Happy Diary 600 words (6 required articles)
The breeze is blowing
2024-01-16 08:10:05

Happy Diary 600 words (1)

Because my parents are too busy with their work this year, they don't have time to go out with me. So I had a very boring holiday. When I did my homework at home, it reminded me of the scene of playing in Qingdao last year:

The genial spring breeze blew warm on my face, and my family got ready to get on the bus. On the way, I saw many beautiful tall poplar trees, green grass like pieces of jade, surrounded by some flowers to decorate the jade. The flowers and grass are like servants making up for the beautiful princess.

When we arrived in Qingdao, we first went to the Zhanqiao Pier, which was crowded with people. Viewed from above, the boundless sea is sparkling under the sunshine, which is very spectacular!

Then we went to the beautiful and interesting underwater world. In the underwater world, strange shaped fish swam around themselves, waving large wings of puffin fish, short clown fish... While I was watching the starfish glued to the glass, suddenly a big shark swam to me, which startled me; Ah! The bottom of the sea is really wonderful... I feel like I am really in the sea. When I grow up, I must be a diver, so that I can personally go to the sea to watch more and more fish.

At the last stop, we went to the world-famous Olympic Sailing Center. Although the competition has ended, the national flags of all countries in the world are still flying in the breeze. It seems that we are still announcing to the people of the world that this is the place of the Olympic Sailing Competition. At that moment, I suddenly felt proud of being a Shandong person. Because of Qingdao's unique geographical advantages, we let the world know about Shandong, After learning about Qingdao, I seemed to see the scene of Olympic athletes sweating like rain again there, which also made me understand that any excellent performance is not achieved by luck, but by countless efforts. I will study hard and win honor for my ancestors.

Happy Diary 600 words (2)

Qingdao has fresh air and is a good place to travel. In the old city of Qingdao, there are German style buildings everywhere. The streets are narrow and many roads are one-way roads, full of western flavor and unique style. On the third day of the trip, we plan to go to the villa group scenic spot that best reflects the characteristics of Qingdao's "red tiles, green trees, blue sea and blue sky": Badaguan, which gathers many architectural styles from various countries and is known as the "World Architecture Expo".

When I arrived at Badaguan, I first saw a small shop that rented two or three people's cars. I was very envious of the three family's cooperation in riding three people's cars everywhere, so I also rented a car. We planned to ride along the tourist route to see the overall planning of Badaguan, and then walk to visit famous buildings.

When we rode on the road of Badaguan, I was amazed. Badaguan integrated the park and the courtyard. There were lush trees everywhere, and there were different kinds of trees on both sides of each road. Although the sun is scorching outside, the street with continuous cicadas is cool and happy under the small sea breeze.

Huashilou is the most famous building in Badaguan. We decided to go there to have a look.

The exterior wall of Huashilou is made of granite. It is an ancient castle style building integrating various western architectural styles, with unique scenery and beautiful environment. It is said that Chiang lived here before liberation. Entering the Huashi Tower, you can see that it is divided into five floors (the upper two floors are the balcony, and the underground one is for housekeepers and servants). The rooms of the Huashilou are interlinked, which is said to be convenient for refuge. The walls of many rooms are hung with commemorative old photos, including the photos of Marshal Chen Yi and his wife visiting the Huashilou for the first time in Qingdao.

Finally, we climbed to the top floor of the Huashi Building, looking at the endless sea and the villas scattered in the green forest. The beauty is self-evident and our mood is very open.

The beautiful scenery of Badaguan is really fascinating and refreshing.

Happy Diary 600 words (3)

The students were all jubilant, earnestly enjoying the programs on the stage, and applauded loudly when they saw the wonderful places. The scene was very lively.

I am happy and nervous today. I am happy because I can see many wonderful programs. I am nervous because I also want to perform programs. Miss Yang told us that the girls' dance "Childhood" ranked first in our class. At this time, everyone became more nervous. They quickly changed their clothes, put on their shoes, and did everything well. Excited and nervous, they waited for the host's announcement. At this time, my partner Fang Wanbin said, "I am so nervous that my heart will jump to my throat." I said, "I am the same." We are all taking deep breaths to relieve our tension. Suddenly, the host said, "Please enjoy the first program, and recite" What is New Year's Day. The poetry recitation is over.

Then the host said, "Now please enjoy the dance" Childhood "brought by Class 505 students. We went on the court in the order we usually trained. Chen Nan said, "Expression, expression!" But I found that Fang Wanbin was more than 1 meter away from me. Ah, what should I do? She and I are partners. The last action is to hold hands and turn around. If we are too far away, we can only turn around once. But Chen Nan strictly requires two turns. I don't want to lose face to the whole class because of our performance. So I tried my best to get close to Fang Wanbin. She seemed to realize the problem and began to get close to me. Fortunately, this little episode was solved very well with our close cooperation. We won warm applause at the end of the program. Don't mention how happy I am!

The New Year's Day get-together is full of wonderful programs, including funny sketches, which make students laugh, beautiful dances, beautiful dancing postures, and beautiful musical instrument solos, which make students intoxicated with the beautiful melody. Today, everyone is either laughing or applauding. Everyone's laughter echoes in the sky for a long time, and warm applause rises one after another, Everyone here is so happy to welcome the New Year!

Happy Diary 600 words (4)

The New Year is coming. Our family rolled up their sleeves, picked up sanitary tools and prepared to "celebrate the New Year happily"!

My father is responsible for cleaning the study and cabinet, my mother is responsible for cleaning the tables and chairs and mopping the floor, I am responsible for putting home goods and candy, and my brother is responsible for supervision.

When Dad entered the study, he could hear several tinkling sounds at first. But later, the sound gradually decreased until it was completely inaudible. What is Dad doing at this time? My brother walked into the study quietly... Oh, my father was fascinated by reading! The younger brother said to his father seriously like a small adult, "Dad, never again!"

My mother and I laughed all the time. My father glared at me and said, "Why? Are you free?" I had to go back to work and continue to finish my work.

I'm putting out candy. Facing the colorful candy in front of me, I restrained myself for a long time, but finally I couldn't resist my "saliva". So I carefully picked up a piece of candy, ripped off the package, quickly put it into my mouth, and tasted the sweet but not greasy taste of sugar. A piece of sugar was consumed in a blink of an eye. I savored the taste of sugar, and my hand unconsciously extended to the candy again. Just after tearing the package, my younger brother rushed in and said, "Ha ha, I found you! You are stealing candy! I told my parents to listen!" I was surprised and found? So I grabbed a handful of candy, put it in my brother's hand, and said to my brother, "Don't tell Mom and Dad to listen! I won't tell them you eat candy! How about that?" My brother said to me, "Never again!" I suddenly felt that this sentence was very familiar.

The younger brother's supervision while eating candy was soon discovered by his mother. As we all know, being discovered by his mother is equal to being discovered by his father. So I prayed in my heart: Don't say, don't say! However, the younger brother said to his parents in a very innocent manner: "My sister ate it first, and then she was found by me and gave it to me." The younger brother soon passed the exam, while I was not allowed to eat sugar for a month.

In spite of this, the house was cleaned clean by us in the end, spotless and full of festivities. Because we want to "live a happy New Year" ah!

Part II

After the Laba Festival, the flavor of the New Year has gradually become stronger. Some naughty children have crackled firecrackers. People are all in the growing flavor of the New Year and unconsciously arrive at New Year's Eve.

When I was in my teens, I had never spent New Year's Eve in my hometown, because my father's work became busier and busier as the holiday came. This year, my father arranged work in advance. My father and I returned to our hometown for the Spring Festival and experienced a different flavor of the New Year.

In the countryside, although there are no explicit regulations on New Year's Eve, everyone knows that except for very young children, everyone else should keep 12 o'clock. My father and I went home for the Spring Festival, and my grandparents were very happy. My grandfather had already cooked my favorite frozen meat, and my grandmother moved the bed to the main room in a panic, so that the whole family could chat together when we were on duty. It is rare for a child to have so many friends. It is rare for him to have such a happy time. No matter what happens, when he greets, his cousins and cousins come to the yard, take out the fireworks prepared in advance, and play in a variety of ways. The devotion and shouting of eating dumplings can't be heard until the adults say, "It's all over today, and you won't buy them tomorrow.", We were reluctant to put away the fireworks carefully.

Another major feature of Shousui is watching the Spring Festival Gala, where everyone sits in a warm quilt, holding dumplings, watching the program and laughing hysterically.

The old man often said, "If you get up late on the first day of the New Year, you have to be lazy all year round." Although you sleep late on New Year's Eve, you should get up early on the first day of the New Year. The naughty boy had already disappeared when he brought his friends, while the girl aged 11 or 12 stayed at home to help adults make dumplings. Most of the big men sat around playing cards and chatting. The kitchen in my hometown is very large. On the table, there are pots, pans and chopping boards filled with dumplings. The family doesn't want to speed up, so they chat and pack. You hand it to me, and I throw it to him. It's like a small get-together; In terms of efficiency, it is simply a small dumpling processing factory.

My grandparents were very happy when the Spring Festival was celebrated in my hometown. I enjoyed myself very much. The most important thing was that a large family gathered together to talk about the past and relatives. It was very lively! More flavor!

My hometown celebrated the Spring Festival! Impressive!

Part III

It's Spring Festival! It's Spring Festival! Today, these words seem to stick in my mind. However, this year is a little different from usual, because it used to be my parents and three of us went back to our hometown for the Spring Festival. But this year, I'm the only one going back to my hometown to spend the New Year with my grandparents. In fact, the reason is very simple. My mother can't go back to her hometown, and my father has to go to work in the third day of the junior year. It is natural for me to become the representative of our family and go back to my hometown to celebrate the New Year, and to pay tribute to my grandparents instead of my parents. But the same as in previous years, the eldest aunt and the second aunt's family also came back as in previous years. (But my uncle's family will be back in a few days.)

"Wow, what is so delicious!" My sisters and I gathered around to see a big table of delicious New Year's Eve dinner made by my aunt, uncle and brother. My sisters and I were so greedy that our mouths watered. In the chase and laughter of my sisters and I, we ushered in a beautiful moment to enjoy food! As soon as we sat down, we began to gobble up. Grandpa corrected us at this time and patiently explained the dangers of gobbling up. Yes, Grandpa is right. It's the Spring Festival now. How uncomfortable it would be if I ate my stomach and intestines! And chewing carefully can better enjoy food. After listening to Grandpa's words, we thought it was reasonable, so we began to taste the delicious food carefully.

After a full meal, the children are waiting for a long time. "Red envelopes will be sent"! We stared at each other and watched red envelopes enter our pockets, which made us excited. However, the good times always passed quickly, and the aunt and the second aunt left in the midst of reluctance. The bustle and noise had faded, and the family was calm again.

How wonderful the Spring Festival is! Not only delicious food can be eaten, but also red envelopes, which are loved by children, and family affection. Today is a day of reunion, a grand festival belonging to the Chinese people! It not only records the growth rings of history, but also bears the strong kinship of Chinese people!

Happy Diary 600 words (5)

We abandoned the circus and decided to go shopping at Gabe Supermarket again, "Hey hey, this elevator is very interesting... I ran up and down and had a lot of fun. I forgot about shopping. Finally, Tang Jing reminded me that when I came to Gabery, I first saw a dazzling array of goods, which dazzled me. I wanted to buy this and that. I really included all the goods. Hey, don't daydream, hey, early Isn't there no bread for dinner? Go buy bread! I selected a bag of delicious bread and a pot of meat floss. Suddenly, I saw Zhou Lingqun and Tang Jing pushing a shopping cart around, bouncing and jumping. I'm excited. Hey, I'm not as excited as I am. I've also pushed a shopping cart around, jumping and jumping. It seems that there is no word "fatigue" in my dictionary. Finally, I ran out of breath and sweated heavily. I had a brainwave and came up with a way. I sat on the shopping cart and asked Liu Chengbin to push. Ah, the service felt good! Suddenly, my mother found me. My mother scolded me viciously. I had to climb down from the shopping cart obediently. I went downstairs to pay the bill after I bought something. I was very upset. I wandered around the entrance of Gabe Supermarket. Suddenly, I found three large boxes at the entrance of the supermarket. I came to the box. Ah, this is a new thing, I entered a few passwords randomly. Alas, the cabinet opened automatically. I played for several times in a row. The more I played, the more exciting I became. Finally, my mother took me away.

Happy Diary 600 words (6)

Today, my sister and I had a lot of interesting things. I will tell you one by one.

In the morning, my sister and I woke up to find "Eh, why is there no one in our house?" So we cooked our own food. We thought about it and finally came up with what to do - scrambled eggs with tomatoes. First, my sister poured three eggs into a bowl and asked me to stir them. When I stirred them, I lifted my chopsticks and found the egg pudding like a yellow waterfall. After stirring the eggs, they will be cooked. I thought to myself: Poor little egg. The elder sister seemed to be very professional while holding the spatula and the handle of the pot. When the eggs were ripe, it was time to put tomatoes. Unexpectedly, oil would come out of the tomatoes as soon as they were put. The elder sister hurriedly ran away, which was very terrible! In this way, the scrambled eggs with tomatoes are ready. The next dish is my favorite mixed noodles. After cooking, we started to eat. My sister saw that I ate with relish, so she took a picture of me.

Time flows quickly, and it's afternoon in a twinkling of an eye. In the afternoon, the hot summer baked the earth, we braved sweat to Yintai City, where there are many snacks, and we have been eating in it all afternoon.

In the evening, it was almost time for dinner. We had wanted to eat the Well Buffet. Unfortunately, we couldn't eat much, so we went to "Perch". My sister said to me, "The fish in this restaurant is very big, bigger than the tablet computer." After a while, our big fish arrived, and this fish has a lot of ingredients, including garlic, potatoes, etc.

It was a beautiful day. My sister cooked for me and accompanied me to Yintai City for dinner.

Part II

One day during the National Day holiday, we went to Linhai. I thought it was an endless sea, but I didn't think it was the "end" of the sea

We drove three hours to Grandma Fan's house, Baishuiyang. In the roadside fields, golden rice bent over with a smile, red persimmons hung like lanterns on the branches, and half red and half green oranges grew densely on the trees that were tall. After parking the car, I smelled a fragrance. It was Grandma Fan who made us a delicious Linhai special snack - noodles. I ate a bowl full of noodles.

Our destination is to pick Yongquan Mountain oranges. We followed the car leading the way and made our way to the winding mountain road. We drove one mountain after another and turned one corner after another. I didn't rush to look down and my feet itched. The car finally stopped. We thought we were there and got off the bus, but we heard the adults said that we hadn't arrived yet, so we had a taste of the oranges in this house first. The car drove forward again, driving over the narrow cement road, wow! There is a town on the top of the mountain. There are many ancient buildings in the town, as well as primary schools and middle schools. We parked our car in an open space, and walked forward to see a large lake, where several people were fishing, barbecue and taking photos. The scenery here is really beautiful, surrounded by clouds, like a fairyland.

We also went to the ancient Great Wall of Linhai, which was built in the Eastern Jin Dynasty. It is a famous historical and cultural city. The Great Wall winds along the green mountains. It is a city wall with dual functions of military anti unloading and flood control, and is in awe of Beijing's Badaling Great Wall.

Although this day is a little tired, I am very happy!

Part III

On that day, our family came to the beach in Wenling City.

The beach in Wenling is really beautiful. At a glance, it looks like an endless blue towel. We put on our swimsuits and trunks. When I step on the beach, I almost feel like a popsicle. I quickly retracted my feet and ran to my father. "The water is too cold. I dare not go down." My father laughed. I said angrily, "Why are you laughing? It's really cold!" I sneezed just after saying that. My father smiled and said, "The sea is cold, is it difficult to be hot?" I listened and said, "Yes! The sea is cold, how can it be hot, giggle." My father took me to the sea, and I could not help shaking. Dad threw the sea water on me and said, "If it lasts for a long time, it won't be cold."

When the tide came in, I held fast to the rope. Big waves come in waves. Suddenly, a big wave engulfed me, and there was only a "whoop" sound in my ear. I was about to cry for help when the naughty sea water ran into my mouth. Wow, it's salty. It's more salty and bitter than ten spoons of salt combined. After this wave, I flew to the shore and swore at the water: "What kind of sea water is salty and bitter!" My father said earnestly: "Sea water contains all kinds of salts, about 90% of which are sodium chloride, that is, table salt. In addition, it also contains magnesium chloride, magnesium sulfate, magnesium carbonate and other salts containing potassium, iodine, sodium, bromine and other elements. Magnesium chloride is the main ingredient of the bittern used for tofu. It tastes bitter. Do you understand? " I nodded vaguely.

It was getting late. We went to a seafood restaurant and had dinner. The food there was delicious.

After dinner, I reluctantly got on the bus and returned to Linhai.