Books My Friends (8 recommended)
Be safe and be myself
2024-03-07 07:27:38
second grade
reaction to a book or an article

Book My Friend (1)

He is a doctor with profound knowledge, a writer with rich language, and an initiator of truth. He has been accompanying me, telling me the concept of life. Let me understand the way of life. I benefited a lot! In learning, with it, I can make a comeback. My thoughts are short circuited. You can recharge my batteries in time. What's more, with this friend, I can make more friends!

In the book, I saw such a sentence: "The meaning of human life is whether you live fully every day, rather than the length of time." This sentence made it clear that the true meaning of a person's life is that you should live fully, rather than live longer.

When encountering difficulties, I was full of doubts. At this time, only my loyal friend could help me.

I benefited a lot!

With this friend, I can make more friends!

Look at Robinson Crusoe, ah! At this time, I met Robinson and made friends with him. As his friend, I watched with my own eyes the difficulties approaching him. At this time, I was very sad because I could not help him, so I could only pray silently for God to bless him. I hope he won't blame me.

When watching A Dream of Red Mansions, I met a beautiful woman, "Lin Daiyu". Just sister Daiyu, she is melancholy and sad. I can't help feeling sad!

"Book", where will you take me next?

Oh! Originally, it was a hero's strategy. The smoke of gunpowder was everywhere, and the Three Kingdoms were fighting for hegemony! Look, here I know Zhuge Liang, a talented person whose intelligence is comparable to that of sages. Empty city plan! My friend, you are so brave! You sit on the high platform of the city tower and play the piano without a face The ingenious use of stratagem. He defeated the enemy one time at a time.

The friends in these books are you who make my life more fulfilling and fun. Thank you!

Book My Friend (2)

Shakespeare (England) once said: "Books are the nourishment of the whole world. Without books in life, it is like there is no sunshine; without books in wisdom, it is like a bird without wings..."

Since childhood, books have quietly entered my life and become an indispensable part of my life. Opening the dusty memory, time began to flow back, and I returned to the past... At that time, I was only 5 or 6 years old, and was still in kindergarten. At that time, we were still reading comic books, and more than half a class had already bought comic books. I was really envious, and thought: Let my mother buy me a comic book as well. As soon as I got home, I begged my mother to buy me a comic book too. Unexpectedly, my mother said yes. Therefore, I also have the first book in my life. At first, I read with interest. But after I entered primary school, those comic books were not enough to meet my requirements. I began to ask my mother to buy storybooks. Now, I was satisfied. One time when I was watching "immersive", suddenly, the bell rang and class began. But I didn't care about it until my book was confiscated by the teacher.

Later, I got tired of storybooks, and began to "march" into novels and dramas. First, Shen Shixi's science fiction animal novels. I was fascinated by them, which meant that I didn't want to understand them. A few days later, I read a famous book hungrily, from which I knew many great writers. Alfred? virtue? Liao Sai was a famous French poet, novelist and dramatist in the 19th century. His novel "A Century of Repentance" describes the experience of young people who are pessimistic, lack of ideals and determination to act

I live carefree in the world of books. It seems that I am integrated with the protagonists of every novel and drama, and share sorrow and happiness with them. There are so many stories about me and books that reading has become a part of my life.

Book My Friend (3)

Today, I would like to recommend a good book to you. Its name is "Mysterious Event Book".

This book tells about the adventure of four people and a dog. There are hundreds of thinking questions, writing questions, observation questions... and several small experiments. I like the space blasting best. It's about putting a bottle of hot water with effervescent tablets on it, shaking the lid, and then opening the bottle, it will explode easily.

I learned a lot of new knowledge in this book. I recommend it to everyone to have a look. Thank you!

Book My Friend (4)

It is it that gives me endless knowledge; It is it, share happiness with me; It is it that accompanies me all my life; It is it that makes me feel life

This book is neither a parent, nor a teacher, nor a classmate, but an ordinary book.

Gorky once said, "Books are the ladder of human progress". It is precisely because of books that human living standards have improved rapidly; It is because of books that human science is more developed... Therefore, books are human friends.

It is books that let me travel in the ocean. It is a book that makes me soar in the sky. It is a book that allows me to overcome many difficulties and live freely and happily. Therefore, books are also my friends.

A rich and colorful book took me into the kingdom of books. The war story book put me in the war years of gunfire; The fascinating fairy tale books let me travel in the sea of fairy tales; The complicated Romance of the Three Kingdoms made me know the brilliant Zhuge Liang, the insidious Cao Cao and other heroes.

The book often writes letters to me. In its short words, it always tells one story after another full of poetic and picturesque feelings. I often write back to it, and the words are full of warmth and joy

In my eyes, a book is no longer a book, but a good friend who accompanies me all my life.

I love this friend who can only use words to express words - books!

Book My Friend (5)

Book friend _ my good friend's composition 700 words (1)

A good book will enrich your life and give you a new chance.

(1) Past

The first acquaintance has turned into a thin cloud in the long river of years, but that is the first stop of my life. Because at that time I was carefree enjoying my beautiful childhood. A chance gave me access to the first book of my life, although in the eyes of adults, it was just a childish book that can no longer be childish. But it made me understand the pleasure of reading for the first time. As a child, I seemed to be in a fairy tale world. It was so wonderful. In the book, I sang happily with Snow White, walked in wonderland with Alice, and defeated the evil devil with the prince. So, from then on, I had another partner and a small world of my own.

(2) Now

Meet again, the old fantasy, with the passage of time, my understanding of you has faded. The innocence of the past is still the same style, but I am a bit uninhibited in my self righteous growth and maturity - just because of that little sense of achievement, as if the world only allows me. But after all, I suddenly woke up under your guidance and slacked off. You told me: "If the young do not work hard, the old will hurt"; When I was bored, you told me: "Don't be good with things, don't be sad." I understood that you are the compass in my life journey.

It's good to know you, and life will be more precious and brilliant.

You are my good teacher and good friend. You guide my way forward, making my life more wonderful and less regrettable. I confided with you and talked with you. Everything in the world disappeared in time... You let me know what friendship and family are. You let me see the world and distinguish between good and evil. The difference between ugliness and beauty has taught me what is treasure.

"When the wind blows and the waves break, I will sail straight to the sea." "Falling red is not a cruel thing, but turns into spring mud to protect flowers." "I am not afraid to break my bones, but remain innocent in the world." Yesterday I have become the past, today I want to be reborn, tomorrow I want to be strong, patriotic, law-abiding, reasonable and honest. It is you that fills me with confidence in life.

Ah! Book friend, thank you for your company. I believe that in the future, my life will be more colorful - because of you, my forever partner.

Book friend _ my good friend's composition 700 words (2)

I have a silent friend who often accompanies me. I'm crazy about books. I often read and watch them when I eat. I can't help laughing; When I was walking, I also read a book. I was so absorbed that I was accidentally knocked down by the bench; Not to mention sleeping! I often forget the time and am criticized by my mother several times.

A few days ago, I had to go to class during the day. I didn't have time to read. I had to read before I went to bed. In the evening, I picked up the Forest News that I had not finished reading yesterday, and my mother said to me, "You must go to bed before ten o'clock." I was fascinated by it, and unconsciously exceeded the time. My mother snapped, "Go to bed quickly, or you will have no spirit in class tomorrow." I reluctantly put down my beloved book, grimaced, and slowly hid in the bed. I always think about books in my mind, and what kind of experience and life the rabbit in the book has. My heart can't calm down for a moment. As soon as my mother left, I opened the book quietly and looked cheerful again. After a while, my mother seemed to find my secret and made a sudden attack. She pushed my door open and gave me an ultimatum: "Xiao Yu, if you look again, you can go to the guard

I not only like reading in the evening, but also I often go to the bookstore on weekends. I always enjoy reading without thinking about the future.

I remember one Saturday, I went straight to the bookstore after my English class. When I came to the children's book shelf, I found my favorite --- The Naughty Jumping Horse written by the famous writer Yang Hongying. I picked up a book and read it with great interest. I was deeply attracted by the wonderful plot in the book. It was 5:30 in the afternoon before I knew it. It was time to go home. I thought: Let's watch it for a while! Don't leave until six o'clock! I continued to read. It was getting late. It was half past six. Seeing that the bookstore was closing, I reluctantly put down the book and left. On the way, someone asked me how to get there, because I was still thinking about books, and casually replied, "Naughty, small jump!" My words made people confused. Alas! Because I read too much, I made another joke.

Books are really my most loyal friends. They have brought endless fun to my life. Someone said, "Books are like good medicine, and good reading can cure fools." And I said, "Books are not only good medicine for me, but also like bosom friends. It's really like three autumn days when I don't see them."

Book My Friend (6)

Books are my friends. It grew up with me. There were many interesting stories between me and the book.

Every night before going to bed, I have the habit of reading books, otherwise I can't sleep, but this has caused me a lot of trouble.

Once, after I went to bed as usual, I grabbed a book and read it. Looking at it, I fell into a trance, as if I were in the scene. After a while, my mother came to urge me: "Go to sleep quickly!" I said in response: "Go to sleep immediately after reading this article!" "Then I don't care about you. Look at it for another ten minutes!" My mother went to sleep after saying that. After 3 minutes, I have read this article, but this book is too interesting. I am full of the plot in the book whether I open my eyes or close my eyes. Alas! I couldn't sleep anyway. I simply grabbed the book again and looked like a hungry person jumping on the bread.

Suddenly, I heard the sound of footsteps. I hid the book in the quilt and pretended to be asleep. Because I often do this, I naturally pretended to be very similar and was not found by my mother. As soon as my mother left, I immediately "flew" to the dialogue of the hero. But sometimes I'm not so lucky. My mother catches me and gets a lot of food. Even then, I still can't get rid of my love for books.

Sometimes, I have to go to the toilet, but I don't want to waste time, so I always take a book to read, but when I read it, I lost my head. If my mother doesn't urge me, I can read it for an hour, until I finish reading the book. When I get up, I find my buttocks are unconscious.

Alas! Books are my friends. Sometimes they intoxicate me, sometimes they enlighten me, sometimes they hurt me.


Everyone knows that I love reading. Every time I finish reading a book, I will have a lot of insights and let me know a lot of truth.

<Understanding Father's Love>This book makes me never tire of reading it. It praises the greatness of father's love. I thought my mother loved me more. After reading this book, I understood my father more and knew that my father also loved me very much, but father's love was not as delicate as mother's love, gentle and explicit.

I like the book "Red Tile and Black Tile" very much. It tells the learning life of the hero "Lin Bing" in junior high school and senior high school. Red Tile refers to the teaching building of junior high school and Black Tile is the teaching building of senior high school. After reading it, I know that our living conditions are so good now, but we still think it's not good or good every day. We often waste money and food. How wrong it is! In the future, I must cherish the good life and study hard.

There are wonderful ways to study

Reading should not be disorganized. You should read carefully and skim general books, so that you can read quickly and well.

The so-called intensive reading is to read word for word, savor carefully, and even read some beautiful sentences or thought-provoking articles repeatedly, so that it will come in handy when writing compositions or facing difficulties in life later.

Skimming means simply and roughly reading some meaningless books, let alone reading them frequently. Otherwise, it's a waste of time.

This is my bookish house. Welcome!

Book My Friend (7)

Each of us has our own friends. With friendship, you will live happily. When you are sad, he can comfort you, restore your confidence and face life again; When you fail, he can tell you: if you fall, you should get up from the place where you fell; When you encounter difficulties, he can help you and give you advice

I am no exception. I also have a good friend. It is a book.

Book, it is my friend. When I am sad, it can tell me that in the journey of life, there will be sad things. If you can't extricate yourself from being immersed in sadness, you will never be able to lift your head, thinking about the tragic past all day long, and can't face the new future.

Book, it is my good friend. When I fail, it can tell me that in the journey of life, it is certainly not smooth, and there will be difficulties in the middle. But never be discouraged, because the difficulties of childhood are often the greatest wealth in life. In repeated failures, I gained experience, and was surprised to find that I, who had been ignorant, had become so resolute. It was precisely because difficulties tempered me, exercised me, and let me go faster and farther in the journey of life!

Book, it is your good friend. When you indulge in the dark abyss and cannot extricate yourself, it will tell you that there is no savior in the world, the only savior is yourself, and only constant self encouragement and transcendence can achieve the future. If you have been indulging in the dark abyss, you will never be able to rise again and face yourself

Gorky once said, "Books are the ladder of human progress." Yes, books can constantly bring you new surprises. Because of this, I made friends with books. When I was immersed in books, I was surprised to find that the knowledge in books was inexhaustible. As long as you pay attention to observe and read carefully, you will certainly gain a lot.

This is my good friend - book. It brought me endless wealth and knowledge, and let me understand the true meaning of life.

Book friends, accompany for life

Book My Friend (8)

This book is neither a parent, nor a teacher, nor a classmate, but an ordinary book.

Gorky once said, "Books are the ladder of human progress". It is precisely because of books that human living standards have improved rapidly; It is because of books that human science is more developed... Therefore, books are human friends.

It is books that let me travel in the ocean. It is a book that makes me soar in the sky. It is a book that allows me to overcome many difficulties and live freely and happily. Therefore, books are also my friends.

A rich and colorful book took me into the kingdom of books. The war story book put me in the war years of gunfire; The fascinating fairy tale books let me travel in the sea of fairy tales; The complicated Romance of the Three Kingdoms made me know the brilliant Zhuge Liang, the insidious Cao Cao and other heroes.

The book often writes letters to me. In its short words, it always tells one story after another full of poetic and picturesque feelings. I often write back to it, and the words are full of warmth and joy

In my eyes, a book is no longer a book, but a good friend who accompanies me all my life.

I love this friend who can only use words to express words - books!