Learn to describe (16 compilations)
Gu Lian Tea is fragrant
2024-04-29 06:25:31
Grade 6
topic of conversation

Learn to describe (1)

Growth is a flowing stream, fleeting in time. Quietly, I learned to cherish time.

"Dida Dida", time flows slowly, and I am comfortable lying in bed. I don't have to go to school on holiday, which is really a luxury. I will sleep for a while, and it is not 12:00.

In the scorching sun, I was awakened by a voice that said, "Young people don't work hard, but old people are sad". Everything was so dim. I was surprised, lion. I can go to hug my homework again. It's not long since I wrote it... Hoohoohoo

After the holiday, there are only three days left. "It's over, I'm going back to school." Mother said. "What should I do? What should I do? Hurry up!" I pushed away the chair, grabbed the pen, and "brush brush brush brush" three or two efforts to complete in one fell swoop.

When I arrived at the school, the teacher checked and opened the exercise book. Many of the questions were empty. The teacher put his hands on his hips and said, "The handwriting is scrawled like this." The students stared at me, some sniggered, some surprised, and some talked about it. My face is as red as an apple. It's red. Alas, it's all my fault for not sparing time.

He walked slowly home with his head bowed as if he had committed a serious crime. After entering the door, my mother told me: "Your yesterday has passed, and it will become yesterday forever. You can never go back to yesterday. Don't be careless with your homework, and can't finish the holiday time?"

This made me understand that "every inch of time is an inch of gold, and every inch of gold can't buy an inch of time." When the sun sets on the mountain, it is the passage of time.

Every day after that, I ran a race against time, not wasting a minute or a second, to be a person who has been struggling like Lu Xun. When running, race against the clock; Do not procrastinate when doing homework; Read more when you are bored.

Time is life, time is speed, and time is strength. To exaggerate, time is a great teacher and the footprint of growth. Do you cherish time? Do you procrastinate like me? If so, you should know how to do it! That is, race against the clock!

Learn to describe (2)

I have read many famous sayings, such as: an inch of time is an inch of gold, and an inch of gold can't buy an inch of time. They are all famous sayings about cherishing time. But I don't care about time, don't cherish time, and waste a lot of time. For example, when you go home in the evening, you watch TV for a while, and then start to do your homework after eating. When you finish your homework, you go to bed without reading; During the holidays, I always play for a few weeks first and write my homework until the end; On weekends, only half of the day was taken out to do homework, and the rest of the time was spent on playing... Since I read Zhu Ziqing's "Hurry", I understand that time is passing by little by little. Because of my neglect, I wasted a lot of time. From then on, I learned how important it is to cherish time.

Zhu Ziqing wrote in his prose "Hurry" that "when you wash your hands, time flows through the basin". Think about myself again: when watching TV, time flows from TV; When playing, time flows by hand; When playing computer, time flows from the keyboard; When chatting, time flowed through my mouth... I wasted more time than that, but also many, many... Zhu Ziqing wasted more than 8000 nights. If I didn't correct it in time, how much time would I waste in the future? Since then, I have learned to cherish time, cherish every minute and every second, and I will make up for all the time wasted before.

After knowing how to cherish time, I first took the time to write my homework when I was on holiday. After I finished writing, I soaked in the bookstore, swam to the ocean of knowledge, and learned more knowledge. After school every day, I wrote my homework first, read after writing, and went to sleep; Others are playing outside, and I am reading at home... From books, I know more about the importance of time.

Time is like a roaring brook that flows past you at any time, but as long as you cherish time, seize every minute, do not watch TV, do not play, and use it in reading and learning, you will get more!

Learn to describe (3)

I learned how to make sushi

There are many firsts in our life, including the first time to fish, the first time to swim... But the most unforgettable thing for me is the first time to make sushi.

Today, Mr. Ding will cook delicious sushi with us! We have prepared shredded cucumber, laver, pork floss, sausage strips, rice, sushi curtains and other necessary materials for sushi. Of course, salad sauce and tomato sauce are also necessary! After we have prepared these, we will start!

First, we spread laver on the sushi curtain, then spread rice on it, and press it with a spoon. Then, cut the cucumber and sausage into sections, put them in the middle of the rice, add meat floss, add salad sauce and tomato sauce. Finally, with the help of sushi curtains, we connected the rice rolls wrapped in laver. Turn it into a rice ball, then cut the rice ball into sections, and you're done! The funny thing is that the sushi we rolled up for the first time was square! In addition, a lot of ingredients have come out. We looked at each other and couldn't stand straight with laughter. The teacher said slowly: "Failure is the mother of success. With the experience of this failure, we will make progress for the second time."

Then, we analyzed the reasons for the failure, because our hands were not strong enough, one hand was loose, the other was tight. So we started the second time. Although the result was similar to the first time, we were not discouraged. I thought: It doesn't matter, I can do it again. So we had one or two times... finally, our efforts paid off. After persistent efforts again and again, we finally made a plate of sushi.

Although the sushi we made is not as beautiful and delicious as that in the shop, we have tasted the fruits of our own labor and the joy of sharing, which is the most delicious thing in the world.

Learn to describe (4)

The vast sea is because it cherishes every stream; The branches and leaves are dense and luxuriant because it cherishes every ray of sunshine. If we want to make our life full, we should cherish every period of time in our life.

Last month's spring outing, I still want to see it, especially the creative group photo. At that time, the sun was shining and the wind was cool. At that time, the whole class were lying on the green lawn, posing in all kinds of cute and provocative positions, or opening their arms, or closing their eyes, or talking with their classmates sideways, and everyone's smiling faces were full of happiness. That short period of time has become my good memories.

I think there are many things I can remember in the future.

Xiao Fang in our class, I can't forget him. He is my best friend. He sits in front of me and likes to play pranks to frighten me. But I don't mind at all. Sometimes I laugh heartily when he makes me laugh. The nervous and a bit boring study life, because of him and a lot of anger. The way he studies hard is worth my learning. He listened carefully in class and followed the teacher closely. It seemed that the teacher's problems could not defeat him. I don't do this as well as he does, so sometimes my performance is a little worse than his. Fortunately, I have many good friends like Xiao Fang around me. They have made me study harder. I cherish every day with these beneficial friends. On the way to growth, if you have good friends, you will avoid detours and go astray.

It's good to have friends around! With a good teacher, we have gained a lot.

I can't forget Miss Dong in our class. She began to teach us Chinese in the third grade. We are very naughty. If we don't pay attention, we will get into trouble. She was very busy trying to solve the problem while being annoyed by us. Sometimes, when she is ill, she still insists on taking classes. Although it is not very serious, it seems that she is still very hard. Usually, she would make a point of telling us the truth of being human. However, unknowingly, we often dislike her for being wordy and annoying. Now when I think about it, we were childish enough at that time and didn't understand the teacher's good intentions.

With the help of Mr. Dong, our class is getting better and better every time. My parents often praise me. I am more sensible and polite than before, and I care more about my family. After saying that, they would also say: "Your teacher taught well!" Yes, the teachers around me are very attentive to us. They are all eager to give us all the things they know that are helpful to our growth. I cherish every day with these good teachers. When you grow up, you will learn a lot of knowledge and understand a lot of truth with a good teacher.

Six years ago, I came to Shishi Experimental Primary School. My little eyes were full of curiosity. Now, I am a big sister feared by junior students, and I will leave my alma mater soon. When I think of this, I can't calm down for a long time. I can't forget that creative group photo, and I hate to get along with my good friends and teachers day and night. Each period of time is always filled with our laughter and joy, and each period of time has also written down our struggle and perseverance.

I will cherish every period of time in my life. Only by learning to cherish, can life be full.

Learn to describe (5)

The fields in autumn are always golden. Looking around, they are glittering and swaying with the wind, and also emitting waves of attractive straw fragrance. The fallen leaves piled up like a soft bed, comfortable and warm.

Don't say, "The Maple River is full of blood in the eyes of others." Such a sad poem, also don't say, "The moon goes down, the crow cries, the frost is all over the sky, and the maple fishing fire sleeps with sorrow." Such a bleak and lonely sadness, autumn can also be picturesque and beautiful. The chrysanthemums on the hillside are colorful, like a sewn cross stitch, exquisite and meticulous, which is the appearance of autumn.

When I walked across the river, I saw a lot of reeds. The slender and curved pole was very thin and small. It seemed that it would fall down and could not be raised again. At first sight, I felt that he was extremely ugly. The dark gray set off the sky. What could he do? Even a farmer would not consider making a fire when cooking. The lonely and lonely wind made me wrap my coat tightly, and it just stuck in the river. There was no sense of rhythm when the wind controlled it. I turned my head and prepared to go.

Suddenly, a cry came. It was a white crane. It stopped to watch in surprise. The white crane was swayed by the gray reed pole, indistinct, indistinct, and the cool wind was blowing.

The reed flowers on the reed poles are flying like snowflakes, charming and magnificent, like dandelions struggling with hope, like fireflies shining in the whole reed marsh. The long melody of white cranes and the graceful flowing of reed flowers are not less than the spirit of autumn and the spread of beauty.

Although the reeds are thin and weak, like submissive, slender and lovely, they are clean, strong and tolerant. In the cold wind of cold late autumn, they are even more plump and beautiful. Its white and weak flowers are endless hope, and the cold wind is her light hymn. Yes, he is not as colorful and picturesque as chrysanthemums, but chrysanthemums are not as self reliant and clean as reeds?

Learn to appreciate, the beauty of the reed flower is ordinary and silent. Only with the eyes and heart that pursue beauty, can we find different beauty and different feelings in the world.

The autumn wind is gentle, the reeds are sprinkling, and the white crane is singing like a poem and a picture. Have you got a good view of everything! The reed marsh in autumn is like a symphony, exciting. Just how many people can observe such subtle beauty like me? Am I alone?

It is beautiful to float reed flowers. People who stand to see beautiful reed flowers should also be free and easy, soft and beautiful!

Learn to describe (6)

Thanksgiving is not a new word to us, and its meaning is very simple, but there are few people who can really do it. Isn't that chilling?

It's not difficult to learn to be grateful, but you should be polite to others. When you get help from others, you should politely say "thank you", so that when you are in trouble, others will help you. If you don't know how to be grateful, you will not be willing to help others.

There is a story about a young man who ran into an old lady and went away. Ding Ding and his mother, out of kindness, sent the injured old lady to the hospital and paid her hospital fees; Because he believed that her family would pay when they came, but when the old lady's family came, they insisted that people were Dingding. Their reason is that there are not so many good people in the world now. The old lady, because of her poor living conditions, clearly knew that it was not Dingding, but also said that it was Dingding.

Would you still help a grateful person like this? If you encounter such a thing, can you not feel cold?

For example, when Ding Ding helped others, he not only didn't get gratitude from others, but also was mistaken for being hit by him. Who will help such a person? So we should first learn to be grateful. A grateful person will get more help. On the contrary, if you are like the old lady mentioned above, no one will help you, but you will be reviled.

We should be our parents. We should remember their kindness to us. To learn gratitude, we should learn from our parents. They taught us how to be human and how to learn to be grateful. They are our enlightenment teachers. They taught us everything at first, and let us know how to be a qualified Chinese citizen. Aren't you grateful to your parents?

If a person doesn't even know how to thank his parents and be grateful to them, how can he be grateful to others.

To be grateful to others is to pave the way for ourselves, so we should learn to be grateful.

Learn to describe (7)

In spring, summer, autumn and winter, people's footprints are slowly growing. From the moment of birth, people began to wander about life and start a new life.

Learn to live, we must pursue something. Human life needs water and air to nourish it. But only water and air keep the breath of hot air on the lips, this is not real survival, it is "plant" survival, but the real thing is to do useful things for the society with their own strength to contribute to everyone, this is survival.

Learn to survive, we must learn to be strong. Human existence is restricted by the environment, but we should be the masters of the environment. Life is full of ups and downs, but we can't lose the way of life. Don't exhaust yourself in survival. We should overcome our vulnerability and be brave to fight against the difficulties ahead.

Learn to survive, we must bravely surpass. How can fish in the water evolve into more advanced amphibians without surpassing? Terrestrial vertebrates can neither surpass nor become birds. Only by constantly surpassing can they make progress every day.

Maybe you understand the purpose of survival and the meaning of survival. Is determined to live wholeheartedly. However, that is not the whole of survival. Instead, we should have the courage to contribute, work hard, and constantly surpass ourselves. Only in this way can we truly call it the purpose of survival.

The existence of the sun provides fire and heat for human beings and illuminates their hearts. The existence of the compass guides human navigation. The survival of flowers transports nutrition for the growth of fruits by turning into spring mud. Their survival is not for themselves, but to dedicate countless strands of love to the world.

So I learned that the purpose of survival is not survival, but dedication. It doesn't matter whether the life is long or not. It doesn't matter whether you get more or less. What matters is that you have made contributions to human beings and society, and lived vividly. This is survival.

It turns out that the purpose of survival is to make contributions and learn to live, that is, to learn how to grasp oneself and how to behave.

Learn to describe (8)

I had a strange dream last night. In fact, it may not be a dream. I have not been able to dream since I was young. I always think it is my own dream, not a dream. I can only say that I am dreaming.

I dreamt that suddenly I received a notice saying that I could not go to primary school and jump to junior high school, and I had to go back to primary school to make up for it now. But I suddenly felt that with my personality and current IQ, I would definitely want to go to a better secondary school, a better university, and a better plot of my famous school when I went to primary school. It has become a circle to think about my own life experience, When we return to the present stage, we will be old. Thinking about it, I have a headache and I don't know what to do. I woke up in a cold sweat.

It's cool to know that it's a dream. If I really went to primary school, I would still not be reconciled. I didn't know what to do for a while. Suddenly I understood the problem that had puzzled me for a long time. Learn to give up! Such a terrible dream is in front of me. Everyone knows what to do, but I actually think that if it were true, I would really start endless school journey again and again. Very funny! Although it is just a dream, it can be seen that subconsciously I have been telling myself to learn to give up.

Learn to describe (9)

When I was six years old, I once learned dance. At that time, my mother often told me that I had artistic skills. "Really?" I don't believe it, nor do I agree. Time passed, and a few years passed lightly.

Once, I was practicing forward turning. You know, I didn't like to face the ground, and my head felt dizzy easily. "Pa!" I didn't support it well, and my head hit the ground suddenly.

I want to cry, no! I can't cry! Although I held back tears from my eyes, I no longer had confidence and patience.

I kept venting, kicking over the chair and dropping the paper tube on the ground... After venting, I felt very relaxed, and then I lay down on the sofa and said to myself, "No, it's boring. Who can learn, who is a pig. But -- my mother let me learn to dance, which is good for me after all. Hmm -- let's continue."

"Never give up, never give up..." I muttered.

"Pa!" Come again. "Pa!" Come again! "Pa!" It will succeed, certainly! I tried to be patient.

"Pa --" Well, well, very perfect!

After countless failures, countless pains, and countless tears, I finally tasted the sweetness of success.

never give up? never give up! I succeeded!

do not give up! I learned never to give up!

Learn to describe (10)

What is maternal love? It is a nagging concern, a dish of delicious food, a piece of mended clothes, and a sea of life little by little.

When I was in primary school, I would never forget to bring a bottle of warm boiled water before going out every day. The bottle was wiped clean with a rag, without a particle of dust or a drop of water. Through the light, the water inside is rippled in a roll, clear and bright. Especially in winter, as long as you hold it in your hands, it will no longer be cold.

After class, I always carry a heavy schoolbag and drag my weary pace home. When I returned home, the attractive fragrance in the air made me rush in at my own speed. Ah! Although the food on that table is not as rich as that of Manchu and Han people, nor as exquisite as street snacks, it is full of home flavor, which is enough to make me salivate. All these things are done by my mother's heart

She never shows tired look after I go home, and always listens quietly without making a sound. But every time I do something wrong, she always brings me a stern look, and then gently educates and criticizes me, never doting on children. When I handed her a 100 point test paper, she would always say: "Don't be proud of 100 points, just keep it next time." Then, she involuntarily looked at the test paper, frowned, turned over both sides and returned it to me, or reminded me: "The words should be written neatly to get high marks, not even the teacher can't understand!", Now it has benefited a lot.

Yes, this is a bowl of fried rice with eggs, ordinary, but it can soothe my hunger when I am hungry; This is a tissue paper, true, but it can wipe away my crystal tears when I am sad; This is a cup of boiled water, tasteless, but it can quench my hot flame when my mouth is dry; This is a piece of chewing gum, from thick to thin.

But when I was about to throw up, I found it had been with you for so long; This is a lump of marshmallow. It has melted into your heart before you have eaten it all: this is a steak. The longer you stew it, the more fragrant it will be; This is a bottle of old wine. The longer it is stored, the more mellow it will be. This is the maternal love. There is the unswerving love, the everlasting friendship, and what love and friendship do not have: the ordinary egg fried rice, the real tissue paper, the tasteless boiled water, the lasting chewing gum, and the gentleness of cotton candy. It is steak and old wine, and time is their coagulant.

Life has never been simple, because it made me understand maternal love and learn to interpret maternal love with heart.

Learn to Describe (11)

The flowers raised by my mother are blooming more and more brightly, and the pots of succulent plants are also green. It was raining hard outside the window. I carried the plants into the house with an umbrella. They were intact. They grow well, and when I think of them, I can't help looking back to the past

Mother is a flower lover. She naturally raises many flowers and plants at home. On sunny days full of sunshine, my mother would spare no effort to move out one by one. When the darkness crept into the night, she moved back one by one. What if it rains? She ran to see the flowers from time to time and moved her position from time to time. When it rained, her mother would sit on the bench and watch carefully.

My mother did not spend less time, but that enthusiasm and persistence did not infect me. I did not cherish flowers like my mother.

When my mother went out that time, she told me to take care of her plants carefully. I nodded repeatedly, but I didn't listen carefully. I only focused on playing with my dog, Mi Li. After my mother left, I played with Mi Li until the afternoon. It was only a moderate rain in the middle, but it wasn't very heavy. I moved the site. As for my mother's advice, I had already left it behind. That day, I played enough, but I also fined enough. I admit that I am not a careful person, so my mother's flowers have been greatly wronged. Looking at the flowerpot that has "flooded the golden mountain", and looking at the young me, my mother can only smile bitterly. When my mother finished cooking for Hua'er, we had a "world war".

"Look at what you've done!" Mother was angry, and I kept silent. Mi Li squatted and sobbed while looking at the little master. "I really can't let you take care of me in the future. Do you know how to cherish it?" After a nasal sound of "hum", I began to refute: "I just forgot." "That's not the reason!" "You can buy it again." "There won't be a second pot of flowers!" Then my mother left.

A week later in the morning, I found that the rice grains were missing! I asked my grandparents and dad, but they said they hadn't seen each other. I thought the cold war should end in a week, so I went to ask my mother. But my mother said lightly, "It's just a dog. You can buy it again." That was because I cried in a hurry. After a while, I found that Mi Li was back. At that time, I had mixed feelings. Later, I learned that it was just a fraud set up by my family.

"There won't be a second pot of flowers!" I think I know now. The carefully selected seeds, the companionship of spring, summer, autumn and winter, and the surprise of budding flowers are just because of these, that potted flower is so different. As my playmate from childhood to adulthood, Mi Li certainly has an irreplaceable position.

Cherish the present and cherish the present.

Learn to Describe (12)

A person's life will never be smooth, and something unexpected will often happen to you. What should we do in the face of these things? Can we be indifferent?

No, we should bravely face all these setbacks, stand the test of life and overcome many difficulties. Because only by learning to face, can we move to the other side of success!

Zhang Haidi once said, "Even if setbacks make you fall down a hundred times, you should stand up a hundred and one times. Only setbacks can make you strong." When I first saw this sentence, I was deeply touched. Yes, even if setbacks make you fall down, you can't be downhearted and easily lose!

When I first rode a bicycle, I sat on it carefully, while my mother was holding me by the side. My hands tightly grasped the handlebars, my right foot stepped on the pedal, and my left foot stepped on the ground. I rode slowly like this. Gradually, I found it easy to ride a bicycle. I was self righteous and asked my mother to let me exercise myself. My mother was unwilling to do anything. She said, "You just know something! It's easy to fall when you ride alone so fast." I pulled my mother's hand and drove slowly.

At this time, the head of the bike suddenly twisted, and before I could react, the bike and I fell to the ground heavily with a "slap"! My mother came to me quickly and asked me softly, "Let me see, where does it hurt?" I pointed to my knee. My mother could not help being surprised because there was a lot of blood flowing there. My mother hurried to the pharmacy to buy Band Aids to stop my bleeding. Like a deflated ball, I said to my mother: "Mom, I'm sorry, I shouldn't disobey you, but the bike is too difficult to learn, and I won't learn it again!

”My mother comforted me and said: "Xin Xin, everything in life will not go smoothly. There will always be setbacks. If you encounter setbacks, you will cry in situ; or you will fear it and climb on the ground; or you will stand up bravely from where you fall. Think about this problem carefully, which contains different attitudes towards life!" "Mom, I understand, I will stand up again, let's continue to practice!" I said. Mother smiled knowingly. She helped me on the side again and taught me how to ride a bike... The sun went down and my mother and I were still practicing on the playground. Soon, I said loudly to my mother, "Mom, I learned to ride a bike..."

Learn to face it! Because escape is the stupidest way. Only when we learn to face and bear the pressure brought by this will we become strong, brave and confident. In this way, we will no longer be the flowers in the greenhouse, but a luxuriant big tree, which can grow tenaciously even in adversity

Learn to describe (13)

Everyone has his own dream, and I also have a small dream, which is like a beautiful seed, deeply buried in my heart... My dream is to make the world always peaceful, no longer war, and those soldiers do not have to fall into a pool of blood for our safe life

How can we make the world peaceful? We should use action to water our dreams and let them take root in my heart

If you want world peace, you must start from yourself, be full of love and peace, be tolerant of others, be polite, do not fight or swear, and be an obedient and sensible child! If everyone has love in their hearts and wants world peace, then peace may really be near us

If there were no war, no death, and laughter everywhere, how wonderful it would be! Will there be world peace? Will the world go to war again? Every day before going to bed, I would ask myself this. Unfortunately, no one answered and no one knew.

If only the world were really peaceful! I have been looking forward to that moment. Although that moment is still far away from me, I believe that it must exist! How beautiful world peace is! At that time, the sky must be incomparably blue, the trees must be incomparably green, and the expression on each face must be incomparably joyful! The seed in my heart is a dream. It needs me to irrigate it. When it blooms, I think the harvest season must be close to me.

How beautiful the dream is, let it sprout! Let it blossom! Let's water the beautiful seed in your heart! Dream is an immortal star. It can change. Sometimes it is great, but sometimes it is small. However, whether great or small, it is extremely beautiful, illuminating our way forward. It is not empty, but some people think that dreams are just a goal. In fact, dreams are not so simple. They need you to step up step by step to take the banner of dreams.

Dream ah, it is great, as long as you do not give up, stick to it, you will succeed!

Dream is not a small wish, it is a beautiful dream, but we can not live in a dream, we must use our actions to realize the dream! Let's fly our dreams and let them fly away along the road of the future.

Learn to Describe (14)

In this world, no matter what others think of you, it doesn't really matter. Because a lot of times, you don't need to look at other people's faces and lives. Doing that will only increase your pressure.

Everyone is a small world, and his own heart is the ruler of it. Knowing this, you will ask troubles to go away; If you understand this, you will call depression far away; If you understand this, you don't have to care about the fickle; Knowing this, you can face everything calmly.

To appreciate yourself, you should paint yourself as a picture. You can make green grass and red flowers grow on the screen, you can call running water gurgle, you can make the mountains and forests quiet, and you can let the sun gently illuminate this world. A person who can walk freely in his own spiritual world, no matter whether he is rich or poor, happiness and self-confidence are always his image in the world of mortals.

To appreciate yourself, you should imagine yourself as a song. This kind of singing has penetrating power. It can let you feel the vitality of fresh green in spring, experience the fiery passion in summer, watch the golden scenery in autumn, and touch the poetic beauty of white in winter... No one in the world can refuse happy songs. If you really regard yourself as such a voice, then your existence, It will also make the world more unforgettable.

To appreciate yourself, you should paint yourself into a poem. How to interpret you is someone else's business: someone likes you because his heart can resonate with you; It's normal for someone to dislike you, because he still lacks your knowledge... As long as you are sincere, I believe that more and more readers can see the meaning contained in your language.

Appreciating yourself does not mean you are conceited. A person who doesn't know how to appreciate herself will be far away from happiness: she will lose her free and unrestrained personality, let herself carefully care about other people's critical eyes, pay too much attention to her own short-term gains and losses in a city, and pain will lick her heart like a snake tongue from time to time. If a person doesn't know how to appreciate herself, she will belittle herself for no reason. If a person can't see his charm, how can others appreciate you?

Appreciate yourself, you can know yourself clearly. Although it is said that "the onlooker is clear and the onlooker is fascinated", as long as you calm down and think about it, everyone in the world has their own problems that can't be solved. Who has so much energy to "pay attention" to you. As long as you think carefully, you will find that everyone is most familiar with their own thoughts, motivations, behaviors, etc., just as they sometimes have to face and touch their naked bodies. To appreciate yourself for a long time, you must constantly improve yourself and make great strides towards the ideal direction you aspire to!

Appreciating yourself will make you become generous and open-minded. In this world, the person who can most control his mood is actually himself. Life is alive, vegetation is in autumn. Only when we can be truly calm, can we make every dull day come alive slowly, can we look at ourselves soberly, can we see some gains and losses of fame and wealth as passing away, and can we do what we want to do.

Believe this: Appreciating yourself is the beginning of happiness!

Learn to Describe (15)

Once upon a time, I always thought that appreciating others is to please and leave a good figure in the eyes of others. Therefore, I am always reluctant to express appreciation for others when I consider myself "aloof". However, that casual incident touched my heart and made me learn to appreciate.

"Team leader, here you are," she whispered, looking at me with an uneasy expression. "Try to please again and avoid rewriting." I thought to myself and began to read her Chinese review notes. She is a real poor student in our class. The students don't like her, and the teacher hates her even more. She has already given up in sarcasm. My flipping fingers suddenly stopped, and I couldn't believe my eyes: the handwriting was neat, and the content was detailed and comprehensive. This is totally different from her previous homework! "Great, you did a good job." I couldn't help blurting out in surprise. After hearing this, she was stunned for a moment, her face suddenly looked like a blooming winter jasmine, and her eyes flashed with joy. She had not smiled like this for a long time. I saw her looking at me excitedly. I didn't know what to do for a moment, so I had to write some encouraging words on her book in a hurry. That day, I saw her perform surprisingly well. In the next few days, she not only reviewed her notes in Chinese, but also completed other homework very well. I can't believe that a simple word of encouragement, a word that eugenics are used to, can bring her so much power.

On Halloween, she came to me lightly and put a white rabbit milk candy into my hand. Her smile was so sweet. I carefully ripped off the wrapping paper and gently put it into my mouth. Suddenly, a sweet and rich milk fragrance lingered on my tongue, refreshing. Her happy figure appeared in my mind again, and my "lofty" mind was melted.

Since then, I have learned to appreciate and appreciate all the beautiful things in the world. I began to appreciate my classmates, their advantages and strengths; I began to appreciate a wild flower in full bloom and its unique and delicate beauty; I began to appreciate Kongming's "When talking and laughing, the masts and scuttles disappeared", and I began to appreciate Fan Zhongyan's spirit of "worrying about the world first, and happy after the world".

The world is big, the individual is small. In the long road of life, I have a heart of appreciation to appreciate all the beautiful things and feel the colorful world they bring.

Learn to describe (16)

Appreciation of others is respect for others. In life, some people are as energetic as fire, some are as deep as the sea, some are as simple as vicissitudes, and some are shallow and flashy. Life is so colorful. Why should we resist the reasonable existence of others in order to seek our own value? It should be clear that life has its own logic, and the ugly will eventually give way to the perfect, The illusory will be replaced by the real, the short will be short, and the eternal will be absolutely eternal. Therefore, to appreciate others is to respect others

To appreciate others is to encourage others. As William James said, "the deepest psychological motivation in human nature is the desire to be appreciated; Appreciated people will also have a sense of self-respect, forge ahead and aspire to progress

Appreciation of others is the cornerstone of self-improvement. A Spanish scholar said: "The wise man respects everyone because he understands that each person has his own strengths and that it is not easy to accomplish things. Learning to appreciate each person will benefit you immensely." Because appreciation of others is based on approval, which is also a learning process. When you applaud, others' achievements The advantages and even the methods of success can be seen from the bottom of my heart. No one does not want to be excellent. When you say to others, "You are really good", you have virtually found a new round of goals for yourself

Appreciation of others is a virtue of life. On the road of life, no one can be plain sailing. Appreciation and encouragement of others are sometimes a dose of good medicine. As the saying goes, "A good saying is warm in three winters". Appreciation of others can not only comfort and warm people, but also spur them to fully stimulate their potential, To strive for greater success. If you know how to appreciate others, they may also appreciate you. As time passes, the advantages of others will become your advantages, and the beauty of others will become your beauty, and you will also become a beautiful landscape

Appreciation of others is a kind of tolerance, a kind of discovery, a kind of understanding, a kind of wisdom, a kind of realm. Smart people are quietly improving themselves while appreciating others; Foolish people can only see the shortcomings of others, but can't see the advantages and strengths of others. Some people like to be self-centered and ignore the achievements of others. They are uncomfortable when they hear others win awards, and unhappy when they see others improve. This selfish and narrow-minded mentality will not only make themselves a character defect, but also affect communication with colleagues and friends, So as to affect the improvement of self and ability

We appreciate other people's gains, but we should also appreciate the footprints of others' struggles. In this world, we cannot find perfection, and everything has defects. Everyone has his shining side and his dark side, but the degree is different. Therefore, we should accept a complete other with the mind of embracing all rivers and strive to improve ourselves, Work and create aggressively. Therefore, the appreciation of the wise is to try to put themselves into the furnace of creating glory while appreciating others, to cultivate self abasement into confidence, dissatisfaction into struggle, pride into humility, grievances into inspiration, frustration into motivation, and frustration into mastery... Although there is no red carpet under your feet, There is no rosy clouds all over the sky, but the appreciation of life may become a unique and eternal scenery