600 words of composition in Flea Book Market (15 recommended)
Safe and happy life
2023-09-16 09:15:56

600 words of composition in Flea Book Market (1)

It's very sunny today, as if we knew we were going to celebrate Children's Day.

In the morning, the teacher said to us: "Today, our school held a book market activity in Dongjiangyuan Primary School. Students can bring their own books to exchange with others, or they can bring their own books to sell..." When they heard about selling books, students cheered and said: "Great! We can finally experience the fun of selling books!"

In the afternoon, the students came to school with their books in their hands, and they couldn't wait. After a while, the teacher came into the classroom and said to us, "Let's go downstairs and sell books"! One by one, the students rushed downstairs excitedly and put the books neatly on their "stalls". Soon, one after another, the shouts began to ring. "Buy quickly, buy quickly, and don't miss it when passing by!", and some students shouted: "Jump off the price, jump off the price!", "It's my fault not to sell, it's your fault not to buy, you must not miss such a good book"

I was also looking forward to someone buying my book, so I shouted with everyone: "Surprise price, surprise price, genuine Korean comics! The original price is five yuan, and the current price is only three yuan!". At this time, a young student ran to me and asked: "How much is this Korean cartoon?"

I was so happy that I was about to jump up, because this was the first time I had earned three yuan, so I packed the three yuan and went to the book market, because I wanted to use the three yuan to buy other people's books, and after I bought them, I would "resell" them again... "

This "June 1 Book Market" activity is really interesting. It not only made us become "small businessmen", but also made us have a happy "June 1" Children's Day!

600 words of composition in Flea Book Market (2)

Miss Qiu arrived in golden clothes. Everyone's footsteps are so light, but their hearts are so excited. It turned out that Autumn Girl not only brought a bumper harvest, but also ushered in the annual "flea book market". Our team grabbed a good position and began to sell books.

The runway is crowded with people. Some people wear pirate clothes and hold a hook in their right hand, which makes people afraid of him; Some little girls wear a white skirt, like a beautiful flower fairy; Others wear spider clothes. I was attracted by a shout. It turned out that several little girls were selling cute "vent frogs". Although there were only a dozen little frogs, there were dozens of people watching. I couldn't resist the temptation to buy a yellow frog.

"Books are sold! Books are sold!" I cried. Someone has already bought my book, so I'm naturally very happy! An elder sister came up and asked, "Little sister, how much is this Meizhen book?" I looked at the price tag of fifteen yuan and said greedily, "Ten yuan!". "Seven yuan!" Big sister seemed to be desperate. I turned my eyes, said and picked up my book: "That's no good. I've lost a lot of money! If I don't buy it, it's OK!" The eldest sister really hit the bait and bought it with eight yuan. I have already sold six books, and I am ready to use my harvest to buy books.

I was picking out my favorite book when a fifth grade brother came up with a copy of "God Will Love Stupid Children" in his hand. When I read it, everyone was happy - Wu Meizhen's book! I quickly stepped forward and asked, "Hmm, is this book for sale?" I'm afraid he just bought it. "Sell, sell, of course!" The elder brother said as soon as he saw the business coming. "How many yuan?" "Ten yuan!" "Oh, seven yuan is fine." I was shocked. "OK." The elder brother said to himself, "I haven't read it, so it's quite new..." I jumped three feet high happily: "There's another book of Sister Sunshine!"

Today, I sold six books, bought six books, and earned another 20 yuan. I am very happy! When my mother encouraged me to make persistent efforts, I finally understood how hard it is for my parents to make money.

At the "Flea Book Market", you selected two scenes: close-up shots and dialogue to promote the development of the plot. At the same time, he paid close attention to his own psychological change process with smooth language and profound perception.

600 words of composition in Flea Book Market (3)

"Buy classic books quickly!" Where did the voice come from? Look, it is the beginning of the annual flea book market of our Baipu Primary School.

The book market is buzzing with people. Some people hold books and shout loudly. Some people walk around the bookstall to buy some good books with good quality and low price. I carried two bags of books across the sea of people with difficulty, shouted twice at the top of my voice, and then I had no strength anymore.

"How much is this book?" asked a little girl next to me. I thought it was asking me. Just as I wanted to answer, I heard a voice: "Five yuan." I looked up, and a little girl pointed to a book on the ground and said clearly: "Five yuan, it's very cheap. It's also a good deal to send two beautiful bookmarks." Her voice was very loud, which attracted a group of people to bid, I looked at the book in amazement and "auctioned" it at ten yuan. I thought to myself: why don't I use this?

I spread my bag on the ground, put my books on it, and took out a box of sugar. Just put it up and hesitated. On second thought, I can't bear to let candy get tickets! So I put sugar on it and shouted, "Animal novels are on sale. The books are sold for ten yuan. Whoever buys the most books will get a small gift!"

Many people came around to point out, and soon my books were snapped up. I counted the money happily, a lot of money! I changed some whole bills, collected the change again, and walked around the market proudly.

"Brother and sister, come and buy! There are books for both junior and senior grades, which are very beautiful." A little girl shouted in a childish voice, but she didn't sell many books. The people beside him are different. They carry a bag around and take the initiative to find someone to buy his books. Some people squat on the ground to count money, alas! They are all busy people.

"Ding Ding..." The book market activity ended, and everyone returned with a full load, with a happy smile on their faces.

This book market is really interesting!

600 words of composition in Flea Book Market (4)

"Come and buy it. It's half price." "Don't miss it. There are the cheapest books here!" "Eh", what's the sound? Seems to be selling books? Yes, they are selling books. On Tuesday this week, Mr. Yang announced to us that there would be a new "Little Flea" book market in every class.

As soon as the class bell rang, the students could not resist their excitement and wanted to put the books they sold neatly on the table. Some even stuck a big poster. Maybe they wanted to attract more buyers! When everything was ready, Mr. Yang immediately announced the start of the activity. Suddenly, the classroom immediately boils. You hug me and push me. The students all jumped and tried to jump. They were ready to fight.

I didn't want to be outdone. I found a vacant land with Wang Yurui, Yu Tianxin and Miao Xinyin. Shout. "Come and buy, come and buy, the price is so high that the book that was 15 yuan away now costs 5 yuan!" Sure enough, some students gathered around me when I heard my shout. "How much is this copy of Water Boy?" Hou Chenhao asked. When I saw a classmate coming to buy it, I was so happy that I said, "It's not expensive, 5 yuan." "It's a deal.". As soon as the "flea" book market opened, I earned 5 yuan. With the original capital, I have 25 yuan. The sound of peddling kept rising, and soon I saw a book called "Inspirational Stories of Becoming a Great Girl". When I saw it, the price was 10 yuan, so expensive! I boldly asked, "Do you want to sell it for 8 yuan?" "Deal". When I hesitated to pay for it, Yu Tianxin also came over. It can be seen that she also liked the book. I can't help it. I have to do it first. I immediately gave Gan Yinuo 8 yuan.

A class is almost over, and the "flea book market" is still in full swing. Many sellers' stalls were already empty, while buyers returned with full loads. The sound of selling, bargaining, and laughing runs through the whole process.

Finally, when the bell rang after class, the students who were not interested began to tidy up their stalls. I hope the school can hold more meaningful and life experience activities like "Little Flea Book Market" to enrich our after-school life.

600 words of composition in Flea Book Market (5)

Today I'm going to be a small businessman. You must think I'm going to sell some fruits, food, cooking oil and salt! Tell you! I'm going to sell my "treasure" - books.

We have prepared a lot of books: Little Nicola, The Witch's Ring... It's all kinds of books. Start selling books! We carried things and ran down. When I got to the bottom, I scanned with sharp eyes and stared at a vacant seat. Everyone rushed to throw things away and started to set up a stall. Unexpectedly, the territory is six [1]! We hurried to pick up things like a headless fly to find our own class table. Ah, we finally found it. Everything was ready, and we began to peddle. I picked up some books and shouted to sell them like others. Unexpectedly, I didn't sell a book for a long time. I thought: What should I do! Why don't you even buy one! Isn't this a good place? Or... Alas! I'd better go back! I quickly returned to the stall and waited there foolishly, thinking that someone would buy it.

But after waiting for a long time, I didn't see anyone. I looked at others who had sold several books. Some of the stalls were crowded. I looked back and saw that I hadn't sold any of them. How could this happen? Should I also shout? But will it succeed? Don't worry about him, in order to sell him! "Come and sell! Buy a book and give a beautiful gift!" I shouted at the top of my voice like a rooster, which really attracted many people after a while. "How much is this book?" I saw Xiao Hu. "Hey, long time no see, buy a book! Count you 10 yuan, you can choose another poster!" So I got the first bucket of gold. I was happy to see that Xiao Hu was also taking a girl, and he used a crystal pendant to successfully do the second business, and soon I sold several small comics. Ha ha, today's harvest is really good! "There are still 5 minutes left. Hurry up the sale!" Miss Huang reminded us.

It's time for the book market. We take the stall back to the classroom. The sun overhead seems to have no light, no heat, only sweet, only cool.

600 words of composition in Flea Book Market (6)

The second class on Tuesday afternoon happened to be Chinese class. When the students saw that the teacher had not come, they chattered about it. "Here comes the teacher." I don't know who shouted. Suddenly, there was silence in the classroom. When the teacher came into the classroom, he saw the students sitting very happily, smiling, and said: "The flea book market will be held tomorrow, please go back and prepare for it, and whether to sell or buy books tomorrow.

"Heard this" exciting news ", the students cheered and thought about the flea book market tomorrow. The next day came in a twinkling of an eye.

In the morning, the sun was bright and cloudless. I walked into the campus with relaxed steps and excited mood. As soon as I entered the campus, I saw my classmates carrying bags of books into the campus. I was full of expectation. Hope, hope, noon finally arrived.

At 12:20, President Wang's voice came from the radio: "Please pay attention to the flea book market. Please go to the gathering point of each class." After listening to President Wang's words, our class rushed to the gathering point like a sword. As soon as I came downstairs, I saw that the playground was full of people and there were almost no vacant seats.

Finally, he found a space, spread out the books he brought one by one, put them on the ground neatly, and shouted loudly. After a while, my first "customer" came. He looked at my stall, and soon saw a book. He pointed to a comic book and asked, "How much is this book? "" 8 yuan. "I replied without thinking.

After hearing this, he thought it was very cheap and bought it. In this way, my first "business" was completed. Then several other books I brought were also sold out. This flea book market is very beneficial to our primary school students. Because it can not only let us buy our favorite and cheap books, but also improve the communication between people, learn to bargain and bargain, which is really killing four birds with one stone. I hope the school will carry out more such activities in the future.

600 words of composition in Flea Book Market (7)

Wednesday is my happiest day, because our school held the annual flea book market. You see, the red Rainbow Bridge was on the playground during the holiday. We hopped into it. The colored bridge swayed from side to side as if waving to us. The playground is very lively. The cries, bargaining, and selling are interwoven into a beautiful landscape on the campus.

I first came to the seashell bookstore and thought: seashells, seashells, there must be treasure. I looked closely and found that many books had been turned upside down by my classmates. I selected carefully. Suddenly, my eyes lit up and I found a book I had never read before. I asked Xiao Yilin, a salesperson, expectantly, "How much is this book When I saw that he refused to give in, I stretched out my fist and waved it, pretending to be fierce. Xiao Yilin looked like a different person when he saw me like this. He smiled all over his face and said hypocritically, "Forget it. Jump off the building and sell it for 8 yuan!" I felt secretly happy, as if I had won a battle, and quickly paid the money. I was about to leave, but Xiao Yilin ran over hurriedly, put a box of silkworm babies in my hand, smiled and said that it would be a big gift of more than five yuan. I held the silkworm as if I had got a baby, and my mood was as bright as the sunshine at that time.

Before I knew it, I came to the bookstall of Grade One. "Sister, buy one!" I turned around and saw that it was a little sister who was telling me. She looked at me with a trace of expectation in her eyes. I couldn't bear to refuse her, so I picked up a rubber and asked, "How much is it?" She stretched out two fat fingers and said, "Two yuan." Without hesitation, I paid the money and left. At this time, my sister shouted behind her: "Sister, your silkworm has fallen." I ran back to find silkworm. I was very grateful, and bought a book from her. At this time, she was more happy, and my heart was full of happiness.

Other bookstores are also selling in the sky. I reluctantly left with a bag full of books. That day, I tasted the joy of harvest.

600 words of composition in Flea Book Market (8)

Books are human nutrition and the key to wisdom. We should read more and read good books. Therefore, our school will hold the annual flea book market around the World Reading Day on April 23 every year.

"Ringing bell..." The clear and sweet bell rang after the second class on Thursday afternoon, and the flea book market opened! The originally quiet campus suddenly became lively. The bookstalls of all classes on the playground are full of books, which are dazzling. I changed and became the cashier in front of my class's bookstall.

I started selling books. Our signboard is "only sell good books, not expensive books", so soon, the stall was crowded with people. The companions were very busy. I was very busy with the money box, collecting and changing money. At this time, a little sister squeezed in, looked at the book "The Adventures of the Little Tigers" on the desk, and asked timidly, "How much does this book cost?" At this time, my cashier was inexperienced in selling books and panicked. How can I answer her? Look at my companions. They all opened their books and bargained. Oh, there is a price in the book. I opened the book and said like a salesperson, "The original price of this book is 14 yuan, and the current price is 4 yuan and 50 cents." "Oh," she answered and fondled the book again. I looked at the money in her hand and guessed that she might not have enough money. She glanced at the book again and walked away dejected. Seeing that she loves books so much, I regret: since she loves books so much, why can't I reduce the price to her? It's really inflexible.

With this experience, when someone asked for the price, I was no longer nervous. For those who love books very much and can't bargain, I will also appropriately reduce the price to sell them. I'm a cashier and a bookseller at the same time. After a while, my originally empty iron box was filled with notes ranging from one yuan to five yuan to ten yuan. The books are almost sold, and the number of stalls has gradually decreased. I finally breathed a sigh of relief. I remembered that I would go to other classes' stalls to do some reading.

Walking out of the stall, I happened to meet Mr. Luo. She picked up a composition book in another class and gave it to me. It was really good when I saw it. The teacher also found a treasure when he searched for books. I walked around the bookstall of another class. There were not many books. I only selected one. On this day, although I didn't buy books as other students did, I was still very pleased. What's the point of my hard work when watching so many students buy good books? Giving is happy!

600 words of composition in Flea Book Market (9)

"Come and buy it, everyone. There are the cheapest books here! Don't miss them when passing by!" Eh? What's that sound? It sounds like selling books. Yes, they are selling books. Today, on April 11, our Yudong Central Primary School is holding the annual reading festival activity - Flea Book Market in front of Building 2.

What is a flea book market?

The flea book market is that all students sell their old books at the lowest price. Or go to other stalls to buy books. This is the so-called "flea book market". At 12 o'clock at noon, under the command of Director Wang Xiaochun, our school wide "flea book market" began. There was a huge crowd on the court. Each class put their books on their class's desk. People crowded around. Several people with strong speaking ability began to sell. Shi Yewen in our class is also the most enthusiastic one. Shi Yewen holds a small blackboard filled with chalk and shouts, "Come and buy it. Here are your favorite and cheapest books. You can't miss them if you pass by!" After several times of shouting, he becomes more enthusiastic. He raises the blackboard, blushes, yells, and attracts many people with his funny appearance. And I, along with a batch of current, crowded into the booth of Class 6 (4).

"What book do you want to buy?" asked a student in Class 6 (4). "No, just look around," I answered. After reading it for a few minutes, I suddenly found a book called Blue Rabbit Ear Grass. Oh, my god. Last time I went to Haimen, it took me a lot of effort to buy this book back, and I didn't find it! It's really hard to find a place with iron shoes. It doesn't take much time to get here. I immediately asked, "How much is this book.

From time to time, we can hear the voice of bargaining and the voice of buying books to sell. At half past one, the activity of "Flea Book Market" ended, but we still reluctantly left the playground. Ah, I really hope that we can carry out more such activities in the future, because in this way, we can not only enrich our after-school life, but also learn knowledge that we cannot learn from Chinese books.

600 words of composition in Flea Book Market (10)

The flea book market finally opened on the playground of Qilin Primary School. "Ringing bell", just after class, the students rushed out of the classroom like a swarm of bees and rushed to the playground. We could not resist our excitement. We all rubbed our hands everywhere, and the crowd was swarming. The sound of the bargain of the buyers and the cry of the sellers resounded over the playground. Seeing this scene, I did not hesitate to join in.

Look from left to right. There are moves on the billboard in front of each class. Hey, there are candy gifts here! Ha, there is a lottery over there It's really unprecedented. There are a variety of books, including fairy tales, comic books, books... Unfortunately, I can't find a book that suits my appetite.

I came to a stall called "Sunshine Book House" and saw my favorite "Sunshine Sister's Little Book Series" at a glance. I immediately rushed to the stall and asked, "Big Sister, how much is this" The Way Life Weeps "?" Big Sister looked at the price tag and said, "Only 10 yuan!" I was surprised when I heard it. God! This is too expensive! With my "three inch tongue" skill, I began to bargain: "Let's make it cheaper." She thought for a while and said, "Nine yuan." "This is also called cheap?" I insisted. She said in embarrassment, "That seven yuan will be fine!" I kept pressing: "But I only have four yuan left." The elder sister said firmly, "No, or I will lose money!" "Four yuan, four yuan, or I will go to another bookstall to buy." I didn't give in, "I will sell more books here." She said helplessly, "OK! Four yuan, I'll buy it for you at a loss. " I paid immediately, bought the book, made a face, but the elder sister said loudly: "Little brother, give you another piece of sugar, welcome to come again!"

Next, I will go to other places to kill all the books I like. When I wanted to buy some more, my wallet was empty. Alas, what a pity!

After this flea book market, my language expression ability has been improved, and I have also found my favorite books. I really look forward to the next flea book market.

600 words of composition in Flea Book Market (11)

This morning, our fourth grade organized a flea book market activity. It's no surprise that you can exchange books in the book market.

At about 8:20 in the morning, our class came to the playground with books and signs. The playground was noisy and bustling. The students were all smiling happily. Some were sorting out their class's bookstall, some were discussing how to make their class's bookstall fire, and some were looking around to find a place by borrowing the arrangement method of the class's bookstall. Then we opened a large piece of cloth and spread it on the ground to arrange the books one by one.

Is the flea book market fun? Everyone talked about this problem while sorting out the bookstall. In fact, they were eager to open the book market early.

8: At about 40 minutes, Mr. Jiang finally said: "Dear students, I declare that the book market is officially open!"!

Before Mr. Jiang's words fell, everyone began to change books impatiently. Some exchanged Childhood for Charles IX, some exchanged Anne of Green Gables for Saman Music Painting, and some exchanged Education of Love for Outlaws of the Marsh. I was the assistant to the stall owner of our class. In addition to helping the stall owner manage the bookstall, I took the Pictorial of Children's Stories to the bookstall of Class 42 to change the Journey of Finding Past Lives. In this process, every student's face was covered with a smile, and happy flowers were in full bloom in everyone's heart.

Not to mention, many people have great power. Through the unremitting efforts of several students, they have replaced 9 copies of Charles IX, and they are so happy that they jump three feet high.

Seeing that everyone has gained so much, the stall owner and I can't help but go to other classes to change books. The soul of the students who stayed behind to watch the stall was also taken away. When they were not careful, "Charles IX" was taken by others. After receiving the chicken feather letter, the student who is searching for new prey everywhere stamped his feet angrily to vent his grievances: How could this be? Too boring!

The returned books were taken away by others, but the teachers ignored this situation and said to us lightly: This is not a flea book market, it is like this!

Today's flea book market is full of happiness, sadness and hope. We are happy that we have exchanged books. Sadly, there are uncivilized phenomena in the book market. What we hope is that the school can organize more flea book markets, so that we can have more opportunities to exchange books we like, increase our knowledge and broaden our horizons.

600 words of composition in Flea Book Market (12)

On a sunny and cloudless day, we are going to launch a very interesting activity - book market activity.

At noon, our whole class rushed out of the classroom like arrows, rushing to the playground. In the hot sun, we put the books neatly in the area where our class sells books. When everything was ready, the activity began, and the silent playground suddenly became lively. From time to time, the laughter of each class rang through the sky. I am also one of the small "sellers". In order to attract the attention of "buyers", I picked up a book I like and waved and shouted: "Adventures of the Dinosaur World", which is not only beautiful and funny, but also contains a lot of knowledge, and now it is 20 yuan in loss. "A classmate heard my cry, came to have a look, and he casually opened the" Adventures of the Dinosaur World ", Glancing at the general contents, I said, "Brother, how much is a copy?" I stretched out two fingers and said to him, "20 yuan a copy." He patted my shoulder and bargained: "Brother, can you make it cheaper? How about 15 yuan?" I thought: 15 yuan is too little, but I can't earn a cent without selling it to him. I gritted my teeth and said, "OK, 15 yuan. Deal." I took the 15 yuan I earned and felt as sweet as honey. I just sold it for a while, and I was already sweating. It was really uncomfortable. I also realized that it was not easy to make money. After a while, I turned around to become a "buyer" and went to patronize other people's bookstall. I fell in love with a green copy of Crazy Guibao at a glance, and I bought it without hesitation. I looked at the next "Charles IX" and thought: This is also a good book, but the money seems to be insufficient. The book seller seemed to see my mind and said; "Dude, this one is not bad." I shook my hand and said: "Sorry, the money is not enough."

Unconsciously, the activity ended. I learned a truth from this activity: it is not easy to make money. All the money is earned with the sweat and hard work of adults. We can't use it indiscriminately; What's more, the books we sell are all books that we have read and others have not read. Isn't it killing two birds with one stone to exchange good books for reading?

600 words of composition in Flea Book Market (13)

Experience of "Flea Book Market"

Last Wednesday, although the weather was gloomy, the "flea book market" held by our school was in full swing.

The day before the "Flea Book Market", Mr. Zhang simply assigned the tasks of our temporarily selected "staff". In this process, I also became one of the "propagandists" honorably.

By Wednesday, the whole campus was boiling. Every corner of the campus has been "occupied" by the classes of Grade 5 and Grade 6, and has also been divided into "sales area", "special price area", "cashier area" and other areas. The propagandists are also preparing the tools needed for their own publicity.

After a brief opening ceremony, the "Flea Book Market" officially opened. At the end of the opening ceremony, many propagandists "armed" themselves: some wore loudspeakers, some wore their own "helmets", and some forgot to prepare. And I also found out my own "armor", on which I wrote, "It's a pity not to come to the Great Wall to buy books!".

I first wore "armor" and walked around the campus. Many students and teachers stopped to look at the words on my "armor" and walked to the "six (5) bookstall". Seeing that my method worked, some propagandists in our class also followed my method. Some simply wrote slogans on their clothes, and the books in our class are also decreasing at an extremely fast speed.

More than an hour before school was over, raindrops finally began to fall in the gloomy sky. Slowly, the rain became heavier and heavier. Within a few minutes, it turned into a downpour, and the "flea book market" had to end in advance. The campus also suddenly became deserted, and students were everywhere cleaning up the wet bookstall.

This "flea book market" is also the last large-scale activity we participated in before graduating from the sixth grade, and we will always remember it.

Grade 6: Sun Aohong

600 words of composition in Flea Book Market (14)

A book seller was crying out, "Come and buy it. My books are beautiful and cheap. They are really cheap. Buy a book and give me a nice trinket. Don't miss it when you pass by. There will be no shop after passing this village. Students and parents come to buy them quickly!" Before the words were heard, many people rushed to the store, There are children in Grade 1 and Grade 2, big brothers and sisters in Grade 5 and Grade 6, beautiful aunts and handsome uncles. From a distance, everyone looks like a bean curd bag. The book seller has become a "bean curd". Some of them squat in front of the bookstall and concentrate on reading the book. Sometimes they raise their heads to look at the book owner. Some carefully selected small gifts, pick up a pen holder, look left and right, then put it down and pick up something else. It's really orderly. Some of them push forward on tiptoe, It seems that he has the strength to push everyone away. They asked, and the book owner stammered. How do you sell this book? A little sister asked carefully, five yuan, and the book owner replied with a smile. OK, here's your big brother. The little sister took a five yuan note out of her pocket and handed it to the book owner. It seemed that she bowed to the book owner and was about to leave when the book owner heard a chuckle. You are so cute, little sister. I'll give you another candy as a reward. Thank you, big brother. Goodbye. The little sister left happily. How much is this book? The elder brother asked impatiently. Four yuan. The eldest brother was furious and said it was cheap, which was too expensive. This book is not worth four yuan at all, but three yuan at most. Three yuan is three yuan. The book owner quickly calms things down. OK, give you money. The elder brother suddenly turns angry to be happy. His voice can't hide his joy. The book owner hurries to receive money, deliver books, and deliver jewelry. Finally, there is only one person left. How much is this book? Aunt asked without looking up, three yuan. The book owner gave a long sigh of relief and hurriedly replied. How about this one? It was also three yuan. The book owner answered absently. I bought both books. Is five yuan OK? The aunt asked carefully. Of course, the book owner answered boldly, and the man left contentedly.

I saw another book buyer squatting beside a bookstall. She seemed absent-minded, but in fact she was very careful. She looked around while the book owner was looking. She turned over several pages. She came back and forth for a long time, but still hesitated. Finally, she might be attracted by the story. She wanted to read the book in a hurry, and then asked, "How much is this book?"? Seven yuan, a little expensive, five yuan, OK? No, this book is very beautiful. I came to sell it with great determination. Then I'll go to another bookstall and have a look. Oh, don't go. Five yuan is five yuan. You are lucky. The man suddenly smiled and almost jumped three feet high. He paid the money and left happily.

I noticed again that there were also people who were selling books. A brother walked over, and a boy on the nearby bookstall immediately embraced that brother. One of them said that you were my good friend and monitor, so you must buy books. I gave you a 60% discount. The brother nodded helplessly and finally selected a book, The title of the book is "The Spring of the Cattle Squad", which is part of the series of "Naughty Horse Jumping". Monitor, you are really good. You can't escape any good book. The original price of this book is nine yuan. Count you five yuan. Another person will give the book to you. And carefully took the money, the brother waved his hand and left.

Soon I returned to the classroom, and the lively flea book market came to an end.

600 words of composition in Flea Book Market (15 words)

Today is the first "reading day" in our school. There is no class all day! The students were all smiling and waiting for an important moment - the Red Scarf Book Market! In the book market, students can buy their favorite books at will, and also take this opportunity to make a big profit!

Before the book market started, Yi ran up to me and asked me excitedly, "Let me see the book you brought, and see if there is anything I like." "OK!" I readily agreed. You know, she has always been my biggest "customer"! In a short time, we closed the deal. The two books cost 17 yuan, which should be very reasonable.

The activity finally started. Xi, Fan and I set up a stall together. After a while, our booth became very popular. The reason was that Xi brought new comic books, such as Laughing Campus and Ah Chen?? Each book sells for five yuan. Now, she has become the "rich woman" of our class! More and more people crowded towards us, and many people noticed my book. A fat little boy came up to me and asked me, "Sister, how much is this book?" "4 yuan." He thought for two seconds and said, "OK, I'll take it!" "OK." I shouted happily.

After a while, Xi's comic books were sold out, and there were fewer guests here. I said to them, "I'll go out first, and I'll 'change shifts' later." They agreed. I picked up my wallet and ran out. When I passed the booth of Class 6 (3), I stopped and a "Laughing Cat Diary" was lying there. Laughing Cat Diary was my favorite. I went up and asked the price. What happened? It was 12 yuan. I didn't know if it was a money grab! "12 yuan is too expensive. How about 9 yuan?" "OK, 9 yuan!" That's about the same. I took two books with me and sang all the way back to the stall. Then it was time for them to go out. After a while, they both came back with their favorite books.

The book market is over. I feel very happy in the book market. I can sell my own books to others and buy others' books. We will fly freely in the sea of books forever!