About Episodes (14 high-quality articles)
Youth remains
2024-02-23 01:50:51
fourth grade

About the episode (1)

This week, I went out to investigate the typos in my life.

They all say, "Nothing is difficult in the world, just for those who want it." It's true! Don't think how difficult it is to catch a few "bad guys". Just be careful, mistakes and typos can be seen everywhere in life.

As I walked, I saw a "Dan cake shop". He wrote "Dan cake five yuan", ha! It was so funny that I went into the "cake shop" and told the uncle that it should be "cake", not "cake". However, when I saw his face was just "sunny", it suddenly turned into "dark clouds", and said: "If I make a mistake, I will make a mistake. It's none of your business. The child should not meddle in my business here. Go away, and don't affect my business." Alas, this man has enough words. It's not worth respecting for his own business, regardless of all people. Since he said so, I had no choice but to leave. I'm ready to give up, and I feel bad. But then I decided to look elsewhere. Later, I found a shop selling clothes, and he wrote, "I don't want to give up clothes.". I was even more angry when I saw her, but I saw that she was a female boss, and it was easy to talk about, so I went to persuade her. I told her that the "reluctant to part" on her sign was wrong, and it was written as "reluctant to part with clothes", so I advised her to correct it. She is indeed a talkative female boss. I have told him that she blushed and repeatedly agreed to my request.

This time, I finally succeeded. I was very happy. It was as sweet as honey. It was really "failure is the mother of success." Ah!

Now, the improper use of Mandarin is a headache. However, I really gained a lot in this activity!

About the episode (2)

On a cloudless Sunday, the teacher assigned us a very special assignment, and let us go to the streets to investigate the correct use of Chinese characters.

I went to the street alone to investigate and look for typos. I walked through many stores and found many typos. For example: "Fried rice, sit down when hungry, gang drunk with rice, Hefan" on the signboard in front of the hotel; "No tire, inflation" in front of the repair shop; The "separate store" at the entrance of the retail store; "Zhuanhuang Shop" at the door of the decoration shop; "Death without enlightenment" in lost and found advertisements; Install the "window opening operator" at the door of the company; The beauty shop's "Get rid of the spots quickly, do not leave acne"······

I came to a big hotel, and the front door of the hotel was marked with "Huangguan Fruit Machine Dayou Store". I found it and went in. At this time, an aunt of the waiter came to me with a menu in her hand, and I hurried up to her and said, "Aunt, the sign at your door 'Crown International Hotel' was written as' Huangguan Fruit Juji Dayou Store '. I hope you can tell your boss to change the sign." She was very reluctant to nod, and then left······

The next day, I came to this hotel again and found that the "Grand Youdian of Huangguan Fruit Machinery" was still standing there proudly. I saw it and went into the shop angrily. Yesterday, the aunt pointed at me and said to a man beside me, "What are you doing here again?" I quickly explained to him, but the boss didn't listen to me at all. I reasoned for him there, and he finally listened. He called the repairman to change the sign.

Here, I appeal to all of you: we must use the Chinese language correctly, so that China's long culture has a long history, and we must be worthy of the 5000 year history of China.

About the episode (3)

A few days ago, my mother and I went shopping in the supermarket. On the way, I found that there were some wrong words on the billboards in several stores. So I decided to form a typographical survey group with my good friend Wang Li to see the use of words in society. Wang Lilai and I went to the food market. At the beginning, we didn't find any typos. Wang Li, who was in my group, became worried and looked around. So I comforted her and said, "It's good to have no typos. Do you want everyone to have typos?" After hearing this, Wang Li had to bear with me and slowly search with me.

Suddenly, I saw a signboard at the door of a fruit store that said: Boluo is ten yuan per kilogram. I thought the word "Bo" written there was a bit strange, but I didn't know which one, so I told Wang Li. But Wang Li said that the word "wave" of pineapple was written like this. So I argued with her endlessly.

Finally, I asked for a "truce" and went to my home to check the Xinhua dictionary to see whether it was me or Wang Li who was right. I opened the Xinhua dictionary and found the word "pineapple" of pineapple. Wang Li found that she was wrong, so she humbly admitted her mistake to me and promised that she would correct it later.

We came to the door of the fruit store again, found the owner's wife, and explained to her the purpose of our visit: "Hello, aunt, we are the typography investigation team. We found that the word" wave "on your signboard is wrong, and hope you can correct it." Then we told her the correct way to write the word "wave" in pineapple. I thought she could accept it with an open mind, but she turned angry from embarrassment and showed no mercy to our help. He also said angrily: "What do you kids know? That's the way it's written. If it's really wrong, how can no one tell me? You kids just meddle and pretend to understand."

Wang Li and I felt very angry after listening to her words, but we were not discouraged. We should continue to investigate and let everyone use our motherland's words correctly.

It is everyone's responsibility to use the Chinese characters correctly!

About the episode (4)

Last week, our composition class assigned us an assignment - a survey on the topic of "correctly using Chinese characters". Those billboards became the focus of my investigation.

On the way to school on Friday, I looked around and looked around to find the wrong characters. I really found the wrong characters on a shop signboard - why is the "Man" character of "Man Tianyu" missing a little bit of water! I wanted to remind the boss to correct the words and then I pushed the door in. There are so many people in this clothing store that I went in front of the boss and bowed my head and whispered to him, "Boss, I have something to tell you, do you have time?" "Sorry! I'm busy now, or you can come another day!" replied the boss. "Oh!" I left the store a little disappointed and thought: Forget it, come back tomorrow.

Early the next morning, I came to the "Man Tianyu" clothing store. The store had just opened, and only the boss was cleaning. I cheered myself up, then rushed into the store, and said to the boss in a deliberative voice: "Boss, the word" Man "on the billboard at your door is missing a little water." Unexpectedly, the boss didn't say too much: "What the hell! It's OK if you can understand it." "How can it be changed?" At this time, the boss threw me out impatiently, and I walked out of the shop three times at a time.

On Saturday afternoon, I came to the store again. Its business was still very good. I ran into the store and shouted to the boss loudly, "Boss, your things have fallen off!" At this time, there was no more clothes to pick up. Everyone looked down on the ground for the things the boss dropped. The boss was so worried that he shouted, "Where are my things?" I pointed to the word "Man" on the billboard and said, "Three drops of the word" Man "on your billboard have been lost. Don't all of you want to do business in a smooth way? If the water is lost, how can you make money?" After listening to this, the boss said sheepishly, "Yes! I will call them and ask them to change it." The next day I passed the clothing store again and saw that the words on it had changed. My heart was as sweet as honey.

Through this event, I learned that we should rise to any difficulties and persevere in order to succeed.

About the episode (5)

Students, in your life, you must have carried out many surveys, which more or less, large or small, have different meanings for you. I am the same. Last week, the teacher assigned us an assignment and asked us to conduct a survey on "correct use of the Chinese language". In this survey, there are many episodes worth talking about. Let me tell you about them!

I asked my little sister Yingying downstairs to go to the street to investigate together. We first investigated near my home. Eh? The sign of this shop says "Wheat Department". "Ha ha ha!" Ha ha ha! " Yingying laughed at once. I don't know why, but I can't smile at all. I think: this shopkeeper is too wrong! I must tell him. I ran into the shop and said to the shopkeeper, "Auntie, your" sell "in the canteen is wrong, please correct it! We were strolling in the street again. Suddenly, I found that Yong should be written as Yong. I ran forward and said, "Auntie, the word Yong in front of your shop is wrong, and it should be written as Yong." Unexpectedly, Auntie said, "Little girl, don't make trouble if you don't buy something, walk around, don't affect my life, and play!" I was very angry after hearing that, She said, "Auntie, your handwriting is really wrong, please change it quickly!" Auntie said angrily, "If you make a mistake, it will be wrong. What does it matter to you? Hurry up! I can't help but leave indignantly.

Along the way, I saw a lot of typos. I became more and more angry. Do people still have patriotism? It is simply a knowingly committed offense. How beautiful our Chinese characters are! How could they do that! I really hope that one day, all of us will not make mistakes!

About the episode (6)

In this survey on "typos in life", I investigated the signs, advertisements, slogans and leaflets in public places of those stores on the street, and found many typos, most of which came from the name of the store. So I went to a clothing store called 'Clothes don't give up' to investigate.

"This boss, I'm a student in Grade 6 of primary school. I'm making a survey report now. Can you accept my survey?" I asked sincerely. The female boss thought for a while and then agreed. "Why do you call your shop 'Yi Yi Bu She'?" I asked. The female boss was a little angry and said, "This is my shop. I call it whatever I like."? Clothes are worn on your body. Are you willing to take off your clothes and freeze to death in the street? " After listening to this, I argued: "But you are not correct and use the language and characters of the motherland in a standardized way.".

I finally know why. This is a thing worth thinking about, because the wrong words are not written because of lack of culture, not because of carelessness, but because those businessmen want money!

About the episode (7)

Every time we make a survey, we will suffer from difficulties, and also have the joy of harvest. Every survey, no matter what happens, I will face it with a smile.

At the gate of our community, there is often an uncle who rides a tricycle. Over the years, people in our community know him and call him Xiao Wang. I call him Uncle Wang.

One afternoon, I was investigating typos when I met Uncle Wang. I saw the words "Courtesy service" written on his tricycle. I asked my uncle, "Uncle Wang, isn't it" polite "? But you wrote "Courtesy waiter" on it Uncle Wang said impatiently, "Go, little boy, what do you know?" I was shocked. Uncle Wang usually said nothing to us. What happened today? No, we must stop it, otherwise, it will mislead many pupils! I went up to him and said, "Uncle Wang, if you don't change, there will be many serious consequences!" Uncle Wang ignored me and continued to move forward. I thought, "Maybe Uncle Wang has something unhappy. Come and try again tomorrow."

The next day, I saw Uncle Wang again. I was surprised to find that "waiting" had been changed to "waiting". Uncle Wang saw me and said to me with a smile, "Thank you, little friend. I went home to think carefully, and your words were right. I shouldn't treat you like this yesterday, and I apologize to you." I quickly said: "Uncle Wang, no need. These are what we should do as a pupil. If you can't do this, how can you be a pupil?

To be honest, primary school students should behave like primary school students and treat learning as if it were your life. Of course, if the foundation and attitude of politeness are not well laid, maybe your life will be as rough as a hard mountain road.

About the episode (8)

This week, I went out to investigate the typos in my life.

They all say, "Nothing is difficult in the world, just for those who want it." It's true! Don't think how difficult it is to catch a few "bad guys". Just be careful, mistakes and typos can be seen everywhere in life.

As I walked, I saw a "Dan cake shop". He wrote "Dan cake five yuan", ha! It was so funny that I went into the "cake shop" and told the uncle that it should be "cake", not "cake". However, when I saw his face was just "sunny", it suddenly turned into "dark clouds", and said: "If I make a mistake, I will make a mistake. It's none of your business. The child should not meddle in my business here. Go away, and don't affect my business." Alas, this man has enough words. It's not worth respecting for his own business, regardless of all people. Since he said so, I had no choice but to leave. I'm ready to give up, and I feel bad. But then I decided to look elsewhere. Later, I found a shop selling clothes, and he wrote, "I don't want to give up clothes.". I was even more angry when I saw her, but I saw that she was a female boss, and it was easy to talk about, so I went to persuade her. I told her that the "reluctant to part" on her sign was wrong, and it was written as "reluctant to part with clothes", so I advised her to correct it. She is indeed a talkative female boss. I have told him that she blushed and repeatedly agreed to my request.

This time, I finally succeeded. I was very happy. It was as sweet as honey. It was really "failure is the mother of success." Ah!

Now, the improper use of Mandarin is a headache. However, I really gained a lot in this activity!

About the episode (9)

With the rapid development of society, some people have many typos in our lives in order to attract attention or hype or have limited knowledge. For example, on the bulletin board of some snack shops on the street, "boxed lunch" is written as "Hefan", "fried food" is written as "copied food", and "mountain peak" is written as "mountain front".

On Saturday, the teacher assigned a special assignment to look for typos on the street. In order to complete this assignment, after school, I walked through the streets, looked around, and finally found that there were obvious typos on the billboard of a bookstore. The shopkeeper wrote "bookstore" as "book me". I walked over and turned around at the billboard. So I went into the bookstore and pretended to look for books while observing which was the boss. Here, an aunt came to me and asked me, "What book are you looking for, little friend? Tell me the title of the book, and the aunt will take it for you.". I said, "No, thank you, auntie.". After a while, I didn't see any other aunts show up, so I went to the aunt and stammered, "Auntie, who is the shopkeeper?"? My aunt said, "Little friend, the shopkeeper is me! What can I do for you?" I said, "Auntie, the" I "in the" Shu I "on the billboard in your bookstore is wrong. It is not the" I ", but the" Zhan "under the" Guang "head. After listening to my words, my aunt went out to have a look for a while, came in and said to me, "It's wrong. I'll ask the staff to correct it tomorrow. Thank you, little friend"!

The next morning after school, I passed this bookstore and found that the "I" on the billboard had been corrected. The shop owner's aunt also saw me and came to me with a smile and said, "Thank you very much, little friend. You are a careful child. In the future, you are welcome to read in our shop, master more knowledge, find more typos, and correct these bad social customs"! I listened and nodded. I'm so happy!

This is the "episode" in my survey - not only increased knowledge, but also met an amiable aunt.

About the episode (10)

"Oh, why did you write so many wrong words.

"Woodpecker" action, we can know from its name that we are like woodpeckers in eliminating typos.

Needless to say, our whole team took collective action and opened Peng Shuwen's diary. Wow, there are many typos in it! "Forgetting" and "forgetting" are written as "looking", "weather" and "day" are written as "husband" of "husband", and "even" and "even" are written as "victory" of "victory"... I can't stand his composition, because he is still a sixth grade pupil!

The most annoying and ridiculous thing is that when we checked the article "Mother's Love", we found that he actually wrote the sentence "Speak of Cao Cao, Cao Cao to" into "Speak of Cao Cao, Cao Cao to", which completely confused "Cao" with "Cao". We shouted, "Stupid Peng Shuwen, you wrote 'Cao' and 'Cao' wrong..." Before we finished, he grabbed the composition book. More precisely, he gave a long sigh of relief: "It's all right now!" We came to have a look, and said with one voice: "Wrong, wrong, you write 'Speak of Cao Cao, Cao Cao arrives'!" After saying that, We all covered our stomachs and burst out laughing. Peng Shuwen came over and looked at his diary. He corrected his mistake with a red face and smiled sheepishly.

This activity gave me a deep feeling. Most of our spelling mistakes are caused by carelessness in homework. We must be careful when we write our homework in the future. Words that we can't write should be written on our own site. Don't fill in a word carelessly. If you write a wrong word, you should write it several times to deepen your correct impression of that word.

About the episode (11)

On the weekend, I made an appointment to go to the bookstore to buy books. We selected for a long time, and suddenly, my eyes and those of Woohou Tou were shining with gold, "Wow! It's Harry Potter!" I shouted with Woohou Tou in unison. Our two "little fans" had heard that this book was particularly wonderful. During the conversation, I used my pocket money to buy this Harry Potter book.

When I walked out of the bookstore, I could not wait to look at it: "Wow, how powerful Harry Potter is, how much magic he can do..." My voice was a little flaunting. Wooho turned his head slightly, his eyes seemed to be looking for the wonderful plot I just mentioned, and said: "Lend it to me first!" He was about to take my book away.

I turned around and closed the book with a snap: "I bought this book. Why should I show it to you first?" Wuwotou retorted: "You lent me 10 yuan last time. If you let me see it this time, you wouldn't have to pay me back the money last time." Wuwotou even offered me an exchange condition, which made me feel incomprehensible.

Without saying a word, I took out 10 yuan from my pocket and handed it to Wuwotou.

That push almost made me fall down. I was so angry that my eyes were as big as two soybeans. I cried excitedly, "Why are you so unreasonable? It's clearly my book! Why are you still doing it?" Before I finished speaking, Wuwutou wanted to grab my book

At this time, a passing grandmother saw it and asked us what had happened. I told her the story. She said that it was a special pleasure for her good friends to read together and share the knowledge in the book.

After listening to my grandma's words, I think it is particularly reasonable. This unpleasant incident should be regarded as a "small episode" on the road of our good friends, and our friendship will be more solid.

About the episode (12)

The road is as unobstructed as a stream. The horn of vehicles and the jingle of bicycles compose a symphony of the city. Suddenly, the "stream" stopped moving. oh It turned out that two cars collided and their owners were quarrelling! They were like stones in a stream, and the water was blocked.

The two car owners quarreled for a while. Suddenly, one of them scolded: "It's all because of the broken car. I have an accident, and I will return it tomorrow! Besides, I'm a famous Yueda car in China. How can I have problems? " Another man said, "The road is bad. The zebra crossing is too eyesore. If it hadn't affected me, I wouldn't have hit it!" Then the road sneered and said angrily, "Hum, my zebra crossing is eyesore. Listen, my zebra crossing is for the protection of pedestrians. If there is no zebra crossing, you would have hit pedestrians if you drove without restraint? You have violated the traffic rules and passed the buck to each other. It's so ungrateful! " Lu's words made both owners blush and whispered, "Sorry..." Then they drove away.

The road returned to normal, the "stream" began to flow smoothly again, and the city symphony began to play happily again, as if the little episode just happened.

About the episode (13)

There are often many pleasant "episodes" in our class's Chinese class. Today's episode is the Yo Yo ball contest that students have been looking forward to for a long time.

In the morning, as soon as I entered the classroom, I heard the students' comments and the sound of yo yo sleeping. We talked in groups of three and five. When I walked in, I saw that the students were preparing for the Yo Yo ball contest in the afternoon, and cheers and applause came one after another.

The afternoon Yo Yo ball activity was even more exciting. The students were practicing various tricks in groups. Yo Yo ball was like a butterfly flying up and down in their hands, which dazzled people. Some introduced their own ball in a vivid way, and some talked about it in a heated way... Ah! I'm so energetic! It seems that this competition will be exciting.

The second class started the competition. The students who claimed to be experts looked confident. Those who wanted to make a big splash were afraid. As the host, I gave a command: "Start!" The student who claimed to be a master slowly released the yo yo, not nervous at all; And some players, shaking their hands to let go of the yo yo and playing with all kinds of tricks, seemed to show a lack of confidence. The other students who did not participate in the competition shouted hard to cheer up, and their faces showed anxiety. If you see the representatives of your own group eliminated, you will show disappointment and helplessness.

I didn't want to be lonely. I greased the yo yo of our team members and changed the line. Finally, our team entered the final with excellent results. There were all experts in the final. I was really worried about the team members. In the previous rounds, the team members of several groups had made great efforts, but there were still several students who were eliminated. There were only three left. They must be the first, second and third place. Fortunately, two of the three are members of our team. With their superb skills, they won the first and second places with excellent results. We are very happy.

Through this competition, I learned that no matter what you do, you must work hard and sweat to succeed. The road to success is a setback. It takes indomitable spirit to reach the other side of victory.

I will never forget today --- this lively Chinese lesson. It is a happy episode of my primary school life, written in the chapter of my primary school life.

About the episode (14)

At that time, I was in the second grade of primary school. One day after school, suddenly dark clouds, thunder and lightning, soon, it began to rain cats and dogs. I stood at the school gate waiting for my father to pick me up. However, after waiting for a long time, my classmates all left, leaving me alone. My tears rolled in my eyes.

Suddenly, a familiar figure appeared in the rain. He came to the school with an umbrella in his right hand and a raincoat in his left. A closer look revealed that it was Dad, whose shoes were filled with water, making a "creaking" sound when walking. I couldn't help shouting, "Dad, Go forward step by step.

When I got home, my father put me down from my back. I looked at him. He was wet all over, but I wasn't wet at all. I didn't know how to say it. I cried out guiltily, "Dad!" He touched my head and said to me, "Man, why are you crying?"