Youth and Beauty (8 selected articles)
Forget the past
2024-02-28 09:35:00

Beautiful Youth (1)

Youth is picturesque, beautiful and full of sunshine; Youth is like a poem with a long meaning, looking up in the heart; Youth is like wine, full of vigor and vitality, intoxicated with camellia.


The flawless waning moon is hanging in the starry sky, flying with the stars. I looked at the elegant red flag. Although it was particularly dazzling against the blue sky, my heart was suddenly enlightened.

The spring water in that pool, beside the babbling brook, accompanied by the wind, is so sparkling, rippling beside the brook, rippling in our youth.

Looking at a pool of spring water, it seems that it flows eastward, remembering the charm of the ancient city and the parting of the past. In the youth years, the stream is still flowing, like a beautiful symphony, playing at the lake.

I listened to this beautiful movement as if I were walking on the white clouds, enjoying the warmth and bathing in the sun.

Farewell by the stream does not mean brightness. Too many colors, too many outlines, can not be perfectly displayed. At the lakeside, the stream still flows, because it has too many beauties, too many desires, too many troubles

Youth, a beautiful picture, is like pieces of Acacia rain, carrying a little sadness of separation, floating around the ancient lake. This charm, this artistic conception has a kind of beauty, a pool of spring water seems to flow eastward

The old city with classical charm is still changing, maybe it will get older and older; The girl who plays flute sits on the chair. Time is changing. Maybe she will get older and older

Maybe one day, the spring water will not flow. Maybe this is just a guess.

I took a paintbrush and just touched it twice, describing the picture of "youth"

Beautiful Youth (2)

Because of persistence, caterpillars can break pupae into butterflies and kiss the blue sky; Because of persistence, the weak water can reach the sea and embrace the blue. Today, the editor will share the beautiful composition model: the youth of breaking pupae, please enjoy and learn from it.

Beautiful composition model: the youth of breaking pupae (I)

Just like the pupae of insects, the present life can be said to be a metamorphosis.

I clearly remember that when the biology teacher said that the silkworm pupa breaking was a metamorphosis, I could think of something disgusting like other students at that time. At that time, I may have never dreamed that what I am facing now is not growing from a small tree to a big tree, but breaking the pupa. What's the difference? Of course, one can have enough time, but the latter is the result of failure or destruction. I think my heart cannot afford it.

I once saw on my classmate's blog that "the memory of the cardamom in the prime of life just like this opens up a vast sea of flowers and lives endlessly." It was still on the first day of the junior high school when the head teacher asked us to set up a blog. What I want to say is that this is the last sentence of the first article written by the student who started the blog. At that time, I thought it was too early to remember this kind of memory, It seems that we have begun to imagine what we will do in the next life before the end of our life. But now, when I start reading again on such a cold and dark night, I have an inexplicable impulse in my heart. It is the web woven by memories, the vow of dreams, and the final answer to say goodbye to you and me.

It was still summer. The noisy insects made people uneasy. In addition to what we should do every day, the track of life unconsciously began to change with errors that you could not detect. Gardenia blossom is the beginning, osmanthus fragrance is intoxicating, and the painful separation begins before plum flowers stand in the cold wind. Just like the broken pupa I felt, I struggled, struggled

This is really different from the general change. When the answer to the winter vacation homework was not torn away, I secretly said to a classmate who did not do well, some copied, not worried, what are you still doing here.

His answer does not mean that you should copy it.

Once again, I was surprised by such details that I would never care about. Yes, I can feel that not long ago, when all of us would be crazy together for an answer, the innocent mood of the child had been replaced by something bad. This means that even if I lose my beloved lollipop, I will not find the day to cry to my parents. It has been left where we can't find ourselves. The moonlight is bright as a mirror, but it is cold after all.

Are you there?

Two or three years ago, for some reason, I suddenly wrote these three words. On my corner curled Chinese book, there were many cartoons on it, in a corner where I had used an eraser for a long time. Why talk about it? Just remember, perhaps because I experienced something unexpected at that time. (This is privacy. I won't disclose it...)

I remember when I wrote my blog title "Our reserved dreams are nowhere to hide" on the first day of junior high school, I was only longing for youth, but the sense of rebellion that still exists today. At that time, I was worried even when there were some birds singing outside the window or insects crawling on the table. Indeed, I think I missed a lot of good things at that time.

The water surface is like a mirror in winter, and there are not as many unknown insects as in summer (I have mentioned insects for several times, and it feels strange, but it should be close to the theme). The temperature of the wind is very low, so always remind me that it is winter, and I am standing under the willow tree in the cold wind. There is a small boat on the opposite side of the lake in front of me. It is a wooden boat that slides with oars. Usually, people seldom use it. But once I saw it. It was originally used to clean the floating algae on the lake surface. The lake is a stagnant lake. Because of this, I know that the feelings of each other are the same.

This year, I think it will be different. I will take it with me at home during the Spring Festival. I will not go anywhere or go back to my hometown in the countryside. I am bored at home because I have to be responsible for my current studies. I think this is the biggest place for my transformation. I have a sense of responsibility for myself. In this way, in everything, my eyes are no longer just looking for my interests, but to think about how I should do it and whether I can complete it.

Ignoring, still the same, looking at the ten day cloudless sky, the deep end, there is no persistence waiting for me, whether the moment when insects break pupae can stay for me, that kind of free and unrestrained, and unyielding life. I pray that they can take me to continue or start the chrysalis breaking years.

Beautiful composition model: the youth of breaking pupae (II)

I always try my best to live the life I imagined, but all the people who love me expect me to live the life they imagined. They righteously said that I was wrong, and then I was stunned, confused, hazy eyes looked at the world, looked at these people who love me, and began to sob and ask, is it really I am wrong?

Knocking the keyboard, the past dribs and drabs floated from time to time in my mind. Those days of struggling and getting rid of after graduation, the time of wanton and frivolous in the university, scene after scene, are like the pictures in an old black and white film, without too many gorgeous lines, only a simple and old truth. I am an affectant girl. Although I am sometimes called a brave sister because of my impulsion, my character is indecisive, just like stubborn in my bones. I am strong and persistent. Just like now, I am worried about the coming future, and depressed about the past that has been torn by the wind and torn by the memory. Memory is an executioner who always breaks his tears invisibly and makes the fortress built by time collapse. But the reality will never leave too much time for memories, just like after graduation.

When I was in college, I was a girl with dreams. At that time, I recited in my heart many times. After graduation, I will try my best to turn my dreams into reality one by one. The reality is that after graduation, everyone told me to enter the national unit, marry a boyfriend who has a formal job, find a family with good family conditions, not leave the family, and live on this land all my life. Everyone told me that it was for my good, as if my life had been a rehearsal performance from the beginning. I will wear a mask and smile to show everyone. I will perform a show that everyone feels wonderful, but no one asked me whether the face behind my mask is a smiling face or a face soaked with tears. Later, the program I performed for everyone was to quit the job that everyone felt good about, return to the village silently under pressure, and live a life of freedom without direction at will. Everyone feels that I am a joke. How many people want the opportunity to do a job that their relatives and friends don't like. They have to live a stable life, but they have to live in a foreign country. When I got home, everyone asked me whether I had a hard time there, whether my salary was not high, whether I had no money except rent, whether I could not eat or drink well A lot of questions I just smiled and said that I had a good time. Many people don't believe me. They think I'm trying to squeeze out a sentence just to save face. In fact, I'm sorry. I know many people want me to answer "yes", and then say a lot of words to comfort me. They tell me that people should follow the rules and not play cards without common sense. My words choked everyone, so we can only talk about how stubborn this girl is and how she will be after I leave. Sorry, I let you down. Although I will be confused and cry because of loneliness during my time in the village, I have lived a life that many people want to live but cannot after graduation. Even if I have to pay for it later, I will never regret it. At that time, I had the freedom to want, read the books I wanted to read, walk the road I wanted to go, know the people I wanted to know, sing as I wanted, shout as I wanted, and do as I wanted. I didn't succeed without success, but I really had happiness from my heart.

He said that he didn't care about others' eyes all the way, but he let others' words go. In fact, I know everything, many of them are because of love. But on an occasional thought, maybe some words are just because everyone wants everyone in the world to follow the usual rules, for fear that people like me who break the rules will break their rules. But I am a wonderful flower, an unusual flower growing on the snake sperm disease. I will be confused, uneasy, and can't see the way to the future, but I will not live a regular life. Even if I am bruised, I will not regret the choices I made to pursue. I want freedom, although there is no absolute freedom, but I also want to open a free flower in the bondage. I don't believe in the rules of reality. I only believe that although I am wandering in the fog now, I will break the rules of others one day.

Beautiful composition model: the youth of breaking pupae (3)

That day, I came to this strange campus for the first time. Accompanied by my father, I entered the hot land of school construction with my attachment to home. At the moment of entering the school, a burst of breath came to me, as if that was the freedom from the white ivory tower. In the face of this new and unfamiliar everything, I knew that this was the new campus I was going to adapt to.

Everything is new enough to forget the unhappiness of the past, just like a caterpillar transformed into a beautiful butterfly. Nobody would have thought of its ugly appearance before. Walking on the campus, you can see the energetic and energetic faces everywhere. Youth dominates here; Youth is permeated with its profusion in this garden like school.

It is like a butterfly that has just broken its chrysalis and is about to spread its wings, eager to fly to the free sky. Although the wings are still young, the stubbornness in our bones is constantly emerging, just as we yearn for freedom and independence before and now. On the first day of military training, the sun was scorching, and it was still hard to get rid of my impatience. In anticipation, military training life began. We met Instructor Tang.

Just two years older than us, but so mature. He told us like a big brother next door, telling us his experiences, interesting stories and his misses. In military training, standing in military posture, squatting, straddling, turning

The seemingly simple but demanding actions fell at our feet because of our joint efforts and earnest efforts with the drillmaster. Because of seriousness, youth can show its unique charm. Although sweating, students still insist. Because we believe that as long as the belief in our heart does not fail, we will succeed. With straight posture and neat steps, we have obviously become a real soldier. The certificate on the wall is enough to prove everything. At least we have lived up to the high expectations of teachers and instructors. If we were children before the military training, we would grow up after the military training, just like a chrysalis broken butterfly. From the moment when it spreads its wings to the blue sky, it is destined to bear some things, perhaps from the threat of natural enemies, or the difficulty of feeding.

Because it has worked hard for the beauty of that moment, and because of its persistence, it can have a pair of wings that can fly in the flowers. From the moment we left home, we were destined to bear the pain, hardship and difficulty in our life, and all of this was just to fly higher and see farther.

Youth is precious only once; The broken pupa was wonderful and beautiful at that moment, only once. So for this short and precious youth, we must do something. I think maybe that is to be as meticulous as in military training and strive like a butterfly!

Beautiful Youth (3)

1. In order to pursue the dream in their hearts, many people have left their homes, drifted and wandered, and endured the wind and frost, rain and snow; When the night falls, the moonlight is dim, the bamboo shadows are whirling, the tender leaves carry the beautiful starlight, call the soul of returning to their roots, the dewdrops flash the crystal beams, and the beautiful notes are floating

2. Full of fighting spirit, of course, we should work hard in the youth arena! It's fair here. You can only succeed by yourself. "Perseverance, hard work, try your best" is the premise of your victory! The final victory often belongs to the persevering people. Because of this, they can shine out that dazzling, glowing light. Follow the light and enrich your life!  

3. Give life a smile, face life with a smile. Just as the goshawk confidently fights the sky, just as the river happily blends into the sea, our life will be beautiful because of smile, and life will be successful because of smile. Good character is the crown and glory of life. It is a person's most valuable property, which constitutes a person's status and identity, and it is all the property of a person's reputation. Good character makes every profession in the society glorious and encourages every post in the society. It is more powerful than wealth and ability. It guarantees all honors without prejudice.

Beautiful Youth (4)

1. Youth, a word endowed with too much longing and hope. In many people's eyes, youth is like fire, burning passion and vitality; Youth is like a flower, blooming with wisdom and hope. But in my eyes, youth is like a lost deer, wandering at the crossroads of life, the road ahead is full of thorns and hesitation.

2. It was beautiful and romantic when I recalled my youth, but it was cruel when I experienced it.

3. I like to dream, just because in my dream I can yell and run boldly, without fear of youth drifting away; Only in my dream can I see the evergreen shade of the four seasons, the flowers that will never fall, and my happy back

4. When ice search covers, we need to create a flaming fire to warm our youth body; When the dark night is boundless, we need to understand the meaning of the stars, to illuminate the confusion of our youth; When the future is boundless, we need to open our creative mind and find the life landmark that truly belongs to youth!

5. Youth is fire, burning our youth, youth is a light, illuminating our beautiful cardamom years, youth is the road, guiding us from green to mature

6. More than once, we assumed that youth should not be wasted. We should seize it, retain it, and do everything possible to keep it in our body and mind forever.

7. Youth is a bright sadness, full of my shallow memories.

8. Youth is cruel. Many times in your life, you have to make a choice. Don't think that every generation says youth is good, and you will have an illusion.

9. Youth is a beautiful scar. Even though time goes by, the youth specimen carried on the glass sheet is still intact.

10. Youth, the days of youth are gone forever, so in the days of youth, cherish and grasp, when youth passes away, we can wave to youth without regret.

Beautiful Youth (5)

1. Youth is the door of a leaf. From the tip of a light yellow leaf to a green one, it grows in the face of the season, and finally faces the hopes and dreams of life. When I raise my head, look at the clear sky in the face of the winter sun, open my eyes, and face the countless flowers in life. I understand that my youth depends on myself.

2. Youth, we are young, we are energetic. We are full of curiosity, exploration and pursuit of everything. We should not regret it or grieve. Therefore, we should seize every minute and work hard for our goal. Youth, I use Kuafu's perseverance to pursue our dreams, one day, without regrets.

3. If you say life is like a dream, only because you live in a dream; If you say that youth is a mystery, only because you don't understand the meaning of youth. Youth is a part of life. Only by integrating youth into life can you understand the true meaning of youth. Youth is not a gorgeous coat, life is not a riot of flowers, and the smile of youth is often mixed with tears. Is life all about setbacks? Out of the shadow of failure, the world will become more beautiful, not all the loss means no longer have, when you lament the sunset, the sun is rising from behind you. We don't necessarily make ourselves perfect

4. Youth needs us to cherish and grasp it. The time of youth falls between the fingers of the wind and passes in the baptism of the rain. Don't wait. The young man's head is white, and he is empty and sorrowful. Youth must be early, how can you grow young. If youth is gone, it will never return. Don't let youth slip away in empty days, nor let it be deprived in confusion and confusion. When the rain drenches your youth, you should have colorful sunshine again.

5. We love flying paper planes, because they are full of our hopes and carry our dreams. When it is closest to the sky, we are full of joy and longing for the future. A message from a paper plane, flying with the wind in the ideal blue sky, never falling.

6. Youth, with fire like enthusiasm; Youth is as strong as steel; Youth, with bamboo like tenacity. Youth is our prime time. With youth, we will never be defeated! Cherish the youth you have and the simplicity you have.

7. I want to sing a song, youth is beautiful! Because youth is full of vitality! We always travel tirelessly in the ocean of knowledge, not tired, because we are a grass full of vitality, perseverance! Look, there are always us in the volunteer service team, serving the elderly alone. We are very busy when we are young traffic attendants. Although there is pearl like sweat flowing down, it is pearl, how precious! We should inject our vitality into the whole society!

8. Cherishing youth should not be lost in the river of youth. The best time is youth, and the most beautiful season is also youth. Youth is covered with all kinds of bright colors. We should choose warm colors instead of cold ones; Youth has paved many different roads. We need to clear our eyes and choose the right road to avoid going astray.

9. Young children look forward to youth. Youth is a fairy tale full of dreams for them; Mature youth commemorates youth, which is like a painting with wet ink; The old people miss their youth, which has become their treasured yellowing old photos. Youth is such a beautiful word that everyone wants to have it. How can we not cherish it when we are in the good time of youth

10. In this era of arrogance and individuality, we rebellious young people always love to show ourselves. This group of the post-90s who were once not regarded as promising are playing up their youth in their own way.

11. We, young people, will climb the peak alone, experience the pride of seeing all the small mountains, step by step step by step, and know the philosophy of life that people go high; We, young people, will sing to the long night when the moon will be there, and ask the blue sky about the wine; Youth, we will find a quiet river, carefully experience fishing life. We are young, romantic, such as silk, fog, rain, wind, leisurely blooming romance.

12. Look at the playground, the happy running figure, the sweat fermented into bubbles of dreams under the stimulation of the sun; Look at the classroom, each side has left our footprints of chasing dreams, scattered dimples everywhere; Look at that desk, there is our tight friendship. Once we encouraged each other with love and took a deep breath. I smell the air filled with our bright laughter and struggling back. I giggled, it was the taste of youth.

13. Compared with the current youth, the former youth life is indeed full of cruelty, but the former youth attitude is so high: Yang Mo's youth is rebellious, although white terror is full of the corners of youth, there are crises everywhere, and beautiful life can be stopped at any time, but the passionate song of youth never stops; Wang Meng's youth is passionate, and the constant excitement is the characteristic of that generation of youth. Even if they only have turnips, cabbage and tofu in their lives, and their clothes are either black or gray, they can't stop the cry of "Long live youth".

14. Youth is a flower, but beauty is easy to drift away. If you don't take care of it, it will wither and wither when it is too late to be beautiful; Youth is rain, hazy but sentimental, if you don't grasp it, it will become clear tears, broken when you are sad; Youth is the wind. It comes in a hurry and goes away in a hurry. If it is not retained, it will pass away in a blink of an eye; Youth is hope. Even if some people fail, they will still have persistent dreams; Youth is freedom. If you want to sing, you can sing to the end of time. If you want to cry, you can cry sadly and grandly; Youth is a load, which makes people unable to find a corner to rest in the cycle of giving; Youth is hard work, which makes people understand that climbing is the only way to win, and struggle is the only way to succeed; Youth is an unrepentant road, which cannot be turned back once it has passed; Youth is a heavy book, which can be filled with happiness and can also write about loneliness, but it can't stop and move forward because of waiting on its title page.

15. Youth is a beautiful scenery. Some people slip by in a hurry and get nothing. They always regret when they get old! Some people appreciate the wonderful things that only belong to him, fascinating, and always have endless aftertaste when they are old! These are two different kinds of people. Do they also bring us a little emotion

16. If you say life is like a dream, only because you live in a dream; If you say that youth is a mystery, only because you don't understand the meaning of youth. Youth is a part of life. Only by integrating youth into life can you understand the true meaning of youth. Youth is not a gorgeous coat, life is not a riot of flowers, and the smile of youth is often mixed with tears. Is life all about setbacks? Out of the shadow of failure, the world will become more beautiful, not all the loss means no longer have, when you lament the sunset, the sun is rising from behind you. We don't necessarily make ourselves perfect

17. Youth is a rainbow in the sky, which is fleeting, yet extremely soft and beautiful; Youth is the morning fog, hazy and implicit, but suitable for wandering; Youth is a stream in a mountain stream, beautiful and soft, but often wandering.

18. Time is flowing, we are growing up. Sometimes youth is confused, sometimes it also degenerates. We should understand that youth is not romantic, nor is it a red apricot, nor is it a magnificent ivory tower. It is a stage of life, an approaching process of life maturity, and the beginning of our dedication. Therefore, we should have a good beginning, and cherish the only youth at the same time, Strive to realize its due value. Although it is hard to buy, we can give it to our great new socialist cause.

19. Who says that youth is only about studying hard? Who says that youth is only about being young and frivolous? Who says that youth can't defeat the desolation of reality? Our youth is the courage to cut through thorns on the ideal road, and the arrogance to forge ahead regardless of everything. Our youth is our master.

20. In our youth, there is no need to hesitate or hesitate. Looking up, though the end of the road disappears in the fog, we bravely move forward and take big steps without turning back; Explore, struggle and struggle! Write the rhythm of life and the movement of youth under the blue sky, and let youth have no regrets!

21. When the stars are still playing in the night, the dawn has come quietly; When the clouds are still floating, the sun has spilled gold; When we are still playing endlessly, our age has quietly increased. In this way, before we can say goodbye to our childhood, we have embarked on the train of youth. We are a group of ignorant teenagers who have no sense of sadness and have begun our youth. The code that belongs to us tirelessly writes stories in time and space, leaving notes in music scores.

22. We are young grass. It is so insignificant, so inconspicuous, and even trampled on by people, but they did not yield. The bent waist stands up again, and the lowered head still looks up at the sky. The endless trampling of people has actually improved their toughness. They are no longer afraid of trampling, they are no longer afraid of suffering. Young people challenge difficulties, and young people will not admit defeat. After winter, the yellowish grass is still green.

23. Our youth is a joyful song of sadness, which conveys a touch of sadness. It doesn't need too much words to explain that we are connected in some aspects in adolescence.

24. Like the warm sun in May, youth is full of vitality; Like a new bud breaking the ground, youth is full of vitality, like a jubilant river. Youth flows our happiness and loss. Youth is a fleeting dream, which needs us to grasp.

25. We young people have high aspirations. Dream of stepping on a foreign land and enjoying different customs; I hope to become Tolstoy and Hugo in the literary world, Newton and Madame Curie in science, Beethoven and Mozart in music. In our youth, we have countless dreams. When one is disillusioned, the other is rising and will never stop.

26. Youth is the crossroads of life's traffic lights; Youth is the starting point for the cause; Youth is the best season in life.

27. Youth is radiant and full of joy. In adolescence, we bid farewell to the childishness of childhood and moved towards our own maturity.

28. Youth is a beautiful scar. Even though time goes by, the youth specimen carried on the glass sheet is still intact.

29. I want to sing a song. Youth is beautiful! Because youth is not too long! A flash in the pan is short, but who can say it is not beautiful? It is precisely because of its brevity that it brings people infinite nostalgia! But a flash in the pan can be countless times, everyone's youth only once, why not firmly grasp it?

30. The song of youth is like a poem, a picture, a cloud, a water, and an intoxication. The song of youth, never forget nostalgia, never forget "Friends", never forget "You at the table". The song of youth evokes the childlike innocence of youth, shuttling in the snow, and piling up the "Snowman" on the grass. The song of youth has a love knot, and the performance of "Go Home" by Saxophone reminds us of the distant worries. The song of youth tells the story of youth, and a sentimental "Heart to Heart Talk" collides with the budding heart of youth. The song of youth is full of tender feelings of youth. Because of love, it is beautiful.

Beautiful Youth (6)

This article, "Good Words, Good Sentences, and Good Sections about Youth," is organized by the composition of primary school students, for reference only. If you feel very good, welcome to comment and share~Thank you for your reading and support!

Good words:

Positive category: happiness, happiness, vision, independence, maturity, flowery years, vigor, vitality, golden years, enthusiasm, dreams, spring, sunrise, courage, colorful, colorful

Negative: confusion, worry, melancholy, depressed, rebellious, helpless, confused

Good sentence:

1. Youth is the crossroads of life's traffic lights; Youth is the starting point for the cause; Youth is the best season in life.

2. Youth, we are young, we are energetic. We are full of curiosity, exploration, and pursuit of everything. We should not regret it or be sad. Therefore, we should seize every minute and work hard for our goal. Youth, I use Kuafu's perseverance to pursue our dreams, one day, without regrets.

3. Youth, with fire like enthusiasm; Youth is as strong as steel; Youth, with bamboo like tenacity. Youth is our prime time. With youth, we will never be defeated! Cherish the youth you have and the simplicity you have.

4. We, young people, will climb the peak alone, experience the pride of "seeing all the small mountains", step by step step by step, and understand the philosophy of life of "people go high"; We, young people, will sing to the long night, "When will the moon come? Ask the sky about wine"; Youth, we will find a quiet river, carefully experience fishing life. We are young, romantic, such as silk, fog, rain, wind, leisurely blooming romance.

5. We young, small ambition. Dream of stepping on a foreign land and enjoying different customs; I hope to become Tolstoy and Hugo in the literary world, Newton and Madame Curie in science, Beethoven and Mozart in music. In our youth, we have countless dreams. When one is disillusioned, the other is rising and will never stop.

6. We are young grass. It is so insignificant, so inconspicuous, and even trampled by people, but they did not yield. The bent waist stands up again, and the lowered head still looks up at the sky. The endless trampling of people has actually improved their toughness. They are no longer afraid of trampling, they are no longer afraid of suffering. Young people challenge difficulties, and young people will not admit defeat. After winter, the yellowish grass is still green.

7. Youth is radiant and full of joy. In adolescence, we bid farewell to the childishness of childhood and moved towards our own maturity.

8. Youth is a beautiful scenery. Some people slip by in a hurry and get nothing. They always regret when they get old! Some people appreciate the wonderful things that only belong to him, fascinating, and always have endless aftertaste when they are old! These are two different kinds of people. Do they also bring us a little emotion

9. Youth is the door of a leaf. From the tip of a light yellow leaf to a green one, it grows in the face of the season, and finally faces the hopes and dreams of life. When I raise my head, look at the clear sky in the face of the winter sun, open my eyes, and face the countless flowers in life. I understand that my youth depends on myself.

10. Youth needs us to cherish and grasp it. The time of youth falls between the fingers of the wind and passes in the baptism of the rain. "Don't wait for leisure to turn a young man's head white and become empty and sorrowful." "Youth must be early. How can you grow a young man?" If youth is gone, it will never return. Don't let youth slip away in empty days, nor let it be deprived in confusion and confusion. When the rain drenches your youth, you should have colorful sunshine again.

11. Who says that youth is only about studying hard? Who says that youth is only about being young and frivolous? Who says that youth can't defeat the desolation of reality? Our youth is the courage to cut through thorns on the ideal road, and the arrogance to forge ahead regardless of everything. Our youth is our master.

12. We love flying paper planes, because they are full of our hopes and carry our dreams. When it is closest to the sky, we are full of joy and longing for the future. A message from a paper plane, flying with the wind in the ideal blue sky, never falling.

13. I want to sing a song, youth is beautiful! Because youth is not too long! A flash in the pan is short, but who can say it is not beautiful? It is precisely because of its brevity that it brings people infinite nostalgia! But a flash in the pan can be countless times, everyone's youth only once, why not firmly grasp it?

14. I want to sing a song, youth is beautiful! Because youth is full of vitality! We always travel tirelessly in the ocean of knowledge, not tired, because we are a grass full of vitality, perseverance! Look, there are always us in the volunteer service team, serving the lonely and old, and being a small traffic attendant... We are very busy. Although there is pearl like sweat flowing down, it is pearl. How precious it is! We should inject our vitality into the whole society!

15. Like the warm sun in May, youth is full of vitality; Like a new bud breaking the ground, youth is full of vitality, like a jubilant river. Youth flows our happiness and loss. Youth is a fleeting dream, which needs us to grasp.

16. In this era of arrogance and individuality, we rebellious young people always love to show ourselves. This group of the post-90s who were once not regarded as promising are playing up their youth in their own way.

17. Cherishing youth should not be lost in the river of youth. The best time is youth, and the most beautiful season is also youth. Youth is covered with all kinds of bright colors. We should choose warm colors instead of cold ones; Youth has paved many different roads. We need to clear our eyes and choose the right road to avoid going astray.

18. Young children look forward to youth. Youth is a fairy tale full of dreams for them; Mature youth commemorates youth, which is like a painting with wet ink; The old people miss their youth, which has become their treasured yellowing old photos. Youth is such a beautiful word that everyone wants to have it. How can we not cherish it when we are in the good time of youth

19. Look at the playground, the happy running figure, the sweat fermented into bubbles of dreams under the stimulation of the sun; Look at the classroom, each side has left our footprints of chasing dreams, scattered dimples everywhere; Look at that desk, there is our friendship, we used to encourage each other with love... Take a deep breath, and I can smell the air filled with our bright laughter and struggling back. I giggled, it was the taste of youth.

20. When the stars are still playing in the night, the dawn has come quietly; When the clouds are still floating, the sun has spilled gold; When we are still playing endlessly, our age has quietly increased. In this way, before we can say goodbye to our childhood, we have embarked on the train of youth. A group of ignorant teenagers with "no sense of sadness" began our youth. The code that belongs to us tirelessly writes stories in time and space, leaving notes in music scores.

21. In our youth, there is no need to hesitate or hesitate. Looking up, though the end of the road disappears in the fog, we are brave to move forward and make great strides without turning back; Explore, struggle and struggle! Write the rhythm of life under the blue sky, the movement of youth, let youth - no regrets!

Beautiful Youth (7)

2. If you want to be loved when you are old, be polite when you are young.

3. From now on, show us the courage to try and the enthusiasm of our youth. When we graduate from college, look back, we have no dull and regretful youth, but only a monument to our hard work!

4. In the world of youth, sand grains should be turned into pearls, stones into gold, and the charm of youth should be that withered branches should grow fresh fruits, and deserts are full of forests. This is the beauty, happiness and duty of youth!

5. Although hope fools people, people still need hope, and national hope itself is happiness.

6. Where there is no hope, there is no struggle.

7. The youth hesitates for the unknown future, and the old are worried about the known loneliness; Middle age alone, the country has been set, the future is in hand, every minute can be at your own disposal, fully enjoy.

8. Because you can't do everything you want, you should do everything you can

9. Great hopes make great people.

10. The basic effort of an association may be to try to make its members equal, but the individual self-esteem of its members always hopes to stand out and form some kind of inequality beneficial to themselves somewhere.

11. Youth is like early spring, like the morning sun, like the sprouting of hundreds of flowers, like the rising of sharp blades, the most precious period of life. Youth is like fresh and lively cells to society.

12. If you can't do what you hope to do, you should hope to do what you can do

13. Hope is the belief that guides people to succeed. If there is no hope, nothing can be achieved.

14. Youth must be early, how can you grow young.

15. A man's success depends on his ambition in his youth.

16. Hope is the only benefit shared by all; He who has nothing still has hope.

17. Youth is the pride of life and the hope of the future of the times.

18. The youth hesitates for the unknown future, and the old are worried about the known loneliness; Middle age alone, the country has been set, the future is in hand, every minute can be at your own disposal, fully enjoy.

19. We must adjust our life style so that the golden age can be hidden in the future old age, not in the past youth and innocence.

20. The most obvious sign of a great man is his strong will. No matter how the environment changes, his original intention and hope will not change at all, but will finally overcome obstacles to achieve the desired goal.

21. Life cannot be smooth. There are successes and failures; There are happiness and loss. If we attach too much importance to the ups and downs in life, then life will never be calm for us, and there will never be laughter. There should be some pursuit in life, but temporarily not getting it will not hinder the happiness of daily life. Therefore, having an ordinary mind is an essential lubricant in life.

22. On the long road, there are many old people. They are really happy and happy. Although the road ahead is not very smooth, they finally get out of it. Looking at the long road, looking at these old people, I seem to see that we are struggling to move forward, move forward, struggle forward

23. Youth shows its beauty in the struggle, and the beauty of youth is always shown in her struggle. Like an eagle, its beauty is shown in the wind and rain, like the soaring spirit of the sky. As we are young, why not overcome our cowardice with courage and boldness, overcome our restlessness with progress, and raise the sail of struggle! Keep moving forward in the turbulent sea to show the grandeur and strength of our children's youth. Let's fight against the sky like eagles! Let the song of youth raise its high melody, and let our statement shine brightly.

24. Colorful pursuit is the precious wealth of life. How far a person can go in life depends to a large extent on the pursuit of youth. The world is wide for those who pursue it. Once the pursuit germinates, it is always an incentive, whether it can be realized or not. In this sense, pursuit is the way to realize the meaning of youth.

25. Struggling youth is a beautiful scenery. It is the thousands of hearts struggling in youth and the thousands of pairs of wings flying high in the sky that dress up the most beautiful and precious life season - youth. Make youth the starting point of the best life.

26. Struggle to describe regretless youth. On the long road of life, although youth is only a small segment, when you look back, you will find that the youth you once had will still shine in your memory with moving brilliance. Regretless youth should be the pursuit of each of us. Only when we grasp each day of our youth and work hard in the torrent, can we say proudly: "My youth is regretless!"

27. Time has made a solid footprint, making us miss the past; Time draws a beautiful arc, let us cherish the present; Time flows out of the graceful curve, let us pursue the future. Falling flowers are floating and talking about infinite customs; The fragrance of the colorful petals shows that they are unyielding. Sigh at the time, experience the passage of time is the note of youth. With the passion of youth, he composed music with heart scars. Knock the heart of youth; Understand that the words of aging are youth, and appreciate them with the charm of youth.

28. Youth means we have to work; Youth symbolizes our struggle; Youth symbolizes that we will welcome the enjoyment of old age.

29. Endless youth and pursuit. Let the colorful dreams decorate your future road, blow a piccolo, fold a osmanthus, and go straight to the brilliant horizon in the distance.

30. In the world of youth, there is no need to consolidate your thoughts, only to pursue beautiful dreams. There are many thorns ahead of us, and we should persevere. Let's run towards the sea like rivers! On the long road of life, write the notes of youth and leave the footprints of struggle.

31. Youth is in our hands. We can't tolerate it to pass by in our hands. We can't waste time in sighs. We can't end our lives in sighs. Let's work hard in youth! Let the flower of youth bloom in our hearts forever, and write a vivid life.

32. There are thousands of beautiful things in the world, but nothing is more beautiful than youth; There are countless precious things in the world, but nothing is more precious than youth. How proud and enviable we are! And if we just waste time, just enjoy, don't fight, then we really have youth? The answer is no, only by working hard and working hard can we be worthy of youth, worthy of life, and have a full and perfect youth.

33. What we have is youth, ideal and hard work! We have more challenges, more frustrations, but we still have to face. When youth is over and time is over, it will be too late.

34. Now we are in the prime of our youth. It is the time for us to work hard and strive for our ideals. We should not look back on the past, regret the injustice of the past, and live with an ordinary heart. Now we should look ahead, work hard and learn for a higher goal, and stop wasting time, There are still many things we need to learn. There is only a fine line between dream and reality, and youth and aging are only one step away. For our life, there will be no more regrets. Now we should grasp youth well.

35. With a fragrant petal, who loves the colorful fragrance; Holding the water and lingering fragrance, how can it be difficult for years to drift away; When I look back, I feel the fragrance of youth. Youth is the best of life, like the morning of a day, the spring of the four seasons, like the rising sun, like flowers in bud, like horses galloping on the grassland, like eagles spreading their wings in the blue sky, like tigers roaring in the mountains. Youth is an age full of hope and longing. How many seeds of hope must be sown in spring, and how many beautiful dreams must be realized in youth.

36. If you have youth, you will have a natural and romantic life. If you have youth, you will have a brilliant and brilliant life. If youth is covered by a wisp of dark clouds, please do not lose heart, because youth surrounds you, let us use struggle to compose the song of youth!

37. Use our struggles and dreams to raise the sails of youth. When we work hard to shake the oars, the gate of success will slowly open again for us, and we will enjoy the beauty of youth and harvest the joy of success.

Beautiful Youth (8)

A beautiful passage describing the time of youth

① Only by grasping the present can we gallop forward in the future, only by grasping the present can we enrich the illusory tomorrow, and only by grasping the present can we create the glory of tomorrow!

② Time is like a ruler, it can measure the progress of the striver. Time is like a balance, which can weigh the achievements of the strivers; Like a whip, it can spur us to pursue the goal of life. Time is like a war drum, which can encourage us to accelerate our pace.

③ Time is like a good doctor. It can help us heal our bleeding hearts. Time is like an omnipotent comforter, which can enlighten us to forget the pain of life. Time is like a wise man who can guide scholars to build a building of knowledge. Time is like a painter who helps the diligent people to paint a brilliant tomorrow.

④ Time is like a kaleidoscope, it can let us see everything in the world. Time is like a touchstone, which can help us distinguish between the true, the good and the beautiful, and the false, the ugly and the evil; It is like a textbook, which can help us read all the vicissitudes of life. Time is like a treasure box. It will let us enjoy the happiness of life.

⑤ No rouge can cover the time, no costume can cover the soul, and no set of ancient books can decorate the emptiness.

⑥ Time can destroy everything in the world, turn the strongest castle into a relic of history, turn human idols and authorities into ashes, turn the swords of heroes into children's playthings, and turn mountains full of forests into boundless seas full of coral clumps. However, time can also make everything. It can turn the cave where the ape man lives into a magnificent tall building, a once dilapidated village into a prosperous city, or an ignorant child into an encyclopedic scholar to open up a big sky of wisdom in his heart.

⑦ Youth is silent, but it radiates vitality, flowers are silent, but it emits fragrance, and spring rain is silent, but it moistens the earth.

⑧ A fifteen year old girl is like a staff, which can show the ups and downs of life; The ingenuity of life; They made their own sky. The fifteen year old sky is full of spring tenderness and summer pride. The fifteen year old sky is a string of flowers and sunshine. Fifteen year old sky is the sky of laughter and laughter.

Time is a beautiful paragraph

1. Time is the gurgling water, gone forever; Time is a lost opportunity, irretrievable; Time is a fallen leaf, can not restore green.

2. Time is the image fixed on the picture, because it is unique; Time is a passing river, because it can't stay where it is; Time is the alternation of spring, summer, autumn and winter, because sports are endless.

3. Time is water, gone forever; Time is lightning, fleeting; Time is a flash of light and shadow.

4. Time is life, it is like a spring, flowing down; Time is life, it is like a movie, and it will end soon; Time is life, recording every bit of your life.

5. Time is a breeze, it can help us to dispel the sadness in our hearts; Time is a drizzle, it can help us wash away the impurities in our hearts; Time is the sun, which can bring us incomparable warmth and light.

6. Time is the rush of "time flies like an arrow, day and moon fly like a shuttle"; Time is the helplessness of "the young do not work hard, the old are sad"; Time is a cycle of "I hope people will live for a long time and share the beauty of the moon".

7. Time is a ruler, which can measure the progress of strivers; Time is a balance, which can weigh the achievements of the strivers; Time is a shuttle, it can take us to travel the long river of history.

8. Time is a whip, which can spur us to pursue the goal of life; Time is a war drum, which can encourage us to speed up the pace of progress; Time is a sharp blade, which can help us to remove the cancer of our minds.

9. Time is a clear spring, which can help us wash away the dirt on our hearts; Time is a stream of water, which can help us dilute the painful memories in our hearts; Time is a good medicine, it can help us to alleviate the pain in our hearts. Time is gold, it can guide us to cherish life.

A beautiful passage describing time and youth

1. Only by grasping the present can we ride the clouds in the future, only by grasping the present can we enrich the illusory tomorrow, and only by grasping the present can we create the glory of tomorrow!

2. Time is like a ruler, which can measure the progress of the striver. Time is like a balance, which can weigh the achievements of the strivers; Like a whip, it can spur us to pursue the goal of life. Time is like a war drum, which can encourage us to accelerate our pace.

3. Time is like a good doctor who can help us heal our bleeding hearts. Time is like an omnipotent comforter, which can enlighten us to forget the pain of life. Time is like a wise man who can guide scholars to build a building of knowledge. Time is like a painter who helps the diligent people to paint a brilliant tomorrow.

4. Time is like a kaleidoscope, which can let us see everything in the world. Time is like a touchstone, which can help us distinguish between the true, the good and the beautiful, and the false, the ugly and the evil; It is like a textbook, which can help us to read the vicissitudes of life. Time is like a treasure box. It will let us enjoy the happiness of life.

5. No rouge can cover the time, no clothes can cover the soul, and no set of ancient books can decorate the emptiness.

6. Time can destroy everything in the world, turn the strongest castle into a relic of history, turn human idols and authorities into ashes, turn the sword of heroes into a plaything for children, and turn mountains full of forests into an endless sea full of coral clumps. However, time can also make everything. It can turn the cave where the ape man lives into a magnificent tall building, a once dilapidated village into a prosperous city, or an ignorant child into an encyclopedic scholar to open up a big sky of wisdom in his heart.

7. Youth has no words, but it radiates vitality, flowers have no words, but it emits fragrance, and spring rain has no words, but it moistens the earth

8. A fifteen year old girl is like a staff, which can make life sweet and bitter; The ingenuity of life; They made their own sky. The fifteen year old sky is full of spring tenderness and summer pride. The fifteen year old sky is a string of flowers and sunshine. Fifteen year old sky is the sky of laughter and laughter.