Examples of semi propositional composition (6 compilations)
As bright as spring flowers
2024-01-19 03:27:55

Example of semi proposition composition (1)

Love is like the spice of life. As long as love is mixed with life, life will have a taste.

Money is wealth, jewelry is wealth, and love is an endless wealth. Because of this wealth, life is warm and human.

Life needs friendship. What is friendship? It is a concerned greeting from a friend; It is a simple action of a friend; It is a clear look from a friend. When you are sad, your friend's enlightenment is a heart saving pill; A friend who puts on clothes for you when you feel uncomfortable is like eating a candy; A friend's cheering eyes have infinite power in the moment of failure. Friendship is like a gas station, which can bring you infinite power.

Life needs love, what is love? Although I don't know yet, I think love is that Liang Shanbo and Zhu Yingtai don't abandon each other, and that the Titanic gives each other a chance to live. Ask what love is in the world, so that people can live and die together. Love is like a big balloon, full of happiness.

Life needs kinship. What is kinship? It is a cup of tea made by my mother, a caring greeting from my father, and the love of my grandparents. I still remember the lyrics of "Go home and have a look": find some leisure, find some time, lead the children, and often go home and have a look. Family love is indispensable in life. Family love is like a purple ocean, which is fragrant and clear, full of happiness.

Life needs great love. In the Wenchuan earthquake, it is precisely because the Chinese people have great love. This love moved China. Teachers can save students with their own bodies, and the police can save others by abandoning their families. This great hobby is more beneficial to China than roses.

Love! When you love others, others will love you. Life needs love, needs love to overflow!

Example of semi proposition composition (2)

"The applause of life is like sunshine and rain, moistening every petal; the applause of life is like a beacon in the distance, leading you to set sail and help the sea." - An inscription

Life needs applause. Whenever you lose, what do you need, whenever you are frustrated, what do you need? Whenever you get good grades, what do you need—— It needs applause.

Life needs applause. I remember one time, when I was learning English, the teacher asked me easier questions on the platform. I thought to myself, "Anyone who can't answer such easy questions is a pig's head.". At that moment, I seemed to hear my teacher calling my name, and I couldn't help standing up. The English teacher asked me, "What's your name?"? I can't answer such an easy question. I wish I could find a hole in the ground and shrink back. At this moment, I don't know who clapped his hands, which made my brain light up and answered the question.

Because of the applause, I answered the question and didn't lose face in the class. Life needs applause.

Life needs applause. When I first performed in the Third Middle School, I was very nervous. How I wish God could cancel December 15 (the day I performed). Time goes by day by day, and it is also getting closer to December 15. What should we do! My mind is begging with God! God still refused to cancel. Sister Time changed the time to December 15. Before I came to the stage, my classmates encouraged me again and again. The next program is me. I thought to myself: If I make a little mistake on the stage, it will cause the whole audience to laugh. What a shame! I failed to live up to the hope of the whole class, but I can't give up. Take a deep breath and walk onto the stage. A happy cowboy music sounds. The sound of applause rose from wave to wave, which made me feel relaxed. I performed the whole dance with happy expression and brisk steps. Although I am not the best performer, I am the most popular one.

It was because of the applause of the whole class that I successfully completed this performance and won honor for the class. Life needs applause.

Life needs encouragement, but life needs applause even more. With applause, we can sweep away pain, and with applause, we can make youth happier. With applause, we can make our life colorful. Applause is the most important nourishment in life. Don't be stingy with your own applause. It is the greatest encouragement to yourself and others.

Example of semi proposition composition (3)

Life is like a sailboat. If there is no definite sailing direction, the wind in any direction is against us. Only when we have determined our own life coordinates can we grasp the direction of life and reach the other side of life smoothly through the heavy fog.

One holiday a year ago, I walked aimlessly in the street with heavy worries. At that time, when I was a junior high school student, I could not adapt to the learning speed of junior high school. Let alone review and improve, I had to write the most basic homework tasks every day around 10 o'clock in the evening. All kinds of extracurricular classes were even more overwhelming. This made me very depressed, and at the same time, I felt a little confused about my own direction.

Unconsciously, I walked to the side of a park, and a smell related to green suddenly appeared in the air. I suddenly looked up and saw several fruit trees in front of me, green and luxuriant. The fresh green seemed to flow into my eyes and my heart, which made my languid mood disappear without a trace.

But when I came near to enjoy it carefully, I found that a forest ranger was cutting off the branches of the fruit tree one by one with scissors.

I was very puzzled, so I hurried forward and asked, "What's wrong with this fruit tree? Why should I cut off these good branches?" "No, no!" The forest ranger was stunned, and then said with a smile, "Cut off some branches and leaves to make the fruit tree bear fruit better; too many branches and leaves will make the fruit unable to absorb nutrients from the root."

I looked at the bare tree trunks and the branches and leaves on the ground, lost in thought.

Yes, people are like this tree. Energy is the root of everything people do. It is not infinite. If you want to do too many things, you will not have enough energy. What we can do is to bravely pick up the scissors of life, cut off the redundant choices, focus our limited energy on one direction, and do a good job.

The direction of the tree is determined by people, and the direction of people is determined by ourselves. With this in mind, I felt relaxed and could not help speeding up the pace of progress.

Example of semi proposition composition (4)

Flowers bloom and fall, and years pass by; How many times have the clouds rolled and the clouds relaxed.

Thousands of miles of picturesque scenery, winter to spring back. Life is just like a river, either calm or surging. When calm, it is like a gentle breeze blowing on your face, and the swallow flies aslant; The surging place is as powerful as a thousand troops. The ring is fat and the swallow is thin. Don't sigh that life is hard and bad luck. There is often beauty in ordinary life, and there is also a sound of pain. Face life squarely and smile proudly.

Thousands of rivers flow into the sea, and beauty is like jade. Life is just like a landscape, either flat or winding. When it is flat, it looks like a military spot on the battlefield, and when it is magnificent, it looks like a fierce tiger roaring deep into the mountain. The facial muscles and willow bones have their own characteristics. Don't sigh that life is dull and ambitious. In ordinary times, there can also be great innovations, grand and vigorous, but also painful. Face life squarely and smile proudly.

Don't sigh that you can't be immortal and shine with the sun and the moon; Don't sigh that you are not as good as celebrities and sages; Don't sigh that you can't be brave and brave, and laugh at the west wind; Don't sigh that you can't boil wine with green plums. Talk about heroes in the world. Face life squarely and smile proudly.

The mountain is not high but steep and beautiful, the water is not deep but clear, the forest is not big and lush, and the birds are not many but crowing. Life is not brilliant but full. The tiger roars deep in the mountain, the fish swim shallow at the bottom, the camel walks in the desert, and the geese line up in the sky. A kind of extreme, a kind of realm, is also a kind of free and easy.

It is a kind of feeling to ride the long wind and break the waves. It is not a kind of heroic to not break the Loulan. It is a kind of confidence to collect the fifty states of Guanshan, and it is a kind of temperament to stay innocent in the world; In life, there are rich and noble daughters, small families, great people who have achieved success, and unknown gardeners. Just different people, in different positions, there is no essential difference.

Don't sigh that you can't brush clothes on the five lakes, and catch the moon on the horizon; Don't sigh that you can't win without losing. Smile at the world; Don't sigh about the height of the phoenix and the lofty virtue. Extraordinary temperament emerges from the ordinary. In the struggle, show the success or failure and gain or loss of unyielding, and be proud of life.

Falling leaves, mature fruits, shelled bamboo shoots, germinated seeds... Even if they eventually disappear or die, they will remain forever in spirit and temperament. In the ordinary, there can also be immortal initiatives. Do your best to face life calmly and proudly.

The cottage yard, the old tree Indus, the cicada ginkgo, the moon shadow and the starry sky. Life is just like the four seasons, changing and uncertain. Worldly fame and wealth are finally empty. Why should you be so rich in furniture? After drinking a cup of turbid wine, you can see the success or failure of your life. When you drink the west wind, you can think about where your life is going.

Life without tears, smile proud life.

Example of semi proposition composition (5)

I usually go shopping with my mother. My mother always buys coffee, but she never lets me drink it. It was said that it was not suitable for children, which made my heart itch, so I always wanted to find a chance to taste it.

One afternoon in the summer vacation, my parents were not at home. I can't restrain my excitement. Ha ha, here comes the chance! Two days ago, my aunt sent a box of "G7" coffee to my mother when she came back from a trip to Vietnam, which has been kept on the tea table at home. I quickly took a bag, removed it and put it into the cup. I ran into the kitchen, picked up the thermos bottle and added water without hesitation. Then the spoon stirred for a while. The steaming coffee gave off an attractive aroma. I couldn't wait to take a sip! Mmm! It tastes really good. It seems like chocolate, but it is more fragrant than chocolate. No wonder my mother likes it. When it cooled a little, I ate it like a drink. I heard that this coffee tastes good even when it is iced, so I made another cup of iced coffee. I had two cups of coffee this afternoon, and I also secretly savored the delicious coffee.

However, on that night, it was already more than 11 o'clock at night, and I could not sleep in my bed. The ticking sound of the small alarm clock is also very annoying at the moment. It's too stuffy to cover your head with the quilt. Counting sheep, "one sheep, two sheep, three sheep..." I still can't sleep. Alas... The night is so long! I don't know when I fell asleep.

When I got up the next day, I was in a daze and wanted to sleep everywhere. My mother asked me if I had drunk coffee, so I had to be honest. It turns out that coffee can keep people awake. Ah! It's all coffee!

Example of semi proposition composition (6)

Composition topic: "Learn to ________"

Requirement: Write an article with no less than 550 words. The content is true, the thought is healthy, the structure is complete, and the language is fluent without typos. Apart from poetry, there is no limit to the style. The true names of place names, schools and people shall not appear in the text.

1. Learn to cherish yourself

During the Cultural Revolution, a young female musician was sent to the countryside to do heavy work. At first, she washed her face with tears every day, and was overwhelmed with pain. Later, she gradually changed. Years of suffering left no trace for her. When people asked her why, she smiled and said, "It's very simple, because I cut rice by 4/4 every time."

The reason why a female musician can save herself is that she learned to love herself. Cherish yourself, not to indulge yourself, but not to abandon yourself in the face of difficulties; Don't shrink back in the face of choice; Don't complain about failure. Learn to cherish your own cloudy sky will become clear, and the winding road will become interesting.

Learn to forget the past pain and face the front, which is to cherish yourself; Learn to give up when you can't have both shark's fin and bear's paw. This is to cherish yourself; To learn to tolerate the mistakes of others and not to haggle over every detail is to cherish oneself; Learn to carefully choose the road you want to take in the vast world, which is also to cherish yourself... Rockefeller, the famous American capitalist, desperately pursued money when he was young. Although he succeeded in the business world, his life was boring and his body was getting worse every time. In his later years, he quit the business, enjoyed family happiness with his descendants at home, and often participated in charity activities. The smile that usually appears only after making a lot of money now always hangs on his face. It is too late for Rockefeller to learn to cherish himself, but he still gains a lot of benefits. Unlike some people who cannot understand this truth in their life, they feel only tired and tired in the journey of life.

Learn to cherish yourself, this is not selfish, but to find a right way for yourself, to hold up an umbrella in the wind and rain. People who have not been exposed to the rain will not know the benefits of holding an umbrella. Similarly, "learning" is a painful process, but it will benefit a lot after learning it.

Learn to cherish yourself, and then cherish life. Everything in front will become colorful.

2. Learn to be whimsical

On the long road of life, our young hearts have a lot to carry. Learn to study, learn to rest, learn to face setbacks and learn to enjoy life... But please don't forget one of our compulsory courses - learning to dream.

Nowadays, fantasy is filled with arrogance too much by people. Facing the "spoon feeding" education method and listening to the teachers' admonition of "only this, not that", fantasy has almost become a forbidden place that we cannot reach. When a novel idea pops out of your head, a simple "fantasy" will tie it to a big stone and sink it into the bottom of the deep sea.

Can't we just stick to the rules, complain about the world and others, and blindly follow those inherent statements? No, we don't need a group of muddleheaded people who just nod their heads and say yes. Our country, our people and our construction cause need such a fantasy!

Who said that whimsy is doomed to be whimsy? No, look at these living examples! Aristotle's "geocentric theory" was regarded as an unshakable truth by the feudal church. It was Copernicus who "whimsically" put forward the "heliocentric theory" and created a new world of astronomical science. China's "poor oil theory" has made China quietly endure the unfair treatment of imported foreign oil. It was Li Siguang who "fantastically" carried out geological research and discovered China's rich oil reserves. A century ago, "Chang'e Flying to the Moon" was only regarded as a beautiful myth of "fantastic". Now, human beings can stand on the moon and smile at the earth. Looking at today's increasingly prosperous Hong Kong and Macao, who would question the "one country, two systems" derived from Grandpa Deng Xiaoping's "whimsy". At the beginning of the founding of the People's Republic of China, who would not think that the prosperity of the motherland today is "fantastic"? However, in fact, China has stood in the forest of the world today, and the sound of the awakening of the sleeping lion has shocked everywhere.

Fantasy is not wrong. We should all learn such a kind of fantasy. Although our fantasy is likely to become the laughing stock of people's scorn, it is hard to say that it will not become the eighth wonder of the world?