Magic Seed (18 in general)
I can take it and put it down
2024-02-11 02:32:37
fourth grade

Magic Seed (1)

It's a nice day today. The sun shines on the balcony very comfortably. Dad said to show me some magic seeds.
I hurried to have a look. It was some garlic. Dad broke the garlic into cloves, then turned the soil in the flowerpot with a shovel, inserted the cloves into the soil, and finally watered them. My father told me that when these garlic cloves sprout and grow up, they will become garlic. I listened to my father's words and felt that this was incredible. I hope these garlic cloves grow up quickly.
We are just like these garlic cloves. After the sunshine and soil moisture, we will eventually grow up!

Magic Seed (2)

One day, little Abby was playing with little monkeys in their garden when he met little dinosaurs looking for them.

When Little Dinosaur saw Little Abby watering flowers, he said to Little Abby, "Can I play with you and paint flowers and water them together?" Little Abby said, "Yes, let's do it together." They watered flowers together and played many games. Everyone was so happy. It was noon before they knew it. They had lunch and took a nap at Little Abby's house. When they got up, the little dinosaur and the little monkey missed their mother. The little dinosaur said, "We have to go back to find our mother. Goodbye, little Abby."

The next day, just before dawn, the little dinosaur came again. The little dinosaur said to little Abby, "I have brought a bag of magic seeds, and they will produce all kinds of magic flowers, including iris, bunny, duckling and puppy." Little Abby said, "Wow! It's amazing, is it true?" She asked the little dinosaur, "How did you get it?" The little dinosaur said, "Last night when I was asleep, I had a dream. In my dream, I saw a beautiful fairy who put a bag of colorful seeds under my pillow. The fairy said to me," Little dinosaur, this is a bag of magic seeds. It can produce all kinds of magic flowers, including iris, bunny, duckling and puppy. ". What's more amazing is that if you take this package of seeds to plant with your friends, when the flowers grow up, you will build a beautiful house for them, and the next day you will find that those flowers have become real animals. But remember to plant with your friends. So I came to you early.

Later, the two of them went to ask the little monkey and other children to plant the bag of seeds in Little Abby's garden.

The next day, there were all kinds of small animal flowers in Little Abby's garden. They built many beautiful houses for these animals together. One day later, these flowers really became all kinds of small animals. At this time, the garden was full of colorful and beautiful butterflies. Ducks were swimming in the pond, rabbits were eating grass on the grass, and dogs ran happily to play with them.

Little Abby and her friends were very happy.

Grade 6: Lonely Star

Magic Seed (3)

Autumn is coming, and the orchard is full of fruits and melons.

There are red apples, sweet persimmons, sparkling jewel like grapes, and yellow pears. Eh? If I have a magic seed, I can plant the trees I want.

I want to grow toy guns. I need a lot so that children in poor mountainous areas can play with them. I also want to share it with my friends to let them play gunfight with me. So I went to plant the toy gun seeds. I watered and fertilized the seeds every day to let them bask in the sun. A few days later, the toy gun tree sprouted. In my expectation, it finally grew into a tall toy gun tree. There are many kinds of toy guns on it. I asked my friends to pick toy guns from trees. Children in poor mountainous areas also have toys.

I also want to plant bread trees so that my friends and I can eat all kinds of bread. So I planted bread seeds, watered and fertilized them every day, and after a few days, they grew into tall bread trees. The branches on the tree are covered with sweet bread. The smell of butter is strong when the breeze blows. I will give the bread to the children and friends in the mountain area. They can also eat the bread and taste the sweet taste.

If I really had such a magic seed, how wonderful it would be!

Magic Seed (4)

One day, little Abby was playing with little monkeys in their garden when he met little dinosaurs looking for them. When Little Dinosaur saw Little Abby watering flowers, he said to Little Abby, "Can you let me play with you and paint flowers and water them together?" Little Abby said, "Yes, let's do it together." They watered many flowers together and played many games. Everyone was so happy. It was noon before they knew it. They had lunch and took a nap at Little Abby's house. When they got up, the little dinosaur and the little monkey missed their mother. The little dinosaur said, "We have to go back to find our mother. Goodbye, little Abby."

The next day, just before dawn, the little dinosaur came again. The little dinosaur said to little Abby, "I have brought a bag of magic seeds, and they will produce all kinds of magic flowers, including iris, bunny, duckling and puppy." Little Abby said, "Wow! It's amazing, is it true?" She asked the little dinosaur, "How did you get it?" The little dinosaur said, "Last night when I was asleep, I had a dream. In my dream, I saw a beautiful fairy who put a bag of colorful seeds under my pillow. The fairy said to me," Little dinosaur, this is a bag of magic seeds. It can produce all kinds of magic flowers, including iris, bunny, duckling and puppy. ". What's more amazing is that if you take this package of seeds to plant with your friends, when the flowers grow up, you will build a beautiful house for them, and the next day you will find that those flowers have become real animals. But remember to plant with your friends. So I came to you early. "

Later, the two of them went to ask the little monkey and other children to plant the bag of seeds in Little Abby's garden.

The next day, there were all kinds of small animal flowers in Little Abby's garden. They built many beautiful houses for these animals together. One day later, these flowers really became all kinds of small animals. At this time, the garden was full of colorful and beautiful butterflies. Ducks were swimming in the pond, rabbits were eating grass on the grass, and dogs ran happily to play with them. Little Abby and her friends are too happy, too happy.

This story tells us that beautiful things and dreams should be shared with friends, and can be realized through joint efforts.

Magic Seed (5)

In our scientific supplies, there is a bag of pea seeds. My brother and sister and I planted them together. We water and fertilize them. Day after day, when I returned home the next weekend, I found that they had grown into small green shoots!

Little Green Bud has two lovely and green leaves, with a long thin root attached below. I like them very much. When younger brothers and sisters found that the seeds germinated, they also exclaimed, feeling like they were about to blossom! We are all excited about a miraculous seed sprouting! Unexpectedly, a small seed can grow leaves several times larger than its body because it absorbs the energy of sunlight, soil, and water. The small seed must have used a lot of effort to break through the soil and see the sun.

In addition to peas, my family also grows a variety of vegetables and flowers, such as pepper, gardenia, and pork. Our family likes plants very much and is a good partner of plants!

Magic Seed (6)

This morning, there were bursts of fragrance in the classroom. I followed the fragrance to find the source. It turned out that there were two more pots of flowers on our windowsill, which was shared by Mr. Cao of the next class.
There are seeds but no flowerpots. That's no good. Miss Zhu found two flowerpots left by her former brothers and sisters. Everything is ready, only a little soil. Zhu went to the big tree on the campus and dug some soil, poured it into the flower pot, and planted the flowers in the pot. Under the careful care of Mr. Zhu, something amazing happened. Only two leaves sprouted out of the soil, just like mini coconut trees, green and lovely. But why do young plants grow in the soil? Maybe it was the parachute that the mother of dandelion prepared for her children, so that they could live everywhere. That's why the breeze blew them under the big tree, which happened to be dug out by Miss Zhu.
This event reminds me of the 23rd issue of "The Plant Mother Has a Way", which tells how the plant mother can make her children live in the world.

Magic Seed (7)

On April 30, I planted a magic seed, which contains great vitality, so that it can drill out of the land, sprout, and grow!

I planted the beans that afternoon. There are black beans and soybeans, which are also beans. Why do I plant two kinds of beans? Because I want to see the difference between black bean seedlings and soybean seedlings. I took a small shovel, a flower pot, seeds and water and went downstairs. I picked up a small shovel and "clicked" a lot of soil. Then I put three fifths of the soil into the flower pot. Then I took out small beans and scattered them into the soft soil. Then I sprinkled a thin layer of soil, and the big project was completed. At this time, use a small watering can to sprinkle water evenly, and watch the water slowly seep, I have imagined the bean sprouts singing in the greenhouse. Xiaodouzi, please grow up quickly!

The bean sprout didn't move a bit. The third day I went to see it again, but it was still motionless, as if asleep. I couldn't help thinking: "This little bean sprout is too lazy! The sprouts of other students have grown up. Why hasn't my sprout moved a bit? It's really annoying!"

On the fourth day, a little bean sprout finally appeared. It was really cute! The tender green seedlings are bent, and the goose green buds are full of vitality. Although it is only more than one centimeter long, I already think it is great.

On Friday (the fifth day), three more have grown up, and there are also some mounds around. I'm very happy! It's really delightful. I gently touch the sprouts with one finger. It has a smooth touch. There is a little fluff on the root stem, but the leaves are smooth. Because I didn't make a distinction mark when planting the beans, I don't know whether the sprouts are black or yellow. I must be careful in the future.

In the next few days, no bean sprouts came out. I was a little sad and lost, but I'd better refuel Xiaodouzi! I hope you will grow up quickly and look forward to meeting you!

Magic Seed (8)

[Chapter 1]

"I have a beautiful wish that when I grow up, I can sow the sun one by one..." Whenever I hear this song, Doodle thinks: When can I have such a magic seed. One day, a miracle came

After school, Dudu walked on the path home. Suddenly, there was a bright light in the sky, and a small seed as dazzling as the sun fell from the sky. Suddenly, Doodle felt surprised and pleased. He looked left and right, carefully picked up the golden seed, carefully observed it, and thought: This must not be an ordinary seed. There must be some secrets in it. Let me plant it in the yard at the door of my house. So, Dudu took two steps and one step at a time, ran home quickly and planted this magic seed himself. Water and fertilize carefully.

The next day, the school had a math test, and Doodle scored 100 points. He was very happy. After returning home, I can't wait to tell my parents the good news. But as soon as he entered the house, he found the seed germinated. Doodle was surprised: "It's amazing. It germinated the next day. I can't believe my eyes."

A few days later, Dudu's classmate's birthday. She dressed herself up and took gifts to her classmates to attend the birthday party. On this day, he was both happy and excited. He played until very late. When I got home, a miracle happened again. The little sprout turned into a small sapling. My father and mother were very curious and asked, "Dudu, what do you plant? Why is it so magical? Look, it still emits light green light." "In fact,... I don't know." Dudu replied with a smile.

At night, Doodle lay on the bed, tossing and turning, thinking: Is the seed my shadow? The happier I am, the more healthy it grows? It decided to confirm its idea with practical actions. In this way, day after day, year after year, Doodle lives happily and fully every day. This miraculous son has grown into a towering tree. Dudu said meaningfully: "This tree is my happy tree, because it is pregnant with all my coming and wonderful childhood."

Dudu wakes up from his dream. I really hope all this is true.

[Chapter 2]

One day, while playing in the sand in the park, I accidentally picked up a blue brocade bag with flowers on it. I opened it curiously and found a small note and three seeds inside

The note said: What you want becomes the magic seed. As long as you make a wish when planting, your wish will come true the next day. Note: One can only be used once.

Eh? Is there such a good thing? Could it be a lie? I took this bag of seeds home with half confidence. Put it in the drawer on the bedside table.

The next day, it occurred to me that the dance teacher asked us each to bring a pair of dance shoes. But my shoes are too small. What should I do! It must be too late to buy now. At this time, I suddenly saw the magic seeds on the bedside table.

I immediately got up and brought the flowerpot and soil, took a seed from the bag, buried it in the soil, and said to myself, "Give me a pair of dancing shoes quickly!"! The seed sprouted at the speed visible to the naked eye, opened a big bud, and the petals slowly opened. There was a pair of dance shoes in it. I was very happy and took out the dance shoes in a hurry.

The next day, I saw the package of seeds again and thought about yesterday. It's hard to avoid some excitement and some doubts. So I decided to try again.

When I'm ready to plant······

"Tink, Tink, Tink" The alarm clock rang. I rubbed my eyes and found that it was just a dream.

If only I had such a bag of seeds.

Magic Seed (9)

One day, my sister said to me mysteriously, "Come here, let me show you something." I followed him to a room.

My sister carefully held out a box that was wrapped in several layers. I looked into it and found that some soybeans were soaked in water.

At this sight, I got angry and said: "What are you doing, waste!" "Hey, you don't understand, how can this be a waste!" "It's waste!" I said angrily.

My sister was also angry, but her face softened and said to me gently: "You know, these beans can be turned into bean sprouts." I nodded doubtfully.

Then, I waited for the soybeans to become sprouts. Finally, a few days later, I took another look at soybeans and found that soybeans have grown a "small antenna."

I can't hide my joy. Seeing this scene is like seeing a grown bean sprout.

How happy I am!

A few days later, I went to see soybeans with great joy. This time, I saw a lot of bean sprouts waving to me!

I hurriedly called my sister over, and she also said, "Great, you can eat!" What a magic seed! It seems that the plants in nature are wonderful.

Magic Seed (10)

I have a magic seed. It will plant whatever you want it to plant. The spring equinox is a good time to sow. I will take this opportunity to sow this seed.

I will plant it in the forest and let it grow many luxuriant trees. Let there be more defenders in the forest to protect our homes, so that we no longer fear the invasion of sandstorms and floods, so that the earth can have a little more green, a little more vitality, and unlimited vitality.

I will plant it on the vast fields and let it produce many full crops. Let the farmers relieve a little pressure. Don't work hard any more, let the farmers worry less, and don't worry about whether there will be drought, flood, diseases and pests in this year.

I want to plant it in cold areas, so that it can grow a lovely sun and emit warm sunshine. Let the sun shine on this area, so that people will no longer suffer from the cold and live a warm and comfortable life; Let people feel warm in their hearts and feel my concern for them.

I want to plant it in poor mountain areas, so that it can produce many books with wonderful content and exquisite decoration. Let the children in the mountain areas also see beautiful books, enjoy wandering in the books, and travel in the sea of books; Let the children in the mountain area dare to feel the strong fragrance of books, appreciate the ups and downs in the books, and understand the philosophy of the world in the books.

I want to plant it in the war area, let it grow a flower of peace, and feel it open in people's hearts. Let the land no longer be filled with the smoke of war; Let the fierce war stop quickly; Let Chinese and Japanese soldiers in the war go home to reunite with their families; Let the people who have experienced war get rid of the shadow of war and live in harmony and happiness.

I will plant it on

Sowing at the spring equinox, I believe that in the near future, it will gradually grow, and you will reap rich fruits.

Magic Seed (11)

One day, I got a magic seed. I want to plant it and make it a tree growing on the earth, so that people can migrate in the future.

I found a piece of fertile land - the kind that can dig out earthworms. I took a shovel and a bucket of water, dug a small hole, carefully put the seeds in, filled the soil, and finally poured a bucket of water. In a flash, Xiaomiao appeared. I was surprised and excited. I went home happily. The first watering brought out seedlings at once, and the growth rate was amazing in the future. It grows more than ten centimeters in a year. In the future, no matter how busy I am every day, I will find time to water and fertilize it. In typhoon days, I will support it with a small stick and shelter it from the wind and rain with a small shed. Ten years later, twenty years later, it has grown into a towering tree. At that time, I was more than 30 years old, and the environment had been seriously polluted: the sky was black, and it was almost impossible to distinguish between day and night. The water was dirty and smelly, and it was almost impossible to drink. One autumn afternoon, I passed under the tree, looked up, ah! On the contrary, the earth of different sizes has grown up. Suddenly, several large earth fell from the tree. I just wanted to pick them up, but these earth unexpectedly floated up and went up into the sky. I looked up until I could not see. A few years later, the earth was no longer viable. Scientists found a earth, built a spaceship and flew over.

I think: we must protect the environment, if there is no earth, human beings will perish.

Magic Seed (12)

Once upon a time, there was a little boy who picked up a seed. It was very strange. There were four colors on the seed: green, red, yellow and white.

The little boy planted the seed carefully into the open space in the garden.

The next day, the little boy looked into the garden, and the pear flowers, sunflowers, and peach flowers on the balcony opened unexpectedly. More miraculously, the withered roses come back to life, and the flowers of the roses overlap. The dark red ones look like a flame from a distance, which is particularly charming. The little boy was puzzled, and even his parents could not tell why.

Another day, the sun seemed to be on fire, and waves of heat came to our faces. Everyone hid in the air-conditioned room and dared not come out to play with the sun baby. Even cicadas dared not call. In a blink of an eye, all the plants on the balcony turned yellow and began to bear fruit. The little boy rubbed his eyes and looked, wow! The pear tree was hung with heavy pears, the peach tree had bright fruit, and the sunflower had full melon seeds. The little boy screamed in surprise and thought: How come it is autumn so soon?

Another day, the snow was falling like goose feathers. The boy suddenly saw that all the plants were withered, and only the seed was still alive, bearing four fruits of four colors. The little boy thought: Why do plants grow so fast? Could it be this magic seed that is exerting magic power? Green on the fruit represents spring, red represents summer, yellow represents autumn, white represents winter, and this seed is a seasonal fruit, speeding up the whole year.

This is really a magic seed! Wow! If so, I will give it to the farmer uncle, so that he will not have to work so hard and can harvest more.

Magic Seed (13)

Miraculous Seed Puchang Primary School Class 5 (1) Miraculous Seed

At ordinary times, farmers' uncles work very hard in watering, fertilizing, sowing and transplanting seedlings in the fields. In this lesson, I will experience the feeling of being a farmer uncle and go to "sow" and harvest. I thought to myself: Can I be a good farmer? If a seed is sown, will it grow into a big tree? Can it bear fruit, a red apple, or a yellow pear? At this time, the teacher told everyone that she had "seeds". She took out a white paper bag and shook it at everyone. We were very curious. We guessed that the bag might contain mung beans, red beans, soybeans, etc. The teacher said, "This is a magic bean. As long as you plant it carefully, you can plant something different from others. We are all very excited. We reached our heads to see what was in the teacher's bag. Then the teacher gave the seed to every student. It was a" seed "made of newspaper. I pinched it with my hands and almost spoiled the seed. I think if this seed is planted, it must be a "newspaper tree".

I went outside and found a small piece of land. I started to loosen the soil first, then carefully put the seeds into the pit, buried them, and then watered them. I also silently practiced a few spells. I have just planted the seeds, and the sky is filled with raindrops. I think the rain can nourish my seeds, let them grow, blossom and bear fruit quickly. I returned to the classroom first, and other students also returned to the classroom one after another. We waited quietly for a while. After a while, the teacher also came into the classroom, and she announced that autumn was coming, and everyone was going to reap the fruits. We ran out of the classroom again and went to our respective planting places. I saw a candy lying there. This was the "fruit" I harvested. I am very happy. The teacher and we tasted the fruits of the harvest together. How sweet! I know that with hard work, I can get a harvest.

Magic Seed (14)

This morning, there were bursts of fragrance in the classroom. I followed the fragrance to find the source. It turned out that there were two more pots of flowers on our windowsill, which was shared by Mr. Cao of the next class. There are seeds but no flowerpots. That's no good. Miss Zhu found two flowerpots left by her former brothers and sisters. Everything is ready, only a little soil. Zhu went to the big tree on the campus and dug some soil, poured it into the flower pot, and planted the flowers in the pot. Under the careful care of Mr. Zhu, something amazing happened. Only two leaves sprouted out of the soil, just like mini coconut trees, green and lovely. But why do young plants grow in the soil? Maybe it was the parachute that the mother of dandelion prepared for her children, so that they could live everywhere. That's why the breeze blew them under the big tree, which happened to be dug out by Miss Zhu. This event reminds me of the 23rd issue of "The Plant Mother Has a Way", which tells how the plant mother can make her children live in the world.

Magic Seed (15)

Twenty years later, the development of the motherland is increasingly new, and the development of science and technology is even more rapid. Scientists have newly developed a convenient seed that can be planted anytime, anywhere, and convenient for people's daily life. Now let me introduce it carefully!

When you plant the seed, it will grow three tender and bright green leaves in an instant. The first green leaf has four words; Delicious food, after you click these four words with your hand, this young plant will quickly become a coconut tree as tall as yourself, with many coconuts on it, which are marked respectively; Curry rice, beef noodles, chocolate milkshakes, Guiling paste, milk, Shengdai, braised beef, etc., you can eat delicious food after knocking, which will make you feast your mouth.

On the second green leaf is written the means of transportation. When you tap it, it will also become a coconut tree as tall as you. The coconut is marked separately; Airplanes, cars, bicycles, buses, etc., knock the coconut open, and the transportation tools you need will appear in front of you, allowing you to drive.

The second green leaf is marked with houses, and the coconut is marked with Chinese style, Western style, and combination of Chinese and Western styles. You can also choose where to settle down, such as; Hangzhou West Lake with beautiful scenery and Chengdu, known as the Land of Abundance. The room also has all the things of an ordinary house.

The recipe of the magic seed is hidden in everyone's brain!

Magic Seed (16)

Miraculous seed - remember a special Chinese lesson. At ordinary times, farmer uncles water, fertilize, sow, and plant seedlings in the fields, which is very hard. In this lesson, I will experience the feeling of being a farmer uncle and go to "sow" and harvest. I thought to myself: Can I be a good farmer? If a seed is sown, will it grow into a big tree? Can it bear fruit, a red apple, or a yellow pear· At this time, the teacher told everyone that she had "seeds". She took out a white paper bag and shook it at everyone. We were very curious. We guessed that the bag might contain mung beans, red beans, soybeans, etc. The teacher said, "This is a magic bean. As long as you plant it carefully, you can plant something different from others. We are all very excited. We reached our heads to see what was in the teacher's bag. Next, the teacher gave the seed to every student. It turned out to be a" seed "made of newspaper. I pinched it with my hands and almost spoiled the seed. I think if this seed is planted, it must be a "newspaper tree"· I went outside and found a small piece of land. I started to loosen the soil first, then carefully put the seeds into the pit, buried them, and then watered them. I also silently practiced a few spells. I have just planted the seeds, and the sky is filled with raindrops. I think the rain can nourish my seeds, let them grow, blossom and bear fruit quickly. I returned to the classroom first, and other students also returned to the classroom one after another. We waited quietly for a while· After a while, the teacher also came into the classroom, and she announced that autumn was coming, and everyone was going to reap the fruits. We ran out of the classroom again and went to our respective planting places. I saw a candy lying there. This was the "fruit" I harvested. I am very happy. The teacher and we tasted the fruits of the harvest together. How sweet! I know that with hard work, I can get a harvest.

Magic Seed (17)

I took this seed for a walk in the garden. I saw a kitten, so I played with it and completely forgot about the seeds. Accidentally, the seed fell into a deep and small ditch. No matter what method I used, I couldn't get it out, and finally I had to give up.

On my birthday, when I came back to the garden, I was surprised to find that the seed had turned into a big watermelon. I invited my friends to my home. When I cut the watermelon, I found many gold seeds in it. I gave every friend a seed and gave the rest to those in need.

This matter reached the ears of a very bad landlord. He came to my house and insisted that I give him a seed. When I was worried, the little sparrow flew back with a different seed in its mouth. It flew around me as if to ask me to give the seed to the landlord, so I did.

The landlord, like me, planted the seeds in the field when he got home. When the watermelon was ripe, he cut it open and found that there was no gold seed in it. Instead, an old man with white beard appeared. The old man hit the landlord's head with his crutch, and then disappeared. Since then, the landlord has become a person and began to do good everywhere.

This is my magic seed.

Magic Seed (18)

One morning, my brother went out to farm. I saw a white haired grandfather, leaning on crutches, his face full of wrinkles, and he looked very poor. My brother sympathized with him. Although he was poor, he gave him some food. The grandfather said, "Young man, how can I repay you?" The younger brother said, "This is what I should do. I don't ask for a reward." "You are really a kind person." The grandfather then took out a big bag, which was full of seeds, "These are very miraculous seeds. Even in the wasteland, the seeds can sprout immediately. The vegetables grow out are very fresh, and the dishes made are delicious, just like delicious food. In addition, if greedy and stingy people use these dishes to make dishes, the taste will become very bitter, and it will be very painful to eat them." With that, the grandfather disappeared. It turned out that he was a fairy who helped those kind and poor people.

When my brother came home, he was dubious. He scattered some seeds in the soil, and the seeds immediately sprouted and grew into fresh vegetables, which was all seen by his brother. At noon, my brother made these vegetables into dishes, and the taste was really delicious. The elder brother thought: If it were such a good thing, how wonderful it would be if it were mine!

Coincidentally, the king recruited a chef, and a national competition will be held in a month's time. He will use his own vegetables to make dishes. Whoever makes delicious dishes will be the king's chef. My brother thought: If I become a chef, I won't be short of money! So the elder brother stole the seeds while the younger brother was sleeping at night and ran away from home. The next day, my brother woke up and found his brother and seed missing. He thought: What should I do? I want to be the king's chef, so I can feed myself and my brother. But the seed was taken away by my brother. No, I have to rely on myself to cheat the king with those seeds. Although I became the chef, if those seeds are used up, I can't tell the king. no way! I must stop my brother.

One month later, my brother came to the match site. He hid when he saw his brother, but he could not find him. The game started, and my brother was a little anxious. But he calmed down and cooked a dish conscientiously. The elder brother finished it quickly and gave it to the king. The younger brother also gave the dishes to the king. The king tasted his brother's first and said, "Well, this dish is delicious, comparable to delicious food, and suitable for the best chef." His brother heard this and said to the king quickly; "Please taste my food, Your Highness. It must be better than that man's food." The king tasted it. It was not only bitter, but also very painful. His younger brother saw it and thought of the old man's words. The king shouted angrily, "Come on, this villain dares to play tricks on me and put him in prison!" After that, a guard tied up his brother. His brother saw this situation, he quickly knelt down and begged the king: "Your highness, he is my brother, and I am his only relative! The chef I did not care about, please let him go!" The king was moved by him and asked someone to untie him, although he did not become the chef, But the king gave him a lot of money.

After the elder brother came home, the younger brother told him what the old man said, and decided to mend his ways and be a good man. They shared the money given by the king equally with the local poor people, so that they could live a happy life. In the evening, the grandfather said to his brother in his dream, "You don't need these seeds any more. I will take them back and help more people. You can make more delicious dishes by your perseverance."