Composition for composition examination (16 compilations)
Little old man
2024-05-11 04:24:25
topic of conversation

Composition of composition examination (1)

The exam is coming tomorrow. The teacher told everyone to review carefully, but Xiaoming ignored the teacher's words and played computer games as soon as he got home.

Jingle the bell, the bell of the exam rings, Xiao Ming gets the exam paper and begins to answer. Answering, Xiao Ming was puzzled by a question. He thought hard and scratched his ears and cheeks. He really regretted that he hadn't studied hard. At this time, he began to look around, and found Xiao Li at the same table was concentrating on answering questions. Xiaoming suddenly had a plan: copy Xiaoli's answer. Xiaoming was a bit nervous when he thought of this, but he still got up the nerve and looked at Xiaoli's paper. Xiao Ming is a little scared, afraid that his plagiarism will be found. But Xiaoli soon perceived his behavior and stopped him in a low voice. Xiaoming is a bit depressed, but he can't just sit back and do nothing, so Xiaoming again looks at Xiaoli's answer. This time Xiaoli angrily said to him, "If you copy my paper again, I will sue the teacher.

When he got home in the evening, Xiao Ming felt very heavy looking at his papers full of wrong questions. Just then, Xiaoming heard someone knocking at the door. It was Xiaoli who rushed to give him a lecture in the rain. Xiaoming felt grateful and regretted his plagiarism. He apologized to Xiao Li and made up his mind to study hard in the future to achieve good results.

Composition of composition examination (2)

Today is the last day of summer vacation. Early in the morning, I was yelled out of my sleep by my mother. Ah! Life is hard!

Huh? Who is my mother? I'm not in the mood to nag you. Please? Well, for the sake of begging me, I will be merciful and tell you that I am the famous violent little beauty: Dong Shuyue.

The bike stopped. Eh? What's wrong? Ah! The axle is broken, and my father won't repair it for me, so I'm going to be late. I am extremely anxious. "Hey! Chairman!" Ah! Here comes Rebecca and Mei Zilin (Soft Shell and Sister Lin). They stopped their bicycles. "What's wrong?" "The axle is broken!" "Come with us!" My heart suddenly swelled with warmth.

Oh, I almost forgot to introduce myself. I'm the monitor and the teacher's favorite. Soft Shell is teacher Qi's daughter, and Sister Lin is a study committee member. The three of us formed a "female overlord group". Even the teachers in the office know it!

We were greeted by a war of words without gunsmoke. (Teacher Qi hates being late.) I am a pet. After avoiding some trouble, the teacher said, "Dong Shuyue, pay attention next time!" Soft shells are the most unlucky. Teacher Qi is the most strict with her, "Rui Rui, what happened to you? Ah! Today we have a good day to reflect!" Mei Zilin was also taught a lesson. The dumbest and stupidest pig head (pig head) of the class was giggling beside, leading many students to laugh together. (╰_╯)#

Mr. Qi glared at him and continued: "Today, I will introduce three new friends to you." Then he pulled the three students up, wow! It seems that! The boy is Zeng Renjian, and the girl is Lin Xiaoxi. The other is Chen Zi. " "Zeng, Xiaomeng, orange. Nickname is good!" Pig's head began to speak pig's language again. Everyone agreed.

"Good! Next, we will allocate seats." o (>﹏<) o Don't! I'm so nervous. "Dong Shuyue and Lin Xiaoxi" o (>﹏<) o Don't! I'm angry! Wuwuwu (research system)! Make do!

Composition of composition examination (3)

Exam, two words, but decided my "life and death". If you don't do well in the exam, this summer vacation will be over.

"Roasting, when can I change to steaming?" I gasped at the huge stack of papers on the desk. I have grasped the life of junior high school, and I will be very busy near the exam.

Another busy day——

"Put away the papers quickly! The teacher will check later!" The math class representative began to shout early in the morning... We were breathless and tortured by the homework last night, and we will face the test of the teacher early in the morning. Students, we are really brothers in distress! It was so easy to find out the schoolbag that had already been filled with papers. Old Ben came to patrol again. Seeing his skillful actions, he knew that he had to write ancient prose and poems from memory. Naturally, he would have to copy them. We experienced 'hardships' after suffering.

Finally, the exam is coming! This is both a battle and a battle between life and death for us. Some of us will jump three feet high, and some of us will die miserably. You will see a mess of 'corpses everywhere'

Examinations are the magic weapon of teachers and the lifeblood of students. Teacher, when can you give us a break? Let's relax, too? Exam ah, I am afraid of you!

Composition of composition examination (4)

The final exam is coming soon. When the head teacher announced the date of the exam, students' faces showed a feeling of fear.

A few days before the exam, almost everywhere there were several students studying hard. Because the exam was imminent, most of the students had to work hard.

The final exam finally came, and many students in the exam room read books in the last few minutes. Some students are a little flustered; Some students are indifferent.

The students took up "weapons" and prepared to cut through the border. In the examination room, some students tore paper, some students turned over their schoolbags, and some students were sharpening pencils... All these made an irregular noise.

After a while, the invigilator came with a serious face. There was a sudden silence in the examination room. When the examination paper was handed out, only the rustling of writing was heard, and occasionally there was a slight cough or two.

After the exam, some students were in high spirits, while others were depressed.

The exam finally passed. The students sang, danced, talked and laughed like birds coming out of the cage, so we could have fun again. Even so, everyone was still worried about the exam results.

Composition of composition examination (5)

On Friday, we had a final exam. My goal was to get 300 points. Early in the morning, I felt like I had 15 bunnies in my heart. Through my mother's enlightenment, I entered the examination room with a relaxed mood.

The first test in the morning was English. As soon as I handed out the test paper, I felt very simple. I finished it in a short time. I checked it carefully several times, and felt that 100 points would be OK. The second one is Chinese, which I don't think is too difficult, but I was pulled back by the "state" of Zhaozhou Bridge and wrote "state". What a pity! Maybe I have no chance with 100. In the afternoon, I took my best math exam, and I finished it in about 20 minutes. I carefully checked it many times, hee hee! It should be all right. I'm looking forward to the end of class!

Today I know the score, and I really got 100 points in the English test; My guess about Chinese was good, and I got 99 points; Mathematics is 100+20 of course! I'm so happy, but I also have some regrets. One word "continent" let me pass three full marks.

My parents were very satisfied with my performance. They told me: "Don't ask too much of yourself. Just form a good habit and try your best. Otherwise, you will be very tired." I think my parents are right. I will fly freely in the blue sky like a happy bird.

Composition of composition examination (6)

The expected and feared final exam is coming. Many students are frantically reviewing, hoping to get good results in the exam. Seeing the exam date approaching day by day, most of the students are concentrating on their lessons and adding burdens to themselves.

The final exam finally came. After entering the exam room, the picture was like this: some candidates read Amitabha Buddha in their mouth and drew a cross in front of their chest. I don't know whether to ask Buddha's blessing or God's help. Some students want to "cooperate in groups, help each other, and help each other in case of difficulty", and connect the "heaven and earth line" of the surrounding examinees. Some examinees went to the snack bar to buy chocolates. Maybe they read the book that eating chocolate before the exam can ensure they won't panic.

Soon, the invigilator came. The noisy exam room suddenly quieted down. At the time of a cup of tea, the opening bell ringing through the campus rang on time, and the paper was handed out. I took out my pen, looked at the questions on the test paper, and looked up at other candidates. They had already filled in the name, test number, class and other information, and were still working on the test paper. Not to be outdone, I quickly filled in the exam number. Time flows like flowing water, and all of a sudden, Grade One and Grade Two are finished. Grade 3 - Grade 6 is still 20 minutes away.

At this time, I still haven't written a composition on my test paper. My mind was in a mess and I couldn't find my way of thinking. After a while, I woke up a little, then I sorted out my ideas, found the right starting point, gave full play to the ideas I had just sorted out, and used good words and sentences, and a composition was completed.

"Ding Lingling~" The roll up bell rang, and I handed in the test paper.

Composition of composition examination (7)

The mid-term exam is the best proof that "industry is good at work, but not good at play, and action is good at thinking, but it is bad at following.".

The sun was still the same, and the school was still the same. The teacher of Class Two came into our class with a dozen papers in his arms. "What is this for?" I asked my front desk in doubt. "Then where do I know to go?" He seemed a little puzzled. "All right, students, be quiet!" The teacher gently put the paper on the table. "Today we are going to have the midterm exam." When I heard the four words of the midterm exam, I immediately lost my eyes. The teacher didn't say anything. I didn't review. The students were also shocked and seemed a little overwhelmed. I took a few deep breaths and adjusted my mood. Take it as it comes. Now that the exams have come, let's accept them well.

In the first math exam, I took the paper and glanced at it roughly. Fortunately, this math paper was not too difficult. I knew most of the basic questions, so I took up my pen and began to answer. At the beginning, it was relatively smooth. The multiple choice question and the calculation question were both basic questions. I wrote the answer at a very fast speed, but as I wrote, I came to the application question, "Oh, why is this question so familiar? What did the teacher say at that time?" I was a little flustered. I looked at my classmates who were writing fast, and a huge pressure mountain fell on me, Make my pen slippery. But I tried to take a deep breath to calm myself down. But it didn't work very well. I closed my eyes and recalled the scenes in class and the key points drawn in the math book. My brain ran at full speed. The brain cells searched the database for the knowledge I had recorded. Finally, I found the solution to this problem in the secret corner of my mind. I tried to calculate again and again, Finally, I came to an answer that I was not sure. I saw the students around me, one by one, one by one, and one by one, and then I saw the question in front of me, this question was deliberately to find fault with me, right? It seems that I am still a little rusty. I can't leave any knowledge behind when I review.

The second subject is the Chinese exam. Although Chinese is my dominant subject, with the lessons learned from the math exam, I dare not slack off. I hurried to recite the ancient poems again in ten minutes after class... I started to write the first volume and finished it quickly. The second one, I found that there was no composition, which was great. Reading is just a small boss for me! Class was finally over. I came down from the tense battle line, but small troubles also swept through.

This subject is an English exam. Ho ho ho, I don't know how many times I have learned the fifth grade pep, but there is an English composition. It seems that I can't hide the composition. I immediately look like eggplant with frost, staring at this question directly, and a large number of words in my mind rush forward, so I have confidence. You little unknown general dare to compete with me, a big general who brushes two English papers every day. I don't know how lofty the earth is. I've seen you three times, but I still haven't seen you through! Look, didn't you finish it in one minute?

Opportunities are reserved for those who are prepared, so that they can catch their tail when they come.

The midterm exam came suddenly, and we had no precautions. In fact, not every exam can make us prepare in advance, so instead of cramming temporarily, we should listen carefully in class during daily study, take notes carefully, review systematically on weekends, consolidate the knowledge we have learned, and pass the exam calmly.

Composition of composition examination (8)

Tomorrow is the first monthly exam of grade three. I review again and again, fearing that if I miss any word, my score will be one point less.

During the exam, the atmosphere in the classroom was very solemn. Everyone wrote carefully, and I was also very nervous. But as long as there were questions I could not answer, I would carefully recall the review before the exam, and I would know the answer. After writing, I checked three times before handing in the paper.

After the exam, my mood was as warm as washing three, very relaxed, but the really nervous was just beginning.

Two days later, when the teacher handed out the examination paper, my heart was about to jump out. Unexpectedly, I unexpectedly won the first place in the exam. At that time, I was really happy!

After returning home, my mother told me: "Although you are the first in the exam, you must have the spirit of victory and not arrogance to continue to maintain." My father also said: "It is very good to be the first in the exam, but you should usually review and not cram temporarily." I think what they said is very reasonable, so next time I will be able to break through again!

Composition of composition examination (9)


As children, we are immersed in the world of toys all day long. Until one day, we were tricked into a big house (in the eyes of adults) by our parents' rhetoric. When we walked into the so-called talent house, we looked childish and had the look of becoming useful. When we first went to school, there was an exam. At that time, my greatest fear was to take an arithmetic exam. I count only 10 fingers forever, which is wrong. Naturally, I only scored half of that exam.

present progressive

As I grow older, I gradually understand. It seems that our years of studying hard are just for a transcript that can reflect our value and a notice from a key university. It seems that in our youth generation, what we should do is to make every effort, study and take exams. Study again, take another exam. For a long time, every student is no longer nervous when facing the exam, because they have become numb.

The teacher who hates iron but is not strong is waving their passion on the platform, talking about the topic that can never be finished.

Hentie's parents are anxiously waiting at home. Wait for the results of the exam. There was only one question in my mind: How was the exam?

future indefinite

Black September, black third day is coming. We need to make preparations to squeeze the single wooden bridge that will fall to death if we are not careful. We will also sweat on the paper that determines our destiny and dedicate our spring planting season. I don't know when the narrow wooden bridge will fall, nor how many people will fall into the valley. I only know that this is what we are born to bear. The moment we were born, we were destined to cooperate with the exam and fight with the single wooden bridge!

Composition of Composition Examination (10)

June 15, 20xx, I will never forget this day in my life. On this day, I took a very important exam - the first entrance exam of Foreign Language School.

That day, it was raining. I sat in the car and watched the beany raindrops hit the windshield and broke into eight pieces. I was really worried about the exam. At about 7:45, I arrived at the examination room. At this time, the exam has not started yet! "Go outside and relax," I said to myself.

Walking in the corridor of the Foreign Language School, I watched the graffiti created by my classmates and listened to the rain and the occasional noise. My nervous mood relaxed a lot. At 8:30, the bell rang on time. "Come on!" I whispered to myself before entering the examination room.

At 4:30 p.m. on the 17th, I nervously opened the computer and carefully entered my test number and password. "145.5 points! Not bad!" Although I didn't enter the interview, I was very happy because I experienced the "first exam" of my life. "Hey, you know, my classmate was admitted to the foreign language school!" A friend shouted excitedly from the other end of the phone. "Really? Great! By the way, how many points did she get in the exam?" "146!" "What? 146 points! If I was 145.5, it was 0.5!" My heart trembled.

"Why, why is this? A score of 0.5 makes me miss the foreign language school that many students dream of. If I had been more careful at that time, would the result have changed? If I had been more serious, would I have been able to enter?" I hung up the phone and asked myself again and again, I can't help asking myself: if God gives me another chance, can I hold this precious "0.5" point? At this time, a phone call from my father made me know, "Daughter, you are very good, although you are defeated, you are very proud!"

I understand what I don't understand. I put down.

Thanks for the exam. It has made me grow up a lot, let me understand the truth of "a drop in the bucket is a thousand miles away", and learned to treat learning seriously and rigorously. A little horse may change one's life.

Sincerely wish every student who is admitted to a foreign school, come on! I will work as hard as you! What a test I love and hate!

Composition of Composition Examination (11)

After the exam, I sat in my seat nervously, thinking about the scene of the exam, my face turned red involuntarily, and my head dropped. "This question is so difficult, what should I do.

In the last exam, I only got 87 points because of my carelessness. When I got home, my mother gave me a hard lecture and an order: If I can't get 90 points or more in the next exam, don't blame me for being rude. I can't listen to music for a month! When I heard this, I was shocked and determined: music is my favorite. I must study hard and get a good score in the exam. It can not only win back the right to listen to music, but also make my mother look at me with new eyes. At the thought of this, my mind suddenly flashed, and a bold idea came into my mind: "Copy". I was also shocked by this idea. I, the top student in the teacher's mind, and the good example in the students' mind, can even make a cheat sheet? Just as I was going to ask the person in front of me for the answer, the teacher walked past me and whispered, "Honesty is something that a person basically needs." My heart was completely awakened by this sentence, "Be honest, don't copy." I firmly thought.

But when I think of my mother's words, I feel creepy. Finally, I gritted my teeth and wrote down a piece of paper. When I threw it, I threw it on the desk of the students in the front row. After a while, the note had not yet passed, and the teacher was urging me, so I had to poke at the back of the front row students and whispered: "Hurry up, it's too late!" Just after saying that, the paper ball flew to me. I opened it and saw that it was the answer. When I was lifting the pen to copy, the teacher's eyes fell on me, It seems to say: "If you want to copy, you will lose the most valuable morality."

My pen suddenly stopped in the air, but after a while the teacher's eyes turned to others and said, "Hurry up, students who haven't finished writing." I decided to ignore others' opinions and copied the answers onto my own paper. Although I got high marks in this exam, I lost the most basic and valuable thing, that is, morality.

Composition of Composition Examination (12)

At about 1:00 this afternoon, I came to the school to prepare for the final exam, the last fight of this semester (also the whole fifth grade). The head teacher made me the head of my class examination room. I ran to the platform, took out the list, and checked the students' exam numbers and seat numbers.

At half past one, the invigilator walked into the classroom with the bell ringing, and the students dared not leave.

(1) In Chinese examination

The invigilator took a large pile of white papers to the platform and said: "I will distribute the papers next, and you are not allowed to write if you get them! First, I will review them in general, and then I will let you write!" Her voice was very harsh, which made us goose bumps all over the ground.

Fortunately, Chinese is my greatest strength. I read the test paper first after I got it. Ha ha! Basically, I know everything. Suddenly, I heard the teacher's angry voice: "I can only write when I let it write. I said it several times!" Then I heard the voice of "prick, prick...". I saw that one of the students had written a question first, and the teacher tore up the test paper after reading it. How terrible!

I struggled to write, and suddenly a question puzzled me as I was doing it. It means "Zhi" of the word "Dedication". It gives us several options to choose from. The word "commitment" has never been heard of. What does it mean? I thought for a long time and excluded other options. There are only two left: one is centralized, and the other is to achieve. I thought about it for a while. Concentrate, realize, concentrate, achieve... Well, it should be concentration. I'm not sure. I ran to ask the teacher after the exam, but I guessed right~~~~ Ha ha Lucky~

(2) Math exam

Maths is my worst subject, what should I do? Alas, only Zu Chongzhi can bless me! I silently read, "Zu Chongzhi bless me, Zu Chongzhi bless me..."

When I got the test paper, I was very happy: it was relatively simple, and there were no difficult questions. It took me 20 minutes to finish it. I checked it several times and found three mistakes.

I carefully calculated that 9 points would be deducted from these three mistakes! It seems that Zu Chongzhi really heard my prayer! Zu Chongzhi, I thank you on behalf of eight generations of my descendants! Otherwise, I must fail the exam again.

After checking for so many times, I couldn't find any mistakes, so I put Bi in the stationery bag. I suddenly heard something. I looked, alas alas, what do you think I saw? Xiao Liu hasn't finished yet. He is using his calculator furtively! I gave a slight cough as a warning. He turned his head to look at me and hid the calculator again. After a while, he began to eat chocolate again! I pretended not to see it all the time, but I was the administrator of the examination room, so after the examination, I secretly wrote down the name of Xiao Liu on a piece of paper

(3) In English exam

English is a subject I am good at but not good at. I don't know why the English test paper of Grade 5 is so difficult. My English score hovers around 95, but this is good. If I can get full marks, I must have done it in advance.

When the test paper was handed out, I quickly finished the written test. As for the result, I could not estimate it. It should be about 95 points.

When listening, the pronunciation of the speaker was not standard. We didn't understand a word after reading it several times. I think it should be what people call "country English". What shall I do? I randomly evaluated one according to the situation and wrote it down. But, that one is empty! Sobbing

After the exam, the overall feeling was OK, waiting for the results to be announced!

Composition of Composition Examination (13)

To tell you a little secret, our teacher asked several of us to go to his home every night after school, and he gave us remedial lessons. Although I am very happy every day, the fatal point is that I have to take an exam every Saturday.

Today is Saturday. I got up early. It was drizzling. I yawned. After washing, I ate breakfast slowly and hurried to the teacher's house. The rain wet my hair, and I was even more hurried.

The teacher's family was scarce, so I put on my shoe covers, walked calmly to my seat, and started my homework.

The teacher is reading a book.

When all the staff arrived, the teacher walked into his bedroom and we knew it.

A piece of white paper is printed with black words. When I see these words, I feel dizzy. The teacher told us to do it independently.

Ah! It's still simple. It's a piece of cake for me. I am confident and confident.

Whispering... A voice of conversation haunted my ears. I used to look at it. It turned out that several students with poor grades were discussing it. I thought: They are dead... Before they could go on, the teacher suddenly walked over and knocked on the table.

Everything was quiet as usual.

Alas, although it is simple, there are a lot of calculation problems. If you don't pay attention, you won't win the first place. I sink down and do it slowly. It's still raining outside the window.

It was noon, and I finally got to this day. When I was getting up to hand in my paper, the teacher coughed, and I immediately understood. I sat down, but I couldn't find anything wrong.

I don't know when I suddenly looked back and saw the teacher standing behind me, checking my homework. My heart is in my throat. My hand held the manuscript tightly.

However, unfortunately, it happened. The teacher angrily, no, very angry, picked up my test paper and loudly scolded: "You said how you checked it, such a simple word problem was wrong, our classmates! Be practical and careful in your study..." Alas, the teacher again talked about his book of mountains and seas that he had told for many times.

It's good. I'll change it, won't I?

I handed in the test paper with my classmates. The students said that they would come to see the results in the afternoon to avoid the teacher talking about the classics of mountains and seas again. However, I wanted to watch it before I left, so I begged my classmates to wait for me. The teacher ticked skillfully. To tell the truth, I don't know whether it is right or wrong.

Suddenly, the teacher's hand stopped. Am I wrong? The teacher said that our method is OK, so is the answer, but we don't know who is right and who is wrong. The teacher asked us to come back this afternoon. He thought about it first.

On the way home, I feel every step is so heavy

In the afternoon, I came to the teacher's house and saw that question. We made a mistake. I only got 99 points. At that time, I was very angry. Why were we wrong, why did I fail to get 100 points, and why? Questions popped out of my mind.

Strangely, the teacher did not comment on the test paper, but gave dozens of difficult calculation questions. We all wondered.

Finally, the answer was finally revealed. It turns out that there will be an exam this afternoon.

I am almost out of breath by you in the exam; Exams, can you stay away from me; Exams, I'm afraid of you.

Composition of Composition Examination (14)

Today is the day of the animal school exam, hey! It's time to test our morality. Let's join in the fun.

Here is an old woman. She wants to cross the road, but no one helps her. When Xiaoma's classmate came, the old woman held him. But before the old woman could speak, the little horse said, "Get up! I have to go to school to test my morality. I don't have time to pay attention to you!" The old woman walked away disappointed. After a while, the naughty monkey came, and the old woman stopped him and asked him to help. However, the little monkey not only didn't help the old woman, but also said, "Ouch, isn't it just crossing the road? The big deal is to let the car push you for a ride!" After that, he glanced at the old woman and left.

There are also many students who have passed the granny without helping her. Some students are also very angry with the grandma. Eh? Isn't this the monitor panda? Let's see, what will he do to her?

When he saw the old woman, he said politely, "Excuse me, the old woman, why are you so worried?" The old woman said, "I want to cross the road, but no one helps me." Hearing this, the little panda quickly said, "Come on, let me help you." With these words, Little Bear carefully helped the old woman across the road. And politely said goodbye to grandma.

When we arrived at school, everyone was reviewing the morality book. At this time, Teacher Rabbit came up and said, "This morality test, only the little panda got full marks, and the others got zero marks. Everyone was very confused, and did not know what was going on. It turned out that just helping the old grandma cross the road was the test question, and everyone regretted it when they knew it.

How about this exam? Is it interesting?

Composition of Composition Examination (15)

How unforgettable the six years of primary school life is, how many people and events have left us a deep impression. One thing that impressed me deeply was an exam in the first grade.

It was a summer. The hot sun was shining on the earth, and the air was frozen, making people breathless.

Because of today's exam, Xiao Ye reviewed late last night. You know, how much sweat she shed! Early in the morning, she combed her hair, finished breakfast, and hurried to school with her schoolbag. Oh, here we are at last.

"Ding Ling Ling", the first time in the morning, means that the battle between Xiaoye and the exam is about to start. Accompanied by the bell, the Chinese teacher walked onto the platform and began to hand out the test paper... When she got the test paper, Xiaoye buried her head in writing, "Write words according to Pinyin". Xiaoye murmured, but she didn't write, because it seemed that she didn't meet Xiaoye when she reviewed the word yesterday. After careful consideration, she decided not to hang herself on this tree and continued to answer the question. As before, I read and examined the questions, but I didn't answer them. Because there were no questions again, I asked them to give a subtitle to the short essay. But the kitten couldn't write the word "cat", and the word "top" on the top of the mountain couldn't write, which was very urgent.

The sun is still relentlessly burning the earth. In addition, Xiaoye is exhausted because of the test questions. Soon, big sweat drops fall from her head. She looks around uneasily. It is quiet. Everyone is concentrating on answering the test paper. "Alas!" She sighs... Suddenly, a ghost idea quietly penetrates into Xiaoye's mind, It makes the small leaf with a sad face burst into a smile in an instant

"Whoa, whoa, whoa" The originally silent classroom added a voice of vigorously turning the paper. Xiaoye turned the paper over and over like a big cake, hoping to find a clue. She became more and more diligent. In the face of the surprised eyes of teachers and students, she didn't flinch. Ah, ha, ha, tell you quietly, she finally found the answer to the question she didn't know and the word she didn't know in the lines of the paper. At this time, Xiaoye was very happy. As expected, she has achieved a very good result. Later, when the teacher mentioned this to the parents, they couldn't help laughing. The teacher said: "For children under six years old, if they have any questions, they will find the answers. This little girl is really smart and funny."

Who is the little leaf in the text? I believe you have expected it! Yes, she is now Ye Mengfei.

Now Xiaoye has become a big girl who has dreams and pursuits and never gives up; Today's Xiaoye exam will no longer be full of papers to find the answers. Instead, it will be answered by its own thinking, perception and knowledge to interpret the warm and cold human relations in the world and write its own beautiful life!

Although this matter has passed for a long time, when I think about it, Xiaoye always smiles inexplicably. This is her most unforgettable exam. It has become a shining pearl in Xiaoye's childhood happy memory!

Composition of Composition Examination (16)


Everyone was anxious before and after

Keep writing and doing

Do you know that it is useless to cram temporarily?

Exam start

Take a breath when you see the test paper

Take a pen and take a deep breath

The problem is so difficult that people's brains are paralyzed

It's written on the hand and carried in the mouth

Eyes still on

Not really

make up a story

The invigilator smiled knowingly

When the time comes, the examination papers will be collected

The collector is regarded as an eyesore by others

Announce the results, cry and laugh

Do you know that the teacher is angry?

I wish I could do it again

One time test paper

Study hard and listen well

Then you can listen to the results with a smile!


The nervous Chinese exam began. The first question was writing new words, and I was secretly pleased with myself, "Ha ha! This question is really a piece of cake, especially to send points!" This question was quickly settled. Looking at the next question, the text filled in the blank, and now I began to be nervous. After 10 minutes, I only had the last question left. I thought I could close this question as easily as before, Who knows, something unexpected happened, and this question just baffled me. I grabbed my head, and my mouth unconsciously became the shape of an inverted moon. I thought for a while, "Is this so?" For a while, "Is that so?" I wanted to break my head, and the answer to this question finally came out. The next question is to see how your reading ability is. I looked at the title "Farmers and snakes" for me, little ks, It took me only 5 minutes to finish. My strong point composition gave me a warm hug, which enabled me to finish the composition in a short time

Examination is indispensable in the exam, so I used the rest of the time to check. Alas, how can I write it? I quickly changed it back

After handing in the paper, I had to wait for the rest


Sad and happy, the end of the semester is coming, and the pace of the exam is approaching.

Everything was busy and I was too nervous to blink. More homework, more exams, more severe criticism from teachers, and even the sidelines have disappeared.

On the table, on the bed, on the floor, in the bathroom, at a glance, there are homework and guidance books everywhere. When eating, it is used as spiritual food; Before going to bed, recite two concepts; When going to the toilet, aim at two lines of words. The spirit of the whole body is tense, and I dare not slack off at all.

Red tick, "tortoise", big question mark, you won't let me, I won't let you, all appear in the exercise book, making the little master sad and happy. When I close my eyes, my parents seem to see the mock scroll. Sometimes they smile and pocket money rolls in; Sometimes with sticks and sticks, the little buttocks swell up; Sometimes a heart hangs in the balance. Day by day, like a threat, like a threat.

"Hold the Buddha's feet temporarily", yes, as the big exam approaches, the devil's hand grasps you, the wind brings a breath of tension, mixed with many sadness, with a little joy, all hidden in the morning air. The students discussed the test questions in groups. There was no usual chasing and fighting, no usual rapture. Occasionally, the crisp laughter after understanding the topic disappeared soon. At this time, the bell for class is so clear and loud.

The curse is the most common, there are more than ten times a day. Don't bother, listen, like an alarm bell, like an alarm clock, it can be heard at any time. In the evening, when the lights are on, the bright lights all over the room can not feel the arrival of night at all. On the road and in the playground, where can you see innocent smiling faces and hear silvery laughter?

There are more and more teachers and parents in front of school. Every family, old and young, came out of the city and countryside as if they were in a hurry. After cheering on the children in the exam, they went to their respective jobs. After the exam, some families are happy and some are worried. The winter vacation has just begun. Some are time and some are punishment.

The exam is like an invisible hand, holding you tightly and making you breathless.

Exams are like the bell of liberation, which means the holidays are coming.

Exams are like endless stairs, leading us forward, breaking through ourselves and surpassing ourselves.


In the forest, the "study class" is about to graduate. Of course, a graduation exam will be held the day before graduation. The animals are busy reviewing their lessons. Look! The little white rabbit stayed up all night and got red eyes, the crow recited his lessons and lost his throat, the firefly stayed up all night reading... In order to achieve excellent results, to be admitted to the "forest talent class" university, and to reassure parents, the animals worked hard.

Only the fox, leisurely and complacent, wandered in the woods all day long, and with his little cleverness and rhetoric, cheated several meals and drinks. The fox called himself a "wise man", which made the animals wonder that this "wise man" usually skipped class, did not listen carefully in class, and could not answer the simple questions raised by the teacher, but he always got full marks in the big and small exams.

"The exam begins", the teacher elephant's rough and bright voice came from the exam room. The fox swaggered into the examination room, full of pride. The little dog said, "There must be foxes in the 'Forest Talents Class' this time." The little cat said, "No, look at his pride!" "Yes!" "Yes!" "..." The animals attached themselves to the sound. After the fox sat down, he looked at his classmates, Little White Rabbit and Crow, who were sitting on both sides of the room, and coughed a few times.

The results were announced, the fox ranked last, and the animals talked about it.

The fox was saying, "I'm a 'wise man'. It's just that the problem is too simple. I'm too lazy to do it, otherwise I will be the first again!"

Only the fox knows the reason best. It turned out that after the test paper was handed out, the resourceful "wise man" took the opportunity of asking for a pencil to peek at the test paper of the little white rabbit and the crow. It found that the test papers of the rabbit and the crow were different from it! The little white rabbit answered volume A, the crow answered volume C, and his own was volume B! So it didn't write a word and walked out of the examination room.

Up to now, it still scolds: Who thought this bad idea!


The exam once a day came again, and the students were nervously reviewing. You must think that they are very serious and study hard. In fact, they are "seize the time to play before the exam".

Before the exam, it was the students who were tired of self-study every day. But today, it has become different. Although the classroom is so busy, in fact, the students are looking for someone to review their lessons! If you don't believe it, look: A hurried from here to there, from there to here. He asked for advice from B and learned from C, the top student. He was so busy that he was "not even hot". Although he was sweating, he said, "I understand all my lessons, ha ha!" Although those students who had better grades were complacent, But there are also some students who can't pretend to understand. Look, the top math student D is in a hurry now. Later, he runs to student E to learn from him; Later, she ran to classmate C and kept asking questions... while classmate F, the best student in the class, was reading her composition book leisurely! (The whole classroom is noisy, which is now confidential)

Finally, the chilling "alarm bell" sounded, and the students walked slowly into the classroom. A young teacher walked into the "unforgettable" examination room with light steps. She was Miss Zhang, who was "able to get into the classroom, get down to the office, be able to approve, be able to evaluate, have unique skills, and cover the sky". The teacher smiled and walked onto the platform, He said a lot of "garbage" in one breath, and then the white test papers were handed out. A student looked carefully, and suddenly he became "pale, blue lips, and difficult to breathe". B student trembled to pick up the pencil, wrote down the name of "so and so", and then wrote down the answers one by one. He thought: o (>﹏<) o No, it's too difficult! Student C also protested repeatedly, muttering something: "%&* @ @ # ¥ ¥%%&&&¥ ¥% ¥ # ¥ #% ¥ @ m ね ち み す ぢ ょ づ" く... "Although student D was smart, he could forget all the things he had studied at the critical moment. He patted his head and said," Oops., she ignored anyone, persist in one 's old ways.

At the end of the exam, the students stood together in three groups and five groups to discuss after class. One said, "Yes, how did you do your last question?" Before others could answer, another asked, "How did you do the four sub questions of your first question?" The students were all dignified, and felt really good after the exam, Classmate E whispered a long voice: Classmate B was anxious to answer each other's questions. At one time, he looked calm, at another time, he was anxious... In short, the students tried their best to do it.

Waiting for the score, I hope it is not low, but maybe only God knows!


Today, I got 100 points in my math exam. I'm very happy.

Last time, I didn't do well in the Chinese exam. I only got 98 points. My mother said to me, "You didn't do well in the exam today, and you should work hard in the future." When I got 100 points in the math exam, I knew that I should be careful in the exam to get 100 points. You should also remember what you learned in your mind and heart to get 100 points. In the future, I will work hard to get more 100 points.