Litchi 600 Word Composition (8 Collections)
I can't read your letter
2023-09-06 06:54:08
fifth grade

600 word composition of litchi (1)

Rural life is like a wonderful pleasure, like a poem, but also like a white dream. I remember one time, my mother and father took me to pick lychees in the village lychee garden. Before entering the lychee garden, my mother told me to stop climbing trees and pay attention to safety. My father and mother each took a bag to find mature lychees and pick them. They asked me to sit beside them. My father pointed to a tree on the third left and said, "Where is the big chestnut?" My mother immediately put down the bag, climbed up the tree quickly, and picked some lychees to put into the bag. I sat where I was, looked left and right, and suddenly found a low litchi tree. I thought that the tree was so low, I should be able to climb it. When my father and mother didn't pay attention, I slipped past. It was my first time to climb a tree, and I was a little nervous. I first hung the bag on my hand, then my left foot stepped on a tree trunk, and with the help of the tree, my right foot also stepped on the tree. At this time, there were several red lychees in front of me, and my saliva flew down three thousand feet. As soon as I pulled the lychee, I picked it in my heart, and began to be complacent. I continued to pick lychees, when I saw a fireball, I quickly picked it off and ate it in a big mouthful on the tree. I felt that I had gone to the fairyland on earth. I was very happy. I climbed higher and higher and found that there was a bird pecking on the litchi tree. I was happy and sad about litchi because I could see such a lovely bird. I was sad that he was eating litchi. It was almost time, I picked a few more lychees and went down the tree. This time, climbing the tree was really exciting. I quickly found my parents. My father said, where did you pick lychees? Then I stuttered behind us. Although I didn't tell my father the truth, the traces of climbing trees on my body and the lychees in the bag had already told my father. The life in the countryside is so beautiful that it gives me endless aftertaste.

600 word composition of litchi (2)

"No one knew it was lychee when I rode in the world of mortals laughing." This poem describes the sweet taste of lychee, and I also like to eat lychee best!

When the drizzle continued, the litchi tree spread its branches and greedily sucked the sweet dew. It grew green leaves again, absorbing the breath of spring.

Before long, there were small yellow flowers on the top of the tree. These flowers are blooming, as if to say: "I must bloom big and beautiful, perhaps, this will make the fruit grow big and sweet in the future."

In June, lychees hung all over the tree tops, like strings of small red bells, as if to report the good news of maturity... They had various postures, some of them were gathered together, like several young friends gathered together to discuss what games to play, some only had one fruit and two fruits, like a couple snuggling together in love, and some only had one, like an old grandfather sitting there, I hope my children will come home to see him soon!

I took off one and looked at it carefully. It was dressed in a dark red coat. It was round and slightly smaller than a table tennis ball. Touch it. It's rough with some small prickles. Touching, I thought of the rugged hills in the desert. It is also like a little girl who is worried about acne on her face. Squeeze, soft, but not like cotton, but some flexibility. I think the fruit here must be juicy and sweet. I peeled off its coat, revealing the flesh inside. The flesh is white, like a fat baby. Like a huge pearl. When you smell it, a refreshing fragrance comes to you, making you relaxed and happy. Lick it. It's sweet and fragrant. It's really delicious! One bite, the juice immediately fills my mouth, making me have an unspeakable sweet, and the juice flows into my heart.

As I ate, I seemed to see that the emperor ordered people to hurry up and bring lychees from Yunnan to the beautiful Concubine Yang; It seems to see Concubine Yang enjoying the delicious lychees while watching the beautiful dancing and laughing happily

It took me a long time to remember that I didn't cross the road. I was eating lychees!

600 word composition of litchi (3)

The wind gently lifted the calendar hanging on the wall, and the old man of time adjusted the time quickly. In a twinkling, I became a teenager, and my childhood life passed in front of me like a flash of lightning. However, the fun of childhood is still lingering, and I can't help laughing when I think of it.

When I was young, I especially liked to eat lychees. I remember that I was five years old that year. It was a hot summer. The hot sun had already shone the earth hot. With the transpiration of the earth, I was sweating when I played in my father's factory. I didn't know when my mother appeared in front of me, and bought a large bag of lychees. I saw the red lychees and my mouth watered. Wow, I wanted to eat them, So I pestered my mother to peel the litchi for me. I couldn't stop working on my mother's litchi peeling hands. I was afraid that the litchi would disappear. After my mother peeled one, I quickly put it into my mouth. With the full juice of litchi meat, wow, that was refreshing. When I was having a good meal, my mother had something to do and walked away.

What should I do? Looking at the sweet lychees, alas, I will do it myself! I used my little hands to peel it like my mother did, and it hurt when I didn't peel a few nails. But my mouth was still hungry, so I looked at the lychee in disappointment, so I looked around to see if there was anything I could do to help me. Eh, there was something I could do, and I liked the pedal machine produced by my father at a glance. There is a pressing plate on the workbench of this machine. When you step on the foot pedal, the pressing plate will press down. So I put the lychees on the workbench. After putting them in place, I grabbed the table with both hands, swung my feet and stepped on it. "Card eraser", the litchi was crowded, and the sweet litchi flowed out. I laughed proudly, admired my cleverness, took out the flattened litchi, pushed the shell away, and ate the sweet litchi meat easily. It was really enjoyable... I continued my litchi project. Soon, the workbench was covered with lychee water, which was sticky. My father touched my head and said to me, "Snips, my workbench has become your peeling machine, hahaha......" He picked me up, kissed my face hard and praised my intelligence.

Remembering these interesting things in my childhood, I couldn't help smiling proudly. How innocent, smart and witty I was in my childhood! Childhood is like a cheerful and active stream, playing music to lead people; Childhood is like the spring breeze in March, which makes the numerous thoughts fragrant; Childhood is like ice sugar gourd, sour and sweet, with endless aftertaste.

600 word composition of litchi (4)

Eating 300 lychees a day, I never stop being Lingnan people.

Lychee was famous as early as the Tang Dynasty. "No one knew it was a lychee when riding on a red world princess laughing!" This Lingnan lychee was Yang Guifei's favorite. Tang Minghuang "loved three thousand people" Yang Yuhuan, one of the "four ancient beauties", and complied with her requirements. Although the lychees in the south of the Five Ridges are quite far away from the capital, Yang Guifei likes to eat them. Tang Minghuang sent people to hurry up and send her fresh lychees day and night.

Look, the bright red lychees are hanging all over the tree tops, like a piece of red flowers blooming on the branches. A closer look shows that there are many small thorns on the red shell. The thorns are not very sharp, but they are dense and numerous. It must be that when it was immature, the thorns were very sharp. It must be to prevent animals from stealing themselves.

It's midsummer. It's time to eat lychees again. Hearing my grandmother's order: "You can pick lychees and eat!" I had been "salivating" for a long time. I immediately grabbed the bamboo basket, rushed to the lychee tree, and picked off the red "little meat balls". In less than a morning, I went home with a full basket of lychees on my back.

I tried hard to break the shell, and a faint fragrance came to my nose. I found that the shell was as thick as five sheets of paper, the pulp inside was transparent, and the shape of the core could also be seen vaguely. I can't wait to eat one. Wow! The pulp is delicious and juicy, and the Q bullet is delicious! I couldn't stop and ate one by one. Grandma came over, looked, and said quickly, "Little grandpa, don't eat, be careful!" When I saw Grandma's anxiety, I reluctantly put down the delicious lychees.

Why is such delicious litchi on fire? After consulting my knowledgeable grandfather, I understood that litchi, banana, pineapple and longan are known as the "four major fruits" in South China, and they all grow in tropical and subtropical regions. The fructose concentration in lychee is too high, which leads to loss of appetite after excessive consumption, reduced intake of other foods, and lack of B vitamins, leading to sores on the tongue and other symptoms. Although litchi is on fire, it has certain medicinal value and can treat diarrhea.

Looking at the crystal clear litchi in front of me, I thought: Why are you transparent? I want to tell the world that you have a pure "heart". Let's be an innocent person.

600 word composition of litchi (5)

"Eat 300 lychees a day, and always be Lingnan people." The lychee praised by Su Shi, a famous litterateur in the Song Dynasty, is the specialty of my hometown - lychee.

My hometown is in Gaozhou City, Guangdong Province. With beautiful scenery and rich fruits, it is the largest lychee production base in China. At present, there are 8 varieties of litchi planted, namely: March Red, Feizixiao, White Sugar Poppy, Xinxing, White Wax, Black Leaf, Guiwei and Nuomici. At present, Gaozhou litchi covers an area of 550000 mu, with an annual output of 200000 tons. The output of Gaozhou litchi accounts for 1/10 of the global output, which means that one out of every 10 litchi in the world comes from Gaozhou.

Every spring from February to March, white lychee flowers appear on the lychee trees. After April, the lychee flowers slowly wither and grow many small lychees as green as walnuts. Its skin is thick and hard, and its body is covered with small thorns. In May, litchi began to mature and slowly turned red. Against the background of green leaves, strings of lychees are like red faces of little children. The wind blows in gusts. Little children touch me in the wind, and I touch you, laughing happily

Gently peel off the red lychee shell, and the milky juice keeps flowing down. You can't wait to take a bite and feel sweet when you put it in your mouth. After eating one, I quickly peeled off another, but I couldn't stop. I ate and ate, and my heart had already been melted by its sweet taste... Its flesh was crystal clear, shining like crystal, and it was also known as the "Fruit Queen". Cao Xuequan, a famous person in Suzhou in the Ming Dynasty, once wrote in the litchi song: "The sea is like a king of hundreds of fruits, and fresh litchi is the best."

According to historical records, lychees were produced in Gaozhou in the Qin Dynasty, and became a tribute in the Tang Dynasty. The lychees that were offered to Yang Guifei by famous officials and high powered men in the Tang Dynasty were picked in the Genzi tribute garden in Gaozhou, which earned Gaozhou the reputation of "Litchi Town in the Tang Dynasty".

In the 20XX China Quality Litchi Challenge Arena, the white sugar poppy selected by Gaozhou won the gold and silver prizes in the white sugar poppy category. Gaozhou Guiwei litchi and Gaozhou dried litchi were recorded in the national famous, special and high-quality new agricultural products catalogue.

Welcome to my hometown, Gaozhou. I will certainly pick round and sweet lychees for you to taste. If you eat it, you will surely have a long memory

600 word composition of litchi (6)

According to the important instruction spirit of provincial and municipal leaders on accelerating the construction of Liwan characteristic cultural and commercial street, Liwan District Party Committee and District Government, from the strategic height of improving cultural leadership, integrate Lingnan cultural elements, adhere to the combination of governance of Lizhiwan Bay with economic development, with the restoration of water ecosystem, with the improvement of people's livelihood, and with the inheritance of Lingnan culture, Vigorously promote the construction of Lizhiwan Cultural Leisure Area. The total land area of the planned Lizhiwan Cultural Leisure Area is about 580000 square meters. Through the renovation and upgrading of the Liwan Lake Park and its surrounding environment, the historical style of Lizhiwan will be restored and the city's cultural card will be created.

With the expansion of the urban area of Guangzhou, the urban population of Lizhiwan has gradually increased. Both sides of the stream of Lizhiwan have become a place where vegetable farmers and poor people live together. Residents cut down lychee trees for building houses. In addition, in the late 1940s, the vicinity of Lizhiwan became a base for modern industry in Guangzhou, resulting in river pollution, water quality continued to deteriorate, and it was difficult to adapt to the growth of lychee trees.

Lizhiwan later established the Liwan Lake Park, retaining some lakes and waterways. The river can still be connected to the Fengyuan Bridge and to the Duobao Bridge in the south, but the tributaries of the water system were filled up and turned into streets; With the establishment of surrounding factories and population concentration, the Lizhiwan water system has become a large sewage pool. Around 1985, the waterway from Liwan Lake to Duobao Bridge was covered; In 1992, with the last section of waterway from Panxi Restaurant to Fengyuan Bridge covered, the name of Liwan Chung completely became history. Freshmen: In 1999, the CPPCC of Liwan District put forward a proposal on "rebuilding the old road of Lizhiwan", which was officially implemented in 20xx. The last section of the river buried in 1992 came to light again. In order to welcome the Asian Games, the water of Liwan Lake was introduced into Hanoi, and the beauty of Lizhiwan was restored.

600 word composition of litchi (7)

Lychee was famous as early as the Tang Dynasty. "No one knew it was a lychee when riding on a red world princess laughing!" This Lingnan lychee was Yang Guifei's favorite. Tang Minghuang "loved three thousand people" Yang Yuhuan, one of the "four ancient beauties", and complied with her requirements. Although the lychees in the south of the Five Ridges are quite far away from the capital, Yang Guifei likes to eat them. Tang Minghuang sent people to hurry up and send her fresh lychees day and night.

Look, the bright red lychees are hanging all over the tree tops, like a piece of red flowers blooming on the branches. A closer look shows that there are many small thorns on the red shell. The thorns are not very sharp, but they are dense and numerous. It must be that when it was immature, the thorns were very sharp. It must be to prevent animals from stealing themselves.

It's midsummer. It's time to eat lychees again. Hearing my grandmother's order: "You can pick lychees and eat!" I had been "salivating" for a long time. I immediately grabbed the bamboo basket, rushed to the lychee tree, and picked off the red "little meat balls". In less than a morning, I went home with a full basket of lychees on my back.

I tried hard to break the shell, and a faint fragrance came to my nose. I found that the shell was as thick as five sheets of paper, the pulp inside was transparent, and the shape of the core could also be seen vaguely. I can't wait to eat one. Wow! The pulp is delicious and juicy, and the Q bullet is delicious! I couldn't stop and ate one by one. Grandma came over, looked, and said quickly, "Little grandpa, don't eat, be careful!" When I saw Grandma's anxiety, I reluctantly put down the delicious lychees.

Why is such delicious litchi on fire? After consulting my knowledgeable grandfather, I understood that litchi, banana, pineapple and longan are known as the "four major fruits" in South China, and they all grow in tropical and subtropical regions. The fructose concentration in lychee is too high, which leads to loss of appetite after excessive consumption, reduced intake of other foods, and lack of B vitamins, leading to sores on the tongue and other symptoms. Although litchi is on fire, it has certain medicinal value and can treat diarrhea.

Looking at the crystal clear litchi in front of me, I thought: Why are you transparent? I want to tell the world that you have a pure "heart". Let's be an innocent person.

600 word composition of litchi (8)

When entering the park from the north gate of the park, the first sight is a redbud flower tree. The flowers fall one after another under the wind, which is really called "falling flowers".

Walking for a while, looking to the right, there is a big lawn. The lawn is not only flat, broad, but also green. There are old people playing Tai Chi on the lawn; There are also children blowing bubbles; There are also adults who play badminton and football, full of vitality.

Looking up, the sky is blue, like a piece of polished blue crystal; Take a deep breath. There is a faint fragrance of osmanthus in the air. There is a faint fragrance of flowers, but you can't find where the osmanthus tree is.

A little farther ahead, Lihu Lake appeared in front of us. Her ripples reflected the blue sky and white clouds; The petals on the trees beside the lake, sent by the wind, floated down into the lake, like boats without owners, looking particularly sad; Egrets fly by occasionally, catching a small fish for lunch; The wild ducks on the lake are swimming leisurely, and the water waves behind them drag a long white line.

Jinyue Bridge crosses Lihu Lake. The railing of the bridge is carved with Ruyi, dragon, phoenix, flower cups and other patterns. There is a small but green tree beside the bridge. The bright sunlight is scattered through the tree tops, and I am intoxicated by the mottled jumping on the stone steps of the bridge

There is also a big stone beach beside the Li Lake. Through the noise of children fishing for fish and shrimp on the big stone beach, we go around the long wooden covered bridge in front of us, and the next bridge is a tree lined path. At the end of the path, a long stone covered bridge appears in front of us. This is the Moon Bridge. It is made of jade like granite. In the center of the bridge is a retro pavilion, the Moon Pavilion, The top of the pavilion is paved with yellow glazed tiles. When the sun sets, the tiles reflect the afterglow of the sun, like a layer of gold plating; A couplet is hung on the two columns of the pavilion: The pavilion bridge peeps at the hidden moon at night, and the jade trees appreciate the flying flowers in the wind.

The litchi park is really beautiful. It can be viewed from afar or played obscenely. People in the wind and Yushu are drunk here.