Qingdao in Winter (20 compilations)
Listen to the sound of drizzle
2024-02-27 09:38:45
fifth grade
describe the scenery

Qingdao in Winter (1)

I grew up in Qingdao when I was young. I can also say that I am a native of Qingdao. Of course, I know the spring, summer, autumn and winter of Qingdao very well! Let me show you Qingdao in winter!

When you walk on the path in Qingdao in winter, the cold wind blowing from time to time will make you can't help fighting, or even make you want to go back and put on a coat and drink warm water.

In the morning, when you open the window, you will feel the cold. When you go out of the house, a wet cold fog will hit your face. When you open your eyes, you will feel as if you have been in a fairyland, in the clouds. When you come to the seaside, especially after the rain, it is more beautiful, like the sky surrounded by clouds.

It doesn't snow much in Qingdao in winter, but once it begins to snow, there is no need to say. In the morning after snow, open the window, and the white world appears before your eyes; Looking into the distance, yesterday's red tiles, green trees, houses and tall buildings were all dyed white by this white brush.

Put on a heavy coat, open the door, step on the white snow, every step, the snow under my feet is creaking, like an early morning symphony, walking to the hillside, several children under the tree are playing, suddenly, a piercing cold wind hit, and the snow on the tree jumped off the branches and landed on the head and body of those children, They laughed innocently, which made me feel the joy of winter. The hills in the snow are also very beautiful. The three colors of white, green and brown are connected and integrated, making the continuous hills more charming.

Qingdao's winter is so complicated and picturesque. The piercing cold wind, psychedelic cold fog, white snow and continuous hills constitute the beautiful winter scenery of Qingdao.

Qingdao in Winter (2)

In winter in Qingdao, the desert is bleak, and the cold wind is biting and boring. But I am looking forward to the arrival of winter, because the snow in Qingdao in winter makes winter no longer lonely, playing the magnificent melody of "thousands of miles of ice, thousands of miles of snow". Moreover, the winter of Qingdao came very late, so I, a girl who loves winter, had to wait a little longer!

Qingdao's winter comes very late, very fierce and unexpected. It's like a drop of cold water hitting people's backs in a warm bedroom. It always comes with violent wind and rain, and even the rain is mixed with cold snow particles. As a result, a large part of Qingdao people with poor resistance suffered from severe colds, and the number of pedestrians on the street suddenly dropped by more than half. As a result, the business in the shopping malls was cold, few people came to the parks, and the buses were just hurried or some commuters took them. In this way, Qingdao, which was still boiling yesterday, has suddenly frozen today.

It snows a few times in winter in Qingdao. When it snows, the whole island city is in turmoil, and it is so quiet that people can only hear the sound of snowflakes falling. After a heavy snow, Qingdao suddenly became a "white island". The withered trees that have lost all their leaves are decorated by snowflakes into noble and elegant "jade trees". They have the capital to show off. Watching Signal Mountain, Xiaoyu Mountain and Fushan Mountain, they all put on white coats and look at the vast sea like angels in white, welcoming overseas tourists. When we went to Badaguan, the most obvious change was that "red tiles and green trees" became "white tiles and jade trees". In winter nights, leisurely people usually stay at home, and there are also lovers who go out for a stroll. At night, Qingdao is ablaze with lights, reflecting a warm ocean. In this vast ocean, feelings between people are intertwined, forming a huge net that covers the island city in winter. Listen carefully, the sea is calling, and the mountains are telling. The sea calls for tomorrow, and mountains tell of human feelings. Together, they tell a story that will never end: Qingdao, my hometown! Only people living in Qingdao and Qingdao people living in a foreign country can truly appreciate how warm and moving the winter nights in Qingdao are. The crystal white snow led me to walk away like a distance, as if to enjoy the winter. When I turned over a snow wall, several white and green notes suddenly "jumped" into my sight. There are several pines and cypresses standing in the ice and snow, surrounded by loose snow, as if they were soldiers in armor, guarding the border territory of the motherland, and defying the cold wind, ice and snow. The heavy snow pressed the thin branches and leaves low, but from their wrinkled bodies, we can find the fearless spirit. When the red sun rises, they look more magnificent and vigorous! Zhuang Zai, a hero in ice and snow.

"Ha ha..." A silvery laughter woke me up. A group of children are chasing, playing and playing with the gifts of nature in the woods. They are all like little snowmen, carefree and full of vitality. I seem to see the hazy spring.

Qingdao's spring contains white snow, tough pines and the vitality of spring. As the ancients said, it is still hard to forget the autumn and winter. But the winter in Qingdao is even more unforgettable. Qingdao's winter is like a little boy. He is innocent and lively; Qingdao is like a little girl in winter. She is beautiful and lovely. As long as you calm down and taste carefully, you will surely find Qingdao's winter is very beautiful.

Qingdao in Winter (3)

On the fifth day of the lunar calendar, my sister invited our family to visit Qingdao, and we readily agreed. We are really looking forward to experiencing the beaches of Qingdao in winter

It was not easy to arrive in Qingdao. The howling wind from the car mercilessly blew on our faces and hurt us very much. It is said that Qingdao is very hot in September. Because the sea water temperature is slow, but the temperature is slow to rise and fall. But it is really cold in winter, sometimes even colder than Nantong!

We drove to the Golden Beach on Huangdao Island. The strong wind blew head-on and it was very cold. As we walked towards the beach, we saw the boundless sea, which was blue and beautiful. Although there were many fewer tourists than the beach in summer and there was less bustle, it was really comfortable to hear the sound of the waves. When we approached the sea, the sea breeze was gentle but not as strong as the wind in the aisle, There is no tingling feeling when blowing on the face. It's very comfortable! I never thought it would snow again in Qingdao. Soon after we walked on the beach, a small snowflake came up in the sky. It was very different. It was very small. It would take ten seconds to melt on my hand. So I wanted to taste what it was like. So I raised my head and opened my mouth to eat snowflakes. There is really a snowflake "running" into my mouth, so I quickly closed my mouth. The snowflakes are still sweet and taste great!

We are going to play in the sea. I boldly walked forward, and a wave suddenly started to catch up with me. I tried to run back, and the wave also kept up with me. I was about to catch up with me. I shouted, and when I turned back, the wave actually retreated. It was exciting! My sister and I are going to test the momentum of the waves. I wrote down the word "stupid" at the beach, and just after finishing writing, a tide of the sea rushed to me, and I immediately "ate" the word! I really admire the impact of the waves. I also want to learn from the sea, its spirit of courage and perseverance.

When I got to the beach, of course, I wanted to pick up shells. I walked all the way but didn't see any shells. My mother saw through my mind and said, "There are many shells underneath." I started digging at once. I really found many beautiful shells. Although they are small, they are quite exquisite, and all have their own patterns.

This trip to Qingdao has really yielded a lot. The beach in winter is also very attractive!

Qingdao in Winter (4)

I grew up in Qingdao when I was young. I can also say that I am a native of Qingdao. Of course, I know the spring, summer, autumn and winter of Qingdao very well! Let me show you Qingdao in winter!

When you walk on the path in Qingdao in winter, the cold wind blowing from time to time will make you can't help fighting, or even make you want to go back and put on a coat and drink warm water. In the morning, when you open the window, you will feel the cold. When you go out of the house, a wet cold fog will hit your face. When you open your eyes, you will feel as if you have been in a fairyland, in the clouds. When you come to the seaside, especially after the rain, it is more beautiful, like the sky surrounded by clouds.

It doesn't snow much in Qingdao in winter, but once it begins to snow, there is no need to say. In the morning after snow, open the window, and the white world appears before your eyes; Looking into the distance, yesterday's red tiles, green trees, houses and tall buildings were all dyed white by this white brush.

Put on a heavy coat, open the door, step on the white snow, every step, the snow under my feet is creaking, like an early morning symphony, walking to the hillside, several children under the tree are playing, suddenly, a piercing cold wind hit, and the snow on the tree jumped off the branches and landed on the head and body of those children, They laughed innocently, which made me feel the joy of winter. The hills in the snow are also very beautiful. The three colors of white, green and brown are connected and integrated, making the continuous hills more charming.

Qingdao's winter is so complicated and picturesque. The piercing cold wind, psychedelic cold fog, white snow and continuous hills constitute the beautiful winter scenery of Qingdao.

Qingdao in Winter (5)

I grew up in Qingdao when I was young. I can also say that I am a native of Qingdao. Of course, I know the spring, summer, autumn and winter of Qingdao very well! Let me show you Qingdao in winter!

When you walk on the path in Qingdao in winter, the cold wind blowing from time to time will make you can't help fighting, or even make you want to go back and put on a coat and drink warm water.

In the morning, when you open the window, you will feel the cold. When you go out of the house, a wet cold fog will hit your face. When you open your eyes, you will feel as if you have been in a fairyland, in the clouds. When you come to the seaside, especially after the rain, it is more beautiful, like the sky surrounded by clouds.

It doesn't snow much in Qingdao in winter, but once it begins to snow, there is no need to say. In the morning after snow, open the window, and the white world appears before your eyes; Looking into the distance, yesterday's red tiles, green trees, houses and tall buildings were all dyed white by this white brush.

Put on a heavy coat, open the door, step on the white snow, every step, the snow under my feet is creaking, like an early morning symphony, walking to the hillside, several children under the tree are playing, suddenly, a piercing cold wind hit, and the snow on the tree jumped off the branches and landed on the head and body of those children, They laughed innocently, which made me feel the joy of winter. The hills in the snow are also very beautiful. The three colors of white, green and brown are connected and integrated, making the continuous hills more charming.

Qingdao's winter is so complicated and picturesque. The piercing cold wind, psychedelic cold fog, white snow and continuous hills constitute the beautiful winter scenery of Qingdao.

Qingdao in Winter (6)

In winter in Qingdao, the desert is bleak, and the cold wind is biting and boring. But I am looking forward to the arrival of winter, because the snow in Qingdao in winter makes winter no longer lonely, playing the magnificent melody of "thousands of miles of ice, thousands of miles of snow". Moreover, the winter of Qingdao came very late, so I, a girl who loves winter, had to wait a little longer!

Qingdao's winter comes very late, very fierce and unexpected. It's like a drop of cold water hitting people's backs in a warm bedroom. It always comes with violent wind and rain, and even the rain is mixed with cold snow particles. As a result, a large part of Qingdao people with poor resistance suffered from severe colds, and the number of pedestrians on the street suddenly dropped by more than half. As a result, the business in the shopping malls was cold, few people came to the parks, and the buses were just hurried or some commuters took them. In this way, Qingdao, which was still boiling yesterday, has suddenly frozen today.

It snows a few times in winter in Qingdao. When it snows, the whole island city is in turmoil, and it is so quiet that people can only hear the sound of snowflakes falling. After a heavy snowfall, Qingdao suddenly became a "white island". The withered trees that had lost their leaves were decorated with snowflakes into elegant "jade trees". They had the capital to show off. Watching Signal Mountain, Xiaoyu Mountain and Fushan Mountain, they all put on white coats and look at the vast sea like angels in white, welcoming overseas tourists. When we went to Badaguan, the most obvious change was that "red tiles and green trees" became "white tiles and jade trees". In winter nights, leisurely people usually stay at home, and there are also lovers who go out for a stroll. At night, Qingdao is ablaze with lights, reflecting a warm ocean. In this vast ocean, feelings between people are intertwined, forming a huge net that covers the island city in winter. Listen carefully, the sea is calling, and the mountains are telling. The sea calls for tomorrow, and the mountains tell human feelings. Together, they tell a story that will never end: Qingdao, my hometown! Only people living in Qingdao and Qingdao people living in a foreign country can truly appreciate how warm and moving the winter nights in Qingdao are. The crystal white snow led me to walk away like a distance, as if to enjoy the winter. When I turned over a snow wall, several white and green notes suddenly "jumped" into my sight. There are several pines and cypresses standing in the ice and snow, surrounded by loose snow, as if they were soldiers in armor, guarding the border territory of the motherland, and defying the cold wind, ice and snow. The heavy snow pressed the thin branches and leaves low, but from their wrinkled bodies, we can find the fearless spirit. When the red sun rises, they look more magnificent and vigorous! Zhuang Zai, a hero in ice and snow.

"Ha ha..." A silvery laughter woke me up. A group of children are chasing, playing and playing with the gifts of nature in the woods. They are all like little snowmen, carefree and full of vitality. I seem to see the hazy spring.

Qingdao's spring contains white snow, tough pines and the vitality of spring. As the ancients said, it is still hard to forget the autumn and winter. But the winter in Qingdao is even more unforgettable. Qingdao's winter is like a little boy. He is innocent and lively; Qingdao is like a little girl in winter. She is beautiful and lovely. As long as you calm down and taste carefully, you will surely find Qingdao's winter is very beautiful.

Qingdao in Winter (7)

I grew up in Qingdao when I was young. I can also say that I am a native of Qingdao. Of course, I know the spring, summer, autumn and winter of Qingdao very well! Let me show you Qingdao in winter!

When you walk on the path in Qingdao in winter, the cold wind blowing from time to time will make you can't help fighting, or even make you want to go back and put on a coat and drink warm water.

In the morning, when you open the window, you will feel the cold. When you go out of the house, a wet cold fog will hit your face. When you open your eyes, you will feel as if you have been in a fairyland, in the clouds. When you come to the seaside, especially after the rain, it is more beautiful, like the sky surrounded by clouds.

It doesn't snow much in Qingdao in winter, but once it begins to snow, there is no need to say. In the morning after snow, open the window, and the white world appears before your eyes; Looking into the distance, yesterday's red tiles, green trees, houses and tall buildings were all dyed white by this white brush.

Put on a heavy coat, open the door, step on the white snow, every step, the snow under my feet is creaking, like an early morning symphony, walking to the hillside, several children under the tree are playing, suddenly, a piercing cold wind hit, and the snow on the tree jumped off the branches and landed on the head and body of those children, They laughed innocently, which made me feel the joy of winter. The hills in the snow are also very beautiful. The three colors of white, green and brown are connected and integrated, making the continuous hills more charming.

Qingdao's winter is so complicated and picturesque. The piercing cold wind, psychedelic cold fog, white snow and continuous hills constitute the beautiful winter scenery of Qingdao.

Qingdao in Winter (8)

In winter in Qingdao, the desert is bleak, and the cold wind is biting and boring. But I am looking forward to the arrival of winter, because the snow in Qingdao in winter makes winter no longer lonely, playing the magnificent melody of "thousands of miles of ice, thousands of miles of snow". Moreover, the winter of Qingdao came very late, so I, a girl who loves winter, had to wait a little longer!

Qingdao's winter comes very late, very fierce and unexpected. It's like a drop of cold water hitting people's backs in a warm bedroom. It always comes with violent wind and rain, and even the rain is mixed with cold snow particles. As a result, a large part of Qingdao people with poor resistance suffered from severe colds, and the number of pedestrians on the street suddenly dropped by more than half. As a result, the business in the shopping malls was cold, few people came to the parks, and the buses were just hurried or some commuters took them. In this way, Qingdao, which was still boiling yesterday, has suddenly frozen today.

It snows a few times in winter in Qingdao. When it snows, the whole island city is in turmoil, and it is so quiet that people can only hear the sound of snowflakes falling. After a heavy snowfall, Qingdao suddenly became a "white island". The withered trees that had lost their leaves were decorated with snowflakes into elegant "jade trees". They had the capital to show off. Watching Signal Mountain, Xiaoyu Mountain and Fushan Mountain, they all put on white coats and look at the vast sea like angels in white, welcoming overseas tourists. When we went to Badaguan, the most obvious change was that "red tiles and green trees" became "white tiles and jade trees". In winter nights, leisurely people usually stay at home, and there are also lovers who go out for a stroll. At night, Qingdao is ablaze with lights, reflecting a warm ocean. In this vast ocean, feelings between people are intertwined, forming a huge net that covers the island city in winter. Listen carefully, the sea is calling, and the mountains are telling. The sea calls for tomorrow, and the mountains tell human feelings. Together, they tell a story that will never end: Qingdao, my hometown! Only people living in Qingdao and Qingdao people living in a foreign country can truly appreciate how warm and moving the winter nights in Qingdao are. The crystal white snow led me to walk away like a distance, as if to enjoy the winter. When I turned over a snow wall, several white and green notes suddenly "jumped" into my sight. There are several pines and cypresses standing in the ice and snow, surrounded by loose snow, as if they were soldiers in armor, guarding the border territory of the motherland, and defying the cold wind, ice and snow. The heavy snow pressed the thin branches and leaves low, but from their wrinkled bodies, we can find the fearless spirit. When the red sun rises, they look more magnificent and vigorous! Zhuang Zai, a hero in ice and snow.

"Ha ha..." A silvery laughter woke me up. A group of children are chasing, playing and playing with the gifts of nature in the woods. They are all like little snowmen, carefree and full of vitality. I seem to see the hazy spring.

Qingdao's spring contains white snow, tough pines and the vitality of spring. As the ancients said, it is still hard to forget the autumn and winter. But the winter in Qingdao is even more unforgettable. Qingdao's winter is like a little boy. He is innocent and lively; Qingdao is like a little girl in winter. She is beautiful and lovely. As long as you calm down and taste carefully, you will surely find Qingdao's winter is very beautiful.

Qingdao in Winter (9)

In winter in Qingdao, the desert is bleak, and the cold wind is biting and boring. But I am looking forward to the arrival of winter, because the snow in Qingdao in winter makes winter no longer lonely, playing the magnificent melody of "thousands of miles of ice, thousands of miles of snow". Moreover, the winter of Qingdao came very late, so I, a girl who loves winter, had to wait a little longer! Qingdao's winter comes very late, very fierce and unexpected. It's like a drop of cold water hitting people's backs in a warm bedroom. It always comes with violent wind and rain, and even the rain is mixed with cold snow particles. As a result, a large part of Qingdao people with poor resistance suffered from severe colds, and the number of pedestrians on the street suddenly dropped by more than half. As a result, the business in the shopping malls was cold, few people came to the parks, and the buses were just hurried or some commuters took them. In this way, Qingdao, which was still boiling yesterday, has suddenly frozen today. It snows a few times in winter in Qingdao. When it snows, the whole island city is in turmoil, and it is so quiet that people can only hear the sound of snowflakes falling. After a heavy snowfall, Qingdao suddenly became a "white island." The dead trees that had lost their leaves were decorated with snowflakes and became noble and elegant "jade trees. They had the capital to show off again. Watching Signal Mountain, Xiaoyu Mountain and Fushan Mountain, they all put on white coats and look at the vast sea like angels in white, welcoming overseas tourists. Go to Badaguan, where the most obvious change is that "red tiles and green trees have become" white tiles and jade trees. In winter nights, leisurely people usually stay at home, and there are also lovers who go out for a stroll. At night, Qingdao is ablaze with lights, reflecting a warm ocean. In this vast ocean, feelings between people are intertwined, forming a huge net that covers the island city in winter. Listen carefully, the sea is calling, and the mountains are telling. The sea calls for tomorrow, and mountains tell of human feelings. Together, they tell a story that will never end: Qingdao, my hometown! Only people living in Qingdao and Qingdao people living in a foreign country can truly appreciate how warm and moving the winter nights in Qingdao are. The crystal white snow led me to walk away like a distance, as if to enjoy the winter. When I turned over a snow wall, several white and green notes suddenly "jumped" into my sight. There are several pines and cypresses standing in the ice and snow, surrounded by loose snow, as if they were soldiers in armor, guarding the border territory of the motherland, and defying the cold wind, ice and snow. The heavy snow pressed the thin branches and leaves low, but from their wrinkled bodies, we can find the fearless spirit. When the red sun rises, they look more magnificent and vigorous! Zhuang Zai, a hero in ice and snow. pretty good

"Ha ha..." A silvery laughter woke me up. A group of children are chasing, playing and playing with the gifts of nature in the woods. They are all like little snowmen, carefree and full of vitality. I seem to see the hazy spring.

Qingdao's spring contains white snow, tough pines and the vitality of spring. As the ancients said, it is still hard to forget the autumn and winter. But the winter in Qingdao is even more unforgettable. Qingdao's winter is like a little boy. He is innocent and lively; Qingdao is like a little girl in winter. She is beautiful and lovely. As long as you calm down and taste carefully, you will surely find Qingdao's winter is very beautiful.

Qingdao in Winter (10)

Winter 300 Word Composition in Qingdao (1)

The snow is falling, making the whole Qingdao like a snow-white fairy tale world.

Look, those two children are rolling in the snow! One child picked up a handful of snow and threw it at his partner. The other party could not bear to show weakness. When the other party was unprepared, he hit the other party with a bang and played in the snow. Here are two little girls making a snowman, with carrot nose, branch arms, black bean eyes, and a crooked body, which made me laugh.

Qingdao in winter is not only a paradise for children, but also a wonderful scenery! Tourists who come to Qingdao in winter can't help admiring: "Qingdao's winter is beautiful! Other seasons must also be beautiful!" The temples near Beijiushui on Laoshan Mountain are crystal clear and beautiful ice hanging on the eaves, and the trees in the garden also form rime.

In winter, Qingdao is a paradise for children and a tourist attraction with wonderful scenery!

Winter 300 Word Composition in Qingdao (2)

I grew up in Qingdao when I was young. I can also say that I am a native of Qingdao. Of course, I know the spring, summer, autumn and winter of Qingdao very well! Let me show you Qingdao in winter!

When you walk on the path in Qingdao in winter, the cold wind blowing from time to time will make you can't help fighting, or even make you want to go back and put on a coat and drink warm water.

In the morning, when you open the window, you will feel the cold. When you go out of the house, a wet cold fog will hit your face. When you open your eyes, you will feel as if you have been in a fairyland, in the clouds. When you come to the seaside, especially after the rain, it is more beautiful, like the sky surrounded by clouds.

It doesn't snow much in Qingdao in winter, but once it begins to snow, there is no need to say. In the morning after snow, open the window, and the white world appears before your eyes; Looking into the distance, yesterday's red tiles, green trees, houses and tall buildings were all dyed white by this white brush.

Put on a heavy coat, open the door, step on the white snow, every step, the snow under my feet is creaking, like an early morning symphony, walking to the hillside, several children under the tree are playing, suddenly, a piercing cold wind hit, and the snow on the tree jumped off the branches and landed on the head and body of those children, They laughed innocently, which made me feel the joy of winter. The hills in the snow are also very beautiful. The three colors of white, green and brown are connected and integrated, making the continuous hills more charming.

Qingdao's winter is so complicated and picturesque. The piercing cold wind, psychedelic cold fog, white snow and continuous hills constitute the beautiful winter scenery of Qingdao.

Winter 300 Word Composition in Qingdao (3)

In winter in Qingdao, the desert is bleak, and the cold wind is biting and boring. But I am looking forward to the arrival of winter, because the snow in Qingdao in winter makes winter no longer lonely, playing the magnificent melody of "thousands of miles of ice, thousands of miles of snow". Moreover, the winter of Qingdao came very late, so I, a girl who loves winter, had to wait a little longer!

Qingdao's winter comes very late, very fierce and unexpected. It's like a drop of cold water hitting people's backs in a warm bedroom. It always comes with violent wind and rain, and even the rain is mixed with cold snow particles. As a result, a large part of Qingdao people with poor resistance suffered from severe colds, and the number of pedestrians on the street suddenly dropped by more than half. As a result, the business in the shopping malls was cold, few people came to the parks, and the buses were just hurried or some commuters took them. In this way, Qingdao, which was still boiling yesterday, has suddenly frozen today.

It snows a few times in winter in Qingdao. When it snows, the whole island city is in turmoil, and it is so quiet that people can only hear the sound of snowflakes falling. After a heavy snowfall, Qingdao suddenly became a "white island". The withered trees that had lost their leaves were decorated with snowflakes into elegant "jade trees". They had the capital to show off. Watching Signal Mountain, Xiaoyu Mountain and Fushan Mountain, they all put on white coats and look at the vast sea like angels in white, welcoming overseas tourists. When we went to Badaguan, the most obvious change was that "red tiles and green trees" became "white tiles and jade trees". In winter nights, leisurely people usually stay at home, and there are also lovers who go out for a stroll. At night, Qingdao is ablaze with lights, reflecting a warm ocean. In this vast ocean, feelings between people are intertwined, forming a huge net that covers the island city in winter. Listen carefully, the sea is calling, and the mountains are telling. The sea calls for tomorrow, and the mountains tell human feelings. Together, they tell a story that will never end: Qingdao, my hometown! Only people living in Qingdao and Qingdao people living in a foreign country can truly appreciate how warm and moving the winter nights in Qingdao are. The crystal white snow led me to walk away like a distance, as if to enjoy the winter. When I turned over a snow wall, several white and green notes suddenly "jumped" into my sight. There are several pines and cypresses standing in the ice and snow, surrounded by loose snow, as if they were soldiers in armor, guarding the border territory of the motherland, and defying the cold wind, ice and snow. The heavy snow pressed the thin branches and leaves low, but from their wrinkled bodies, we can find the fearless spirit. When the red sun rises, they look more magnificent and vigorous! Zhuang Zai, a hero in ice and snow.

Qingdao's spring contains white snow, tough pines and the vitality of spring. As the ancients said, it is still hard to forget the autumn and winter. But the winter in Qingdao is even more unforgettable. Qingdao's winter is like a little boy. He is innocent and lively; Qingdao is like a little girl in winter. She is beautiful and lovely. As long as you calm down and taste carefully, you will surely find Qingdao's winter is very beautiful.

Winter 300 Word Composition in Qingdao (4)

In winter in Qingdao, the desert is bleak, and the cold wind is biting and boring. But I am looking forward to the arrival of winter, because the snow in Qingdao in winter makes winter no longer lonely, playing the magnificent melody of "thousands of miles of ice, thousands of miles of snow". Moreover, the winter of Qingdao came very late, so I, a girl who loves winter, had to wait a little longer!

The winter in Qingdao comes very late, very fierce and unexpected. It's like a drop of cold water hitting people's backs in a warm bedroom. It always comes with violent wind and rain, and even the rain is mixed with cold snow particles. This makes a large part of Qingdao people with poor resistance to colds, The number of pedestrians on the street suddenly dropped by more than half. As a result, the business in the shopping malls was cold, few people came to the parks, and the buses were just in a hurry or some commuters. In this way, Qingdao, which was still boiling yesterday, suddenly became frozen today.

Qingdao in Winter (11)

The yellow autumn leaves on the treetops have not yet fallen, and the cold winter comes quietly.

In my impression, winter is quiet, and the snow falls all night without sound. I remember being awakened by my parents in the early morning when I was a child. When I rubbed my eyes, I suddenly saw the snowflakes floating in from the gap between the doors. I quickly opened the door, and suddenly it was white. Then the little friends of the neighbors tied up their trouser legs and rushed into the snow, rolling snowballs, making snowmen, playing snowball fights, and lost themselves in the snow.

The quietness of winter brings a kind of purity. When you enter it, you will feel the limpidity and purity.

In the morning, I returned to my hometown and stood on the bank of the river. The river was deep and clear, and the water was as flat as a mirror. If I took a sip and blew, it would ripple in circles. The residual reed pole standing in the water, covered with white frost, stood still. The little fish and shrimp who got up early touched it, and then there were water circle ripples around the pole, spreading out gently, and in the blink of an eye it was calm again. Occasionally, a few egrets flew over the river. They didn't want to disturb the tranquility. They flew close to the water and were light all the way; It is also like an appointment. They lock their mouths and are silent. The pine trees on both sides also stand quietly, covered with frost and green needles, just like the guard of the beauty of the quiet winter. Surprised by the great tranquility and beauty of this winter, I took out my mobile phone to take a picture. Although my hands were frozen and trembling, I still turned on the camera and exclaimed, "How can I see spring without killing in the severe winter?".

In winter, life seems to declare the end of the cycle, and those animals and plants that are old or dead or withered or sleeping begin a long and quiet recovery of the new life cycle. In a sense, the annual renewal of nature and the most vital things begin in winter. Winter is the mother of everything. When winter comes, can spring be far behind?

Learning is like a new life in winter. In learning, there are successes and failures. We should have the spirit of taking one step back and taking two steps forward. We should have the tenacity of "the sword edge comes from sharpening, and the plum blossom fragrance comes from bitter cold". We should prepare sufficient raw materials in winter, plant seeds heartily in spring, work hard in summer, and harvest fruits in autumn.

Qingdao in Winter (12)

Early in the morning, I got up from my bed. At a glance, I saw the frost flower, which Grandpa Winter gave to thousands of families in winter. It was very beautiful! From a distance, it looks like a pine forest. Looking carefully, I found a hibernating snake, circling there quietly. Not far from it, it seems that there is a cute rabbit watching the snake warily, and the preparations for running away are ready.

I quickly put on my cotton padded clothes and ran out of the house. There was a vast expanse of white everywhere. White cars, white houses, white branches, white earth... There are still a few small, lonely snowflakes floating in the sky. They are so white and flawless. Walking in the snow is so intoxicating.

I looked up and felt beautiful. Suddenly, I smelled a strong fragrance. Looking for the fragrance, I found a flower tree. The adults nearby said it was plum blossom. Its white flowers almost melt into the snow, which reminds me of Wang Anshi's poem, "It is not snow from afar, because there is a secret fragrance". The vitality of plum blossom is so tenacious. I appreciate its cold and open quality. If people have the same spirit as plum blossom, the world will become more beautiful!

I made a snowball and walked to my friend's house. As soon as I entered his yard, a snowball hit my back. When I looked back, another snowball flew to my forehead. I quickly dodged. My good friend had already come out, and I flew a snowball back. In this way, a snowball battle began

Ah! In winter, I love winter, winter snow, winter ice, winter sunshine and flowers

Qingdao in Winter (13)

It is red ribbon. It is a spiritual bridge between people and conveys their love for each other. This kind of love makes this winter no longer cold, but warm

"Red Ribbon" is an ordinary and beautiful name. In the short three words, there are many beautiful and moving stories hidden.

The "red ribbon" first appeared at the end of 2006. At that time, three taxi drivers returned the huge amount of money to the owner. Islanders spontaneously tied red ribbons to pay their respects.

Such moving deeds in Qingdao are like stars in the sky, countless

One day, near the Qingdao Railway Station, a woman surnamed Zhang was suddenly robbed and stabbed in the shoulder. In pain, she stopped a taxi at the roadside. Before the door was opened, she said, "I won't let the blood stain your car, but I can't help it." "Don't hurry to get on the car first." The driver, Ren Xigui of the Red Ribbon Team, immediately let her get on the car. Later, Master Ren took her to the emergency room of Qingdao Ninth People's Hospital as quickly as possible. Not only did he not ask for Xiao Zhang's money, he also rushed to register at the first time. Although he sent Xiao Zhang to the hospital, he could continue to run his rental. But he never left. He called the police and called Xiao Zhang's friends to comfort him with the medical staff. Xiao Zhang's injury is very serious. The bleeding on his left shoulder is like a fountain. The doctor said that he should wrap up the wound quickly to stop the bleeding and send it to the Affiliated Hospital of the Qing Dynasty Medical College. In an emergency, Master Ren said nothing and rushed Xiao Zhang to another bigger hospital. Xiao Zhang's wound was treated in time, and the situation gradually stabilized. It was not until Xiao Zhang's friend arrived at the hospital that Ren Shifu left. During this period, he worked for more than three hours. Not only did he not operate normally, but he also paid the registration fee in advance. Ren Xigui said, "In such an urgent situation, especially when she is a girl, anyone who meets her may save her. This is also instinctive."

Yes, what a precious instinct! They never knew each other, but he reached out to her for help. It was his "instinct" that saved her life, and it was his "red ribbon" that saved her life!

The red ribbon, the mountains, the water, the trees and the flowers of Qingdao, may all be beautiful because of you. Maybe you are the Qingdao people who help others for no reason.

Red ribbon, Qingdao's winter is beautiful because of you!

Qingdao in Winter (14)

In winter in Qingdao, the desert is bleak, and the cold wind is biting and boring. But I am looking forward to the arrival of winter, because the snow in Qingdao in winter makes winter no longer lonely, playing the magnificent melody of "thousands of miles of ice, thousands of miles of snow". Moreover, the winter of Qingdao came very late, so I, a girl who loves winter, had to wait a little longer!

Qingdao's winter comes very late, very fierce and unexpected. It's like a drop of cold water hitting people's backs in a warm bedroom. It always comes with violent wind and rain, and even the rain is mixed with cold snow particles. As a result, a large part of Qingdao people with poor resistance suffered from severe colds, and the number of pedestrians on the street suddenly dropped by more than half. As a result, the business in the shopping malls was cold, few people came to the parks, and the buses were just hurried or some commuters took them. In this way, Qingdao, which was still boiling yesterday, has suddenly frozen today.

It snows a few times in winter in Qingdao. When it snows, the whole island city is in turmoil, and it is so quiet that people can only hear the sound of snowflakes falling. After a heavy snowfall, Qingdao suddenly became a "white island". The withered trees that had lost their leaves were decorated with snowflakes into elegant "jade trees". They had the capital to show off. Watching Signal Mountain, Xiaoyu Mountain and Fushan Mountain, they all put on white coats and look at the vast sea like angels in white, welcoming overseas tourists. When we went to Badaguan, the most obvious change was that "red tiles and green trees" became "white tiles and jade trees". In winter nights, leisurely people usually stay at home, and there are also lovers who go out for a stroll. At night in Qingdao, the lights are shining brightly, reflecting a warm ocean. In this vast ocean, feelings between people are intertwined, forming a huge net that covers the island city in winter. Listen carefully, the sea is calling, and the mountains are telling. The sea calls for tomorrow, and mountains tell of human feelings. Together, they tell a story that will never end: Qingdao, my hometown! Only people living in Qingdao and Qingdao people living in a foreign country can truly appreciate how warm and moving the winter nights in Qingdao are. The crystal white snow led me to walk away like a distance, as if to enjoy the winter. When I turned over a snow wall, several white and green notes suddenly "jumped" into my sight. There are several pines and cypresses standing in the ice and snow, surrounded by loose snow, as if they were soldiers in armor, guarding the border territory of the motherland, and defying the cold wind, ice and snow. The heavy snow pressed the thin branches and leaves low, but from their wrinkled bodies, we can find the fearless spirit. When the red sun rises, they look more magnificent and vigorous! Zhuang Zai, a hero in ice and snow.

"Ha ha..." A silvery laughter woke me up. A group of children are chasing, playing and playing with the gifts of nature in the woods. They are all like little snowmen, carefree and full of vitality. I seem to see the hazy spring.

Qingdao's spring contains white snow, tough pines and the vitality of spring. As the ancients said, it is still hard to forget the autumn and winter. But the winter in Qingdao is even more unforgettable. Qingdao's winter is like a little boy. He is innocent and lively; Qingdao is like a little girl in winter. She is beautiful and lovely. As long as you calm down and taste carefully, you will surely find Qingdao's winter is very beautiful.

Qingdao in Winter (15)

It is red ribbon. It is a spiritual bridge between people and conveys their love for each other. This kind of love makes this winter no longer cold, but warm

"Red Ribbon" is an ordinary and beautiful name. In the short three words, there are many beautiful and moving stories hidden.

The "red ribbon" first appeared at the end of 2006. At that time, three taxi drivers returned the huge amount of money to the owner. Islanders spontaneously tied red ribbons to pay their respects.

Such moving deeds in Qingdao are like stars in the sky, countless

One day, near the Qingdao Railway Station, a woman surnamed Zhang was suddenly robbed and stabbed in the shoulder. In pain, she stopped a taxi at the roadside. Before the door was opened, she said, "I won't let blood stain your car, but I have no way." "Don't hurry to get on the car first." The driver, Ren Xigui of the Red Ribbon Team, immediately let her get on the car. Later, Master Ren took her to the emergency room of Qingdao Ninth People's Hospital as quickly as possible. Not only did he not ask for Xiao Zhang's money, he also rushed to register at the first time. Although he sent Xiao Zhang to the hospital, he could continue to run his rental. But he never left. He reported to the police and called Xiao Zhang's friends to comfort him with the medical staff. Xiao Zhang's injury is very serious. The bleeding on his left shoulder is like a fountain. The doctor said that he should wrap up the wound quickly to stop the bleeding and send it to the Affiliated Hospital of the Qing Dynasty Medical College. In an emergency, Master Ren said nothing and rushed Xiao Zhang to another bigger hospital. Xiao Zhang's wound was treated in time, and the situation gradually stabilized. It was not until Xiao Zhang's friend arrived at the hospital that Ren Shifu left. During this period, he worked for more than three hours. Not only did he not operate normally, but he also paid the registration fee in advance. Ren Xigui said, "In such an urgent situation, especially when she is a girl, anyone who meets her may save her. This is also instinctive."

Yes, what a precious instinct! They never knew each other, but he reached out to her for help. It was his "instinct" that saved her life, and it was his "red ribbon" that saved her life!

The red ribbon, the mountains, the water, the trees and the flowers of Qingdao, may all be beautiful because of you. Maybe you are the Qingdao people who help others for no reason.

Red ribbon, Qingdao's winter is beautiful because of you!

Qingdao in Winter (16)

In daily study, work and life, everyone is familiar with composition. Composition is a narrative method to express a theme through words. What kind of composition have you seen? The following is the composition of Qingdao's first day of winter, which I hope you will enjoy.

In winter in Qingdao, the desert is bleak, and the cold wind is biting and boring. But I am looking forward to the arrival of winter, because the snow in Qingdao in winter makes winter no longer lonely, playing the magnificent melody of "thousands of miles of ice, thousands of miles of snow". Moreover, the winter of Qingdao came very late, so I, a girl who loves winter, had to wait a little longer!

Qingdao's winter comes very late, very fierce and unexpected. It's like a drop of cold water hitting people's backs in a warm bedroom. It always comes with violent wind and rain, and even the rain is mixed with cold snow particles. As a result, a large part of Qingdao people with poor resistance suffered from severe colds, and the number of pedestrians on the street suddenly dropped by more than half. As a result, the business in the shopping malls was cold, few people came to the parks, and the buses were just hurried or some commuters took them. In this way, Qingdao, which was still boiling yesterday, has suddenly frozen today.

It snows a few times in winter in Qingdao. When it snows, the whole island city is in turmoil, and it is so quiet that people can only hear the sound of snowflakes falling. After a heavy snowfall, Qingdao suddenly became a "white island". The withered trees that had lost their leaves were decorated with snowflakes into elegant "jade trees". They had the capital to show off. Watching Signal Mountain, Xiaoyu Mountain and Fushan Mountain, they all put on white coats and look at the vast sea like angels in white, welcoming overseas tourists. When we went to Badaguan, the most obvious change was that "red tiles and green trees" became "white tiles and jade trees". In winter nights, leisurely people usually stay at home, and there are also lovers who go out for a stroll. At night in Qingdao, the lights are shining brightly, reflecting a warm ocean. In this vast ocean, people's feelings are intertwined with each other, forming a huge net that covers the island city throughout the winter.

Listen carefully, the sea is calling, and the mountains are telling. The sea calls for tomorrow, and the mountains tell human feelings. Together, they tell a story that will never end: Qingdao, my hometown! Only people living in Qingdao and Qingdao people living in a foreign country can truly appreciate how warm and moving the winter nights in Qingdao are. The crystal white snow led me to walk away like a distance, as if to enjoy the winter. When I turned over a snow wall, several white and green notes suddenly "jumped" into my sight. There are several pines and cypresses standing in the ice and snow, surrounded by loose snow, as if they were soldiers in armor, guarding the border territory of the motherland, and defying the cold wind, ice and snow. The heavy snow pressed the thin branches and leaves low, but from their wrinkled bodies, we can find the fearless spirit. When the red sun rises, they look more magnificent and vigorous! Zhuang Zai, a hero in ice and snow.

"Ha ha..." A silvery laughter woke me up. A group of children are chasing, playing and playing with the gifts of nature in the woods. They are all like little snowmen, carefree and full of vitality. I seem to see the hazy spring.

Qingdao's spring contains white snow, tough pines and the vitality of spring. As the ancients said, it is still hard to forget the autumn and winter. But the winter in Qingdao is even more unforgettable. Qingdao's winter is like a little boy. He is innocent and lively; Qingdao is like a little girl in winter. She is beautiful and lovely. As long as you calm down and taste carefully, you will surely find Qingdao's winter is very beautiful.

Qingdao in Winter (17)

In winter in Qingdao, the desert is bleak, and the cold wind is biting and boring. But I am looking forward to the arrival of winter, because the snow in Qingdao in winter makes winter no longer lonely, playing the magnificent melody of "thousands of miles of ice, thousands of miles of snow". Moreover, the winter of Qingdao came very late, so I, a girl who loves winter, had to wait a little longer!

Qingdao's winter comes very late, very fierce and unexpected. It's like a drop of cold water hitting people's backs in a warm bedroom. It always comes with violent wind and rain, and even the rain is mixed with cold snow particles. As a result, a large part of Qingdao people with poor resistance suffered from severe colds, and the number of pedestrians on the street suddenly dropped by more than half. As a result, the business in the shopping malls was cold, few people came to the parks, and the buses were just hurried or some commuters took them. In this way, Qingdao, which was still boiling yesterday, has suddenly frozen today.

It snows a few times in winter in Qingdao. When it snows, the whole island city is in turmoil, and it is so quiet that people can only hear the sound of snowflakes falling. After a heavy snowfall, Qingdao suddenly became a "white island". The withered trees that had lost their leaves were decorated with snowflakes into elegant "jade trees". They had the capital to show off. Watching Signal Mountain, Xiaoyu Mountain and Fushan Mountain, they all put on white coats and look at the vast sea like angels in white, welcoming overseas tourists. When we went to Badaguan, the most obvious change was that "red tiles and green trees" became "white tiles and jade trees". At night in winter, leisurely people usually stay at home, and some love actors go out for a stroll. At night, Qingdao is ablaze with lights, reflecting a warm ocean. In this vast ocean, feelings between people are intertwined, forming a huge net that covers the island city in winter. Listen carefully, the sea is calling, and the mountains are telling. The sea calls for tomorrow, and mountains tell of human feelings. Together, they tell a story that will never end: Qingdao, my hometown! Only people living in Qingdao and Qingdao people living in a foreign country can truly appreciate how warm and moving the winter nights in Qingdao are. The crystal white snow led me to walk away like a distance, as if to enjoy the winter. When I turned over a snow wall, several white and green notes suddenly "jumped" into my sight. There are several pines and cypresses standing in the ice and snow, surrounded by loose snow, as if they were soldiers in armor, guarding the border territory of the motherland, and defying the cold wind, ice and snow. The heavy snow pressed the thin branches and leaves low, but from their wrinkled bodies, we can find the fearless spirit. When the red sun rises, they look more magnificent and vigorous! Zhuang Zai, a hero in ice and snow.

"Ha ha..." A silvery laughter woke me up. A group of children are chasing, playing and playing with the gifts of nature in the woods. They are all like little snowmen, carefree and full of vitality. I seem to see the hazy spring.

Qingdao's spring contains white snow, tough pines, and the vitality of spring. As the ancients said, it is still hard to forget the autumn and winter. But the winter in Qingdao is even more unforgettable. Qingdao's winter is like a little boy. He is innocent and lively; Qingdao is like a little girl in winter. She is beautiful and lovely. As long as you calm down and taste carefully, you will surely find Qingdao's winter is very beautiful.

Qingdao in Winter (18)

In study, work and life, many people have written compositions. Compositions are a transition from internal speech to external speech, that is, from compressed and concise language that they can understand to an open and standardized grammatical structure that can be understood by others. I believe many people will find it difficult to write compositions. The following is a collection of 600 words of winter compositions in Qingdao. Welcome to read them. I hope you will enjoy them.

"Red Ribbon" is an ordinary and beautiful name. There are many beautiful and moving stories hidden in the short three words.

The "red ribbon" first appeared at the end of 20xx. At that time, three taxi drivers returned the huge amount of money to the owner. Islanders spontaneously tied red ribbons to pay their respects.

Such moving deeds in Qingdao are like stars in the sky, countless.

One day, near the Qingdao Railway Station, a woman surnamed Zhang was suddenly robbed and stabbed in the shoulder. In pain, she stopped a taxi at the roadside. Before the door was opened, she said, "I won't let blood stain your car, but I have no way." "Don't hurry to get on the car first." The driver, Ren Xigui of the Red Ribbon Team, immediately let her get on the car. Later, Master Ren took her to the emergency room of Qingdao Ninth People's Hospital as quickly as possible. Not only did he not ask for Xiao Zhang's money, he also rushed to register at the first time. Although he sent Xiao Zhang to the hospital, he could continue to run his rental. But he never left. He called the police and called Xiao Zhang's friends to comfort him with the medical staff. Xiao Zhang's injury is very serious. The bleeding on his left shoulder is like a fountain. The doctor said that he should wrap up the wound quickly to stop the bleeding and send it to the Affiliated Hospital of the Qing Dynasty Medical College. In an emergency, Master Ren said nothing and rushed Xiao Zhang to another bigger hospital. Xiao Zhang's wound was treated in time, and the situation gradually stabilized. It was not until Xiao Zhang's friend arrived at the hospital that Ren Shifu left. During this period, he worked for more than three hours. Not only did he not operate normally, but he also paid the registration fee in advance. Ren Xigui said, "In such an urgent situation, especially when she is a girl, anyone who meets her may save her. This is also instinctive."

Yes, what a precious instinct! They never knew each other, but he reached out to her for help. It was his "instinct" that saved her life, and it was his "red ribbon" that saved her life!

The red ribbon, the mountains, the water, the trees and the flowers of Qingdao, may all be beautiful because of you. Maybe you are the Qingdao people who help others for no reason.

Red ribbon, Qingdao's winter is beautiful because of you!

Qingdao in Winter (19)

600 word composition 1 describing Qingdao's winter

Winter in Qingdao

In winter in Qingdao, the desert is bleak, and the cold wind is biting and boring. But I am looking forward to the arrival of winter, because the snow in Qingdao in winter makes winter no longer lonely, playing the magnificent melody of "thousands of miles of ice, thousands of miles of snow". Moreover, the winter of Qingdao came very late, so I, a girl who loves winter, had to wait a little longer!

Qingdao's winter comes very late, very fierce and unexpected. It's like a drop of cold water hitting people's backs in a warm bedroom. It always comes with violent wind and rain, and even the rain is mixed with cold snow particles. As a result, a large part of Qingdao people with poor resistance suffered from severe colds, and the number of pedestrians on the street suddenly dropped by more than half. As a result, the business in the shopping malls was cold, few people came to the parks, and the buses were just hurried or some commuters took them. In this way, Qingdao, which was still boiling yesterday, has suddenly frozen today.

It snows a few times in winter in Qingdao. When it snows, the whole island city is in turmoil, and it is so quiet that people can only hear the sound of snowflakes falling. After a heavy snowfall, Qingdao suddenly became a "white island". The withered trees that had lost their leaves were dotted with snowflakes and became noble and elegant "jade trees". They had the capital to show off again. Watching Signal Mountain, Xiaoyu Mountain and Fushan Mountain, they all put on white coats and look at the vast sea like angels in white, welcoming overseas tourists. When we went to Badaguan, the most obvious change was that "red tiles and green trees" became "white tiles and jade trees". On winter nights, leisurely people usually stayed at home, and there were also lovers who went out for a stroll. At night, Qingdao is ablaze with lights, reflecting a warm ocean. In this vast ocean, feelings between people are intertwined, forming a huge net that covers the island city in winter. Listen carefully, the sea is calling, and the mountains are telling. The sea calls for tomorrow, and the mountains tell human feelings. Together, they tell a story that will never end: Qingdao, my hometown! Only people living in Qingdao and Qingdao people living in a foreign country can truly appreciate how warm and moving the winter nights in Qingdao are. The crystal white snow led me to walk away like a distance, as if to enjoy the winter. When I turned over a snow wall, several white and green notes suddenly "jumped" into my sight. There are several pines and cypresses standing in the ice and snow, surrounded by loose snow, as if they were soldiers in armor, guarding the border territory of the motherland, and defying the cold wind, ice and snow. The heavy snow pressed the thin branches and leaves low, but from their wrinkled bodies, we can find the fearless spirit. When the red sun rises, they look more magnificent and vigorous! Zhuang Zai, a hero in ice and snow.

"Ha ha..." A silvery laughter woke me up. A group of children are chasing, playing and playing with the gifts of nature in the woods. They are all like little snowmen, carefree and full of vitality. I seem to see the hazy spring.

Qingdao's spring contains white snow, tough pines and the vitality of spring. As the ancients said, it is still hard to forget the autumn and winter. But the winter in Qingdao is even more unforgettable. Qingdao's winter is like a little boy. He is innocent and lively; Qingdao is like a little girl in winter. She is beautiful and lovely. As long as you calm down and taste carefully, you will surely find Qingdao's winter is very beautiful.

600 word essay on winter in Qingdao 2

Qingdao's winter is beautiful because of you

It is red ribbon. It is a spiritual bridge between people and conveys their love for each other. This kind of love makes this winter no longer cold, but warm


"Red Ribbon" is an ordinary and beautiful name. In the short three words, there are many beautiful and moving stories hidden.

The "red ribbon" first appeared at the end of 20xx. At that time, three taxi drivers returned the huge amount of money to the owner. Islanders spontaneously tied red ribbons to pay their respects.

Such moving deeds in Qingdao are like stars in the sky, countless

One day, near the Qingdao Railway Station, a woman surnamed Zhang was suddenly robbed and stabbed in the shoulder. In pain, she stopped a taxi at the roadside. Before the door was opened, she said, "I won't let blood stain your car, but I have no way." "Don't hurry to get on the car first." The driver, Ren Xigui of the Red Ribbon Team, immediately let her get on the car. Later, Master Ren took her to the emergency room of Qingdao Ninth People's Hospital as quickly as possible. Not only did he not ask for Xiao Zhang's money, he also rushed to register at the first time. Although he sent Xiao Zhang to the hospital, he could continue to run his rental. But he never left. He called the police and called Xiao Zhang's friends to comfort him with the medical staff. Xiao Zhang's injury is very serious. The bleeding on his left shoulder is like a fountain. The doctor said that he should wrap up the wound quickly to stop the bleeding and send it to the Affiliated Hospital of the Qing Dynasty Medical College. In an emergency, Master Ren said nothing and rushed Xiao Zhang to another bigger hospital. Xiao Zhang's wound was treated in time, and the situation gradually stabilized. It was not until Xiao Zhang's friend arrived at the hospital that Ren Shifu left. During this period, he worked for more than three hours. Not only did he not operate normally, but he also paid the registration fee in advance. Ren Xigui said, "In such an urgent situation, especially when she is a girl, anyone who meets her may save her. This is also instinctive."

Yes, what a precious instinct! They never knew each other, but he reached out to her for help. It was his "instinct" that saved her life, and it was his "red ribbon" that saved her life!

The red ribbon, the mountains, the water, the trees and the flowers of Qingdao, may all be beautiful because of you. Maybe you are the Qingdao people who help others for no reason.

Red ribbon, Qingdao's winter is beautiful because of you!

600 word essay describing winter in Qingdao 3

Winter in Qingdao

I grew up in Qingdao when I was young. I can also say that I am a native of Qingdao. Of course, I know the spring, summer, autumn and winter of Qingdao very well! Let me show you Qingdao in winter!

When you walk on the path in Qingdao in winter, the cold wind blowing from time to time will make you can't help fighting, or even make you want to go back and put on a coat and drink warm water.

In the morning, when you open the window, you will feel the cold. When you go out of the house, a wet cold fog will hit your face. When you open your eyes, you will feel as if you have been in a fairyland, in the clouds. When you come to the seaside, especially after the rain, it is more beautiful, like the sky surrounded by clouds.

It doesn't snow much in Qingdao in winter, but once it begins to snow, there is no need to say. In the morning after snow, open the window, and the white world appears before your eyes; Looking into the distance, yesterday's red tiles, green trees, houses and tall buildings were all dyed white by this white brush.

Put on a heavy coat, open the door, step on the white snow, every step, the snow under my feet is creaking, like an early morning symphony, walking to the hillside, several children under the tree are playing, suddenly, a piercing cold wind hit, and the snow on the tree jumped off the branches and landed on the head and body of those children, They laughed innocently, which made me feel the joy of winter. The hills in the snow are also very beautiful. The three colors of white, green and brown are connected and integrated, making the continuous hills more charming.

Qingdao's winter is so complicated and picturesque. The piercing cold wind, psychedelic cold fog, white snow and continuous hills constitute the beautiful winter scenery of Qingdao.

Qingdao in Winter (20)

Qingdao's winter comes very late, very fierce and unexpected. It's like a drop of cold water hitting people's backs in a warm bedroom. It always comes with violent wind and rain, and even the rain is mixed with cold snow particles. As a result, a large part of Qingdao people with poor resistance suffered from severe colds, and the number of pedestrians on the street suddenly dropped by more than half. As a result, the business in the shopping malls was cold, few people came to the parks, and the buses were just hurried or some commuters took them. In this way, Qingdao, which was still boiling yesterday, has suddenly frozen today.

It snows a few times in winter in Qingdao. When it snows, the whole island city is in turmoil, and it is so quiet that people can only hear the sound of snowflakes falling. After a heavy snowfall, Qingdao suddenly became a "white island". The withered trees that had lost their leaves were decorated with snowflakes into elegant "jade trees". They had the capital to show off. Watching Signal Mountain, Xiaoyu Mountain and Fushan Mountain, they all put on white coats and look at the vast sea like angels in white, welcoming overseas tourists. When we went to Badaguan, the most obvious change was that "red tiles and green trees" became "white tiles and jade trees". In winter nights, leisurely people usually stay at home, and there are also lovers who go out for a stroll. At night, Qingdao is ablaze with lights, reflecting a warm ocean. In this vast ocean, feelings between people are intertwined, forming a huge net that covers the island city in winter. Listen carefully, the sea is calling, and the mountains are telling. The sea calls for tomorrow, and mountains tell of human feelings. Together, they tell a story that will never end: Qingdao, my hometown! Only people living in Qingdao and Qingdao people living in a foreign country can truly appreciate how warm and moving the winter nights in Qingdao are. The crystal white snow led me to walk away like a distance, as if to enjoy the winter. When I turned over a snow wall, several white and green notes suddenly "jumped" into my sight. There are several pines and cypresses standing in the ice and snow, surrounded by loose snow, as if they were soldiers in armor, guarding the border territory of the motherland, and defying the cold wind, ice and snow. The heavy snow pressed the thin branches and leaves low, but from their wrinkled bodies, we can find the fearless spirit. When the red sun rises, they look more magnificent and vigorous! Zhuang Zai, a hero in ice and snow.

"Ha ha..." A silvery laughter woke me up. A group of children are chasing, playing and playing with the gifts of nature in the woods. They are all like little snowmen, carefree and full of vitality. I seem to see the hazy spring.

Qingdao's spring contains white snow, tough pines and the vitality of spring. As the ancients said, it is still hard to forget the autumn and winter. But the winter in Qingdao is even more unforgettable. Qingdao's winter is like a little boy. He is innocent and lively; Qingdao is like a little girl in winter. She is beautiful and lovely. As long as you calm down and taste carefully, you will surely find Qingdao's winter is very beautiful.