Grape Description (15 Selected Articles)
See clearly the people's heart
2024-05-04 03:04:47
Expository text

Describing Grapes (1)

Grape, the fruit of grape, is a deciduous vine and one of the oldest plants in the world. The following is a collection of 600 words about grapes. Welcome to use for reference.

Today, we decided to go to the vineyard to pick grapes.

When we first arrived at the vineyard, the master picked three different varieties of grapes for us to taste. They were green and medium in stature; A kind of red, big and round; A dark red, small and round. Ah, green grapes are the sweetest!

When we walked into the vineyard, the master told us some grape picking skills: First, when selecting green grapes, we must see that they are yellow to mature, while when selecting red grapes, they must be dark red to mature. 2、 When picking grapes, you should hold the grapes with one hand, find the stems and cut them. 3、 Grapes are easy to fall, so they should be handled with care. Oh, there is so much knowledge!

"Finally, I can pick grapes!" I cheered, jumped, and took the lead in launching the "attack". My eyes were eager to find. Ha ha, I found a bunch of green grapes! A closer look shows that it is green, as if it is still half cooked. I was afraid that I would waste it because of immaturity. I immediately asked the master to see if the grapes could be picked. As soon as the master said yes, I immediately raised the scissors, "clicked" and cut them off. I held my hands and held my head high to show off: "Look, my trophy! I won the first battle!" The mother beside me excitedly raised her mobile phone, snapped, uploaded, shared, and went to show in the circle of friends again!

Then, I saw a bunch of grapes. Ah, they are really big, round, and very red. At first, they are authentic! I hurried to find its stem, but I couldn't find it! "Master, master, help me!" I hurriedly moved the rescuers. "This is very difficult to cut, because it grows around the root in a circle, which is troublesome!" said the owner. Ah, what should I do? This is the best! After a while, the owner found the stem and cut it carefully. As soon as I got a grape, I picked one and ate it. "Ah, it's better to eat! Sour! Sour! Sour! You have failed my expectations! I hate you!" This irritated my little princess. She vomited and threw it away.

Look, there are joys and sorrows in grape picking. Come and experience it!

For me, that vine is a part of my childhood.

Since the vine was moved into the balcony, I asked my mother: "How long can a vine live.

After that, I would often take care of it. At first, I only watered it once every few days until the water in the tray overflowed. Later, I learned some watering methods and techniques and changed them.

In the autumn of that year, I ate the grapes I bought, but I didn't see a hint of attractive purple on my vine. I was still uncomfortable.

In order to let it grow fruit, I have paid a lot in the following years. I will fertilize and topdressing it regularly. After a long time, I feel that if it is less, I have to add soil to it. If necessary, I have to prune the branches. What impressed me most was that when it was windy, I carried several boxes to form a wall to protect it from the wind. Every time I saw that its twigs were broken by the wind, the leaves added fuel to the fire, and the green leaves looked like "wind umbrellas". However, those efforts were futile. The next day, the branches were still broken, and there were pests. I didn't have the heart to use pesticides, so I had to use some physical methods. I hated the dense aphids on the grape leaves. I went to the yard to catch ladybugs, but I didn't eat them. It seems that biological methods are useless, but after a few days, there are fewer aphids. Maybe they are shy and eat when I don't notice? Finally, I had to "kill insects by hand". It was really troublesome for me to get rid of aphids with a water bottle. Later, the branches were smoked more and grew longer and thicker, requiring a stick. So I also went to the woods to find a suitable stick. There were many difficulties in setting up the stick, which was completed with the help of my father.

One year, two years, three years, I finally saw several green fruits hanging on the branches. I looked forward to it, and finally waited until that day. In fact, I could not wait. The first result was not very sweet, but I still felt delicious.

The vine has some of its own efforts and memories. In summer, looking at the green leaves, I suddenly feel a sense of vitality; Tasting the fruit in autumn, I also remember a lot.

Red apples, yellow pears, white peaches and fiery dragon fruits are all very popular fruits. But what I like most is the grapes that are fresh. Among them, I love grapes most. Purple grape is a kind of grape that is often eaten by families. Its stem has leaves, which are emerald green.

On both sides of the stem are clusters of large watery grapes, which look like triangles from a distance. The skin of grapes is very smooth, and feels like a baby's small face. Peel off the grape skin, and the tender green flesh will appear in front of your eyes. The flesh is like pearls and crystals. The flesh looks very attractive and makes people drool. When moving grapes are put into the mouth, the cool feeling slowly spreads in the mouth, sour and sweet, like an ice bead placed in the mouth, cool with a little sour and sweet, and finally blooms.

The flesh of the grape is soft. With a gentle bite, the sweet and sour grape juice will flow out of the grape, making you unable to resist putting a second one in your mouth. Grape skin can also be applied on the skin, which can double moisturize the skin. What a lovely and exquisite purple grape!

Grapes are native to Europe. Western Asia. North of Africa.

Grapes have various colors, including green, purple and purple. Fascinating purple grapes are composed of purple skin, lavender flesh and seeds. Grapes glisten in the sunlight, like rubies. The whole bunch of grapes looks like a pyramid hanging upside down from a distance, and they are very united. They depend on each other like brothers.

Grapes can also play different sounds! If the grape is accidentally dropped to the ground, it will make a "snap" sound as if the cup has hurt and is crying loudly. When washing grapes, they accidentally dropped the grapes into the water with a "plop" sound, as if they were saying, "It's really cool to take a bath".

Grapes are very fragrant. When you smell a fragrance, you want to eat it. Grapes are sour and sweet, but their seeds are very astringent.

Grapes are not only beautiful and delicious, but also have many functions! It can quench thirst, brew wine, and make raisins. It can also cure hypertension and prevent cancer.

I can't believe that grapes have so many functions. We should eat more grapes in the future!

"Green tent, green house, dripping beads." The answer to this riddle is grapes.

Grape is one of the fruits with the largest planting area and largest yield in the world. It has the characteristics of early bearing, high yield, long life, beautiful tree posture, strong adaptability and easy reproduction. It not only afforests urban and rural areas, but also has higher economic value.

"Crystal Pearl" is the favorite name of grape, because it has beautiful color, soft juice, rich nutrition, sugar content of 10% to 30%, and contains a variety of vitamins, calcium, phosphorus, iron and a variety of trace elements. It also has the effect of improving human health and treating neurasthenia and excessive fatigue. Grapes are yellow green, red purple, blue black, and most of them are oval or round berries. The famous purple pearl like "longan" is known as the "Pearl of the North". There are more "Jufeng" on the market now. Its ear weight is up to 600g, and its yield is very high. The "longevity tree", which is also an early fruit bearing tree, can continuously produce high yield for 30 years. It originated in Japan. The skin is black and purple, the meat is soft and juicy, the fruit is little and the taste is sweet!

In addition to being fresh, grapes can also be processed into raisins and wine. Its seeds can be pressed to extract tannins, and its skins can also extract industrial raw material tartaric acid. Grapes are full of treasure!

After listening to my introduction, did you immediately want to eat grapes?

Describing Grapes (2)

Grapes are large and small, oval and round in shape, even different in color, including cyan and purple. The following is a collection of 400 words about grape description for you. Please refer to it.

The expository text describing grapes is 400 words

I like grapes, not only because they are exquisite and colorful, but also because they are sweet and delicious and make people want to eat them. "If you don't eat it, you won't forget it." It's really an excellent fruit!

The spring scenery is beautiful, and crystal grapes are very beautiful under the caress of the sun. They stretch their tender green leaves, adding a lot of color to the clusters of grapes hanging on the branches. They seem to be shouting in unison: "I've grown up, I've grown up..."

Clusters of crystal clear grapes gathered together, dense, like stars all over the sky, dazzling. The grapes are round and smooth to the touch, very comfortable. After the grapes gradually mature, pick one, peel off the skin, and put it into your mouth. The sweet and delicious juice will permeate all over your body at once, and the sweet taste will remain in your mouth for a long time.

Grapes have many colors. Some are dark red, some are light green, some are lavender, and some are purple... In the sunlight, many lovely grapes are shining. Under the caress of spring rain, it becomes more moist.

I like grapes, do you like them?

400 word expository text describing grapes

Huaibei abounds in grapes. There are several vines in my uncle's yard, and the green corridor like grape trellis runs through the door of my house, which makes me intoxicated. Dense branches and vines climb all over the shelf, just like the arbor. Under the large and green grape leaves, there are strings of crystal clear grapes, purple red, green, round, like gemstones of different colors.

I asked Uncle, "What's the name of this breed?"

This is called "Ruby", said Uncle.

Then, the uncle pointed to the clusters of green grapes as jade and said, "These are cream grapes."

Have you ever eaten grapes? The grapes are sour, sweet and delicious. Looking at those clusters of grapes, I really drool. Uncle picked some strings and put them in his mouth. They are sour and sweet. They are delicious.

Grapes are very useful. It is not only rich in vitamin C, but also can stimulate saliva and quench thirst. It can also be made into raisins, processed into various cakes, and made into thick and sweet wine for everyone to taste.

You don't know? The leaves of grapes can also raise silkworms!

Grapes are delicious. I like to eat grapes, I love my hometown more!

400 word expository text describing grapes

"The trees are winding and the vines are winding, and the fruits are round and round one by one. When you eat them, they are sour and sweet." Do you know what this is? Yes, this is the grape.

Grapes are large and small, oval and round in shape, even different in color, including cyan, purple and purple. The surface of the grape is covered with a purple "coat". Peel off the coat, and sweet honey fragrance comes to the nose. The flesh of the water spirit looks delicate, smooth, crystal clear. Some grapes also hide several "little black men" who seem to be playing hide and seek! Gently bite open the grape, sweet, sour, sweet and delicious pulp, and the sweet pulp flows into your mouth, ah! The taste makes people love it more and want it more!

Grapes are not only delicious, but also very useful! Eating more grapes can invigorate qi, nourish blood and strengthen the heart. Grapes also have the function of relaxing tendons and promoting blood circulation, appetizing and invigorating the spleen, and helping digestion! Grapes also contain iron and other substances beneficial to human body. In the hot summer, those who have poor appetite will eat grapes for an appetizer. Grape juice has a high nutritional value, so the sweet and sour grape juice is known as "plant milk" by scientists

How about it? The grape has played a big role! Grapes can also be made into raisins, which is delicious! If you want to try this thick flavor, come to my hometown Wushan as soon as possible! I will treat you warmly!

400 word expository text describing grapes

I like grapes, not only because they are exquisite and colorful, but also because they are sweet and delicious and make people want to eat them. "If you don't eat it, you will never forget it." It's really an excellent fruit!

The spring scenery is beautiful, and crystal grapes are very beautiful under the caress of the sun. They stretch their tender green leaves, adding a lot of color to the clusters of grapes hanging on the branches. They seem to be shouting in unison: "I've grown up, I've grown up..."

Clusters of crystal clear grapes gathered together, dense, like stars all over the sky, dazzling. The grapes are round and smooth to the touch, very comfortable. After the grapes gradually mature, pick one, peel off the skin, and put it into your mouth. The sweet and delicious juice will permeate all over your body at once, and the sweet taste will remain in your mouth for a long time.

Grapes have many colors. Some are dark red, some are light green, some are lavender, and some are purple... In the sunlight, many lovely grapes are shining. Under the caress of spring rain, it becomes more moist.

I like grapes, do you like them?

A 400 word expository describing grapes

The fruit of grape, a plant of the family Vitaceae. It is a deciduous vine and one of the oldest plants in the world. It is native to Europe, America and Central Asia, and can be found all over the north of the Yangtze River basin in China, mainly in Gansu, Shanxi, Hebei and other places. The stem is 10-20 meters long. Single leaf, alternate. The flower is small, yellow green, forming a panicle. The berry is round or oval, and has different colors such as white, green, red, brown, purple and black, depending on the variety. The fruit ripening period is from August to October. China has cultivated grapes for more than 2000 years, which is said to be introduced by Zhang Qian in the Han Dynasty.

Grapes can be used for a wide range of purposes. In addition to eating raw, they can also be used for drying, wine making, canning, jam making, etc! In addition, grapes also have a very high ornamental value, and are outstanding in beautifying the environment.

Summer passed and autumn came, the grapes were ripe. Under the large green grape leaves, there were strings of crystal clear grapes, purple red, green, round, as if gems of different colors were in the world of jewelry. Gently peel off the tender skin, and a water sensitive pulp will appear in front of you. The translucent pulp looks like crystal, like agate, and has a charming fragrance in your hair, making your mouth water. You can't wait to put it into the mouth, chew it carefully, and the sweet juice will permeate all over your body, leaving you with endless aftertaste.

Describing Grapes (3)

I like to eat many fruits, including fragrant pears, sweet strawberries and small cherries... But my favorite fruit is grapes.

Now is the golden autumn season. The grapes are ripe. The grapes on the grape trellis are colorful, including red, white, purple, dark red and light red. They are gorgeous! Under the sunshine, it is crystal clear and shiny, just like a colorful agate.

One day, my mother bought a bunch of big red grapes, which made my mouth water. I couldn't wait to put one in my mouth. When I chew it carefully, the sweet and delicious juice suddenly permeates my whole body, and the sweet taste always stays in my mouth, which will not disappear for a long time, leaving people with endless aftertaste. Grapes are not only delicious, but also rich in vitamin C. There are also many uses. It can be made into raisins, processed into various cakes, made into delicious and sweet wine, and used to moisturize skin.

Grapes are delicious and have many functions. Children, do you like grapes?

Describing Grapes (4)

My family has a large vineyard. Every summer, Grandma will sell it on the street. Today, I will go to pick grapes with my grandparents. There are so many varieties of grapes. "Summer black", "cream grape", "Kyoho", "beauty mole" and so on. A string of pearl like particles made my saliva "fly down three thousand feet". The summer black grapes like black pearls are the specialty here. The watery "cream grapes" are also good. They are sweeter than the summer black. They also have a smell of cream. The skin of "beauty spots" is thin and can be eaten directly with belt meat. How can my greedy cat stop this tempting fruit? So after obtaining the consent of my grandparents, I opened my mouth and stopped eating three delicious grapes. It is not so much to help pick grapes as to eat grapes.

How about my summer vacation life is not very interesting?

Describing Grapes (5)

Grapes are my favorite fruit! It has purple and green colors, and each grape is like a precious agate. Grapes are large and small. Their skins are very smooth. Mature grapes smell fragrant.

Today, I ate the grapes my father bought, took off the purple skin, and the flesh inside was crystal clear. The mouth gently bit down, "ah" a sweet taste passed from my tongue to my heart, but there are also not mature grapes that are a bit sour, so I don't like to eat them. A bunch of lovely grapes is like a pyramid, which can move the grapes one by one like a fleeing Buddha bead! It is said that grapes have a lot of vitamin C nutrition, and that grape seeds can be ground into powder to make masks. Grapes have a great effect!

Grapes are delicious, good-looking, nutritious, and I want to eat them every time I eat them. They are really my favorite fruit!

Describing Grapes (6)

I planted a grape in my yard, which was as tall as me last year. This year, my father and I made a tall and big stand for the grape, and applied a lot of fertilizer to it.

In early spring and March, grapes began to sprout just as the weather turned warm. A pair of leaves grow on the tender green branches, like a pair of small hands gently swinging in the wind, so many tendrils grow on the branches. It tightly wrapped around the stand and stretched upward, and soon covered the stand with thick branches like a green blanket.

In April, the grapes opened clusters of white flowers, just like small snowflakes arranged neatly one after another, beautiful and lovely. I heard from my parents that after the flowers bloom, grapes can grow. From then on, I watched carefully under the grape trellis whenever I was free, silently counting one string, two strings, three strings... more than 40 strings. Small white flowers fall behind, and they grow clusters of small pearly grapes, up to a maximum of 40 or 50. I really like them. I often water them, catch insects, and carefully care for their growth. Little grapes slowly grow into glass balls. Those clusters of heavy, bright, round grapes are hanging on the shelf, like carefully made crystal chandeliers.

In the hot summer, when the whole family sat around under the grape trellis to enjoy the cool and ate a bunch of sweet and delicious grapes, they were very happy.

Describing Grapes (7)

A vine is bent and curved, with strings of pearls hanging on it. It's beautiful to see green and purple. It's ripe, sweet and sour. What is this? This is my favorite fruit grape.

Under the warm sunshine and in the spring breeze, the tender green grape leaves have grown all over the vines at some time. They have blossomed yellow and green flowers, quietly breeding new life.

After several summer rains, the vineyard is green and the green leaves become more verdant. Under the green leaves hung clusters of green, hard grapes. Take off one, very sour, straight frown.

When autumn comes, clusters of grapes are ripe. Red as agate, green as emerald, purple shining, colorful, beautiful!

Look! Grapes refract multicolored light in the sun, like gems, far away, bulging, the size of glass balls, round and lovely, mouth watering.

I picked one, held it in my palm, and touched it gently with my hand. Ah! Soft, smooth, like a baby's face.

I couldn't wait to peel off its thin coat, and immediately a crystal clear fruit appeared in front of me. The water was bright, like a gem, shining with green light, which made people salivate when looking at it, and the taste must be no worse. Without saying a word, immediately put it into your mouth, and a sweet taste will flow from the tip of your tongue to your lungs. It's sour, sweet, cool and delicious. It's really delicious!

Grapes are not only beautiful, but also rich in vitamins! It contains many vitamins, proteins, minerals, etc. Grapes are even good for human nervous system and cardiovascular system! It can also be squeezed into juice, made into dry, wine, cans, etc.

Grapes are so delicious and have many benefits. They really deserve to be the queen of fruits!

Describing Grapes (8)

[Chapter 1]

Grape is dressed in a green dress. It is oval and round. It looks like a green egg when viewed near, and like a giant aphid when viewed far away. The grape gives off a light fragrance, which makes people refreshing. Its skin is very transparent, you can see the flesh, touch it, and it is very smooth. Peel off the skin, and the transparent pulp shows in front of my eyes. When I take a bite, there are many sour, sweet and juicy glucose squirting out of the pulp, which makes me have a lot of aftertaste. The grape seed is like a tadpole swimming around. Grape seeds are green. They look like small tadpoles at a close distance and like a green meteor at a distance. Touch the grape seeds. It feels smooth and tasteless. Glucose can be used as medicine! Glucose can cure a patient with fever.

Grape, I like to eat you!

[Chapter 2]

My favorite fruits are red apples, big round watermelons and pearly grapes. Among them, my favorite is grapes.

Grape is dressed in a purple coat and wears a small green hat on her head. Clusters of crystal clear grapes are gathered together, dense, like stars in the sky, dazzling.

The color of the grapes is black and purple. Under the sunshine, they are colorful, like small gemstones shining. I ate one, and the sweet and delicious juice seeped all over my body, and the sweet taste remained in my mouth for a long time, which will not disappear, leaving people with endless aftertaste.

Do you like this sweet grape?

Describing Grapes (9)

In the golden autumn of harvest, the autumn is clear and the air is cool, which has faded the heat of summer and ushered in the fragrance of fruits and melons. This is the season to feast your mouth. When I heard that we were going to pick grapes today, I cheered because it was one of my favorite fruits.

Arrived at the vineyard, bursts of fragrance came to my face. I saw the grape trellises arranged orderly in rows. The wind blew the leaves rustling, and clusters of grapes inlaid in them were as purple as agate, which made our mouth water.

I took a small basket and a small pair of scissors and couldn't wait to enter the vineyard. At a close look, grapes are like small pearls, with a thin layer of white powdery material on the surface, which is crystal clear under the sun, and looks delicious!

I picked up the small scissors and aimed at the bottom of the whole bunch of grapes, clicked, the grapes were cut off, but fell to the ground, "bang" to squeeze out a lot of juice. Jiajia laughed and said, "Brother Paipai, look at me!" She caught the grapes with one hand and cut them quickly with the other hand, and the grapes fell into her hands completely.

I was inspired. I firmly grasped the grapes with my left hand and cut them with my right hand. This bunch of grapes was put into the fruit basket "obediently" by me. We started together and soon returned with a full load. I poured them into salt water to wash, grabbed one and put it into my mouth. The juice suddenly covered the tip of my tongue, and I felt sweet and delicious!

Today, I experienced the joy of picking, and also harvest a lot. It's really an unforgettable day.

Describing Grapes (10)

There is a grapevine on the east side of the school playground. The students love it and love it very much.

In spring, tender green buds sprout from the grapevine, adding a lot of vitality to the open playground. In a few days, the buds grew into small red leaves, and gradually the leaves turned green. At the same time, new branches grew. Soon the grapevine was covered with small yellow flowers. The whole grapevine was beautiful against the background of green leaves!

When summer came, the whole grapevine was connected, and the leaves were connected with each other. There was no gap at all. Students could enjoy the cool under the vine.

The small flowers on the grape vine withered. Soon the grape vine was covered with small grapes like green beans, one string after another, crystal clear, beautiful.

In autumn, the grapes are ripe, and the clusters of grapes hung with vines are like purple pearls. They are big and round, so attractive. The students wanted to eat when they looked at it. Everyone jumped and clapped around the grapevine happily. This is the most beautiful scenery in the campus. Nobody has the heart to destroy it. Grapevine adds a lot of happiness and laughter to the campus.

Describing Grapes (11)

Today, I came to Jinbi Composition School early. Teacher Gao said to us, "Today I'm going to give you a surprise." Then let's all close our eyes. Why? I thought to myself: the teacher will give us something delicious or fun. The teacher divided the grapes into a bunch, and I touched them. They were slippery and cool. I opened my eyes, oh, it's grapes! I found that many grapes are big, small, but extremely good. They seem to be scrambling to say: "I'm delicious, I'm delicious, it's not delicious." They are like crystal, like agate, crystal clear, round and full, and look delicious.

I touched, smelled, ah! How fragrant! At this time, the saliva flows three thousand feet. I thought: I will eat it right away. I peeled off the purple skin, revealing the flesh of the agate. I couldn't help taking a small bite, ah! Juice flows from my mouth to my heart. How sweet it is! While eating grapes, I also remembered a story called Fox and Grapes. In the big forest, there was a little fox who loved to eat grapes, but could not pick the grapes on the grape trellis. He said, "The grapes must be sour..."

Grapes are rich in vitamin C, and may also be made into raisins, wine

I believe that the grapes in the future will be more sweet, because everyone likes to eat it!

Part 2: I love grapes

I like grapes very much. If all the fruits are put in front of me, I will definitely choose grapes.

My parents used to buy grapes for me. Unexpectedly, Mr. Gao, who wrote a golden composition, was so good that he bought grapes for us to eat.

Today, as soon as Miss Gao entered the classroom, I saw her carrying a bag. I thought: What is this? Just after class, Miss Gao asked us to close our eyes and extend our hands. I suddenly felt the coolness in my hands. I would touch the things in my left hand first. The thing in the left hand is round and tender, like the skin of a baby, like a glass ball. I touched the thing in my right hand again. The thing in my right hand is round and feels like the skin of a baby. What do I think this is? I can't wait to open my eyes. It's my favorite grape.

Some grape skins are green, some are purplish red, and some are dark. They hold each other tightly, like good brothers who never want to part. I smelled it, and the grapes exuded sweet and attractive fragrance. I thought: Why didn't Mr. Gao let me eat grapes? I thought about the sweet and delicious taste of grapes, and my mouth was watering. Suddenly, Mr. Gao said, "Now eat grapes!" My mood suddenly became extremely excited. I immediately peeled off a purple grape, put it in my mouth, and tasted it carefully. The purple grape was a little sour and a little sweet. I peeled the green grapes again. It was difficult to peel the skins. I took a lot of effort to peel one. When I eat it, it is very sweet and not sour at all. As I was eating, I thought of a tongue twister - not spitting grape skin when eating grapes, but spitting grape skin when not eating grapes. Teacher Gao said: "Grape skin and grape seeds are rich in sustenance, and grapes can also be made into raisins.

I like grapes best. I want to eat more.

Describing Grapes (12)

by the way! This is grape.

Grapes can be divided into many kinds: seedless white, green grapes, caramel, sugar free grapes, and golden berries.

Today, I introduce green grapes, which are produced in Turpan, a holy land of Xinjiang grapes with fragrant melons and fruits.

Green grapes have green color, crystal clear. There is only one seed in each. One purr, one string of seeds, and one after another full and juicy grapes hanging on the grape trellis are very attractive and mouth watering. Especially after the rain, the jasper grapes with diamond like raindrops are more attractive. The plump grapes hang on the branches as if to say to you: Am I beautiful? I'm so beautiful. Take me off quickly!

If you want to understand green grapes, you should "see, smell and taste". I have seen it, and I smell it below. Smell from a distance first. If you smell grapes in the distance, you can smell a breath of fresh, and then smell carefully, ah! A stream of water and sweet taste is enough to lift your appetite. Nearby smell: Smell at a close place, and a trace of fragrance penetrates your nostrils. Smell it carefully, as if all the days of grapes are inhaled by you. Ah! It smells good. It seems that there is no more fragrant fruit!

Smell it and taste it. Take off one and put it in your mouth. When you bite it, the juice will flow out from the corner of your mouth. At the same time, a sweet taste will go straight to your throat! Where the juice flows, even the teeth are sweet. After eating it and biting tofu, I found that my teeth were sweet! Can't bite!

Grapes are not only juicy and delicious, but also nutritious. The fruit contains many vitamins, calcium, phosphorus, iron and various trace elements. It can be used for beauty, intelligence and anti-aging.

You have heard of "eating grapes without spitting grape skins", but have you ever heard of "eating grapes without spitting grape seeds" grape seeds are very useful. The beauty and anti-aging effects of grapes can be all in it! If the pulp is sold at 100 yuan per kilogram in the market, its seeds will be sold at 200 yuan per kilogram. Moreover, grape seeds are added to many beauty products now!

No wonder grapes have the title of "Crystal Pearl"!

Describing Grapes (13)

◆ Beneath the dense and lush leaves, the shelves are full of purring grapes, some purple red, some green, like agate, like emerald.

◆ When the grapes are ripe, clusters of shiny, light green, purple red and beige grapes hang on both sides of the street.

◆ I planted a grape in my yard. In the eighth month of the lunar calendar, the green leaves grow bigger than the palm of your hand. The leaves are next to each other, with almost no gaps. Seen from afar, it looks like a green pergola. Grapes are more popular. One is called crystal, which is really carved with crystal; One is called red rose, which is bright in purple and looks like strings of purple pearls.

◆ Summer has passed and autumn has come, the grapes have matured, and clusters of grapes hang down from the leaves. They are crystal clear and transparent, like being carved out of crystal and jade, and like purple pearls, all round and big, water smart. At this time, the adults set up ladders and picked the grapes that made people covet. I can't wait to throw a grape into my mouth. Ah, how sweet! Juice flows out of the mouth

Describing Grapes (14)

Autumn is coming, and the vines in the water orchard are full of grapes. Let's go and have a look! The first thing I saw when I walked into the vineyard was a bunch of crystal clear grapes hanging on the vine. The grapes were big and small, round and oval in shape. The color is also different from cyan, purple, and semi ripe yellow green, hanging all over the grape trellis. The green ones are like emeralds, and the purple ones are like gems. I feel like entering the jewelry century of emerald agate. I can't wait to pick a bunch of coveted, purple and shiny grapes, peel one, put it into my mouth and bite it gently. The sour, sour and sweet juice flows into my mouth. It's cool and has a special feeling, which makes me have endless aftertaste. I want to have another one after eating one. I can't get tired of eating one more.

Grapes are not only delicious, but also rich in vitamins. They can also be used to make sweet and delicious raisins, wine, and grape skins to whiten skin?

"The trees are crooked and the vines are crooked, and the fruits are round and round. When you eat them, they are sour and sweet." Do you know? This is my favorite grape. I can eat a big bunch!

Describing Grapes (15)

600 words in a description of grapes

Today, we decided to go to the vineyard to pick grapes.

When we first arrived at the vineyard, the master picked three different varieties of grapes for us to taste. They were green and medium in stature; A kind of red, big and round; A dark red, small and round. Ah, green grapes are the sweetest!

When we walked into the vineyard, the master told us some grape picking skills: First, when selecting green grapes, we must see that they are yellow to mature, while when selecting red grapes, they must be dark red to mature. 2、 When picking grapes, you should hold the grapes with one hand, find the stems and cut them. 3、 Grapes are easy to fall, so they should be handled with care. Oh, there is so much knowledge!

"Finally, I can pick grapes!" I cheered, jumped, and took the lead in launching the "attack". My eyes were eager to find. Ha ha, I found a bunch of green grapes! A closer look shows that it is green, as if it is still half cooked. I was afraid that I would waste it because of immaturity. I immediately asked the master to see if the grapes could be picked. As soon as the master said yes, I immediately raised the scissors, "clicked" and cut them off. I held my hands and held my head high to show off: "Look, my trophy! I won the first battle!" The mother beside me excitedly raised her mobile phone, snapped, uploaded, shared, and went to show in the circle of friends again!

Then, I saw a bunch of grapes. Ah, they are really big, round, and very red. At first, they are authentic! I hurried to find its stem, but I couldn't find it! "Master, master, help me!" I hurriedly moved the rescuers. "This is very difficult to cut, because it grows around the root in a circle, which is troublesome!" said the owner. Ah, what should I do? This is the best! After a while, the owner found the stem and cut it carefully. As soon as I got a grape, I picked one and ate it. "Ah, it's better to eat! Sour! Sour! Sour! You have failed my expectations! I hate you!" This irritated my little princess. She vomited and threw it away.

Look, there are joys and sorrows in grape picking. Come and experience it!

A 600 word expository describing grapes

For me, that vine is a part of my childhood.

Since the vine was moved into the balcony, I asked my mother: "How long can a vine live.

After that, I would often take care of it. At first, I only watered it once every few days until the water in the tray overflowed. Later, I learned some watering methods and techniques and changed them.

In the autumn of that year, I ate the grapes I bought, but I didn't see a hint of attractive purple on my vine. I was still uncomfortable.

In order to let it grow fruit, I have paid a lot in the following years. I will fertilize and topdressing it regularly. After a long time, I feel that if it is less, I have to add soil to it. If necessary, I have to prune the branches. What impressed me most was that when it was windy, I carried several boxes to form a wall to protect it from the wind. Every time I saw that its twigs were broken by the wind, the leaves added fuel to the fire, and the green leaves looked like "wind umbrellas". However, those efforts were futile. The next day, the branches were still broken, and there were pests. I didn't have the heart to use pesticides, so I had to use some physical methods. I hated the dense aphids on the grape leaves. I went to the yard to catch ladybugs, but I didn't eat them. It seems that biological methods are useless, but after a few days, there are fewer aphids. Maybe they are shy and eat when I don't notice? Finally, I had to "kill insects by hand". It was really troublesome for me to get rid of aphids with a water bottle. Later, the branches were smoked more and grew longer and thicker, requiring a stick. So I also went to the woods to find a suitable stick. There were many difficulties in setting up the stick, which was completed with the help of my father.

One year, two years, three years, I finally saw several green fruits hanging on the branches. I looked forward to it, and finally waited until that day. In fact, I could not wait. The first result was not very sweet, but I still felt delicious.

The vine has some of its own efforts and memories. In summer, looking at the green leaves, I suddenly feel a sense of vitality; Tasting the fruit in autumn, I also remember a lot.

600 word expository text describing grapes

Red apples, yellow pears, white peaches and fiery dragon fruits are all very popular fruits. But what I like most is the grapes that are fresh. Among them, I love grapes most. Purple grape is a kind of grape that is often eaten by families. Its stem has leaves, which are emerald green.

On both sides of the stem are clusters of large watery grapes, which look like triangles from a distance. The skin of grapes is very smooth, and feels like a baby's small face. Peel off the grape skin, and the tender green flesh will appear in front of your eyes. The flesh is like pearls and crystals. The flesh looks very attractive and makes people drool. When moving grapes are put into the mouth, the cool feeling slowly spreads in the mouth, sour and sweet, like an ice bead placed in the mouth, cool with a little sour and sweet, and finally blooms.

The flesh of the grape is soft. With a gentle bite, the sweet and sour grape juice will flow out of the grape, making you unable to resist putting a second one in your mouth. Grape skin can also be applied on the skin, which can double moisturize the skin. What a lovely and exquisite purple grape!

600 word expository text describing grapes

Grapes are native to Europe. Western Asia. North of Africa.

Grapes have various colors, including green, purple and purple. Fascinating purple grapes are composed of purple skin, lavender flesh and seeds. Grapes glisten in the sunlight, like rubies. The whole bunch of grapes looks like a pyramid hanging upside down from a distance, and they are very united. They depend on each other like brothers.

Grapes can also play different sounds! If the grape is accidentally dropped to the ground, it will make a "snap" sound as if the cup has hurt and is crying loudly. When washing grapes, they accidentally dropped the grapes into the water with a "plop" sound, as if they were saying, "It's really cool to take a bath".

Grapes are very fragrant. When you smell a fragrance, you want to eat it. Grapes are sour and sweet, but their seeds are very astringent.

Grapes are not only beautiful and delicious, but also have many functions! It can quench thirst, brew wine, and make raisins. It can also cure hypertension and prevent cancer.

I can't believe that grapes have so many functions. We should eat more grapes in the future!

600 word expository text describing grapes

"Green tent, green house, dripping beads." The answer to this riddle is grapes.

Grape is one of the fruits with the largest planting area and largest yield in the world. It has the characteristics of early bearing, high yield, long life, beautiful tree posture, strong adaptability and easy reproduction. It not only afforests urban and rural areas, but also has higher economic value.

"Crystal Pearl" is the favorite name of grape, because it has beautiful color, soft juice, rich nutrition, sugar content of 10% to 30%, and contains a variety of vitamins, calcium, phosphorus, iron and a variety of trace elements. It also has the effect of improving human health and treating neurasthenia and excessive fatigue. Grapes are yellow green, red purple, blue black, and most of them are oval or round berries. The famous purple pearl like "longan" is known as the "Pearl of the North". There are more "Jufeng" on the market now. Its ear weight is up to 600g, and its yield is very high. The "longevity tree", which is also an early fruit bearing tree, can continuously produce high yield for 30 years. It originated in Japan. The skin is black and purple, the meat is soft and juicy, the fruit is little and the taste is sweet!

In addition to being fresh, grapes can also be processed into raisins and wine. Its seeds can be pressed to extract tannins, and its skins can also extract industrial raw material tartaric acid. Grapes are full of treasure!

After listening to my introduction, did you immediately want to eat grapes?