Highlight personality (3 articles in total)
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2024-02-23 00:30:10
Senior One

Highlight personality (1)

In the ordinary and light daily life, many people have had the experience of writing compositions. They are no strangers to compositions. With the help of compositions, people can achieve the purpose of cultural exchange. I believe many friends are very upset about writing compositions. The following is a guide to writing personal compositions that I collected for you. I hope it can help you.

From the beginning of writing in primary school, we first wrote narratives. Until junior high school, we continued to write narratives. Narratives can be divided into two categories: people writing and narration. How can we write characters more vividly? Here, we will introduce a method that can make the article alive - detailed description.

We know that the vitality of narrative lies in the description of details. What many students lack in their compositions is not the ability to write something completely, but the ability to capture and describe details. This makes the article dull and inflexible without any appeal.

1、 What is detailed description

Detail description refers to the vivid and detailed description of the subtle and specific typical plot in life, which is specifically permeated in the description of characters, scenery or scenes. For example, we can trace every move of the person, the specific link of the development of things, and the small objects in the environment. It is the most vivid and expressive technique. It often tells the truth, goodness, beauty, falsehood, ugliness and evil of the characters in a wonderful way, so that readers can appreciate and evaluate them. The position of detail description in the article description seems to be idle or superfluous. It is irrelevant and dispensable; However, they are all carefully set and arranged by the author and cannot be replaced at will. An article, with the proper use of detailed description, can set off the environmental atmosphere, portray the character and reveal the theme.

The main function of character detail description is to portray the character and shape the character image. Each vivid detail is like a cell in the human body. Without it, people will lose their lives; If the article is short of details, the characters will lose their flesh and blood and look.

2、 Types of character detail description

1. Description of dress details. For example:

(1) Although they are wearing long clothes, they are dirty and torn. It seems that they have not been mended or washed for more than ten years. (Kong Yiji by Lu Xun)

(2) Mr. Fujino, it is said that his clothes are too musty, and sometimes he forgets to wear a bow tie; Their words are probably true. I saw him go to the classroom once without a bow tie. (Lu Xun, Mr. Fujino)

The above sentence (1) describes that the long gown is dirty and torn, and has not been washed or mended for a long time. It not only shows that Kong Yiji is poor and has only one long gown, but also shows that he is lazy and refuses to even wash or mend clothes. He refused to take off such a long gown for fear of losing his status as a scholar. The detailed description of this dress reveals Kong Yiji's characteristics of laziness and face saving, and deeply reveals Kong Yiji's social status, ideological character and education. Sentence (2) refers to the story of Mr. Fujino told by the students who stayed at the same grade. On the one hand, it shows Mr. Fujino's simple life, on the other hand, it shows his easy-going, informal, careless and careless character.

2. Verbal details. For example:

(1) Mother also often said that as long as this kind Yu Le came back, our situation would be different. He is really a man of ideas. (Maupassant's My Uncle Hule)

(2) Then the mother said unhappily: I'm afraid of hurting my stomach. You can only buy some for the children. Don't eat too much. If you eat too much, you will get sick. Then he turned to me and said: As for Joseph, he doesn't need to eat this kind of food. Don't spoil boys. (Maupassant's My Uncle Hule)

The above sentence (1) shows that Philip and his wife have heard that Yu Le has made a fortune outside, and they have changed their views on him because of his economic status. They place their hope to change the family's financial situation on him and hope that he can return as soon as possible every day. It fully shows the selfishness, greed, vulgarity, coldness and mercenary characteristics of the Phillips. Sentence (2) is a grandiose expression of mother: in front of the two girls and their son-in-law, they seem to cherish themselves and care about others; To love children and pay attention to education is to take into account face and save money. The hypocrisy and stinginess are exposed.

3. Description of action details. For example:

(1) Confused, Kong Yiji stretched out his fingers to cover the dish, bent down and said, "Not much, I'm not much anymore.". (Kong Yiji by Lu Xun)

(2) He didn't answer, so he gave out nine pennies. (Kong Yiji by Lu Xun)

In the two sentences (1) and (2) above, the verb "cover" accurately describes Kong Yiji's forced and helpless' action when he gave each child one of his few fennel beans and the children refused to leave after eating the fennel beans, which shows his kindness. Pai's movements vividly revealed Kong Yiji's pedantic character, which was extremely poor but still wanted to show off.

4. Description of psychological details. For example:

They won't force these pigeons to sing in German! (Dude's Last Lesson)

When little Franz heard the pigeons cooing on the roof of the school, he showed his deep feelings of contempt, hatred and cherishing the language of his motherland for the despicable act of the enemy's banning French teaching.

5. Description of demeanor details. For example:

They then went on to say, how can you not even get half a scholar? Kong Yiji immediately appeared depressed and uneasy, and his face was covered with gray.

Kong Yiji was deeply aware of the secret pain of the failure of the imperial examination. Unfortunately, the secret pain was poked by others, and his poor self-esteem was falling. The expression description here vividly and delicately depicts the spasm and struggle of his heart when the secret pain was poked.

3、 Several issues to be noted when writing details:

1. Select typical details.

The more detailed description in the article, the better. The detailed description should be able to grasp the typical details, and should choose something that is representative, general and can reflect the profound theme. Only in this way can it be more extensive and help to highlight the center of the article, thus leaving a deeper impression on people. For example, Lu Xun wrote several times in Blessing that the Fourth Master of Lu frowned. This subtle change in facial expression deeply exposed the reactionary position and ugly soul of feudal gentlemen who hated widows and maintained the old ethics.

2. Observe things carefully.

To make the description vivid, in the process of observing things, we should mobilize our various senses to make very careful observation of things. Everyone has different personality characteristics, so everyone speaks and works in different ways to reflect their own personality. What we should do is to observe carefully, and then accumulate it as writing material. The way to write people is like this. When detailed description is used to describe scenery and objects, it is necessary to grasp the characteristics and changes of scenery.

3. The detail description should obey the needs of the performance center, and strive to make the details have profound significance.

Detail description is a way of seeing the big from the small. Although the weight of details is light, the capacity is large. When we choose details, we should start from the details, focus on the big picture, and see the big picture in the small, so that the small details can reflect people's ideological situation and social style.

4. The description of details must be typical and true.

The so-called truth means that the detailed description can accurately and vividly reflect the characteristics of personnel in real life. The so-called typical refers to the details described, which are widely representative and can reflect the general and the whole through individual and small things, and reveal the essence from the phenomenon. For example, Zhu Ziqing's description of his father's struggling appearance and action when climbing the platform in "Back" highlights his father's selfless love for me, which makes every reader moved. His success lies in his careful observation and accurate expression of his father's actions.

5. Refine words carefully. In the description of details, we should choose the appropriate words, in order to win more with less, and even a word vivid.

6. Use rhetoric skillfully. The use of figures of speech such as metaphor, personification and exaggeration can enhance the vividness of language, change abstract into concrete, and make invisible into tangible.

7. Use punctuation:

Lu Xun's novel "Hometown" created a typical image of a simple farmer who was deeply exploited and oppressed - Runtu. In the language description of Runtu, the novel skillfully uses punctuation marks to show the changes of Runtu in the past 20 years. There are six sentences in total, among which there are nine ellipses. Two things that impress people are as follows: (1) When I met him, Runtu was respectful and said: 'Lord!' (2) When I asked him about his situation, he just shook his head and said, 'It's very difficult. The sixth child can also help, but he always needs money everywhere without enough food and peace, and the harvest is bad without rules'. The first sentence is about the changes of the leap soil, saying "Master"! It has destroyed their simple friendship in the past, and there is a sad thick barrier between their emotional exchanges. An ellipsis is a true and delicate expression of the contradiction between the land and the land, the painful psychology and the deplorable and sad changes. The second sentence clearly describes the social root of the change of Runtu's character. The ellipsis shows that his voice is low and intermittent, and he has a hard time. It was the famine, high taxes, soldiers, bandits, officials, and gentry that tortured him into a puppet, leading him to the abyss of numbness and dullness. In this ellipsis, soaked in the blood and tears of Runtu, it contains countless sorrows of life.

In a word, although the details are small, its role should not be underestimated. A good description of details can make the characters distinctive and vivid, and enhance the authenticity, vividness and appeal of the content. The detail description is a point in the scene, without which the scene cannot be formed; It is also a bead in the plot. Without it, the plot will not be coherent.

Highlight personality (2)

Composition guidance:

"Personality" is the soul of the article. "Expressing individuality" is the driving force of writing. Individualized composition, in short, means that students can write independently, write real articles, write innovative articles, and truly become personalized products. How to publicize individuality, innovate constantly and write personalized works should be considered and practiced from the following aspects.

1、 Individualization of Writing Thinking

Composition is the display of thinking achievements, so composition innovation is first of all the individuation of thinking. The individualization of composition thinking can make the article unique, novel and profound. Innovative thinking is a high intelligence activity with pioneering significance. It has the nature of general thinking, as well as originality, breakthrough and novelty. The result of innovative thinking is to realize the appreciation of knowledge and information, which is unmatched by ordinary thinking. These are just what we need for writing. In the design of composition training, teachers should put how to activate students' creative thinking in the first place.

1. Strengthen the cultivation of imagination and association

Imagination and association are the yardstick to measure the level of creative thinking ability, and also the yardstick to test the degree of personality development. At the same time, cultivating students' imagination and association is an important way to develop their personality. On the other hand, the training of imagination and association is the weak link of composition training. Quite a few students often feel "speechless" when writing articles. In fact, it is not because there is no material in the memory warehouse, but because the "line" of Lenovo is not connected. You can often hear the word "imagination". "imagination" means "association", and "association" means "association" one by one. From the people, things and things written, we can associate many people, things and things related to them and the truth they contain. Therefore, we must strengthen the training of students in this aspect, and make the training regular and specific. Regularization refers to writing at ordinary times, which can mostly be used to cultivate imagination and association. Concretization refers to helping students master how to imagine and associate through inspiring ideas and teaching methods. Use this kind of training to activate students' creative thinking.

For example, to guide My Mother, the teacher first introduces the greatness and selflessness of mother to the students, and then sets up scenes: If you were sick, what would your mother do? If your mother is a cleaner, what is she doing now? What does your mother usually say to you on your way to school? If you returned from studying in the United States now, what would your mother do? If you were a mother now and faced with your son's failure to study hard, what would you do

We should first encourage students to spread their wings of association, and then strengthen specific guidance, so that students can pay attention to the purpose and direction of association, the bridge of association, the richness of association, and the positioning and extension of association. Under the guidance of teachers, students not only strengthened their ability to write associative compositions, but also enhanced their creative thinking ability and developed their personality in the process of expressing their personality.

2. Strengthen the training of thinking profundity

Deep thinking refers to the way of thinking from outside to inside, from phenomenon to essence. Without profound thinking, the article will not have the height of thought. In view of the phenomenon that students' compositions stay in simple notes and have no depth, teachers deliberately ask them to discuss some problems that seem to have been settled since ancient times, so as to improve their ideological depth.

3. Strengthen the training of inspiration and thinking

Inspiration is a high-level spiritual phenomenon in human creative activities, and it is the best thinking state presented by a universal and novel psychological function of human beings. Many famous articles are the result of writers' ingenuity. The essential feature of inspiration thinking is that it has a breakthrough creative function. Each student is required to have a pen exercise book and carry it with him. Once the spark of inspiration flashes, he can catch it in time and pick it up at his fingertips.

2、 Multi angle thinking in writing

The new curriculum standard encourages students to express freely and creatively. His composition is highly competitive. In terms of conception, only by touching on new people, new things and new problems that others have not yet written, expressing their own unique observation and understanding, and writing new ideas, can we achieve the effect of Yigao Wensheng. However, most people can't think of new materials due to emotional tension in the examination room, which requires ingenious thinking to make old materials express new ideas that others can't express. There is a problem of choice. For example, when you get an apple, others are accustomed to cutting it vertically. If you can cut it horizontally with your own ingenuity, the cross section of the result will be completely different from that of others, and you may observe something that others cannot observe. The composition should also be like this. "Seeing the mountain side as a peak horizontally", changing an angle may turn corruption into magic. Tell the students that things are different. We should be good at analysis and comparison. Only in this way can we write what others have not written, and have unique opinions. Students are required to write articles on their own, and show the differences of things in their compositions.

For example, a student wrote a composition on the topic of "A Gorgeous Willow". At the end of the composition, he wrote: "The willow tree has been hurt, and the graceful one carries an ugly knot; if a person is going to be hurt, he will also carry a heavy thought knot. People, please don't hurt Liu, let alone hurt people." Later, I asked her why she wrote this, She said, "I found two willows in our school have pimples, so I asked a teacher first. He said it was because the willow was old. I pointed to a small willow not far away and asked him, I heard that the willow was only five years old, how could it also have pimples? He did not answer. Later, I asked the biology teacher, and he knew that the pimples of the willow were caused by injury." The student's opinion was different from the general, Through the comparison of willows, she seeks differences between the same and the same, and also associates with people, so she wrote this innovative article.

3、 Understanding life and innovating composition

Life is the source of writing. The thoughts, opinions, feelings and all materials of students' compositions belong to life. Life is a book without words, which is broad and profound. Ye Shengtao said, "Composition can't be separated from life. To what extent life is enriched, what words can be made." To understand life, we should not only experience life, go deep into life, but also focus on life, that is, we should be good at exploring and digging our own unique feelings in life, and forming the source of our own composition. Some parents force students to observe, or even ask them to sit on a stool and stare around, thinking that this is a realization of life, but in fact it is nonsense. Observation in the literary sense does not mean that people should look with their eyes foolishly, but that they should experience and know people and things around them with their heart. A man without heart is another kind of blind man who can't find anything.

For example, after I taught Zhu Ziqing's Spring, I asked students to write an article about their true feelings about a plant or a scene. The topic was self drawn, and most students wrote it very vividly. One student wrote in the book "Yingshanhong Open in My Heart": "... April and May of the solar calendar is the most beautiful and happy day in our village every year. Red and white Yingshanhong open all over the mountain, which is almost a fairyland on earth. I often go to the opposite mountain slope with several students in the village to pick Yingshanhong, hold one after another like a trumpet in the palm of my hand, and gently smell it with my nose, wow! How fragrant! Gently break off a piece of rhododendron and put it in your mouth. A light sweet taste melts into your heart, and there is a little sour. We also use rhododendron branches to weave a hat and wear it on your head, and the forest runs around... "Because the students write about things they have experienced personally, and what they want to say most is to express their new, interesting and most perceptive feelings, so they not only write actively Very proactive, and writes well. In this way, we can feel life in writing and arouse spirituality in life.

It is not difficult to realize that life is actually a quality that is good at thinking and touching things with emotional awareness. First, let the eyes communicate with the heart. When you enter the eyes, you will enter the heart. When you enter the heart, you will sublimate; The second is to capture the signal, that is, the spark of the collision between the object and my heart. In this way, we will realize a surprise, a secret of life, and the true meaning of success. Many students may have bright eyes and strong writing ability, but some of them are dull and lazy, that is to say, they do not know how to comprehend. Therefore, teachers should guide students to care about ordinary people and ordinary things around them, find the truth, goodness and beauty with a delicate heart, dig out the wisdom and philosophy in life, and train students to actively search for information about composition from the colorful life. For example, it is the most common little thing in family life that a family grabs their favorite programs when watching TV. A little attention can write out the different personality characteristics and interests of three people in a family, such as my arrogance, my mother's intelligence, and my father's stupidity, and can feel the family's deep affection.

Individualized exercises are bound to spark innovation, which requires our teachers to actively encourage and strive to extend it to the whole process of students' exercises; The process of innovation always bears the mark of immaturity, which requires our teachers to be generous and tolerant, so that students can stride over the transition period of growth more calmly; Students' imitation tends to be slick, which needs teachers' correct guidance to make it pure and vigorous; Some flaws are unavoidable in the language of the exercises, which need teachers' timely advice to make it a beautiful and readable text. I hope that we can jointly create a good and relaxed environment and strive to cultivate more outstanding literary talents.

Highlight personality (3)

As a person who is eager to achieve himself, the first step is naturally to show his personality.

When I accidentally saw the word "Shi", I thought of Su Shi, straight to and fro, saying what I had to say, expressing sadness, drinking wine, never learning from the corrupt officials and villains, and being independent in the secular world. When you are happy, you can do it quickly. When you are not happy, you can ask the moon about the wine. "The moon is clear and the wind is blowing in Chibi, and the river flows eastward for thousands of years." Isn't life happy? Thousands of years later, we still regard him as a new star in the field of poetry. It is because of his personality that he has achieved his own glory. As a famous Japanese music conductor, Seiji Ozawa, what is his difference from the players who entered the finals together at the beginning? In fact, it's nothing. He just has personality and dare to innovate! Back then, in the final, the judges set a small trap to select the real conductor master. There is a tone change in the score for the players, which not only examines the players' sensitivity, but also their skepticism. Seiji Ozawa was the last to enter the auditorium, and most of his former players did not find or dare not question it. They did not even think there was a problem with music events, and they did not dare to offend people. Only Seiji Ozawa, who was able to point out mistakes, was not frightened by the position of master. Therefore, he has become a conductor of Sino foreign Yuanchi.

In the present society, we should also be a person with personality, and forget all the petty crimes. Learn to say useful words, do useful work, and achieve yourself! This is the best way for us to repay the society.