Grandma is so kind (7 in general)
2024-03-09 01:18:44
primary school

Grandma is so kind (1)

I have a very beautiful grandmother when she was young, but now her hair is like being dyed with thick hoarfrost. There are deep wrinkles carved like knives under the white silver line. However, although she is over sixty, she is still full of youthful vitality. Her face, which was no longer young, was bursting with happy smiles from the deep wrinkles all day long.

Since my grandfather bought a laptop, my grandmother has been "punching and kicking" at home every day, and "dancing fans and swords". Hehe, she is not engaged in destruction, but always occupies the computer and devotes herself to playing Taijiquan and dancing Taijifan in the corner of the living room. Grandma fell in love with Tai Chi Sword again. Mom also specially bought her a retractable Tai Chi sword, a professional Longquan sword, and a magenta Tai Chi suit.

Grandma was happy as a child when she got the gift. She studied hard at home every day. What should I do if all the Tai Chi CDs she bought are finished? So she asked someone to borrow some, and she asked her mother to look for them on the Internet, download them one by one, and then carve them into CDs. My mother, who had done a big job for my grandmother, thought that she could relax in this way. Unexpectedly, my grandmother would give her a new homework again a few months later. Grandma had been very hard since she was a child. She had never read a book, but this time she carefully copied a list of Tai Chi videos. It was said that they could not be bought outside the store, and I hope my mother can look again on the omnipotent Taobao. I have seen my grandmother's words, one by one, like those written by a child who just went to school. I remembered that before she danced the fan and sword, she would pause the video, copy the names of the moves on the subtitles, read and practice while reading, and recite words carefully.

Actually, Grandma has a Tai Chi team outside. She should not be the best player in that team, but I know Grandma must be the most diligent. Grandma was also lucky to participate in the whole team's performance in the street. It's amazing.

Although my grandmother is illiterate, she is still studying hard. Tai Chi, fan and sword, she learned from scratch, and now she can play all kinds of routines. Grandma's hard work has made her very happy. Grandma is so persistent and always has a beautiful vision of life. I seem to have seen a beautiful grandmother through time and space. Grandma, you are so beautiful!

Grandma is so kind (2)

Grandma, it's good to have you! If there were no you, maybe there would not be my birth in the world, and there would not be a living person standing in front of you. It's good to have you!

I have grown up with you since I was a child, and now I am graceful and graceful. Now I will face everything calmly, including some unfortunate things, because there is something in the world that always supports me, that is, your company.

My mother went abroad a long time ago. You taught me to be an adult. You are my second mother. You have given me what people call "maternal love". I am still young, and I understand the story behind the people who pay for love.

I remember that time, I was always in the top ten of my class, but I fell to the bottom ten in less than two weeks! After you know it, you are as anxious as an ant on a hot pot. You ask the teacher about me everywhere, find a tutor for me, and tell me to understand what I don't know from time to time!

At that time, my heart melted and my eyes were wet with tears. I couldn't help running to the room and crying. Grandma seemed to be aware of it. She knocked on the door of my room and said to me: "Silly child, what's there to cry about? Be good, don't cry." After a while, I stopped crying, calmed down my excitement, and walked out of the room. I found that the note left by my grandmother said: "Good boy, don't cry. Grandma went out to buy you beef you like.". Eat more. Grandma will be happy if she grows fat! When I saw this, I was sobbing again. Grandma, who can't even write her own name in ordinary times, sketched the words of love for me. When I came to the hall, Grandma had already gone out with the basket. I grabbed the note on the tea table and ran to the room.

I cried, bitterly, tears like strings of pearls, dripping more than, wet the note, wet the bedding, wet my heart. After a long time, I heard the sound of the key opening the door, and then rushed out of the room. Seeing Grandma's thin figure, I couldn't help feeling distressed. I held Grandma in my arms for a long time, unwilling to let go

Grandma, it's good to have you. Thank you for your existence in the world. You have made me meaningful in these 13 years, a philosophical life.

Grandma, it's good to have you!

Grandma is so kind (3)

In my life, there is one person who is extremely good to me, that is my grandmother. Her love for me seems to have exceeded everything in the world.

That day, it was Saturday. Our homework was to do something for our family. what are you doing? With this question in mind, I ran to ask Grandma. After listening, I looked at my grandmother with a strange look and thought: I can't plow, will I make my grandmother's land messy? Grandma looked at me as if she could see through the sky. Grandma smiled and said to me, "It's OK, you can do whatever you want." I listened, and tears blurred my eyes. Just then, I saw my grandmother take out her hoe and say, "Go, go to the fields!"

When I came to the fields, the sun was baking the earth.

When I started to plow, I picked up my hoe and worked hard. Time passed by minute by minute. Ten minutes later, I stopped and looked at my "achievements". I was a little embarrassed. Because I have made a mess of the fields, which are uneven and uneven in size. However, Grandma only said three words: "It doesn't matter." After saying that, Grandma took up the hoe without saying a word and began to work without lifting her head. Seeing this scene, I couldn't help blaming myself: "It's all my fault. If it wasn't for me, Grandma would not have to plow the land again." Thinking of this, another thought came to my mind. I must help Grandma break up the big pieces of soil and fill up the land in this way to make up for my own mistakes.

So I ran home to find a hoe.

With the full cooperation of my grandmother and I, the field has become very flat. Smelling the smell of the newly turned soil, my grandmother and I looked at each other and smiled. That day, Grandma also asked me to take a picture with the field and gave it to the teacher. As a result, I actually won the first place in the class in that homework.

Grandma, it's good to have you!

Grandma is so kind (4)

Grandma's home is in a small village in Ninghai. It's very beautiful with beautiful mountains and clear waters and waves!
About a few friends, we climbed the Cuckoo Mountain and Green Pearl Mountain together, played with scooters and twist carts, ran wildly on the field stems, caught razor clams, crabs and mud in the seawall, and left our laughter there.
The most unforgettable thing for me is to play mud and catch razor clams in the seawall with my cousins. The razor clam's home is easy to find, and it must be right to follow the two round holes on the surface of the mud. My mother said that when she was young, she always grabbed the razor clams with her bare hands. She could touch the razor clams by stretching her index finger and middle finger down the two small holes. When she felt the razor clams, she must wrap her fingers around the edge of the razor clams and then extend them to their lower ends. Because the razor clams are upright in the holes, it is easy to hook up the razor clams when the two fingers bend when the fingers reach the lower ends. But because the shells at both ends of the razor clam are a bit brittle, it is easy to cut fingers if accidentally broken. Now, when catching razor clams, you use a shovel to pry the mud open, and then you can see the razor clams standing one by one in the soil. If you are lucky, you can still see the small razor clams spitting water. It's really cute.
However, prying the soil is an individual work. We children can't afford it. Playing with mud is our strength. Alas, my feet got stuck in the mud and could not be pulled out. I pressed my hands into the mud one by one, and my hands were full of mud. On the other side, my cousin's foot also got stuck in the mud. She tried hard to pull out her foot, but the shoes were still in the mud. The whole person was shaking. Fortunately, my mother pulled her, otherwise the whole person would lie down and become a clay figure. It was really dangerous! While playing with mud, we grabbed razor clams. Finally, we returned with a full load, so we felt a sense of achievement.
Grandma's family is so good. I'm looking forward to the next holiday!

Grandma is so kind (5)

Memory is a flowerless rose that will never wither.


The weather is cool, the osmanthus blossoms on the tree head are budding, the flower fragrance is dense in the air, and the breeze will dance in the air when it moves, which is fixed in the afternoon. The osmanthus trees in the setting sun are enveloped in a layer of light golden yellow, gently swaying the light yellow osmanthus. My thoughts are drifting away with the fragrance of flowers.

Picking Osmanthus Flower · Incense

In my memory, there are always sweet scented osmanthus cakes and mahogany cabinets of my childhood grandmother.

Whenever osmanthus bloomed, Grandma always got up early to pick osmanthus. When I was bleary eyed, Grandma would put a piece or two of osmanthus cake on the mahogany cabinet by the bed.

There is always an old wooden lock hanging on the mahogany cabinet. It is a treasure chest. I always bring back strange things. Like a heart-shaped leaf, colorful stones, broken shells... and my favorite ice cream cone. When I buy it, I always lick it carefully, hold the poor pocket money, and walk home in small steps

Thinking about the past, reluctant

Time flies like water. When I returned to my parents, I left my grandmother and the yard, and the osmanthus trees in autumn. The older I get, the more I don't want to go back. After a long time, my memory begins to blur. I haven't eaten sweet scented osmanthus cake for a long time.

Grandma once called: "Osmanthus blossoms! Come back quickly!" The laughter on the other side of the phone gradually disappeared. My childhood in memory reappears in my mind again. My mouth is full of sweet and delicious cakes, and the fragrance of osmanthus pervades my life. I can't help thinking of my grandmother and sweet scented osmanthus cake.

Taste the cake again, moved

I'm going home on National Day to give my grandmother a surprise. But I was surprised to find that there was an extra sweet scented osmanthus cake on the table. Grandma happened to come back from picking osmanthus, and I jumped on it happily. Grandma stroked my head happily and said lovingly, "You haven't come back for a long time. Please try it!"

The fragrance of osmanthus is overflowing, and a faint fragrance comes to my face. The osmanthus tree in my memory is still standing. One tree is elegant yellow, and ten thousand osmanthus flowers are fragrant and vulgar. The beautiful romance of "thousands of pear trees and thousands of pear blossoms" stops in my memory. The osmanthus fragrance that has been imprinted on my heart for a long time emerges.

That little sweet scented osmanthus cake with warm feelings brushed my heart, stayed in my heart, and never dissipated

I still stood in front of the tree, watching the love between my grandparents and me in a tree of osmanthus. The osmanthus trees in the autumn wind reflected the setting sun. Grandma's figure, like a meteor, cut through the sky and lit up her heart.

Grandma, it's good to have you!

Grandma is so kind (6)

My grandmother is over 60 years old. She has grey temples, many wrinkles on her forehead and corners of her eyes, and always has a kind smile on her face. At home, my grandmother loves me most. I also want to stay with my grandmother and feel her love for me.

Every time I went to Grandma's house, Grandma always stood at the door early and waited. When she saw me coming, she would greet me happily, touch my head, call my nickname, and burst into a cheerful, flower like smile. Then she magically filled my pocket with all kinds of snacks.

I like sleeping with my grandmother best. In the cold winter, Grandma always went to bed to cover the quilt for me. When I got into the bed, I felt extremely happy. Grandma's kind words sounded in my ears: "Come on, stretch out your little feet. "While I was coquetry, I eagerly put my feet into Grandma's arms. Grandma's warm hands held my cold feet, and suddenly a warm current flowed all over my body. Grandma teased:" How come there is a stink of feet? Are they not clean? "I laughed and pretended to be angry. I put my foot close to Grandma's nose and said," My feet are not smelly, they are very fragrant! "The happy laughter of Grandma and I echoed in the small room. At night, Grandma would wake up several times, put my exposed feet into the quilt gently, and cover the quilt for me carefully. Grandma's care warmed her body and heart.

Grandma's care warms her body and heart. Grandma is so kind!

Grandma is so kind (7)

My grandmother is over 60 years old. She has grey temples, many wrinkles on her forehead and corners of her eyes, and always has a kind smile on her face. At home, my grandmother loves me most. I also want to stay with my grandmother and feel her love for me.

Every time I went to Grandma's house, Grandma always stood at the door early and waited. When she saw me coming, she would greet me happily, touch my head, call my nickname, and burst into a cheerful, flower like smile. Then she magically filled my pocket with all kinds of snacks.

I like sleeping with my grandmother best. In the cold winter, Grandma always went to bed to cover the quilt for me. When I got into the bed, I felt extremely happy. Grandma's kind words rang in my ears: "Come on, stretch out your little feet." While I was coquetry, I eagerly put my feet into Grandma's arms. Grandma's warm hands held my cold little feet, and immediately a warm current flowed all over my body. Grandma teased and said, "How come my feet stink? Are they not clean?" I laughed and pretended to be angry, put my feet close to Grandma's nose and said, "My feet don't stink, they smell good!" The small room echoed with my happy laughter and Grandma's. At night, Grandma would wake up several times, put my exposed feet into the quilt gently, and cover me carefully. Grandma's care warms her body and heart.

Grandma's care warms her body and heart. Grandma is so kind!