Be the Best of Yourself 600 (Collection 15)
Love cannot be old or will be old
2023-12-24 00:42:34

Be the best yourself 600 (1)

A long life, high mountains and long roads; Don't forget your original intention, then you can be your best self.

To be the best of yourself, you don't need to pursue perfection. As long as you stick to your heart, dare to challenge, and achieve your goals, you will have a worthwhile journey.

I have an indissoluble bond with calligraphy. The elegant fragrance of ink makes people relaxed and happy. It also has a taste of ancient people. When writing calligraphy in depth, it is like talking with Ouyang Xun, an ancient famous scholar, and asking him for advice; The style of writing is fresh, comfortable and enjoyable. But I don't know since when that wisp of ink has become a memory, and the scene of practicing calligraphy with wolves and sheep in hand has become a past. I became unfamiliar with it.

It was another sunny day, and everything was in order as usual. After class, the calligraphy teacher came to me and asked me to write a work. I smiled awkwardly at the teacher and hesitated, feeling sorry for the teacher and myself. If you want to achieve a fine level of calligraphy, you need to write more and practice more. If you practice more, you will feel that your skills will naturally become deeper. Now I have to write what kind of works! "Believe in yourself, if you can't make a work, you should practice writing!" The teacher's face was smiling. I nodded.

Since you promised to do it, do it well. On Saturday, the sun was still there, so I got up early and began to tidy up my desk. First, wipe the table with a rag, then spread a felt, flatten the rice paper, pour Yidege ink into the inkstone, and the long lost fragrance will fill the whole room again. I clapped my hands and took a deep breath: "Come on! Be the best you can be." Then I sat down, picked up my pen and wrote the first word against the copybook with a little trembling feeling. In the morning, I can write freely and make some progress. On this day, my willpower also surprised me, and I was immersed in the ink fragrance all afternoon. Therefore, compared with the beginning, my calligraphy has also reached a new level. At last, the song "Moonlight setting, crow crowing, frost all over the sky" was finished. At this moment, I felt a long sigh of relief. Although I didn't write about the best, I was doing my best this day.

To be the best of yourself, you don't need to talk about success or failure, but just unswervingly move towards the goal in your heart. That's enough.

In the colorful world, keep your heart and be your best self.

Be the best yourself 600 (2)

In autumn, the sky was clear and cool, and a gust of wind passed, and the withered and yellow camphor leaves also fell down. I carried the bronze erhu, pulled the bow in my hand, and walked slowly to the rehearsal hall.

"Alas, big sister, why are you late again?" The tone was a mockery that could not be concealed. I glanced coldly at the two girls who looked like primary school students. I was angry, but I didn't know where to throw it. I was caught playing erhu temporarily from other departments. It was only a month or two to learn erhu, far less than their two or three years of proficiency. I also felt the miserable situation of sawing table legs from the strings in my hands during the ensemble. Also because of my lack of ability, several of us are often left to continue running in. I began to get their cold eyes and ridicule. I only thought they were joking, but those words were indispensable to my heart.

Perhaps the bleakness of autumn aggravated my grievance. I opened the door of the rehearsal hall again and rushed into the psychological consultation room without waiting for the elevator to arrive, Patiently pacified: "Don't care about the eyes of others. What they say is not important. You are unique in the world. You must try your best to make them shut up." I nodded vaguely. "Be the best of yourself." This short and powerful sentence imprinted on my heart. Yes, I want to be my best!

At the beginning, there were always many difficulties. I often couldn't control the strength of pressing strings, and the timbre was always very abrupt in the team. In the past, I used to be depressed alone after class, but I didn't make any changes. Now I will go to the teacher or other members to ask for skills, and practice frequently after returning home. Finally, I moved closer to the center from the nearest position. In the last few days, I even sat in the "C" position next to the teacher.

Look at the picture of me bowing my head and playing the piano. A smile ripples around my mouth. It turns out that I can be so eye-catching. It turns out that being the best myself is so happy.

The ancients once said: "It is not advisable to belittle yourself because of the spirit of a person with lofty ideals." Young people in their prime should not be scared away by the unknown, do not pray for fear, be the best yourself, and write the most beautiful music in their youth!

Be the best yourself 600 (3)

Today, the school held an exchange meeting on examination, and invited the elder sister to teach us experience. In college, you can clearly see the seniority of the other party, because different grades lead to different experiences. The seniors and sisters experience more.

Just like the elder sister who taught us experience tonight, her temperament will be different at a glance. Standing in front of hundreds of people, you can still smile and talk with Kai Kai. It gives you a feeling of confidence in your actions. I think I can't do this. If I were up there now, I would be very nervous. I think it is not only brave to do this, but also need more exercise. If you do more, you will not be afraid of it.

In the process of speaking, the elder sister mentioned her dream to us. She felt that one must have a dream. Her dream was to be an English teacher. Now she is also working hard for her dream. Although she didn't study this major, she didn't want to give up, so she was studying on her own and preparing for the teacher's certificate test. Learning is a boring process. People without perseverance may not be able to persist. However, the elder sister said that this was her dream. She didn't get into her ideal major when taking the college entrance examination, and now she doesn't want to give up. If you don't try and give up, you will definitely regret later. Even if you fail after trying, you will at least be able to live up to yourself and your dreams.

Everyone will have their own dream, which is like a colorful bubble in their hearts. But not every colorful bubble can be seen. I know many people who have given up their dreams, either because of their families or because of their economy. However, whatever the reason, those beautiful bubbles can only disappear like a little mermaid. Mr. He Jiong and Mr. He once said in Happy Camp that dreams should still exist, in case you are lucky! Yes, there must be dreams. How do you know you can't? Ma Yun would not have thought that his Alibaba would take off so far more than ten years ago.

My friends, stick to your dreams and be your best!

Be the best yourself 600 (4)

When the wind blows, the leaves fall. In a twinkling of an eye, twelve spring, autumn, winter and summer passed by leisurely.

We have experienced many joys and sorrows. Who has emerged quietly from our world; Who left our world suddenly; Who, like a star, crosses the sky on a moonlit night without taking away a cloud; Who is falling like a meteor in the hearts of strangers, bringing us a pleasant smile. We bid farewell to our childhood, with blood and tears from twelve years of hard work; With the smile or sadness of who ever gave us; With a beautiful wish and a vision of the future, as well as a humble but full of youthful palpitations, we hurried on the journey of the rainy season, which is our best year.

We are about to step into this flower like age, like the sun at eight or nine o'clock, full of the vitality and sunshine that should be, and the spring rain splashes on our cheeks, like the small flowers swaying in the wind. Someone said, "Youth is a poem that is too hasty." Our poem has just begun.

I, a very ordinary girl, ordinary achievements, ordinary looks, ordinary sports, ordinary dreams. Like other girls, I like fantasy and expectation. I like to collect some cute gadgets, have some secrets of my own, and a diary with a lock.

But I am different from other girls. I am keen on outdoor activities, like running with several good friends, and even got up at 5:30 to run the greenway with several friends. However, I hope to be my best self and study hard at my best age, which is really far away from me, but I tell myself, In order to live up to this poetic age, I must work hard and should not continue to be a young bird afraid of difficulties and dangers.

In flowering season and rainy season, struggle and rest. Those gold and silver pens, those pink and purple diaries, outline the little drops of youth.

Dream continues, pursuit continues, youth whispers, dreams ponder, step into the best years, be the best yourself, and connect into our flowering season and rainy season.

Be the best yourself 600 (5)

If I were a flower, I would certainly bloom. If I were a butterfly, I would add luster to the earth, and the sun would be right in front of me. I would lose my cowardice and timidity, peel away my troubles and hesitations, sweat enthusiastically, and be brave to be the best myself.

I am crazy about dancing. When I dance with my slim figure, I can forget everything and integrate myself into the soft music and graceful dance.

In the heavy and busy study, I often drag my tired body to sit on the ground with dull eyes. I worry about the unsatisfactory scores, worry about the unsolvable mathematical problems, and feel sad about the heavy burden on my body. When did I start, my hope and motivation turned into nothing, which made me lose my direction on the way of life; When did the thorns pierce my heart, but my sadness and fear could not be answered. On reflection, maybe it was the moment when I decided to give up dancing classes to study, or the moment when I couldn't stick to my dream. I flinched, hesitated, hesitated, and hesitated. I couldn't make a choice between learning and dancing. But now, the sky is clear, and I finally figured it out

Take the initiative to beg my mother to let me regain my dancing and confidence. Come to the classroom that has not been seen for two years, and watch the dancing masters show their skills, use their ligaments as springs, and lift a long leg straight up, or bend your waist into an arc, but still maintain a graceful posture. Looking at the stiff self in front of the mirror, a handful of bitter tears, start the devil training. It still requires solid basic skills to compete with experts. I have to be down-to-earth and take my time. Even if I have the worst strength and have to endure the pain of tearing the ligaments, I will grit my teeth and persevere. I will be the first to make a decision in my heart. When others are playing and I am practicing, my innate talent is forged hard the day after tomorrow. Under the light, I am already a graceful girl, not a yellow girl who gave up when encountering setbacks. I was once depressed and lost my most cherished dance. Now I want to become more and more brave, complete my dream and add hope to the road of life.

The sunset has dissipated, and I bring my own sunshine. From the past backwardness to sprint, and finally to become the best, all this is because of persistence, because of dreams, because I want to be the best myself.

The best self will never let go of hope, even if it is just a weak light, it will also let it burn, heat, bloom!

Be the best yourself 600 (6)

This is the last semester of my primary school career. We entered the graduation season. This period of time is long, short and very short. In a blink of an eye, we are no longer primary school students, but junior high school students. In a blink of an eye, we will be separated from our classmates who have been together for six years. Think of the time left is not much, my heart is not a taste. In the last semester, this period of time is also the most unforgettable. I should show a better, harder and better myself in this semester.

Since the first grade, when the teacher wrote the words in the Golden Childhood many times, there was always one sentence: "Have confidence in yourself". Indeed, what I lacked was confidence. I tried hard to make a speech on the stage. At the beginning, I never dared to make a speech on the stage. When I came on the stage, I was trembling all over. I just wanted to sit in my seat and listen to others. However, I have made several breakthroughs in making speeches on the stage. Although my voice is as low as that of mosquitoes and only I can hear it, it has also taken a small step towards my goal. Later, it was our class's turn to raise the flag. The teacher selected me as the flag raiser. I wrote the story of the flag raiser and read it several times at home. When Monday came, when I went up to do the "flag raiser's story introduction", I felt a little hesitant, but after some psychological struggle, I still went up to make a speech. In the face of so many people, my voice became even smaller. Although I have made some progress, I still don't have enough confidence, so in the last semester I will have more confidence in myself and believe that I can do it.

In the last semester, I also hope that I can communicate with my classmates in a civilized and friendly way, because I had conflicts with my classmates in the previous semesters, so I should get along with them in the last semester. After the last semester, I may not see my classmates.

The new semester has begun. The past is over. I hope that the last semester will not bring me regret.

Be the best yourself 600 (7)

Life is not a performance, there are not too many rehearsals, perfect for you! - notes preceding the text of a book or following the title of an article

Life, from the beginning, is destined to be a journey that does not know the end. Along the way, there will be countless people passing you, but also too many people walking with you.

Perhaps there are too many things that will make you compare in the encounter along the way. Some people are better than you, some people are smarter than you, and some people are more diligent than you... When all the advantages of people come together, you may feel inferior, sad, or feel that you are nothing! It is also because of these negative emotions that your life path will be changed. Admittedly, compared with many people, what we have is really little. When compared with the whole world, we are just small dust. Too many comparisons constitute the heaviest burden in our life, and also a huge reason for our inferiority. Cai Zhizhong, a Taiwanese cartoonist, said: If you compare an orange to life, one is big and sour, and the other is small and sweet, some people will complain about the sour if they get the big one, and complain about the small if they get the sweet one. From oranges to the comparison in life, you will find that there are not too many choices in real life for us to make. What we can do is to accept rather than change. Since you are destined to accept what has already become a fact, why bother to compare with others?

So, when you have no choice in life, face what you should face bravely! Maybe life is a journey doomed to be lonely, so you should be your first. Maybe life is a journey without audience, so you should be your own audience and give yourself applause. No one's life is paved with flowers and applause. What you need to do is to try to find flowers and applause on your life path.

Be the best you can be, turn your back on the lack, believe that you are you, you are your own belief, you are your own sun

Be the best yourself 600 (8)

"Nothing is difficult in the world, just be careful", no matter what you do, as long as you are careful, you will be successful, and doing well yourself is no exception. On the occasion of the 60th anniversary of our school, give the best self to the campus that nurtured us!

Each of us has a small universe in our heart, and this small universe is fully capable of breaking out. Of course, its power cannot be underestimated, but we always want to cover it up and try to hide its light. There is a saying that "gold always shines", but we all know that if gold is always buried in the sand, how can it shine?

In other words, even if someone digs the thick soil above, are you really willing to show your brilliance without reservation? If you are not lucky enough, maybe the gold will be buried in the sand forever, no one will find it, and eventually it will become a poor stone. Therefore, if gold wants to shine, it needs to work hard to dig out the sand on its body and show its unique but charming brilliance! At that time, people's eyes will be attracted by this gold and shocked by this unique and unique life.

The ancients said, "Ten years of hard study". The same is true of us. We are halfway through our study. I once asked myself: Have you tried your best before? There is no answer in my heart, which really bewilders me. Fortunately, I quickly adjusted myself, and I also decided to do my best in the future.

To be modest, perhaps our ability is not as high as that of the city or the country, but as long as we try to be the best ourselves, we will not be inferior to them, so we "believe in ourselves, be good at ourselves", show our most brilliant glory to teachers, classmates, and athletes!

Be the best yourself 600 (9)

We are unique in the world. No one is the same as you. Even twins need different places. We should cherish the uniqueness of the present, cherish our own life, and be the best ourselves.

The best self should have its own ideal. If you have an ideal, you must work hard to realize it. If you want to realize it, you must pay, and your ideal will be realized. If you have an ideal, you must realize it. So we must have a beautiful ideal of our own.

On Tuesday, the famous teacher Wang Ying told us how to be our best selves, which made us deeply understand ourselves and ourselves. Make better preparation for your future. Mr. Wang has a child, who is a graduate student and studying in Canada. He is a very excellent student. Our classmates are very surprised! Our classmates talked for a long time before they stopped.

I want to be a lush tree, but I am just a thin grass; I want to be a noble peony, but it's just an inconspicuous little wild chrysanthemum on the roadside; I want to be an endless sea, but I'm just a stream; I want to be the most dazzling sun, but I am just a twinkling star. At this time, don't lose heart, don't be discouraged, because although I haven't done my best, I have also played my own advantages. I am a grass, but I also make a contribution to green space, although it is weak; I am an inconspicuous little wild chrysanthemum, but I also add a gorgeous color to the roadside; I am a stream, but I bring joy to my classmates; Although you are a twinkling star, I used my body to decorate the dark night, although it is just a tree.

Be the best yourself, and the best enemy is yourself.

Be the best yourself 600 (10)

There is always a memory, moving back and forth in time, leaving a song between flowers drunk, and getting a prosperous dream.

1. Title

The fragrance and heat of summer stir the strings in my heart. Cinnamomum camphora is flowing green, the sun becomes transparent in the afternoon, and the rich shade still cannot resist the light spots projected on my eyelids.

When did you begin to pay attention? The boy's clean clothes, clear eyes, bright smile, and his back lit up by the hot sun seem bright, dreamy, like a shadow, like a moonlight, coming here across time and space.

In an instant, the serenity and beauty of half a lifetime of cool time seemed to gather on you without stint, and I didn't know what language to use to describe the good time.

A short look back, a moment's smile, but enough to shock my years. Such as lemon juice in midsummer, which is mixed with cool and clear in the heat, taking away the feeling of heat.

But such a beautiful you probably won't notice me as low as the dust.

Junior high school life is like a circle of runway, you walk too fast, I'm always afraid that I can't catch up with you, and I can only keep rushing forward.

I forced myself to recite more English words, drill more math problems, remember more physical formulas, and read more classical Chinese. In the spare time between classes, I worked hard to write and fight with the topic. In the middle of the night, I fought with the ancient poetry. Learn to trample on the difficulties on the road of growth, and learn to taste the bitter wine of life as a drink. How many times have I been exhausted, how many times have I wanted to give up, how many times have I rallied, and how many times have my eyes recovered. The other side of victory is my dream, and the goal of success is my eternal desire. Tired? Of course, I'm tired, but for the bright lighthouse in my heart, everything is worth it.

Running in the night, singing at dawn.

You may not know that I made great efforts to run side by side with you on the same lap of the track in exchange for a clear smile from you.

Now, I also thank you for coming into my world like a spring flower, scattering a midsummer and leaving a lush landscape.

May you come back young after half your life.

May I be the best myself through the vicissitudes of life.

There is always someone who comes to your life in your best years. He is not a billionaire or a superhero, but he makes you the best of yourself. One by one epilogue

Be the best yourself 600 (11)

I'm just me. No matter how bad I am, I can't find a second me. Even if we are unique, we should still be the truest, best and most beautiful ourselves.

What is it really? The truest meaning is that we should always be genuine in whatever circumstances. The price paid by a liar is not only his inner confusion, but no one believes him at all. The truest means that no matter when, don't be false. Even if the exam is not good, it should not be mixed with water. On the contrary, some people copied others', but it was also a low score. So we should take the integrity test. It really means that we should not hide our shortcomings from others. People cannot be perfect. Even if they do the best, they will still have shortcomings. If we hide one of our shortcomings, we will expose another.

What is the best? Goodness means that we should be kind to others and have a broad mind and tolerance. You should not quarrel with others for a small matter. Arguments will only hurt both sides, and a step back will make the world go round. Good means that we should be good. We should not treat others with indifference, indifference or even indifference, but be ready to help others. Good means that we should do good rather than evil. We should help the poor more, be kind, and never do anything harmful to nature. Good people are always rewarded well, while bad people can only eat their own evil.

What is the most beautiful? Beauty is not a simple gorgeous appearance, beautiful appearance, but a beautiful heart. Zhang Lili, an unorganized female teacher of Heilongjiang Jiamusi No. 19 Middle School, stepped forward on May 13, 20XX when a runaway car was about to hit the students. She pulled two students apart with all her strength. She was run over by the car and her legs were amputated. Although she was disabled, she won praise from everyone. From this point of view, whether you are beautiful or not mainly depends on whether you have a beautiful heart.

In a word, if we want to be the best ourselves, we must be the truest, the best and the most beautiful.

Be Your Best 600 (12)

Courage is like a force, pushing me forward and overcoming difficulties! Courage is the driving force of surging waves, making the vast sea full of heroic breath; Brave and just like the body of the angel of justice, steadfastly guarding the sacred justice.

Through a key, I made the best of myself, gave me courage, and made me unforgettable all my life.

One night, I overcame difficulties and gained courage. "After class tonight, I will give you a key when I walk home alone." As my mother urged me on the phone, I left home. This sentence made me feel a little lost, but also a little secretly happy. To my delight, as long as I can go home alone, I can get a key. To my disappointment, I have always been afraid of the dark.

At the end of class, I walked out of the classroom step by step with heavy steps. At the gate, I looked at the dark sky and felt uneasy.

When I stepped out of the gate, on the square outside the cram school, the surrounding street lights gave out a faint light. My eyes could also clearly see pedestrians, trees and cars shuttling on the road. With the light, I was not afraid. So, I accelerated my pace, hoping to return home quickly and get the key I had been waiting for for a long time.

However, there was no street lamp on the road. In a flash, the light just turned dark. Losing the light, I seemed to fall into a bottomless abyss, unable to extricate myself. I immediately trembled all over the body, my teeth began to tremble, and made a creaking sound. My feet suddenly became soft, and I almost fell off. The car on the road made a loud noise at some time. I was so scared that I almost jumped up. I never dared to step forward again. Like a wooden man, I stood still and my eyes were full of fear.

At this time, I suddenly remembered that I had not got the key yet, so I could not just give up and must walk home. I tried to get up again and again. As soon as I stretched out my legs, I immediately took them back. This was cowardly. I kept reminding myself: "Brave, brave..." I made up my mind to close my eyes and take a step forward, which was also the first step to the door of courage. At this time, I was no longer so afraid, and began to speed up the pace, rushing forward as hard as on the square. Suddenly, I felt cold under my feet, and my feet stepped into the water. Because I was frightened, I suddenly screamed "ah". Even the sound scared me, but I stopped immediately and calmed down. I immediately pulled my feet out of the water and continued to walk home

In the end, I overcame my fear, returned home, and got the key that belonged to me.

This key is the key to open the door of courage and the "treasure" that makes me have courage.

Today, I made the best of myself. I overcame my fear, overcame difficulties, had valuable courage, and embarked on the road to success. Today, I have been my best self. I am no longer a timid girl, but a brave guardian of justice.

I am proud of it and cheer for it. Today, I did my best.

Be the best yourself 600 (13)

Life is divided into three levels - primary, comparative and superlative.

The original level is in the original family, without pursuing, living step by step, copying their own days; Comparative level means having a dream in mind and working harder than others, and finally achieving a better self; The highest level is the strong person who, after wind and rain, pays several times the efforts of others and finally stands on the mountain top to look down.

To be the best of yourself, you should be able to withstand wind, frost, rain and snow. If the young eagle wants to soar in the sky, it must experience some hard training at the edge of the cliff, break its beak and shed its feathers before it can be plump and fly in the sky. "Therefore, when the sky is about to take on a great task, people must first work hard, strain their muscles and bones, starve their skin, be empty, and do what they do". To achieve great things, people must first learn to forge ahead. Sun Shu'ao lived in a desolate place in Haidian, while Yan Hui lived in a poor alley with simple food and kettles, and Bai Lixi was only humiliated in the marketplace. But the difference between them and ordinary people in difficulties is that they can carry forward with a heavy load, forge new things in the fire, and make great achievements.

To be your best self, you should be able to resist loneliness. Zhuge Liang has been hiding in the mountains for more than ten years. He has been cultivating mulberry and hemp, staying alone in the Maolu, observing the situation in the world, and no one has paid attention to him for ten years. When the former leader of Liu Xuande visited the Maolu three times, he went out of the mountain with his scales and claws flying, and seized the situation in the world. He has Pingnan Barbarians, taken Xishu, feather fans and silk scarves, and devised strategies, which are unparalleled in history.

To be the best you can be, you should not lose your direction in difficult situations, but learn to learn nutrition and lessons from adversity. Although Lianpo was sad for Lin Xiangru, he was humble and polite after he realized his mistake. Although Gou Jian, the king of Yue, was captured by Fu Chai, a prisoner of his rank, he endured hardships in prison, reflected on his failure, and finally wiped out his former humiliation, destroyed the State of Wu, and became a overlord of the generation.

To be the best you can be, you must have a firm goal and unshakable belief, be able to recognize your shortcomings in flowers, look up to the bright stars in the sewer, grasp the opportunities like the east wind, be able to introspect and self-discipline.

Life is diverse, and it is up to individuals to become who they are. If you want to stand on the top of the mountain, look at the mountains, bow to the world, look at the red sun, and stand on the clouds, then use your efforts to gain the best of yourself.


Be the best yourself 600 (14)

With the story of spring, we set foot on the high-speed train of life, too late to recall, too busy to look back, too busy with life. Fast pace, high efficiency, money oriented, half dead. I don't know which day I can slow down and stop in front of flowers to watch the clouds roll and relax, lean against the tower to enjoy the moon, and lean against the railing to listen to the wind and rain

We are just ordinary members of the vast sea of people. We don't speak humorously or alarmingly; We are a particle of dust floating in the air, free and minimal; We are an inconspicuous grass on the land of China, a grass that can't grow high no matter how hard we try. It can be seen everywhere. Not lonely, not lonely, because there are many companions, all over the mountains and fields, supporting each other in the wind and rain, fighting together under the scorching sun, not competing with flowers, not competing with trees, not burning wildfires, spring breeze again. Because of us, the mountains and rivers are greener and the world is more beautiful. Flowers are more beautiful

We are free flying kites in the sky. With our confused eyes open, we look at the chaotic world, and sometimes we are ecstatic, sometimes we look up to the sky and sigh, sometimes we shake our head, sometimes we wave our hands. In the world, all creatures have their own style. In the world, one generation of heroes leads the world. We have only one heart, flowers are in full bloom, and all the people are competing for beauty. We know that we are just passers-by, enchanting and colorful, poetic and picturesque. We are not afraid of shadow slanting when we are upright, and there will be cracks when we are deeply trapped. We will not flatter, only be conscientious, and never be cynical. We are worthy of heaven and earth, responsible for our families, and loyal to our friends.

Living in a small house, I have survived many years of spring and autumn. In the dark night, I stare and watch, looking for a ray of light. Under the sun, with years of longing and nostalgia, the wind and rain can not break the wings to fly, the noise of the world can not hide our screams. Be illusory, live in reality, neither humble nor arrogant, neither arrogant nor impatient, and be the best of yourself. It is still sweet to bury the past and leave the beauty behind.

Time never stops walking and never gets tired. If it moves you, you will become a roadside scenery. The pace of going farther and farther will leave you far behind. Until the day that you can no longer see, life is just like a meteor in the long river of time. Time flies like an arrow, time flies like water, life is like a dream, years are like songs, cherish! Take care!

Be the best yourself 600 (15)

What is it like to be your best self? Is it like what Haizi said: I will be a happy person from tomorrow, feed horses and chop firewood to travel around the world, and care about food and vegetables from tomorrow. I have a house facing the sea.

Remember Haizi because his poem is beautiful and warm. From this poem, I seem to see what I want to live and what I want to be. As I grew up, my carefree life gradually moved away from me. I was so tired of chasing fame and benefits that I felt that my original simple and happy self was going away. I was really afraid that one day I would not know myself.

I don't want to spend my life for fame and wealth in the eyes of most people. When pursuing fame and wealth, the envious eyes in the eyes of others are not what I want. I don't want to be a vain self. I don't think that having the supreme money and fame and wealth will not be a vain life. Those things that life does not bring and death does not bring are of little value to me. Maybe people will say that I am aloof and hypocritical, but I am willing to stick to what I want to stick to for the sake of pure heart.

To be the best of yourself, you should be as indifferent to fame and wealth as Tao Yuanming. "Picking chrysanthemums under the eastern fence, you can see the Nanshan Mountain leisurely." You should integrate with nature and enjoy yourself. Many people are struggling, and some people become rich overnight, lose their true self and best self, fall into a drunken life, and eventually feel bored and want to escape.

Be the best yourself and stick to the pure land of your heart, not for fame and benefit, but for happiness.