Appreciation of Literature (18 high-quality articles)
Proud snow and setting sun
2024-02-23 05:35:21
topic of conversation

Appreciation of Literature (1)

Adolescence is a dreamy season. We have many beautiful visions and wishes for the future. We have the thoughts of this special age and move forward to our dreams.

I am eager to have a broad mind, a clear personality and a calm attitude. I look forward to a free and independent life. I like long distance travel, and I want to fly high. If everything exists according to the reality; Everything is thought according to the rules of reality; Everything is in accordance with the actual rules and regulations, dare not step forward. So where does the ideal start?

I want to go to Tibet to feel the ancient and mysterious Potala Palace in the ancient city of Lhasa. I want to go to the Sahara Desert in Africa to feel the vitality of life there. I want to go to Greece in Europe to feel the Olympic Athens and the Aegean Sea there. I also want to go... Maybe I will become a wandering litterateur like Sanmao in many years' travel. Show people the inner world and tell people the spirit and greatness of all things in nature with all the feelings they have experienced. I dream that my works will one day be typewritten and spread throughout China, Asia and the world.

For pursuers, there is no failure. On the contrary, he will sum up experience in failure and try to sublimate himself. However, the most important thing for us is to have knowledge. A simple and reasonable saying: knowledge is power. Yes, only knowledge can make us act according to our own ideas. This strength gives us a strong backing, gives us full confidence, gives us the courage to overcome difficulties, and constantly encourages us to move forward towards our goals. composition

I love reading. Love to read Paul's rough life, Lu Xun's strong character, Zhu Ziqing's deep father love and Sanmao's journey. I will also be moved by the love described by Qiong Yao and Cen Kailun. I forget all worldly things, travel in the ocean of knowledge, and experience your understanding and tolerance.

In a treacherous society, without knowledge, it is difficult to gain a foothold in society. How painful it would be for a person if all his ideals could not be realized. Therefore, we should seize today to create a better tomorrow and create miracles.

A piece of paper, a pen, a cup of light boiled water. A gust of wind blew, carrying a girl's ordinary literary dream.

Appreciation of Literature (2)

The eagle strikes the sky, the fish flies at the bottom, the forest is stained, and the apes and birds cry. All things in the world, every kind of life has its advantages and disadvantages. If you look at it with an appreciative eye, you will get something different.

In the dark, the stone only sees the shortcomings of others, and thinks it is good. But the diamond looks at everything in Zhou Zhou with appreciative eyes, so it can find the brightness of the sun to refract the brightness and make itself shining. On the contrary, the stone can only pass through the day and night in an ordinary way. This is the wisdom of appreciation. Therefore, in real life, we can shine like diamonds only when we have an appreciative vision of the things around us.

The famous sculptor Rodin once said that life is not lack of beauty, but lack of eyes to find beauty. In the past, Zhong Ziqi appreciated Yu Boya's piano music and wrote stories about mountains and rivers; King Wen of Zhou appreciated Jiang Ziya's talent and weaved a silk brocade for the prosperity of the dynasty; Liu Bei appreciated Zhuge Liang's strategy and sang a masterpiece of "Three Visits to the Spear House"... In the time of Haohan, people created all kinds of miracles, all of which were based on the word "appreciation". Appreciate yourself and stimulate your potential; Appreciate others, and be able to develop their own abilities with the help of others' advantages; Appreciate everything around the world and discover the mystery of the cycle of everything in the world. So the world is wonderful because of appreciation. Appreciation is a kind of attitude towards life, a kind of praise and a kind of awe. From this point of view, you can only look at the world with appreciation, and the world will also present you with magnificent scenery.

In life, there will always be regrets. A thousand mile horse often exists in the world, but Bole does not. Not all the endings are as beautiful as finding a bosom friend. As Sushi said, "The moon has a cloudy and round eye," it's just a different perspective, so appreciation plays an important role, so it's needless to say more. Because of appreciating others, we will find that there is someone out there who has the motivation to pursue our dreams. Because of being appreciated by others, we will have a feeling of mutual admiration. Some people may think that diamonds enjoy the shining of stars and create their own glory because diamonds have shining capital. They are not only rough jade, but can be made with a little carving. But I was originally a small stone. Without the unique material of diamonds, whether I can casually belittle myself, appreciate the advantages of others, and find my own strengths. In fact, everything in the world has its own balance point. Only by appreciating everything around me can I develop myself. Learn to appreciate and treat the beauty of life with the right eyes, and you will reap different splendor.

Appreciation of Literature (3)

Adolescence is a dreamy season. We have many beautiful visions and wishes for the future. We have the thoughts of this special age and move forward to our dreams.

I am eager to have a broad mind, a clear personality and a calm attitude. I look forward to a free and independent life. I like long distance travel, and I want to fly high. If everything exists according to the reality; Everything is thought according to the rules of reality; Everything is in accordance with the actual rules and regulations, dare not step forward. So where does the ideal start?

I want to go to Tibet to feel the ancient and mysterious Potala Palace in the ancient city of Lhasa. I want to go to the Sahara Desert in Africa to feel the vitality of life there. I want to go to Greece in Europe to feel the Olympic Athens and the Aegean Sea there. I also want to go... Maybe I will become a wandering litterateur like Sanmao in many years' travel. Show people the inner world and tell people the spirit and greatness of all things in nature with all the feelings they have experienced. I dream that my works will one day be typewritten and spread throughout China, Asia and the world.

For pursuers, there is no failure. On the contrary, he will sum up experience in failure and try to sublimate himself. However, the most important thing for us is to have knowledge. A simple and reasonable saying: knowledge is power. Yes, only knowledge can make us act according to our own ideas. This strength gives us a strong backing, gives us full confidence, gives us the courage to overcome difficulties, and constantly encourages us to move forward towards our goals. composition

I love reading. Love to read Paul's rough life, Lu Xun's strong character, Zhu Ziqing's deep father love and Sanmao's journey. I will also be moved by the love described by Qiong Yao and Cen Kailun. I forget all worldly things, travel in the ocean of knowledge, and experience your understanding and tolerance.

In a treacherous society, without knowledge, it is difficult to gain a foothold in society. How painful it would be for a person if all his ideals could not be realized. Therefore, we should seize today to create a better tomorrow and create miracles.

A piece of paper, a pen, a cup of light boiled water. A gust of wind blew, carrying a girl's ordinary literary dream.

Appreciation of Literature (4)

Appreciate, I would not appreciate before; I don't understand now, but I will try my best to learn.

This flower is very unique. This is appreciation, although it is just a few words. Appreciation of an object is not good or bad, but participation. If others appreciate you and the words given do not meet your requirements, what will you do? Yes, you will be angry. On the contrary, if others appreciate it, the words given are better than you think.

Appreciation is also an art.

I remember when I was in the third grade, my mother suddenly asked me: "How do you think xx looks?" I helplessly replied: "Don't judge a person's heart because of his appearance." My mother retorted:

"Do you know what I want to ask you? You should learn to appreciate this person, understand?"

I nodded vaguely. Now I understand that one must learn to appreciate. Believe in your own vision.

Learn to appreciate the little things around you, appreciate the little things, and you will find something unexpected from the details.

Learn to appreciate will be less complaining, more approving, less angry, more peaceful, less sighing, more laughing; Walking along the winding path with appreciation, you will find that the air is so fresh, the sky is so beautiful, the sun is so bright, and the world is so moving!

Appreciation of Literature (5)

In the desolate and barren mountains? Do you feel the awe inspiring arrogance of the stubborn grass peeping in the cold wind; In the season of thousands of miles of ice and thousands of miles of snow, do you appreciate the lofty and proud plum blossoms, which are dressed in red and enchanting, in the snow? In the vast crowd, do you look for him thousands of times and suddenly look back and catch a glimpse of the beauty with unusual temperament?

In my life, there are always people of all kinds telling me to learn to appreciate.

How to appreciate it? When the sun rises, the river flowers are more red than fire. When spring comes, the river water is as green as blue? The starting point of encounter and appreciation of beauty naturally comes from nature.

In the early summer of last year, the sky was blue, the ancient village was picturesque, gray tiles and white bricks. I really hope that I am a person who came out of this poetic painting. Outside the village is a large wheat field. The wheat in summer is yellow and green, swaying in the intoxicating summer wind. The village gate is surrounded by green trees, and locust trees, camphor trees and cypress trees are stationed in front of the village day and night. At first, I thought that these trees were really ugly and intertwined. Although they were luxuriant, they always twisted their old and faded bodies. The rough bark on the trunk and the deep scars can't be seen beautiful. In particular, some trees have even been struck by lightning. The damaged trunks, scorched branches and leaves scorched by the hot sun really make me unable to appreciate them. But just then, my mother, who was walking with me, pulled me and reminded me: "Look at those trees. After years of vicissitudes and various hardships, they still stand here today. How beautiful they are. "I turned my eyes to them again, and suddenly found that they looked like the golden wisdom of the elderly, smiling at me, with a smile that contains the vicissitudes of 'change and persistence of faith. I think they can be said to be the oldest and respected residents of this village. The passage of time for hundreds of years did not make them tired of standing still. Who would not appreciate its elder style?

Appreciate what? Jianjia is green and white dew is frost. The so-called Iraqi people are on the water side. A fair lady is a good match for a gentleman, but a kind-hearted lady will be remembered in history. Appreciate the excellence of others, even your opponents.

I am a very strong person. When I was young, I wanted to be the first in everything. I would never be willing to be beaten by others. In kindergarten, I was a little assistant beside the teacher, always helping the teacher. When we have lunch break, sometimes the teacher will ask some children to help the teacher draw pictures. A painting contest was held in the kindergarten, and I was eager to try my hand at painting. Sure enough, I was called to draw during the lunch break. I mixed the paint in one hand and the brush in the other. I wanted to use both hands and feet. In a short time, the masterpiece was finished. The teacher seemed dissatisfied with my "sketch": he was small, "Why don't you change it again? The drawing is too fast", but I was 10 inches - satisfied to find nothing wrong. "It's better to draw a big treasure", said the teacher smiling at his friend's painting. I was a little dissatisfied, with my mouth pursed and face pulled, very unconvinced. When the teacher saw it, he pulled me to my ear and said softly, "You should learn to appreciate the advantages of others. You see Dabao's paintings are more imaginative and detailed than yours, don't you think?" I looked at the painting and nodded. I appreciated others' works carefully for the first time. The fact that others paint better than me didn't frustrate me.

I certainly haven't studied this important subject thoroughly, but I have learned to appreciate from the poet's eyes that "passionate peonies contain spring tears, powerless roses lie on the dawn branches", and appreciate the love of the human world that "the clothing belt gradually broadens and eventually does not regret, and people become haggard for Iraq"——

This broad and profound subject is worth my lifelong exploration. Have you learned to appreciate it?

Appreciation of Literature (6)

Adolescence is a dreamy season. We have many beautiful visions and wishes for the future. We have the thoughts of this special age and move forward to our dreams.

I am eager to have a broad mind, a clear personality and a calm attitude. I look forward to a free and independent life. I like long distance travel, and I want to fly high. If everything exists according to the reality; Everything is thought according to the rules of reality; Everything is in accordance with the actual rules and regulations, dare not step forward. So where does the ideal start?

I want to go to Tibet to feel the ancient and mysterious Potala Palace in the ancient city of Lhasa. I want to go to the Sahara Desert in Africa to feel the vitality of life there. I want to go to Greece in Europe to feel the Olympic Athens and the Aegean Sea there. I also want to go... Maybe I will become a wandering litterateur like Sanmao in the travel in many years. Show people the inner world and tell people the spirit and greatness of all things in nature with all the feelings they have experienced. I dream that my works will one day be typewritten and spread throughout China, Asia and the world.

For pursuers, there is no failure. On the contrary, he will sum up experience in failure and try to sublimate himself. However, the most important thing for us is to have knowledge. A simple and reasonable saying: knowledge is power. Yes, only knowledge can make us act according to our own ideas. This strength gives us a strong backing, gives us full confidence, gives us the courage to overcome difficulties, and constantly encourages us to move forward towards our goals. composition

I love reading. Love to read Paul's rough life, Lu Xun's strong character, Zhu Ziqing's deep father love and Sanmao's journey. I will also be moved by the love described by Qiong Yao and Cen Kailun. I forget all worldly things, travel in the ocean of knowledge, and experience your understanding and tolerance.

In a treacherous society, without knowledge, it is difficult to gain a foothold in society. How painful it would be for a person if all his ideals could not be realized. Therefore, we should seize today, create a better tomorrow, and create miracles.

A piece of paper, a pen, a cup of light boiled water. A gust of wind blew, carrying a girl's ordinary literary dream.

Appreciation of Literature (7)

Appreciation is a positive, healthy and beautiful character. Appreciation is not only a vision, but also a mood; Appreciation is both a discovery and a creation; Appreciation is not only a feeling, but also an expression; Appreciation is both intoxication and pleasure. Appreciation is the dialogue between hearts, the exchange of ideas, the communication of emotions, and the interaction between spirit and spirit. The essence of appreciation is real experience, good perception, and the pursuit of beauty. Bacon said, "There are rosy clouds, dewdrops and perennial blooming flowers in the hearts of those who appreciate them. Those who ignore them will freeze the heart of the city. The seas will dry up and the mountains will become desolate." Appreciation is happy, and appreciation is happy.

In terms of appreciation in this life, there are three situations: being appreciated by others, appreciating others, and self appreciation. Being appreciated by others is a kind of happiness, which shows that you have excellent places; Appreciating others is noble, which shows that you have unique vision and broad mind; Self appreciation is a kind of motivation, which shows that you have a correct understanding of yourself. If people have not been appreciated in this life, it is a kind of sorrow; If one has not appreciated others in this life, it is selfish; It is a kind of muddle headed if one has never appreciated oneself in this life. Learning to appreciate requires us to look higher, and only with foresight can we look far; Learn to appreciate, ask us to look far, the extreme vision can look far; Learn to appreciate. It requires us to think deeply, and only in depth can we understand; To learn to appreciate, we need to speak more carefully, so that we can be meticulous; Learn to appreciate, and ask us to do more honestly. Only when we are sincere can we be sincere.

Seeing people with an appreciative eye, everyone has a bright spot; Treat life with an appreciative attitude, and life always has beautiful benefits; Viewing society from the perspective of appreciation, there are often scenic spots in society; Communicating with friends with appreciation, friends have advantages; If you look at your colleagues with appreciation, your colleagues will be better than others. Appreciation is a power of progress. When we were young, we longed for our parents' appreciation. A smile from our parents seemed to sweep through our hearts like the spring breeze; After school, we are eager to be appreciated by the teacher. A praise from the teacher will make us excited for a night; After taking part in the work, we are eager to be appreciated by our colleagues, and their affirmation will make our work more powerful; As subordinates, we are eager to be appreciated by leaders, and the recognition of leaders will fill our hearts with sunshine. Appreciation is a selfless gift.

For others, what we appreciate is an incentive to encourage others to make better progress; For us, appreciation is also an emotional reward, which is to give us happiness. People say, "Give roses to others, and there is fragrance in your hands." Appreciation is giving roses to others. Why not! Appreciation is a cultivation of character.

Appreciation is a spiritual enjoyment. Appreciating the vastness of the blue sky can broaden our horizon; Appreciating the lofty mountains can stimulate our struggle; Appreciating the vastness of the sea can stretch our mind; Appreciating the pastoral scenery can calm our mood. Appreciating a book full of philosophy, we are enlightened and enlightened; To appreciate a poem with cadence, we use poetry to express our aspirations and things to chant our thoughts; To appreciate a painting of ink and wash, we can see the scenery and express our feelings; When we enjoy a symphony, our emotions surge and resonate. Appreciation brings us not only pleasure of sense, but also the collision of spirit and baptism of soul. Appreciation and being appreciated is a kind of interaction and mutual encouragement. The behavior of the appreciator should come from the heart, from love, reflect charity feelings, and experience the joy of helping others; The behavior of the appreciated person should be based on their own heart and modesty. They should make efforts to forge ahead and forge ahead.

Appreciation is a wisp of warm spring breeze, dyed green jungle mountains, warm people; Appreciation is a piece of bright sunshine, illuminating the growth of all things; Renew everything on earth; Appreciation is a sweet spring, nourishing the five lungs and six viscera, watering the hope of life; Appreciation is a beacon, dispelling the fog in the heart and illuminating the way forward. We should learn to appreciate life, sublimate our ideological realm in appreciating others, and open up our beautiful life in the appreciation of others.

Appreciation of Literature (8)

Adolescence is a dreamy season. We have many beautiful visions and wishes for the future. We have the thoughts of this special age and move forward to our dreams.

I am eager to have a broad mind, a clear personality and a calm attitude. I look forward to a free and independent life. I like long distance travel, and I want to fly high. If everything exists according to the reality; Everything is thought according to the rules of reality; Everything is in accordance with the actual rules and regulations, dare not step forward. So where does the ideal start?

I want to go to Tibet to feel the ancient and mysterious Potala Palace in the ancient city of Lhasa. I want to go to the Sahara Desert in Africa to feel the vitality of life there. I want to go to Greece in Europe to feel the Olympic Athens and the Aegean Sea there. I also want to go... Maybe I will become a wandering litterateur like Sanmao in many years' travel. Show people the inner world and tell people the spirit and greatness of all things in nature with all the feelings they have experienced. I dream that my works will one day be typewritten and spread throughout China, Asia and the world.

For pursuers, there is no failure. On the contrary, he will sum up experience in failure and try to sublimate himself. However, the most important thing for us is to have knowledge. A simple and reasonable saying: knowledge is power. Yes, only knowledge can make us act according to our own ideas. This strength gives us a strong backing, gives us full confidence, gives us the courage to overcome difficulties, and constantly encourages us to move forward towards our goals. composition

I love reading. Love to read Paul's rough life, Lu Xun's strong character, Zhu Ziqing's deep father love and Sanmao's journey. I will also be moved by the love described by Qiong Yao and Cen Kailun. I forget all worldly things, travel in the ocean of knowledge, and experience your understanding and tolerance.

In a treacherous society, without knowledge, it is difficult to gain a foothold in society. How painful it would be for a person if all his ideals could not be realized. Therefore, we should seize today to create a better tomorrow and create miracles.

A piece of paper, a pen, a cup of light boiled water. A gust of wind blew, carrying a girl's ordinary literary dream.

Appreciation of Literature (9)

The eagle strikes the sky, the fish flies at the bottom, the forest is stained, and the apes and birds cry. All things in the world, every kind of life has its advantages and disadvantages. If you look at it with an appreciative eye, you will get something different.

In the dark, the stone only sees the shortcomings of others, and thinks it is good. But the diamond looks at everything in Zhou Zhou with appreciative eyes, so it can find the brightness of the sun to refract the brightness and make itself shining. On the contrary, the stone can only pass through the day and night in an ordinary way. This is the wisdom of appreciation. Therefore, in real life, we can shine like diamonds only when we have an appreciative vision of the things around us.

The famous sculptor Rodin once said that life is not lack of beauty, but lack of eyes to find beauty. In the past, Zhong Ziqi appreciated Yu Boya's piano music and wrote stories about mountains and rivers; King Wen of Zhou appreciated Jiang Ziya's talent and weaved a silk brocade for the prosperity of the dynasty; Liu Bei appreciated Zhuge Liang's strategy and sang a song of "Three Visits to the Spear House"... In the time of Haohan, people created all kinds of miracles, all of which were based on the word "appreciation". Appreciate yourself and stimulate your potential; Appreciate others, and be able to develop their own abilities with the help of others' advantages; Appreciate everything in the Zhou Dynasty and discover the mystery of the cycle of everything in the world. So the world is wonderful because of appreciation. Appreciation is a kind of attitude towards life, a kind of praise and a kind of awe. From this point of view, you can only look at the world with appreciation, and the world will also present you with magnificent scenery.

In life, there will always be regrets. A thousand mile horse often exists in the world, but Bole does not. Not all the endings are as beautiful as finding a bosom friend. As Sushi said, "The moon has a cloudy and round eye," it's just a different perspective, so appreciation plays an important role, so it's needless to say more. Because of appreciating others, we will find that there is someone out there who has the motivation to pursue our dreams. Because of being appreciated by others, we will have a feeling of mutual admiration. Some people may think that diamonds enjoy the shining of stars and create their own glory because diamonds have shining capital. They are not only rough jade, but can be made with a little carving. But I was originally a small stone. Without the unique material of diamonds, whether I can casually belittle myself, appreciate the advantages of others, and find my own strengths. In fact, everything in the world has its own balance point. Only by appreciating everything around me can I develop myself. Learn to appreciate and treat the beauty of life with the right eyes, and you will reap different splendor.

Appreciation of Literature (10)

Everything will have different feelings when viewed with different eyes. If viewed with an appreciative eye, there will be more opportunities.

Appreciate falling flowers

Lonely autumn, bitter rain, desolate wind. A rain in autumn accompanied by the cool wind, and all the flowers fell, leaving the petals to be trampled and trampled by the wind and rain... outlining a sad picture of parting.

Because of sadness, there is a saying that "falling flowers are not heartless things, but turn into spring mud to protect flowers". Scattered flowers, buried deep in the soil, turn into spring mud to nourish flowers in the coming year. This is the silence of death. To look at it with appreciation is the joy of life.

Death, silence; Health, joy.

When appreciating falling flowers, we have the saying that "life is as beautiful as summer flowers and death is as beautiful as autumn leaves".

Appreciate the floating leaves

The spring breeze in February is like scissors. The long sky flies over a group of flying eagles from time to time, looking south. Occasionally, a few fallen leaves cover your pupils, and you will have the solemn and stirring feeling of "the wind is rustling, the water is cold, and the heroes will never return".

In autumn, fallen leaves are fluttering around and scattering on the ground, which often causes trouble for people. From time to time, they are swept up by the autumn wind.

Fallen leaves are annoying.

Look at the fallen leaves with appreciative eyes, perhaps you will be amazed.

Appreciating the floating leaves will give people a new vision, which will make people feel relieved, hold their breath and concentrate, and calm their eyes. It is the sublimation of spirit and the edification of emotion.

Appreciate the opponent

In one's life, no matter in learning or in daily life, your opponent is always with you. For example, in an exam, your opponent overtook you, and even your reputation is often ruined, making your learning decline... At this time, you are jealous of your opponent, saying his' bad, but you feel good about yourself. Then, you might as well change your mind and look at your opponent with appreciative eyes, so that you can not only see his shining point, but also learn from him to make up for your own shortcomings. Wouldn't it be good.

Appreciate the opponent, choose the good and follow him, and change the bad.

Sometimes, it's better to calm down and enjoy the red flowers, green grass, blue sky and beauty of people alone

With an attitude of appreciation, you will be surprised to find that one flower has one world, and one leaf has one sky.

Originally, our world has been beautiful enough, learn to appreciate, our world will be more beautiful and wonderful.

Appreciation of Literature (11)

Appreciation is a positive, healthy and beautiful character. Appreciation is not only a vision, but also a mood; Appreciation is both a discovery and a creation; Appreciation is not only a feeling, but also an expression; Appreciation is both intoxication and pleasure. Appreciation is the dialogue between hearts, the exchange of ideas, the communication of emotions, and the interaction between spirit and spirit. The essence of appreciation is real experience, good perception, and the pursuit of beauty. Bacon said, "In the heart of the beholder, there are rosy clouds, dewdrops and blooming flowers all the year round. Those who ignore them will freeze the heart of the city. The seas will dry up and the mountains will become desolate." Appreciation is happy, and appreciation is happy.

In terms of appreciation in this life, there are three situations: being appreciated by others, appreciating others, and self appreciation. Being appreciated by others is a kind of happiness, which shows that you have excellent places; Appreciating others is noble, which shows that you have unique vision and broad mind; Self appreciation is a kind of motivation, which shows that you have a correct understanding of yourself. If people have not been appreciated in this life, it is a kind of sorrow; If one has not appreciated others in this life, it is selfish; It is a kind of muddle headed if one has never appreciated oneself in this life. Learning to appreciate requires us to look higher, and only with foresight can we look far; Learn to appreciate, ask us to look far, the extreme vision can look far; Learn to appreciate. It requires us to think deeply, and only in depth can we understand; To learn to appreciate, we need to speak more carefully, so that we can be meticulous; Learn to appreciate, and ask us to do more honestly. Only when we are sincere can we be sincere.

Seeing people with an appreciative eye, everyone has a bright spot; Treat life with an appreciative attitude, and life always has beautiful benefits; Viewing society from the perspective of appreciation, there are often scenic spots in society; Communicating with friends with appreciation, friends have advantages; If you look at your colleagues with appreciation, your colleagues will be better than others. Appreciation is a power of progress. When we were young, we longed for our parents' appreciation. A smile from our parents seemed to sweep through our hearts like the spring breeze; After school, we are eager to be appreciated by the teacher. A praise from the teacher will make us excited for a night; After taking part in the work, we are eager to be appreciated by our colleagues, and their affirmation will make our work more powerful; As subordinates, we are eager to be appreciated by leaders, and the recognition of leaders will fill our hearts with sunshine. Appreciation is a selfless gift.

For others, what we appreciate is an incentive to encourage others to make better progress; For us, appreciation is also an emotional reward, which is to give us happiness. People say, "Give roses to others, and there is fragrance in your hands." Appreciation is giving roses to others. Why not! Appreciation is a cultivation of character.

Appreciation is a spiritual enjoyment. Appreciating the vastness of the blue sky can broaden our horizon; Appreciating the lofty mountains can stimulate our struggle; Appreciating the vastness of the sea can stretch our mind; Appreciating the pastoral scenery can calm our mood. Appreciating a book full of philosophy, we are enlightened and enlightened; To appreciate a poem with cadence, we use poetry to express our aspirations and things to chant our thoughts; To appreciate a painting of ink and wash, we can see the scenery and express our feelings; When we enjoy a symphony, our emotions surge and resonate. Appreciation brings us not only pleasure of sense, but also the collision of spirit and baptism of soul. Appreciation and being appreciated is a kind of interaction and mutual encouragement. The behavior of the appreciator should come from the heart, from love, reflect charity feelings, and experience the joy of helping others; The behavior of the appreciated person should be based on their own heart and modesty. They should make efforts to forge ahead and forge ahead.

Appreciation is a wisp of warm spring breeze, dyed green jungle mountains, warm people; Appreciation is a piece of bright sunshine, illuminating the growth of all things; Renew everything on earth; Appreciation is a sweet spring, nourishing the five lungs and six viscera, watering the hope of life; Appreciation is a beacon, dispelling the fog in the heart and illuminating the way forward. We should learn to appreciate life, sublimate our ideological realm in appreciating others, and open up our beautiful life in the appreciation of others.

Appreciation of Literature (12)

In the desolate and barren mountains? Do you feel the awe inspiring arrogance of the stubborn grass peeping in the cold wind; In the season of thousands of miles of ice and thousands of miles of snow, do you appreciate the lofty and proud plum blossoms, which are dressed in red and enchanting, in the snow? In the vast crowd, do you look for him thousands of times and suddenly look back and catch a glimpse of the beauty with unusual temperament?

In my life, there are always people of all kinds telling me to learn to appreciate.

How to appreciate it? When the sun rises, the river flowers are more red than fire. When spring comes, the river water is as green as blue? The starting point of encounter and appreciation of beauty naturally comes from nature.

In the early summer of last year, the sky was blue, the ancient village was picturesque, gray tiles and white bricks. I really hope that I am a person who came out of this poetic painting. Outside the village is a large wheat field. The wheat in summer is yellow and green, swaying in the intoxicating summer wind. The village gate is surrounded by green trees, and locust trees, camphor trees and cypress trees are stationed in front of the village day and night. At first, I thought that these trees were really ugly and intertwined. Although they were luxuriant, they always twisted their old and faded bodies. The rough bark on the trunk and the deep scars can't be seen beautiful. In particular, some trees have even been struck by lightning. The damaged trunks, scorched branches and leaves scorched by the hot sun really make me unable to appreciate them. But just then, my mother, who was walking with me, pulled me and reminded me: "Look at those trees. After years of vicissitudes and various hardships, they still stand here today. How beautiful they are. "I turned my eyes to them again and suddenly found them smiling at me like an elder with golden wisdom. The smile contains the vicissitudes of life and the belief of persistence. I think they are the oldest and respected residents of this village. The passage of time over the centuries did not make them tired of the constant 'garrison'. Who would not appreciate its elder style?

Appreciate what? Jianjia is green and white dew is frost. The so-called Iraqi people are on the water side. A fair lady is a good match for a gentleman, but a kind-hearted lady will be remembered in history. Appreciate the excellence of others, even your opponents.

I am a very strong person. When I was young, I wanted to be the first in everything. I would never be willing to be beaten by others. In kindergarten, I was a little assistant beside the teacher, always helping the teacher. When we have lunch break, sometimes the teacher will ask some children to help the teacher draw pictures. A painting contest was held in the kindergarten, and I was eager to try my hand at painting. Sure enough, I was called to draw during the lunch break. I mixed the paint in one hand and the brush in the other. I wanted to use both hands and feet. In a short time, the masterpiece was finished. The teacher seemed dissatisfied with my "sketch": he was small, "Why don't you change it again? The drawing is too fast", but I was 10 inches - satisfied to find nothing wrong. "It's better to paint Dabao", said the teacher, smiling at his friend's painting. I was a little dissatisfied, with my mouth pursed and face pulled, very unconvinced. When the teacher saw it, he pulled me to my ear and said quietly: "You should learn to appreciate the advantages of others. You see Dabao's paintings are more rich and detailed than your imagination, don't you think?" I looked at the painting and nodded. I appreciated others' works carefully for the first time. The fact that others paint better than me didn't frustrate me.

I certainly haven't studied this important subject thoroughly, but I have learned to appreciate from the poet's eyes that "passionate peonies contain spring tears, powerless roses lie on the dawn branches", and appreciate the love of the human world that "the clothing belt gradually broadens and eventually does not regret, and people become haggard for Iraq"——

This broad and profound subject is worth my lifelong exploration. Have you learned to appreciate it?

Appreciation of Literature (13)

The eagle strikes the sky, the fish flies at the bottom, the forest is stained, and the apes and birds cry. All things in the world, every kind of life has its advantages and disadvantages. If you look at it with an appreciative eye, you will get something different.

In the dark, the stone only sees the shortcomings of others, and thinks it is good. But the diamond looks at everything in Zhou Zhou with appreciative eyes, so it can find the brightness of the sun to refract the brightness and make itself shining. On the contrary, the stone can only pass through the day and night in an ordinary way. This is the wisdom of appreciation. Therefore, in real life, we can shine like diamonds only when we have an appreciative vision of the things around us.

The famous sculptor Rodin once said that life is not lack of beauty, but lack of eyes to find beauty. In the past, Zhong Ziqi appreciated Yu Boya's piano music and wrote stories about mountains and rivers; King Wen of Zhou appreciated Jiang Ziya's talent and weaved a silk brocade for the prosperity of the dynasty; Liu Bei appreciated Zhuge Liang's strategy and sang a masterpiece of "Three Visits to the Spear House"... In the time of Haohan, people created all kinds of miracles, all of which were based on the word "appreciation". Appreciate yourself and stimulate your potential; Appreciate others, and be able to develop their own abilities with the help of others' advantages; Appreciate everything in the Zhou Dynasty and discover the mystery of the cycle of everything in the world. So the world is wonderful because of appreciation. Appreciation is a kind of attitude towards life, a kind of praise and a kind of awe. From this point of view, you can only look at the world with appreciation, and the world will also present you with magnificent scenery.

In life, there will always be regrets. A thousand mile horse often exists in the world, but Bole does not. Not all the endings are as beautiful as finding a bosom friend. As Sushi said, "The moon has a cloudy and round eye," it's just a different perspective, so appreciation plays an important role, so it's needless to say more. Because of appreciating others, we will find that there is someone out there who has the motivation to pursue our dreams. Because of being appreciated by others, we will have a feeling of mutual admiration. Some people may think that diamonds enjoy the shining of stars and create their own glory because diamonds have shining capital. They are not only rough jade, but can be made with a little carving. But I was originally a small stone. Without the unique material of diamonds, can I casually 'belittle myself, not appreciate the advantages of others, nor find my own strengths. In fact, everything in the world has its own balance point. Only by appreciating everything around me can I develop myself. Learn to appreciate and treat the beauty of life with the right eyes, and you will reap different splendor.

Appreciation of Literature (14)

I remember someone once said that there is no lack of beauty in the world, but the lack of eyes to find beauty. Everything has its own characteristics. As long as you learn to appreciate and discover beauty, you will feel that the scenery is unique here!

Because of his appreciation, Wang Wei's forcefulness of "the desert is full of smoke, and the river is full of yen"; Because of his appreciative vision, Wang Bo has the magnificent beauty of "sunset and lone ducks fly together, and the autumn water grows in the same color"; Because of his appreciative vision, Tao Qian has the tranquility of "picking chrysanthemums under the eastern fence, leisurely seeing the Nanshan Mountain"... Learn to appreciate, and you can learn about the beauty of the world.

Learn to appreciate, not only learn to appreciate the beautiful scenery, but also learn to appreciate the people and things around.

There is a story that two young people came to the oasis one after another, and they met an elder. They asked the old man the same question: "How is it here?" The old man asked, "How is your hometown?" The former replied, "It's terrible." So the old man advised him to leave here. The latter said, "Everything is beautiful!" The old man said to him, "Here is as beautiful as your hometown!" The opposite answer of the old man puzzled many people. When they asked the old man why, he only said: "What you want to find, you will find what."

Yes, you will find what you want to find. When you look at things with appreciation, what you see is beautiful, on the contrary, what you see is ugly.

When you can't go out in a storm, don't complain. Think about the rainbow in the sky after the storm; When you lament the severe cold in winter, think of the tall and upright wintersweet; When you are hit by failure, think of the famous saying "failure is the mother of success"! Things always have two sides. One side is bad, the other side is good. The key is how we look at it.

Learn to appreciate, think from another angle, and learn to appreciate the good side of things. Appreciate your opponent, he is your driving force; Appreciate the difficulties you encounter, and they will no longer be your stumbling block, but a cornerstone of your path to success... Learn to appreciate, and you will find that the world is smiling at you.

Learn to appreciate, and you will also experience the spirit of "being able to stand at the top of the mountain and seeing the small mountains"; You will also be infected with the sentiment of "worrying about the world first, and happy after the world"; You will also chant "several celebrities, look at today!"

Appreciation of Literature (15)

No matter in study, work or life, everyone has dealt with composition. Composition is a narrative method to express a theme meaning through words after people's thinking and language organization. What kind of composition have you seen? The following is a small compilation of literature appreciation class composition, for reference only, hoping to help everyone.

This semester, our Chinese teacher gave us a "Literature Appreciation Class", so happy! It's interesting, don't believe it, listen to my introduction!

We held a "literature appreciation class" in the classroom. Colorful balloons are written on the wall, "Literature Appreciation Class" is starting, and the tables and chairs are arranged in a triangle. From the podium down, you can see the triangle of the ant siege. The doors are painted clean, like white. The floor rubber is painted. On the blackboard, there is a line of words "Literature Appreciation Class" written in big letters, Those girls were dressed unrecognizable, and the long and colorful "ox horn" skirts were really enviable.

The teacher stood up and said, "Boys and girls, let's start the literature appreciation class. First of all, you can't take books to the class. What's more, it's about 'idiom stories'. This class is hosted by Guo Minshan." I was shocked when I heard it. I thought to myself, what kind of appreciation class is this? I think it should be a "unlucky class". We talked about it like a market. Some were wandering, some were looking around, and some were discussing. The teacher looked serious and said, "Quiet, this is ten times more noisy than the market." We immediately fell silent. The teacher also said: "The students who stand on the bus must speak loudly and talk about their own gains or feelings, and keep red flowers in a low voice." After listening to the teacher's request, I bowed my head, because my own voice is relatively low. Maybe I want to make my own voice like a big tiger.

First of all, there is Huang Weiting. Her hand is behind her waist. She looks complacent. I think she should have a plan! Her own unique skill - loud voice, her voice resounding, she said: "What I said was that there was an emperor of Qin... Once upon a time, after the speech, Huang Weiting walked down with a smile and received a round of applause.

I thought to myself, I'm the next one. What should I do? Guo Minshan said, "Next." My feet trembled, my face was pale, and the idiom was a story. I seemed to have said it before. Later, a man covered his ears, and I finally remembered that it was "hiding his ears and stealing the bell". I went up to him and said, "Once upon a time, there was a man who saw the ancient clock was very bright, but what should he do about it?" So... My story was finished, Thank you. Thank you. I bowed to my classmates, representing thanks.

Ha ha ha ha... My applause is even bigger than that of Huang Weiting. Mine is like an apple.

I not only realized that the literature appreciation class is so interesting, which can not only learn knowledge, but also be happy; And also understand: a person should first have confidence, have the courage to do it is possible to do well.

Literature appreciation class has benefited a lot. I really like it!

Appreciation of Literature (16)

[China] Zimouse, Ugly Cow, Yinhu, Maotu, Chenlong, Sishe, Wuma, Weiyang, Shenhou, Youji, Xugou, Haizhu

Egypt cow, goat, lion, donkey, crab, snake dog, cat, crocodile, crane, ape, eagle

[France] Capricorn, Aquarius, Pisces, Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Lion, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius

[India] The mouse of Zhao Dura, the cow of Vajra, the lion of Gong Pila, the rabbit of Vazla, the dragon of Milila, the snake of Andira, the horse of Amira, the sheep of Sandra, the monkey of Indara, the golden winged bird of Boyila, the dog of Mohula, and the pig of Gendara.

[Title of age]

Swaddling: babies under one year old

Children: children aged 2-3 years

Tiaotiao: refers to young children (also known as "total corner")

Cardamom: refers to a woman who is 13 years old

Jiji: refers to a woman who is 15 years old

Crown adding: refers to a man who is 20 years old (also known as "weak crown")

30 years old

40 years old

The year of knowing one's destiny: fifty years old

60 years old: 60 years old

The age of seventy

Old age: refers to eight or ninety years old

The Year of Expectation: One Hundred

[Main Ancient Festivals]

New Year's Day: the first day of the first month.

Man's Day: the seventh day of the first lunar month, master child.

Shangyuan: On the 15th day of the first lunar month, lights are put on for play, also known as the "Lantern Festival"

Community day: around the spring equinox, worship and pray for farming.

Cold food: two days before Tomb Sweeping Day, three days after fire ban (Wu Zixu)

Qingming Festival: Tomb sweeping and sacrifice in early April.

Dragon Boat Festival: on the fifth day of May, eat rice dumplings and row dragons (Qu Yuan)

Tanabata: On the seventh day of July, women beg for skill (Niulang and Zhinv)

Zhong Yuan: On the 15th day of July, it is also called "Ghost Festival"

Mid Autumn Festival: August 15, enjoying the moon, homesickness

Chongyang: on the ninth day of September, climb high and insert cornel to avoid disaster

Winter Solstice: also called "solstice", the starting point of solar terms.

On the eighth day of the twelfth lunar month, drink "Laba porridge"

New Year's Eve: the night of the last day of the year, to get rid of the old and welcome the new

Appreciation of Literature (17)


Guo Moruo, one of the founders of Chinese new poetry, and one of the founders of Chinese historical dramas, set up a literary association creation society in Tokyo with Tian Han, Yu Dafu, Zhang Ziping and others during the New Culture Movement, advocating "art for art". There are poetry collections such as Goddess, Starry Sky, Bottle, Qianmao, and Restoration, historical plays such as Qu Yuan, Tiger Talisman, Tangdi Flowers, Wang Zhaojun, Cai Wenji, etc., as well as a variety of monographs on history, ancient Chinese characters, essays, and literary criticism collections.

Mu Dan, formerly known as Zha Liangzheng, is a poet and translator. He is a representative poet of the Nine Leaves School of Poetry. His representative works include Eight Poems, Spring, Praise, etc. His translation of Don Juan was called by Bian Zhilin as "one of the marks of Chinese poetry translation moving towards adulthood". There are also many poems and songs translated by Shelley and Keats. The textbooks also include the works of many poets of the Nine Leaves School, such as Chen Jingrong's Window, Du Yunxie's Well, and Zheng Min's Golden Rice Bundle.

Liu Bannong is a famous litterateur, linguist and educator in modern times. He tried to write poems in spoken language and dialect. His representative works are the poem "Teach me how not to miss her". In this poem, he first created the word "she" and put the word "she" into poetry for the first time. There are collections of poems, such as Wa Ketu Collection, Raising Whips Collection, etc.

Wen Yiduo, a poet, scholar, democratic fighter, and representative poet of the Crescent School, put forward the new metrical poetry theory of "three beauties" of poetry, namely, musical beauty, painting beauty, and architectural beauty. His representative works include the poetry collections Red Candle, Dead Water, etc

Feng Zhi is a modern poet. There are poetry collections such as Song of Yesterday, Journey to the North and Others, Collection of Fourteen Elements, Collection of Western Suburbs, prose collections such as Landscape, Miscellaneous Records of Eastern Europe, novella Wu Zixu, biography of Du Fu, collection of essays such as Poetry and Heritage. Lu Xun once praised him as the most outstanding lyric poet in China.

Li Guangtian is a essayist. No. Xi Cen, pen name Li Di, Xi Chen, etc. He once collaborated with fellow students of Peking University, Bian Zhilin and He Qifang, to produce a poetry collection, Han Garden Collection, which is known as the Three Poets of Han Garden. His works include Gallery Collection, Silver Fox Collection, Que Suo Collection, Outside the Circle, Echo, Essays on the Sun, etc.

Ai Qing is one of the representative poets of modern Chinese poetry. His representative works include Dayan River, My Nurse, Snow Falling on the Land of China, etc. There are poetry collections such as Dayan River, North, Toward the Sun, Dawn Notice, and Song of Returning.

Zang Kejia, an outstanding poet, famous writer and editor, whose first poetry collection Branding is his most influential work. This collection of poems sincerely and simply shows the decline of China's rural areas, the sufferings of farmers, perseverance and national suffering. After the founding of the People's Republic of China, he wrote more political lyrics, such as Some People.

Index finger, formerly known as Guo Lusheng, is a contemporary poet. His poems "Believe in the Future" and "This is Beijing at 4:08" written in 1968 were widely spread among educated youth at that time and had a far-reaching impact.

Shu Ting is a contemporary poet. The representative of the school of misty poetry. His main works include poetry anthology "Twin Mast Ship", "Songable Iris", "Archaeopteryx", prose anthology "Heart Smoke", etc. Shu Ting rose in the Chinese poetry world in the late 1970s. She and her contemporaries Beidao (representative work Answers), Gu Cheng (representative work One Generation), Liang Xiaobin and other poets set off a wave of "hazy poetry" in the Chinese poetry world with a poetic style that was completely different from that of previous generations Such poems with women as the lyric subject express her deep concern for the fate and personality independence of Chinese women.

Liang Xiaobin, the representative poet of misty poetry. The poems "China, My Key Lost" and "The White Wall" are listed as representative poems of hazy poetry in the new era.

Chang Yao, a contemporary poet, is one of the representatives of the new frontier fortress poetry school. His representative works include Changyao Lyrical Poems Collection, Book of Destiny - Changyao's 40 Year Classic Poems, etc. His poems are famous for their profound experience of the "West".

Taiwan poets

Ji Xian, the advocator of modernist poetry, is one of the three elders of the poetry world in Taiwan, China (the other two are Qin Zihao and Zhong Dingwen). Because of his extremely long writing history, he is known as the "evergreen tree in the poetry world". There are collections of poems, such as Wonderful Man Who Loves Cloud, Days of Pain, Immortal Portrait, No Man's Island, Betel Nut Tree, Evening View, and collection of poetic theories, such as Ji Xian's Poetic Theory.

Luo Fu, a poet from Taiwan, China, was a surrealist poet in his early years. His technique of expression was almost magical, and he was praised as "the devil of poetry" in the poetry world. He and Yu Guangzhong have always been known as the Gemini in the world of Chinese poetry. His representative works include Linghe, Death of the Stone Chamber, Waiwaiji, Rivers Without Banks, Mirror of Poets, Time Wound, etc.

Ya Xian, a poet from Taiwan, China. Ya Xian's works are full of surrealism. Among the famous poets who rose in Taiwan in the 1960s, his poems are lively in spoken language, the most musical, and can best express sympathy, the sweetness of life, and the exploration of modern people's life dilemma. There are collections of poems such as Abyss, Yaxian Poems, Yaxian Poems, etc.

Yu Guangzhong, a contemporary writer and poet, has written poetry collections such as "The Tragic Song of the Boat", "Blue Feather", "stalactite", "Halloween", "White Jade Balsam Pear", and prose collections such as "Muse on the Left Hand" and "Listen to the Cold Rain". The track of changes in Yu Guangzhong's writing style can be seen as the trend of the whole Chinese poetry world, that is, westernization first and then return. In the 1980s, his poetry "extended back to that continent" and wrote many sentimental nostalgic poems, such as Nostalgia and Nostalgia Four Rhymes.


Mao Dun, formerly known as Shen Dehong, has the word Yanbing. Famous modern Chinese writers, literary critics, cultural activists and social activists, one of the pioneers of the May 4th New Cultural Movement, and one of the founders of revolutionary literature and art in China. He has written the trilogy of Erosion: Disillusionment, Shake, Pursuit, the trilogy of rural areas: Spring Silkworm, Autumn Harvest, Winter, the novel Midnight, Lin Family Shop, etc.

Lin Yutang, a famous scholar, litterateur, linguist, the main representative of the Lunyu School, is a master of both Chinese and Western learning. The couplet of Lin Yutang's study "Two feet on Chinese and Western culture, one mind on commenting on cosmic articles" can well summarize his important characteristics as a cultural ambassador. His representative works include essays and essays collection My Country and My People (also known as The Chinese), Confucius' Wisdom, Scissors and Fuji, Great Wilderness Collection, Splendid Collection, Art of Life, novels collection Moments in Beijing, biographies of Su Dongpo, Empress Wu, etc.

Feng Zikai is a modern painter, essayist, art educator, music educator, cartoonist and translator in China. His representative works include the comic book collection Zikai's Cartoon, the prose collection Yuanyuantang Essay, and Yuanyuantang Rewriting. His style of writing is elegant and indifferent. Most of his cartoons are about children, humorous and humorous, reflecting social phenomena.

Wang Zengqi, a famous contemporary novelist, essayist, and a descendant of Beijing style novels, is known as "the last scholar bureaucrat in China". His representative works include short stories "Danao Memories", "Shoujie", "Different Abilities", prose collection "Puqiao Collection", and Beijing opera "Shajiabang" (writing and editing plays). Most of his novels are based on folk customs and daily life, and the language is natural and lively; The style of writing is fresh and simple; The artistic conception is elegant and beautiful. His prose depicts folk customs and folkways, which is vivid and vivid, and contains deep feelings for national cultural traditions.

Shi Tiesheng is a contemporary essayist and novelist. He has written prose collections such as "Broken Pen in Sickness", "I and the Temple of Earth", novels such as "My Distant Qingping Bay", "Life Like a String", etc.

Yu Qiuyu is a scholar and writer. He has written a series of prose collections, such as "Cultural Journey", "Notes of Mountain Dwelling", "Frost Cold River", "One Sigh for a Thousand Years", "Travelers Have No Frontiers", etc

Zhang Chengzhi, Hui nationality, contemporary writer. In the 1980s and 1990s, he was called an idealistic spiritual wanderer. In his early days, he took grassland life as the theme and drew spiritual nourishment from the land and the people; Later, he combined his personal ideal with religious belief, and began his exploration of the existence of the Hui people and the belief in God. His representative works include the collection of novels Black Horse, River in the North and Yellow Mud Cabin; Novels Gold Ranch and History of Soul; Collection of essays "Deserted Hero Road", "Clean Spirit", etc.

Appreciation of Literature (18)

Lesson 27 Nothing to sell and nothing to buy

It has been said that everyone lives by selling something. In the light of this statement, teachers live by selling knowledge, philosophers by selling wisdom and priests by selling spiritual comfort. Though it may be possible to measure the value of material good in terms of money, it is extremely difficult to estimate the true value of the services which people perform for us. (1) There are times when we would willingly give everything we possess to save our lives, yet we might grudge paying a surgeon a high fee for offering us precisely this service. The conditions of society are such that skills have to be paid for in the same way that goods are paid for at a shop. Everyone has something to sell.

Tramps seem to be the only exception to this general rule. Beggars almost sell themselves as human beings to arouse the pity of passers-by. But real tramps are not beggars. (2) They have nothing to sell and require nothing from others. In seeking independence, they do not sacrifice their human dignity. A tramp may ask you for money, but he will never ask you to feel sorry for him. He has deliberately chosen to lead the life he leads and is fully aware of the consequences. He may never be sure where the next meal is coming from, but he is free from the thousands of anxieties which afflict other people. His few material possessions make it possible for him to move from place to place with ease. By having to sleep in the open, he gets far closer to the world of nature than most of us ever do. He may hunt, beg, or steal occasionally to keep himself alive; he may even, in times of real need, do a little work; but he will never sacrifice his freedom. (3) We often speak of tramps with contempt and put them in the same class as beggars, but how many of us can honestly say that we have not felt a little envious of their simple way of life and their freedom from care?

Full text translation:

It is said that everyone makes a living by selling something. According to this statement, teachers live by selling knowledge, philosophers live by selling wisdom, and priests live by selling spiritual comfort. Although the value of material products can be measured by money, it is extremely difficult to estimate the value of services provided by others for us. Sometimes, in order to save lives, we are willing to pay what we have. (1) This is the case in society. Technology must be bought with money, just like buying goods in a store. Everyone has something to sell.

In front of this general rule, it seems that only the tramp is an exception. The beggar sells almost himself to arouse the pity of passers-by. But the real tramp is not a beggar. (2) While pursuing independence and freedom, they do not sacrifice their human dignity. You Langhan may ask you for money, but he never wants you to pity him. He deliberately chose to live that kind of life, and was fully aware of the consequences of living in this way. He may never know whether his next meal will be settled, but he is not tortured by thousands of worries like others. He has little property, which enables him to travel around easily. Forced to sleep in the open air, he is much closer to nature than many of us. In order to survive, he may go hunting, begging, and occasionally steal once or twice; He may even do a little work when he really needs it, but he will never sacrifice his freedom. (3)

You must memorize it. Whether it's on the back, on the back, across the back, or on the back, it's just a matter of knurling~~

Remember to write from memory after reciting the text! Don't underestimate dictation. It can find mistakes that we didn't find when we recited. At the same time, you can also check whether you have written the correct spelling of words and sentence patterns. It is very helpful for everyone to improve their writing.