Imagination composition into the forest (6 in general)
Nowhere to find in the snow
2024-01-07 05:46:09
Grade 3

Imagination composition into the forest (1)

Today is the end of 2999. We should celebrate this New Year's Day tomorrow! Where to go on holiday? I want to travel through time and space to the Cretaceous forest.

When I got on the time tunnel spaceship station, I just felt my body was floating and it was dark outside. After about 20 minutes, we arrived at the destination - the Cretaceous Forest.

As soon as I got off the spaceship, I felt the ground under my feet wet and soft, like a marsh. I put on my big shoes like duck's feet and walked deep into the forest. When I walked into the primeval forest, there were tall and straight gymnosperms and dense ferns, as well as towering trees such as pine and cypress, metasequoia, banyan, maple, oak, poplar, redwood, etc. I walked carefully between the lake and the marsh, and saw colorful wild flowers at my feet.

I was enjoying the mysterious and quiet primeval forest. Suddenly, a Tyrannosaurus Rex rushed towards me, and I was frightened into a cold sweat. It suddenly fell in a direction. It turned out that its target was a huge triangular dragon. Maybe I was too small to eat? I saw a group of claw fearing dragons attacking a young thunder dragon in the distance, each with a big mouth of blood. I heard the sound of hula hula from far to near. Looking up, I saw a pterosaur flying with its clumsy wings. It seemed that I had become a swollen headed dragon and dashed into it.

No, the earth shakes and the mountains shake. I can't stand! I saw the eruption of the volcano not far away! I regret that I came here for an adventure. What if I was burned to death by volcanic ash or buried deep in the stratum? At this critical moment, my father gently patted me and said, "Don't be afraid, kid. We are still in the time tunnel and see things that happened 145 million years ago. History will not change, so neither volcanoes nor dinosaurs can hurt you."

I came back to school after traveling. Why don't I know each other? I found none of my classmates! The school leader checked the file and told me that my classmates had already graduated, and now they are all pillars of the country and have made many achievements. The teacher said: "You forget," Journey to the West "said that there is only one day in the sky, thousands of years in the world!"

Into the Big Forest

Big forest! What a beautiful name! What does it look like? I'll take you there today!

When I got there, I was shocked. It was bigger than I thought. Eyeful green: deep, light, dark, bright... beautiful! The gentle Ling girl greeted us with her gentle brothers and sisters. What a beautiful picture! What's flying over my head? Ah! It's a little butterfly! It brought us into a large area of forest. The forest was very green, and it was a bit blue, like a blue-green sea. Looking up from the bottom, the sun was hidden by the trees, and only a few spots of sunlight could be seen. There are so many small animals in the forest! There are white rabbits, deer, mice and monkeys... they are so cute! Ah, it smells good! It is the fragrance of the flowers at your feet. There are many flowers, yellow, red, blue, purple, pink, white... all over the ground, countless. I heard the sound of running water. It was the clear river behind me. There were small fish, shrimp, crabs, tadpoles and frogs in the river. It's beautiful!

Nature really deserves to be a great painter. You have added infinite brilliance to our home!

In the 1930s of the 21st century, I sat in the office with nothing to do, bored and confused. Suddenly, the phone rang. It was the tiger king of the forest kingdom who invited me to visit the forest. I am ecstatic with joy. So I asked the airship to stop outside the window. After I got on the airship, I saw the outside world was very exciting: such as monster competition, virtual game world and so on! I think I will take part in this kind of activity more in the future to relax!

The forest is right in front of me. I see the tiger king of the forest is leaning forward to meet him! Page 12

Imagination composition into the forest (2)

On the way to Grandma's house, I lost my way and walked into a dead end. I was just about to turn around and walk back. Suddenly, the walls around me became hazy. A huge suction sucked me into the sky. I don't know how long it lasted. This huge force pushed me down again. I "rushed" to the ground like a missile, fell on a big rock and fainted... When I woke up, I found that there were so many trees beside me. It was a big forest! But where are my parents and my home? oh I only remember drifting too far! It's impossible to go back. Besides, it's so beautiful here. Why can't you stay here for a few years? My decision is correct, because here we can not only enjoy the beautiful scenery, but also meet many new friends. It is really a great forest that can make people feel beautiful -- in spring, the warm spring wind blows my face, the land it blows over, the flowers show their smiling faces, the grass also raises its head, the trees it blows over grow new leaves, and the willows grow long braids; The brook it has blown is flowing with murmur; The land it blows over is full of vitality and spring. Listen! Spring rain "rustles..." from the air, like thousands of cattle hair. Occasionally, it floats on my face, cool and icy, which is a rare enjoyment! At this time, a big tiger came to me. I was so scared that I ran away quickly. Unexpectedly, he said, "Don't run! I want to make friends with you! I was so calm that I shook its hand and agreed happily. In summer, the sun hung high in the sky, almost all my heat would be spilled on the earth. The weather changed quickly. Soon, it suddenly rained heavily. When I felt my pocket, I had a small umbrella, which was not enough for two people. We had to let the big tiger go back to his hole. But when I opened the umbrella, a gust of wind blew, and the umbrella was hung on the tree, almost bringing me up. And the big tiger hurried to the hole, and soon arrived home. At this time, the sun appeared! That's it. We are both drowned. But in our opinion, this is nothing at all. Once I wiped the sewage on my body, I went swimming with the big tiger again! The big tiger introduced me to the black bear next to him, and he was very happy to play with me! In autumn, maple leaves are red, fish and shrimp are fat, melon is fragrant, and vegetables in the fields are all kinds. The air is chilly. Little rabbit ran around in the forest as if looking for something. The black bear asked, "Little white rabbit, what are you looking for? Can we help you?" Little white mouse said, "I am looking for food for winter. A few days ago, I have searched for more than half of the bags, but the bag has a big hole, and all of them are missing!" Then he lifted the flat food bag. I had an idea: "There is a cave at the foot of the mountain in the west. At that time, we will prepare a gift for the rabbit and celebrate the New Year together!" Everyone applauded. In winter, we got together. The big tiger and I came early. We had already arranged the cave beautifully and made a big stone table. Because Little Rabbit's home is far away from here, he came a little late. But the black bear hasn't come yet. It turned out that he knew it was the birthday of Little Rabbit and was making a cake for him! When he came, he just directly held the carrot cake he had made in front of him and said, "Happy birthday, you rabbit!" I heard the tiger say, "Every animal should prepare the cake in the relevant order for its birthday every year. This time it's the black bear's turn, and he will prepare the cake for all the animals that celebrate their birthday this year!" So it is! I also went to Little Rabbit and sang a happy birthday song for him. Everyone sang and danced together to celebrate the arrival of the New Year. But soon, something unpleasant happened - many people do not pay attention to environmental protection and litter, do not care for flowers and plants, cut down trees and pollute rivers everywhere. We hit them with twigs and pebbles; Trip them with ropes; Enchant their eyes with sand. Finally drove them away! We also work together. Some plant flowers and trees, some clean up garbage, and even the fish in the river help clean up the waste in the river! The forest finally returned to its original shape. We jump. These are our good memories. Suddenly, a familiar voice came from my ear: "Zhang Ziqi, get up for school!" I looked around, eh? Where are the animals? Aren't I at my house? I found that I was still lying in the bed!

Imagination composition into the forest (3)

In the big forest, there are many thick trees, many green grass, colorful flowers, and many animals, including ferocious tigers and lions, cunning foxes, lovely white rabbits and squirrels, honest bears, proud peacocks, naughty dogs and cats, flying birds, stupid elephants, clever monkeys, hard working roosters.

Every morning, the big cock gets up early. He runs to a big stone beside his house and starts to crow. The lark is the first one to hear it. Before eating, it flies out in a hurry. The lark wakes up every animal in the forest with its beautiful song "Di Li Di Li". The bees "buzz" on the colorful flowers to suck nectar, and the butterflies "whir" on the tulip petals to dance, which is really beautiful!

There is a big, round, blue and dazzling lake near the elephant's house, which can hold all the animals in the big forest. Every time the wind blows across the lake, the lake will sound a song of "ding dong ding dong". Elephant Benben listens to this song to sleep every night.

The big forest is really a colorful paradise for animals!

Imagination composition into the forest (4)

Today is the end of 2999. We should celebrate this New Year's Day tomorrow! Where to go on holiday? I want to travel through time and space to the Cretaceous forest.

When I got on the time tunnel spaceship station, I just felt my body was floating and it was dark outside. After about 20 minutes, we arrived at the destination - the Cretaceous Forest.

As soon as I got off the spaceship, I felt the ground under my feet wet and soft, like a marsh. I put on my big shoes like duck's feet and walked deep into the forest. When I walked into the primeval forest, there were tall and straight gymnosperms and dense ferns, as well as towering trees such as pine and cypress, metasequoia, banyan, maple, oak, poplar, redwood, etc. I walked carefully between the lake and the marsh, and saw colorful wild flowers at my feet.

I was enjoying the mysterious and quiet primeval forest. Suddenly, a Tyrannosaurus Rex rushed towards me, and I was frightened into a cold sweat. It suddenly fell in a direction. It turned out that its target was a huge triangular dragon. Maybe I was too small to eat? I saw a group of claw fearing dragons attacking a young thunder dragon in the distance, each with a big mouth of blood. I heard the sound of hula hula from far to near. Looking up, I saw a pterosaur flying with its clumsy wings. It seemed that I had become a swollen headed dragon and dashed into it.

No, the earth shakes and the mountains shake. I can't stand! I saw the 'volcano eruption' not far away! I regret that I came here for an adventure. What if I was burned to death by volcanic ash or buried deep in the stratum? At this critical moment, my father gently patted me and said, "Don't be afraid, kid. We are still in the time tunnel and see things that happened 145 million years ago. History will not change, so neither volcanoes nor dinosaurs can hurt you."

I came back to school after traveling. Why don't I know each other? I found none of my classmates! The school leader checked the file and told me that my classmates had already graduated, and now they are all pillars of the country and have made many achievements. The teacher said: "You forget," Journey to the West "said that there is only one day in the sky, thousands of years in the world!"

Into the Big Forest

Big forest! What a beautiful name! What does it look like? I'll take you there today!

When I got there, I was shocked. It was bigger than I thought. Eyeful green: deep, light, dark, bright... beautiful! The gentle Ling girl greeted us with her gentle brothers and sisters. What a beautiful picture! What's flying over my head? Ah! It's a little butterfly! It brought us into a large area of forest. The forest was very green, and it was a bit blue, like a blue-green sea. Looking up from the bottom, the sun was hidden by the trees, and only a few spots of sunlight could be seen. There are so many small animals in the forest! There are white rabbits, deer, mice and monkeys... they are so cute! Ah, it smells good! It is the fragrance of the flowers at your feet. There are many flowers, yellow, red, blue, purple, pink, white... all over the ground, countless. I heard the sound of running water. It was the clear river behind me. There were small fish, shrimp, crabs, tadpoles and frogs in the river. It's beautiful!

Nature really deserves to be a great painter. You have added infinite brilliance to our home!

In the 1930s of the 21st century, I sat in the office with nothing to do, bored and confused. Suddenly, the phone rang. It was the tiger king of the forest kingdom who invited me to visit the forest. I am ecstatic with joy. So I asked the airship to stop outside the window. After I got on the airship, I saw the outside world was very exciting: such as monster competition, virtual game world and so on! I think I will take part in this kind of activity more in the future to relax!

The forest is right in front of me. I see the tiger king of the forest is leaning forward to meet him!

As soon as I got off the airship, I saw a lush forest. Look at the towering trees and experience the fresh wind in the big forest. In front of me is a big forest with pearly jade color!

After watching this, I quickly praised the tiger king: "You have made this forest so wonderful! And it's too much to see!" The tiger king said seriously: "This is not my credit. It's all up to them, look! How clear, beautiful and wonderful those birds' voices are! Look over there again, how happy and free the little monkeys are playing in the trees! Very pleasing! There are many things we haven't told you in the Forest Kingdom! " The tiger king then said, "Oh, yes, a shocking thing has happened in our forest kingdom recently. Mr. Leopard recently dug out a jade, and after careful polishing by the orangutan jade craftsman, he finally made a piece of priceless jade. What do you think this jade should be called?" I said, "Call it the forest jade!" The tiger king heard, He said, "This is a good name. Let's call it Forest Jade!"

The tiger king asked me again, "Is there any enlightenment for you through the big forest?" I said, "There is no enlightenment, but I always know a lot of knowledge, such as I can say more than 10 kinds of leaves: pine needles, pomegranate leaves, magnolia leaves, willow leaves, peach leaves, poplar leaves, dragon claw locust leaves, ginkgo leaves, elm leaves, lilac leaves, pear leaves......"

It's getting late, so I should go. In the end, the tiger king also gave me the forest jade! Finally, I also reluctantly leave! When the airship flew halfway, I thought for a moment: "I can ask my assistant to bring me the accommodation equipment, so I can go back to the Forest Kingdom directly for the night." So I returned to the Forest Kingdom again. The tiger king could not help laughing happily when he saw me back.

Imagination composition into the forest (5)

In the big forest, you can watch birds fly, listen to insects, and pick wild fruits. The big forest provides people with a lot of food. For example: mountain melon, mountain grape, wild hawthorn, and various delicious mushrooms.

In the forest, there is a stream. The sister of the stream presents people with sweet, delicious and beverage like water. Sister Mountain also extended a helping hand to let people to explore climb the mountains and enjoy the beautiful scenery of nature.

In spring, the wild flowers in the forest are in full bloom: red, white, purple, gold... colorful and beautiful.

In summer, the leaves are greener, and various plants are greedily sucking sunshine and rain, and growing vigorously.

In autumn, the branches are full of fruits. Animals are busy preparing food for winter, and their busy figures can be seen everywhere.

In winter, the cold wind is howling, most animals hibernate, and only some cold resistant animals are walking. They left deep footprints on the snow.

As long as no one cuts down trees, the big forest will always be beautiful.

Imagination composition into the forest (6)

I rode a thousand li horse and came to the forest with thick green trees. Before I went in, I could smell a fragrance on my nose.

I got off the horse and carried food and water to the deep forest. As I walked, a boa constrictor "suddenly" jumped up to the top of the tree, opened its mouth and rushed at me. I'm an old hand at dealing with snakes. I grabbed its seven inches, swung back and walked on.

Ah! Unexpectedly, there is such a beautiful scenery in the deep forest - birds are singing in groups; The cool spring water gurgles; Monkeys are picking herbs for the injured tiger... It's really a fairyland on earth! Seeing this, I can't help thinking of the world outside the big forest. What a bloody scene it is! People kill each other, drive away flocks of birds and build their high-rise buildings. Global warming!

In a trance, a group of animal hunters rushed into the forest, and the paradise that was just harmonious and peaceful was filled with sorrow for a moment.

Thinking of this, I would like to appeal to the world: Protect the big forest! Let people and animals live in harmony and make the world a better place!