Advantages and Disadvantages of Television (7 Collections)
secluded orchid in a deserted valley
2023-12-08 05:52:55

Advantages and Disadvantages of TV (1)

With the improvement of people's living standards, TV programs have entered thousands of households; With the progress of science and technology, there are more and more TV programs. The channels of TV have been increased and the content has been enriched. The students who watch TV have a special liking for it. When I was young, I especially liked watching "Journey to the West", "Hulu Wa", "Baolian Lantern", "SpongeBob SquarePants", etc. Now I watch "Bears haunt", sports competitions, science and education channels, etc. Most of our classmates grew up with TV programs.

Watching TV has both advantages and disadvantages. We can get a lot of important news information, scientific and technological knowledge from TV programs, keep abreast of what is happening around us, and watch wonderful programs such as Animal World, TV series and so on.

But have you ever thought about the disadvantages of watching TV? Sitting too close to watching TV will hurt your eyes, and even lead to myopia in serious cases. Some students watch TV every day and become addicted to TV. Some students are not sitting properly, and some are lying on the sofa; Some students like to watch some unhealthy horror movies. They have nightmares at night, and bad rest affects their study in the daytime.

When we watch TV, we can't watch it for too long. If we feel tired, we can do eye exercises properly, or look into the distance for a few minutes, see the green plants, stand up and exercise properly indoors, look at the scenery outside the window, and relax our eyes properly.

I think that TV has brought us a lot of convenience in our life. As long as we properly control the time of watching TV, pay attention to the distance of watching TV, and correctly sit, TV will bring us a lot of happiness!

Students, did you also learn a lot of knowledge on TV? Every time after dinner, the family sits in front of the TV, watching the news, listening to national events, eating some fruit, and forgetting the fatigue of the day, this is also a kind of enjoyment.

Advantages and Disadvantages of TV (2)

Everyone likes watching TV. Watching TV also has its advantages and disadvantages. Today, I will talk about its advantages and disadvantages. Let's talk about its advantages first: watching TV can increase knowledge, improve your Chinese level, broaden your horizon, understand current hot issues, and connect yourself with the world, etc

However, watching TV also has its disadvantages: some students forget to do their homework because they are too obsessed with watching TV, thus reducing their academic performance; Some students also watched TV for too long, which reduced their eyesight, leading to myopia, or backache and a series of harms such as hunchback. So what should we do to make ourselves benefit from TV without being affected by its disadvantages? I have several suggestions: First, sit up properly when watching TV. 2、 Watching TV should not be obsessive. 3、 It should not be too long. 4、 Choose programs with rich content knowledge and healthy and positive attitude.

I hope the above suggestions can give you some help. In a word, I hope everyone can get rid of the bad habit of watching TV and get the benefits brought by TV!

Advantages and Disadvantages of TV (3)

I believe everyone must like watching TV! However, watching TV has its advantages and disadvantages. Now I will talk about it in detail.

Let's talk about the benefits first! Watching TV can entertain, relax and broaden your horizon. Do you feel tired after a day of study and work? At this time, you can lean on the sofa and watch TV. Your fatigue will surely disappear and be replaced by a good mood of relaxation and happiness. Some TV programs can also increase our knowledge, such as "Hope English", "Animal World", etc. These TV programs let us relax while increasing our knowledge, killing two birds with one stone.

Let's talk about the disadvantages. Watching TV sometimes delays learning, and it can damage your eyes if you watch it for a long time. On one occasion, I watched TV and saw that at eight o'clock at night, my homework was just a matter of cursory handling. As a result, he was not only late the next day, but also criticized by the teacher for not completing his homework. Also, my eyes can't see the words on the blackboard because I watch too much TV.

Watching TV has both advantages and disadvantages. However, as long as you watch it properly, the advantages will outweigh the disadvantages?

Advantages and Disadvantages of TV (4)

In modern life, nothing has greater influence on us than television. With the popularization of TV and the increase of channels, watching TV has become an important part of our life. We learned about major events at home and abroad by watching TV. We really knew the world's affairs without going out. By watching TV, we spend our spare time. It can be said that watching TV is the most common form of entertainment. TV attracts us because of its convenience and rich content, and various TV programs make us dizzy. Every time after dinner, the family forget the tiredness of the day. It is also a kind of enjoyment to watch TV and eat some fruit together.

TV brings us a lot of happiness, makes us learn a lot of knowledge, understands the world's major events, and enriches our amateur cultural life. But TV has also brought us a lot of disadvantages, and we are not aware of it.

1、 TV has made our family lack kinship. At home, we watch too much TV, ignoring the communication between family members, and the family lacks the time to chat happily together. The family often disagree in order to watch TV. The old people like to watch some ancient costume dramas, the children like to watch cartoons, the men like to watch war movies and sports programs, and the women like to watch fashion and modern urban romance dramas. Each has his own preference. In order to control the TV, many people will fight for the remote control, and sometimes they will break up in discord.

2、 TV makes us spend more time reading and studying. People who used to read books seldom spend time reading and studying because of the temptation of TV. Children, in particular, are keen on making up TV dramas, lose interest in learning, and their academic performance drops. Nowadays, children generally prefer watching TV to reading.

3、 TV can hurt our bodies. Many people watch TV very late, and sleep time is seriously insufficient every day, which not only affects their work, but also affects their health. Watching TV for a long time will also have an impact on the eyes. Many children's vision of watching TV has declined significantly, and many people also wear glasses.

4、 Watching TV reduced our chances of socializing. With TV, we no longer like to go out and spend time watching TV safely at home. However, the less opportunities to go out, the less opportunities to interact with others, even among neighbors.

There is no doubt that TV brings us civilization and entertainment. The happiness it brings us is the main thing, and it also brings some harm. The important thing is how we make full use of TV and how to watch TV.

Advantages and Disadvantages of TV (5)

Why should we say, "Watching TV does more harm than good?"

First of all, watching TV is not good for your health. It has a great radiation. Some people are used to lying or sitting on the sofa at night to see the bright day. Sometimes, when the TV is on, people fall asleep on the sofa.

In addition, many students had to spend money on glasses because they had to watch TV for a long time and their eyesight declined. I am an example. When I watch TV, I always sit forward and watch for hours. Now, I understand that my eyes also need to rest. If I keep staring at TV, my eyes will break sooner or later.

Children's hard programs are often shown on TV. If some children blindly imitate and catch bad habits, it is difficult to get rid of them.

Therefore, I think watching TV must limit time and have choices. Don't spend your homework time watching TV. Not only will your eyesight and academic performance decline, but also you will waste electricity. It is not environmentally friendly and low-carbon.

Advantages and Disadvantages of TV (6)

With the improvement of people's living standards, television has entered every household. With the development of science and technology, TV channels have increased and TV content has become increasingly rich. For watching TV, students should have a special liking for it. Although watching TV has its advantages, it also has some disadvantages. Now let me tell you something:

Let's talk about the benefits first! Watching TV can entertain you, relax your mood and broaden your horizon. Do you feel tired after a day of study and work? At this time, you can lean on the sofa and watch TV. Your fatigue will definitely disappear, and you will be in a good mood of relaxation.

Some programs can increase our knowledge. For example, TV programs such as "Big Windmill", "Animal World", "Safe 365", let us relax while increasing our knowledge, killing two birds with one stone; News broadcast can learn about the latest national trends, as well as watch the live broadcast of the round the lake race, the Yellow River race, the Spring Festival Gala, etc.

There are many people talking about singers, sports stars, famous cars, great leaders of the old generation, and social figures who are filial to the elderly Don't you know this through TV? It can be said that television plays an indispensable role in people's life. It plays a vital role in regulating our life interests.

TV has many advantages, but its disadvantages are unavoidable: once you can't control yourself and indulge in TV dramas and cartoons, the consequences will be unimaginable. Watching TV will not only delay learning, but also damage your eyes if you watch it for a long time, resulting in dry eye disease, colds, TV autism, etc.

One report said that a child in Henan Province lost his retina because he spent most of the day watching TV without blinking his eyes. Once, I watched TV and saw that at 8:30 p.m., my homework was just a matter of cursory handling. Even so, I missed my usual time to sleep. As a result, he was not only late the next day, but also criticized by the teacher for not completing his homework. My eyes can't see the words written by the teacher on the blackboard because I watch too much TV?

Boys and girls, watching TV has both advantages and disadvantages. Before watching TV, we must have a good attitude and use TV correctly and reasonably. Only in this way can we have a better tomorrow.

Advantages and Disadvantages of TV (7)

On Saturday, Xiaohong and her mother watched TV at home. They watched the women's swimming competition in the sports meeting.

The contestants were all ready, and only heard a whistle. All the contestants jumped into their respective swims with their feet. They swam like flying fish, flying fast, and their hands rotated quickly, like frogs jumping into the water. Suddenly, the audience could not help standing up and shouting: "Jiao Liuyang, come on

Finally, the national flag rose again. The athletes sang the national anthem. Xiaohong and her mother cried excitedly. Xiaohong pointed to Jiao Liuyang and said, "Mom, Jiao Liuyang is winning honor for the country.