Qingming Festival Tourism (8 recommended)
Catcher in the Rye Field
2024-02-11 09:21:31

Qingming Festival Tourism (1)

"It rained during the Qingming Festival." But during the Qingming Festival holiday, my parents and I went to Luoyang to play, but it didn't rain. And the sun is bright, green trees and red flowers everywhere.

In the morning, we took a bus for more than three hours to see the peonies in the Wangcheng Park, the ancient capital of Luoyang. The annual peony fair attracts people from all over the world. After buying tickets, we went in to watch.

As soon as I entered, I saw a huge crowd of people, more or less in groups, or two in groups. Everyone's face was full of smiles. When I saw the Peony Garden, I went to see it with excitement. Once I arrived at the Peony Garden, I saw many kinds of peonies: red, white, purple - I could not count them! I found a brief introduction in front of every peony variety. I saw a black peony with large petals; There are as many as five floors on each floor.

It looks black from a distance, but it is actually purple red. Because it is similar to black, it is called black peony. I went to see the black peony. It said: "The black peony is very rare. Together with the purple peony, they are called 'peony twins' -" I smelled it, ah! How fragrant! I suddenly smelled the peonies nearby were all fragrant, smelling more fragrant than roses and osmanthus! It makes people feel refreshing. I noticed the buds of peony, which were yellow and small, and the fragrance came from here. Because when we went there in April, some peonies were not yet in full bloom, and some were still flowers. It can really be called: "Better be Luoyang people than God in heaven."

The peony fair in Luoyang is really a "fairyland on earth"!

Qingming Festival Tourism (2)

"There is a water in Guazhou, Jingkou, and Zhongshan is only separated by several mountains." I recall the beautiful poem. During the three days of Qingming Festival, my father, mother and grandma are going to Guazhou to explore the ancient world and see the ancient ferry there. Of course, I can't be left behind.

When we arrived at Guazhou, we saw rows of old houses. We went by taxi. At that time, it was night. A few street lamps on the street gave off faint light. There were a few shops on both sides of the street that were as crowded as stars. Everything was so quiet without the noise of big cities. In order to find a place to stay and eat, my father asked the driver to drive to the busiest street. The driver said, "This is the busiest place." Before we knew it, the driver said, "This is a good place. Some places don't even have street lights." "Huh?" I opened my mouth in surprise. This is too different from my imagination. My mother saw my doubts and said to me: "Guazhou was very prosperous before, and it was the only way for vehicles and pedestrians to cross the river. Later, due to the completion of a bridge (Runyang Bridge), Guazhou gradually became desolate and has fallen to this situation."

It took us a long time to find hotels and restaurants. Let's make do.

The next morning, we came to the Guazhou Ship Lock. We stood on the bridge above the ship lock. I didn't notice what it was, but looked at the vortex in the water of the bridge. "Come on, what's the beauty of the vortex?" I reluctantly walked slowly behind my mother. Suddenly I heard the sound of "boom". The voice was not very loud. I couldn't hear it without listening carefully. "Mom!" I shouted. Mom didn't turn back. Alas, I had to attract Grandma first. I ran to her side and pulled her hard. This time, Mom came over.

"Eh? How did the sluice gate open?" Grandma and I hurried to the bridge to look. The ship stopped to one side, but why didn't the sluice close? I found that there was another ship to enter the lock, and then another ship. The lock slowly closed, but why didn't the ship lock in front open? My father told me: "You see the water level in the lock is relatively high, and now we need to release water. When the water level is even with the water level in front, the ship lock will open again." "So that's what it is!" I nodded. We stood on the bridge and waited, and the water gradually decreased. Finally, our efforts paid off. The ship lock opened, and the ships lined up and headed forward

Then we went to Gudu Park and the caisson pavilion built in memory of Du Shiniang

I have gained a lot from this visit to Guazhou. I know the secret of the ship lock, and also know more poems about Guazhou: Bian water flow, Si water flow, flow to the ancient ferry of Guazhou, and Wu Mountain is a little worried, thinking and hating. Hate to return to the beginning of the rest, people lean on the floor on the moon.

Qingming Festival Tourism (3)

Qingming Festival Travel Diary

In the sunny spring, the bright spring light shines on the earth. Taking advantage of this beautiful weather, the school organized us to go on a spring outing on Friday morning. Our fourth graders went to the Qingming River.

On Friday morning, I got up early and gathered at school with the prepared non-staple food, drinks, books, etc.

In the laughter of the students, we set out along the rural road to the Qingming River, passed Zuojia Village, Erliwan Village and Yangjia Village in Xiaoli Community, and saw the villages with many buildings and clean appearance, straight rural roads and solid villagers. The teacher told us that this was the new socialist countryside. A fresh air is blowing in. There are all kinds of vegetables growing on both sides of the road, including green cabbage, verdant spinach, lush lettuce, and sprouts emerging from the ground... It is full of vitality.

Soon we arrived at the Qingming River. The trees on both banks of the river bank were dressed in green. The yellow rape flowers in the distance gathered into a golden sea. The green wheat seedlings looked like a green prairie. A gentle wind blew, and the green grass on the bank slope danced happily, sometimes stretching their arms, sometimes bending to the ground, sometimes swinging from side to side, The flowers in the grass also nodded to us mischievously, as if they were welcoming us. The water in the river also sang cheerful songs. They were really like a group of innocent children.

Under the guidance of the teacher, I, Zhang Kexin, Lin Jing, Xia Yating, Huang Xinmei and Nie Yingfang formed a group, spread a tablecloth and newspaper on the lawn, and took out the snacks and drinks that the six of us brought. Some of us sat down and some of us drank freely. At this time, I lay on the grass. The white clouds in the sky layer upon layer, like big cotton candy, I really want to eat it.

We had a rest for a while. Someone suggested that we play the game of "eagle" catching "chicken". At the beginning, "eagle"'s eyes showed cunning eyes and wanted to catch a "chicken", but "mother chicken" unflinchingly opened her "wings", and left and right blocks did not leave any room. "eagle" refused to stop, turned her eyes and turned left half a circle first, Suddenly, she ran to the right again and attacked the last "chicken" in the team without paying attention. The "eagle" finally had its first harvest. When the "eagle" attacked the "chickens" again, the "chicken mother" commanded the "chickens" to avoid, while desperately resisting. Finally, the "eagle" was tired and panted, and announced surrender, Our chickens jumped three feet high with joy, and we had a great time.

Unconsciously, it was time to go home. Under the guidance of the teacher, we reluctantly set foot on the road home. Because we met in the Qingming River with the beautiful spring, we had a common agreement that we loved life and nature.

Qingming Festival Tourism (4)

Diary of Qingming Festival Travel

Diary of Qingming Festival Tourism 1

Today, April 6, our family went to Songling Park for an outing.

We packed our things and set out. When I arrived at Songling Park, there were many interesting things. I strongly asked my mother to let me play with those things. At my request, my mother finally agreed.

I played ballooning first. I shot more than twenty bullets, but only two missed.

Then I played kite flying. At first, the kite did not fly very high, but a little low. Then, I asked my father to play. Dad's kite is flying high!

This outing is really fun. I'm looking forward to another outing next time!

Diary of Qingming Festival Tour 2

Today, when my mother and I went out to play, she called my aunt's brother and said, "We are going out to play. Are you going?" My brother said.

We went to the Green Manor and played in the exciting and brave zone. You know what? The brave zone is on the clear river, very dangerous; We also saw white pear flowers, yellow and red butterfly flowers, pink and purple peach flowers, and golden winter jasmine.

This is our beautiful happy day!

Diary of Qingming Festival Tour 3

Yesterday was the Qingming Festival teacher who asked us to walk and see more. I came to Xuejiawan's aunt's house, but because of the bad weather, I didn't go anywhere.

Today, we got up early in the morning and saw that it was sunny. We decided to go to Nanshan Park for an outing. The peach trees in the park were full of pink peach flowers, which were very beautiful. The pine trees became green, and the ground was grayish yellow from afar. We walked over and looked down carefully. In fact, the grass had poked its head out, showing a little green, and the smell of spring was everywhere.

Diary of Qingming Festival Tourism 4

Today, I went hiking with my parents. We went to the Botanical Garden.

There are more than 1000 kinds of flowers and trees. There are peach blossoms, willows, apricots, pinus sylvestris, cypresses, etc. There are beautiful scenery, fragrant, and fresh air. There are also antique Mediterranean buildings.

Botanical garden is really fun! I really want to go again.

Diary of Qingming Festival Tour 5

During the Tomb Sweeping Day holiday, my parents took me to the Baita Lake National Wetland Park, which is known as Dongting in Zhejiang Province. Baita Lake in spring is composed of many green islands. There are many beautiful flowers on the island. There are lots of rape flowers, which are golden like piles of gold. There are also cherry blossom and peach blossom fabrics, which are full of branches and compete for beauty.

Of course, what I saw most was the green paddy field. The seedlings in the field drew waves under the wind of spring.

There are many willows by the lake, dancing in the wind like a dancing girl.

Spring is really a beautiful season, I love you, spring!

Diary of Qingming Festival Tourism 6

Today is Tomb Sweeping Day on March 5. My father, mother, brother, cousin and I walk to the park to play.

We also brought the dog to the park. From a distance, we saw a big tripod in front of us. There were trees and weeds growing in the park. There were pear trees and white pear flowers, which were very lovely. Looking ahead, there was a large cage with many pigeons in it. Their home was here. The pigeons were all snow-white, and sometimes they used their mouths to point on their bodies, lovely!

It's getting late, and we are reluctant to go home. Today's Tomb Sweeping Day is so happy!

Diary of Qingming Festival Tourism 7

Today is Tomb sweeping Day. Mother said, "Tomb sweeping Day is also called Tomb sweeping Day. It is a festival to pay tribute to relatives and remember the martyrs." I didn't understand it. My mother said that today's Tomb Sweeping Day can also be called Spring Festival, which means taking advantage of the small and long holidays of Tomb Sweeping Day to go outing, spring outing, outing in the countryside, and watching the spring scenery. Ha ha, I understand that.

Qingming Festival is a good time for outing. Let's go out to find spring and feel the beauty of nature!

Qingming Festival Tourism (5)

Today, my mother took me out for an outing to Wulongshan Park.

Walking into the park, I found that the park was being renovated, but it did not affect the scenery of the park at all. Walking on the cobblestone path, the wind blowing in the face is mixed with small, dense raindrops. Little rain hit my face, but I didn't feel any pain. On the contrary, it was a little itchy and crisp. It was very comfortable. As I walked along the cobblestone path, I enjoyed the fresh air unique to spring. "Eh? What is that?" I went over curiously and saw something hidden under the green leaves. A closer look shows that small oval fruits are wrapped in a gray coat, with a light nap, and some fruits are also tinged with green, just like a child's blushing face, pink and cute. Looking at the ripe fruit, I suddenly realized that I couldn't help crying out the little peach. 'I didn't expect to meet the little peach at this time. It's really amazing. It seems that spring has already come to us quietly. Following the path, I came to the pavilion, which was located on the bank of the lake. The water in the lake was rippled by the wind. Out of the pavilion, I came to the Cherry Blossom Forest. A breeze blew, and the cherry blossom petals fell like flying snow. Some fall on my head, some fall on my shoulder, and some fall quietly in my hand! The pink cherry petals are dancing like butterflies in the park, on the grass, on the trees and on the road. Of course, there are some unknown flowers. The red ones are so bright, as if they are the most beautiful sunset glow in the sky. The white is so holy, as if it would be snowing again in winter. It's really intoxicating! As I walked slowly in the cherry trees, I couldn't help admiring the wonderful colors of spring, red like fire, white like snow, pink like rosy clouds. Which painter can bring out such vibrant colors? How beautiful spring is!

Time passed like flowing water. I reluctantly said goodbye to cherry blossoms, lake pavilion, and lovely little peaches. I really hope that the next outing can also find the beauty of spring.

Qingming Festival Tourism (6)

Everyone will have some unforgettable memories, and the most unforgettable one is the memory of the first outing on Tomb Sweeping Day.

On the day of outing, the weather was very hot and the sun was bright. We went to the flower bed. The flowers there are very beautiful. There are white cherry blossoms and red peach blossoms. They are very bright and beautiful. People here also played the game of losing handkerchiefs. They used my water bottle to make handkerchiefs. Later, I didn't know where the water bottle was lost. It was so hot that I lost the water bottle again. Later, I was really thirsty. However, I had a good time. There are many big clocks over there.

When it was time for dinner, the two groups were divided into two groups. Everyone sat on the grass and shared the delicious food they had brought, and the students had brought something to listen to music. Everyone ate while listening to music. It was really beautiful. After dinner, everyone threw their garbage into the trash can, because everyone wanted to make the flower bed beautiful all the time!

On this day, I saw a lot of beautiful scenery and learned how to protect the environment, so we ended the first outing of Qingming Festival!

Qingming Festival Tourism (7)

On Tomb Sweeping Day, my parents took me to the Wa Palace in Shexian County.

On the way, my father told me the origin of the Tomb Sweeping Day. It is said that an emperor in the Spring and Autumn Period stipulated the festival in memory of the minister Jie Zitui.

But I learned Qingming Festival when I was a freshman, which is one of the 24 solar terms in the Chinese lunar calendar. The Tomb Sweeping Day has 15 days in total. At this time, winter has gone, flowers are blooming, grass is green, birds and insects are awake, and nature is full of vitality, so the Tomb Sweeping Day is just the time to travel.

When we arrived at Wa Palace, it was very busy. Colorful flags were planted everywhere along the road. The main scenic spot of Wa Palace is Wahuang Pavilion, which is a small pavilion on the top of the mountain. I soon ran to the top of the mountain and went up to the attic. The Wahuang Pavilion has four floors and is built against the mountain. There are eight big iron chains on the back of the pavilion, which are connected to the mountain. Therefore, the Wahuang Palace is also called "Living Tower" and "Hanging Temple". Looking down from the roof, the people below the mountain became so small. Then I found that the mountain was so high.

On the way back, my father told me the story of Nuwa building people with earth and refining stone to mend the sky. Listening to the wonderful story told by my father, I fell asleep in his arms. In my dream, I seemed to see many beautiful fairies.

Qingming Festival Tourism (8)

Tomb sweeping Day is coming. It's a time for outing. How can I miss such a great time? The sun is shining brightly. My mother takes me for an outing. Just go, so we set out.

What a coincidence! I met my friend Li Yiran on the way. She is my super good friend. Dad said he would take us together, "Oye!" Finally, someone accompanied me.

When we went to the farmland, we were shocked by the scene. The endless farmland was beautiful. It was as green as velvet, and we really wanted to lie on it. One by one, the seedlings are very cute. Under the touch of the breeze, they are all straight, like soldiers. My classmates and I walked slowly on the narrow path, bathed in the sun, enjoying the charming scenery, very comfortable.

Walking, we came to a pond. Li Yiran said, "Let's catch the loach!" I said, "That's a good idea." We took a bag to catch it. The loach is alive and kicking. Even if I can't catch it, I'm so angry! I am a "hungry tiger", ha! Finally, I caught one. In the end, although we got covered in mud, we got a good harvest, eight in all.

The outing was so fun and the farmland was so beautiful. I hope my mother can take me to experience the beautiful scenery next time.