Composition for (17 practical articles)
Hold hands to reminisce about the past
2024-05-23 02:48:42
Senior One

Composition for (1)

This summer is really a tough and long season. It's already the beginning of autumn, but it's still like a fire stove. Sweat beads seem to be stationed on my head, face, and body. They can't be waved away. They can come at once! In this ghost season, I thoroughly tasted the taste of fat people, and let my weight loss plan completely go to waste. It's not that I just say nothing, but I'm too lazy to move when I'm hot, and I sweat when I move. How can I talk about weight loss?

What makes me even more amazing is that the city reports that the eggs can't stand the high temperature and become chicks. They are dragging away! We don't know whether the quality of our asphalt pavement is not up to the standard, or the temperature is too high, and it has melted in the sun. Not to mention the sun rolled leaves, the bowed henna, the trumpet shaped corn leaves, and the hoarse cicadas, they are all praying for rain and cool wind in a unique way.

In this weather that is not suitable for going out, I went out against the poisonous sun and the hot wind, for nothing but to go to the library in the city to read some books and borrow some books, just to meet my desire to read, just to spend the least money and get the most spiritual nutrition, so I gave up for reading.

I thought that on such a hot day, there should not be many people with the same wish. But I didn't expect that the library door was full of people who came to seek knowledge, including adults and peers, who were waiting in front of the door. Maybe God was touched by our spirit. The library's door was so cool and windy from time to time. Although there was still a threatening heat wave in the wind, it was better than no wind at all. The sun is still the same, but when I see like-minded people fighting the sun for reading, my heart is full of coolness.

Under the scorching sun, I saw the future of our motherland, a bright future. Because there are teenagers who are not afraid of the scorching sun, and those who love reading and stand in the scorching sun, I want to shout to the scorching sun: You are afraid, we are stronger than you!

Composition for (2)

Everyone knows that we have only one earth. The postponement of life and the survival of human beings cannot be higher than natural resources for a moment. In the face of the current situation of the earth today, no one with a little conscience can be worried about the future of the earth.

Looking around, in many places, the green mountains are no longer green, the green water is no longer green, the river is full of smelly water, and there are many plastic bags floating on it. Although there are garbage sorting bins on the roadside, some leftovers and check the recycled garbage are dumped on the roadside, giving off a foul smell. Walking on the street, waste paper scraps and plastic bags fly in the sky with the wind, and many creatures are extinct... Please save water for the future of the earth. China is a big country short of water. In many places, people and animals drink very much water. Now we have at least water to eat. Think about it, you have the heart to let water flow through your fingertips. Therefore, when people brush their teeth, please turn off the tap and turn it on when they need to wash. When you apply foam bath lotion on your body, please turn off the shower tap and turn it on when they need to wash.

For the sake of the earth's tomorrow, don't litter. Garbage will make us ill. Don't hunt wild animals. Many animals are on the verge of extinction. Don't exploit mineral resources indiscriminately. Our earth resources are limited. For the sake of the earth's tomorrow, please actively recycle waste paper and try to use recycled paper. Do you know that recycling 1000 kg of waste paper can produce 800 kg of recycled paper, which means that 17 trees can be cut down less. The expired calendar paper can be used to wrap the book cover, and your used textbooks can be left to junior students for reuse twice.

For the future of the earth, please save resources. You should know that 13 plastic bags can be used to make an environmental protection garment; Recycling 600 tons of waste aluminum can regenerate a different kind of aircraft, recycling 200 tons of glass, and building another Luofu glass pyramid... Think about it, because you are too lazy to recycle and litter waste, what you throw away will be the earth where our human beings live!

For the sake of the earth's tomorrow, let's start from ourselves and cherish our earth, which is already riddled with holes!

Composition for (3)

She is just an ordinary woman. She is entering middle age. She has a stable income. She is diligent and thrifty. She never forgets her husband and daughters. Her life is dull but happy. As a member of the whole life, she is grateful for her insipidity. Women's desire is always weak. Seeing that her daughter has entered the university, everything is well, what else should she pursue? No greed for money, no power, happiness is firmly in the palm. Perhaps the only worry is that the parents of both husband and wife are seriously ill. She keeps her responsibilities in mind and devotes herself to being a competent daughter and daughter-in-law. She firmly believes that anything can survive. Unexpectedly, another more severe test has been quietly shrouded in her sky like a heavy haze.

Fate always fools the kind-hearted people. At the end of last month, a pale critical illness sheet attacked the family mercilessly, and she was found to be suffering from a terminal disease. Suddenly, the happiness that you touch is just like a mirror, and it seems that everything is no longer beautiful. The cruel disease never understood the meaning of life to people and pushed her to the abyss. What can she do?

She can still afford all the medical expenses when she enjoys the medical insurance for serious illness. Her family and friends are trying to persuade her not to give up hope. It's nothing terrible. Everyone is ready to take the responsibility together. But she refused the doctor's advice and refused all the advice. Just smile lightly and accept calmly and peacefully. Like the wild goose galloping freely in the sky, flying freely towards the mileage of life.

Who doesn't love his life? Everyone who goes to the world naked wants to stay longer and longer. Life is too short! So many expectations, so many expectations, without enough time, who will not leave a permanent regret? At this time, she wished to take good care of Shuangmai's parents' bed, to see her daughter come back from school and start a family, and to accompany her husband to grow old together and enjoy her life. Or, she would like to bathe in the holy baptism of the first day and the beautiful sunset glow. Living is the greatest gift of God!

But she is more aware of her responsibilities. She does not want her relatives to be tired of her, and does not want to extend her life with more money and energy. She was afraid of such demands and simply thought that giving up treatment might be the best choice. She would rather not have the so-called medical insurance. Start to cherish, cherish the limited time left. She straightened out her original work, handed it over to others, and straightened out every corner of her life. What can we be afraid of when we know that we are going to waste our dreams? Instead, she gave her more love, more concern for her daughter, more consideration for her husband, more consideration for relatives and friends, and considered everything. Everything is unimportant. True love permeates every fertile soil of life.

The fragile body was originally wrapped with such a strong and stubborn soul. She was such a person, so ordinary, so strong, and so dutiful.

She wants to make such sacrifice for her relatives at last, but how can they accept it? Maybe she is also wrong. The pain of losing her is also an insurmountable gap for relatives. No, she has another responsibility - to live well, even if there is only one ten thousandth hope, she should also live for her relatives! Relatives will not give up their efforts to let her receive treatment, and she will never compromise until now. A stalemate caused by love continues, and both of them are committed to love.

Life is beautiful because of love. Let's pray that all the strong souls, all the sparks of true love, will continue the miracle of life! Such a miracle is the most beautiful.

Composition for (4)

The dream is like a compass, guiding the way forward for us. Once the dream is put into action, it will become extremely wonderful.

My uncle's brother plays the piano very well. Every time I listen to him play, I am fascinated. I hope I can achieve something in this field in the future, so I joined the piano team without hesitation.

One day, my teacher asked me to practice a piece of music and said that I would check it three days later. When I got home, I sat in front of the piano, held the music in my hands, and carefully examined the rows of dizzy notes. "Practice first," I said to myself. It is not too difficult to play with one hand, but it is a bit difficult to play with two hands. Either the right hand is slow, or the left hand forgets the rising tone. A beautiful tune, which I pointed out, turned out to be extremely unpleasant. I was a little impatient, and just heard the noise outside the house, so I threw the music aside and ran out of the house.

In the evening, when I came home, I saw my brother sitting in front of the piano, practicing against the slightly wrinkled music score. He played very fluently. At the end of the song, I asked curiously: "How long did you practice this song?" "I practiced this song when I was a child." I was a little surprised and continued to ask: "How long did you practice then?"

"One morning and one afternoon."

"How can you practice so long?"

"Practicing the piano is to work hard for your dream. It is impossible to make a direct proportion of your efforts and gains, but if you don't pay, you will certainly not get any gains."

At this moment, I seemed to understand something and went back to the piano to practice seriously.

Now, no matter how difficult and boring it is to practice the piano by myself, I will always say in my heart: "For my dream!" (instructor Xu Menglin)

Composition for (5)

Reading is for the country and writing for yourself

In real life or work and study, many people have written compositions, which can improve our language organization ability. I believe many friends are very distressed about writing compositions. The following is a careful reading by the editor for the country and his own composition. I hope it can help everyone.

Since ancient times, no successful person has not had both ability and virtue. They all contribute their strength to the country and society, thus revitalizing China.

Dong Zhongshu studied hard in the study for three years. Behind the study is a beautiful garden. But she didn't go in for three years because of his efforts and determination. He became a famous thinker in the Western Han Dynasty.

Qian Xuesen is a well-known figure. He returned home from overseas to serve his country at any cost. With his unremitting efforts, he produced China's first missile. Qian Xuesen learned a lot of knowledge and nutrition abroad. Keep learning and working hard until the opportunity is ripe, and return to China to carry forward China's science. Perhaps, many people are puzzled. Why is he so powerful? Maybe when he was very young, he swore like a man that I would study hard! Serve the motherland!

Yes, Dong Zhongshu and Qian Xuesen are two shining examples. Of course, not everyone has a godlike mind like them. We just need to study hard and do our best to repay our family and society. Maximize your potential and you will get unexpected results.

Indeed, sometimes studying hard may not be all for the purpose of serving the motherland, but it can also be regarded as my 'dream', what I have always hoped for and expected.

Sun Honglei, he is a famous actor, but who knows how much he sacrificed for his success today? When he was young, he applied for the Central Theater Academy. Later, he began to lose weight because he did not meet the requirements, and lost 36 kg. About 700 people signed up, but only one person was admitted, Sun Honglei.

He has been close to his dream, step by step, steadfastly.

Now, my dream is to be a doctor, but it takes more than one line to apply for medical university, so from now on, I will study hard and work hard for my youth dream!

Boys and girls, please hurry up while we are still young and we are still white headed! For the rise of China, for their own dreams, study hard!

Composition for (6)

I have a dream that when I grow up, I will become a Wulin expert, just like Bruce Lee, Jackie Chan and Jet Li in kung fu movies. They are handsome and powerful, and they can also fight the tyrant and pacify the good, act bravely, and glorify China. This is my "martial arts dream".

I still remember one time when a thief stole a passenger's wallet on a bus and was found by the crowd around. At this time, a frightening scene appeared - the thief who had nowhere to escape suddenly took out a knife, which was bright, and the people on the bus did not dare to speak. I was also frightened, and the air seemed to freeze now. When the bus arrived at the station, the arrogant thief got off the bus and left.

I was very angry and helpless. I thought that if I knew martial arts, I could teach him a lesson, take his knife, and send him to the public security bureau for justice. Since then, I have a dream that I will practice martial arts hard and become a Wulin expert, so that I can eliminate evil and be a man and hero who stands up to the heaven and earth. My parents supported me when they knew my idea, and sent me to a master to learn martial arts. Therefore, I got an indissoluble bond with martial arts.

My master is a soldier. His martial arts are very good. He is a seven section master. He is very strict with me. He is meticulous in horse stance and palms. Sometimes he even needs to practice one action for a whole day to let me pass the exam. I'm exhausted! Practicing martial arts means that failure and success coexist, and hardship and joy coexist. However, inspired by the enlightenment teacher, the spirit of not being discouraged, not giving in to defeat, and forging ahead has always inspired me. I am now practicing Changquan, which is one of the northern martial arts in China. Next year I will have a martial arts rank exam. I hope I can pass the three rank exam.

I love martial arts, which is my inexhaustible motivation for learning martial arts. With the increasingly hard martial arts training, I also understand the profound cultural heritage of martial arts as the quintessence of China. I hope that through my efforts, this culture can be inherited and continued.

I believe that as long as I train hard and unremittingly, my "martial arts dream" will be realized. I will become an expert in the Wulin and a chivalrous man who can uphold justice!

Composition for (7)

If the heart is there, the dream is there. The reason why the dream flower is beautiful is that behind it, there is a root who is not afraid of hardships and struggles hard. Let's shout to ourselves: Come on for the dream—— notes preceding the text of a book or following the title of an article

A soft wind blows across the earth, and a holy dandelion leaves its mother's arms. In order to dream, it chooses to leave home; A drop of rain drifted across the sky, and a golden leaf left the branch. In order to dream, it chose to mix with the soil; A thunder resounded through the sky, and an eagle rushed to the dark clouds. In order to dream, it chose to fight the storm. In order to get into a good high school and make this dream come true, I said to myself, Come on!

It is sour like vinegar

When I entered the first day of junior high school, the speed up of the rhythm and the variety of homework made me fall into the abyss. The new learning environment, the new teachers and students made me lose my direction, and suddenly I felt like a snail with a heavy shell on my back, which made me breathless. Homework is forgotten to be delivered again and again, resulting in the teacher's blaming eyes; In class, students actively answered questions, but I hid in a corner because I couldn't keep up with the teacher. The taste of learning is sour and astringent, but for the sake of dreams, I said to myself, Come on!

It is as spicy as liquor

When I entered the second year of junior high, I finally adapted to the environment and the teacher and started a new study. However, the failure of the exam made my eyes darken. Walking alone on the round runway of the campus, it was raining in the sky unconsciously. I didn't run or hold an umbrella, so I walked slowly in the rain, letting the rain drop on my face, only feeling the pain. My face was wet. I didn't know whether it was rain or tears. Sliding down my cheeks, I felt a pungency stabbing my heart. That pungency woke me up. For my dream, I said to myself, Come on!

With Coke like enthusiasm

Entering the third day of junior high, the pressure on the body seems to be heavier and the time is tighter. Everyday, we are constantly shuttling back and forth between "three o'clock and one line". There are no more figures of us playing on the playground, no more figures of us crowding and shouting in the canteen, and no more figures of us chatting in the dormitory. A passion was ignited when we entered the third day of junior high. We spoke actively in class and discussed enthusiastically in class, The enthusiasm of students to learn from each other has melted my closed mind, and the enthusiasm for knowledge is like a flame burning in my heart. Although this kind of life is a little hard and tired, I said to myself, Come on!

With the farewell of Mother Moon, I entered a sweet dream. In the dream, I, dandelion, leaves and eagles shouted to the world under the dark blue sky, for my dream, come on!

Composition for (8)

In the dormitory for love, a wall that is not very clean and quiet is beside me, with cracks on it. I don't know how many people have been here like us: "secretly" holding snacks, holding a pen, while pondering, while talking and laughing. The yellow light of the large gathering light outside is blended with the white energy-saving light inside, reflecting on the mottled wall. The lights in the distance are like stars in the dark forest. Such a dark night reminds me of the same night. The faint yellow halo is drawn in the dark night, giving them hope in their hearts. I have read The Light of the Cave since primary school, but every time, there is an impulse to cry in their tears. In spring, they are estranged from their parents and have conflicts with them for various reasons. They quarreled and became angry. They shed tears and repented. Everything is like me. I remember that what I hated most was to see my mother quarreling with my father. The reason was always very simple. My father was for his mother, and my mother was for me. The battle between motherly love and motherly love, the loud and harsh voice, let me feel like drowning in the endless screams of terror. In the face of these, I will always be very dissatisfied to kick the door heavily. It was not until that moment, when I saw the young man repenting, that I remembered: "Everything starting from love together can be forgiven." They quarreled for love; In order to love, you can hurt others, even the people they love most. I thought my father was selfish. However, I found that after several years, I also quarreled with others for love, until my throat became hoarse, until I could not make a sound, until I could not breathe.

Their parents, for greater love, have given up their own things, which are emotions and materials. The parents had conflicts for love and their own love. Although my father didn't do it for me, he did too much for me. What should he do for grandma and his mother. And I, for learning, for friends, for hobbies, have been living up to too long. I should also do something for my parents. Even a word of greeting, a small action, a simple and short message can move my parents. The biggest distance between hearts is the depth of the gap between people. Let us collide with each other to feel the beauty, strangeness and depth of love. For the sake of love, go to heart collision! When it rained, it dropped on the cement ground that had been scorched by the scorching sun. It seemed that every water molecule was moistening the ground and seeping down rapidly, as if it had been eliminated layer by layer. I think I, no, we would like to like this rain to moisten the heart burned by pressure, life, career and family! Because, for love, we can give everything.

Composition for (9)

We study every day, but have you ever thought about who we study for?

Many people are learning mechanically, so they can't do a good job. Although they are learning every day, they are forced by teachers and parents. Some people are excellent at learning because they know that learning is for themselves, not for teachers, but for parents, so they can do things well. I remember one time when I wrote my homework at home. In order to paste the task, I wrote very ugly words. In the middle of the writing, I remembered the teacher said that learning is for myself, so I got serious about the next topic. I remember another time, the English teacher assigned a preview assignment. When I picked up the pen, I thought again: since the teacher would not check tomorrow, many people would certainly not do it. Why should I spend that time preparing carefully? Just read the book several times. So I quickly put down my pen, picked up the book and read it several times. I found that many times I would not, but also want to cheat through, open one eye, close one eye. But when I finished reading the book and wanted to take a rest, I remembered the words "learn for yourself" again. I hesitated for a moment, frowned, picked up the pen, and carefully prepared.

The next day, the teacher did not check, but I was very comfortable. There was no end, so I didn't have to hide. Every time I want to be lazy, this sentence will come to me to remind me that learning is for myself. I think: before studying, you should always ask yourself, who am I studying for? Maybe in this way, you can know how to learn. After learning, you should also ask yourself, have I learned for myself? I hope everyone can learn for themselves. We should have a sense of responsibility. It is not a task to complete. Maybe we can learn well in this way.

Composition for (10)

Thousands of sad willow catkins are fluttering in the air under the guidance of the wind, arousing the dissatisfaction of pedestrians. The plush catkins are blowing on the cheeks. In this impetuous season, it may be difficult for anyone to accept it, ignore it, and take it away from the hair gap with the next round of light wind.

Walking in from the outside, a cool feeling came to my face, invigorated myself, walked to my seat, looked at the classmates around and talked and laughed. It was a busy day

At the most childish time, the teacher asked me to write my dream in the file bag. After I wrote three words of "scientist" with great dignity, I gladly stuffed it into the bag and handed it to the teacher. The teacher smiled and patted my head gently. I didn't care much at that time, so I bounced back to my seat to talk with my classmates.

Time is a cruel destroyer. When the tree of dreams is not long, it has been eroded by time.

Now that I am in a tight position, I have forgotten my original lofty words and ambitions, and my boldness when I wrote down my dreams. Loving on the table full of test papers and books all day long, two eyes will only stare at the blood red number above the test paper, allowing it to control people's hearts, numb people, and gradually forget what is lacking in this society itself.

At the beginning, I entered the campus with a simple dream, thinking of the three words inscribed on the wall of my heart. When I opened the first book, the door of the abyss clamped a tender foot. The young man who was shrinking in the crowd, his clean heart was covered with a dark light. I guessed the beginning, but not the end.

When I grew up, I found that my dream was flying away from me little by little, and I gradually felt that my dream became unreachable, like the bright moon embedded in the night sky, which was a beautiful thing that could not be touched. Every time I think about this, I always feel a kind of inexplicable sadness, bumping between atria and ventricles.

Struggle is the labyrinth leading to the ideal. On the one hand, we face the light, and on the other hand, we face the bottomless abyss. From the moment when we establish the dream, our destiny has been doomed, and we will go to all sides.

Willow catkins sang songs for us in this busy summer, and danced in a high and proud manner. I think I understood the teacher's smile at that time, and was surprised to see a happy smiling face that I had never seen before. It was not too late. Even if we were about to wave our hands and run to each other's distance in this summer, I would also be in an unknown corner, I miss you silently. I Love YouMost.Forever,ever,ever……

Linshu No. 2 Middle School in Linshu County, Linyi, Shandong Province, Grade 3: 1140499927

Composition for (11)

If you feel very good, welcome to comment and share~Thank you for your reading and support!

What did I do that day? I didn't know whether it was a dull day, a confused day, or a lonely poison in front of the window at night.

In the morning, both parents went out to work, and they had their own brother, which once again became a lonely shadow. In fact, this is also very good. We can have a quiet space to see our true self - hehe, is all this true? No, decadent. We don't travel in the sea of knowledge with books in our arms. We are dreaming and escaping. It is a cruel reality. It is the kind of fear that the school brings to us, the indelible fear of homework, books, knowledge. What we can do, no one knows, will only mourn the passing of time again and again, mourn alone, lie quietly on the bed, close your eyes, let the darkness play a song for me, and throw me to sleep!

When my parents come back, I will greet them with a smile and show my hypocritical tired face, confusing the eyes of time, parents and heart.

I can no longer see the road ahead, because I am afraid, afraid that I have been deeply poisoned by loneliness

Third day: Immortal Feather

Composition for (12)

If you feel very good, welcome to comment and share~Thank you for your reading and support!

For the future of the earth

Ye Guikang is looking into the boundless space, and there is a blue planet. It is wrapped with white ribbons, dotted with yellow and green. It is the only home for human survival - the Earth. The earth was born billions of years ago. At that time, it could be said that it was beautiful, pollution-free and full of vitality. But the earth is "dying" now. What's the reason—— It is called human overexploitation of natural resources. It is a disaster caused by some people, such as debris flows, landslides, etc., which all erode it. Now, it is urgent to protect the earth. First, we should reduce the 'exploitation' of resources. Because of overexploitation, the earth is "almost hollowed out". We can balance nature by reducing the number of times of mining or the amount of mining each time. Excessive waste will exhaust resources. Therefore, if we want to reduce the exploitation of resources, we must first learn to economize. For example, more waste is used. The used paper, after production and processing, can become recycled paper, which can not only be recycled, but also save wood; When it comes to wood, I have to mention it. Some manufacturers call the wooden strip "waste wood" because there are a few nails on it, and they will never use it again. In fact, it is very wasteful. Students, for the sake of the earth's tomorrow, let's protect the environment together and appeal for environmental protection together!

Junior two: Ye Guikang

Composition for (13)

For my dream

The goshawk dares to accept the test of life and death in order to realize its dream of flying high; Rainbow dares to accept the baptism of wind and rain in order to realize its colorful dream; Epiphyllum is willing to bear the neglect of the past in order to realize its blooming dream; Meteor is willing to give up his shining life in order to realize his beautiful dream. The meaning of dreams is to pay, and all the efforts for dreams are worthwhile.

I remember once hearing a sentence, 'When you want to give up, think about what supported you to the present' is a dream. When you are tired, tired, and tired, please think about the joy of success after hard work. How exciting and proud it is. It is an inexpressible joy. It is more joyful than anything.

The great musician Beethoven, in 1804, his deafness had completely lost the hope of healing, his lover left him, and a series of spiritual blows put Beethoven on the verge of death. However, Beethoven did not choose to die because of this. He wrote in a letter: "It is unimaginable that I would leave the world if I didn't create anything." Beethoven launched a vigorous creative climax in the most painful period of his life. The injustice of fate to him did not make him give up his dream. He persevered in the past. In this way, day after day, year after year, He finally created the shocking movement "Symphony of Destiny"

Zhang Haidi, a famous disabled writer, was diagnosed with spinal cord hemangioma when she was young. It was this disease that caused her high paraplegia. She could not go to school with her friends of the same age, so she taught herself. She used mirror reflection to read books on her sickbed. Finally, she learned four languages with amazing perseverance, successfully translated 16 overseas works and published several books.

Buddha said: "One flower, one leaf, one spring and autumn". But I want to say that a dream is a life, and life is colorful because of the embellishment of dreams. Only under the sunshine can bubbles shine brightly; Flowers can only be beautiful and moving against the background of green leaves. Similarly, dreams can only be successful with unremitting persistence.

"If you have a dream, go after it." No matter how remote and difficult it is, as long as you believe in yourself, it is a miracle. Stick to your dreams and believe that we can all realize our dreams. "Instead of regretting today with tears, it is better to fight for tomorrow with sweat". Take dreams as the goal. From now on, start with dreams, set sail with dreams, leap with dreams, and let dreams find their destination

For my dream

I am neither a dragonfly nor a wild goose, but I will fly higher and farther towards my dream.

notes preceding the text of a book or following the title of an article

My name is Manzhu Sha Hua, also called Bian Hua, a flower that is hated by others and symbolizes death. Therefore, I have a frightening name: Flower of Death!

I am very beautiful, blood red flowers, but my flowers and leaves will never meet, just like fate is doomed to miss. Those seemingly enchanting fiery reds made people feel the breath of death, and the perfect appearance could not hide my sad soul... I symbolize sad memories, but I am not reconciled. I do not want to make all people hate me. In the depths of my soul, I have such a dream: I want to get rid of the fate of being rejected and become like a peony, Flowers sought after by people.

When I was in full bloom, I could not see my leaves. I cried and wanted to find my leaves, but I could not find them. All people complained about me, saying that my arrival had killed the leaves. I argued with them, but I failed. I could not argue with them. They said that I was pregnant with death and would only bring endless bad luck. I do not believe that, Why am I born to be ridiculed? I cried, I shouted, I made a noise, but no one paid attention to me. I missed my mother so much that only her could comfort me. I searched and searched. I finally found my mother.

My mother said to me, "My child, remember, you are Manzhu Sha Hua, but you are not only a symbol of sad memories and the call of death, but also a symbol of mutual yearning and beautiful purity." I was relieved, and I left my mother happily again to find my own "heaven". I try my best to absorb water and nutrients, and try my best to bloom my flowers to the maximum. I hope that one day, I can be praised and loved by people.

After many days of hard work, what I gain is that my roots are poisonous and will make people sick. I am depressed and upset. Why? Why do I bring misfortune to people? I found my mother again, and my mother gave me new hope: child, just because the roots of our Bi'an flower are poisonous, we can benefit mankind, we can resist cancer that mankind cannot cure, and there are many plagues, child, remember, you are Manzhu Sha Hua, but you will not only bring disease to people, you are also the guardian god of health, It is the relic of human beings! For your dreams, don't care what others think of you. "

I nodded, and then left my mother again. I now understand that no matter how hard and difficult it is to pursue your dream, no matter how others look at you, don't give up on yourself, believe that everything has two sides, no matter what the result, success or not, as long as you work hard, it is enough, and only stick to your dream, Will usher in resplendence!

For my dream

Dream accompanies us to grow, it can support everything and give us power. Dream, what a beautiful word. For it, people gave their sweat, efforts and even lives. However, not all people can reach the palace of dreams and knock on the door of dreams. I, for my dream, am willing to accept all the arrangements of God!

The dream, accompanied by the footprint of growth, slowly matures in the heart. All of a sudden, three years later, when I was in the third grade, I began to learn a new subject - English. It is the "dream" I have been longing for and expecting. When I think about it, I will feel happy and excited, because this is the first step for me to realize my dream. It is not difficult to speak English, and it is not easy to speak English simply. As long as you study hard, you should learn English well no matter how difficult it is.

"If you have a dream, go after it." No matter how remote and difficult it is, just believe in yourself. Stick to your dreams and believe that we can all realize our dreams. "Instead of regretting today with tears, it is better to fight for today with sweat". Take dreams as the goal. From now on, start with dreams, set sail with dreams, leap with dreams, and let dreams find their rightful destination... And I will meet it in the distant future. It belongs to me, but dreams belong to everyone.

Dream is something that everyone should have. We cannot deprive ourselves of the right to dream. No one can interfere with it or take it away. It is the driving force of our life. With dreams, we have a way forward. For our own dreams, there are some things we must do. Dreams are great. With dreams, life becomes wonderful and meaningful. In order to achieve our dreams, we have to work hard, but in the process of realizing our dreams, we will encounter many difficulties. Only when we are willing to work hard, have perseverance, and have confidence can we overcome difficulties and become the final winner.

Dream is only a part of our life, but also an indispensable part. Without it, our life is incomplete.

For my dream

Everyone has dreams, and we have paid for our dreams, but some people have worked hard for a long time, for a long time, and have never achieved them.

What causes the different results? I think the sweat paid in the process is different. For example, are you willing to devote your life to your dream? Many people will answer that the dream is to live a better life, but it is not worth paying all your life for instant success. However, since we have chosen the goal, we should go to achieve it despite the difficulties and obstacles.

Just like this exam, before the exam, our goal was the most ordinary, and our dream was the most ordinary, not only that we had a good score in the exam, but also that we ranked a little higher! Although we are tired in reviewing, it is a little annoying to have to do it on our own, but these are just the paving stones for our success. On Friday, the Chinese, English and math scores were handed out. Some people are exultant, some people are pale, some people want to cry without tears

This review period is like a gravel road, and we walk on it barefoot. Only when the stones hurt the most, the wind blows the coldest, and the rain drizzles the wettest, can our fruits be sweeter. But those who are unwilling to suffer disasters and only know how to enjoy success will never get fruits. Even if they do get fruits, they are bitter, astringent and hard to swallow. How can they compare with others?

Mr。 Xu once said that in the society, we will all be like hungry wolves, but there is only so much food that everyone can't have a share, so we must first lay a good foundation and raise physical strength, so that we can eat enough. Just like a tiger and a rabbit, you can know who is the king without competition. Now we are like young cubs running on the same road. Only through wind and rain can we become tigers. Those who do not experience anything but grow up under the protection of others must be rabbits with little strength.

Epiphyllum is willing to endure long loneliness for its dream of appearing once in many years; For his dream of soaring in the sky, the eagle resolutely accepted the severe test; Rainbow dares to accept the baptism of wind and rain for its colorful dream; Meteor would rather pay a heavy price for his instantaneous beautiful dream.

Once the dream is put into action, it will become extremely wonderful.

For my dream

Spring is the season of life, and dreams also grow great respect in this season, like sending invitations to butterflies and bees to participate in open concerts; Summer is the season for the vigorous development of all things, and it is a dream. The expedition team also set sail here, carrying green feelings and childish ideas, to explore the sea of the future. Autumn is the harvest season, and everything shows the joy of success from the bone. In winter, everything is quiet, and we are saving strength for the new development of the next year.

Dream is a good partner for success. In spring, everything is reviving. The little tree grows new leaves. He must be thinking, "I must grow as tall as my grandfather." This is the ideal of the little tree. A corn said, "I must grow the largest corn in the world." This is its dream. Xiaoxi said, "I must throw myself into my mother's arms." Oh, this is Xiaoxi's dream.

A dream may always be a dream and may become a dusty memory, but we must dare to think that with a dream, we will have a goal. With a goal, we will be motivated to become a monk every day. With power, we can draw a starting line for the long run of life.

Dreams should have behaviors. As the saying goes, just talk without practice. The first step is better than all the brave words before the expedition. Some people's dreams are very lofty, while some people's dreams are only at this stage. Everyone's dream is different. As far as I am concerned, I didn't want to be a scientist or an astronaut in the past, nor did I want to work when I grew up. My dream now is just to be admitted to a good high school, and I find that I have been wandering between doing and not doing. There is a big difference between saying before doing and saying after doing. The first step towards the dream is the first whistle of the fleet before departure. Although the journey will not be smooth, the most important thing is that we have taken practical actions for our dreams.

Action is the best language for a person to express his thoughts. The meaning of dreams is not to realize them, but to explore them.

I may not be as tough as the pine tree in the cliff, and I may not be as strong as the stream in the winding river, but I will work hard. I firmly believe that one day, I will find myself on the highland of success.

Dear friends, what are you going to do for your dream?

For my dream

In the world, maybe everything is gray. Only the other end of the thought and reality is bright, and that brilliant place is the dream place. All things in the world just need to spread their wings to bypass the rocks, clouds and light.

a flash in the pan. Such a long wait will result in three hours of nostalgia. Its dream is to open up! Although it is at night, it may be better to open quietly. It doesn't have to worry about being watched like other flowers. It is just for itself. It doesn't need light and expectation. It just passes silently. In the days covered in the bud, it is growing, working hard and accumulating energy. It knows that it needs the power to break through the night fog. Just wait, waiting for the moment of blooming, waiting for the moment when dreams shine.

Epiphyllum ah! Why wait so long? If this is your destiny, can't you change it? Oh, just for the sake of dreams. The light of dreams attracts you and makes you rush into them regardless of everything. The realization of dreams will make you feel that the previous training is worth it!

The eagle places all his expectations on the sky.

When he is in his nest, he starts to sing to the sky. The big sky will make him free and comfortable. With plump feathers and powerful wings, it looks forward to flying and the happiness brought by the sky. It began to learn how to fly. It hoped to soar to the sky and fly to every corner of the sky. However, it has been scarred by falling time after time. However, dreams make it full of power. The power of dreams makes it impossible to give up. Oh, when a figure draws an arc in the air, the eagle touches the dream. Of course, the realization of the dream has not stopped. It also needs to avoid the pursuit of thunder and lightning and withstand the erosion of rain.

Eagle! Why be so persistent? The sky is not perfect. Is it still so stubborn? Oh, it's better to dream. The free giving of dreams can make you happy, and the unbridled will make your blood flow.

We should also strive with our own dreams. What are the difficulties during this period? What is the heavy price? Perhaps, after these ups and downs, the warmth of the sun will make you sigh about the small suffering before.

Composition for (14)

In the light study, work and life, many people have had the experience of writing a composition. They are no strangers to composition. With the help of composition, they can vent their feelings and adjust their mood. How to write a composition to avoid stepping on thunder? The following is the composition carefully arranged by the editor for that promise. Welcome to learn and reference, and hope it will be helpful to everyone.

The long life is not a straight highway, it is a passage made up of different terrain, leading to the end of life. There are rugged mountains and roads, bridges across rivers, and low valleys... so there are people. Unconsciously, I have overcome all difficulties and come to the first place to test my ability - the high school entrance exam!

So everyone became nervous. Many months ago, I made a secret decision to fight against the enemy. Of course, at the same time, they will be separated from their friends who have been with them for three years.

Yes, no one is still a naive child once. We know how to think, know the responsibility, and also have to give up. So, in the first semester of the third day of the junior high school, I made a promise with several friends to rush for the high school entrance exam and enter the high school together. So, I don't know whether I feel that this promise has become my biggest motivation, just because I don't give up.

In fact, there must be some people who will say that there are few friends in the world. Isn't there a saying "all men are brothers"? But in this materialistic world, how many friends can really be sincere for a long time? So treasure it!

Gradually, this promise has influenced my life. When I am tired, it will push me and let me persist; When I am sleepy, it will wake me up and let me see the road ahead confusing the unknown! It gave me strength to push away the stones blocking the way; It gave me courage to walk through thorns; It also gave me confidence, let me dare to fight in the storm, dare to sail in the rough.

With motivation, people will have perseverance, will persist, will dare to challenge the unknown, to overcome all difficulties, and sit on the rainbow and smile!

So, for the sake of that promise, I insisted, and I also decided not to "bow". I struggle, perhaps not a promise, but that love, that friendship, that eternal.

Brothers who hope to make a promise with me, don't give up. Even the darkest sky can't resist the sunshine. Perseverance, fighting to the end! Fulfill that promise, for that love, that friendship, that eternity!

Composition for (15)

People with a little experience know Buffett, who is the only one who becomes a billionaire by investing in stocks. His principle of being less popular and better at goals. Before the new goal is confirmed, he will make a very accurate estimate of the possibility of reaching the goal. Only when he is absolutely sure can he implement it. He once asked the boss of a home furnishing company whether he could sell the company to him. The boss offered $6000, and he directly wrote a check for payment. The company proved to be worth at least $8600. It is precisely because Buffett has set his goal for a long time, and has observed it for a long time and recognized its value, so that he can seize every opportunity to maximize his own interests.

Compared with Buffett, another person is also familiar to us. Helen Keller, who was rated by Mark Twain as one of the most noteworthy people in the 19th century, is another person who was rated as Napoleon. For her, the most important person besides her family is her teacher, Miss Sullivan. The teacher said to her: If you want to achieve your goal, you must firmly remember the word "hard work". As long as you choose the right direction and work hard, there will be no higher mountains in the world. Only when little Helen in the dark remembered this sentence did her world have a bright light. From learning to speak to writing books, he overcame the "insurmountable" difficulties of every ordinary person and achieved every goal he wanted to achieve. It was precisely because she set up correct goals and made ten times more efforts to accomplish them, It is praised by the Encyclopedia Britannica as the most successful disabled person in history.

Goals can help you grasp the present, overcome difficulties, and even change your destiny. For Konosuke Matsushita, he is a person who has identified the goal and can make a decisive choice and persevere in his struggle. It is precisely because of this that Matsushita has achieved. First, he quit his job in the bike shop that everyone admired, and set his goal of electrical appliances, so he went to Osaka Electric Light Company. But it was hit. So he opened his own small workshop with five employees, including the Panasonic couple and his brother, but the factory was not opened successfully but failed repeatedly. However, she was not intimidated. Although she could only pawn clothes when it was most difficult, he identified the electrical industry, established Panasonic Electrical Appliance Manufacturing Institute, and finally began his successful creative career. Decades later, his goal was achieved, and Panasonic was ranked 17th in the world's top 500. His fate was changed only when he formally set goals and took positive actions in the right direction.

People realize their goals through efforts in reality. Only when you have a goal and work hard for it can you see a farther view. The right direction is the beginning of success. If you have a goal and are willing to work for it, your life will not be dull!

Composition for (16)

Today, I watched on TV that the new generation spaceship "Shenzhou 10" is about to launch. With the order of "Five, four, three, two, one, launch!", "Shenshi" took off. I saw it flying into space with a long tail, and I was very excited. This is the third time that China has carried a man into space!

Today, Wang Yaping, the only female astronaut, gave us a lecture in space. She mainly told us that the ball did not spin down at different heights like on the earth, but stopped there. He also talked about Einstein's laws of physics, which are different in space. He also talked about a lot of knowledge, which I was fascinated by. It seems that I am also in space, and have a feeling of immersive. I think our country is too great. When I grow up, I also want to be an astronaut and build a long orbit between space and the earth. When the time comes, all the people on earth can come to space freely. I also want to build tourist resorts on those lonely planets, so that the people on earth can travel happily and tell them the stories of these planets!

This is my space dream. I will work hard for my dream! come on.

Composition for (17)

Class 1, Grade 8 Zhang Xintong

Everyone knows that we only have one earth, and the earth is the common earth for human beings and all life. The continuation of life and the survival of human beings can not be separated from natural resources for a moment. In the face of the current situation of the world today, everyone with a little conscience can not but worry about the future of the earth.

Looking around, in many places, green mountains are not green, green water is no longer green, rivers are flowing with smelly water, mountains are full of garbage, and eyes are full of white, yellow, black, red wastewater, waste residue, waste batteries, waste plastics······

Do you know how long it will take for the garbage you throw away to decompose? Let me tell you, plastic bottle: 450 years; Easy open can: 200~250 years; Iron cans: 12019; Painted wood: 2019; Cotton fabric: 1-5 months; Paper: half a month.

There is only one earth. In the foreseeable future, it is impossible for people to find a second earth and implement large-scale migration. For the survival of mankind, and for the continuation of future generations, we must treat the earth kindly, start from the small things in life, and stop doing things that harm the earth.

For the sake of the earth's tomorrow, please save water. China is a big country short of water, and people and animals in many places have difficulty drinking water. We don't worry about food and drink now. How happy life is! Think about this, do you still have the heart to let the clean water flow from your hands? So when you brush your teeth, please turn off the tap and turn it on when you need to clean; When you apply soap on your body, please turn off the tap and turn it on when you wash it.

For the sake of the earth's future, do not litter, hunt wild animals, cut down, exploit mineral resources, pollute the environment, or destroy the ecological balance; For the future of the earth, please actively recycle waste paper and use recycled paper. As you know, recycling 100kg of waste paper can produce 800kg of recycled paper, which means that 17 trees can be cut down less, expired calendar paper can be used to wrap book covers, and your used textbooks can be reserved for lower grade use. Please remember that even a piece of waste paper can be recycled twice.

For the future of the earth, please understand and support the classification of household garbage. If I tell you again, recycling 235000 tons of scrap iron can build 36 Eiffel towers; 6000 tons of waste aluminum can be recycled to produce 74 aerial medium bus aircraft; Recycling 1.2 million tons of glass can build 254 glass pyramids in the Louvre. Please think about it, because you are lazy to classify, what you throw away will be the earth on which we live!

It is our bounden duty to protect the environment and maintain our common homeland.