Elementary School Students' Composition Encounters (16 in general)
Solid world
2023-11-22 04:20:26

Elementary School Students' Composition Encounters (1)

I fell into a dream and opened the door of time and space. Time went by like an arrow and the sun and the moon flew like a shuttle. Time turned into clouds and passed day by day. I met the future person in a trance.

At that time, we were all separated. We walked on our own roads and parted ways. I felt lonely when I walked on the empty street. I was admitted to the school I had been yearning for for a long time. Dongwai was the place where my dream set sail.

I still remember that on the day of graduation, we shared every bit of the past. Three years passed quickly, as if we had just entered school yesterday. Even if we were separated, we still kept each other in our hearts. I love Dongwai, I love the teachers who gave me knowledge, and the friendly boxes of students around me. Three years later, it ended in this way.

This should be the person I will meet in three years.

Elementary School Students' Composition Encounters (2)

Life is a journey that takes you wherever you go. I keep walking. At a corner, I meet the future people.

The wind brushed the leaves, and the birds chirped happily,. The water is clear and the sky is blue. Looking around, I unexpectedly came to a strange city.

I looked at everything strange around me in doubt. Tall buildings, vehicles coming and going, and roads are clean without a trace of dust. I took a step forward and shook my head. One question after another came out of my head, which exploded in my mind like a balloon was about to explode. I dare not move around. I asked a passer-by, "Where is this?" He was surprised by the answer. It is 2080 now.

I want to walk to a park nearby. A girl about 15 years old sits on a bench and plays with her skateboard. I walked to her, looked at her quietly, and said, "Sister, I'm not of this era, can you take me around?" She did not question, but agreed without thinking. I followed her to a green manor. In addition to the people coming and going, there were some robots busy here. She opened her mouth and said, "This is the forest ranger who is specially responsible for these plants." On the way, she met many high-tech things and introduced them to me as she walked. After walking for a while, my stomach growled and I rubbed my head in embarrassment. She smiled at me and took me to a restaurant. In the restaurant here, besides the waiter is a robot, the chef is also a robot. After a while, I said goodbye to her.

She told me that although technology is more developed, they are not mobile phone fans. More often, they prefer outdoor activities.

"Ding Ling Ling," "Ding Ling Ling," the alarm clock woke me up. Alas, it was a dream! I think back to the year 2080 in my dream and really look forward to what the future will be like.

Elementary School Students' Composition Encounters (3)

Whenever I saw the cartoon "Doraemon" as a child, it reminded me of the future, until now.

"Eh! I have something in my schoolbag, which makes me panic." It is a very exquisite projector, which is only the size of my thumb cover. A small word "open" came into my eyes, and I pressed it.


"What a beautiful place!" I asked myself. Just then, a person who closely resembles me came over.

He said, "I will be you one year later. Now I am facing a tough exam, but my grades are not good, so I asked you to discuss the countermeasures." I was flustered "This is what you said, please remember your promise!" He said, handed me a letter, and said: "You can go to the tree to see" and left.

Elementary School Students' Composition Encounters (4)

I also found that the car exhaust here smells bad. He told me that in the future, the car exhaust can no longer be called exhaust. After continuous transformation, it has become beneficial to the environment and has a floral smell. I said how the air here is so good!

It was getting dark and the sun was setting. He said to me, "Well, it's also getting dark, and I should send you back." Hearing what he said, I felt a little reluctant, but I still had to go back. He took me to the conveyor and told me where I was going. I saw my body shining. My eyes were dark. When I opened my eyes, I found that I had returned to my own home, just like what just happened, just like a dream!

I really met the future person.

Elementary School Students' Composition Encounters (5)

Many people have many fantasies and desires for the future. But I never thought of the future environment and the future nature.

One day I was doing my homework. I was writing my homework. I turned around and looked. A spot of light suddenly appeared behind. The light became bigger and bigger. I was frightened and stood up quickly. However, the light group rushed at me fiercely. Before I could shout "help", I was "swallowed" by it. Suddenly, I felt as if I had been pushed hard and staggered a few times. When I stood firm, I found myself no longer in my bedroom, but in another world, this time group no longer exists.

I stand firm and stand up. At first sight, it seems that he has returned to the old society. So I went to an old man and asked him the way: "Old man, is this the 23rd century? I'm from the 21st century." "What? Are you from the 21st century, But I nodded gently. As soon as they saw me nod and admit that they are people of the 21st century, everyone was "furious", especially an uncle who was extremely angry. He said to me, "Do you know that you people of the 21st century have made our people of the 23rd century victims because of long-term damage to the ecological environment!" A little sister also said angrily, "Yes, because your people in the 21st century cut down trees indiscriminately, polluted water sources, killed animals and other evils, which hurt your children and grandchildren, that is, we in the 23rd century. Now we only have a little water. How can we live in the future?" "Yes!" "Yes!" The masses were very excited. I was extremely ashamed and said, "Is there any way to remedy it?" "Yes", that is, you people in the 21st century should pay attention to your own behavior immediately, and the most important thing is to protect the ecological environment I listened and said, "OK, I will announce this when I go back." After that, I was suddenly swallowed by the light spot and returned to the real world.

Please protect our environment, protect our earth home, and make the landscape of this land more beautiful.

Elementary School Students' Composition Encounters (6)

I think everyone has his own destiny. Meeting, occasionally happy, communicating, and wiping shoulders is the beginning of another story. So here six years ago, I met you, my dear classmates and beloved teachers. In the six years of getting along day and night, we collided with each other to create a colorful color. Every thing I laughed with you has made me unforgettable.

What makes me remember deeply is that every time the students talk and laugh after class, I always sit on the seat and look around at every figure in the classroom: high song Zhang Yihao is showing his voice; Converse and Wang Zhuohai are breaking their wrists; Zhang Jiaxuan writes math homework in front of the blackboard; Guo Siwei, a fan, is still reading books; Li Xinyu is joking with her classmates; Zhang Mingqi and Zeng Junzhi are arguing Like a happy symphony.

I still remember Mr. Zhao's advice to me. When I was young, I didn't like to speak or even felt inferior. Mr. Zhao always asked me to go to the office to talk and encouraged me to speak actively. When I came to class, my hand could not lift it heavily, but Mr. Zhao never blamed me. He always responded with a smile, which like a spring moistened my inferiority complex. Since then, I have fallen in love with Chinese, writing compositions and this Chinese teacher.

The most unforgettable thing for me is that on the eve of New Year's Day every year, teachers and students began to decorate the classroom together. Some students brought colored lights; Some students brought flowers; Some students brought balloons Then, everyone started to dress up the classroom, and the blackboard newspaper team painted on the blackboard; The boys helped set the tables and chairs; Several skillful girls also pasted various patterns on the window with figured flowers... You Jingyi and I stuck tape on our down jackets and hands. Where we needed tape, she and I would go, just like two "tape people". The next day, we will bring food and snacks and sit together, enjoying ourselves like a warm family.

Soon, six years of happy life flashed by, and the big holiday was about to depart. Did no one tell me that goodbye meant never to see again? But students should not be sad or cry when they leave that day. Separation is for reunion, and farewell is for the next departure.

Elementary School Students' Composition Encounters (7)

Tick tock

Raindrops hit my hands.

A cold tingled my heart.

Fear and despair.

I met you.

You have given me courage, strength and friendship.

I can stand up bravely to face the reality.


My friends.

NO, 1 chocolate sandwich candy: Xiaoyi

I wanted to write a congratulatory article for you early, Xiao Yi. I haven't had time to say sorry. Xiaoyi, you are like a chocolate sandwich. It's bitter outside, but sweet inside. You are the first lotus friend I met in Xiaohe. I thank you very much. Your words are so warm, like a spring breeze blowing. I don't know if you don't have time. In those months, I didn't see your figure in the note, and the joyful eyes slowly faded. I'm afraid you don't recognize me. I want to snatch you right away. Let me be your patron saint and let no one snatch you away. But selfishness will make you forget me faster. I started to send you a note. When I saw that you didn't respond, I slowly stopped sending it. At that time, I saw Yuqing's Hewen, and I knew that your heart is sweet, so gentle and considerate. After that, you sent me a note. I'm very happy because our friendship is still there. I hope our friendship will last forever.

2. Sweet fruit: small tears

After such a long time, Xiao Lei's novel is still so beautiful. I admire it. Smiling like a fruit candy, I can see from your words that you are a lively and lovely girl. You are like a piece of fruit in the kitchen. It is so outstanding in the fruit that people can't stop looking at it. In Xiaohe, when you talk, I feel that you are the kind of person who speaks and works easily. I really like you. Your appearance and heart are like a mint candy, which makes people want to go with you very much. I praise you very much.

NO, 3 Gentle and considerate sister Yuqing.

Rain or shine, don't be embarrassed. In fact, you are really that kind of person. O《∩_∩》O~。 I can't remember how many times I have contacted you in a week. It's not that I can't learn well, it's really too much. Every time you open the note, people feel so excited. I always return your note quickly to express my gratitude. I am very happy to know Yuqing. Yuqing will never ignore everyone in life. Gentleness and consideration bring a warm feeling to people.

Sand, Yang, Xiao Yue,... and other He friends, thank you for letting me get your rare friendship, and I will cherish it. I promise that I will never forget you until forever.

The stars twinkle in the sky, one by one, very beautiful. Everyone from all over the country came together in Xiaohe. Many seemingly unreachable things are at hand. Thank you for your support and encouragement behind me. I will take you as my brothers and sisters and integrate into this big family. There can be no lack of everyone here. We are part of the big family. I hope we can stay together forever.

(It is true that this article still needs to be improved. Please comment more. April Fool's Day is coming, and I wish you all a happy April Fool's Day!)

Elementary School Students' Composition Encounters (8)

The setting sun brings the tranquility of the night. The sky darkens a lot. Gradually, the stars and the moon rise, as if the black silk was strewn with broken gold. I leaned against the French window and stared at the night. I felt sleepy and closed my eyes.

When I opened my eyes, I was on a street, and the vehicles passing behind me made me feel strange. I didn't know whether to call it a car. There is a house in front of me. The whole house seems to be an image, unreal and shocking. There was an old man standing in the courtyard. He poured an unknown liquid on the metal flowers. Even though those flowers were dead, they seemed to be full of vitality.

The old man noticed me, threw a smile at me, and then got up to let me follow. I was puzzled, but I followed. As soon as I entered the house, the surrounding light surrounded me, and the house was full of all kinds of new things. When I sat down in the living room, the old man brought me a cup of tea and told me about the new world with a hologram.

The things in the image make me marvel. First of all, in a commercial center, people come and go in a hurry, all working for their own goals, but they have a special spirit in their eyes and can't find a trace of fatigue. The shop owner on the street has a bright smile on everyone. It seems that there are robots among the customers. Everyone faces life with a positive and optimistic attitude. The picture turns to a street where children are playing on the roadside. It seems that no adults are playing with high-tech toys. Several elderly people with difficulty in walking are supported by robots. There is a zebra crossing on the clean road, and every driver consciously slows down when passing, giving way to passers-by, there is no annoying whistle sound in the traffic flow, and there is no wanton exhaust - the blue and clean sky is enough to prove it. There are flowers and trees everywhere in the city.

Advanced technology is not surprising here, everyone's smile reveals the ease of life, and the improvement of the environment is a symbol of this beautiful society. After the end of the video, I saw everything in the clouds and began to yearn for this peaceful and harmonious society. Finally, the old man said I should go back. He gave me an iron flower, and I fell asleep.

When I opened my eyes again, I was still sitting at the window edge. The experience of reality and illusion made me feel dizzy. When I saw the flowers in my hands, I smiled

Elementary School Students' Composition Encounters (9)

On the first day of summer vacation, when I was doing my homework at home, there was a knock on the door. When I opened the door, I saw a boy dressed strangely. The boy claimed to be a man from the future. The purpose of returning to the past this time was to complete a paper entitled "The Difference between the Past and the Modern". After I provided him with relevant materials, he intended to take me to visit in the future in order to thank me. Out of curiosity, I agreed.

Suddenly, I found myself in a strange environment. "This is my home," the boy introduced. I looked around and found that it was just an empty room. There was only a control panel in the corner with many buttons on it. Maybe the boy saw it and my curious eyes. He said: "Now the house is different from the past. All the furniture and all kinds of supplies are under the floor, which not only saves space but also saves resources."

After visiting his home, we plan to visit the future school. I was just about to go out when the boy shouted, "Be careful!" Before the words fell, I fell down. The boy jumped up and picked me up. When I looked closely, all the cities were in the air, and the ground had returned to the primitive times. Between the lush forests, there are one or two rivers with green light floating. It looks like several silver ribbons on the green carpet. In the distance, snow mountains can be seen faintly. The snow-white peaks reflected the afterglow of the setting sun. Suddenly a loud noise pulled my mind back, and a flying car passed me. In the future, all courses will be optional and taught by robots After visiting the school, I fell on my feet when I went out.

Suddenly I woke up with a start. It turned out that I fell asleep while writing a composition.

Elementary School Students' Composition Encounters (10)

In life, meeting a person is fate. In the boundless crowd, I was so lucky to meet you. Meeting you is like drinking a cool soda on a hot summer day, like drinking a cup of sweet honey water when full of coptis, so refreshing and sweet.

I met each other for the first time in the noisy and lively learning career. At that time, you were a shy little boy. I don't know when we have a common language and become good friends with each other. When I met you, the clear sky of my life seemed to add a rainbow; Meeting you makes my life more different. Remember the argument between me and my classmates? It was you who convinced me that I was "mindless" at that time and made me wake up. Do you still remember that time when we went cycling together and I tripped over a stone? You carefully helped me to the infirmary; Remember that military training? It was you who taught me to fold a "tofu block" quilt so that I could avoid being criticized by the instructor; Remember the time you taught me how to run? You are so careful, so patient... Memories are full of your fervent sincerity. Your affection for me is unforgettable in my life.

We laughed together, and we grieved together. When I was sad, you comforted me; When I lose confidence and my mood sinks into a depression, it is you who encourage me like an angel. Of course, like all our close friends, we have had conflicts. At that time, as well as now, I felt very upset and ashamed. Fortunately, you are so magnanimous and don't take this matter to heart, but you are closer to me. You are the first and most important partner in my life. We are just like fate. You have been with me for six years in primary school and in a class in junior high school. This time, I will cherish your three years of junior high school and me more. Three years passed quickly in the blink of an eye, and I was reluctant to think about the future. Now, I just want to spend the time with you. My dear best friend, we worked together for three years in junior high school!

In our life, we will meet countless people, good people and bad people. Meeting you is the best thing for me when I was young. So lucky to meet you

Elementary School Students' Composition Encounters (11)

In the vast sea of people, looking back at the moment, the frame is eternal—— notes preceding the text of a book or following the title of an article

Friendship is the combination of heart to heart, the most beautiful flower, the two sincere hearts of mutual trust and mutual benefit between friends, and the most beautiful encounter in our life. It was a sunny day. I walked into the gate of the Affiliated High School for the first time. I turned my head at random, but I saw you, like a fairy in the world, with white clothes floating, firm eyes and picturesque beauty. This scene stopped in my mind, sinking permanent memories.

I don't know if it's our destiny. I saw your innocent face when I stepped into the class. I have an inexplicable joy, inexplicably want to approach you. We still became friends. I believe that our friendship is pure and permanent, but I was wrong. "A gentleman's friendship is as light as water". How can we call a gentleman? Well, since it was a mistake, let go. This is not a beautiful encounter, but a wrong encounter. Don't say I betrayed you. I don't know how to call you now, friend? Or your name, or classmates? Please reflect on your mistakes. I have already thought about them.

May I have a beautiful meeting of friendship.


She finally found me and said goodbye. I was alone in the autumn when the maple leaves were flying. I suffered the loneliness of betrayal. I thought about the past memories, tasted the sweet and bitter inside, and waited for the real beauty to meet.

Elementary School Students' Composition Encounters (12)

The rain is getting lighter, the fog is getting lighter, and the sky is blue. I rolled down the car window, looked at the blue sky, and remembered what it looked like when I was a child. It's like crossing time and space to meet the past me, the simple me.

When I got close to her, I could clearly see her drawing of me. A big face, a few bristles of hair, and two arms. In the blue sky, there is a golden sun, a few white clouds as pure as candy, and a few flowers and plants beside them. But as I grow up day by day, I have new ideas, feelings of regret, great plans, endless questions, and hope, but I have to face disappointment. No wonder I can't recognize my crayon paintings when I was a child. How can I go back to the beginning and find me who loves painting? In the past, you could enjoy painting by waving colored pens and crayons. Today, with professionalism and reality, watercolors and colored pencils are not enough. Oil paintings and splash ink are coming. The smile on my big face disappeared, and I lost my simplicity. It seemed that it was me, it was me, but it was not me... So I began to read classical art works, whether Van Gogh, Monet, Da Vinci or Picasso. Reviewing the past picture albums and picture books, I gradually found inspiration under the pressure of throwing away the secular dust and professionalism. The inspiration is back, shy; shy; What about "pure" and "true"? I tore up the notice of all competitions, lost any information about applying for the arts class, immersed myself in a world of only myself and no external disturbance, and explored the real but not false me.

I try to find my original self by returning to the origin; I try to get rid of all the pressure that hinders my imagination and find the inspiration of innocence; I try to paint my own real painting in the realm of no disturbance. There will certainly be many obstacles that will make it difficult for me to do so in the future, but I would like to be able to solve problems in these ways. I, the simple me, found that the big face, once again blooming smile!

Elementary School Students' Composition Encounters (13)

What is happiness? For most people in the world, happiness is often to get what they want, such as money, work, house, car, etc., but in fact, that should be called desire, not happiness.

Happiness, sometimes obvious, but time is very short. Sometimes, happiness is around us, but we don't pay attention to it and don't find it; Sometimes, after a day's hard work, we finally come home and see the smiles and greetings from your family, which immediately makes you feel refreshed. This is a kind of happiness! It is also a kind of happiness to sit on the ground with a group of friends and look at the clear sky while enjoying the beautiful scenery and talking with each other. Sometimes happiness does not need to be great, and happiness can also be found in the little things in life.

We often hear people say that they are very unhappy and unhappy. In fact, happiness always exists around people, but we always don't know how to find it. Sometimes, owning a large amount of property is not necessarily happiness; Happiness is often in our life, such as reading a good book full of purports, reuniting with family, or having a bosom friend, which can be regarded as happiness. In fact, life is like a long journey relay race. We never know what will wait for us at the next turning; Sometimes, the road we have taken is too rough to walk, but when we feel discouraged and discouraged, there will always be people around us who cheer for us and love us deeply. At this time, you will feel happy! There is happiness in our life. As long as you are willing to observe carefully, you can realize it.

Happiness lies not in having money, but in the joy of achievement and the passion for creativity. As long as you open your heart and eyes and observe carefully, you can meet it.

Elementary School Students' Composition Encounters (14)

The exam has just ended, looking at the horrible test paper, my heart is endless loss. I slapped the test paper on the table, and it fell on my feet and pierced my heart like an abandoned helpless child.

It happened that God was against me again, and it rained cats and dogs. The dense raindrops, like countless silver swords, stabbed my scarred heart in succession. My dim eyes looked helplessly at the noisy window. Suddenly, a dazzling green came into my eyes. What's that? I looked curiously, my face clinging to the cold glass. That's a reed!

I unexpectedly met a reed, on the reinforced concrete building.

Reed, I have seen it in the ditch of the village; I once met him on the path beside school; I have enjoyed it on beautiful oil paintings; I have also explored in anti Japanese movies; I have been intoxicated with beautiful songs... but I have never seen it in the reinforced concrete building.

Looking at the reeds swaying from side to side in the rain, I can't help thinking: "Little reeds, born without meeting the" ground ", will soon be uprooted by the strong wind, fall into the abyss like me, and never want to enjoy the sunshine again!"

With a little schadenfreude, I intend to see how the wind can destroy reed's life. A few minutes later, the reeds were still swaying in the wind, without the fatal blow I feared. I began to cheer for the strong wind, to see whether it was strong wind or reeds. Just then, a gust of wind came, and the rain covered the window. I thought to myself, "You are not finished now?" However, the reeds shattered my idea with iron facts.

The reeds are swaying violently, swaying from side to side, and the range is getting bigger and bigger. Sometimes it seems to have been blown down. But as long as the wind is a little slack, it will immediately stand upright, like an unyielding soldier. As if to it, the dense raindrops are the sharp drumbeats; The roaring wind is the horn of the expedition; Heaps of dark clouds are burning beacon fires; Flashes of lightning are the sharp sword light. The reeds shouted in the thunder and lightning: "Let the storm come more violent!"

I could not help being moved by the reeds and began to cheer them up. Reed seems to feel my blessing and straighten up. Time passed quickly. The wind began to slacken, the rain began to subside, and the reeds still stood on the tall buildings and took root in the reinforced concrete as before the downpour.

I could not help feeling ashamed that even a small reed could overcome the cruel storm, but I stopped just because of a small setback. Is this all right? Looking at the reeds reflecting the light in the sun, I felt the strength of perseverance.

I picked up the test paper on the ground, the pen point danced on the test paper, and the corners of my mouth slightly raised the arc.

"Pu reed is as tough as silk, and the rock has no transfer."

Elementary School Students' Composition Encounters (15)

I looked down in surprise. Ah, I stepped on a elf! "Sorry, I didn't mean to!" I said shyly.

"Well, it doesn't matter! I'm a famous generous elf in the fairy world!" The elf smiled and said, "You don't know me yet, do you? My name is Ginkgo. I'm an elf living in this old ginkgo tree. What's your name?"

"My name is Ye, and I live in the building in front of me," I said gracefully.

"Leaves? There are leaves everywhere, but I have never seen such strange leaves like you." The ginkgo spirit said with a hand gesture.

"Ho ho, although my name is Leaf, I am not a leaf. I am a person." I was amused by the Ginkgo Spirit, "but I would like to know you tree spirits and listen to your stories about the spirits. Or we can make friends!"

"I'm sorry, I can't!" said the Ginkgo Fairy apologetically. "My mother said that fairies can't make friends with humans. Humans are very bad!"

"Why is human being bad?" I asked inexplicably. "Mother said that human beings can cut down trees, so it is very bad. But I don't think you are bad."

After hearing this, I was dissatisfied: "Your mother's words are wrong. Only a few people cut down trees indiscriminately, but most people still love trees. We also plant trees on Arbor Day every year!"

The elf touched his head and said, "It's not my mother's fault. It's our elves' rule. Anyone who violates it will be demoted to a leaf and lose his magic."

"There's nothing wrong with being demoted to a leaf!"

"You don't understand that if you are demoted to a leaf, you can't guard the tree, sing to it, or tell stories to it. It will be very depressed, and maybe it will end up depressed!"

"Ah?" I have never heard that trees will suffer from depression. "Then, can you play with me? I really want to hear the story of fairies!"

"Wait a minute, I'll ask my mother." The elf "whooshed" and disappeared.

After a while, he came back with a beaming face: "Ye, my mother agreed! She said that as long as you really want to hear our story and really like us, I will not be punished. Now, I want to start telling?"

"Tell me quickly!" I was very excited. "Well, listen carefully. Elves are a mysterious race, and every elf can do magic......"

Throughout the afternoon, my hearty laughter came from the old ginkgo tree from time to time

Elementary School Students' Composition Encounters (16)

Friendship is the combination of heart to heart, the most beautiful flower, the two sincere hearts of mutual trust and mutual benefit between friends, and the most beautiful encounter in our life.

It was a sunny day. I walked into the gate of the Affiliated High School for the first time. I turned my head at will, but I saw you, like a fairy in the world, with white clothes floating, firm eyes and picturesque beauty. This scene stopped in my mind, sinking permanent memories.

I don't know if it's our destiny. I saw your innocent face when I stepped into the class. I have an inexplicable joy, inexplicably want to approach you.

We still became friends. I believe that our friendship is pure and permanent, but I was wrong. "The friendship between gentlemen is as light as water". How can we call a gentleman? Well, since it is a mistake, let go. This is not a beautiful encounter, but a wrong encounter. Don't say I betrayed you. I don't know how to call you now, friend? I would like to wish you a good name, or let your classmates reflect on their mistakes. I have already thought about it.

May I have a beautiful meeting of friendship.

Chapter 2: A beautiful encounter, a little sad

In the hot afternoon, I finally finished three classes and went downstairs with drooping eyelids. I wanted to run twice on the track and then go home, but my classmates pulled me out of the school gate. At the foot is the hot earth, but at the front is the crazy cold wind mixed with the unique flavor of this city. The contrast between hot and cold makes me feel ridiculous. When you think about it, it has been more than a month since I went to No. 1 Middle School. Time passes quickly, but the past three years cannot be put into a bottle and floated to the other side of the sea. Alas, I think of my friends in junior high school again.

Today, I was tired of the bustling crowd again. I walked behind the high-rise housing and the greasy commercial street. The squeeze of my schoolbag told me to go home quickly. Without looking back, he strode through the noise of the crowd. Fat man. The left ear receives this sentence. The brain gives orders, and the eyes look at the sound source, ah! It's Xiao Bao! Ye Jia! Celery! Liu Min! He (she) looked at the man in front of them with the eyes of a giant panda and put on glasses, unlike the one who was dressed in dirt and scum five months ago and was crazy with him (her). "Can't you recognize him?" My joy overflowed. "Indeed, he is too unaccustomed to wear glasses." Xiao Bao pointed at me and said to the three of them. Celery said, "I haven't seen you for a long time. I miss you so much that I can hug you. But now it is "no marriage between men and women". The following casual chat made me a little unable to find the feeling I had before. I haven't seen you for only three months. How could I become like this! What about me? Where did you go? Are you dead? At this time, Chen Jin and his BF happened to come over, and Xiao Bao made a gesture to kiss my face to make fun of them. Then I found the original feeling. Little Bao was still the same as before. We two big men were making "disgusting" moves. I'm back again! I have ridden Xiao Bao's new bike, and I have talked about everything I need to talk about. There is no gathering that will not be scattered, and it is always when we are apart that we feel unforgettable. Celery asked me which class I was in. I held out four fingers and proudly said, "Class 4". Well, Class 4, the number of 4 is magical. I was in Class 1, Class 2, Class 3 and Class 4 of No. 4 Middle School. From a "good student" to a "bad student" gradually, I made progress in the "bad". I also sat in Class 4, Grade 1 of the junior high school in the days of the high school entrance examination. I have to say that 4 is destined to affect my life. Finally, celery just said, "I'll write to you.". In the setting sun, I am heading south, and they are heading east. The last time we met, there was only a goodbye without looking back. The setting sun can dye the street red, but why did my heart fade? Can this beautiful encounter only be bought with sadness? I don't believe it. I've changed. But the only thing that hasn't changed is the eternal yearning in my heart. In the evening, listening to the songs from the earphones, the quiet guitar sweeping, Jiaju's voice was so sad.

"I never know how many ideals I want to have

Can't live without all kinds of troubles

Trying to cover up feelings of frustration

Hear the sneer of yesterday again

Retrieving the Fragments in Memory

It turned into a pile of grass and mustard that scattered in the wind

I played the song of midnight with you

There are always setbacks that break my heart

Hold tightly the suppressed hand in the past

You and I have worked hard together

Will not give up singing this song

You and I really knew each other

I can't find innocent laughter from memory

I have struggled in my heart

Every time I go to play the role of frustrated protagonist

There are always setbacks that break my heart

Hold tightly the suppressed hand in the past

You and I have worked hard together

——Jiaju's "Midnight Lament"

If this beautiful encounter leaves only one expectation, expecting celery to be filled with colorful words in the letter. How about the ink cartridge to let me have this meeting? However, it just happened. The only thing I can do is hide it in my heart and use sad songs to dilute the sad memories. But, who can do it

Recalling what happened during the day, the music in the earphone and the yellow light made my mind surge, so I wrote this article. Every word and every sentence hides my deep feelings - missing the little things that happened in Class 4 in the past.

Chapter 3: The Most Beautiful Meeting

You know all my proud things, so you often pour cold water on me for fear that I will forget myself; You know all my shameful things, but you keep my good image secret—— notes preceding the text of a book or following the title of an article

We may not have known each other for a long time, but we both think that we hate each other too late. There is a person who sympathizes with me. Even though there are thorns ahead, there are also people who give warmth behind.

We have never said nothing but that we have been bumping together, and we have thought about it for a lifetime. Will you lose something on the way. Although I was afraid of leaving and losing, I never changed my pace. We move forward hand in hand, and we are willing to fight against difficulties for each other without hesitation. A thousand daughters will not change this bosom friend. The human relationship is noisy and bustling, just like the Colosseum. You are the only exception, so don't worry about it. The plain and simple flowing water contains eternal growth rings. I believe that we will laugh and make troubles together and grow old slowly

No one can hurt you, because I won't allow it. We grow together in the world, and there is still a long way to go. I will be moved by your casual care. You will get used to my occasional nitpicking but tolerant

People all over the world have left you and I will be beside you. Hell is rampant with us. In the desolate youth, I will take you to escape from the dream of great catastrophe. You lead me to a happy future. You know what I mean. Like fighting side by side, and then understanding what is suffering, we can help each other and learn to be brave

A sound of a great friend, a lifelong friend. I believe our friendship will be more unforgettable than love; Thank you for teaching me bright happiness in the lean years. I love you, my good friend

Chapter 4: That Beautiful Meeting

When he hadn't picked up the violin, he met her who didn't know a word of Polish. At that time, two people didn't even know each other's name. Pupils didn't know love, and they just felt happy looking at each other. But on that outing, before they had time to know more, they were hurriedly swept away by the panic crowd. So there was a beautiful meeting many years later

They missed the opportunity to express themselves one after another, and then a heavy rain made them lose each other strangely. In such a seductive cement forest, they tried hard to find, shout, and use their weak strength not to give up Although I read Jimmy's picture book early in the morning, I was a little sad when I saw them go through so many hardships and slowly disappointed because they inadvertently missed it. Jimmy's fairy tales are slightly sad, and the love in search, under the aesthetic decoration of Du Qifeng, let us feel so sad, but also so happy

I can no longer remember the details of the film, but I can still clearly remember the expression on each of our faces when the wall between the hero and the heroine collapsed. We were originally talking and laughing, and we were unexpectedly silent. The frozen smile on the leaf's face, the deep and shallow sadness suddenly rising in the eyes, and hazelnut's inadvertently frowned, Let my heart a little melancholy When the finale ended, Yu Cai sighed and smiled. He said that the movie seemed pretty good. Ye raised his mouth slightly and said in a low voice that it was very suitable for you. The film gave me the feeling of pale gray, just like you. I said that we should play it again and watch it again carefully. Yu shook his head and said no. Ye continued, It is enough to see the classic love once. Yes, some beautiful things only bloom in an instant. This is what Ye and Yu Du said. I also remember the way Hazel stood in the sun smiling at me. It seemed that the sunshine of the whole world fell on him quietly in an instant

Fairy tale love is always beautiful, but after the fairy tale is over, we must also bravely face all difficulties encountered in reality The movie is refining the most luxurious part of our emotions. It always easily wakes up our insistence on falling asleep accidentally. I believe that there will always be such a insistence in everyone's life, which is a belief that can make us stick to it all the time. It makes us walk on the lonely road.