High School Scenery (Collection of 10)
Wandering Heart
2024-03-14 03:26:26
describe the scenery

High School Landscape (1)

The poplar tree in front of my house is the "elder" on this road. It has lived here for more than ten years and is very beautiful all the year round.

In the chilly spring, the poplar tree has sprouted green shoots early. When the rain falls, "Green Baby" tries hard to absorb the rain and dew, as if hoping to grow up quickly.

In summer, poplar trees have reached a flourishing period. The leaves grow as big as a child's palm, and the color has become dark green. So many green leaves are piled on top of each other, leaving no gaps, like a thick lake floating in the air. When the hot sun is baking the earth, several friends and I buy some ice cream to cool down under the poplar tree. A few gentle breeze blows my cheek, which is more comfortable.

In autumn, at the beginning, some poplar leaves were yellow, some were green, and occasionally a few red leaves were dotted, turning into a multicolored tree. In late autumn, the leaves fell down in a swirl, some like boats floating in the air, some like butterflies dancing, many leaves fell to the ground, paved into colorful carpets, I really didn't have the heart to step on them.

In winter, there are few leaves left on the poplar tree, which is out of place compared with the leafy camphor tree nearby. However, once the poplar tree has put on the white cotton padded clothes that Snow Girl gave it, it becomes energetic. Look, there are "white butterflies" and "white dragonflies" on the tree

Although poplar trees are not as graceful as willows, evergreen as camphor trees, tall and straight as plane trees, or world-famous as bread trees, their indomitable spirit is worth learning.

High School Landscape (2)

The car quieted down from the turbulence, like a cute child parked on the roadside. I don't want to breathe the dirty air in the car anymore. When I get out of the car, the first breath is the air from my hometown.

In my hometown after rain, the air is filled with the smell of soil and the fragrance of rape flowers. So refreshing, calm, comfortable, like a layer of washed glass, spotless. Everything seems to be shining a circle of white light through the glass, and everything opens its watery eyes. It seems that I have been brought into this transparent and fresh world. My soul has been baptized by the water in the sky, and from head to foot, it shines softly.

Breathing the breath of home is so carefree, no worries, no worries, no rush of time, all the mundane will turn into nothing, only joy. Walking on the path where the grass color is emerging, you can feel the artistic conception of "the rain on the sky street is moist and crisp, and the grass color is seen from afar but not near", which is more wonderful than any other.

At this moment, my heart is closely connected with nature. At the foot of the oilfield, one by one, can not see the end. Only the dense green stems are woven into seamless silk, which gently dances under the blue sky. The boundless green is covered with golden stars. I don't know who they are laughing for. They are blooming one by one. They are beautiful and delicate, but extremely small. But when they form a collective, what they give you is not only the visual impact, but also the magnificent golden waves and folded waves, which rise and fall one after another and roll one after another.

At the end of the oil field, the mountains bathed in a night of spring rain appear particularly deep and green. The dust on the green leaves has long disappeared, leaving people green everywhere. In this cold season, there is no murmuring water, and the birds' songs are rare. Everything seems to be locked in a still picture. But you must not blame God for his ruthlessness. Look, can the rising mountain mist in the valley be inferior to the singing of birds and the fragrance of flowers?

The milky white illusion of light and its mysterious expression make people have unlimited reverie. In this windy day, the wonderful and fantastic performance of the cloudy and foggy Jie is even more exciting. A gust of wind blew the hat shaped fog into a gauze, which went up and down, up and down, and wound softly around the mountainside. The clouds and mist are like a traveller, drifting at the door of the house, but they are unwilling to leave for a long time, so they offer a hada to the green mountain. The green mountains appear behind the clouds and mist. They are indistinct and indistinct. The mountains and mist are intertwined, making each other interesting. There is a lingering charm of "misty mountains and misty mountains, and the sky is linked to the water and the tail water is linked to the sky".

Above the gold and green, blue sky is indispensable. The sky of my hometown is vast and incomparable, bright and clean tile blue, mild light blue, light light blue... Everything is in a light way, which describes my hometown people's love of peace and tranquility. This sky is like my hometown's mind and expectation.

There is a long sea of changes, and the only thing that makes me intoxicated is the painter's generous handwriting. Nature, the greatest painter, lays down everything in the world with overwhelming momentum. He waved the brush in his hand, a touch of yellow, a touch of green, a touch of blue, and poured freely. There is no artificial carving or deliberate design, but it embodies the beauty of Lijiang River and the charm of West Lake. This kind of beauty is a kind of rough beauty, natural beauty and simple beauty.

Home is so real; People are so kind; The scenery is so clear and refreshing; Life is so quiet. Perhaps, this is the only wealth in this isolated small mountain village, because "peace and security is happiness, and it is really true"!

Now, in a bustling city, I suddenly look back and find that home is the destination.

It's good to go home!

High School Landscape (3)

It takes half an hour to walk from Haitou Middle School to Zhupengkou along the winding Longwang River. However, I spare no time to run to the seaside to watch the sunrise every day to meet my physical and mental needs.

Standing on the soft sand beach, facing the vast Haizhou Bay, my mind felt open. When the plump outline of the sun, the sea spirit, slowly jumped out of the sea, the sky was red, the water was red, and people became red.

This spiritual bathing and edification makes me fascinated, enchanted, and have a feeling of clearing up the vulgar. So, day after day, I step on the morning fog in spring, shade in summer, frost and chrysanthemum in autumn, and walk to the sea with snow in winter. However, as time goes by, I vaguely feel that there is something more novel than the sunrise on the sea.

When I was young, I read Sushi's "Sea City", and later learned Yang Shuo's prose. I felt that it was also unfair: everyone could see the sunrise, but why was it difficult to see the unique mirage? Penglai is out of the fairyland. Haizhou Bay, the hometown of the great sage, is not a paradise for immortals? I often look at Qinshan Island and Huaguo Mountain to meditate.

It was the morning of the third day just after the Mid Autumn Festival. I was still standing at the seaside waiting for the sunrise as usual. Suddenly, I seemed to walk into a strange place and was greatly surprised.

Between the serene sky and the hazy calm sea, it seems that there is an invisible magic pen on the green and white rice paper to draw, dot, and rub. In an instant, Qinshan Island disappeared, and a large freehand ink painting with a broad background and a magical skill of axe cutting appeared. Everything on the scroll is strange and elegant. The landscape is unbridled. It spans more than ten miles. In the left half of the scroll, there is a small mountain lying across, and an octagonal pagoda with several layers stands against the top of the mountain. It has a strong desire to compete with the sky. On the gentle slope on the left, there are a few huts dotted with bamboo fences and firewood gates, just like a quiet mountain village. The ancient cypresses set off, the morning fog blurred, the smoke curled, the sand road plank bridge, the shape and shadow leisurely.

In the left half of the scroll, there are many mountains, steep peaks, jagged rocks, ancient pines and cypresses, and luxuriant branches and leaves. There are some macaques climbing and playing, wandering and chasing each other. Steep cliffs and steep peaks are surrounded by fog, thousands of vines and waterfalls. A thousand year old temple looms at the top of the peak. The iron gate is closed, the walls are closed, and the middle of the hall is a double-layer hall, with its corners tilted. A hundred birds are forbidden to sing, and the bell is silent. All sounds are quiet, and the chill is heavy. The high view behind the peaks is unpredictable. Sometimes the two cows lie down and look at each other, sometimes the unicorn flies into the sky, sometimes the dragon pokes its neck into the water, and sometimes the old turtle peeks at the cloud head. All of them are lifelike and lifelike, as if they are manipulated behind the scenes by an omnipotent magician.

——This is Haishi, the mirage I yearn for day and night.

The magic nature often rewards people with wonderful things. At this time, I felt relaxed and happy as if I was in a different place near the fairy mountain, and I felt that I had also become a part of the illusion. People wander in the painting, but I am not the same as the objects. What a pleasure!

I gazed at the wonders in front of me, marveled at the greatness of heaven and earth, and my heart leaped. I could not help murmuring familiar verses: "Oriental clouds and seas are in the sky, and groups of immortals come and go in the sky, and shake the world. How can there be the Pearl Palace in the Beique..."

Suddenly, a red sun gushed out from the east, and the rays of the sun shone brightly, gilding the images on the whole picture scroll, diluting the dim poetic atmosphere, and showing the world a new clear and powerful world, which I have been pursuing silently for a long time at sea, in the east.

High School Landscape (4)

Today, I would like to introduce a plant - cactus.

There are many kinds of cacti. It is said that there are more than 2000 kinds of cacti in the world. I have never seen so many kinds of cacti. The bowl of cactus on my balcony is only one of them.

This cactus has lived in my home for several years. I don't usually care about it. Sometimes I pay attention to it when I have nothing to do. Its shape is similar to that of the outstretched palm. From a distance, the bowl of cactus looks like the hands of a group of children. The cactus is green all the year round. It is covered with thorns. If you touch it carelessly, it will bite you hard and make you remember it forever.

In summer, cactus will bloom yellow flowers one after another. Each flower has more than ten petals, which is very beautiful. However, it is a pity that the flowers of cactus wither in a day or two.

In summer, cactus will bear fruit. The fruit of cactus is as big as peanuts, smooth in appearance, with some thorns on it, green in color and red in color. The immature fruit is light green, and the mature fruit will become dark red. It's said that the cactus fruit can be eaten. I picked one, broke it with my hand and tasted it. It's a little sour and sweet, and it tastes very special.

The vitality of cactus is very strong. In summer, no matter how hot the weather is; In winter, no matter how cold the weather is, it can grow healthily. It doesn't need any nutrients or water. It can grow wherever it is planted. Even if it is placed on the flagstone, after a period of time, it will grow many small roots from its own body, and it can still grow. I admire it for this. No other plant can compare with it. Today, I would like to introduce a plant - cactus.

There are many kinds of cacti. It is said that there are more than 2000 kinds of cacti in the world. I have never seen so many kinds of cacti. The pot of cactus on my balcony is only one of them.

This cactus has lived in my home for several years. I don't usually care about it. Sometimes I pay attention to it when I have nothing to do. Its shape is similar to that of the outstretched palm. From a distance, the bowl of cactus looks like the hands of a group of children. The cactus is green all the year round. It is covered with thorns. If you touch it carelessly, it will bite you hard and make you remember it forever.

In summer, cactus will bloom yellow flowers one after another. Each flower has more than ten petals, which is very beautiful. However, it is a pity that the flowers of cactus wither in a day or two.

In summer, cactus will bear fruit. The fruit of cactus is as big as peanuts, smooth in appearance, with some thorns on it, green in color and red in color. The immature fruit is light green, and the mature fruit will become dark red. It's said that the cactus fruit can be eaten. I picked one, broke it with my hand and tasted it. It's a little sour and sweet, and it tastes very special.

The vitality of cactus is very strong. In summer, no matter how hot the weather is; In winter, no matter how cold the weather is, it can grow healthily. It doesn't need any nutrients or water. It can grow wherever it is planted. Even if it is placed on the flagstone, after a period of time, it will grow many small roots from its own body, and it can still grow. I admire it for this. No other plant can compare with it.

High School Landscape (5)

From the moment I stepped into the gate of the primary school attached to Shanshi in my first grade, I noticed the row of poplar trees in the middle of the school playground. The poplar trees are my indispensable partners.

In the spring, the gray spores of the poplar tree spit out green and yellow buds, grow tender green leaves, and the poplar catkins fly. The poplar tree begins to sow the seeds of life to every corner of the campus. The fluttering Yang Xu looks like small snowflakes dancing in the air. The poplar tree at that time was at the age of youth, and it was spreading its passion and vitality in life. [The description in this paragraph is very successful and worth learning in the following paragraphs.]

In summer, every leaf of poplar is as big as a palm. The leaves accumulated to form a dense shade, [This part is well written because you have grasped a specific point to highlight its characteristics. However, you can separate this part of content into paragraphs and expand it to describe in more detail. At the same time, you can use personification or figurative rhetoric to turn this part of content into the highlight of the whole text.] The area around the poplar tree has become a paradise for us to study and play. When we feel hot, we enjoy the cool under the poplar tree. Sometimes, we play around the poplar tree; Sometimes, we play and study under the poplar tree. Every summer, the students play happily around the poplar tree. At this time, I feel that the poplar tree is my best partner.

In autumn, the leaves of poplar are golden. Seen from a distance, it looks like a golden umbrella. The golden color is the most mature color in the life of poplar trees. [In this paragraph, we can highlight its characteristics through the detailed description of color and appearance characteristics, and form a contrast with the preceding and following articles.] In late autumn, the leaves of the poplar tree withered and yellowed, and the leaves were falling one by one, and the poplar tree was greeting the arrival of winter.

In winter, the weather is very cold and the wind is cold, but the poplar stands tall with its stubborn body. Standing in the wind and snow, he is not afraid of the cold. He always stands in the middle of our school playground, waiting for the arrival of spring.

Now, I am in the sixth grade. One month later, I will graduate from primary school. I will say goodbye to the poplar tree that has accompanied me for six years. Goodbye, poplar tree, and I will come back to see you.

High School Landscape (6)

In the daily study, work or life, everyone has the experience of writing a composition. I am familiar with composition. Composition is a speech activity in which people express their feelings in written form. So how do you write a general composition? The following is a carefully arranged composition of cactus high school scenery, welcome to share.

In the vast world of the plant kingdom, there are many dazzling plants: fragrant and charming delicate flowers; Tall green trees; The indomitable green grass...... But my favorite is the least eye-catching cactus.

It is like a standing soldier, guarding the border of the motherland; It is also like a boat in the desert, bringing hope for the thirsty people. It is just like a selfless worker, who only wants to do his best to add a little green and vitality to this barren land. It is this firm and unchanging belief that enables him to stand so relieved on this desolate and barren land and become the most dazzling "star" here.

Cactus is a jasper in the yellow sand, an island in the dry sea, and a hero in the desert; They bring vitality, prosperity and mysterious hope to the burning desert. Ibsen, the famous Norwegian poet, once said, "Don't let luck stop you from complacency, and don't let bad luck stop you from falling. The real strong are good at finding shadows in good times, finding light in adversity, and constantly calibrating their goals." Isn't this the true portrayal of cactus? "Look for light from adversity" is an ingenious sentence. It depicts the image of cactus vividly in a moment. It can still survive in such a dangerous place. Who can not say that it is a miracle? Yes, this is a miracle in itself, and it is a miracle we can't imagine. How many times more efforts should cactus pay to survive in such a desolate place than other plants!

Some people have tried to move cacti to cities. Of course, cacti also know how to live well in cities, but cacti growing in cities lack the tenacity. Like other flowers and plants, if they are put back into the desert, they will die within three days, because cacti have stayed in cities for a long time, It will lose its original way of life. How can it survive well in such a state?

I admit that there are many people who hate cactus. Indeed, it is not as beautiful as famous flowers, and it is easy to hurt people. But in terms of quality, what's worse than cactus? Cactus is more tenacious and selfless than peony, clivia and rose. In my eyes, only cactus is the most beautiful and lovely. Other flowers will be eclipsed in front of it. Cactus, I love you, love your perseverance, but also love your selfless dedication!

High School Landscape (7)

From the moment I stepped into the gate of the primary school attached to Shanshi in my first grade, I noticed the row of poplar trees in the middle of the school playground. The poplar trees are my indispensable partners.

In the spring, the gray spores of the poplar tree spit out green and yellow buds, grow tender green leaves, and the poplar catkins fly. The poplar tree begins to sow the seeds of life to every corner of the campus. The fluttering Yang Xu looks like small snowflakes dancing in the air. The poplar tree at that time was at the age of youth, and it was spreading its passion and vitality in life. [The description in this paragraph is very successful and worth learning in the following paragraphs.]

In summer, every leaf of poplar is as big as a palm. The leaves accumulated to form a dense shade, [This part is well written because you have grasped a specific point to highlight its characteristics. However, you can separate this part of content into paragraphs and expand it to describe in more detail. At the same time, you can use personification or figurative rhetoric to turn this part of content into the highlight of the whole text.] The area around the poplar tree has become a paradise for us to study and play. When we feel hot, we enjoy the cool under the poplar tree. Sometimes, we play around the poplar tree; Sometimes, we play and study under the poplar tree. Every summer, the students play happily around the poplar tree. At this time, I feel that the poplar tree is my best partner.

In autumn, the leaves of poplar are golden. Seen from a distance, it looks like a golden umbrella. The golden color is the most mature color in the life of poplar trees. [In this paragraph, we can highlight its characteristics through the detailed description of color and appearance characteristics, and form a contrast with the preceding and following articles.] In late autumn, the leaves of the poplar tree withered and yellowed, and the leaves were falling one by one, and the poplar tree was greeting the arrival of winter.

In winter, the weather is very cold and the wind is cold, but the poplar stands up its stubborn body. Standing in the wind and snow, he is not afraid of the cold. He always stands in the middle of our school's playground, waiting for the arrival of spring.

Now, I am in the sixth grade. One month later, I will graduate from primary school. I will say goodbye to the poplar tree that has accompanied me for six years. Goodbye, poplar tree, and I will come back to see you.

Chapter 2

The poplar tree in front of my house is the "elder" on this road. It has lived here for more than ten years and is very beautiful all the year round.

In the chilly spring, the poplar tree has sprouted green shoots early. When the rain falls, "Green Baby" tries hard to absorb the rain and dew, as if hoping to grow up quickly.

In summer, poplar trees have reached a flourishing period. The leaves grow as big as a child's palm, and the color has become dark green. So many green leaves are piled on top of each other, leaving no gaps, like a thick lake floating in the air. When the hot sun is baking the earth, several friends and I buy some ice cream to cool down under the poplar tree. A few gentle breeze blows my cheek, which is more comfortable.

In autumn, at the beginning, some poplar leaves were yellow, some were green, and occasionally a few red leaves were dotted, turning into a multicolored tree. In late autumn, the leaves fell down in a swirl, some like boats floating in the air, some like butterflies dancing, many leaves fell to the ground, paved into colorful carpets, I really didn't have the heart to step on them.

In winter, there are few leaves left on the poplar tree, which is out of place compared with the leafy camphor tree nearby. However, once the poplar tree has put on the white cotton padded clothes that Snow Girl gave it, it becomes energetic. Look, there are "white butterflies" and "white dragonflies" on the tree

Although poplar trees are not as graceful as willows, evergreen as camphor trees, tall and straight as plane trees, or world-famous as bread trees, their indomitable spirit is worth learning.

High School Landscape (8)

In the vast world of the plant kingdom, there are many dazzling plants: fragrant and charming delicate flowers; Tall green trees; The indomitable green grass...... But my favorite is the least eye-catching cactus.

It is like a standing soldier, guarding the border of the motherland; It is also like a boat in the desert, bringing hope for the thirsty people. It is just like a selfless worker, who only wants to do his best to add a little green and vitality to this barren land. It is this firm and unchanging belief that enables him to stand so relieved on this desolate and barren land and become the most dazzling "star" here.

Cactus is a jasper in the yellow sand, an island in the dry sea, and a hero in the desert; They bring vitality, prosperity and mysterious hope to the burning desert. Ibsen, the famous Norwegian poet, once said, "Don't let luck stop you from complacency, and don't let bad luck stop you from falling. The real strong are good at finding shadows in good times, finding light in adversity, and constantly calibrating their goals." Isn't this the true portrayal of cactus? "Look for light from adversity" is an ingenious sentence. It depicts the image of cactus vividly in a moment. It can still survive in such a dangerous place. Who can not say that it is a miracle? Yes, this is a miracle in itself, and it is a miracle we can't imagine. How many times more efforts should cactus pay to survive in such a desolate place than other plants!

Some people have tried to move cacti to cities. Of course, cacti also know how to live well in cities, but cacti growing in cities lack the tenacity. Like other flowers and plants, if they are put back into the desert, they will die within three days, because cacti have stayed in cities for a long time, It will lose its original way of life. How can it survive well in such a state?

I admit that there are many people who hate cactus. Indeed, it is not as beautiful as famous flowers, and it is easy to hurt people. But in terms of quality, what's worse than cactus? Cactus is more tenacious and selfless than peony, clivia and rose. In my eyes, only cactus is the most beautiful and lovely. Other flowers will be eclipsed in front of it. Cactus, I love you, love your perseverance, but also love your selfless dedication!

[Chapter 2]

Today, I would like to introduce a plant - cactus.

There are many kinds of cacti. It is said that there are more than 2000 kinds of cacti in the world. I have never seen so many kinds of cacti. The bowl of cactus on my balcony is only one of them.

This cactus has lived in my home for several years. I don't usually care about it. Sometimes I pay attention to it when I have nothing to do. Its shape is similar to that of the outstretched palm. From a distance, the bowl of cactus looks like the hands of a group of children. The cactus is green all the year round. It is covered with thorns. If you touch it carelessly, it will bite you hard and make you remember it forever.

In summer, cactus will bloom yellow flowers one after another. Each flower has more than ten petals, which is very beautiful. However, it is a pity that the flowers of cactus wither in a day or two.

In summer, cactus will bear fruit. The fruit of cactus is as big as peanuts, smooth in appearance, with some thorns on it, green in color and red in color. The immature fruit is light green, and the mature fruit will become dark red. It's said that the cactus fruit can be eaten. I picked one, broke it with my hand and tasted it. It's a little sour and sweet, and it tastes very special.

The vitality of cactus is very strong. In summer, no matter how hot the weather is; In winter, no matter how cold the weather is, it can grow healthily. It doesn't need any nutrients or water. It can grow wherever it is planted. Even if it is placed on the flagstone, after a period of time, it will grow many small roots from its own body, and it can still grow. I admire it for this. No other plant can compare with it. Today, I would like to introduce a plant - cactus.

There are many kinds of cacti. It is said that there are more than 2000 kinds of cacti in the world. I have never seen so many kinds of cacti. The bowl of cactus on my balcony is only one of them.

This cactus has lived in my home for several years. I don't usually care about it. Sometimes I pay attention to it when I have nothing to do. Its shape is similar to that of the outstretched palm. From a distance, the bowl of cactus looks like the hands of a group of children. The cactus is green all the year round. It is covered with thorns. If you touch it carelessly, it will bite you hard and make you remember it forever.

In summer, cactus will bloom yellow flowers one after another. Each flower has more than ten petals, which is very beautiful. However, it is a pity that the flowers of cactus wither in a day or two.

In summer, cactus will bear fruit. The fruit of cactus is as big as peanuts, smooth in appearance, with some thorns on it, green in color and red in color. The immature fruit is light green, and the mature fruit will become dark red. It's said that the cactus fruit can be eaten. I picked one, broke it with my hand and tasted it. It's a little sour and sweet, and it tastes very special.

The vitality of cactus is very strong. In summer, no matter how hot the weather is; In winter, no matter how cold the weather is, it can grow healthily. It doesn't need any nutrients or water. It can grow wherever it is planted. Even if it is placed on the flagstone, after a period of time, it will grow many small roots from its own body, and it can still grow. I admire it for this. No other plant can compare with it.

High School Landscape (9)

Scenery Composition I

Early this morning, the spring rain continued. I was carrying a schoolbag full of food, and I couldn't help getting excited. Today our school is going to Huadu Hometown for an outing!

The hometown was born in August 20xx, covering an area of 200 mu, and has hundreds of lifelike wax statues, a wealth of amusement facilities, and thousands of cultural relics. It is a national AAAA Lingnan cultural theme park.

We started at 9 o'clock sharp. Laughing, talking and singing accompanied by the roar of cars. It was a long way before we arrived.

As soon as we got out of the car, fresh air came to us. Before we could breathe, we entered the restaurant. There are many pots, bowls, ladles, basins, boxes, chairs, tables and so on. These are the best tools of each dynasty. What makes me curious is the fire engine. A fire truck is actually a trolley with pumping rods, a water storage bucket and a pipe on both sides. Use the trolley to extinguish the fire. Compared with today's fire engines, there is a world of difference.

Next, we came to the ancestral temple. The ancestral temple is really big. There are more than 10 rooms alone. When you come to the nave, a huge drum is placed in the middle. A little touch will make a thunderous sound. There are several cameras, gramophones and some broken porcelain in the next room. In short, there is everything here. When I came to the back hall, I saw the painting of waves at the first sight. Below is an authentic Lingnan table, on which there are dozens of history books and war books. It turns out that this is the "office".

After visiting the ancestral temple, it was 12 o'clock at noon and we found the best place to enjoy lunch. Our group quickly put snacks on the table to prepare for "killing". As soon as I took out the crispy sausage from my schoolbag, everyone rushed forward before opening the lid. Suddenly, all I had was a box for crispy sausage. Sobbing... my poor crispy intestines. In order to "revenge", I robbed other people's snacks again.

After lunch, we came to a street of small families. There were many lifelike wax figures in different shapes and postures. There are dozens of houses on a street, none of which are the same. Each house has a scene, and each household's scene is very classic. All the items on display have Lingnan culture. Big puppets are playing all kinds of characters, teachers, students, bosses, housekeepers, ordinary people... all very lifelike. Looking at these puppets, time seems to have brought us to that era.

Small bridges, flowing water, ancient trees, ancient houses, cultural relics and Lingnan culture come together - hometown!

Scenery Composition II

Longtan is my hometown. Wherever I go, the most unforgettable thing is the river in my hometown.

In my childhood memory, the river of my hometown is like a gentle ribbon, meandering between the north and south sides of my hometown; It is also like a wind collector from afar, recording the beautiful green mountains on both sides and the crisscross fields. It is the artery of the land in the hometown, which irrigates the originally poor land with boiling blood; It is a link to the people at home. Longtan people in the upper, middle and lower reaches build a harmonious Longtan because they share the same river.

The river in my hometown has a name, Pajiang River.

The original water of the river in my hometown is very clear, the water is not deep, and the river surface is not wide. It is a natural place for swimming in summer. The stone beach under the banyan tree beside the river is a good place for the elderly and children who cannot swim to enjoy the cool water. After the flood and ebb tide, the places where the streams enter the river are the places where the pleasure seekers fish and catch shrimp in muddy waters. Sometimes there are people running along the river all day, and the scene is very lively. Because the river water is as clean as well water, people in the street always wash clothes by the river, which saves a lot of work.

About ten years ago, the river in my hometown began to change. For the economic development of Longtan, his hometown began to develop coal resources on a large scale. At one time, dozens of coal mine waste water and residues were dumped into the Pajiang River. Since then, the river water in his hometown is no longer clear, and people's living habits have had to change. Two years later, three cascade power stations were built in the upper, middle and lower reaches of the Pajiang River, and several chemical plants with wastewater discharge were added in the middle reaches. Since then, the river has become deeper, the river has become wider, and the dirty river has become a place for parents to tell their children to pay attention to safety. People no longer go to the river to wash clothes, cool down, or swim in the river, No more fishing in the river

Because of coal mines and factories, people in Longtan have a place to earn money, economic development and living standards have improved, but they also paid a heavy price for this - they made the river in their hometown cry

One day when I was walking in the street, I saw a group of people chatting. To listen to it, some are missing how cool and comfortable the river was, some are publishing how to protect the river, some are excited, some are indignant. It seems that "sustainable development", "green environmental protection", "win-win"... These calls of the times have begun to touch the soul of Longtan people.

Because of this river, the people of Longtan have broken the past harmony.

I sincerely hope that the life of the people in my hometown will be better and better. I sincerely hope that the river in my hometown will return to its former beauty as soon as possible.

Scenery Composition III

Born in Shihua City and grew up in Shihua City, a feeling for the sea can not be erased, especially the sea of my hometown.

I remember this sea. It was my childhood when my father and I came here to catch crabs and fly kites. The childhood years and laughter, together with the sea breeze, drifted away. I have treasured this sea. Several close friends rode along the sea wall together. They rode far away from the starting point, but felt closer to the sea and the sky.

For this sea, I imagined that a person would walk on the beach, let the waves beat his feet, sing Yusheng's "The Sea" loudly, and encounter a beautiful story. I am ashamed of this sea. I haven't come here for five or six years. Every time I say that I will come here when I am free, but I can't make it happen. I am so sorry!

This time, I'm determined to go there to have a look! Just back from Shanghai, I called a taxi to the seaside. When the driver saw that I was carrying large and small bags of luggage, he thought I was here to travel, so he introduced me to many places of Petrochemical City along the way, and naturally said a lot about the sea

Every word sounds so familiar. Even his accent is like a Jinshan person! How can he know that I am a native of Jinshan and petrified! Do I dress like a traveler in a hurry?

"Here is the seaside, have fun!" This is our Jinshan people's consistent hospitality.

I nodded and smiled, dragging my heavy luggage to the sea.

I'm back, the sea of my hometown! Standing at the seaside, enjoying the sea breeze with eyes closed, a wandering heart has finally found its homestead and found a home to think about day and night! What a familiar and strange sea it is. The reunion after five years of separation is like the meeting of a wanderer and a loving mother, which becomes soul stirring in the sea breeze!

The sea is still the same as before: yellow brown is far less attractive than California's Gold Coast. But she is grand and majestic! Looking around, the boundless brown is the estuary of the Yangtze River; The distant Dajinshan, the highest point of Shanghai's altitude, is a boat on the sea

When the tide is rising, it is naturally difficult to step on the waves, so you can only sit on the T-shaped dam. Huge waves rolled in and hit the dam, splashing high waves. I was unprepared. She splashed on her face and body, feeling cool and countless feelings in the sea breeze.

The sea wind blew her hair very disorderly, like an old mother who had been separated from her son for many years, blaming the wanderer loudly; The sea water splashed her face wet. It was the tears that the old mother was waiting for when she met her son after a long separation. Crying against his face

High School Landscape (10)

For a person who has been used to living in Shanghai, he cannot feel the cold winter scenery of thousands of miles of ice and thousands of miles of snow in northern winter. Shanghai's winter is warm from head to foot. It always comes to people quietly. Shanghai is a pearl of the East, a pearl of the world, so bright, so magnificent. Please close your eyes: Surrounded by colorful neon lights, the water of the long Pujiang River flows through and under the floodlight of colored lights, and you can feel the breath of this winter in the cold wind. Although it is winter, it is not very cold. This is my ideal winter! As soon as Shanghainese see the dazzling "costumes" that adorn Shanghai in the city, they feel at ease. The magnificent and tall buildings seem to be able to bear all the coldness in this winter. Only when we return to the age of babbling and fall asleep sweetly in our mother's arms can we have such a kind feeling. The grass stood up beside the road happily, blinking happily and dancing in the breeze. The yellow green color is the green color of Shanghai in winter, which often makes people look sideways. Listen, it sings happily. Sing your luck, born in this beautiful city; Sing your own value and decorate Shanghai with the color of life. The wind in Shanghai in winter is warm with a little pride. But it is not like the cold wind in the north, which makes people shiver; It's not like the wind in Beijing, which makes people blind. It is a kind elf who gently brushes your face with a little chill when you embark on the tiring journey home; Or, gently blow a few strands of hair around your ears and play a romantic symphony of nature. The sound of the wind, like an invisible hand, gently opens your heart. Can you pout for this elf's greeting? You just have to "bear" a few colds and let your breath out. The winter sun has a special preference for Shanghai. It warms people's hearts and opens their smiles. The office workers hum lively songs and go to work happily; The old people sit happily in the yard and chatter about their homely life?? Living in Shanghai, the white snow world with white powder and jade in winter is out of the question. Occasionally, sporadic snowflakes falling from the sky, sometimes mixed with drizzle, add a touch of enchantment to the city. This has excited Shanghai people for a long time. Sometimes people can't tell whether it is snow or rain that is falling, but what they feel is not cold, but a special beauty and a small joy.

Lovely Shanghainese always want to pretend to hold their breath and complain to outsiders: "This place is really boring. It never snows." But they can't hide their happiness and pride. The water of the Napu River is not frozen, and it has also attracted many tourists from afar to visit the banks of the Huangpu River - blue sky, tall buildings, and gurgling water, forming a wonderful picture. Climb onto the top floor of the Oriental Pearl and overlook Shanghai. You can have a panoramic view of the beautiful scenery. Shanghai - This pearl, whose winter is full of beautiful scenery and smiles of all Shanghainese!