called "everyone is equal"! My classmates, how about my home?

Learning Home

In this home, I am very happy and feel the invisible pressure coming on me. I have the encouragement of my teacher, the blessing of my classmates, and I have the power to move forward. Who said that learning is difficult and boring? In this warm collective, we learn from happiness, competition and mutual help. In class, we listened carefully to every drop of knowledge and every question from our teachers. In extracurricular activities, we show our style, and we have all kinds of talents. On the competition field, we shouted for our class players, inspired by the collective strength is infinite. "Unity is strength, strength is iron, strength is steel, strength is..."

Home of Nature

Nature is a most lovely home. I like to be intoxicated in this natural home and feel his loveliness, simplicity and innocence without any artificial decoration. The natural beauty sets off our children's natural heart. We carefully protect nature. Protecting our common home!

In life, there are many songs about home. When you are tired, you need the warmth of home, the help of the collective, and the edification of nature. You might as well go home and have a look!

"Find some leisure, find some time, lead the children, often go home to have a look, bring a smile..." A song of Chen Hong's "Go home to have a look" must be sung by everyone!

It's good to have a family composition 600 words (10)

The sky is the home of clouds, the tree is the home of birds, and the river is the home of fish. We are really happy with our family—— notes preceding the text of a book or following the title of an article

Everyone has a home. Although it is small, it is warm and old, but it is bright. Even if no one appreciates it, they can proudly say to outsiders: "My home..."

Home, the Harbor of Love

The sky is gray, just like my mood. The wind is blowing, and my heart is cold. Looking at the bright red score on the test paper, I could not help sighing. With a bright red piece, it seemed like a flood was about to submerge me, and my lonely boat did not know where it was going. In this way, with a heavy heart, I walked to the place called home. As soon as I entered the room, warm gas came in my face, wrapped around my body and weak shadow, and the busy figure of my parents came into sight. "Your son is back, please sit down and have a meal." I don't know when the table is already hot, my mother pulled me to the table, and my father kept putting food in my bowl. Warm hands, loving eyes and hearts have already melted in this spring, as well as my wet heart. Because there is a family, I am very happy. It's really good to have a family.

A child with a family is like a treasure

As the only child in the family, she can enjoy the double love. My family has a gorgeous mother, fashionable and beautiful. Never hit me. Although I sometimes scold, I always forgive with a smile. He always gives me spiritual comfort, so I fell in love with her, we are like friends, say everything, she is the pillar of the family. I also have a strange father. This father is very strange. Even if he is wearing a suit, he will squat down to play marbles with me; This father is very strange. Even if his grades are even worse, he will not say anything unpleasant: this father is very strange. He will laugh and forgive even if he makes trouble for nothing, so I also fell in love with her. In name, his father is as friendly as his brother. He is the cornerstone of the family. And I am the treasure they protect. I am very happy because of the care of my family.

Home, a happy existence:

Home, happy care:

Home is a pride to show off.

When Baiyun has a home, it cries with joy; When the bird has a home, it cheers; When the fish has a home, it forgets everything. When I have a home, I will be happy, so it's good to have a family—— Postscript

It's good to have a family composition 600 words (11)

Home is warm, happy and comfortable. Whether rich or poor, as long as a family can live happily together, this is happiness.

If you want to have a complete family, you should not discriminate against each other. You should not blame each other for this or that. If you want to have a family, you should still be a family! Now that you have chosen each other as your partner and have a child you like, you should cherish the happy life now.

I have a family. My parents and I are happy. Every night, I eat the food my mother cooked, and talk about the interesting things that happened in school and factory. After dinner, we go downstairs to take a walk together, digest, and clean up the troubles in my head. How happy I am! A quarrel will be resolved in ten minutes, but it's not good to quarrel all the time.

Our family is not rich, but we sell our happiness with something more important than money. The thing more important than money is kinship. Isn't this the picture of a family together?!

Home holds up a sky for us, and we are birds under the blue sky; Home creates a forest for us, and we are insects under the forest; Price makes a comfortable bed for us, and we are the pillows lying on the bed. Home, the warmest place, the most desirable place

Everyone has a home, everyone has a love, there is family, is given by family; Love is given by family, and these relationships are inseparable. I have a best father and a best mother. The love they give me is irreplaceable.

I love my parents, thank them for their love, thank you for this simple and warm home. Home is my safe haven. When I am sad and angry, home makes room for me to cry and shout; When I was wronged, my family was willing to listen to me and understood me.

Home is my warm little quilt. When I am cold, he uses his warm hands to warm me. Home is my summer resort. When I am hot, he likes a big tree to cool me.

It's nice to have a family! I don't want to be a child without family, parents and relatives. I want to be a child with family and love. I was so happy when I was embraced and surrounded by love.

It's good to have a family

It's good to have a family composition 600 words (12)

People often describe a sound home as happy, warm and peaceful. But for a person who has no home, he is described as poor and depressed. Why? Because it's really good to have a family.

Home is a harbor that can give you warmth. With a home, you can get warmth and love. Home, with the most gentle taste, is the kitchen that emits wisps of heat, and the eyes that children rely on, just like the gentle spring breeze, blowing people's hearts soft and warm. No matter you are tired or tired, your home will bring you a pure warmth. There is love flowing silently in the bottom of your heart when you are touched little by little.

Everyone needs a home, because everyone yearns for happiness. Everyone, from birth to growth, to adulthood, the only thing that can not be separated from is home.

When we were young, we could do nothing, nothing. Mom will show great strength at this time, help us live and teach us how to live. When we grow up, our parents will teach us culture, so that we will no longer be ignorant and weak. Mother and father's care warms our hearts like a trickle. We absorb more knowledge in the ocean of love, learn to behave, learn to do things, and grow happily.

When we grow up, there are also people who need us to care, that is, our elderly parents. We should take care of them as they take care of us, so that they can spend their old age in peace, no longer tired, no longer in a hurry. We should also care for those who have cared for and educated us to make them happy. Not only that, but also we should care about all people and love our motherland. We should use what we have learned to serve our motherland and make our motherland a stronger and better family.

"I love you, my home; my home, my heaven..." I like this song very much. No matter how wonderful the outside world is, it is far from the warmth of home. home-coming. There is always a sense of steadfastness and security in your heart. You can't help saying, "It's good to have a home!"

It's good to have a family composition 600 words (13)

What is home? Home is the lamp you came back in the middle of the night just for you, warm and beautiful. Home is a cup of light tea, fragrant and memorable. Home is still an umbrella. It protects you from the wind and the sun. It is clean and beautiful. Home is a parallel prose, gentle and delicate.

I still remember that the host of "year after year" in the New Year before last year asked everyone "what is home", and one netizen replied, "home is a place where you can sleep late." I suddenly became clear. This is home, the real home. No matter how tired you are; As long as you return home, you can tear off the mask of survival and have a carefree 'rest'.

I always remember the story of a man who left his parents to make a living alone because of rebellion when he was young. After decades of trial and error, I have failed, succeeded, gloomy and brilliant. Finally returned home in his twilight years, said with deep emotion. "Home is better than home. It's good to go home." Does this answer the sentence "falling leaves and returning to their roots"?

We always work hard when we are in high spirits, and entertain our friends when we are happy. But why do you feel lonely and empty when you stop working in the dead of night? You feel something is missing. Suddenly I realized that I was homesick. Why is home the first thing I think of when I am always in agony and depressed mood?

Is it because of the familiar house? The warm little bed? That lovely cup? The petite chair? It is because of the emotion that is hard to give up and the loved ones.

My friend said that home is a band aid. On second thought, isn't it? When you are happy and happy - "intact", it seems that you don't need it. But once you are depressed and sad - "injured", you should bandage yourself as soon as possible, and it is always it that heals you.

Home is a spring rain, the first to bring the news of spring. Home is a clear spring, which has taken away the heat in our hearts. Home is also a red leaf that brings cool autumn. Home is a winter snow, quietly told us that spring is not far away.

Really, this is home, the most ordinary, but the most extraordinary home.

It's good to have a family.

It's good to have a family composition 600 words (14)

Home is like a cup of warm coffee. When you are lonely and helpless, it will give you warmth and help; Home is like a huge umbrella, which can give you a safe haven when you are hurt by heavy rain. When I think of these things, I always think: It's good to have a family!

When I was in primary school, there was a classmate whose parents divorced. He and his brother were separated. He followed his father, and his brother followed his mother. His father is very rich, but his work is very busy, so he can only see his father in the morning, sometimes even this side is not seen. Whenever he talked about some interesting things in my family, he would envy and say: "It's good to have a family!"

I once read a story in a book. A patrolman was patrolling the street when he found an alcoholic lying on the floor. He picked up the drunkard and found that he was a famous local millionaire. He woke the rich man and asked him why he didn't go home. The rich man said, "I don't have a home!" The patrolman pointed to a beautiful and luxurious villa not far away and said, "Isn't that your home?" The rich man said, "No! That's not my home, it's just my house." Whenever I think of this story, I think it's good to have a home.

Another time, I didn't do well in the exam and wandered outside for a long time, wondering whether I would go home or not. Later, my mother ran to where I stood, found me, hugged me tightly, and said, "Where have you been? How hard I find you, do you know? Not only is my body tired, but more importantly, my heart is worried like fire." She scolded me while wiping tears with her hands. When I heard this, I lowered my head with shame, and moved tears dropped one by one. When I got home, there were all my favorite dishes on the table, and my father kept helping me. I devoured it, tears in my eyes. That night, I sincerely felt that it was good to have a family!

Home is always the home of our soul, the harbor where we shelter from the wind, giving us warmth, comfort, encouragement and strength, and creating various conditions for our life. Whenever we think of these, we will sincerely sigh: "It's good to have a family!"

It's good to have a family composition 600 words (15)

The sea holds every river; The sky contains every cloud; The earth accepts every land. For rivers, clouds and land, the sea, sky and earth are their homes, and their safe haven. It's good to have a home!

"San Mao's Wandering Stories" is a moving cartoon, in which San Mao has won the applause of many audiences with his funny appearance and action, but this applause is inevitably bitter. Sanmao, a homeless child, lost his father's love and mother's love that ordinary children should have when he was young. Lost the warmth of home. Although he is strong, he often tears alone. Just because no matter how strong a person is, he can't live without a home. It's good to have a home!

In recent years, "looking for relatives" programs have sprung up like bamboo shoots, all with the slogan of looking for relatives for others. It also won the attention of hundreds of millions of people. Every episode of such a program is accompanied by tears. I once wondered why a person who has been separated from his family for decades still has to search for relatives and why they haven't forgotten for so long. Now I understand that home is a wonderful place, where there is family love, and only family love can not be destroyed at any time! It's good to have a family!

People around me have their own homes. They can have a rest when they are tired and talk when they laugh. Where someone caresses your tears when you cry. There is no so-called etiquette and culture in that place; You are a transparent person in that place. You can take off your coat and become a man; That place, even if the cold wind is cold, also makes people infinitely warm, that place is home! It's good to have a family!

In fact, few people have ever paid attention to their own home in life. We have never been satisfied with saying that our home is good. But if we compare our happiness with those homeless children like Sanmao and those tearful people in the program of looking for relatives, how can we say "deep"?

Remember, my friends, when you are tired of fighting outside, and when you are wronged outside, look back. It has always been home to support you, and never gave up on you. It's good to have a home!

It's good to have a family composition 600 words (16)

"Home" is the cradle of our growth, our harbor and the first school. It is a place of material production, an emotional habitat, a backing for our material production, a guarantee of safety and health, and also a place of entertainment, a natural school and a base for future development. At home, we enjoy the affection and warmth of our parents, who are our closest friends, It is also our first teacher. We can't repay their meticulous care for us. No matter whether the family is poor or rich, as long as you study hard, you will give them a reward.

This happened in my fifth grade. After school that day, the teacher assigned homework. It happened that Aunt Li, who hadn't come back for a long time, suddenly came that night. We were very happy, but it turned out to be a bad thing. Aunt Li and her mother were talking in the living room. I was doing homework alone in the room. They talked and laughed and were very involved. They didn't notice me at all. At nine o'clock At 9:15, 9:30 and 10:00, the time slowly passed, but my homework had not been finished yet. At 10:30, Aunt Li was sent away by her mother. When my mother came into the room, she saw me doing my homework, and suddenly felt that there was "murderous" behind me. She said loudly, "How come the work has not been finished by now? I said with grievance:" Who can settle down to work class when you talk so loudly with Aunt Li. "Tell me, I can find an excuse to send Aunt Li away. When she just finished speaking, I cried bitterly, as if it was all my fault. Mother was angry, thought I was making trouble for no reason, and hit me, so I didn't cry again.

In the days to come, I gradually understand that this is my mother's love for me. Only when I love will I teach me. Everyone says, "Mother's love is kind, father's love is strict." Why does mother's love become strict when I come here? Now, I understand that only this kind of love can make me grow up healthily.

Sometimes we contradict our parents' criticism, but we never know that this is love for us. Only love can be so strict.

--It's nice to have a family.