Spring is always around. Composition 600 (collection of 6 articles)
Lost Birds Return to the Forest
2023-09-08 04:27:48

Spring is always around. Composition 600 (1)

The winter sunshine spreads all over the earth without stint, but the coldness penetrates into the heart without mercy, making people keep hiding in the thin school uniform. The students on the bus complained one after another.

However, I was a student of agriculture. I could not help complaining to myself in this weather. The group was divided into a group with the person who hated her most, and she was still the group leader. Innocent, except that her voice and character are somewhat similar to her so-called most annoying person. But what about that? What does it matter to me? I am me, and I don't need her to teach me how to be a man.

The coldness in my heart is even colder, and the clouds that can no longer bear are sprinkled with snowflakes, which are not only not beautiful, but also full of disgust. There are still three years left. Only half a year after three years, so many people have supported her. I know, I do have many shortcomings, but it is too hasty to attach a "label" to me and set a "death penalty", which also deprives me of all my rights. The snow gradually congealed into ice. I asked my classmates that I was really scared. It's only half a semester, and that's already the case. What should I do?

She said that there was nothing bad about baby sounds. Doesn't everyone in hip-hop like your voice? Huihui also calls you "Cute Girl Paper" and defends you everywhere, right? The snow is getting smaller and smaller, but it is still continuous, because the heart knot is never so easy to open. Winter is always so long that people can't help complaining and hating. Didn't I like winter very much before? How did it turn into this? Maybe the obsession in my heart is too thick and heavy, which makes me breathless. Until the message appeared - "You are you, not anyone. Be yourself."

The blizzard in my heart was suddenly blown into the sky by a warm wind and disappeared. Then the sun shone through the clouds. There are flowers everywhere, and the air is mixed with the smell of fresh grass - spring is coming.

At this time, I found that in fact, spring has always existed in a corner of my heart, but sadness sealed it. When spring breaks through sadness and shows beauty, it will be found that some people have been accompanying me and never give up. thank you.

The original spring is around composition 600 (2)

There are four seasons in a year, namely spring, summer, autumn and winter. Each season sets off the whole world wonderfully, making the ordinary world emerge with many beautiful pictures. Each season also has its own charm. However, what fascinates me most is the most vigorous season - spring. Every spring is full of inexplicable joy.

Recalling when I was a child, when I was playing happily with my friends at the door of my house, an inconspicuous green grass caught my eyes. It was tender and green, and looked like a baby. I felt that I wanted to protect it. At that time, there was a big tree beside the grass. I think that the big tree is the mother of the grass. I think the grass will grow as tall as the tree in the future.

Suddenly one day, the grass was lying on the ground sadly. I hurriedly tried to lift it up, but I couldn't stand up again. Looking at the poor grass lying on the ground, I was sad and full of sadness. I wanted to help it but could do nothing. The sense of loss has always surrounded me. When my mother saw my sad face and asked me what was wrong, I told her about it. Mother told me that every grass of silly children would experience such a thing, and they just went to rest in the arms of Mother Earth.

After listening to my mother's words, I felt a little more comfortable. In this way, I looked forward to seeing that lovely grass again in the middle of my muddled days. When I grew up, I learned a lot about grass and trees, and understood that they were the messengers of the spring. It is because of them that the world has become more green. It is because of them that the world has become more colorful. It is because of them that I know how to protect, cherish and separate the grass at the door of my home, and understand the reluctance and persistence after separation. The arrival of spring is the departure of their new life. They left after spring. Spring is not far away from us. If there is love in our hearts, there will be spring. Spring has always been around me in my heart.

The original spring is around composition 600 (3)

This small pomegranate tree won the battle with its fate again, and the dew on its body after the rain seems to be the best reward for it.

The north wind roared and the rain continued. In my heart, there is only the piercing cold, and my nerves are constantly tingling. In the end, there is only numbness, and there seems to be no hope ahead. One after another exam failures have exhausted me and lost my way home.

I suddenly felt an impulse to go out for a walk. I held up my umbrella, ignored my mother's questions, and walked out of the door. Before, I seemed to catch the disappointment in my mother's eyes.

When I closed the door, I sighed deeply. Teared examination papers, parents' sighs, and the teacher's eyes have been around my mind. I feel deeply confused. I walked aimlessly in the street and sighed constantly. Suddenly, when I occasionally looked back, I saw the small pomegranate tree.

The small branches have split into a "Y" shape, and there are some scattered leaves on the branches. Isn't that the sapling I planted last spring? I vaguely recall that I suddenly became interested in burying a seed in the soil that day, then I forgot about it and didn't give it any food. Now it has grown into a small tree.

I stared at the pomegranate tree, which was struggling with the rainstorm and the gale, and the trees around it were bent by the gale. Only it still stands up and bravely works

struggle hard. My mind came up with its journey from a seed to a small tree now. There is no careful care, no comfortable environment, but it was not defeated and fought with the fate firmly! And me? After a small failure, why complain.

The wind stopped and the rain stopped. This small pomegranate tree won the battle with its fate again, and the dew on its body after the rain seems to be the best reward for it.

I smiled. At that moment, I found that all the pain remained under the pomegranate tree, and I brought back the memory of the pomegranate tree: strong, brave, persistent. It makes me feel that nothing in the long river of life is insurmountable. Frustration is an inevitable stop on the way to growth. I deeply integrate my memory into life to pursue the light of life.

It turns out that spring has always been around me.

The original spring is around composition 600 (4)

The autumn wind rises again, and even if the path is red, I still believe that: originally, spring has always been around me, never far away.

When the autumn wind suddenly rises, it rolls up thousands of leaves and walks alone on the forest avenue on the campus. Looking up at the bleak scene, I suddenly feel: Where will spring go?

The sound of leaves rustling, sometimes sobbing, sometimes crying, as if crying about the crimes committed by autumn against them; He groaned like begging, singing the melody of death for himself.

I can't help thinking of the monthly exam the other day. The dazzling results are as bleak as autumn. Sitting at home every day, my heart is numb and I can only cry in front of the snow-white wall. I long for the stars to fall on my shoulders, the sun to embrace hope, and the fighting spirit and enthusiasm to learn again.

Looking at the fallen leaves outside the window, I think of the halo I once had, a good time like spring, which has already disappeared, but I am not reconciled.

Is it possible to walk out of the courtyard and witness those withered flowers, both to feel sorry for them and to imagine that a burst of spring wind can bring them back to life?

What's impossible! Oh, it's my mother's voice. She bent down, picked up the unopened flowers, carefully scrubbed them, planted flower pots, watered them, put them on the balcony, turned around and said: as long as there is sunshine and water, it will open, you wait!

I followed my mother to the living room. The pot of narcissus on the tea table had bloomed quietly. There was a bowl of noodles on the table. It was steaming hot and fragrant. The room was filled with the smell of spring.

One day, two days, three days, when I walked to the balcony again, the flowers in the flowerpot began to bloom, as if to tell me that spring is coming.

It suddenly dawned on me that the aroma on the table was spring, and my mother's smile was spring. The narcissus that blooms quietly is spring, and the falling flowers that leave the branches are also spring. It is the end of the old life and the beginning of the new life. The original spring is not just the singing of birds and the fragrance of flowers.

I always lament the bleakness of autumn and the failure of the monthly exam, but I don't know that the joy after success is more sweet because of these hardships.

It turns out that spring has always been around me, never far away. Shelley said: "If winter comes, can spring be far behind?" And I want to say: "The seasons change, and spring has always been around me."

The autumn wind rises again, and even if the path is red, I still believe that: originally, spring has always been around me, never far away.

The original spring is around composition 600 (5)

The cool feeling in the morning makes people can't help hiding in the warm quilt. I rubbed my sleepy eyes with my hands, and felt a ray of light in the room. I smiled noncommittally. Am I dreaming?

When I opened the curtain, I realized that spring is coming instead of dreaming. The morning sun was warm and pleasant, gently brushing away the cold accumulated in the house all winter. In the blue sky, several thin white clouds move slowly in the sky. Open the window, the fresh air that belongs to spring enters the nasal cavity just like that. Yes, spring is coming, and it comes back with countless vitality. When walking on the road, as long as you lower your head slightly, you will find that whether in the cracks or on the originally empty land, it is no longer white snow, but the sprouts of grass, mixed with the five colors of flowers. This is the answer to Bai Juyi's sentence, "The flowers are becoming more attractive, and the grass can have no horses' hooves." Even the trees on both sides that have been "withered" for a winter have sprouted new buds. In spring, she dragged her skirt to the pond, river bank and river bank. As her skirt swept past, it melted a pool of spring water and rippled with the breeze. Walking, walking, the sky is still clear, but the fine rain line has fallen, and the ground is tinged with "rain flowers", overlapping one by one, until you and I can not be distinguished, spreading all over the ground. The rain came and went quickly, only wet a few strands of hair of pedestrians, and then stopped. The birds on the tree chirped, as if to say, "You can continue to build nests!" "Several early warblers compete to warm the tree, and whose new swallow pecks at the spring mud." This is a beautiful picture of spring. Spring makes the world full of vitality, just like Du Fu's saying, "Look at the red and wet places at dawn, and spend heavily on the Jinguan City."

In spring, you drive away the cold of winter and let everything revive. But sometimes you are like a naughty little doll, running around: sometimes you are like a peerless elegant girl, warming everyone. You are always by our side, reminding us with actions that you are here, but we often carelessly ignore you.

Now, I finally realize that you are beside me.

The original spring is around composition 600 (6)

I have missed many beautiful sceneries along the way. When I look back, the spring is right beside me.

I didn't do well in the midterm exam, when someone asked me, "How was the midterm exam this time?" I looked back and saw that it was Mr. Xu. I immediately became very flustered, quickly wiped away my tears, and hesitated to reply, "It's OK."

Mr. Xu seemed to find something in my faltering answer and asked me in an unusual tone: "You didn't do well in the exam, did you?" Mr. Xu's question made my heart beat faster. I couldn't hide the fact that I slipped from the third place to the eighth place. I thought that Mr. Xu, who always used to knock on the blackboard and table with his hands in class, would severely reprimand me. Unexpectedly, he said to me, "It's no big deal. Your ranking is within the normal range. Don't be too sad. Tell the teacher why you failed." I said that I mainly failed the math, physics and chemistry exam, which may have something to do with the noon nap.

At this time, Mr. Xu said to me with great sincerity: "In fact, you should not care about your ranking in every exam, but whether you have played your best in this exam, and whether you have any regrets after the exam. Especially, the situation that you can't work out the questions after the exam because you are too nervous in the exam must be avoided, you know?

Unconsciously, I have walked to the ninth grade teaching building. Before saying goodbye, Mr. Xu told me to take a good rest, so that my brain would be clear during the exam, my answer efficiency would be high, and this "tragedy" would not occur. I set myself a goal in my heart: to return to the original third place in the monthly exam, to prove my strength, and then to compete in the first quality inspection. Anyway, the most important thing is what Teacher Xu said: "Give play to your best level, and don't leave yourself regret after the exam."

The cold ice in my heart seemed to melt under the warm spring wind, and I felt that spring was right beside me.