Basketball fan composition (practical 15)
Love cannot be old or will be old
2023-09-22 04:05:29
primary school

Basketball fan composition (1)

It seems that I am born a basketball fan, and I feel bored if I don't touch basketball for a day. When I am bored at home, I will use the bucket as the basket and use the rubber as the basketball.

I love watching basketball games. When I am free, I turn on the TV to watch NBA basketball games. When I see the highlights, I will dance. When I see a stink ball, I will be so angry that I will fall on the bed. I still remember another time, my mother asked me to have lunch, but I saw that Kobe was going to throw a three-point ball, so I pretended not to hear it, and then watched. At this time, my mother was furious and shouted, "Come and eat quickly!" I had to jump off the sofa immediately, take three steps and two steps, serve the meal as fast as possible, rush to the sofa, and continue to watch the game. It was not until after the basketball game was played that I found that I had not eaten a mouthful of food.

In the summer vacation, what about NBA and CBA? Even if it is played at two or three o'clock in the morning, I will get up and watch enough, and never miss the half court. Once, at two o'clock in the morning, when the alarm clock rang, I got up like a monkey, turned on the TV and watched it. When I saw one of James's blocks, I jumped out of bed excitedly and shouted, "Nice ball... Nice job! Handsome, one more shot!" This is when I woke my mother up. Mother said helplessly: "You are really possessed!"

I love watching basketball games, but also playing basketball. Every morning I learn to play basketball with Mr. Ding. During the big break, I went to the basketball court with several small partners to show off our skills. One minute we got a three-point shot, and another we got a three-step layup. The students could not beat me. They all said, "You are really good at basketball. Take me as an apprentice!" I laughed.

I like playing basketball very much. It is an indispensable sport in my life.

Basketball fan composition (2)

I am a basketball fan, especially an NBA fan. In the NBA, I like the Raptors, and in the Raptors, I like Bosh.

Bosh is 2.07 meters tall. He is known as the "Dragon King" in the team and the "Wild Man" at home, scoring up to 45 points... I collected these from my computer, how about it? Am I a blue fan?

I'm crazy about basketball. One Saturday, I was sleeping soundly in bed. Suddenly, my father shouted to me, "There's NBA! It's the Raptors!" I immediately dressed, brushed my teeth and washed my face, and immediately sat on the sofa to watch. The Raptors lost the game to the Mavericks, I was so angry that I shouted to the sky: "Raptors, what kind of broken ball do you play? It's worse than pigs. You also have the seventh face in the east. Hum!"

Another time, I went to my father's office to play and turned on the computer. The first thing was to surf the Internet. When I saw NBA on the Internet, I immediately clicked on the live broadcast. But there was only team information in the live broadcast. I was not discouraged and continued to order a lot of live broadcasts. Finally, I called the NBA live broadcast network. When I opened it, I opened my eyes and kept watching 4:43 from 1:11. At that time, I still wanted to watch, Finally, I reluctantly left at the urging of my father.

I love basketball and NBA.

Basketball fan composition (3)

My grandfather is a basketball fan. When he was young, he was a member of the provincial basketball team. Now he is 67 years old. He organized a senior basketball team and led a group of grandparents to play basketball every Tuesday and Saturday morning. He is the coach of the senior basketball team.

Grandpa was also around basketball all day long when he was at home. As long as the basketball game was on any channel on TV, I would not even watch my favorite cartoons. When he entered his room, there were books related to basketball on his desk and under his pillow. But grandpa's performance is much better now, because once he was fascinated by watching a basketball game while cooking at home, and forgot to steam the food on the kitchen fire. As a result, the food burned the pot and also burned dry. Fortunately, grandma came home and smelled the burning smell, so she quickly ran to the kitchen to turn off the fire before nothing serious happened. When my mother got home from work, my grandmother couldn't wait to complain to her mother. At last, the two women gave Grandpa a hard talk, and Grandpa also knew his mistake.

Grandpa often told me about their team, who played well, who had strong physical strength, and how the game ended with other teams one day. From then on, I unconsciously fell in love with basketball.

My "basketball fan" grandpa is really a lovely grandpa!

Basketball fan composition (4)

I went to watch the basketball match this afternoon. When I saw the PE teacher playing basketball, I suddenly thought of my father.

My father likes basketball very much and is good at it. I heard from my mother that my father used to play basketball. Later, my arm was injured and it was easy to relapse, so I seldom played basketball. However, Dad is still enthusiastic about basketball.

During the summer vacation, my father accompanied me to morning exercises. But when he saw the jumping basketball and sweating people in the distance, he turned to me and said, "Go and play basketball yourself. I'll play basketball." Before I could say yes, my father had already walked to the basketball court.

Tired from exercise, I went back to the basketball court to watch my father play basketball. Dad stood outside the crowd, waiting for the opportunity, ready to move. Suddenly, Dad seized the opportunity and rushed into the crowd in three steps and two steps. He was very quick to grab the opponent's ball. He dodged the opponent's attack from left to right, jumped up, stretched his arms, and "framed" the ball! Everyone couldn't help applauding. Dad hit several shots in a row, full of interest. However, I was already hungry and shouted weakly: "Dad, it's time to go home for breakfast." Dad seemed to have just found me, and said with a surprised face: "Oh, you ran? What time is it? Hungry? Go, go home now." But he said, his eyes turned to the basketball.

On the way home, I looked at my sweaty, breathless, happy and radiant dad and couldn't help sighing: What a basketball fan dad!

Basketball fan composition (5)

I am a basketball fan at a young age. Whenever I see NBA playing on TV, I always watch it. It was easy to see Yao Ming in the Rocket team hit his satisfied mid-range shot. I also want to be like Yao Ming, Sun Yue and Yi Jianlian. When I grow up, I will become one of the basketball players in the NBA, the best basketball organization in the world. I regard it as a dream. I must study hard when I was young!

I started playing basketball when I was seven years old. When I just started learning, I was addicted to it. Every day I go to the basketball court to practice. As time went by, I grew up day by day, and my football skills improved step by step.

In the second grade, my brother and I went to play basketball. When I saw that my brother easily threw himself into the middle and long shot, I applauded. So, I also came to practice shooting in COSCO. It seemed that basketball was against me. I couldn't shoot at all. I was a little upset at that time. My brother came to me and said, "You can't do anything halfway. If you give up, you can't succeed. What my brother said made me remember it firmly. I am determined not to give up. In order to realize COSCO, I must have confidence in myself!

Time flies. I'm in Grade Six. In just four years, I have finally made progress across the times. Now I can shoot in the middle and far at will, and my hit rate is pretty good!

When playing with friends at school, I practiced confrontation, learned more from confrontation, and made my football skills improve step by step. In physical confrontation, I made my body stronger and better, so that I could gain advantages in confrontation and score more goals.

Basketball, my favorite! Ah basketball, I am crazy about you! You are not unkind to me. You have taught me so much: you can't learn things halfway; As long as we persist and work hard, we can succeed; If you are interested in something, you must stick to it!

Basketball fan composition (6)

On the basketball court, several players are playing a fierce game. A player attracted everyone's attention. His flexible posture and unpredictable pace made his opponent bow down and had to applaud his excellent performance. He has a strong body and a little dark skin, which is a popular healthy complexion. The eleven or twelve year old player is praised by people. He is my little friend, Xiao Feng.

Xiao Feng is a basketball fan. He loves basketball very much. His family is full of books about basketball. One weekend, Xiao Feng asked me out to play basketball. His appearance surprised me. Xiaofeng is quite different from usual. This time, he is "fully armed", wearing a beautiful basketball suit and a pair of new basketball shoes, wearing wrist protectors on his wrists, and holding a basketball in his hands, just like a little star! His skill was very good, so I learned basketball from him. Unexpectedly, he not only played well, but also became a good teacher. He soon taught me the skills of three-step layup and corrected my shooting posture. As long as he can play basketball, he can forget all his troubles and get a lot of happiness.

Xiaofeng's basketball skills are first-class, and the manual work is not bad. In addition to playing basketball, he also makes some small handicrafts to pass the time. Once in an art class, Xiao Feng saw my pencil was bare and wanted to make a "hat" for it. I am really a "monk in law - I don't know". He took out a piece of waste paper, folded it left and right, cut it carefully, and soon it was made. It was a paper pencil case. It was just right for me to put it on the pen. Only after that time did I know that Xiao Feng was a smart man.

This is my little friend, Xiao Feng. Sometimes he is an agile figure on the basketball court, and sometimes he is a careful tailor around us. Who doesn't want to be his friend?

Basketball fan composition (7)

Look, the tall, burly man with glasses is my basketball father. When you see this, you must ask: Why is it called 'Basketball Dad'? Ha ha, let me tell you: because my father likes playing basketball very much, he will play again

Good! Lao Li, wait, I'll be there soon!

Still, hurry up, Go, Go, Go!

I saw my father put on his armour and took me all the way to the battlefield.

All right, everyone, one, two, three, start! I saw my father stopped the enemy from letting him throw the ball successfully. Well, this is the opportunity for my father to grab the other party's ball, carry the ball, cross, jump high, and hit! I shouted aside. That's not true. Your father is awesome! The old urchin shouted proudly at me.

Yes, you said, a person plays basketball for several hours every day. As time goes by, can he be powerful! After a match, my father was sweating heavily. He took my water cup and drank all the water at once. Girl, go and get your father a glass of water!

Although I didn't show impatience, I also muttered in my heart: Hum! Every day, I will be used as a robot. Every time I come here, I will serve you! In this way, I poured water back and forth for my father several times, and unknowingly, two or three hours passed.

Back home, Dad still stood doing his shooting, wondering how to shoot more accurately. ate! My mother shouted. But Dad didn't seem to hear it. He was still shooting.

Don't eat, do you? Mother shouted angrily.

It's over. Dad is going to die. I'll run away first. Dad felt his back was cold and he knew something was wrong: no good, run away!

Monster, where to go? My sister cooperates with my mother and shouts to my father

Did you see that? This is my basketball dad. Where's your father? Come and talk!

Basketball fan composition (8)

hello everyone! My name is Wang Xueliang. I have dark hair and bright eyes. I like playing basketball very much. Now let me introduce some interesting things about my playing basketball!

One day, my father and I were shooting in the basketball court of the community. In the first half, my father was far ahead, until the second half, I finally turned over. Because I suddenly had an idea: I wait until my father answers the phone to shoot, can't I catch up? Sure enough, my father's phone rang, and I took the ball from my father's hands and shot hard and focused. Finally, I really surpassed my father. My father said to me, "You are really good, and you will try to catch up when I answer the phone!" At this time, I was very happy.

Another time, I played basketball with my classmates. During the game, I found that my team mate who grabbed the ball had been surrounded by the other team member. So I quickly made a gesture to my classmates to pass the ball to me while the other team member was not paying attention. So the students quickly threw the ball towards me, and the ball came to me like a shell. I quickly caught the ball with a leap. First, I threw the ball to the students in front of me, and then suddenly turned around to shoot. The ball flew towards the basketball rack, a beautiful three-point hollow ball! At this time, the referee whistled. It was time for the game. The referee announced the score, and our team won by 1 point higher than the other team. At that time, I was very happy - I won another game and learned some moves for free.

My wish is to have a chance to join the school team and become a real basketball player. I believe that through my unremitting efforts, my wish will come true!

Basketball fan composition (9)

Although I am now a fifth grade primary school student, I am an iron pole basketball fan.

I can't remember when I started to touch basketball. In short, now Kobe Bryant is the person I admire in my heart.

In order to better understand Kobe, every time I watch TV, I always play first and turn the channel to sports. At that time, my father would say a few words and put Kobe posters in my room. When I am free, I will also invite some friends to play basketball happily. I often forget my homework, so I will always be criticized by teachers and scolded by my mother.

Once, during the school noon break, I and three other boys in my class sneaked into the playground. After grouping, we began to play ball games

Just as our Jiang Yuanyang passed the ball to me and I was about to make a long shot, the enemy Sheng Weijie looked at his watch and shouted as he ran, "Time is up, if you don't run, it will be too late!" We hurried to the classroom, but we were still late. As soon as the teacher saw us, he said angrily, "Why did you play ball again? Did you not do your homework well? Everyone should have a review, and give it to me before the second class in the afternoon!" Alas, the teacher criticized him again.

Another time, my mother had something to do and repeatedly told me not to play outside. But when my mother walked out, I went to play basketball on my heels. When I got home, I was already sweating. As soon as I opened the door, my front foot just walked into the door, my mother's nagging voice came: "Chenchen, why did you go to play again? It's more than twelve o'clock. How many times have I told you, why are you so disobedient?" Although I was criticized by my mother, I still didn't care at all.

This is me, an iron pole basketball fan.

Basketball fan composition (10)

My father and I watched the game between the Lakers and the Rockets on CCTV-5. When I saw Kobe throw the ball out of the three-point line (I didn't know it was called the three-point line at that time, but my father told me later), he drew a beautiful arc on the NBA court, and the ball directly fell into the basket, like a dazzling meteor, jumping into the arms of the earth. It hit the ground cleanly, and the ball went in! Blossom in the sky! Beautiful, too beautiful! The audience in the TV cheered for his superb football skills, and my father and I also cheered.

To tell you the truth, I used to have an opinion on basketball. I always feel that playing basketball is a bit cruel and bloody. How many people compete and fight each other for a ball. After a game, there will always be someone who will lose the lottery. Either his feet are broken or his hands are swollen. There is a meaningless bloody war. It is better to play table tennis in a civilized way. So I prefer playing table tennis to playing basketball.

It was my father who changed my prejudice against basketball. He said that small balls have the advantages of small balls, and large balls also have the advantages of large balls. Playing basketball can exercise people's reaction ability and jumping ability, which can not be replaced by other sports. Dad always said that people should learn at least two kinds of ball games in their life. In addition, my father is a soldier who likes sports and exercise. He often lets me watch sports channel programs with him, and NBA basketball programs are one of our must see programs. From the NBA basketball game, I feel the importance of the coordination and cooperation ability of the basketball team. The heroic players at the moment of shooting goals, sports are so bold, and life is so wonderful!

After that, I gradually fell in love with basketball. So I hired my father as my lifelong coach. After a period of basic skill training, my father let me join the after-school junior basketball team.

In a game with my brother's team, the ball I threw never entered the basket. Either the ball is out of bounds, sometimes it's like the plane crashed in Malaysia Airlines. You see his posture is like holding a big bowl. Can he score goals? People outside laugh at me. Although he is thick and brawn, he is totally blind. In the face of public ridicule, I was anxious and angry. Why do people have to be so accurate and I can't shoot nine out of ten? Why do you always foul. My father looked worried and angry, and patiently advised me, "Don't be discouraged, kid. It's always like this when you start playing. I didn't play as well as you at first!"! I believe you will be the best! Dad's encouragement strengthened my confidence. Accompanied by my father, I started from the beginning, studied hard and practiced hard to master every pitching skill. In those days, my fingers were bruised for many times, swollen like a mallet, and my left Achilles tendon was injured again and again. I often woke up in the middle of the night with pain. In those days, five bottles of Yunnan Baiyao aerosol were used.

Everything comes to him who waits. Now that I'm in the second grade of junior high school, the love of football in my childhood and I keep pace with the times. Now I have put the difficulty on three points and rebounding.

Basketball fan composition (11)

Playing basketball is an aerobic exercise, which can make people's limbs flexible and strengthen their physique. Many people like playing basketball, and I am no exception. I have a basketball, the color is brown, leather, valuable 188 yuan, my father bought me a birthday gift on my birthday.

My idol is Kobe Bryant, because his basketball skills are very high. Because of him, I fell in love with basketball. On the court, he shot 100 times and dunked very cool. I think if I want to learn to play basketball, I must start from shooting.

Because of my unremitting love for basketball, I insist on going to the stadium to practice at about 5:00 every morning. My coach is my father, and my father's football skills are also very good. He plays center like Yao Ming. He has participated in provincial, municipal and county basketball games for many times, and has achieved excellent results. At the beginning of basketball practice, my father asked me to shoot from the bottom of the backboard because my arm was not strong enough. Slowly, I practiced for two weeks. I could stand about three meters from the basket and shoot more accurately each time. I think it is not difficult to learn basketball, as long as you have patience and enthusiasm. Now I have learned to pitch, run and pass the ball. My father taught me to dribble. When I practice up and down swinging, the ball will stick to my hand, so that it won't be stolen by others. The passing movement should be concealed and try not to let the opponent see through. When someone passes to you, you should open your hands and fingers to catch the ball. The defense should move quickly and close to the opponent to make it difficult for the opponent to shoot. It is this knowledge that makes me know more about basketball, and let me know that basketball is not a one-man sport, and it is necessary to cooperate well with teammates to achieve good results. Now after my practice, I have learned to dribble, shoot, and lay up three steps.

In a friendly match this year, I became the vanguard of our amateur basketball team. In the game, I was not afraid of my brother's opponents. I had the courage to attack. Without height advantage, I looked for space. With fierce defense, active attack and accurate shooting, I won warm applause from my peers. In the end, we won the game with a score of 72-68, and I got 23 points alone. Cool? I have been unanimously recognized by everyone, and I love basketball more and more.

Through playing basketball, my body has become stronger and my mind has become more flexible. More importantly, through playing basketball, I have known many friends and enhanced friendship. Because we have come together in basketball, this is my love for basketball. I believe everyone has their own favorite. I hope more friends love basketball.

Xiaomiao grows into a towering tree because of his unremitting love. The river has become a vast ocean because of its unremitting love. Candlelight becomes the light like the sun because of its unremitting love. My unremitting love for basketball will encourage me to work hard and run towards my dream.

Basketball fan composition (12)

A boy who loves basketball! As small as competing with basketball partners at will, as large as every NBA game, I almost never let go. Basketball is like a flower. I am like a bee. This flower attracts me deeply. China's basketball stars Yao Ming, Yi Jianlian, Sun Yue, Zhu Yufang, Liu Wei... Kobe Bryant of the foreign Lakers, James James of the Rockets, Griffin of the Clippers, and Roberts of the Celtics. I really envy these basketball stars. Every time I see Yao Ming of the Rockets holding rebounds, dunking, blocking shots in front of the Americans... I feel very excited. I decided to practice basketball seriously and become a giant like them.

The opportunity came. One day in the third grade, my partner came to play with me. How tall the basket is! I didn't make it several times in a row. However, when I shot in the community, it was not like this. Maybe the basket was short. I said dejectedly, "It's really hard to cast! Don't play anymore." It can be seen that the guys are unwilling, and I continued. On the morning of the weekend, I will arrive at the community basketball court on time to start my warm-up exercise. It is my greatest pleasure to discuss football skills with my friends during recess; When I got home and finished my homework, I picked up my little basketball and practiced shooting... I learned high basket shooting, throwing the ball, copying the ball, and throwing the ball from my neighbor's brother.

One day, I asked impatiently, "Brother, I have learned a lot, can I stop learning?" The elder brother retorted, "Knowledge is endless." I understood and decided to let me test it myself. On the basketball court, my brother said, "Throw the ball!" I played without saying anything. The elder brother saw that I was struggling, but he didn't say it. Finally, he said seriously, "You should be patient and not careless when learning basketball." After that, I was no longer careless. Now, I am an ordinary basketball player and have a deep understanding of basketball. When I threw the high basket again, I was surprised. This is the big brother's credit. I have to thank him very much. It was he who strengthened my confidence. I am eager to appear like a basketball star and run on the dazzling basketball court. I firmly believe that as long as there is perseverance, nothing can not be done! Basketball has opened up a new world for me and added color to my after-school life. Basketball, I love you! Just like mice love rice.

Basketball fan composition (13)

My father is a typical "basketball fan". He grabs TV with me every day and breaks the remote control many times. Even listening to the voice, I know what the performance is. I have treated my father many times for "illness", but it has no effect.

One night, I was in a sweet dream when I was awakened by a burst of cheers. I rubbed my eyes vaguely. It turned out that my father was watching his favorite NBA basketball game and scored a goal. So I sneaked out of the bed like a small mouse and carefully got the remote control. My father didn't respond at all. I pressed the button and the TV was changed. My father was so worried that he jumped off the sofa and shouted what was wrong. I threw the remote control on the bed as if I hadn't slept well and said, "Dad, you haven't slept yet!"! Forget it. I've just finished going to the toilet. I'm going to bed. " Then I lay down and began to dream. The next day, I was alone at home. Out of curiosity, I wondered if the NBA was as good as science fiction? My father could not understand it, so I watched it myself. This game is between the Lakers and the Cavaliers. It is very fierce. Can the Lakers defeat the Cavaliers after passing the test all the way? The host shouted loudly, just listen to the whistle, the little emperor James of the Cavaliers led the team to charge, and the Lakers were not willing to be outdone. The two sides could not fight each other. You have a meteor shower, he has a million dragons flying, I have a tiger to add wings, he has a sky to fly, and the general fight was dim, but finally the winner was still out, The Lakers won 97-92. Later, I became interested in the NBA. Every day, I became a typical "basketball fan". Later, my father also told me that basketball depends on the team, and only one person can play well. Since then, I have become united and won honor for the class.

I think: my father must have infected me with basketball fans. But I'm also very happy with this disease. This kind of disease can unite people. Let's also let students see the NBA.

Basketball fan composition (14)

On the basketball court, several players are playing a fierce game. A player attracted everyone's attention. His flexible posture and unpredictable pace made his opponent bow down and had to applaud his excellent performance. He has a strong body and a little dark skin, which is the popular 'healthy complexion'. The eleven or twelve year old player is praised by people. He is my little friend, Xiao Feng.

Xiao Feng is a basketball fan. He loves basketball very much. His family is full of books about basketball. One weekend, Xiao Feng asked me out to play basketball. His appearance surprised me. Xiaofeng is quite different from usual. This time, he is "fully armed", wearing a beautiful basketball suit and a pair of new basketball shoes, wearing wrist protectors on his wrists, and holding a basketball in his hands, just like a little star! His skill was very good, so I learned basketball from him. Unexpectedly, he not only played well, but also became a good teacher. He soon taught me the skills of three-step layup and corrected my shooting posture. As long as he can play basketball, he can forget all his troubles and get a lot of happiness.

Xiaofeng's basketball skills are first-class, and the manual work is not bad. In addition to playing basketball, he also makes some small handicrafts to pass the time. Once in an art class, Xiao Feng saw my pencil was bare and wanted to make a "hat" for it. I am really a "monk in law - I don't know". He took out a piece of waste paper, folded it left and right, cut it carefully, and soon it was made. It was a paper pencil case. It was just right for me to put it on the pen. Only after that time did I know that Xiao Feng was a smart man.

This is my little friend, Xiao Feng. Sometimes he is an agile figure on the basketball court, and sometimes he is a careful tailor around us. Who doesn't want to be his friend?

Basketball fan composition (15)

In our ordinary daily life, many people have had the experience of writing a composition. They are no strangers to composition. Composition is a narrative method to express a theme through words. So the question is, how to write an excellent composition? The following is the composition collected and sorted by Xiao Bian. I am a basketball fan. Welcome to read it. I hope you can enjoy it.

I love basketball. People who know me well say that I am an absolute basketball fan. The football star Garnett said that basketball is his' life '. Although I can't compare with him, I can say without exaggeration that basketball is a part of my life. Basketball fascinates me.

As long as I talk about basketball with others, my words will flow like the water of the Yellow River. Jordan, Kobe, Howard, Shaquille O'Neal, Iverson, Garnett... These basketball superstars, I can talk about them all, like a family. I know the Lakers, the Heat, the Rockets, the Denver Nuggets, the Bobcats... these basketball giants. Every day after school, I almost keep my hands on the ball. I always watch basketball games on TV, whether CBA or NBA. Even the live broadcast at two or three o'clock in the morning can make me stand up from the sleepers. For this reason, I was scolded by my parents.

I remember that in the NBA finals that year, the energetic Heat fought the mature Mavericks. Every game between the two sides was extremely fierce. You came and went, and the score between the two sides was 2-2. This is the key to the sub war. Whoever wins the next round will catch the dawn of victory. However, this crucial game is scheduled to be held at more than 10:00 local time in the United States, while Beijing time is 1:00 and 2:00 in the morning. What should I do? Can I really only dream about the game? No, I must see it! I made a "blood" decision - to get up in the middle of the night to watch the war.

When the clock came to one o'clock in the morning unconsciously, I got up quietly, stood on tiptoe, grabbed a heart that was about to jump out, and came to the living room. I picked up the TV remote control with sweaty and trembling hands. While turning to the sports channel, I listened to the movement of my parents' bedroom side by side while watching the difficult dunk performance intently. My heart is like a nest of restless rabbits. It seems that I will jump out at any time. I am extremely nervous.

Gradually, I relaxed my vigilance, and the last quarter of the game also sounded the horn. The Heat were still three points behind, and I began to get nervous like the players on the court. Suddenly, my hand slipped, and the remote control in my hand fell to the ground with a "bang". The world seemed to stop at this moment. My heart stopped beating and my hands and feet were cold... I raised my ears and heard my father's snoring sound as if it had increased eight degrees. My heart also jumped eight times faster. I was too busy to turn off the TV, Back to the room at Bolt's speed

Such "peeping" experiences are still playing out in my life.

There is no reason why I am such a basketball fan.