Spring in the Field (Collection 5)
Flat Mirror Coast
2023-11-27 05:23:16

Spring in the Field (1)

It is the middle of March, and it is the time of spring. It must be different to walk outdoors at this time.

Unconsciously, I walked onto the path in the field and saw joy everywhere: bright blue flowers and shallow yellow flowers were blooming beside the road, like a race, chasing each other. The red flowers in the field also grew up. Even the leaves were green, and the whole piece looked like a warm and flawless jasper.

Walking forward, we came to the pond. The clear water is mixed with the whole blue sky and white clouds. There are more fish in the water. The fish pecked at the crushed gold. After a while floating on the water and then diving into the bottom, the fish must be very happy. Is it because of the clear light? I couldn't help taking a handful of water and sipping, cool and sweet, straight to the bottom of my heart. The willow trees growing along the water also gave birth to buds, which reminds me of He Zhizhang's poem "Jasper makes up a tree high, and thousands of green ribbons hang down". Under the play of the spring wind, these wicker sticks stick to the water surface and tease the fish.

On the way, I met several farmers, who were happy to talk, having let go of their work. I came forward to speak up and couldn't help talking about the topic of life in recent years. A middle-aged man smiled happily and said, "Life is much better!". The farmers have taken advantage of the spring to cultivate, and can imagine the joy of the farmers when the autumn harvest.

After another walk, we came to the cement road, which led to our middle school and village. I can't help thinking of the past few years. At that time, the road had just been built, and people could not help but feel excited and went to watch. The construction workers are working very hard. A few months later, this solid road replaced the potholed earth rock road, which was covered with mud in rainy days and ash in sunny days. The rural infrastructure construction has taken a big step forward. Since the road was repaired, there have been more private cars, and the countryside has presented a prosperous scene.

Some camphor trees are planted on both sides of the cement road, and they are growing healthily under the moisture of spring. Camphor trees are not very big, but who would doubt that these camphor trees can grow into towering trees? This tree was born together with this road, grew together, and witnessed all changes in our hometown.

Walking along the road, I happened to see several villages. Although the village is not far from the cement road, it doesn't look very real. Only through the cracks of the towering evergreen trees can you vaguely see a small villa. As I walked along, what struck me was the wide gray concrete road, green trees, and golden glazed tiles. It was not easy to see several mud houses, but the door was closed. Is there no one living there? In my opinion, these mud houses are like the "historic sites" that this village focuses on protecting

Continue to walk forward, my mind has already flown far away. Feel with heart that great changes have taken place in my hometown, not like before. I don't know what my hometown will look like in another 20 years. Will I still recognize my hometown then?

Spring in the Field (2)

This time, I came to the field. The air is filled with the fragrance of flowers and plants, which is really refreshing. There are many crops growing in the fields, such as rape, lentils, rice, day lily, mustard... The rape flower gradually becomes green and tall in the warm spring breeze, and the original round leaves gradually become long, adding some flavor to the fields. Under the sky, the brown land is set against the boundless green, which is really a dark green oil painting!

The crisscross canals irrigate the endless fields, and the sound of the water flow of "Ding Ding Dong Dong Dong" is clear and pleasant, like a pianist playing music. The gurgling trickle trickled into the field, nourishing the paddy field, just like a mother feeding her baby with milk.

Walking on the country road, the muddy underfoot makes me feel more comfortable. I'm really afraid that this path will become a reinforced concrete road in a few years, so that I can't enjoy such a soft and beautiful paradise.

With hoes on their shoulders, farmers walked into the fields talking and laughing, perhaps to make this year another bumper year. "Pa, pa", the hardworking farmer uncle began to hoe again, and our food was planted by them. "At noon on the day of weeding, sweat drips down from the grass and the soil falls. Who knows that every meal is hard." This poem praises the selfless and hardworking farmers? When I thought of this, I ran over and asked for help to hoe the land. The farmer uncle agreed. I set up a posture and prepared to wheel the hoe. Suddenly, I felt that the hoe was as heavy as a rock. It turned out that the farmer uncle carried a hoe every day. He worked at sunrise and rested at sunset. He had to sweat and work hard to grow food! At this moment, I feel the value of food. I immediately began to help farmers sow seeds. Each seed is the hope of a bumper year. As the sun gradually went down, the farmer's uncle's far away back grew taller in my eyes.

The farmland is really beautiful, and the hardworking farmer uncle is even more beautiful.

Spring in the Field (3)

200 words of field composition in spring

When spring came, the flowers also opened, white, yellow, purple and red... The trees also sprouted one by one buds.

The clear river is filled with small bridges, green trees and green mountains.

There are picnickers, kite flyers and game players on the square, which has become a sea of joy.

Wow! How beautiful spring is! I love spring.

200 words of field composition in spring

When spring comes, flowers stick out their little heads, and grass can't wait to change into green spring clothes.

I was walking on the path at the entrance of the village. There were already green grass on both sides of the road, and people couldn't bear to step on them. The grass is dotted with many colorful wild flowers. When entering the village, the trees and grass all sprout out tender buds, which is full of vitality. Among them, a towering tree has grown new leaves, just like a green night pearl, which is extremely beautiful. Follow the path beside the village to the stream. Look, the stream is so clear that you can see the sand and stones at the bottom. There are two or three inches of grass around the stream, like a crystal inlaid in jasper. The willow trees beside the stream draw out tender leaves, and the willow branches are green, reflecting in the water. When the breeze blows, the willow branches float like a little girl playing with her long hair. Follow the stream to the upstream of the stream. There is a piece of green grass, with crystal dew rolling on the grass, industrious bees living in the flowers, and the flowers exude a faint smell of soil

When spring comes, the spring scenery in the countryside is so colorful, so moving, and so beautiful, so desirable, and so memorable

200 words of field composition in spring

Spring is coming! I'm going to look for spring.

Ah! I saw the beautiful spring, the duckling was chirping happily, the grass poked out a little head from the ground, the willow tree was waving its long braids under the warm spring wind, and the flower said: What's the use of your hair? Smell me, it smells good! Don't worship me! Xiaoxi said: What's the use of incense? Why don't you listen to my unfrozen piano!

I also smelled the fragrance of various flowers, which can be said to be the flavor of the palace in the sky. The fresh air also brought a little cool wind, and the smell of fresh soil. I like it.

I heard the thawing of the brook, Ding Ding Dongdong playing like a piano, the chirping of birds like a lullaby, and the rustling of rain. Duke Lei struck a big drum heavily, rumbling and rumbling.

Spring is like a beautiful girl.

200 words of field composition in spring

Spring girl walked quietly towards us with light steps.

She brought gifts to the flowers and trees on the earth: she took off the withered and yellow dress of grass and put on a bright coat; To the willow's tender green branches.

Spring girl used her magic to call back the swallows far away in the south. Swallows were fascinated by the beautiful scenery and couldn't help chirping, adding a lot of vitality to spring.

Under the willows by the river is a cluster of flowers competing for beauty. There are red, yellow, blue, white, purple. These flowers are not only beautiful, but also fragrant. The bees from several miles away came here to collect honey. The little bee hummed, as if praising the flowers. This is really beautiful!

Spring girl stood beside, saw the beautiful scenery and smiled happily.

Ah, how beautiful spring is!

200 words of field composition in spring

The cold winter has passed, and the warm spring has come to us.

Look, how beautiful the fields are! Chinese cabbage, green vegetables, green onions, steamed bamboo shoots, broad beans, peas... all put on new green clothes and glow with the vitality of spring.

The ducks in the pond swim happily in the water, sometimes making a quack call. Sometimes they dive into the water to catch small fish, suddenly jump up and get out of the water. Sometimes a duck and a group of ducks play happily in the calm water.

The small tree beside the pond is even more lovely. It has grown new green leaves, which are particularly delicate against the old leaves. Under the breeze, it shakes as if greeting people. A bird flew over and landed on it, chirping incessantly. The sound was really like a beautiful song. In a twinkling of an eye, the bird flew away with a chirp.

Not far away, a farmer uncle was weeding hard.

How beautiful spring is!

Spring in the Field (4)

I walk on the fields in spring

Just after winter, Spring Girl came to the boundless land in her beautiful green new clothes and brought a lovely gift to all things.

Today is Sunday. My mother and I came to my hometown to visit my grandmother.

After I had lunch, I walked alone in the field, and the spring breeze blew in my face. All kinds of troubles and doubts in my heart suddenly disappeared, and my heart suddenly became clear and comfortable. Look, the grass under my feet, which has been sleeping for a winter, has come to life at this time. Wearing the 'gift' - green clothes brought to them by Spring Girl, they stubbornly break their little heads through the ground, stretch out in the sun, breathe fresh air, and thrive in the arms of the spring wind. And some unknown flowers scattered on the ridge.

When I looked up, I saw an endless field of crops. The farmers were working hard, because they hoped that their hard work would be transformed into golden rice and rich food in autumn.

I walked in the fields and looked at the tall trees like soldiers guarding crops and embankments on the bank, as well as the beautiful flowers living under the trees that nestled beside them. The diligent little bees were circling on their heads and whispering to them! At this moment, I can't help thinking of a proverb: "Spring is the time of the year, and morning is the time of the day."

I like the fields in my hometown in spring, its beauty, its clearness, and its gold. It is like a long picture scroll, always full of poetry and painting.

Spring in the Field (5)

The spring breeze is warm and the sun is shining. Spring girl comes to the world with light steps. I decided to feel the spring outside.

When I went to the field behind the house, a small grass peeped out of the field and looked at the beautiful scenery of spring; Small flowers bloom beautiful flowers, like smiling faces welcoming spring.

As I walked forward, the new green shoots of poplar trees were dancing in the breeze. Looking forward, there is a large green wheat field. The wheat seedlings are happily sucking the nectar of spring, struggling to grow, and contributing emerald green for spring. In the distance, the huge carpet in the green wheat field is spread in the vast area. network

I was tired from running in the fields. Sitting in the warm sunshine, I enjoyed the scenery of spring. From time to time, the breeze blew, wiping away the sweat. The breeze blew across the grass, and the grass straightened, drilling out the withered and yellow grass, showing extraordinary vitality; When the breeze blows through the wheat field, the wheat seedlings grow faster; When the breeze blows on the willow trees, the small yellow willow buds dance happily, and the light green willow twigs make the willow sister shake happily

The time of spring is beautiful and joyful. In this vital spring, I can't help crying: "Spring, you, you give me happiness!