Uncivilized phenomena around (10 compilations)
Jasmine tea
2024-03-15 02:11:46

Uncivilized phenomena around (1)

One day I went shopping in the shop. I heard a quarrel in my ear. I ran to have a look curiously. I saw an old lady with white hair but full of energy shouting something with the shop attendant. Listen carefully. Oh, it was the old woman who bought swimming trunks with her grandson. The old woman paid 30 yuan and the clerk gave her 6 yuan note. But the old woman insisted on asking the clerk to find her 6 coins for the convenience of taking the bus.

The sister of the shop assistant smiled politely and said to the old woman, "Auntie, a five yuan note can also take the subway. The ticket machine will change the change." But the grandmother still ignored it and said angrily, "I don't know how to change. Besides, I didn't buy things in your shabby shop. Why is it so difficult to give me a few coins?" The grandson next to him was so frightened that he waved to her and shouted, "Don't make any noise, don't make any noise!" Although I didn't agree with her attitude, I still felt a little sympathy for her. After all, it was not a big request. Grandma is old, can you give them more convenience! In desperation, the waiter had to find 6 coins from the cash box and put them on the counter. I thought it was over, so I turned around and wanted to go. Unexpectedly, there was a louder cry behind. The old lady suddenly screamed, "What are you throwing? What's your qualification? What's your service attitude?" She said reluctantly, picked up six coins and threw them at the waiter, shouting, "Throw them, I'll throw them too. Tell you, you should pick them up for me, otherwise we won't finish, and I will complain about you!" The shop assistant finally picked up six coins and handed them to the old lady with tears in her eyes. She said, "Sorry!" Then the old lady took the six coins carelessly, muttering, "Why did you go? How did your leaders teach you with your service attitude? Hum!" Then she turned and left despite the criticism from people around.

I didn't expect such unreasonable and uncivilized people in the world! The old lady needed to exchange coins, and others also provided help within their power. But what she gained was to create difficulties, vent her anger, and show great disrespect for her body. Can you expect others to help you again next time?

Our society is full of all kinds of uncivilized behaviors. Especially some people hold their own identity and take others' kindness and tolerance as their due. Such difficulties and vexatiousness make the goodwill and tolerance of the whole society less and less, and uncivilized phenomena are everywhere. Is this really the society we want? I hope everyone can be civilized, polite and helpful. Respect others. Only in this way is a truly civilized and harmonious society.

Uncivilized phenomena around (2)

In my hometown, in my country. There are uncivilized phenomena everywhere in life. These uncivilized phenomena make my hometown and my country more and more dirty, more and more chaotic, and the environment worse and worse.

There are often some uncivilized phenomena in my life. For example, spitting everywhere, littering and swearing... these things are too annoying. Spitting makes the earth dirty, littering pollutes the environment, and swearing makes the country boring

1. Spitting everywhere: in my school, in my class. The headmaster and teacher have always stressed that we are not allowed to spit anywhere. But the students still spit everywhere. Every time I go out, I step on the phlegm of my classmates. Phlegm is really bad, making the floor so dirty.

2. Littering: In my hometown, the ground is full of garbage. Such as: scraps of paper, banana peel,... garbage everywhere. I remember once my sister went out shopping with me, but she fell down seriously because she had a banana peel under her foot.

3. Swearing: everyone has read the news. Many people will be assassinated because their words are too unpleasant.

Alas! I hope our city will become clean and everyone will become united!

Uncivilized phenomena around (3)

In today's society, there are all kinds of news on the Internet. For example, some people throw garbage at school, causing injuries to their classmates, and others throw garbage on the highway, causing traffic accidents... With the development of society, human beings are becoming more and more civilized, but there are always some discordant voices and discordant things.
I remember one day after school, my mother and I were going home. When we just arrived at the intersection, a blue car came up and threw a bag of garbage out along the window. The car behind us quickly dodged and almost hit the aunt who was riding the battery car. Seeing this scene, I was terrified. When there was no car, I quickly picked up the bag and threw it into the garbage can. This reminds me of the white pollution in the science class - plastic pollution. I saw in the book that a small whale just knew how to hunt died in the sea because of eating plastic by mistake. The mother whale refused to leave after seeing the body of the small whale. I cried when I saw it.
"Don't do what you don't want to do to others". We can make the world a better place only if we do a good job of ourselves and everything.
Here I appeal to everyone: "The society needs to be civilized and the environment needs to be clean. We need to work together to protect the environment from me!"

Uncivilized phenomena around (4)

With the changes of the times, people's living standards have become better and better, but some fine traditions of the Chinese nation have gradually disappeared. The uncivilized phenomena around me have occurred one after another.

In the dining room of the student canteen, there are always times when you can see the discarded steamed buns, leftovers, grains of rice... The leftover bucket is also full of wasted food. These are the grains produced by the farmers through their hard work. Think about it, so many leftovers can save several people. Now many people in the disaster area cannot eat such food, but we throw away food so recklessly.

Our country's freshwater resources are relatively scarce, mostly stored in the form of ice, and Xinjiang is a desert community, the next area is very short of water, but some of my classmates are uncivilized. Not only children, but also junior high school friends always like to open the tap, play with water, splash water, alas, so ignorant.

Some students are now used to adding dirty words such as "Lao Tze" and "Your Mother" in every sentence they say, and always like to bring "Ba". Sometimes they fight over trifles. He doesn't pay attention to the existence of friendship at all, and looks like an enemy. In addition, there are several other students hiding to smoke.

There are many uncivilized habits around me. I think that if a country wants to have a foothold and become strong in the world, first of all, the quality of its citizens must be improved. As a Chinese, I have the responsibility to contribute my own strength to the building of a harmonious and civilized society.

I will help individual students around me to correct uncivilized behaviors and work hard to create a civilized and harmonious Shihezi.

Uncivilized phenomena around (5)

[Chapter 1]

In today's society, there are all kinds of news on the Internet. For example, some people throw garbage at school, causing injuries to their classmates, and others throw garbage on the highway, causing traffic accidents... With the development of society, human beings are becoming more and more civilized, but there are always some discordant voices and discordant things.

I remember one day after school, my mother and I were going home. When we just arrived at the intersection, a blue car came up and threw a bag of garbage out along the window. The car behind us quickly dodged and almost hit the aunt who was riding the battery car. Seeing this scene, I was terrified. When there was no car, I quickly picked up the bag and threw it into the garbage can. This reminds me of the white pollution in the science class - plastic pollution. I saw in the book that a small whale just knew how to hunt died in the sea because of eating plastic by mistake. The mother whale refused to leave after seeing the body of the small whale. I cried when I saw it.

"Don't do what you don't want to do to others". We can make the world a better place only if we do a good job of ourselves and everything.

Here I appeal to everyone: "The society should be civilized and the environment should be clean. We still need to work together to protect the environment from me"!

[Chapter 2]

Every morning when we go to school, we can always see the students standing on the fence eating breakfast at the gate of the crowded school. Some of them eat hand grabbed cakes, some eat eggs, and some eat hot dogs... In order to be in a hurry, they are always spitting wolf and tiger.

As a result, some were too late, and some were too hungry to eat, so they threw them to the stray dogs on the roadside, so the stray dogs nearby also came to the school every day to "report". At last, there is garbage all over the floor, and the grandparents who sweep the floor will have to work hard all morning. This is very uncivilized behavior.

We can't litter in public places, we should throw rubbish into garbage cans. We also need to treasure food, because all the food is bought by the farmer's uncle with his hard work.

[Chapter 3]

"The earth is my home, and cleaning depends on everyone" The earth is the home for human survival. Only by protecting the earth's environment can we live a better life!

Today, with the rapid economic development, people's living standards have improved as a whole. They can eat enough, dress warmly, and live in high-rise buildings. But there are some people who are dressed well and do uncivilized things. Spitting everywhere, littering, posting small advertisements everywhere, make the living environment worse and worse.

Once, after school, I walked by the garbage can at my home and saw that the garbage was sprinkled with extremely smelly and horrible garbage. I guess it was the uncle who wanted to throw garbage at my home. This is not the first time. I walked past the dustbin, thought for a while and ran back. I put the garbage away and put it in front of his house without moving. I also posted a note on it, saying "civilization is one step away". I hope that uncle can understand what I mean!

Although uncivilized behavior seems to be trivial, "Don't do it with small evil, and don't do it with small good" Let's start from small things, start from around us, say goodbye to uncivilized behavior, and let our living environment become more civilized and better!

[Chapter 4]

"The society should be civilized and the environment should be clean." This is something that every citizen must respect, and it also needs everyone to work together to achieve.

However, there are still some people who have uncivilized behaviors, and they throw garbage at random. Every time we walk on the small commodity market in our town street, we can see garbage everywhere. In winter, it was better. In summer, all the flies were attracted. The whole town was a "dirty, messy and poor" image, with no beauty at all.

I remember once, my mother and I jogged together. I don't know who was uncivilized and unqualified when we ran. Someone threw a piece of watermelon skin and made me fall on the ground. I broke my knee and cried in pain. When my mother heard my cry, she quickly turned back to help me up and check my injury. She only took me home when she was sure that I had no fracture. After returning home, my mother washed my wound and applied medicine to it. It really hurt!

Now I understand that littering will not only affect the beauty of the city, but also cause some harm to human beings! Therefore, I appeal to all of you here, for the sake of a better environment and the healthy growth of human beings, let's work together to be a civilized and virtuous person. I believe that as long as we work together, the city will become more and more beautiful and prosperous!

[Chapter 5]

Today, after my mother and I had dinner, my mother asked me to throw garbage. I walked downstairs and saw that it was raining outside. I was afraid my shoes would get wet, so I threw them out of the trash can. Then I went upstairs and walked home. I saw my mother standing by the window of the balcony looking down. At this time, she turned to me and asked me: "Did you throw the garbage into the trash can. And the sanitation workers will work hard to clean the ground in such a cold day, so they are not respected. " After hearing this, I lowered my head in shame and quickly turned down to pick up the garbage again and put it in the garbage can. When I got home, my mother looked at me and smiled.

It is very important for each of us to form good habits and get rid of bad habits. Therefore, we should change our habits instead of being changed by habits.

Uncivilized phenomena around (6)

In my hometown, in my country. There are uncivilized phenomena everywhere in life. These uncivilized phenomena make my hometown and my country more and more dirty, more and more chaotic, and the environment worse and worse.

There are often some uncivilized phenomena in my life. For example, spitting everywhere, littering and swearing... these things are too annoying. Spitting makes the earth dirty, littering pollutes the environment, and swearing makes the country boring

1. Spitting everywhere: in my school, in my class. The headmaster and teacher have always stressed that we are not allowed to spit anywhere. But the students still spit everywhere. Every time I go out, I step on the phlegm of my classmates. Phlegm is really bad, making the floor so dirty.

2. Littering: In my hometown, the ground is full of rubbish. Such as: scraps of paper, banana peel,... garbage everywhere. I remember once my sister went out shopping with me, but she fell down seriously because she had a banana peel under her foot.

3. Nonsense: everyone has read the news. Many people will be assassinated because their words are too offensive.

Alas! I hope our city will become clean and everyone will become united!

Uncivilized phenomena around (7)

"The society should be civilized and the environment should be clean." This is something that every citizen must respect, and it also needs everyone to work together to achieve.

However, there are still some people who have uncivilized behaviors, and they throw garbage at random. Every time we walk on the small commodity market in our town street, we can see garbage everywhere. In winter, it was better. In summer, all the flies were attracted. The whole town was a "dirty, messy and poor" image, with no beauty at all.

I remember once, my mother and I jogged together. I don't know who was uncivilized and unqualified when we ran. Someone threw a piece of watermelon skin and made me fall on the ground. I broke my knee and cried in pain. When my mother heard my cry, she quickly turned back to help me up and check my injury. She only took me home when she was sure that I had no fracture. After returning home, my mother washed my wound and applied medicine to it. It really hurt!

Now I understand that littering will not only affect the beauty of the city, but also cause some harm to human beings! Therefore, I appeal to all of you here, for the sake of a better environment and the healthy growth of human beings, let's work together to be a civilized and virtuous person. I believe that as long as we work together, the city will become more and more beautiful and prosperous!

Uncivilized phenomena around (8)

There are often some uncivilized phenomena in my life. For example, spitting everywhere, littering and swearing... these things are too annoying. Spitting makes the earth dirty, littering pollutes the environment, and swearing makes the country boring

1. Spitting everywhere: in my school, in my class. The headmaster and teacher have always stressed that we are not allowed to spit anywhere. But the students still spit everywhere. Every time I go out, I step on the phlegm of my classmates. Phlegm is really bad, making the floor so dirty.

2. Littering: In my hometown, the ground is full of garbage. Such as: scraps of paper, banana peel,... garbage everywhere. I remember once my sister went out shopping with me, but she fell down seriously because she had a banana peel under her foot.

3. Swearing: everyone has read the news. Many people will be assassinated because their words are too unpleasant.

Alas! I hope our city will become clean and everyone will become united!

Uncivilized phenomena around (9)

Walking on the path, you can see the bare grass from time to time, without a flower or fragrance. I carefully looked for the trace of flowers, only to find that some people's hands holding the red, it is not exactly the once charming flowers? But now, the withered stamens are lying in people's hands alone, groaning: Why? Why do humans treat us like this? How can human beings be so selfish? Just do what you want, but never think about how others feel

Walking on the path, you can hear noisy voices from time to time, which is also mixed with a lot of dirty words, breaking the quiet and beautiful world. I looked for the source of the sound carefully, and then I saw that someone was making a phone call. The four characters on the roadside sign were "No noise!" Did he not see it? Does he know that if he does this, others will be greatly affected?

As I walked on the path, I couldn't help thinking: "With the continuous development of science and technology, the society is also gradually progressing, and human life is becoming more convenient... But, whether people's quality and civilization level have also been improved?"

In the school, the students trampled on the flower belt just for the sake of temporary convenience, but they did not know that the temporary convenience left a permanent scar on the flower belt; In the dining room, there were a lot of people. Some students went to jump in the queue to get food more quickly; In the hospital, people were buzzing with voices, but some men pretended not to see the four bold characters: "No smoking". They also rode in the fog with a happy face, but did not find the look of contempt from others. The choked room was full of coughs.

Those who trample on the flower belt never know how to cherish plants, those who have been in the queue never know how to cherish the fruits of others' work, and those who play the role of "false illiterate" never know how to consider others.

There are all kinds of garbage floating in the pond, and there is no place for fish to play anymore; The plants have withered and yellowed, and there is no thriving scene anymore; There is a lot of dust and haze in the air, which is no longer fresh. Aren't these consequences all caused by human beings themselves?

I miss the fresh air, the stars and the fish playing

The civilized world needs our own creation, so let's all appeal: "We should be civilized people and build a harmonious society together!"

Uncivilized phenomena around (10)

In the dining room of the student canteen, there are always times when you can see the discarded steamed buns, leftovers, grains of rice... The leftover bucket is also full of wasted food. These are all the grains produced by the farmers through their hard work. Think about it, so many leftovers can save several people. Now many people in the disaster area cannot eat such food, but we throw away food so recklessly.

Our country's freshwater resources are relatively scarce, mostly stored in the form of ice, and Xinjiang is a desert community, the next area is very short of water, but some of my classmates are uncivilized. Not only children, but also junior high school friends always like to open the tap, play with water, splash water, alas, so ignorant.

Some students are now used to adding dirty words such as "Lao Tze" and "Your Mother" in every sentence they say, and always like to bring "Ba". Sometimes they fight over trifles. He doesn't pay attention to the existence of friendship at all, and looks like an enemy. In addition, there are several other students hiding to smoke.

There are many uncivilized habits around me. I think that if a country wants to have a foothold and become strong in the world, first of all, the quality of its citizens must be improved. As a Chinese, I have the responsibility to contribute my own strength to the building of a harmonious and civilized society.

I will help individual students around me to correct uncivilized behaviors and work hard to create a civilized and harmonious Shihezi.