Before Military Training (12 high-quality articles)
Rewrite happiness
2024-04-01 00:01:00
Junior 1

Before Military Training (1)

In our life, we will experience a lot of colorful pictures, but most people will look at them as if they were walking around and ignoring them. I was fascinated by a picture, unable to extricate myself from it, and unforgettable.

It was the first day of my junior high school and our military training. After all the freshmen in the first year of junior high had finished their outfitting, we came to the playground to meet our instructor. Before the military training, the instructors from the army first demonstrated to us what we are going to train in the next few days. I was dozing off before, but I looked forward for a moment, but I was not sleepy at all.

I'm beginning to get excited. Why? Because I wonder if I am a soldier after training? The more I think about it, the more I feel happy. Looking at the heroic posture on the playground, the command sound of "Stand at attention!" "Take it easy!" "Step!" came from the ear, and the instructors were lining up in a neat line, changing different queue movements, coming to us. The angle of leg lifting and the speed of arm swinging of the instructors are so uniform that it is pleasing to the eyes. The instructor's slogan of the team leader was loud and firm, which gave a powerful shock! When turning left and right, none of them turned in the wrong direction. At this time, I unconsciously sighed in my heart: When can I be like them!

This is an exciting picture, and it is also a picture that makes me happy. I urgently hope that the instructors can guide me to learn these actions, and I also want to show my military training achievements on the playground like them.

Before Military Training (2)

Tomorrow, we will start an important military training in our life. Although it is only a few days, its hurried steps remind me of many illusions.

When it comes to military training, I have to mention the domineering uniform. After I got the uniform, I was overwhelmed by the lingering sense of authority. The broad camouflage clothes are composed of grass green, turquoise green, brown and black, and the two sides are separated by a zipper in the middle, just like the Chu River and Han Dynasty in chess. There are corresponding bronze buttons beside them. There are also two pockets on both sides of the chest, just like two camps in the midst of fierce battle, which are burning out each other's strength. Two blue zippers hiding in both camps completely sealed the pockets, so as to prevent the enemy from being full of deceit, they used a sudden attack to defeat the enemy and won. They can't be careless, and locked the door firmly against the ground. Looking at the whole dress, it seems that it is a fearsome battlefield, full of smoke and gunpowder. The two armies are facing each other in a narrow way. The pocket on the chest is the camp of both sides, and the middle long zipper is a river, which hinders the battle line of both sides. The huge pants look like lanterns, and there is a deep trouser pocket on both sides, and they are outdoor, I'm afraid this is the place where the two sides will have a rest after the war. They all come here to meet. When it is peaceful in the evening, we will see some wonderful outdoor performances. The belt, let alone the brown one, is still a little difficult to string. First, hold the iron sheet with a star on its side, then aim at the hollowed iron sheet on the other side, clip the angle, and insert it along the trend. After the whole piece passes the hollowed iron sheet, correct it, so that an empty iron sheet will be added with a shining star.

It seems that military training should not be underestimated, otherwise it would be impossible to have such tough clothes. So I decided to wear them to show my importance to military training.

First, I put on my coat, zipped up the zipper, and then lifted my pants to the waist. Obviously, these pants are not in proportion to my legs. I tied my pants with one hand, and found a belt with the other hand. I tied it on the waist, fastened it, and finally covered the fat pants.

Fully armed, I confidently walked to the mirror and pretended to tidy up my clothes.

I stood in front of the mirror, really like a soldier. I pulled the untidy zipper, raised my eyebrows, and deliberately imitated the generals in the army to look around. I also coughed a few times, cleared my throat, and the wide armholes could hold my hands. Although I pretended to be mature, it was inevitable that I was a bit more green. The pants are not much better, so I have a pair of elephant legs! It looks very awkward, and it looks like a fancy balloon with enough air in it. Fortunately, the belt seems to be the hub of clothes and pants, connecting the two people well. In addition to this, it also helped me to suppress the huge drawbacks of clothes, like a magnet on both ends, which oppressed my fat waist, showing a trend of thick up and down, thin in the middle. I am less and less like a veteran who has experienced many battles. Instead, I have become a new recruit who has just started his career and is poorly dressed.

But I was still immersed in my fantasy.

I stood majestically on the playground, surrounded by a solemn, my hands close to the pants, disdainfully looking at everyone around me. Take it easy, stand at attention! Repeat the command issued by the instructor again and again. All of a sudden, the wind rose and the clouds rose, making the whole playground noisy. Let the storm come more violent! I like this. Just at this time, the dragon fights in the wild, and the blood is aroused. Everyone becomes an unstoppable warrior, sweeping everything. After a strong wind, we started training again.

At the thought of this, I couldn't help laughing.

The illusion before military training plays the prelude of pain and happiness!

Before Military Training (3)

The slogan "strict training, strict requirements" was shouted again and again in the playground. We walked past the rostrum at a vigorous and orderly pace, and our efforts in military training won the applause of leaders. This reminds me of many things about military training

When I heard the news of going to military training, I was very excited! I was too excited to sleep. Although I know that military training is very hard, it can make our children living in cities suffer, experience hard life, and enhance their self-reliance. I am willing to go. I don't know what will happen in this military training. On the day of military training, I carried a heavy schoolbag and walked to the class step by step with a nervous and afraid mood. And I'm going to say good bye to my mother for three days! Back in the class, my classmates and I guessed that military training must be very hard. Before long, we saw our handsome instructor. When the drillmaster turned around, he saw a weather beaten face deeply engraved with several strong willed wrinkles. The drillmaster's eyebrows were thick, as if they had been wiped with ink. I hope the military training instructors will not be too fierce, or we will feel better.

Before Military Training (4)

1. The first is sunscreen (SPF>40). Girls' skin is delicate. After military training, they are exposed to the sun for a long time. They don't need sunscreen and skin care products. Iron skin will also be unbearable. Don't wash cold water immediately when you find sunburn. It's better to apply it with a hot towel, and then apply some anti-inflammatory drugs.

2. Pay attention to cleaning the skin. Clean face milk, water and milk. Don't make masks during military training. The more tender your skin is, the more you get sunburnt. Remember to take spray to repair it after sunburn. Spray it after sunburn and wipe off sweat. Do not wipe hard, use suction, and press it on your face to absorb sweat.

3. Prepare enough sanitary napkins. The amount of military training exercise is large, and female students may have earlier menstruation or more menstruation. They should prepare enough sanitary napkins. It is better to choose the ones with good quality and strong absorption to avoid side leakage.

4. Hair nails. Female students had better cut their hair short, which is easy to wash, comb, cool and wear military caps; You can either roll up your hair, or it will be very uncomfortable for the hair to stick to your neck. If the broken hair on the girl's head is disobedient, you can use a clip to fasten it. Cutting off long nails is not so particular during military training. Cutting short nails can not only keep health, but also prevent injuries during sports.

5. Don't prop up. In the military training, we should talk about "persistence and persistence", but if we really cannot support them, we must take a rest and not force them to prevent accidents, especially female students with poor physique.

Before Military Training (5)

Listening to Jolin's songs and thinking about tomorrow's military training, I feel a little happy. Although I have asked many people before the military training, they told me that it was very hard, but I know their "hypocrisy" from their sweet expressions, and also from a sentence they all have found out the truth - although hard, but it is worth a lifetime of nostalgia.

Is it? Is military training really so beautiful? I think I still don't believe it. Although I am looking forward to it now, I know that curiosity is better than many strange ideas in my heart, or I want to prove what the elder martial brothers and sisters said is right. In short, a series of ideas are full of my own brain. Maybe, or maybe, this is not my most true idea. Alas, listening to Jolin's beautiful song "Say I Love You", I really can't imagine why I still have such strange ideas in my heart.

However, to be honest, this military training was "special" because there was no accommodation at all. We had to stand on the playground in front of the hot sun to endure our boring n trainings. Maybe there would be no shooting, no night march - certainly not! I feel so bored.

It seems not so hot these two days, but what if it is very hot tomorrow? Yeah, that doesn't melt me? This summer vacation has made me no different from Louis Koo. If I want to blacken it, I will not let the Lord Bao live again! The head is big when I think of it, and even if it is not afraid of black, it can not be so dried, it is not roasted lard! (pucker his mouth)

"My world has become more wonderful and difficult to speak. I thought it was a dream falling from the sky." When I repeated Jolin's song, I became more and more upset. In particular, my mother's rusty brain kept asking questions about frogtpage, which made me depressed! Yes, I want to calm down and think about how patiently my mother treats me, ah! Still depressed! God, can military training be so annoying?

Forget it, just have a good sleep! See you tomorrow at the military training ground!

Before Military Training (6)

In our daily study, work or life, we have all tried to write a composition. A composition is a style composed of words, which expresses a theme through language organization after people's thinking. Do you know how to write a good composition? The following is the fantasy fifth grade composition collected and sorted by my editor before the military training. Welcome to read it. I hope you can enjoy it.

Tomorrow, we will start an important experience in our life - military training. Although it is only a few days, its hurried steps remind me of many illusions.

When it comes to military training, I have to mention the domineering uniform. After I got the uniform, I was overwhelmed by the lingering sense of authority. The broad camouflage clothes are composed of grass green, turquoise green, brown and black, and the two sides are separated by a zipper in the middle, just like the Chu River and Han Dynasty in chess. There are corresponding bronze buttons beside them. There are also two pockets on both sides of the chest, just like two camps in the midst of fierce battle, which are burning out each other's strength. Two blue zippers hiding in both camps completely sealed the pockets, so as to prevent the enemy from being full of deceit, they used a sudden attack to defeat the enemy and won. They can't be careless, and locked the door firmly against the ground. Looking at the whole dress, it seems that it is a fearsome battlefield, full of smoke and gunpowder. The two armies are facing each other in a narrow way. The pocket on the chest is the camp of both sides, and the middle long zipper is a river, which blocks the battle line of both sides... The huge pants look like lanterns in any way, and there is a deeper pocket on both sides, It's also "open-air". I'm afraid that this is the place where the two sides can rest after the war. They all come here to meet. When it's peaceful in the evening, we can see some wonderful open-air performances. The belt, let alone the brown one, is still a little difficult to string. First, hold the iron sheet with a star on its side, then aim at the hollowed iron sheet on the other side, clip the angle, and insert it along the trend. After the whole piece passes the hollowed iron sheet, correct it, so that an empty iron sheet will be added with a shining star.

It seems that military training should not be underestimated, otherwise it would be impossible to have such tough clothes. So I decided to wear them to show my importance to military training.

First, I put on my coat, zipped up the zipper, and then lifted my pants to the waist. Obviously, these pants are not in proportion to my legs. I tied my pants with one hand, and found a belt with the other hand. I tied it on the waist, fastened it, and finally covered the fat pants.

Fully armed, I confidently walked to the mirror and pretended to tidy up my clothes.

I stood in front of the mirror, really like a soldier. I pulled the untidy zipper, raised my eyebrows, and deliberately imitated the generals in the army to look around. I also coughed a few times, cleared my throat, and the wide armholes could hold my hands. Although I pretended to be mature, it was inevitable that I was a bit more green. The pants are not much better, which makes me have a pair of "elephant legs"! It looks very awkward, and it looks like a fancy balloon with enough air in it. Fortunately, the belt seems to be the hub of clothes and pants, connecting the two people well. In addition to this, it also helped me to suppress the huge drawbacks of clothes, like a magnet on both ends, pressing my "fat" waist, showing a "thick up and down, thin in the middle" situation. I am less and less like a veteran who has experienced many battles. Instead, I have become a new recruit who has just started his career and is poorly dressed.

But I was still immersed in my fantasy.

I stood majestically on the playground, surrounded by a solemn, my hands close to the pants, disdainfully looking at everyone around me. "Take it easy, stand at attention!" Repeat the command issued by the instructor again and again. All of a sudden, the wind rose and the clouds rose, making the whole playground noisy. Let the storm come more violent! I like this. Just at this time, the dragon fights in the wild, and the blood is aroused. Everyone becomes an unstoppable warrior, sweeping everything. After a strong wind, we started training again.

At the thought of this, I couldn't help laughing.

The illusion before military training plays the prelude of pain and happiness!

Before Military Training (7)

Since I have never experienced military training, I don't know what I will do during military training, so I am very nervous. I once heard a friend who was 5 years older than me said that military training would be exposed to the sun for several hours. At that time, I was afraid: what if I had sunstroke? However, military training can lead a collective life with students, and there is no nagging from my parents. I don't need to ask my parents for advice on anything (because there are many things I want to do at home that are stopped by my parents). That is the life I long for.

I don't know if I can choose whether to participate in military training or not. If I had a choice, I would be indecisive for a long time. If I choose to participate, I will regret having participated in military training after suffering; If I choose not to participate, I will regret not participating in military training when my friends of the same age come back and talk about the fun of military training. If I can't choose, I have to admit it. On the positive side, this military training is a good opportunity to exercise my will and body. I must refuel! Besides, I also paid 35 yuan for military training. If I didn't participate, I would waste my parents' hard-earned money? So I must participate!

come on. come on. Come on!

strive! strive! Try harder!

Mood before military training High school composition [2]

Today's weather is overcast and windy, but it is not cold. I feel cool and comfortable. My stomach is still a little swollen after lunch, and I eat a little more. My mother went home at noon today, and she seems not to be full. She is taking a nap now. When he wakes up, I will give him the fruit I bought yesterday.

My mother works very hard every day. I understand, but I don't know how recently. I am always inexplicably irritable. Maybe it is in the period of rebellion. I don't know too well. I will go to military training in two days. My mood is somehow a little heavy. I may be a little afraid. I'm afraid I can't fit into the atmosphere there. I'm afraid I can't adapt to the life there, but I believe, I will overcome these fears, and I will show my best self in high school.

Mood before military training High school composition [3]

Hehe, I will go to military training tomorrow. My mood can be described as a trio: excited, curious and excited. Today's schedule is all about military training. 1. Visit the military academy; 2. Buy liberation shoes.

After nearly an hour's journey, I finally came to the military academy. Looking around, the whole military academy was full of green. I rubbed my eyes. Yes, it was really green here, not the camouflage of camouflage clothes, but the bright green of all plants! It is because of these greens that I left a good impression on the military academy.

Now it's time to buy shoes. With the help of passers-by, my mother and I came to the pedestrian street on Worker's West Road. Hey, there are a lot of military stores here. We first walked into the nearest "army". Shopkeeper A saw my feet and immediately brought a pair of shoes of the smallest size, but who knows, I put my feet in, hey, My little feet, who are used to being aggressive, let off steam in front of my big shoes. The distance between my feet and my shoes is one centimeter long! We had no choice but to find a new store.

Fortunately, with the guidance of shopkeeper A, my mother and I soon found another military goods store. Like shopkeeper A, shopkeeper B brought the smallest shoes. After a try, I understood what is "there are mountains outside the mountains, there is sky outside the sky." My feet are nothing compared with those shoes. My feet still have a lot of distance from the shoes. I can't help it, My mother and I had to find a shop again. But we looked around, but we didn't see the third store, so we had to buy this pair of Jiefang shoes.


Early this morning, I sorted out my bags: socks, clothes, cups, towels... They are all ready. Tomorrow, they will work together with me!

What is military training like?

Mood before military training High school composition [4]

There are seven days to go before military training, six days to go before military training, five days to go before military training... I count the date of military training like counting the Olympic Games. Yes, military training, an activity that makes me dream, can I not count down every day?

After I put my schoolbag in the small room, I took out my homework and put it on the desk. The first thing I did was to look at the wall in a daze. Don't think that I'm just in a daze and my mind is flying. I'm imagining one activity after another during military training. For example, let's take the target shooting as an example. I took up the X and hit the target violently. The target got up early and "roared" out of shape. Or, we started X, pulled the trigger, just heard a few "pingpings", repeatedly hit the bull's-eye, winning glory for our class. Thinking of this, I secretly laughed.

I suddenly thought of the drillmaster, who is a big man who can't be provoked. I don't want our drillmaster to listen to the scolding and be whipped again and again, as in TV. In my mind, the drillmaster is the drillmaster who does three no's: no beating, no scolding and no punishment; And the instructors who are considerate, won't let us suffer, and will let us play more.

"Do your homework quickly! What foreign work can you do!" said his mother. I quickly came back to my senses and hurried to do my homework.

Mood before military training High school composition [5]

Time flies like an arrow. In a twinkling of an eye, I was already a fifth grade student and was about to face the test of military training.

The elder brothers and sisters in grade six said that military training was very hard and tired. Many people fell down because of physical exhaustion, but military training was also very interesting and became a permanent and brightest star in the Milky Way of memory. When I saw that several of my brothers and sisters had gone back, they were all suntanned, and complained: "Military training is really hard!" So I changed my view and became more and more afraid of the upcoming military training. But military training is still a mystery in my mind. Is it sour? Is it sweet? Is it bitter? Is it spicy or salty? If the military training is very hard, I won't listen to the drillmaster and see what he can do with me.

Later, I still figured out that I should not be afraid of hardship and fatigue. In fact, military training is also beneficial: 1. It can temper your will. 2. Let's suffer a little, we can no longer be "Miss Jiaojiao". 3. In the process of military training, we can not only exercise perseverance, but also learn team spirit. Military training has so many advantages. How can we not follow the instructor's advice?

I believe that military training will enable us to achieve success, happiness and confidence. Students, let's move forward, move forward, and move forward towards the glorious road of military training!

Mood before military training High school composition [6]

Go to Zhenhai Training Base at 1:00 p.m. on November 10, 20xx, and return to your school at 3:00 p.m. on November 12.

At that time, I was thinking that when we were wearing camouflage clothes, I would think of the heroes who sacrificed for our country, such as "Wang Erxiao,,,,,, Ge Zhenlin, Song Xueyi, Ma Baoyu, Hu Fulin, Hu Fucai", and so on. They all sacrificed for our country.

I know that Jiangdong District Children's Military Academy has gone through 21 years since its establishment. Over the past 20 years, the Children's Military Academy of Jiangdong District, with the aim of cultivating the comprehensive quality of learning and comprehensive education, has carried out patriotism for the fifth grade students of the whole district every year. National defense knowledge. Comprehensive education, such as basic military training, has developed its own characteristics and achieved fruitful results.

Through this military training, I got rid of my bad habits and became a good child in the eyes of my parents. Be a good student in the eyes of teachers.

Mood before military training High school composition [7]

Military training is about to begin. I am busy preparing at home.

"First, learn how to cover the quilt." The teacher announced the first assignment. When I heard these words, I was secretly happy because they were the most basic life skills that I had already learned. I think: This is not simple? Just put the four corners of the sheet into the quilt cover, and then one person will hold the two corners, shake them, and pull the zipper? The teacher then said, "The second task is to make quilts." I also thought that it would be more difficult for me to make quilts. I fold them every day at home. However, the teacher's words at the back of my heart chilled me a lot: "Although it's so simple to make quilts, you still look ridiculous when you arrive at the Youth Military Academy. The quilts made by the PLA uncles are just like the big tofu pieces made by Fang Fangzheng!" After hearing this sentence, I decided to learn from the PLA uncles and go home to practice making quilts.

When I got home, I took out the sheets and quilt covers, put them together, and folded the quilt. After folding it, I found that it was not like tofu at all, but rather like the big schoolbag I carried at school. It was uneven.

I asked my mother to see where I folded it incorrectly. She saw that after I folded it again, she didn't find anything wrong. So she began to check my quilts. Finally, she seemed to find something. She pointed to the quilts and said, "Look, there are too few sheets here, and there are too many sheets there, so you can't fold them well." She showed me how to fold quilts and cover quilts. I found that when she demonstrated, her attitude was serious from beginning to end, while when I learned, my attitude was somewhat casual, so I didn't succeed.

After the preparation before this military training, I understand that we should be serious in everything we do.

Mood before military training High school composition [8]

I'm looking forward to the military training tomorrow!

Because I never tried to live without my father and mother, this military training will let me experience the life without my father and mother. During the military training, I have to wash clothes, hang clothes and fold quilts by myself, and I have to slowly adapt to all these. The thought of doing so much work makes my head swell. But on second thought, my mother usually pays so much for me. If this military training can improve my ability to take care of myself, it will reduce my mother's burden and make her relaxed. At the thought of this, I am full of strength.

Before leaving, my father said a word to me, which inspired me very much. He said, "You have to adapt to life, not life to you." So I want to adapt to the hard life in military training and aspire to be a qualified and standard young soldier.

Before Military Training (8)

I think many children will have this idea.

Then, before you leave today, the teacher should let you know the true meaning of military training:

1、 Military training should cultivate our record

The instructors in the education base will cultivate our "discipline" as soon as possible. As the saying goes, there are national laws and family rules at home. When we come to a new environment, we must first observe the discipline of this place. We can't go our own way. I can do what I want to do, when I go to exercises, when I eat, when I go to class, and when I do everything. This has formed a fixed pattern. This is the life of a soldier. When we arrive there, we will be a soldier, and we will demand ourselves with the high standards of soldiers. Generally, instructors will explain to us after we get off the bus. We can't do what we want without discipline. We can't talk whenever we want. We can eat snacks whenever we want. We can run and jump whenever we want. There must be discipline in everything. Only with iron discipline can we be qualified soldiers, I hope everyone must observe discipline during the military training, otherwise it is you who suffer.

2、 Military training should cultivate our willpower

After we settle down, the instructor will give us the first lesson of military training: standing posture. This is the embodiment of cultivating one's will. When standing in the military posture, you can't move at all. You should raise your head, straighten your chest, close your stomach, look straight ahead, put your hands close to your pants, close your heels, and keep your toes about 60 ° apart. When standing, you are like a strong, indomitable pine tree.

As soon as he finished speaking, he screamed "ah, ah, ah...".

Although military training is tiring, it can temper our perseverance and understand that only with an iron man's will can we become a real soldier. If one day, you become a real soldier, I think the role of perseverance will certainly wish you a hand!

3、 The Military Training Conference Cultivates Our Self survival

When we were at home, we had to stretch out our clothes and open our mouths. But in military training, we had to rely on ourselves to make our own beds, make our own quilts, cook our own meals, wash our own dishes, and wash our own clothes. We were responsible for everything. Therefore, this is also a good time to exercise yourself. We should carry forward the spirit of not being afraid of hardship and tiredness, and change the bad habits of not folding quilts at home, not washing the rice bowl after eating, throwing our own things everywhere, and not observing the work and rest time. We will get some training and improve our ability from this week's study.

These small difficulties are obstacles to our progress. If we can persist, we will become more confident and stronger. Although military training is hard, as long as we don't give up ourselves easily, we will gain strength and fortitude.

4、 In the military training, we will also experience the happiness of the collective

Of course, the subjects of military training are also colorful, including picnic, magic cube, rope skipping, etc. In the military camp training, as long as we have a sense of collective honor, as long as we can win honor for the collective, students should put down their airs and bravely stand out to participate in many activities, to add luster to the collective

There must be many different feelings waiting for you to record in your diary, and we will share the "ups and downs" after the military training.

Military training is a place to cultivate our patriotism and collectivism spirit. Military training is a place to improve our teamwork ability, self-care ability and self-regulation ability. Children should cherish this week's military training! To lay a solid foundation for becoming a real soldier in the future!

At the morning meeting, the children packed a lot of luggage, obviously looking forward to this military training!

Why hasn't the car arrived yet!

Let's go!

Children who don't forget to read when waiting for the bus

Dashing towards the base!

i wish you a happy voyage! children!

Before Military Training (9)

There are seven days to go before military training, six days to go before military training, five days to go before military training... I count the date of military training like counting the Olympic Games. Yes, military training, an activity that makes me dream, can I not count down every day?

After I put my schoolbag in the small room, I took out my homework and put it on the desk. The first thing I did was to look at the wall in a daze. Don't think that I'm just in a daze and my mind is flying. I'm imagining one activity after another during military training. For example, let's take the target shooting as an example. I took up my hand and hit the target violently. The target got up early and "roared" out of shape. Or, we started x, pulled the trigger, just listened to a few "pingpings", hit the bull's-eye repeatedly, and won honor for our class. Thinking of this, I secretly laughed.

I suddenly thought of the drillmaster, who is a big man who can't be provoked. I don't want our drillmaster to listen to the scolding and be whipped again and again, as in TV. In my mind, the drillmaster is the drillmaster who does three no's: no beating, no scolding and no punishment; And the instructors who are considerate, won't let us suffer, and will let us play more.

"Do your homework quickly! What foreign work can you do!" said his mother. I quickly came back to my senses and hurried to do my homework.

Before Military Training (10)

The time for military training is coming. What about the military training meeting? Will it bring "more devil than devil" training?

I think it should not be so scary. Just let us understand the basic principles of being human.

Will there be tanks, planes and artillery in the military training? Will the instructors be fierce? Let's "hug our heads" when we do something wrong. What will the base be like?

There are two kinds of bases in my mind. One is a palace with many computers and a radar on it. Let's operate; The other is just as usual. It's just that washing clothes, folding quilts, and doing these things yourself, and getting up, brushing teeth, folding quilts, and getting dressed all need to be done in five minutes. It's hard to think about it!

What will the drillmaster be like? Can he be a drillmaster who makes people feel terrible? Or an understanding instructor? This question will be known at that time.

I still have some questions. What should military training do? The "sound personality and safety legal education" written on the notice does not mean to teach us what is good and what is bad, so that we can know how to make ourselves safe.

Are there any planes in the base for us to fly? I haven't seen a helicopter with my own eyes. I wonder if a helicopter is really made of iron?

Especially folding quilts. If you want to fold it squarely, you can't even wrinkle it. My classmate has been asking me about military training these days, and I have been telling him: "Don't bother, just thinking about the taste of barbecue."

Military training can also watch movies. What do I think will be shown? I have seen the latest film: "Changjiang River No. 7, Assembly, and Voting", but it is still very attractive.

I still have a lot of questions I don't know, but I know that when it comes to military training, I will not be as comfortable as I am now, and I must obey the instructor's order, or I will have no good fruit. And you can't enter the wolf dog base, or you will be killed by the dog.

Although some problems are unknown, on the day of real military training, all problems will come to light.

Before Military Training (11)

On Monday, we will go to military training. Military training is a strange word to me. I have never experienced the days when I left home, nor the days when I left my parents. Now, I finally want to experience this kind of life.

A few days before the military training, I was almost too busy. Because I have to prepare clothes, stationery, toiletries and other things for military training, which really makes me dizzy. On Friday, our school organizes movies. When I was in the movie, I was planning shopping lists and price lists. Until Saturday, I had to concentrate on the competition because I was going to participate in the pottery competition.

I let my mood relax first, then what I want to do in my mind. In this way, a Saturday passed peacefully. Sunday is even more tense. In the morning, my mother asked me to prepare things for military training and put them in my backpack. I forgot about this and that. I was so busy that I was in a mess. Fortunately, my mother was there to remind me, otherwise I would not be able to do it all day long.

The military training is only ten hours away from me, so I am more nervous. It led me to think about some strange questions: Are those instructors very scary? Is there a ghost there at night I am looking forward to this day, and I hope to get to that place quickly to answer my good questions.

Before Military Training (12)

In the afternoon, I hurriedly prepared what I would take for military training. Military training is coming tomorrow!

At night, I was huddled in the bed, my body was like a pancake, I couldn't sleep, my mind was full of military training, my heart was pounding, and my heart was not excited. Thinking about the military training tomorrow, I can't sleep. So I walked back and forth in the living room, with my hands behind my back, like a thinking officer walking back and forth with his hands behind his back. My sleeping brother was awakened by my hurried footsteps.

In the dark, he called out, "Sister, what are you doing so late?" I held his hand and said happily, "Ha, tomorrow I will go to the military training, and you will not see me for five days!" "What tomorrow, it should be today, look at the time now?" I turned to look at the square clock, smiled sheepishly, and said, "Hehe, yes."

However, I still couldn't sleep, so I got up and wrote this diary in my father's study.