Rainbow in My Heart (18 Selected Articles)
Walk on the clouds
2023-11-12 06:04:49
Junior 1

Rainbow in My Heart (1)

Wupeng lights the gauze lamp, and it is bright all night. When it drizzles, the returning swallow does not wait. I stand on the noisy street as if there is only one person. I don't know when this lonely habit will be warmed. Thank you, teacher, for setting up a rainbow in my heart and giving me encouragement and comfort.

The playground after self-study in the evening was deserted and empty. Because the 129 performance did not play well last time, the team leader wanted to show his strength in the art festival next semester. The team leader was very worried and wanted me to start preparing in advance. When I think of my mother's angry expression and the teacher's worried words, I can't help hesitating I have selected two songs, which have been downloaded. Take this phone back and listen to it, and discuss with others by the way. I held it tightly in my hand, a little panicked, but this time, I gritted my teeth, took my mobile phone, and left behind the teachings of my parents and teachers.

On the way back to the dormitory, my heart seemed frozen by something. Music has always been my favorite and most desirable, but I promised the teacher that music would never affect my study. This time, I broke my promise. I sneaked to the bedroom window and was about to unlock my mobile phone when the teacher who checked the dormitory came straight up to me. Were you playing with your mobile phone just now? Collapse, helplessness and melancholy covered my body in a moment, as if eroded by darkness. I had to cry and nod my head. The teacher said to me with a serious expression: I saw you holding your mobile phone in the playground just now. I wanted to catch you at that time, but I didn't see you later. What a coincidence! Why did you bring your cell phone to your dormitory and forget the school's regulations? The teacher's tone softened.

My head was blank, and I said it instinctively and honestly. Do you still do this when you know you have violated discipline? I was speechless, tears welled up, and I could no longer control my emotions: teacher, I'm sorry, I like music, but my parents don't support me, and the teacher also worried about affecting my study. He talked to me, but I just didn't want to give up, I wanted to sing, but I didn't want to let them down, I'm sorry, I'm sorry I twitched and trembled to spit out a series of words that I had never said to others. At this moment, those emotions that had been suppressed for a long time burst into the mountain and poured out.

I dare not look into the teacher's eyes, but I just keep crying, but I always feel that a pair of eyes are looking at me warmly. Don't cry. It's OK. You should realize the importance of high school learning. You should correctly handle the relationship between learning and hobbies. It's good to know how hard you work. Don't do this in the future! But the teacher has one condition: as long as you make progress in the monthly exam, even if it is one, I will not tell your head teacher, do you think it is OK? The teacher handed me a napkin to dry my tears. I remembered the scene when I stood alone on the street and people around me came and went, but I was still alone. Suddenly, I didn't know who was holding out his hand to me, which warmed my lonely new heart. I nodded to the teacher with all my strength, breaking tears into laughter.

Thank you, teacher, for setting up the rainbow in my heart. I want to march forward bravely on the road of dreams. No matter whether it is thorns or mud ahead, I will never fail!

Rainbow in My Heart (2)

It was an evening in midsummer. After dinner, the stuffy air made people feel suffocated. The scorching heat seemed to show its irresistible power, so it tightly covered the earth with a thick curtain. The air becomes stuffy and more airtight. This is the prelude to rain.

Finally, the rain concerto sounded. The raindrops, mixed with bursts of soil and the fragrance of the earth, rushed into the curtain and tore it to pieces. It was a rainstorm: it was resolute, bold and unconstrained, even with a few wild natures. All the dirt was washed away in an instant, and the stuffy and irritable were swept away. What we left behind was cleaning and purification!

It's sunny after rain

A rainbow of seven colors was set up in the sky, and it drew a long arc in the air. This arch bridge is called "Rainbow". It has seven distinct colors and is brilliant. It's like a colorful silk scarf standing in front of you. The rainbow is not far away. It seems that you can step forward a few steps and enter across the door!

Rainbow is the most beautiful thing in the world! Perhaps only the rainbow can understand the true meaning of "beauty". It covers almost all the colors in the world: red of the sun, orange of the dawn, purple of morning glory. It is not bright, but light. This is the symbol of kindness and simplicity. It makes me feel a force of life!

Somehow, the rainbow disappeared. It melted in the sky and my heart. It became a dream full of endless illusions

Under the vast sky, the afterglow of the setting sun inlaid gold rims for everything. In this golden world, I am still intoxicated with that dreamy colorful dream

Rainbow in My Heart (3)

Just after the heavy rain, a few wisps of sunlight shone on the earth through the crystal dew, and a colorful glow crossed the sky. Yes, it is a rainbow.

This summer, I was young. In the flower like season, I participated in the talent contest with my passion. Proud and conceited, I always thought I would succeed, but the result made me ashamed. I thought I could

Excellent, but at the moment of failure, he found that he was nothing but a very ordinary boy. At home, my parents spoil me just because I am their son; At school, the teacher praised me just because it made me more ambitious.

Among my classmates at school, I am not good at anything, even thousands of miles away from others. So, after that, I am no longer arrogant, I am no longer as lively as before, some, just wandering alone in loneliness. That failure has become a crack in my heart. It makes me suffer from time to time. I dare not touch it. I don't want to reveal that memory to anyone. In this way, I buried it deeply in my heart. But when God closes your door, he will open a window for you. The beloved teacher is the sunshine that comes through that window, and his trusted eyes are the colorful rainbow that I cross my heart.

That time, with the support and encouragement of my teacher, I stepped onto the stage again with apprehension. Sitting in front of the piano, I was afraid again. Looking down the stage, I saw only the trusted eyes of the teacher. Finally, I succeeded, although only the third place. On the podium, I saw the audience applauding for me and the teacher's eyes as always. In the applause, I drew a rainbow in my heart, which finally made up the rift in my heart

In the colorful glow, I saw the original lively me, the cracks healed, and my heart was full of confidence. Since then, I have become stronger and more confident.

After many years, I still remember that summer, that memory, and that rainbow that gave me confidence.

Rainbow in My Heart (4)

Each school is a monument in the hearts of students; Every teacher is a sunshine and a rainbow in the hearts of students. In my heart, you are the most beautiful teacher, with rainbow like brilliance.

I often think about a question: How does a girl in her early 20s manage a class with more than 50 children? Is there magic that makes people quiet? Why should we be quiet when you appear?

When spring comes, everything recovers. The grass "drills" out with its tenacious willpower to show its face. We are the grass that dresses up in spring. As for you, you are just a breeze blowing on the grassland and a spring rain sprinkling on it.

In the campus, the peach blossom in full bloom is your smile. You are like a paintbrush rendering colors to the surrounding scenery. Even if you are tired again, your smile is still sweet. No matter how much trouble we have caused you, you will not be excited. The sun is always smiling!

It is said that children are easy to be satisfied, and you are also a big child. Otherwise, why do you smile sweetly when we say a word of concern and a small holiday gift? You are afraid of our mischief, so you wait for us silently. Every warm afternoon, you want to have a rest, but you still stand firm, even though you are not comfortable, you still stand firm. You hope that when you leave, we will be independent and obedient, and the class will be united. I will tell you that we can do it!

To our most beloved teacher Fang Lijuan, the head teacher of Class 159, I sincerely say: "Teacher, you have worked hard!"

The lovely and united family of Pingjiang No. 12 Middle School is perfect because of its excellent students and conscientious teachers. One day, Pingjiang No. 12 Middle School will live up to the expectations of all and become the best school in the hearts of parents and students. Let's witness the beauty and prosperity of No. 12 Middle School.

Rainbow in My Heart (5)

Every time it is sunny after rain, there will always be a rainbow of red, orange, yellow, green, blue and purple in the sky. A rainbow like this often appears in my heart.

There are golden crops and green grass in front of us. All kinds of birds in the air form a symphonic band, and the grass emits a faint fragrance. A group of children were playing on the grass. They were running under the blue sky and on the grass. When they were tired, they lay on the grass, smelling the fragrance of the grass, and rested to watch the blue sky rolling and wrestling on the grass. In the evening, when the sun was going to set, they sat on the grass and watched the sunset.

The western half of the sky is like a big round palette, constantly overlapping and mixing with other colors. Viewed from afar, the vast expanse of rosy clouds looks like a flowing masterpiece "inlaid in the western sky". I really hope that life is the same!

Life is a double-edged sword, which has both bad and good sides. Liu Zongyuan was demoted to "Eight Stories of Yongzhou", and Ouyang Xiu was demoted to "The Story of the Drunkard Pavilion". Let's create such a rainbow together!

Rainbow in My Heart (6)

The heavy rain is pouring down and never stops. The rain just took a breath, and it began to rain again. While I was cheering, I suddenly saw the Rainbow Bridge.

"Rainbow!" I spoke in disbelief. But I was afraid that the rainbow would disappear, so I took out my brush and paper as soon as possible and began to draw carefully. The rainbow is composed of seven beautiful and less beautiful colors, red, green, blue, etc. On both sides of the rainbow, there are white clouds floating gently. After painting, I am glad that the beautiful rainbow in the sky has not disappeared. So I drew me happy to play on the paper again. After several times of revision, the painting became more beautiful! In my happy sleep at night, I dreamed that many small animals were playing games with me on the Rainbow Bridge. There are lovely white foxes in the moon palace, singing larks, gentle sheep... We also sing and pick flowers on the rainbow... The rainbow is soft when stepping on it, and the clouds are soft when stepping on it. We planted trees and planted trees on it. At that time, it rained, and the thunderstorm hit the Caihong Bridge. We fell off it. The Caihong Bridge disappeared, and I woke up from my dream.

How I wish I could visit Caihong Bridge again. I like you, the beautiful Caihong Bridge!

Rainbow in My Heart (7)

The Zen voice accompanies Xingyun's wandering. After the memory starts, we look into the distance. The ancient well and dry pond covered with weeds spread a wisp of past. The wind rolled up the flowers in front of the court, and passed through the cloister. Thick ink pursued the emotional flow.

At this time, you are gazing at the distance, gazing at the warm nest of money and money, and recalling the happiness of your husband. However, the blood brought by the desert sandstorms flooded the whole Central Plains, and Nvzhen's cavalry broke through the power of wishful thinking. You live a wandering life. The departure of your husband makes you grow from a gentle and gentle woman to a national hero with his own shoulder. You are the rainbow in my heart - Li Qingzhao.

The beautiful mountains and rivers in Qilu have nurtured you. You are a famous talented woman. "Red people kill each other on a jade mat in autumn. Take off your clothes lightly and go to the orchid boat alone" is your infinite yearning for your husband. "When it is warm at first and cold again, it is most difficult to rest. How can you defeat him with three glasses of light wine? When the wind comes late," is your infinite yearning for your hometown and the past.

When the moon is white and the wind is clear, you snuggle up with your husband, the smile that can't be wiped from the corners of your mouth, the poetry books in your hands, and the faint ink fragrance, wrap around you. Your arguments are swirling in the bamboo groves, and your laughter is engraved on the house. You gazed at all this with tenderness. The slightly raised lip corner, the shaking hairpin, and the gorgeous clothes are your lingering memories. "Know whether, know whether, it should be green, fat, red and thin." The pity of the spring boudoir makes you charming.

However, the good times didn't last long. Urged by the war, the husband went to the battlefield with patriotic blood. It is a wordless regret that you die before you finish your apprenticeship. The corruption of the small imperial court in the Southern Song Dynasty forced you to start wandering. Singing "Life is a hero, death is also a ghost" by the river is a masterpiece for thousands of years, which is a woman's lofty ambition. When you look at the courtroom officials' extravagance, you angrily shout, "Gongqing has his own party, but no one uses Yue Fei", but no one pays attention to it.

At this time, normal people have already given up and become numb, living a life of being hungry day after day. But you don't, you plead with the pen and meet the world with your heart. With patriotic feelings and missing your late husband, you write down the unprecedented "Jinshi Record", which will be remembered throughout history.

"The river runs for hundreds of generations, the waves run together, and the heroes of all ages are swept away; the words have been sung for thousands of years, the flowers are competing with each other, and a daughter flower is in full bloom" is the portrayal of your life.

You are the rainbow in my heart, Li Qingzhao. Your brilliant light illuminates my way forward, and your colorful colors make me proud.

Rainbow in My Heart (8)

(1) Family rainbow

I do my homework by the desk lamp. Looking at the full page of test questions, like vast white fields, endless, entwined in my heart, I could not help shaking my head and sighing. It was you who walked beside me gently. With a slight collision sound, I looked up along the withered, yellow and wrinkled right hand in front of me, "Mom." You smiled knowingly, stroked my head, "Think slowly, and use your heart." At this time, I was extremely moved. I savored the milk tea my mother handed me and smelled the fragrant taste. I thought that at this time, the family relationship has turned into a rainbow bridge, narrowing the distance between me and my mother, and building a rainbow bridge in each other's hearts with the beauty of the family relationship.

(2) Free rainbow

I was afraid of lightning and thunder since childhood. I was in agony about it.

Whenever the weather is not beautiful, accompanied by a loud sound, followed by the drip sound of rain from small to large, my heart has been numb. Cover your ears with your hands and hide in the corner alone to suffer fear and loneliness. After sobbing slowly for a long time, the curtain of eyes shot into the afterglow. I opened my eyes tentatively and saw that not far from the sky, the colorful clouds were actually shrouded in a cloud bridge. Unable to resist temptation, I ran in the fields. Listen to the birds singing and cicadas singing, and the delicate and fresh fragrance of flowers, gently pick up the small flowers with water drops. Finally, I put my eyes on the cloud bridge far away from the sky. When I overcame my fear and gained real freedom, the rainbow after the rain has already branded deep traces in my heart.

(3) Struggle Rainbow

Everyone said, "Life is like a dream." But I said, life is like a rainbow after a rain.

In ancient, modern and modern China, there have been more or less such examples. Sima Qian studied hard and finally wrote the world famous book Records of the Historian; When Edison invented the electric light, the lovely lens of hard work was even more admirable; As for Hong Zhanhui, one of the Chinese people who moved him, he shouldered the heavy burden with his tender shoulders. Finally, Huang Tian did not let the people who wanted to do it fall!

I often can't find my own goal, and lose myself in the increasingly lazy environment.

I struggled and contradicted painfully in my heart. I often felt dissatisfied with my own behavior but could not find the right way to learn. Finally, I learned to challenge difficulties with my own patience. When I looked at the questions in front of me, I smiled slightly, sank my heart that had not been calm for a long time, and waved my words on the test paper. Of course, I took the bright red score and looked at the happy faces of my parents and teachers. I smiled. At this time, with a look full of beauty and happiness, I know that the success achieved with hard work is the real rainbow after rain, which will never fade in my heart!

It is kinship, freedom, and hard work that compose the notes I have grown up with. I appreciate these carefully, and I am still moved.

Rainbow in My Heart (9)

"How can we see the rainbow without experiencing the wind and rain?" Hearing the familiar song, I thought of the colorful rainbow again.

Red, orange, yellow, green, cyan, blue and purple, the rainbow is composed of these seven colors. All I knew before was that if it rained, there would be a rainbow. After studying physics, I learned that it was because the air density was uneven after the rain. It was the sunlight that refracted and divided the white light into seven colors, thus forming a rainbow. But this is just the surface of the rainbow. I prefer the connotation of the rainbow.

Rainbows always appear after the wind and rain, so if you want to see rainbows, you must go through many hardships. The rainbow in my heart is itself a fruit, the fruit of labor, the result of hardship, and the result of hard work. Like the rainbow, all beautiful things have to go through trials and tribulations like wind and rain. Gains without effort will make the rainbow lose its original luster, sweet fruits will become bitter, shiny fruits will become dim, beautiful fruits will become ugly, money will become waste paper, and all good things will become bad.

I think the rainbow in my heart is pure and can't be defiled. The seven colors of the rainbow are seven beautiful virtues. Red represents enthusiasm; Orange represents honesty; Yellow represents kindness; Green represents health; Cyan represents a cheerful; Blue represents purity; Purple represents elegance. If you lose one of the colors, you lose one of the virtues. As long as you are always warm, honest, kind, healthy, cheerful and elegant, the rainbow in your heart will always be bright and beautiful.

The rainbow is also a bridge in our hearts. As the saying goes, "A friend in need is a friend indeed." In the midst of disasters and storms, people will build bridges in their hearts to help and understand each other and share their sadness. This bridge is a rainbow.

This is the rainbow in my heart. It is beautiful and pure, and it is also a bridge to other people's hearts.

Rainbow in My Heart (10)

There is no trace of feathers in the sky, and the birds have flown; There is no shadow left in the blue waves, but the fish have already swam; There is no smile on the brilliant trophy, but the most beautiful memories of struggle still curl up on the road with tears and sweat

The exam results came out, and I only got 85 points. I was very sad. On the way home, I didn't even dare to raise my head. I kept thinking about the wrong paper. At this time, grass hung its head, flowers bent their backs, leaves of trees turned yellow, and the sky was gray. It seemed that I felt sad for me. I walked slowly home, thinking: If only I could get 100 points.

I returned home with a worried face. As soon as I opened the door, my mother ran to me happily and asked, "How many points did you get in the exam?" Without saying a word, I shook my hand and handed the test paper to my mother. At that moment, my mother turned from sunny to cloudy, full of anger. I thought, after this, I must be beaten and sorted by my mother.

After my mother beat me, I angrily ran back to the room to study. I sat at the table and cried loudly. When I looked up, I found that it was raining outside. There was a spider on a big tree outside the window. My eyes stayed on that spider. The spider was facing the storm and was filling its web that had been broken by the wind. The spider was rapidly spinning. Suddenly, The wind blows again, and its net is broken on the other side. It hurries to repair it instead of waiting for it. Seeing this, my heart suddenly shakes. It is very strong and will not be overwhelmed by small setbacks. I was inspired by its perseverance and thought: "How can we see the rainbow without experiencing rain and wind". I must be strong, so that I can overcome all the setbacks and problems. So I took out books to carry on my study.

Through my hard work, I finally got 100 points. The exam is really simple. As long as you persevere, you will defeat the difficult problems.

In the future life, I am very strong. When I think of the spider weaving in the wind and rain, I suddenly become very determined and confident. As long as you persist, your life will be a beautiful rainbow.

Rainbow in My Heart (11)

Everyone has an exclusive rainbow in their heart, which is the most brilliant and colorful rainbow that will appear only when you understand love!

The rainbow in my heart is composed of many different elements. Red represents family, yellow represents friendship, and blue represents elegance. Green represents youth, cyan represents purity, and orange represents happiness. Purple represents magnificence. When these many elements appear together. Then this rainbow must be very dazzling.

Red, everyone of us can't live without our family, because only family can care about and love us most. Family is inseparable from blood. Because we share the same blood, we have the same heart. Our parents raise us. When we are old, we should also raise our own children. Therefore, relatives are the most intimate, lonely and lonely. We often miss our family. No one is absolutely cold-blooded.

Huang, rely on parents at home and friends outside. With more friends, the road of life will be wider and more. Of course, each of us will have a bosom friend. As the saying goes, musicians are easy to find, but bosom friends are hard to find. Sometimes friendship is very important to us. When students study in school, they will unite and help each other, and they will have strong friendship with each other. It is time for graduation. Separation will make us sad. After all, we have studied and lived together for so many years, and we are reluctant to part for a while.

Blue, different people enjoy different things. Just like me, I like listening to music very much. No matter the solemn and shocking symphony, or the solo violin at night, or the piano music of the bridge flowing water, I can fall into the world of music. Feel the wonderful notes bring me infinite pleasure. When I am lonely and sad, listening to music can soothe the injured soul; When you are happy, listening to music can make you more happy.

Green, we are all the rising sun. We grow up happily facing the rising sun. In the sunshine. We are happier than anyone. We are sometimes happy and sometimes sad. This is youth. Youth woven with happiness and bitterness, we do not hate life. We will only gladly accept the things around us and feel them with heart. Will understand many feelings of life.

Having said so many colors, you should know how rich and colorful the rainbow is in my heart.

2. Rainbow in my heart

Summer is beautiful, the sun is burning high, the sky is so blue, and the leisurely white clouds lie lazily on the horizon; Summer is changeable. The sky was clear just now. In the twinkling of an eye, there were dark clouds, thunder and lightning. Big raindrops fell indiscriminately. In this thunderstorm season, I saw a rainbow. It is shallow and light, and it is difficult to find it without looking carefully. I counted, yes, seven colors, some transparent in the sun, but in fact, there is only one color of light, that is white.

Everyone is like a beam of light, all white. A rainy day, the heavy rain has just stopped, the sky is gray, the mood is also gray. The ground is wet, and the air is also wet. I jogged on the open road alone. I only felt the dew in the morning wet my hair. The dew sometimes stuck to my glasses. As soon as I breathed, it lifted a fog. The people I saw were like dark tall buildings in the distance, vague and distant, and I could not see clearly, but could not touch them.

At the corner of the road, I suddenly found a red flame beating. I was eager to see what it was, so I smeared the lenses with my hands. When I looked closely, it was an elderly riding team, with gray hair, but wearing red T-shirts like fire. I quickly took out the paper towel and wiped the lens heavily. Then I put on my glasses. I was afraid that the red that lit up the dark road would slip away under my eyes. They did not ride very fast, they were very leisurely, and they talked for a few days from time to time. The leader was an old man. Although his hair was gray, he was still hale and hearty, and his face was red. His body was no different from that of a young man in his twenties. I could not help but follow their route and pursue the beating "red" until they disappeared in my vision.

The next day, the weather was still not very good. It was very hot and overcast. My mother told me not to forget to take my umbrella. I answered and started the morning run every morning. After running about half the way, it suddenly began to rain heavily. The raindrops formed a line and splashed on the road. This is summer, alas! I thought, hold up the umbrella, ready to go home. At the turning again, the old riding team appeared! I was surprised. I thought they would not come today because of the bad weather, but I didn't expect that... This time, there were fewer people, no red matching clothes, but each wore his own poncho, colorful, just like a blossoming flower. I watched them go away with admiration.

When the distance between them and me was getting farther and farther, the rain seemed to be smaller, until their figures became a mass of black and disappeared in the sky. The rain stopped. The sun showed a pair of eyes and looked at the earth. The leaves were covered with a layer of golden glow after being washed by the rain. People put up their umbrellas and showed smiling faces. I also put up my umbrellas and continued to run in the morning. When I looked back at the place where the old people had left, I vaguely saw a rainbow between the buildings. At this moment, I seem to see the members of the elderly riding team, wearing red uniforms, jokingly crossing the Rainbow Bridge

If you lose hope and vision of life, you may be white light, or even lose brilliance; If you are full of hope in life and cherish every moment of life, you will be like a rainbow, red, orange, yellow, green, blue and purple, of which red life is the most eye-catching. Those old people are happy in their old age. They do not lose their goals and pursue because of their old age. They still live happily and meaningfully.

I will remember them, the rainbow in my heart. I also hope that in the future, I can become a rainbow. Even if it is very light and small, it has its own meaning.

In the year of graduation, my composition was reported to the provinces and cities by my superiors, and won unprecedented honor. However, I cherish more the 'teachings' that the person once gave me.

——It was winter dusk when the inscription left the classroom. The cold wind is a little rustling, and even the glass window is slightly shaken, giving out a shrill wailing. I repeatedly wiped the blackboard clean, and then put the desks in order. Then I slowly picked up my bag and walked to the office.

The head teacher was still sitting at her desk, reviewing her homework. A white porcelain cup was on her left. At dusk after the rain, the water from the eaves occasionally dripped on the windowsill, splashing a few stars of pearls and jade. A branch of wintersweet is still inserted in the crystal bottle, swallowing the fragrance. I stood at the door in a dilemma - alas! Why hasn't she left work yet?

The teacher looked up when he heard something, and I immediately went forward to report in a low voice.

She smiled slightly, put down her pen, took a sip from the porcelain cup, but the tea was cold. She motioned me to sit down and asked, "You have been in a bad state recently, and people are depressed a lot. Can you tell me why?"

I bit my lip and stared at the plum blossom on the windowsill, wondering how to open my mouth. The wind in the early winter has brought some chill, but I just feel hot and dry all over, without getting any relief.

"Because of the last essay solicitation?" She had already seen through my childish pride.

A month ago, the school organized an essay contest, and many of my classmates and I took an active part in it. As a result, almost everyone has received awards of all sizes, but I seem to have been left out. There are a lot of rumors in the class, some say that the school forgot, some say that the XX of Class XX wrote poorly and did not win a prize... I said it was no big deal, but I really care - why? How could I be absent?

When I didn't say anything, she didn't ask, but gently opened the drawer, took out a hardcover book, and handed it to me.

"People always encounter many accidents and setbacks in their life, but only the life they have experienced can be regarded as perfect. If you open this closed door and window, you will never know what a magical world you will see in the next moment."

At this moment, my eyes were hot. The plum blossom on the other side sent me some delicate fragrance, and something broke the ground in my heart.

When I opened the title page of the book outside the office, the teacher's elegant and free handwriting fell on the white paper - when I went to the water poverty, I sat and watched the clouds rise. A school of nature, never give up, is the nature of struggle.

Closing the cover, I smiled and looked up. After the rain, the clear sky shone several brilliant lights in the dusk, as if I saw a rainbow.

In my memory, there is always such a ray of sunshine and a drop of rain and dew that can come to me through the passage of time. Only because it is in my heart.

Rainbow in My Heart (12)

Rainbow in my heart

It is to close the distance between each other with the smoke of wisps and wisps of kinship, and light the light of the soul in the soul; It is the bridge of the rainbow that we have experienced after a storm that broke through the sky and earth; It is to work hard and create, get touched and laugh at the same time, that touch of rainbow will always stay in my heart.

(1) Family rainbow

I do my homework by the desk lamp. Looking at the full page of test questions, like vast white fields, endless, entwined in my heart, I can't help shaking my head and sighing. It was you who walked beside me gently. With a slight collision sound, I looked up along the withered, yellow and wrinkled right hand in front of me, "Mom." You smiled knowingly, stroked my head, "Think slowly, and use your heart." At this time, I was extremely moved. I savored the milk tea my mother handed me and smelled the fragrant taste. I thought that at this time, the family relationship has turned into a rainbow bridge, narrowing the distance between me and my mother, and building a rainbow bridge in each other's hearts with the beauty of the family relationship.

(2) Free rainbow

I was afraid of lightning and thunder since childhood. I was in agony about it.

Whenever the weather is not beautiful, accompanied by a loud sound, followed by the drip sound of rain from small to large, my heart has been numb. Cover your ears with your hands and hide in the corner alone to suffer fear and loneliness. After sobbing slowly for a long time, the curtain of eyes shot into the afterglow. I opened my eyes tentatively and saw that not far from the sky, the colorful clouds were actually shrouded in a cloud bridge. Unable to resist temptation, I ran in the fields. Listen to the birds singing and cicadas singing, and the delicate and fresh fragrance of flowers, gently pick up the small flowers with water drops. Finally, I put my eyes on the cloud bridge far away from the sky. When I overcame my fear and gained real freedom, the rainbow after the rain has already branded deep traces in my heart.

(3) Struggle Rainbow

Everyone said, "Life is like a dream." But I said, life is like a rainbow after a rain.

In ancient, modern and modern China, there have been more or less such examples. Sima Qian studied hard and finally became the world famous Records of the Historian; When Edison invented the electric light, the lovely lens of hard work was even more admirable; As for Hong Zhanhui, one of the Chinese people who moved him, he shouldered the heavy burden with his tender shoulders. Finally, Huang Tian did not let the people who wanted to do it fall!

I often can't find my own goal, and lose myself in the increasingly lazy environment.

I struggled and contradicted painfully in my heart. I often felt dissatisfied with my own behavior but could not find the right way to learn. Finally, I learned to challenge difficulties with my own patience. When I looked at the questions in front of me, I smiled slightly, sank my heart that had not been calm for a long time, and waved my words on the test paper. Of course, I took the bright red score and looked at the happy faces of my parents and teachers. I smiled. At this time, with a look full of beauty and happiness, I know that the success achieved with hard work is the real rainbow after rain, which will never fade in my heart!

Rainbow in my heart

It has been raining for several days. Outside the window, it was gray.

There was nothing to do on a rainy day, so I rummaged around at home. As a result, I found a box of books in the corner of the balcony.

All the books I read as a child. They were in a mess in the box, silent.

I carefully picked out a copy of Big Head Son and Small Head Dad. The cover was covered with dust, and the paper inside was also crumpled. It should have been accidentally knocked over by water before. There are many traces of original graffiti on the book, such as drawing a pair of glasses on Big Head's eyes, using crayons to paint the faces of people inside with another color, and some lines that I don't know why, because being wet by water has gradually spread, just like the wet sidewalk on the outside, just like my memories of being wet and spreading at this time.

Then pick up a book, which is one of the four seasons series, telling the stories, legends, festivals, customs and other contents of the four seasons. I always thought these stories were mysterious when I was young. There is also the Encyclopedia of Learning from Tang Ke, which I liked to read about common sense of life at the beginning. Also, some Children's Literature. I remember that I liked it very much. From beginning to end, I read many of them and later lent them to my classmates. Now, many of them have also been lost.

There are many fairy tales in the box, such as Andersen's Fairy Tales, Green's Fairy Tales and so on. When I was in the first grade of primary school, I also performed some fairy tales with my classmates, and the most popular ones are Little Red Riding Hood and Snow White.

The rain outside the window is still falling, but it seems to have a tendency to stop.

I found out some books that I used when I learned to speak as a child. It was torn, wrinkled, and covered with strips of tape. I opened one of them. The first picture was of a little girl with a hearing aid smiling and running to her mother's arms. There were five words under the picture: "I can speak!"

I turned it over silently, mostly words, words, and some simple and childlike sentences.

"Running, running, running, jumping, jumping, doing morning exercises, good health."

"The sun is out, the flowers are in bloom, the grass is green, and the children laugh."

"It's dark, turn on the light. When people leave, turn off the light. When mother comes, open the door. When mother leaves, close the door."


I finally learned to speak after repeated pronunciation and lip exercises. The ups and downs of the period, until now I can taste, so when I reopen these books, my eyes have tears.

I suddenly remembered watching Ocean Paradise in the classroom. One of the plots was that Dafu put his toys on the TV again and again, and Dad put them back on the sofa again and again. There is also a plot, which seems that Dafu and his father go home, and his father teaches Dafu to put the key back to the designated position.

"It's dark, turn on the light. When people leave, turn off the light. When mother comes, open the door. When mother leaves, close the door."

I slowly closed the books, put them back in the box one by one, and put the box back in place. Stand up and find the rain has stopped outside the window, a rainbow hanging in the sky. Aren't these childhood books, as well as every bit of childhood, just like the rainbow after the rain? Innocent, pure, gorgeous... span between my childhood and the future.

Rainbow in my heart

Gently recall the rainbow falling in his heart, can not help but be moved as before.

notes preceding the text of a book or following the title of an article

It is with a trace of affection. Smoke brings each other closer and lights the light of the soul in the soul; It is the bridge of the rainbow that we have experienced after a storm that broke through the sky and earth; It is to work hard and create, get touched and laugh at the same time, that touch of rainbow will always stay in my heart.

(1) Family rainbow

I do my homework by the desk lamp. Looking at the full page of test questions, like vast white fields, endless, entwined in my heart, I can't help shaking my head and sighing. It was you who walked beside me gently. With a slight collision sound, I looked up along the withered, yellow and wrinkled right hand in front of me, and said, "Mom." You smiled knowingly, stroked my head, and said, "Think slowly, and use your heart." At this time, I was extremely moved. I savored the milk tea my mother handed me and smelled the fragrant taste. I thought that at this time, the family relationship has turned into a rainbow bridge, narrowing the distance between me and my mother, and building a rainbow bridge in each other's hearts with the beauty of the family relationship.

(2) Free rainbow

I was afraid of lightning and thunder since childhood. I was in agony about it.

Whenever the weather is not beautiful, accompanied by a loud sound, followed by the drip sound of rain from small to large, my heart has been numb. Cover your ears with your hands and hide in the corner alone to suffer fear and loneliness. After sobbing slowly for a long time, the curtain of eyes shot into the afterglow. I opened my eyes tentatively and saw that not far from the sky, the colorful clouds were actually shrouded in a cloud bridge. Unable to resist temptation, I ran in the fields. Listen to the birds singing and cicadas singing, and the delicate and fresh fragrance of flowers, gently pick up the small flowers with water drops. Finally, I put my eyes on the cloud bridge far away from the sky. When I overcame my fear and gained real freedom, the rainbow after the rain has already branded deep traces in my heart.

(3) Struggle Rainbow

Everyone said, "Life is like a dream." But I said, life is like a rainbow after a rain.

In ancient, modern and modern China, there have been more or less such examples. Sima Qian studied hard and finally became the world famous Records of the Historian; When Edison invented the electric light, the lovely lens of hard work was even more admirable; As for Hong Zhanhui, one of the Chinese people who moved him, he shouldered the heavy burden with his tender shoulders. Finally, Huang Tian did not let the people who wanted to do it fall!

I often can't find my own goal, and lose myself in the increasingly lazy environment.

I struggled and contradicted painfully in my heart. I often felt dissatisfied with my own behavior but could not find the right way to learn. Finally, I learned to challenge difficulties with my own patience. When I looked at the questions in front of me, I smiled slightly, sank my heart that had not been calm for a long time, and waved my words on the test paper. Of course, I took the bright red score and looked at the happy faces of my parents and teachers. I smiled. At this time, with a look full of beauty and happiness, I know that the success achieved with hard work is the real rainbow after rain, which will never fade in my heart!

It is kinship, freedom, and hard work that compose the notes I have grown up with. I appreciate these carefully, and I am still moved.

Rainbow in my heart

First image

Rainbow is magical. When I was young, I always yearned for the gorgeous rainbow in the sky after the rain. Its color and collocation are incomparable. How I wish I could climb this rainbow bridge one day and play on it. The sun warms me, the clouds dry the sweat on my forehead, and enjoy the joy of childhood here. How joyful and wonderful it is. In this way, the rainbow is full of my childhood fantasies and hopes.

Rainbow fairy tales may be the sustenance of every child's soul.

Its miraculous veil made us excited when we were children.

Image 2

Gradually, we grew up. We have learned more and more knowledge, and the rainbow will always be hanging in the sky when it is sunny after rain. At this time, we have no excitement, and we have no joy. Even, I began to feel bad about rainbows.

The beautiful image of the rainbow may come from its mysterious veil. But later, I finally knew its true face. The colorful color does not come from it, but it "steals" from the sun. Not only that, it also shines in front of the sun, which makes me deny it.

Rainbow in My Heart (13)

Gently recall the rainbow falling in his heart, can not help but be moved as before.


It is to close the distance between each other with the smoke of wisps and wisps of kinship, and light the light of the soul in the soul; It is the bridge of the rainbow that we have experienced after a storm that broke through the sky and earth; It is to work hard and create, get touched and laugh at the same time, that touch of rainbow will always stay in my heart.

(1) Family rainbow

I do my homework by the desk lamp. Looking at the full page of test questions, like vast white fields, endless, entwined in my heart, I could not help shaking my head and sighing. It was you who walked beside me gently. With a slight collision sound, I looked up along the withered, yellow and wrinkled right hand in front of me, "Mom." You smiled knowingly, stroked my head, "Think slowly, and use your heart." At this time, I was extremely moved. I savored the milk tea my mother handed me and smelled the fragrant taste. I thought that at this time, the family relationship has turned into a rainbow bridge, narrowing the distance between me and my mother, and building a rainbow bridge in each other's hearts with the beauty of the family relationship.

(2) Free rainbow

I was afraid of lightning and thunder since childhood. I was in agony about it.

Whenever the weather is not beautiful, accompanied by a loud sound, followed by the drip sound of rain from small to large, my heart has been numb. Cover your ears with your hands and hide in the corner alone to suffer fear and loneliness. After sobbing slowly for a long time, the curtain of eyes shot into the afterglow. I opened my eyes tentatively and saw that not far from the sky, the colorful clouds were actually shrouded in a cloud bridge. Unable to resist temptation, I ran in the fields. Listen to the birds singing and cicadas singing, and the delicate and fresh fragrance of flowers, gently pick up the small flowers with water drops. Finally, I put my eyes on the cloud bridge far away from the sky. When I overcame my fear and gained real freedom, the rainbow after the rain has already branded deep traces in my heart.

Rainbow in My Heart (14)

It has been raining for several days. Outside the window, it was gray.

There was nothing to do on a rainy day, so I rummaged around at home. As a result, I found a box of books in the corner of the balcony.

All the books I read as a child. They were in a mess in the box, silent.

I carefully picked out a copy of Big Head Son and Small Head Dad. The cover was covered with dust, and the paper inside was also crumpled. It should have been accidentally knocked over by water before. There are many traces of original graffiti on the book, such as drawing a pair of glasses on Big Head's eyes, using crayons to paint the faces of people inside with another color, and some lines that I don't know why, because being wet by water has gradually spread, just like the wet sidewalk on the outside, just like my memories of being wet and spreading at this time.

Then pick up a book, which is one of the four seasons series, telling the stories, legends, festivals, customs and other contents of the four seasons. I always thought these stories were mysterious when I was young. There is also the Encyclopedia of Learning from Tang Ke, which I liked to read about common sense of life at the beginning. Also, some Children's Literature. I remember that I liked it very much. I read many of them from beginning to end, and then lent them to my classmates. Now, many of them have been lost.

There are many fairy tales in the box, such as Andersen's Fairy Tales, Green's Fairy Tales and so on. When I was in the first grade of primary school, I also performed some fairy tales with my classmates, and the most popular ones are Little Red Riding Hood and Snow White.

The rain outside the window is still falling, but it seems to have a tendency to stop.

I found out some books that I used when I learned to speak as a child. It was torn, wrinkled, and covered with strips of tape. I opened one of them. The first picture was of a little girl with a hearing aid smiling and running to her mother's arms. There were five words under the picture - "I can speak!"

I turned it over silently, mostly words, words, and some simple and childlike sentences.

"Running, running, running, jumping, jumping, doing morning exercises, good health."

"The sun is out, the flowers are in bloom, the grass is green, and the children laugh."

"It's dark, turn on the light. When people leave, turn off the light. When mother comes, open the door. When mother leaves, close the door."


I finally learned to speak after repeated pronunciation and lip exercises. The ups and downs of the period, until now I can taste, so when I reopen these books, my eyes have tears.

I suddenly remembered watching Ocean Paradise in the classroom. One of the plots was that Dafu put his toys on the TV again and again, and Dad put them back on the sofa again and again. There is also a plot, which seems that Dafu and his father go home, and his father teaches Dafu to put the key back to the designated position.

"It's dark, turn on the light. When people leave, turn off the light. When mother comes, open the door. When mother leaves, close the door."

I slowly closed the books, put them back in the box one by one, and put the box back in place. Stand up and find the rain has stopped outside the window, a rainbow hanging in the sky. Aren't these childhood books, as well as every bit of childhood, just like the rainbow after the rain? Innocent, pure, gorgeous... span between my childhood and the future.

Rainbow in My Heart (15)

There is a rainbow that does not appear after the rain or in the sky. She is in our hearts and she gives us joy, warmth and love. She always urges us to study hard and behave well. She is our respectable and lovely teacher Xie.

Mr. Xie is our Chinese teacher. He is about 1.7 meters tall, with white skin, bright and clear eyes under the lens, and neat ponytails towering behind his head. He never makes up at ordinary times, which is natural, fresh and beautiful.

Mr. Xie has been our Chinese teacher since the first grade. He has served as our head teacher for three or four years, occasionally taking our moral and music lessons. You are knowledgeable and versatile. You not only speak well in class, sing well, play erhu well, but also have good English. You often correct our pronunciation in morning classes. You are an idol in our hearts. Maybe influenced by her, many of us have the ideal of being a people's teacher like you. On the Teacher's Day of the fourth grade, we all spontaneously walked onto the platform during the recess, and one by one quietly, even tacitly, wrote on the blackboard what we really wanted to say to your heart over the years, with red love, dream wings, and thousands of words of blessing and gratitude. Clumsy fonts and immature paintings. I remember that you walked into the classroom with your back to us. For a long time, when you turned around, your face was full of tears... That scene was deeply imprinted in each of our minds. It was you who made us learn to be grateful. Your words and deeds blossom and bear fruit in our young hearts.

Mr. Xie, your every bit has flashed in my mind again and again. Your class is a kind of enjoyment. Beautiful blackboard writing, sweet voice, rich knowledge explanation, each text lets us immerse ourselves, and each class takes us into a colorful new world. Later, I secretly read the teacher's teaching plan, and then I knew that you had made careful preparation for each class, and wrote several pages of in class and extracurricular knowledge in a dense way. I don't know when the teacher would prepare lessons after correcting homework every day.

Teacher Xie is very strict with us in our study. He always cares about our learning attitude and learning situation. He corrects some of our bad signs just when they come out, and makes us convinced with your gentle words. For a period of time in the third grade, I was careless and often made mistakes that I shouldn't have made. In a Chinese exam, I missed another question, which should be deducted by four or five points. But the exam paper was handed out. It was a shocking zero. I was ashamed and unconvinced. Teacher Xie came to me to talk after class. I still remember that you said to me, "You are a smart and studious child in my heart, but you can be careless. If you don't try to correct it, you will make more mistakes in the future. The teacher will give you a zero this time. I hope you will always remember. " When I got home, I put the test paper on the bedside. It beat me and urged me, which became my driving force. Such mistakes never happened again.

Teacher Xie never takes sides with the so-called good students and never gives up on any so-called bad students. You give the love in your heart to every student equally. Always ask the lagged or absent students to their own offices to make up lessons carefully and patiently after school. Although Teacher Xie has been tired for a day, his body is very tired, his voice is also very hoarse, and the most important thing is to maintain his voice, you still bother to tell those students again and again until they understand. There is a student named Xu Cheng in our class. His previous Chinese performance was relatively poor and he lost confidence in himself. You talk to him again and again to build confidence in him, so that he can gain confidence and love learning Chinese. He even called him into the office whenever he had time to make up for his lessons and give him a test paper. In this way, with your help and encouragement, his Chinese score has made rapid progress, and even entered the top ten of the class once. Let the students look at him with new eyes. Another classmate, Yang Xiaohua, always tied up when she read aloud. In order to help her overcome this problem, Teacher Xie always asked her to get up and read every time she read. Over a long period of time, the student's reading level is getting higher and higher, thanks to you.

Teacher Xie, you are concerned about our study and our health. One year in the summer, it was so hot that a student suddenly fainted from heatstroke while doing exercises. The students were frightened and didn't know what to do. When you saw her in the distance, you rushed to the clinic without saying a word. At this time, you are sweating heavily and gasping heavily. You follow the doctor, pouring water and handing cold towels. The next day, you bought a lot of summer medicine in the class.

Teacher Xie often has wonderful ideas in teaching. In the last semester of Grade 5, there was a composition about the whole process of tug of war. In order to let us feel the fun of tug of war deeply and write a good composition, Teacher Xie took us downstairs to tug of war. The cheering of the whole class continued for a long time. One group of boys and one group of girls. Teacher Xie shouted slogans while being the judge. Everyone was very happy that day. We got together with you. The composition I wrote was very vivid, and I got an excellent five pointed star. Teacher Xie was lively and lovely that day. The smile on her face was so bright, just like our big sister. I will never forget that scene

Teacher Xie also often teaches us how to behave and how to get along with classmates. Once, in my diary, I let out my dissatisfaction and disgust with a classmate. In fact, I was a little impulsive at that time. Teacher Xie, you read the article and gave this comment: Students should tolerate each other, don't really like each other, and don't show it. That will hurt others' hearts. I should slowly learn to accept different people and let me feel for a long time. Another time in class, I had a red face with my classmates in the front row because of the small seat space. When you came, we all thought you would criticize us severely. Unexpectedly, you said to us that if you could step back, this contradiction would not happen. If you step back, everyone would be happy.

... I can't tell you the details of my stay with Mr. Xie for days and nights. You are cleaning my heart and warming my mind.

This year is the last half year that Teacher Xie taught us. The time spent with her is filled with all kinds of memories. I will soon enter junior high school. I really hate it. I must cherish the last half year and leave a good memory for the teacher.

Rainbow in My Heart (16)


One's life is not easy. The seemingly smooth journey of life is full of all kinds of thorns, which often make people feel painful. Dare to ask: "Can you see the rainbow in your heart?" Because the rainbow hides behind difficulties. Many people have passed the rainbow.

During the Three Kingdoms period, Liu Bei, as the king of a country, lost his second brother Guan Yu in the war. Because he could not let go of his brotherhood, he made a wrong decision in pain and rushed out to fight against Wu, resulting in an eternal non drama of "Bai Di Cheng Tuo Gu". Sad, sad!

In this way, Liu Bei passed by Caihong and was separated from the Yin and Yang of "Revitalizing the Han Dynasty and Returning to the Old Capital". Because he did not face setbacks and let the pain down, but struggled in the haze of pain.

The rainbow is not as simple as you can see. Bing Xin said: "People only marvel at the bright and beautiful reality of the successful flower. However, at the beginning, its bud was sprinkled with the blood of sacrifice and soaked with the tears of struggle." This is just like the rainbow. Before its arrival, it experienced a lot of wind and rain before getting the beauty of reality.

Rainbow, perhaps, can be equated with success, because both are formed after experiencing wind and rain and the baptism of sunshine. Qu Yuan was exiled, which was called Lisao; Sun Tzu's Binjiao, the art of war; Helen was blind and deaf, and her will was fruitful; Paul is physically disabled, and his spirit is tempered into steel... If these are all successful, can they not be compared with the rainbow? Twenty five thousand li, the Red Army walked hard, and today's new China was born. Aren't these rainbows?

Dancing painful wings, flying over the life stage built with blue sky and white clouds. Look at life in an optimistic way, face life freely, take the ideal crutch, walk through the painful swamp, look for the rainbow, and complete a brilliant stroke in life. I believe that as long as I believe that I can do it and turn the tears of failure into fuel for progress, I will surely see a colorful rainbow.

The rainbow in my heart is the joy of final success through perseverance after failure.

Rainbow in My Heart (17)

It is to close the distance between each other with the smoke of wisps and wisps of kinship, and light the light of the soul in the soul; It is the bridge of the rainbow that we have experienced after a storm that broke through the sky and earth; It is to work hard and create, get touched and laugh at the same time, that touch of rainbow will always stay in my heart.

(1) Family rainbow

I do my homework by the desk lamp. Looking at the full page of test questions, like vast white fields, endless, entwined in my heart, I can't help shaking my head and sighing. It was you who walked beside me gently. With a slight collision sound, I looked up along the withered, yellow and wrinkled right hand in front of me, and said, "Mom." You smiled knowingly, stroked my head, and said, "Think slowly, and use your heart." At this time, I was extremely moved. I savored the milk tea my mother handed me and smelled the fragrant taste. I thought that at this time, the family relationship has turned into a rainbow bridge, narrowing the distance between me and my mother, and building a rainbow bridge in each other's hearts with the beauty of the family relationship.

(2) Free rainbow

I was afraid of lightning and thunder since childhood. I was in agony about it.

Whenever the weather is not beautiful, accompanied by a loud sound, followed by the drip sound of rain from small to large, my heart has been numb. Cover your ears with your hands and hide in the corner alone to suffer fear and loneliness. After sobbing slowly for a long time, the curtain of eyes shot into the afterglow. I opened my eyes tentatively and saw that not far from the sky, the colorful clouds were actually shrouded in a cloud bridge. Unable to resist temptation, I ran in the fields. Listen to the birds singing and cicadas singing, and the delicate and fresh fragrance of flowers, gently pick up the small flowers with water drops. Finally, I put my eyes on the cloud bridge far away from the sky. When I overcame my fear and gained real freedom, the rainbow after the rain has already branded deep traces in my heart.

(3) Struggle Rainbow

Everyone said, "Life is like a dream." But I said, life is like a rainbow after a rain.

In ancient, modern and modern China, there have been more or less such examples. Sima Qian studied hard and finally became the world famous Records of the Historian; When Edison invented the electric light, the lovely lens of hard work was even more admirable; As for Hong Zhanhui, one of the Chinese people who moved him, he shouldered the heavy burden with his tender shoulders. Finally, Huang Tian did not let the people who wanted to do it fall!

I often can't find my own goal, and lose myself in the increasingly lazy environment.

I struggled and contradicted painfully in my heart. I often felt dissatisfied with my own behavior but could not find the right way to learn. Finally, I learned to challenge difficulties with my own patience. When I looked at the questions in front of me, I smiled slightly, sank my heart that had not been calm for a long time, and waved my words on the test paper. Of course, I took the bright red score and looked at the happy faces of my parents and teachers. I smiled. At this time, with a look full of beauty and happiness, I know that the success achieved with hard work is the real rainbow after rain, which will never fade in my heart!

It is kinship, freedom, and hard work that compose the notes I have grown up with. I appreciate these carefully, and I am still moved.

Rainbow in My Heart (18)

There was nothing to do on a rainy day, so I rummaged around at home. As a result, I found a box of books in the corner of the balcony.

All the books I read as a child. They were in a mess in the box, silent.

I carefully picked out a copy of Big Head Son and Small Head Dad. The cover was covered with dust, and the paper inside was also crumpled. It should have been accidentally knocked over by water before. There are many traces of original graffiti on the book, such as drawing a pair of glasses on Big Head's eyes, using crayons to paint the faces of people inside with another color, and some lines that I don't know why, because being wet by water has gradually spread, just like the wet sidewalk on the outside, just like my memories of being wet and spreading at this time.

Then pick up a book, which is one of the four seasons series, telling the stories, legends, festivals, customs and other contents of the four seasons. I always thought these stories were mysterious when I was young. There is also the Encyclopedia of Learning from Tang Ke, which I liked to read about common sense of life at the beginning. Also, some Children's Literature. I remember that I liked it very much. From beginning to end, I read many of them and later lent them to my classmates. Now, many of them have also been lost.

There are many fairy tales in the box, such as Andersen's Fairy Tales, Green's Fairy Tales and so on. When I was in the first grade of primary school, I also performed some fairy tales with my classmates. The most popular ones are Little Red Riding Hood and Snow White.

The rain outside the window is still falling, but it seems to have a tendency to stop.

I found out some books that I used when I learned to speak as a child. It was torn, wrinkled, and covered with strips of tape. I opened one of them. The first picture was of a little girl with a hearing aid smiling and running to her mother's arms. There were five words under the picture - "I can speak!"

I turned it over silently, mostly words, words, and some simple and childlike sentences.

"Running, running, running, jumping, jumping, doing morning exercises, good health."

"The sun is out, the flowers are in bloom, the grass is green, and the children laugh."

"It's dark, turn on the light. When people leave, turn off the light. When mother comes, open the door. When mother leaves, close the door."


I finally learned to speak after repeated pronunciation and lip exercises. The ups and downs of the period, until now I can taste, so when I reopen these books, my eyes have tears.

I suddenly remembered watching Ocean Paradise in the classroom. One of the plots was that Dafu put his toys on the TV again and again, and Dad put them back on the sofa again and again. There is also a plot, which seems that Dafu and his father go home, and his father teaches Dafu to put the key back to the designated position.

"It's dark, turn on the light. When people leave, turn off the light. When mother comes, open the door. When mother leaves, close the door."

I slowly closed the books, put them back in the box one by one, and put the box back in place. Stand up and find the rain has stopped outside the window, a rainbow hanging in the sky. Aren't these childhood books, as well as every bit of childhood, just like the rainbow after the rain? Innocent, pure, gorgeous... span between my childhood and the future.