Compositions describing the sun (6 anthologies)
Blue sea and sky
2024-04-29 03:42:35

Writing about the sun (1)

I love the spirit of selfless dedication of orchids, the quality of lotus that emerges from mud without stain, and the perseverance of pine, but I prefer the sunflower that is not afraid of wind and rain.

Last year my family planted a sunflower. One morning, I just woke up from my sleep, and suddenly a refreshing fragrance came to my nose. I wondered: Did the sun flower that I had been looking forward to for a long time bloom? I hurriedly put on my clothes and ran to the balcony to have a look. As expected, the sunflowers really opened. Some are golden yellow, like small sunflowers; Some are pink, like roses full of love; Some are still budding flowers and bones, scattered among the delicate branches and leaves, like small stars winking at us!

The sunflower blooms with the sun. When the sun rises in the morning, the sunflower looks like a shy girl, revealing its beautiful smiling face; In the evening, when the sun goes down, it will hide the smiling face again. It's really cute.

Once, I went to school. It was a cloudy day. Shortly after I arrived at school, it began to rain cats and dogs. At this time, I was worried that the rain would break my beloved pot of sunflowers. After school, I ran home quickly and hurried to the balcony to have a look. To my surprise, the sunflowers were safe. I was so happy.

Sunflower, I not only love your beauty, but I also love your noble quality that is not afraid of wind and rain.

Writing about the sun (2)

The yard in front of Grandma's house was covered with colorful sunflowers, which seemed to be covered with colorful carpets from a distance.

There are single-layer and double-layer sunflowers. The single layer has five petals, and the double layer has nine petals. They have many colors, red, yellow, pink, white... Each color is so charming and charming. A gust of wind blew, and the pale yellow stamens with stars in the middle of the petals shook, which was very beautiful.

The stem of sunflower is red and purple. Its stem is like the bean sprouts we eat. It is tender and tender. If you twist it with your hand, it will spill juice. There are many small green leaves on the stem, surrounded by bright flowers, as if they are silently protecting them.

Sunflowers usually bloom on the branches, next to each other in twos and threes. When they are in full bloom, they look like children's smiling faces. Anyone who sees it will automatically show the most brilliant smile.

Sunflower has strong vitality and does not need people to cultivate it carefully. As long as there is soil and sunshine, it can survive.

I love Grandma's sunflowers!

Writing about the sun (3)

As the saying goes, "Good flowers don't bloom often". Sunflower is also a good flower, with red, yellow, white, purple, dark red, orange... The petals of Sunflower are single-layer, shaped like plum, with red, black filaments and yellow spots on the core. The stem of the sunflower is long, thin, soft and winding. It has thin branches, dense leaves and many flowers.

Sunflowers bloom only when they see the sun. Every day when the sun rises slowly from the east, they rush to open their smiling faces. When the breeze blows away, the sunflower "shakes its head and shakes its head" as if reading poetry, and nods to pedestrians. The flower bones of the sunflower are red and shaped like soybeans. Different from other flower buds, it is short and round.

The seeds of the sunflower are surrounded by several small leaves. The flower seeds are as big as sesame seeds. When the small flower seeds are ripe, they are scattered in the arms of Grandpa Earth. After being moistened by sunshine and rain, they can grow and open more beautiful sunflowers in the next year.

The vitality of sunflower is very strong. She sucks the nectar given to her by Grandma Lantian heartily, and greedily absorbs the nutrition of Grandpa Dadi. Sunflowers thrive under the care of Grandpa Dadi and Grandma Lantian, making the motherland more beautiful and the beautiful nature more beautiful.

Writing about the sun (4)

Gazing at the sunflowers on the windowsill silently, I will never experience the bleakness and depression of "curling autumn wind, rippling Dongting under the wood leaves", nor will I feel the decline and dryness of "white stone rises in Jingxi, cold days and rare red leaves". What I read is an endless warmth and yearning.

This flower was sent to me by my mother.

At that time, I had just assigned work and often got sick because I stayed up late. She hopes my work is the best, but she cannot help worrying about my body. This contradiction often makes her sigh when she is alone. Before long, there was such a pot of sunflowers on my balcony. I can't remember what kind of pot it is, except that it is also autumn, with some flowers.

Later, I was busy with many affairs of fame and wealth. I spent all day in the flat 'square city' communicating with those dignified or lively fonts. They quietly responded, supported, and scattered in large and small ways, forming a chord, which became the whole of my work at sunrise and rest at sunset. I have gained a lot. I am used to appreciating and intoxicated with my honor, but I never settle down to taste this potted flower. But my mother picked it up very carefully.

With the housing reform, the family has moved again and again, and the flower pots have changed one after another. Every time, the mother moved it to the balcony of the new room.

My mother likes it very much. She can stay in front of flowers for a long time. I don't understand.

I think this flower is very ordinary, or rather, it looks very humble.

It is far less than the dahlia cultivated by her mother. It is a big bunch of flowers, crowded, dense, and artistic and neat.

It is far less than the white chrysanthemum that my mother once raised. It is not only strong in character, but also plain and clean. During flowering, she sprays some water every day, just like the water spirit in the picture.

It is also far less than the Crab Claw orchid that my mother likes. The flowers are on my head, bright red and green, very lively and auspicious. In particular, it can be picked up to create some shapes, and her talent can finally be revealed. My mother is very proud, just like her unique understanding and aesthetic of clothing. She goes out with spirit and temperament. She often enthusiastically gives her best crab paw orchid to neighbors and those who have loved it and praised it, and never tire of it, She never calculated that a pot of ordinary flowers would cost at least 50 yuan.

It is not as good as herb orchids, surrounded by branches and leaves, luxuriant, with refreshing fragrance. It was picked by one of her old colleagues when she went back to the mountain during the holiday. She was very happy, but she has not raised it any more, because its flowering period is too short. The orchid with yellow flower tongue can only bloom beautifully for a day, and she is full of expectations that this bunch of flowers cannot afford.

Most of the flowers on my mother's balcony are so lively and publicity, just like my mother. Everyone knows when she will visit her grandson, when she will go shopping in Changde, when she will visit her old comrades in arms in Zou, and even when her daughter planted a pot of flowers on the windowsill today. People also like to talk to her. People who are going to be mother-in-law and father-in-law will invite her to attend the meeting when she comes to the new daughter-in-law for the first time. I often laugh at her because she has no son and can't enjoy her daughter-in-law's happiness. As for which child is sick, the old man is lonely, and middle-aged people have family disputes, she will say something happily. Even in the age when people's hearts were in danger, she was so enthusiastic.

Therefore, I don't understand why my mother has always placed this inconspicuous sunflower in the most prominent position. It is not as green and transparent as summer and autumn, nor is it as revealing as the ancient oracle bone characters, or as powerful and round as the words on the face of a smile after removing all the decorations of leaves in winter.

At that time, I was not in the mood to approach it, and I had no leisure to study it. In my eyes, there are only jobs, children, husbands, and even my mother is ignored, although she almost lives with me.

I am most impressed by what Empress Dowager Xiaozhuang said to the young imperial concubine in Emperor Kangxi: when a person is old and lonely, he will calm down to raise flowers... flowers are like people

Before this autumn, my mother was busy. She raised a pot of sunflower seeds from last year and planted them in a pot of tile ash.

Later, the weather became cold, and my mother's old illness recurred. When I returned to my hometown, the sunflower was still small and thin, and it was time to grow. However, its height was not higher than a vertical palm at the edge of the basin. A few flowers and bones were on the short branch.

I also occasionally take the initiative to stand on the balcony. Although life has become busy, my heart feels empty.

A few days later, the red sunflowers bloomed like stars, and the basin of green became active, so my window shook the clear wave of life. I began to take care of it. In my spare time, I also tried to turn the earth.

After all, I am not a patient person. I water it once every three days and turn it over every five days. It is far from my mother's uniform. The soil color is pale. How long can it last?

I didn't expect my flowers to bloom one after another.

When the cold fog passes, the autumn frost falls, and the dark wind and rain push it, it still leaves one crop after another. Seeing the fragrance disappear and wither away, you can see its flowers and bones again when the night passes and the sun rises, hoping that one by one, it will be gorgeous between heaven and earth. Its flowers were so red that even the branches were red.

When the pocket leaves are in the old state of decadence, the flowers are still in full bloom.

I moved it to my windowsill one day and made it the most natural picture in my window frame, making its flowers laugh at me. What a tiny smile it was. It pokes at my words and my books, quietly, without any sound. I seem to have a mysterious exchange of cosmic information with it, and a warmth in the days without mother.

In the future, my flowers will turn their backs and face the bright direction in the morning light of autumn, and face the holy land with fire like enthusiasm. A very small life, unexpectedly such a pious city.

I knew my mother liked it most since I was young, but I never knew it carefully, because it was not as rich as dahlia, nor was it as elegant as crabgrass, nor was it as elegant as white chrysanthemum. Now I understand, because it has the courage to stare at the sun, has fire like enthusiasm, and continues to flourish.

But when my mother called the day before yesterday, she said that there was only one reason why she liked sunflowers.

My grandmother went through the war and the hardships of the People's Commune. She raised six children by herself. She was very embarrassed when she left. I finally understood why my mother often gazed at the flower and picked it up so carefully - she just wanted to remember her mother in the flower.

I can't calm down in front of flowers at last.

Now, the night is too thick to turn its darkness, and I move the flower surface of the sunflower toward me. We stood in silence, its fiery red, its sunny breath, and finally there was a kind of power and enthusiasm in my blood, but it could not be expressed, just silently. The flowers still watched me silently and ardently for a long time.

The son came up and innocently pointed out of the window and asked, "Mom, why do you like this pot of sunflowers so much?"

I touched his head meaningfully and said, "No, it's called mother flower, child."

Out of the window, on the golden fields, I seemed to see the sun flowers of my hometown dancing and singing in the corner of the fence with little red to the bleak autumn wind, making the autumn more colorful.

Writing about the sun (5)

'A flower without ten days of red, this flower without days of spring'. There is a pot of sunflowers on my balcony. Whenever I pass by it, I can't help but stop to enjoy it.

The root of the sunflower grows in the soil. The root often works secretly, giving much nutrition to the stem

Leaves, flowers and flowers. The stem of sunflower is very special. The color of the stem is the color of the flowers. Every time the stem grows high, one or two small leaves will grow, which is really sesame flowering ------ growing high. The leaves of the sunflower are green, small, curved, pointed at both ends, like a boat in the sea, like a curved crescent moon, like a small banana... Touch the leaves, giving people a feeling of moisture, swelling, lubrication. Gently pinch, green juice suddenly emerges, and a little sticky. Although the leaves are small, they store a lot of nutrients. It is really 'good red flower, Green leaf support is also needed '. The flower bone of the sunflower is light green, with a sharp tip like a small peach. The color of the sunflower is colorful, red flaming red, white snow-white, yellow golden...... And five heart-shaped petals spread out, like an open umbrella. Close to the smell, the faint fragrance of flowers comes, refreshing and refreshing. When the spring wind blows, its black sesame seeds drift with the wind. Regardless of the wind and rain, it takes root and sprouts, decorating nature. The fragrance of flowers attracted groups of small bees carrying buckets and dancing butterflies. The red stamens are covered with golden pollen.

It is called the sunflower because it follows the sun. In the morning, the sunflowers opened their smiling faces against the rising sun. Without the sun, you can't see flowers; It is open and live for the sun. In the evening, when the sun went down, the sunflower closed its petals, like a delicate umbrella.

I love the sunflower. I wish it would bloom in every corner of the earth and in my heart.

Writing about the sun (6)

There are several pots of sunflowers in my backyard.

Sunflower, although it is not as noble as peony and rose, nor does it have the character of lotus that "comes out of the mud without dyeing". But I still admire her from the bottom of my heart.

There is a reason why Sunflower has this name. Sunflower usually blooms in the morning. When we see the sun grandfather, it blooms its little flower buds. Or the opening time is at noon in the scorching sun. If it is opened at that time, it is more flexible than that in the morning. The leaves of sunflowers are very small, dark green, clumps, like grass floating in a clear stream. Its flowers are very small, only the size of a button, and some are smaller than the button. They are red and open like a blooming smiling face.

Although narcissus and dandelion both have seeds. In fact, sunflowers also have seeds. When the crowded sunflower withers, the root of the sunflower at that time is not withered and yellow, and the flower bud will become gray. The seeds are hidden in the flower bud. As long as you gently pick it up with your hands, the seeds will fall on the ground. When spring comes, the whole flower pot is verdant.

Sunflower, although so inconspicuous, can make contributions to environmental protection with her modest power. Her selfless spirit makes me proud and admired!